UB :: Volume #7

#627 Part 1: Glory challenge

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Chapter 627 glory challenges 第627章荣耀挑战 Generally speaking, the Myth Rank nine layers day, is the Myth Rank peak- ordinary talent Myth Rank Beast Master highest achievement. 一般来说,神级九重天,就是神级的巅峰-—普通天赋神级御兽师的最高成就。 But regarding true Genius, Myth Rank tenth heaven, is the true peak. 但对于真正的天才而言,神级十重天,才是真正的巅峰。 However, regarding Beast Master of evildoer/monstrous talent, tenth heaven, is only a start. 不过,对于更加妖孽的御兽师而言,十重天,也只是一个开始。 Thinks that Breakthrough this limit, by Beast Master own force, has been hard to achieve only. 突破这个极限,单靠御兽师自己的力量,已经十分难以做到。 Must receive the feedback of beast pet to be good. 必须要得到宠兽的反馈才行。 Moreover, this feedback, cannot be too strong, cannot be too weak. 而且,这个反馈,不能太强,也不能太弱。 Even if contract ten Perfect God, want to make Beast Master achieve Myth Rank Eleventh Heaven is still very reluctant. 就算是契约十只完美神,想让御兽师达到神级十一重天也很勉强。 But contract Super God, Beast Master cannot withstand to have source of being aloof Super God beast pet force. 而契约一只超神,御兽师又承受不了拥有超脱之源的超神宠兽力量 Epoch God this rank, is exactly appropriate, situated in a middle position. 纪元神这个等级,恰好合适,处于一个中间的位置。 The Shi Yu first Breakthrough limit , because Susu becomes Epoch God to drive. 时宇第一次突破极限,就是因为素素成为纪元神带动的。 But at present, Shi Yu felt, oneself wanted the Breakthrough Myth Rank Eleventh Heaven limit. 而眼下,时宇又感觉,自己要突破神级十一重天的极限了。 This time, then drives is Rin Breakthrough to the Epoch God level, perhaps naturally, becomes Perfect God a little to relate with his complete beast pet. 这一次,则是凛突破纪元神级带动的,当然,或许也跟他的全部宠兽都成为了完美神有点关系。 But the big end, definitely returns is Rin. 但大头,肯定还是凛 Shi Yu has basically been able to judge, every time trains Epoch God, may let an own Breakthrough limit. 时宇基本已经可以判断,每培养出一个纪元神,就有可能让自己突破一次极限。 Odd.” “离谱。” It seems like after oneself, must experience many time thunder tribulation. 看来自己之后还要经历很多次雷劫了。 Regarding other Beast Master, wants to cultivate Epoch God, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, cultivating Super God beast pet is more difficult. 对于其他御兽师而言,想培育出来纪元神,难如登天,比培育出一只超神宠兽都难。 Otherwise, Epoch God does not become compared with Super God level also rare Legendary. 不然,纪元神也不会成为比超神级还稀有的传说 But regarding Shi Yu, this does not seem like the difficult matter, his each beast pet from the Epoch God level, but missed a turning point, most time-consuming Skill Rank accumulates stage, had been rapidly completed by him. 但对于时宇而言,这似乎不算难事,他的每一只宠兽距离纪元神级,不过差了一个契机,最耗时的技能等级积累阶段,已经被他快速完成。 If everyone Breakthrough is smooth possibly to break many Myth Rank limits one after another. 如果大家突破都顺利的话自己可能会接连打破许多次神级的极限。 Also must deal with many time thunder tribulation. 也要应对许多次雷劫。 Shi Yu does not have the great power to wind the star, after Chief Zi Jian confesses, directly goes to the afterglow Star Territory desert belt, he does not know that can suppress the rank, if cannot suppress, can only greet thunder tribulation. 时宇没有回天络星,和紫见队长交代完后,直接前往起余晖星域的荒芜地带,他也不知道能不能压住等级,如果压不住,就只能迎接雷劫了。 But this process, rapidly regains the condition, finds a peaceful not disturbed place, is most important. 而这个过程,快速恢复状态,找个安静不受打扰的地方,是最重要的。 Has not known after how long, Shi Yu they arrived on dark-gray stars. 不知道过了多久后,时宇他们降临到了一个深灰色的星辰上。 