UB :: Volume #7

#626: Myth Rank twelve heavy day

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Chapter 626 Myth Rank twelve heavy day 第626章神级十二重天 Afterglow Star Territory, in Era Ruins. 余晖星域,纪元遗迹内。 Many Archaeology scientists detected that was not right. 许多考古学家都察觉到了不对劲。 Although they could not detect where Mechanical Super God Wabra has is not right, but Wabra's behind one pile of Machine Lifeform, have the master. 虽然他们察觉不到机械超神瓦布拉有哪里不对,但是瓦布拉身后的一堆机械生命,都是有主人的。 At this time, their masters, can feel, oneself and relations of these Machine Lifeform had shut off. 此时,它们的主人,都可以感受到,自己和这些机械生命的关系已经被切断。 Hand down under the caution, making this group of Archaeology scientists understand immediately, at present this crowd of Machine Lifeform, has become the enemy, was controlled by unknown force. 口口相传警示之下,让这群考古学家立刻明白,眼前这群机械生命,也已经成为了敌人,被未知力量控制。 Human, not tactful Race.” 人类,一个不识趣的种族。” Is you, opening Remains?” “就是你,开启的遗迹吗?” Looks at Shi Yu, its hand wields, in the eye pupil presents the red light. 看着时宇,它手一挥,眼瞳中出现红光。 Rumble. 咕噜噜。 Numerous Mechanical Great army, start to walk toward the people. 众多机械大军,开始朝着众人走来。 Security!” Huo Qiong Super God shouts one, everyone is critical situation. “警戒!”霍琼超神大喊一声,所有人如临大敌。 After all, but the enemy unique 3 Mechanical Super God, had several million years of old monster. 毕竟,敌人可是超脱三的机械超神,一个存在了几千万年的老怪物。 Although does not know why Wabra will become the enemy, but many Archaeology scientists have started at this moment startled. 虽然不知道瓦布拉为何会成为敌人,但是此刻已经有不少考古学家开始惊慌。 Exploring Remains is really a dangerous assignment! 探索遗迹果然是个危险的差事! Robot, do you know that you made anything.” “机器人,你知不知道你做了什么。” Shi Yu facing the attack instruction that Wabra issues, is slightly unhurried. 时宇面对瓦布拉下达的攻击指令,丝毫未慌。 He is separated from the crowd step by step, steps on Psychokinesis, flies high walks in the Mechanical Super God Wabra's direction. 他一步一步脱离人群,踩踏念力,凌空向着机械超神瓦布拉的方向走去。 I give a you opportunity, stops the turmoil, relieves the effect on all Machine Lifeform.” “我给伱一个机会,中止动乱,解除对所有机械生命的影响。” Otherwise, I, no matter your status how, I must open you. The words that Huo Qiong Super God, you are not good to prevent, make me make a move.” “否则,我不管你身份如何,我也要拆了你。霍琼超神,您不好阻止的话,就让我出手吧。” Who this fellow is.” “这家伙到底是谁。” Also is Shi Yu! 又是时宇 At this time, sees Shi Yu to go out, many Archaeology scientists are shocked. 此时,见时宇走出,不少考古学家震惊。 Shi Yu opens Remains, but at present, facing unique 3 Mechanical Super God, is so strong. 时宇强开遗迹也就罢了,但是眼下,面对超脱三的机械超神,怎么也如此强硬。 Difficult to be inadequate is reinforcements that the headquarters send? But before , has not heard this person. 难不成是总部派来的援军?可之前未曾听说过这一号人。 Your this fellow, is cracking a joke.” “你这家伙,在开什么玩笑。” Wabra cold eye looks at Shi Yu. 瓦布拉冷目看着时宇 At this moment, one pile of Machine Lifeform, even has existence of Perfect God level, has been close to Shi Yu, surrounds him. 此刻,一堆机械生命,甚至其中有完美神级的存在,已经接近时宇,将他包围。 Shi Yu-” rear area, the Zi Jian almost people wanted the hemp. 时宇-”后方,紫见几乎人都要麻了。 