UB :: Volume #3

#252 Part 2: The plum opens three-time( 9 k character)

This Eleven Evolution, altogether awakening three Super Species Skill, one, is Metal and wooden dual-type Army Maker.” “这次十一进化,一共觉醒了三个超阶种族技能,其中一个,便是、木双系凝豆成兵。” This skill is quite special, after being the release, so long as the distance does not surpass the beast pet main body is too many, the bean can preserve Time special skill.” “这个技能比较特殊,属于释放后,只要距离不超过宠兽本体太多,豆子可以保存一段时间的特殊技能。” In the Shi Yu heart rouses, this is Army Maker opens the way correctly. 时宇心中振奋,这才是凝豆成兵的正确打开方式啊。 Ahead of time makes Beany Panda Soliders, the critical moment puts, so long as recovers the main body energy ahead of time, is equivalent to the freeload ten subordinates. 提前制造好豆豆熊士兵,关键时刻放出来,只要提前恢复好本尊体力,相当于白嫖十个手下。 At present, although in the location Eleven small Iron Eater compares King Oxhead force to miss many, but depends on Iron Defense this Legion resonance technique, their force not only can condense the same place, but can also display to be bigger than the addition force! 眼下,虽然场地上十一个小食铁兽相比牛头兽王力量都差很多,但靠着固若金汤这个军团共鸣技,它们的力量不仅能凝聚到一起,还能发挥出大于加法的力量 The only shortcoming, possibly was this move can only defend, and consumed big. 唯一的缺点,可能就是这招只能防御了,而且消耗不小。 Roar!!!” King Oxhead stares the big eye suddenly, looked to oneself Beast Master. “吼!!!”牛头兽王猛然瞪大眼睛,看向了自家御兽师 Isn't his mother cheats??? 这他妈不是作弊吗??? Ahead of time accumulates good Beany Panda, how meow also to have the resonance technique especially . Moreover, coordination also such Proficient. 提前攒好豆豆熊也就罢了,怎么特喵的还有共鸣技,而且,配合的还这么熟练 My Grandmaster Qujie sees the opening to be disadvantageous, in the heart one thump, how especially meow to Shi Yu here, is such abnormal Super Skill. “我曲解大师见到开局不利,心中一咯噔,怎么特喵到了时宇这里,都是这么变态的超阶技能 This Army Maker is like Convergence, obviously is also skill that super cheats! 凝豆成兵内敛锋芒一样,显然也是超级作弊的技能 „!!!” The next second, Panda King Eleven wields single-handed, it goes forward one step, ten crowd around its Beany Panda also to follow to go forward one step, covers their huge Castle of Gold also to follow to advance one step. “嗷!!!”下一秒,熊猫王十一单手挥下,它前进一步,十只簇拥它的豆豆熊也跟着前进一步,笼罩它们的巨大金之城池也跟着推进一步。 Pushes to King Oxhead directly! 直接推向牛头兽王 Roar!!” “吼!!” Sees that King Oxhead stares the big eye, an axe of being angry chops! 见状,牛头兽王瞪大眼睛,大怒的一斧劈下! However! 然而! Bang!!! 轰!!! A its axe chops on Castle of Gold, only broke out a crack unexpectedly, cannot broken guard, instead is the strength of powerful counter- shaking, drives back several it!! 它一斧劈到金之城池上,竟只劈开了一道裂缝,没能破防,反而是强大的反震之力,将它逼退数步!! Iron Defense, let alone was psyche, physics and element attacked, even the Soul attack, same can guard! 固若金汤,别说是精神、物理、元素攻击了,就算是灵魂攻击,一样能防! fuck. 卧槽 Sees this, sits Principal Feng that and the others watch to be delighted. 见到这一幕,坐着观看的封校长等人眉飞色舞。 This.” “这。” Is their slightly opens the mouth, unexpectedly Army Maker? 他们微微张口,竟然是凝豆成兵 Army Maker, just like Convergence, is Steel-Type most Top grade one of the several skill.” 