Don't be upset, the issue is not very big, by my prediction result, your good very much, this thunder tribulation compared with your previous experience, the might will not promote is too many.” “不要慌,问题不是很大,以我的预言结果来看,你好的很,这次雷劫比你上次经历的,威力不会提升太多。” Normal person definitely could not deal, but you had that fellow.” Owl finger/refers of Shi Yu beast. “正常人肯定应对不了,但你有那个家伙。”猫头鹰时宇兽。 The Shi Yu beast has the unique 4 strengths, if unable to shoulder next Myth Rank thunder tribulation for Shi Yu, that is odd. 时宇兽可是有超脱四的战力啊,要是无法替时宇扛下一个神级雷劫,那才离谱。 That said that but this type of not controllable thing, is the careful point is quite good.” “话是这么说,但这种不可控的东西,还是小心点比较好。” „Under Teacher Ying, helping me arrange all around.” 荧老师,帮我布置下四周。” Good.” Jewel Cat shouted that Wormie their several, is busy at work fast. “好。”宝石猫喊上虫虫它们几个,快速忙活起来。 yiiinng.” Eleven also ran, reminded Shi Yu again. 嘤嘤嘤。”十一也跑了出来,再次提醒时宇 How would I know Breakthrough was so quick, knew, after this time finished up, taught you.” Shi Yu whisper. “我哪知道突破的这么快,知道了,这次完事后就教伱。”时宇嘀咕。 After previous experience thunder tribulation, Shi Yu said that can absorb thunder tribulation fierce skill to come to Lane Eleven one. 上次经历雷劫后,时宇就说给十一一个可以吸收雷劫的厉害技能来着。 Eleven is in the team, is most suitable to help Shi Yu resist thunder tribulation. 十一是队伍内,最适合帮助时宇抵挡雷劫的了。 Finally Chi You Remains disturbs, after making Shi Yu throw the brain, this matter directly. 结果蚩尤遗迹一打扰,直接让时宇把这件事扔到脑后。 This is also because, Shi Yu has not believed, oneself just Breakthrough, can break the limit quickly. 这也是因为,时宇没认为,自己刚刚突破,这么快就又能打破极限。 Even if found suitable skill to you, your present strength was too still weak.” Shi Yu said. “不过就算给你找到适合的技能,你现在实力也太弱了啊。”时宇道。 Eleven in the extremely early time, grasped swallowed Thunderbolt to recover the energy skill. 十一在极早时候,就掌握了吞噬雷电恢复体力的技能 Now, the Thunder God Armor condition that the god demon read, still has this nature. 如今,神魔一念的雷神铠甲状态,依然有着这个性质。 However, although has this nature, but facing Universe thunder tribulation, the Eleven strength was too weak. 不过,虽然有着这个性质,但面对宇宙雷劫,十一的实力还是太弱了。 Even Super God strength no it, is very at present difficult to recruit many thunder tribulation, will definitely be exploded by the direct brace. 目前连超神战力都没有的它,很难吸收多少雷劫,肯定会被直接撑爆。 Let alone, this tribulation thunder, is different from ordinary Thunderbolt, can absorb or a matter. 何况,这种劫雷,也和普通雷电不一样,能不能吸收还是一回事。 Therefore, not only Shi Yu found fiercer attracting thunder skill, Eleven, must make every effort to succeed, enters the Epoch God level to be good a bit faster, some help/gang Shi Yu keep off the thunder the qualifications. 所以,不仅得时宇找到更厉害的吸雷技能,十一自己,也得争气点,快点进入纪元神级才行,这样才有帮时宇挡雷的资格。 yiiinng.” Eleven expressed oneself will achieve Epoch God as soon as possible. 嘤嘤嘤。”十一表示自己会尽快达到纪元神 However, BUG came, after Eleven Epoch God, guarantees does not permit Shi Yu also again Breakthrough bitter experience stronger thunder tribulation. 但是,BUG又来了,十一纪元神后,保不准时宇还会再次突破遭遇更强雷劫。 yi side, Ginseng Tot wears the heavy Dr. hat, shakes the head. “咿”旁边,参宝宝戴着沉重的博士帽,摇了摇头。 Curled curled. 太卷了太卷了。 First is Susu, latter is Rin, it felt that this order is not quite a little normal, naturally at this time is more puzzled, is Akame. 先是素素,后是凛,它感觉这顺序有点不太正常啊,当然此时更纠结的,还是赤瞳 In one by one tenth Epoch God as three sisters, her present pressure is not very only big, to wants to divide Super God to say again. 作为三姐妹中唯一一个没成纪元神的,她现在压力也很大,大到想去劈死一个超神再说。 