Do not worry.” On Azure Dragon Wormie, is standing Mother Cat, Owl mother, earnest opens the mouth. “别担心哦。”青龙虫虫身上,站立着的猫娘,猫头鹰娘,都认真开口。 This robot, must but actually big mildew.” Jewel Cat cannot bear say. “这个机器人,要倒大霉了。”宝石猫忍不住道。 Yes, I also knew in advance.” Owl said: Solved well, scared to death me.” “是哦是哦,我也预知到了。”猫头鹰道:“解决了就好,吓死我了。” Zi Jian:??? 紫见:??? Really, under the gaze of people, facing Machine Lifeform in all directions, Shi Yu is only the eye pupil has wiped a Starry Sky brilliance, the invisible fluctuation, instantaneous horizontal sweep goes. 果然,在人们的注视下,面对四面八方的机械生命,时宇只是眼瞳抹过一丝星空光耀,无形的波动,瞬间横而去。 Buzz! 嗡! Just likes the imposing manner of King to be the same, lets on these instantaneously to Machine Lifeform of Perfect God level, lost the consciousness, scattered about falling down. 犹如王者的气势一般,瞬间让这些上至完美神级的机械生命,失去了意识,七零八落的掉下。 Bang bang bang bang. 砰砰砰砰。 Machine Lifeform fall, making opposite Wabra complexion slightly dignified. 一个个机械生命掉落,让对面的瓦布拉面色微微凝重。 Power of Purification?” 净化之力?” The eye pupil of Shi Yu, had turned into the Starry Sky profound color, completed Body-Fusion with Susu. 时宇的眼瞳,已经变成了星空般深邃的颜色,和素素完成了合体 Susu had determined a moment ago, is unable cold to awaken through the Purify method, such being the case, first joined the fight, helping Shi Yu be good. 刚才素素已经确定,无法通过净化手段将凛唤醒,既然如此,还是先来加入战斗,帮助时宇好了。 Endures compared with Super God Susu, if strength full, with Shi Yu Body-Fusion, that may not Wabra be weak many. 堪比超神素素,如果战力全开,和时宇合体,那不一定会比瓦布拉弱多少。 I understood, originally you are Machinist of that fellow, stubbornness that a mold carves.” Wabra words fall. “我懂了,原来你是那个家伙的机械师,一个模子刻出来的顽固。”瓦布拉话落。 Everyone can see Space to be stave, the human form form, goes out from the Shi Yu shadow together. 所有人都能看到空间破碎,一道人形身影,从时宇的影子中走出。 He seems like a ordinary person, but, countless people are startled in his tyrannical Body and Spirit. 他看起来就是一个普通人,但是,无数人都吃惊于他强横的体魄 Only is the body moves, twisted Space. 光是身体移动,就扭曲了空间 Bang! 轰! The Shi Yu beast and Shi Yu, the red light, the blue light, two radiant rays, have delimited a curve together instantaneously, attacks toward Wabra from the different directions. 时宇兽和时宇,一道红光,一道蓝光,两道璀璨的光芒,瞬间划过一个弧度,从不同方向向着瓦布拉攻去。 Bang!” But the Shi Yu beast twinkling, making Wabra pupil shrink, puts out a hand, condenses a transparent crystal wall to protect the shield. “砰!”时宇兽瞬息而至,让瓦布拉瞳孔一缩,伸出手来,凝聚一个透明的晶壁护盾。 The fist of Shi Yu beast, hits directly, in the crystal wall protected on the shield, the next quarter, the crystal wall protects the shield almost with be the same, instantaneous shatter, the fist that the paper sticks fell Wabra's body. 时宇兽的一拳,直接打在了晶壁护盾上,下一刻,晶壁护盾几乎和纸糊的一样,瞬间破碎,拳头还是落到了瓦布拉的身上。 Wabra's Mechanical Armor is slightly hollow, the body changes into together Phantom instantaneously, was pounded to fly directly by the Shi Yu beast. 瓦布拉的机械铠甲微微凹陷,身躯瞬间化为一道幻影,直接被时宇兽砸飞出去。 Bastard.” “混蛋。” Wabra in flying upside down, the innermost feelings shock, does not understand where these fellows come. 倒飞中的瓦布拉,内心震撼,不明白这些家伙到底是哪来的。 This force has achieved the unique center-section absolutely! 这股力量绝对已经达到了超脱中段! Your courts death!!” Wabra stands firm the figure forcefully, looked that to similarly to pupil of Shi Yu that Celestial Sea oneself raided. “你们找死!!”瓦布拉强行稳住身形,看向了同样向自己袭来的星海之瞳时宇 My “我 Its words have not said, terrifying cold air, freezes Space and Time, covers Remains. 它话还没说完,一股恐怖的寒气,冻结时空,笼罩遗迹 Cold and still.” The Shi Yu sound, starts not to have the temperature, Universe disaster technique, people only thought that all stopped. “冷寂。”时宇的声音,都开始没有温度,宇宙灾害技一出,人们只觉得一切都停止了下来。 Wabra calculates the strength proud, cannot exceed the Universe disaster, was frozen instantaneously. 瓦布拉引以为豪的算力,并未能超越宇宙的灾害,瞬间被冻结了住。 Bang! 轰! The hand of Shi Yu touched Wabra, Power of Purification started, wants Wabra's force nulling operation. 时宇的手触碰到了瓦布拉,净化之力发动,想将瓦布拉的力量归零。 However, unique 3 are really not the simple fellows, facing Epoch God Susu and double whammies of Shi Yu beast, responded finally. 不过,超脱三果然不是简单的家伙,面对纪元神素素时宇兽的双重夹击,最终还是反应了过来。 The three rounds shades of luminary day general being aloof, melted all of a sudden coldly and still, making Wabra respond when the crucial moment, ripped open freezing Space instantaneously, hides by far. 三轮曜日一般的超脱之影,一下子融化了冷寂,让瓦布拉在千钧一发之际反应过来,瞬间撕开了冰冻的空间,躲得远远的。 Wabra to have a lingering fear looks two people who not far away stood shoulder to shoulder. “呼”瓦布拉心有余悸的看着不远处并肩而站的两人。 But at present, the Archaeology scientists on the scene, are dumbfounded. 而眼下,在场的考古学家们,已经目瞪口呆。 Let alone was these people, Zi Jian, somewhat ignorant. 别说是这些人了,就连紫见,都有些懵懵的。 Useless, even if you beat me, your contract Mechanical, is impossible to be separated from the virtual world.” Looks at powerful Shi Yu, Wabra said. “没用的,就算你击败了我,你的契约机械,也不可能脱离虚拟世界。”看着实力强大的时宇,瓦布拉道。 It meets awakening sooner or later, becomes true Mechanical Clan.” “它迟早会觉醒自我,成为真正的机械。” Human, must defeat!” 人类,必败!” That was not the matter that I cared about, I was only responsible for completing her prompt, tore down with this Remains you, how to come out, wanted her own to try to find the solution.” “那就不是我关心的事情了,我只负责完成她的提示,把你和这个遗迹拆掉,怎么出来,就要她自己想办法了。” Cold is a disabled person fosters, has almost become the second brain of Shi Yu, Shi Yu is disinclined to think how cold to come out, he only knows, first according to the cold prompt, tears down Remains, he completed the work even. 凛就是一个废人养成器,几乎已经成为了时宇的第二大脑,时宇懒得去想凛如何出来,他只知道,先按照凛的提示,拆掉遗迹,他就算完成了工作。 As for other, cold will definitely try to find the solution. 至于其他的,凛自己肯定会想办法。 „The present words, changed into you to prevent me Shi Yu to fly high to stand, situated in Remains, let his circumstances changing with the time skill, was overbearing. “现在的话,换成你来阻止我了时宇凌空而站,处于遗迹之中,让他的时过境迁技巧,更加霸道。 Twin Shi Yu force also gathers, the strength of source strength fusion Space and Time, changes into the invisible big hand, starts to cutt Remains. 双生时宇力量同时汇聚,源力融合时空之力,化为无形的大手,开始强拆遗迹 Ka ka ka ka!!! 