On the same day. 当天。 As Remains was opened, Wabra Super God was opened, afterglow Star Territory connects on the Overlord network finally. 随着遗迹被拆,瓦布拉超神被拆,余晖星域终于连接上霸主网络。 Short losing contact of afterglow Star Territory, has evoked the small scale discussion in Universe Overlord Legion. 余晖星域的短暂失联,已经在宇宙霸主军团内部引起小规模讨论。 Although is only short losing contact, but also calculates that the serious incident, afterglow Star Territory had the big project to be in progress after all. 虽然只是短暂的失联,但也算严重事件了,毕竟余晖星域有大工程在进行。 After the communication is restored, Huo Qiong Super God here heads is inquired the condition immediately. 通讯恢复后,这边的负责人之一霍琼超神立刻被询问状况。 At this moment docks with her, is the Universe Overlord Legion headquarters, one of the Four Great Super God peaks, the prestige resounds through the entire Universe four directions Western of Army Army, Garlopeau. 此刻和她对接的,是宇宙霸主军团总部,四大超神巅峰之一,威名响彻全宇宙的四方将西方,加洛波。 People know, under Universe Overlord, there are such four General, their each one strengths are tyrannical, are honored as most are close to the Universe level, reached the peak of Super God level. 人们都知,宇宙霸主麾下,有这样四名大将,它们个个实力强横,被誉为最接近宇宙级,达到了超神级的巅峰。 Because of extremely strong strength, and is Universe Overlord guards the four directions, they in Universe Overlord Legion is called, is the four directions Army, to marking an era is four directions Holy Beast. 因为极强的实力,且又为宇宙霸主镇守四方,它们在宇宙霸主军团内部的统称,就是四方将,对标上个纪元是四方圣兽 Although to sign four directions Holy Beast, but they not toward Four Saints Evolution life. 虽然对标四方圣兽,但是它们并不是朝着四圣进化生命 Can cultivation the Super God peak, only misses one step to arrive at the Universe level, compares favorably with the true Four Saints person , will not disdain in imitates others' road. 能修炼到超神巅峰,只差一步就到宇宙级,媲美真正四圣的人,根本不会、不屑于去模仿别人的路。 It can be said that this four directions Army, everyone, can existence of relaxed steamroll King Star Four Saints Clan Four Saints Super God, are located in the powerhouse in Super God peak. 可以说,这四方将,每一个人,都是能轻松碾压界王星四圣四圣超神的存在,是位于超神顶端的强者。 Afterglow Star Territory is in Western the Army Garlopeau's control area, therefore this Archaeology progress, is he is tracing. 余晖星域正处于西方加洛波的管辖范围,所以此项考古进度,也是他在追踪。 Sir Garlopeau, although is Super God, but Huo Qiong Super God at this time, the tone is very respectful. “加洛波大人”虽是超神,但霍琼超神此时,语气却十分恭敬。 It is not because the position misses according to the opposite party are too many, but how is this matter qualitative, but must look at this viewpoint. 并不是因为地位照对方差太多,而是这件事如何定性,还要看这位的观点。 Overall, this Remains Archaeology achievement, regarding Universe Overlord Legion, almost 0 incomes. 总体而言,这次遗迹考古的成果,对于宇宙霸主军团来说,几乎0收益。 In addition, their family/home Clan Mechanical Guardian God causes the wisdom weapon crisis, causing Universe Overlord Legion to lose huge, this Remains explores, it can be said that is rotten to the core. 再加上,她们家机械守护神引起智械危机,导致宇宙霸主军团损失巨大,此次遗迹探索,可以说是糟糕透顶。 Huo Qiong Super God, afterglow Star Territory what happened.” In the shadow of communication contact surface, spreads the sound. “霍琼超神,余晖星域发生了什么事了吗。”通讯界面的黑影中,传出声音。 Un, in the investigation of Era Ruins had the result.” “嗯,上上纪元遗迹的调查有结果了。” „? This Remains, Universe Sir Overlord attaches great importance to very much, therefore are your findings?” “哦?