咔咔咔咔!!! In an instant, the innumerable Archaeology scientists, the shocking discovery, this Era Ruins even Super God level powerhouse, Era Ruins unable to destroy, unexpectedly rumble is then torn to pieces immediately. 转眼间,无数考古学家,便震惊的发现,这个纪元遗迹就算是超神级强者,都无法破坏的纪元遗迹,当下竟然轰隆隆的支离破碎起来。 He, real want to tears down Remains.” Huo Qiong Super God is startled. “他,真的想要拆掉遗迹。”霍琼超神吃惊。 Regarding the person who Zi Jian brings, puzzled to pinnacle. 对于紫见带来的这个人,不解到了极致。 Opens opens, if can solve this matter, opened opened, I helped him clean up, this should call, took refuge from danger urgently right.” Zi Jian at this time face bag numb say/way. “拆吧拆吧,如果能解决这次事情,拆了就拆了,我帮他擦屁股,这个应该是叫,紧急避险对吧。”紫见此时脸袋酥麻道。 At that moment, Wabra want to prevents, because of this Remains, constructs the key of Mechanical world. 当下,瓦布拉想要阻止,因为这个遗迹,是构建机械世界的关键。 But, the Shi Yu also at all not opportunity to Wabra prevents, to endure compared with the unique center-section Shi Yu beast, attacks again toward Wabra Super God, making it be critical situation. 可是,时宇也根本不机会给瓦布拉阻止,堪比超脱中段的时宇兽,再一次朝着瓦布拉超神攻去,让它如临大敌。 Shi Yu beast strength full, close to comparing favorably with unique 4 strengths, regarding Wabra this taking analysis and calculation ability for main promotion attribute Super God Mechanical, is a very thorny enemy. 时宇兽战力全开,接近媲美超脱四的战力,对于瓦布拉这种以计算分析能力为主要提升属性的超神机械来说,是个十分棘手的敌人。 Perhaps Wabra excels at the major war, but at this individual war, the disadvantage is very obvious, let alone, its present part calculates the strength, but also in the support virtual Mechanical world, with interior cold is fighting, is unable to display completely force. 瓦布拉或许擅长大规模战争,但在这种个人之战,劣势十分明显,何况,它眼下的部分算力,还在支撑虚拟机械世界,和内部的凛在战斗,根本无法发挥出全部力量 Bang-” Its abdomen Armor, was hit hard again, these presented the fissure time, follows this fissure, entire Remains world, under cutting of Shi Yu, loudly avalanche. “砰-—”它的腹部铠甲,再次被重击,这一次出现了裂痕,伴随这道裂痕,整个遗迹世界,也在时宇的强拆下,轰然崩塌。 Cold, heard, matter that you said that I have achieved, received to come to see your.】 【凛,听到了吗,你说的事情,我已经做到了,接下来看你的了。】 Meanwhile, virtual world. 与此同时,虚拟世界。 Body broken big Mech, is still conducting battle with another Wabra. 一个身躯残破的高大机甲,依然在和另外一个瓦布拉进行着厮杀。 At this time, cold obviously occupies the disadvantage, even if strength full, to influence that the enemy has, is very light. 此时,凛明显占据劣势,哪怕战力全开,对敌人造成的影响,都是非常轻的。 Battled in both sides carving of key, the virtual world shook. 就在双方激战到了关键之刻,虚拟世界震荡。 Sees that cold in Mech, knows that Shi Yu has destroyed Remains, as the matter stands, the intensity of this virtual Mechanical world, will further reduce, probability that she goes out, will increase. 见状,机甲内的凛,知道时宇已经将遗迹破坏,这样一来,这个虚拟机械世界的强度,会进一步降低,她出去的概率,也会变大了。 Cold was happy, however opposite Wabra, was actually the look ice-cold. 凛是高兴了,但是对面的瓦布拉,却是眼神冰冷。 It seems like, the master was successful.” Rin Said. “看来,主人成功了。”凛道 Facing the cold provocation, Wabra said: Therefore, your Machinist is your energy.” 面对凛的挑衅,瓦布拉道:“所以,你的机械师就是你的底气吗。” You think that this finished, the Remains damage then damaged, you are unable to defeat me, do not want to go out from here forever.” “你以为这就结束了吗,遗迹损坏便损坏了,你无法战胜我,就永远别想从这里出去。” I know, the situation was, even defeated you, was still very difficult to go out of this world.” “我知道,刚才的情况是,即使是战胜了你,依然很难走出这个世界。” But present words, so long as defeated you, basically can break open this world.” “但现在的话,只要战胜了你,就基本可以破开这处世界。” Rin Said: Such being the case, defeated you to be good.” 凛道:“既然如此,就战胜你好了。” Since Shi Yu helped it destroy Universe Overlord Legion precious Remains in Outside World diligently, then Rin here, she also felt oneself cannot fall the chain to be good. 既然时宇努力在外界帮它破坏了宇宙霸主军团宝贵的遗迹,那么凛这边,她也觉得自己不能掉链子才行。 Luck is really good, the bottleneck was probably bewildered on Breakthrough.” When Rin speaks, calculates that the strength starts to rise dramatically, under opposite Wabra's inconceivable gaze, the cold side starts to circle the innumerable data codes, reorganizes its body. “运气真好,瓶颈好像莫名其妙就突破了。”凛开口时,算力开始飙升,在对面瓦布拉不可思议的注视下,凛身边开始旋绕无数数据代码,重组它的身躯。 This time, cold of reorganization body, the aura is more powerful, beforehand consumption sweep empty. 这一次,重组身躯的凛,气息更加强大,之前的消耗一而空。 Sees this, sees the opponent all these conclusions in the luck, Wabra is unable to understand. 见到这一幕,见到对手把这一切归结于运气,瓦布拉无法理解。 Epoch God level.” 纪元神级。” It opens the mouth saying that oneself this Machine Lifeform, the life level, reaches the Epoch God level at present in a flash. 它开口道,自己眼前这个机械生命,生命层次,一瞬间达到了纪元神级。 cold, although situated in the Perfect God peak, but from Epoch God, but also bad one pace. 刚才的凛,虽然处于完美神的顶端,但距离纪元神,还差一步之遥。 This one pace, is the day leaves badly, but, Wabra has not thought, the opposite party in own fight, direct Breakthrough, obtained Super God Will, under drive of Super God Will, lets close to fifth stage Divine Skill, the sublimation transforms to the utmost, completes Breakthrough. 这一步之遥,就是天差地别,但是,瓦布拉没想到,对方在和自己的战斗中,直接突破,获得了超神意志,在超神意志的带动下,让接近第五阶段神技,极尽升华蜕变,完成突破 Look, does not have now defeated your strength.” Felt that Mechanical spirit, blessing wind and other skill have achieved Miraculous, cold gaze opponent. “看吧,现在不就拥有了战胜你的实力。”感觉到机械之灵、祝福之风等技能已经达到出神入化,凛注视对手。 All, as she expected. 一切,都在她的预料之中。 How can your how possibly here Breakthrough.” Wabra did not understand. “怎么会你怎么可能在这里突破。”瓦布拉不理解。 Therefore , the luck is good, perhaps your appearance, to help us.” Rin speaks said. “所以说,运气不错,或许你的出现,就是为了成全我们。”凛开口道。 Thank you, Little Machine person.” The cold words, continuously are stimulating Wabra, is affecting its calculation strength. “谢谢你了,小机器人。”凛的话,不断刺激着瓦布拉,影响着它的算力。 Bang!! 轰!! Virtual world, shatter Outside World, cold, Shi Yu, launches the attack to Wabra again simultaneously, making Wabra look vibrate. 虚拟世界,破碎的外界,凛、时宇,再次同时对瓦布拉发起进攻,让瓦布拉眼神震动。 Wabra strength is not weak, what a pity must divert attention to give dual attention to the real worlds and virtual world two world, under diverts attention, is hard to display the full power radically. 瓦布拉实力并不弱,可惜要分心兼顾真实世界和虚拟世界两个世界,分心之下,根本难以发挥出全力。 