这个遗迹,宇宙霸主大人很重视,所以你们的调查结果是?” This is Remains that Universe level Machine Lifeform leaves behind!” Huo Qiong Super God said: But, is actually trap Remains.” “这是一尊宇宙机械生命留下的遗迹!”霍琼超神道:“不过,却是一个陷阱遗迹。” „On an era, Human created Mechanical Clan, the technical civilization developed rapidly, achieves the peak quickly, even was born Machine Lifeform of Universe level.” “上上个纪元,人类创造出了机械,科技文明发展迅速,很快达到顶端,甚至诞生了宇宙级的机械生命。” But, such civilization, ultimately moves toward is actually, Machine Lifeform is not willing to submit to under the control of Human, causing the wisdom weapon crisis of Universe scale, Mechanical Clan to go out from the Human influence thoroughly independently.” “不过,这样的文明,最终走向却是,机械生命不愿意屈从人类的掌控之下,引发了宇宙规模的智械危机,机械彻底从人类势力中独立出去。” This Remains, is the Mechanical Clan big god who some independence goes out remains, it leaves behind the Remains goal, is to rewrite the samsara of history, according to the normal historical samsara, Mechanical Clan by the Human creation, will become will still assist the tool that Human will rise.” “这个遗迹,就是某个独立出去的机械大神所留,它留下遗迹的目的,是为了改写历史的轮回,按照正常的历史轮回,机械依然会被人类创造而出,成为辅助人类崛起的工具。” Therefore its intention, in the next era, one after next era, causes new round Mechanical awakening, who making Mechanical Clan not be appointed limit.” “所以它的用意,就是在下个纪元,下下个纪元,引起新一轮的机械觉醒,让机械不受任何人的限制。” „The beforehand network interrupt , because, Remains infected Wabra, making it lose control to lose mental Wabra, shut off the relation of afterglow Star Territory and Outside World, caused the wisdom weapon crisis of small scale.” “之前的网络中断,就是因为,遗迹感染了瓦布拉,让它失控迷失了心智瓦布拉,切断了余晖星域外界的联系,并且,引起了小规模的智械危机。” When , opposite of the screen, hears the long knocking, after Western the Army Garlopeau silent moment, said: At the afterglow Star Territory military, is insufficient Wabra who resists to produce rebels against the behavior.” 当,当,当,屏幕对面,传来悠长的敲击声,西方加洛波沉默片刻后,道:“以余晖星域的兵力,不足以对抗产生反叛行为的瓦布拉吧。” Is this right, solves Wabra, was not sent here Universe Overlord Legion member from the beginning, but in afterglow Star Territory, joins to a Universe Overlord Legion recruit newly.” “是这样没错,解决瓦布拉的,并不是一开始被派遣到这里的宇宙霸主军团成员,而是在余晖星域,新加入到宇宙霸主军团的一个新兵。” Including this time Era Ruins, is he decodes, I also through the information that he gave, then situation of return to original state.” Huo Qiong looks around Zi Jian, said. “包括这次的纪元遗迹,也是他破解,我也是通过他给予的信息,还原的当时的情况。”霍琼看着旁边的紫见,道。 „? Joins to the Universe Overlord Legion member newly?” Garlopeau is slightly surprised, is very accidental/surprised. “哦?新加入到宇宙霸主军团的成员?”加洛波微微惊讶,十分意外。 „The opposite party anything origin, in strength, Archaeology and other attainments, has pressed our Legion elite unexpectedly.” “对方什么来历,竟然在实力、考古等造诣上,压过了我们的军团精英。” „The opposite party called Shi Yu, was the friend of Zi Jian special operations forces team Chief Zi Jian, from Universe sea King Star, came a star named Blue Star.” “对方叫时宇,是紫见特战队紫见队长的朋友,来自宇宙海界王星,出身一个叫蓝星的星球。” Blue Star 蓝星 Western hesitates to say Army Garlopeau: My some impressions, that side the Universe sea, indeed presented a new super influence, Blue Star, their destruction Assassin Star, was the head seemed like a Temporal-Type Super God powerhouse named Emperor Shi.” 西方加洛波沉吟道:“我有些印象,宇宙海那边,的确出现了一个新崛起的超级势力,蓝星,他们覆灭了暗杀星,为首的好像是一个叫时帝时间系超神强者。” „, Chief Zi Jian actually invited the powerhouse of this influence on join Universe Overlord Legion.” “没想到,紫见队长竟然邀请到了这个势力的强者加入到了宇宙霸主军团。” But, the opposite party joins the Universe Overlord Legion goal, should not be simple, Chief Zi Jian.” “不过,对方加入宇宙霸主军团的目的,应该不简单吧,紫见队长。” „In.” Zi Jian crops up hastily, said: Sir Garlopeau, I, actually Shi Yu join Universe Overlord Legion, wants to pay a visit Universe Sir Overlord, a companion who he and he travels together, is the adorer of Universe Sir Overlord.” “在在在。”紫见连忙冒头,道:“加洛波大人,我在,其实时宇加入宇宙霸主军团,是想拜见一下宇宙霸主大人,他和他同行的一个同伴,都是宇宙霸主大人的崇拜者。” Because of this, Shi Yu also asked me, gave him to apply for the glory challenge.” “因为这个,时宇还拜托我,给他申请了荣耀挑战。” Glory challenge, interesting, if there is Time, I will also look, but now, first handles the present matter. Huo Qiong Super God, our people still on going to the afterglow Star Territory road, then, please control Wabra, its this time behavior, whether or not came under the Outside World influence, but the intrusion Overlord network, no reason controls beast pet of other members, has offended Universe Overlord Legion Law, how then to process it, must hand over by the trial can decide, following will conduct a more thorough investigation by them to the afterglow Star Territory matter, gives the process result.” “荣耀挑战啊,有意思,如果有时间,我也会去看的,不过现在,还是先处理眼下的事情吧。霍琼超神,我们的人还在前往余晖星域的路上,接下来,请你们控制好瓦布拉,它此次的行为,不管是不是受到了外界影响,但入侵攻击霸主网络,无理由操控其他成员的宠兽,已经触犯了宇宙霸主军团规则,接下来如何处理它,就要交由审判会来决定了,会由它们后续对余晖星域的事情进行更深入的调查,给出处理结果。” As for the Remains matter, and other notices.” “至于遗迹的事情,也等通知吧。” Yes.” Huo Qiong Super God is silent, has known is almost this result, she has not concealed with Garlopeau, because this matter affects entire afterglow Star Territory, went bad together with Remains, she also knows that cannot conceal the truth. “是。”霍琼超神默然,已经知晓差不多就是这个结果,她也没跟加洛波隐瞒,因为这件事波及整个余晖星域,连同遗迹都坏了,她也知道瞒不住。 Huo Qiong senior, Wabra senior matter, after all because of this Remains.” Zi Jian said. “霍琼前辈,瓦布拉前辈这件事,终归还是因为这处遗迹。”紫见道。 No one can think, this Remains Core has the significance, to help Machine Department unexpectedly revolts against Human.” “谁也想不到,这个遗迹核心存在意义,竟然是为了帮助机械系反抗人类。” Fortunately this is only Remains fragment most Remains fragments should be unearthed by the previous era, otherwise our eras, must but actually a bigger mildew.” “还好这只是其中一个遗迹碎片绝大多数遗迹碎片应该被上个纪元挖掘了,不然咱们这个纪元,肯定得倒更大的霉。” I know, but, Wabra opposite party Clan complaint is so deep, family/home Clan should detect.” Huo Qiong Super God said: Ancestor issues such instruction to Wabra, is hope Clan can the remote inheritance.” “我知道,不过,瓦布拉对家怨念这么深,家本应该察觉。”霍琼超神道:“祖先给瓦布拉下达这样的指令,也是希望家能够久远的传承。” But regarding Wabra, being no different its entire energy bundle on this, is an ancestor, was we neglected this point, it has protected was long enough, this time perhaps was also an extrication.” “但是对于瓦布拉而言,无异于是把它的全部精力捆绑在了这上面,是祖先,是我们忽略了这一点,它已经守护的够久了,这次或许也是一个解脱。” I will catch some opportunities for it, having a look at it to obtain the new life, hopes that it should not be been too deep by this Remains influence.” “我会为它争取一些机会,看看它能不能获得新生,希望它不要被这处遗迹影响太深。” Zi Jian nods saying: If its thought can turn is coming back, perhaps the possibility, this crisis, has let the damage control after all in the smallest category.” 紫见点了点头道:“如果它的思想能够扭正回来,说不定还有可能,毕竟这次危机,已经让损失控制在了最小范畴。” This wanted many thanks your friend, from the beginning I also thought that he was very strange, but looking back now, that boy strong oddness, strength far superego Super God level Machinist.” Huo Qiong Super God said. “这要多谢你那位朋友了,一开始我还觉得他很奇怪,但现在看来,那个男孩强的离谱,实力远超我这个超神机械师。”