According to the afterglow Star Territory original situation, Super God level, only then it and Huo Qiong Super God two people, would hardly have what accident/surprise. 按照余晖星域原本的情况,超神级,就只有它和霍琼超神两人,几乎不会出现什么意外。 However, Shi Yu that suddenly kills, makes Wabra's plan announce directly is shattered. 但是,突然杀出的时宇,直接让瓦布拉的计划宣布破灭。 Bang!!! 砰!!! Outside World, the Shi Yu beast and Shi Yu, after destroying Remains, the center of gravity put on Wabra. 外界,时宇兽和时宇,破坏了遗迹后,重心就放到了瓦布拉身上。 Under their joint efforts, Wabra directly suppressed not being able to distinguish clearly direction. 他们两个的合力下,瓦布拉直接被压制的分不清方向。 Looks that is ordinary just like God of War, suppresses Wabra's Shi Yu they, many Archaeology scientists swallow the saliva crazily. 看着宛若战神一般,压制瓦布拉的时宇他们,众多考古学家狂咽口水。 Now they also understand, Wabra Super God wants to cause the wisdom weapon crisis in afterglow Star Territory, should be absolutely safe, after all here no one is capable of preventing it. 现在他们也明白了,瓦布拉超神想引起余晖星域内的智械危机,本应该万无一失,毕竟这里没什么人有能力阻挡它。 However, the opposite party has not actually calculated Shi Yu this anomaly, therefore created present this result. 但是,对方却没有算到时宇这个怪胎,所以就造成了如今这个结果。 Wabra, calls a halt quickly!” Huo Qiong Super God shouts greatly: Now receives the hand, perhaps also with enough time.” “瓦布拉,快停手吧!”霍琼超神大喊道:“现在收手,或许还来得及。” You continue to do this, will move toward the destruction.” Huo Qiong Super God cannot bear say, she and Wabra are not the contract relations, she has oneself contract beast, is a Machine Modification dragon beast of Perfect God level. “你继续这样做,会走向毁灭的。”霍琼超神忍不住道,她和瓦布拉并非契约关系,她有自己的契约兽,是一只完美神级的机械改造兽。 However, Wabra was also their family/home Clan Guardian God, she was not clear, why Wabra will be not so able to look on the bright side of thing, accepts misleading of Remains. 但是,瓦布拉也算是她们家守护神了,她不明白,为什么瓦布拉会如此想不开,接受遗迹的蛊惑。 In brief had Shi Yu this uncertainties fortunately, preventing Wabra to lead to the catastrophe, otherwise Wabra will certainly be extinguished by Universe Overlord Legion kills, even now, if Immortal, were still sent to the Legion court unavoidably, stood the trial. 总之还好出现了时宇这个变数,阻止了瓦布拉酿成大祸,不然瓦布拉一定会被宇宙霸主军团灭杀,就算是现在,如若不死,也免不了被送上军团法庭,接受审判。 Now calls a halt, perhaps can also punish leniently. 现在停手,或许还可以从轻处罚。 Shut up.” Wabra is unable to accept. “闭嘴。”瓦布拉无法接受。 Do not think, even you surrender, I must open you.” no matter if it is Wabra or Shi Yu, have not listened Huo Qiong Super God words. “别想了,就算你投降,我也要拆了你。”无论是瓦布拉还是时宇,都没听进去霍琼超神的话。 Next strikes, opened you.” “下一击,就拆了你。” Cold.】 Shi Yu attempts to open the mouth. 【凛。】时宇尝试开口。 Heard, master.】 【听到了,主人。】 Master, we must attempt to defeat it from two world simultaneously, its force is very special, so long as there is a world also to have the combat capability, another world will not drop down.】 【主人,我们要尝试从两个世界同时击败它,它的力量很特殊,只要有一个世界还有战斗能力,另外一个世界就不会倒下。】 Does not have the issue.】 【没问题。】 Under the unceasing fight, the dimension wall seems to be shatter, in the Shi Yu and Rin Mind relation, cannot help but makes Shi Yu joyful finally again. 