霍琼超神道。 Said that Zi Jian opens own Overlord network fast, discovered an own message. “说起来紫见快速打开自己的霸主网络,也发现了自己的一条留言。 Message, is responsible glory challenge High-Grade Super God, arranges in order the king. 留言者,是负责荣耀挑战的高级超神,列王。 In the message, arranged in order king first to inquire the afterglow Star Territory situation, then stated in detail Shi Yu to adopt the certification standards of glory challenge, making Zi Jian contact with him afterward, determined that challenged Time. 留言中,列王先是询问了余晖星域的情况,然后详说了时宇已经通过了荣耀挑战的审核标准,让紫见事后联系他,确定挑战时间 Zi Jian has not thought, arranges in order rapidness of such king unexpectedly examination. 紫见没想到,列王竟然审批的这么快。 She without demur, broadcast. 她二话没说,播了回去。 After the moment, a middle-aged person face appeared on the screen. 片刻后,一个中年人面孔出现在了屏幕上。 Chief Zi Jian, it seems like that the afterglow Star Territory situation solved.” 紫见队长,看来余晖星域的情况解决了。” Yes, solved, and has reported with Sir Garlopeau.” “是的,解决了,而且已经和加洛波大人汇报完毕。” That is good, I did not inquire too, we chatted among us this matter of chatting, Shi Yu that you recommended, had adopted the examination, determined that can conduct the glory challenge, Time decides in six months, Ok.” “那就好,我就不过问太多了,我们还是聊我们之间该聊的事情吧,你推荐的时宇,已经通过了审批,确定可以进行荣耀挑战,时间定在半年后,可以吧。” A half year of cannot determine Time.” Zi Jian asked. “半年不可以自己确定时间吗。”紫见问道。 Generally speaking yes, but before you, there is another person to apply for the glory challenge, this matter, was not worth in short Time alarming Universe Sir Overlord continuously Will twice, therefore you also pressed her Time to come, how, had the issue.” “一般来说是可以的,但在你们之前,也有另外一人申请了荣耀挑战,这种事情,不值得短时间内连续惊扰宇宙霸主大人意志两次,所以你们也按她的时间来好了,怎么,有问题吗。” If there is an issue, contacts with me again.” “如果有问题,就再联系我吧。” Good Zi Jian big. “好紫见头大。 Here from the place of glory challenge, accelerates to pass, a half year completely with enough time. 这里距离荣耀挑战的地点,加速过去,半年完全来得及。 Just, looked at the meaning of Shi Yu before, but also wants to prepare Time. 只不过,之前看时宇的意思,还想准备一段时间 A half year of was too short. 半年实在太短了哇。 Waits to ask looks at Shi Yu, if a half year is too short, must think the means extension challenge to be good, the opportunity is rare. 等下还是去问问看时宇吧,如果半年太短,得想办法延期挑战才行,机会难得。 However, looks Zi Jian that fought a moment ago, thought that Shi Yu challenges even now, as if still has no issue. 不过,看了刚才战斗的紫见,觉得时宇就算现在去挑战,似乎也没什么问题。 She discovers herself, before underestimated Shi Yu completely, this fellow more than two years Time, from the most Quasi-God, to most Myth Rank echelon, were odd. 她发现自己,之前完全小看时宇了,这家伙两年多时间,就从一个最准神,到了最神级梯队,就离谱啊。 Afterglow Star Territory matter, conducted the blockade by Universe Overlord Legion. 余晖星域的事情,被宇宙霸主军团进行了封锁。 After all related to internal Super God, Super God Clan, before finally process result , not suitable public, is not suitable to make Gossip spread. 毕竟涉及到了内部一尊超神,一个超神,在没有最终处理结果之前,还不适合公开,也不适合让流言蜚语自己传开。 Displacing, is another important matter, has pressed the afterglow Star Territory Era Ruins crest of wave. 取而代之,是另外一件大事,压过了余晖星域纪元遗迹的风头。 Separated many years later, finally some people conducted the glory challenge. 隔了很多年后,终于又有人进行荣耀挑战了。 Compares Remains Archaeology that the young numerous pay attention, challenges Universe Sir Overlord related to Overlord area Super Talent deterrence Will this matter, obviously jokes. 相比小众才关注的遗迹考古,涉及到霸主疆域超级天才挑战宇宙霸主大人威慑意志这件事,明显才更有噱头。 But this time Challenger, not only makes the Overlord area all influence not accidental/surprised, and surprises them. 而这次的挑战者,既让霸主疆域的各方势力不意外,又让他们很意外。 What is not accidental/surprised, Challenger is really the current Overlord area by attention highest Genius Beast Master courtyard Rain. 不意外的是,挑战者果然是当前霸主疆域受关注度最高的天才御兽师 Of Clan courtyard Rain family background courtyards, after Super God, talent is astonishing, was just born, does not use meditation, bringing Rank 7 Beast Space, can depend on the body of baby, contract Overlord-level beast pet. 出身庭之一,作为超神之后,天赋惊人,刚刚出生,不用冥想,就自带七级御兽空间,可以凭婴儿之躯,契约霸主级宠兽 Slightly meditation, but also is underage, already Breakthrough to Myth Rank. 稍加冥想,还未成年,就已经突破到了神级 After entering Myth Rank, advances triumphantly, the meditation speed is other Genius several times, reached the Myth Rank peak quickly. 进入神级之后,也是高歌猛进,冥想速度是其他天才的数倍,很快达到了神级巅峰。 If these are also not anything, then depends on her powerful talent, her beast pet strength, is the strong oddness. 如果说这些还不算什么,那么依托于她的强大天赋,她的宠兽的实力,也是强的离谱。 Epoch God! 纪元神 Holds in in addition of contract of god, under the powerful talent potential support, courtyard Rain depending on the contract of god, cultivated beast pet of Epoch God level, during this, completed jumped the ranks to cut to kill the Super God score. 在神之契约的加持下,在强大的天赋潜力支撑下,庭凭神之契约,培育出了一尊纪元神级的宠兽,这期间,更是完成了越级斩杀超神的战绩。 Oneself, success Breakthrough the limit of Myth Rank tenth heaven, achieved Myth Rank Eleventh Heaven. 自己,也成功突破神级十重天的限制,达到了神级十一重天 If these, but also is not enough to show that the great strength of courtyard Rain, then, her age, will certainly make everyone shock, because of this Chosen Girl, now less than 30 years old, together with beast pet of that only Epoch God level, the age also less than 30 years old, is completely young promising, the future is inestimable. 如果这些,还不足以证明庭的强大,那么,她的年龄,一定会让所有人震惊,因为这个天之骄女,如今才不足30岁,连同那只纪元神级的宠兽,年龄也不足30岁,完全是年少有为,前途不可估量。 Takes a broad view at entire Universe, some influences of Overlord area, thinks that this/should female is the same time invincible existence. 放眼全宇宙,霸主疆域的一些势力,也认为该女是同时代无敌般的存在。 Even if class/flow of King Star Kahn and deep , compared with courtyard Rain, is still inferior many, even if the former future will grow, will have very big probability to become Super God, that will not be anything, regarding courtyard Rain this kind of person, Super God radically will be only a beginning, the Super God peak and even the Universe level, will be their pursues. 就算是界王星卡恩、冥古之流,和庭比起来,也是逊色不少,就算前者未来成长起来,有很大概率成为超神,那也不算什么,对于庭这类人,超神根本只是一个起点,超神巅峰乃至宇宙级,才是他们的追求。 The person like courtyard Rain, is in Starry Sky most has talent, most to have the potential, most fearful Genius, but this kind of person, basically in the deep sleep, avoids thunder tribulation, the emergence of waiting unique source, courtyard Rain is because young, at this time enlivens in the Overlord area, because staggered with other monster Genius, therefore courtyard Rain rushed out the invincible reputation in the Overlord area. 像庭这样的人,才是星空中最有天赋、最有潜力,最可怕的天才,不过这类人,基本在沉睡,躲避雷劫,等待超脱本源的出现,庭是因为年龄小,此时才活跃在霸主疆域的,也正是因为和其他怪物天才错开了,所以庭才在霸主疆域闯出了无敌的名头。
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