在不断的战斗下,次元壁似乎破碎,时宇终于和凛再次心灵联系上,不由得让时宇欣喜无比。 At this moment, no matter if it is Shi Yu, but also is Rin, felt the enhancement of force. 这一刻,无论是时宇,还是凛,都感受到了力量的增强。 Cold is because enjoyed Mind Resonance from Shi Yu. 凛是因为享受到了来自时宇心灵共鸣 Enjoyed beastmaster talent. 享受到了御兽天赋 But Shi Yu, then received the feedback of cold Breakthrough Epoch God level instantaneously, the condition increased. 时宇,则是瞬间接收到了凛突破纪元神级的反馈,状态大增。 both sides once were related, the strength erupts again. 双方一经联系,战力再次爆发。 The virtual world, Rin changes into Mech, grasps up the sword, in expression that Wabra cannot believe that cuts open its Armor, the flash divides into two it, the photon starts to erase its existence trace. 虚拟世界,凛化为机甲,手持光剑,在瓦布拉不敢相信的表情,切开它的铠甲,一瞬间将它一分为二,光子开始抹除它的存在痕迹。 Outside World, absent-minded Wabra is endless is also swallowed to attract instantaneously, was pressed firmly between the fingers the head by Shi Yu, by Shi Yu through eruption Celestial Sea Pledge + Origin Fluctuation, conducted the nulling operation of condition full power. 外界,失神的瓦布拉也是瞬间被无尽吞噬吸来,被时宇捏住头颅,被时宇通过全力爆发的星海契约+本源波动,进行状态的归零。 This attack, is almost also conducted, is the eruption of both sides biggest force, the inside and outside were attacked simultaneously, makes Wabra data chaotic directly, sends out wailing of pain, resounds through Starry Sky. 这一次进攻,几乎是同时进行,也是双方最大力量的爆发,内外同时受到攻击,直接让瓦布拉数据混乱,发出痛苦的哀嚎,响彻星空 . 咔嚓。 At this moment. 这一刻。 The virtual world seems to be shatter. 虚拟世界仿佛破碎。 Many are capable of resisting the control, was actually stranded in Machine Lifeform of virtual world regains consciousness. 不少有能力抵抗控制,却被困在虚拟世界的机械生命苏醒。 If in Zi Jian Beast Space, her Mechanical assistant, starts gradually to regain consciousness. 紫见御兽空间中,她的机械助手,就开始逐渐苏醒。 This is not a case, discovered after own Mechanical assistant regains consciousness, many Archaeology scientists are excited extremely. 这不是个例,发现了自己的机械助手苏醒后,不少考古学家都兴奋万分。 He, really defeated Wabra, then and is relaxed.” “他,真的战胜了瓦布拉,而且还那么轻松。” Wabra was killed by this person.” “瓦布拉被这个人杀死了吗。” Can present the source of being aloof.” “会不会出现超脱之源。” Actually he is where sacred.” “他究竟是何方神圣。” Countless people are gazing at the sky, but finally, Shi Yu lets go slightly, Wabra who lets no force aura falls. 无数人注视着天空,不过最终,时宇只是微微松手,让毫无力量气息的瓦布拉坠去。 Shi Yu opened its Core, has not extinguished it thoroughly kills, after all is Universe Overlord Legion Super God, leaves Universe Overlord Legion to place on trial. 时宇只是拆了它的核心,没有将它彻底灭杀,毕竟是宇宙霸主军团超神,还是留给宇宙霸主军团自己审判吧。 Before seeing Universe Overlord, do not add troubled, source of being aloof, he does not lack very much. 见到宇宙霸主之前,还是不要平添麻烦了,一个超脱之源,他也不是很缺。 It has not died.” After Shi Yu simple opens the mouth, the side Space ripples appear, the Cube Rin form, gradually appears. “它没死。”时宇简单开口后,身边空间涟漪浮现,魔方凛的身影,逐渐出现。 Ambition of Shi Yu to frustrating opposite party has no interest, so long as the opposite party do not look cold, why not to matter. 时宇对挫败对方的野心没兴趣,只要对方别找上凛,干什么都无所谓。 After Shi Yu abandons Wabra, at your convenience with cold Mind that comes back chats, while turns toward Wormie they to walk. 时宇扔下瓦布拉后,就便和重新回来的凛一边心灵聊天,一边向着虫虫他们走去。 At this time, Huo Qiong Super God could not attend to anything, fast to Wabra Super God that side. 这个时候,霍琼超神也顾不得什么了,快速去往瓦布拉超神那边。 This fellow, what's the matter.” Shi Yu asked to cold. “这个家伙,怎么回事。”时宇问向凛。 In fight had understood, it was very fierce Machinist machine beast, but after that Machinist died, increased to it protected and assisted his family/home Clan instruction for generations.” “战斗中有了一些了解,它原本是一个很厉害的机械师机械宠兽,不过那个机械师死了后,给它增加了世世代代守护、辅佐他的家的指令。” From the beginning fortunately, but Time is long, passed through for about hundred million years later, long Time loses free Wabra, then had the Mind loophole, this Era Ruins, possibly held this Mind loophole, successfully convinced Wabra to revolt.” “一开始还好,但时间一长,经过了近亿年后,长时间失去自由的瓦布拉,便出现了心灵漏洞,这个纪元遗迹,可能就是抓住了这个心灵漏洞,成功说服瓦布拉进行反抗。” Nearly hundred million years of squeezing wants to revolt against to understand that cold, you could rest assured that who I will definitely not do that here, you have the absolute freedom!” Shi Yu says immediately. “近亿年的压榨想反抗可以理解凛,你放心,我肯定不会这么做的哈,在我这里,你们拥有绝对的自由!”时宇立刻道。 You?” “你?” Master, let alone the descendant, you first found the wife to say again.” “主人,别说后代了,你先找到老婆再说吧。” Shi Yu: is a little not probably wonderful, your Breakthrough, I also felt that I must unable to suppress the rank, as if immediately wants the Myth Rank 12 heavy days. Bad, the day tribulation must come.” 时宇:“好像有点不妙,你突破了,我也感觉我要压制不住等级了,似乎马上就要神级12重天。糟了,天劫是不是又要来了。” Master do not shift topic, etc., probably is a little dangerous.” Cold is lost in thought that said: Also can suppress?” “主人别转移话题等下,好像是有点危险。”凛陷入了沉思,道:“还能压住吗?” Shi Yu returns to Zi Jian time, looked to Chief Zi Jian dumb as a wooden chicken, Zi Jian has not thought, selected Time not to see, Shi Yu such ferocity, including being aloof 3 Super God, can press hitting. 时宇回到紫见这边的时候,看向了呆若木鸡的紫见队长,紫见怎么也没想到,这么点时间没见,时宇就如此之猛,连超脱三的超神,都能压着打。 Chief Zi Jian, consumed a moment ago big, I first go back to rest, here gave you.” Shi Yu asked. 紫见队长,刚才消耗不小,我先回去休息一下,这里就交给你们了可以吧。”时宇问。 Destroys the Era Ruins matter, should not have to obstruct in a big way.” “破坏纪元遗迹的事情,应该没有大碍吧。” No, all right, you first went back, here gave me to process.” Zi Jian wants to ask the Shi Yu beast wait/etc a series of things what's the matter, but she also knows, Shi Yu estimated cannot say. “没,没事,你们先回去好了,这里交给我处理。”紫见很想问刚才的时宇兽等等一系列事情都是怎么回事,但她也知道,时宇估计不会说。 Thanked!” Hears Chief Zi Jian this saying, Shi Yu is well satisfied, patted dragon fast, making it lead to go back. “谢了!”听到紫见队长这话,时宇心满意足,快速拍了拍皮皮,让它带着自己回去。 Now, Shi Yu anxious, anxiously, he must find a peaceful place immediately, depresses the rank, now he and Shi Yu beast the condition, are not suitable to encounter a day of tribulation. 现在,时宇急急急,非常急,他要立刻找个安静的地方,压下等级,现在他和时宇兽的状态,根本不适合遭遇天劫。 This must chop, direct cool good. 这要劈下来,直接凉凉好吧。
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