凝豆成兵,和内敛锋芒一样,是金系顶级的几个技能之一。” I know this move, very rare Army Skill, never expected that “我知道这招,非常稀有的军团技,没想到 Everyone is not obviously strange to this skill. 大家显然对这个技能不陌生。 However, same skill, different beast pet cause, the tactical value is also different, the actual combat effect is most essential! 不过,同样的技能,不同的宠兽使出来,战术价值也不同,实战效果才是最关键的! For example at present, Iron Eater has Legion resonance technique Iron Defense, it uses Army Maker, the effect is good! 比如眼前,食铁兽拥有军团共鸣技固若金汤,它使用起凝豆成兵,效果就非常好! This skill, simply having Species Skill Iron Defense Iron Eater builds personal! 技能,简直是给拥有种族技能固若金汤食铁兽贴身打造的! Your young fellow.” “你们好小子。” Meanwhile, in the location, the Grandmaster Qujie expression changes one after another, obviously is surprised this Combination Technique. 与此同时,场地上,曲解大师表情接二连三变化,显然非常吃惊这一组合技 However, thinks that light/only depends on the defense type Legion resonance technique to resist Monarch? 不过,以为光靠防御类型的军团共鸣技就能对抗君王吗? Where is so simple! 哪有那么简单! old ox!” “老牛!” On!” “上!” Slightly by Shi Yu their show, Grandmaster Qujie was not spoken Wu De, makes King Oxhead use master level Super Skill Blazing Spirit directly full power! 小小被时宇他们秀了一把,曲解大师也不讲武德了,直接让牛头兽王全力使用起精通级超阶技能浴火战魂 Bang! 轰! After King Oxhead stands firm the figure, presented a huge good demon flame empty shadow directly. 牛头兽王稳住身形后,身后直接出现了一尊庞大的牛魔火焰虚影。 This is Super Fire-Type Skill, can summon flame Fighting spirit, the combat teamwork, during Fighting spirit exists, can promote force, defense, speed, the flame might, fight Will and injury user to restore the speed! 这是超阶火系技,可以召唤出火焰战魂,协同作战,战魂存在期间,可以提升使用者的力量、防御、速度、火焰威力、战斗意志、伤势恢复速度! Although is inferior to the Convergence like that extreme violence, but is actually skill of all-around increase strength. 虽然不如内敛锋芒那般极端暴力,但却是全方位增幅战力的技能 Roar!!!” Fighting spirit adds the body, the King Oxhead tower crack ground, jumps suddenly, flies high a axe to divide again, wants to chop into pieces Iron Defense thoroughly. “吼!!!”战魂加身,牛头兽王塔裂地面,猛然跳起,再次凌空一斧劈下,想彻底劈碎固若金汤 It looks at by Castle of Gold protection Eleven only small Iron Eater, filled with frustration. 它看着被金之城池守护的十一只小食铁兽,气不打一处来 However. 然而。 When it condenses flame Fighting spirit, the Shi Yu side is not the movement does not have. 在它凝聚火焰战魂时,时宇方也不是一点动作没有。 Eleven stands in same place, the direct hardening material is released externally, covered own hardening material through Land on each Beany Panda. 十一站立于原地,直接硬化物质外放,通过大地将自己的硬化物质覆盖在了每一只豆豆熊身上。 Accurate, this is not the ordinary hardening material, but was given the Lightning Rod attribute hardening material by Eleven! 准确来说,这不是普通硬化物质,而是被十一赋予了引雷针属性的硬化物质! Meanwhile, on Eleven hardening material, is the electric light lingers at this time. 同时,十一自己身上的硬化物质上,此时也是电光萦绕。 Ka. 咔。 Originally, saw that the Eleven use Harden boost Beany Panda people had a little not understood, but next quarter, as sky thunders, Bai Xi and the others look up immediately to the sky, opens the mouth slightly. 本来,见到十一用硬化强化豆豆熊众人还有点不理解,但是下一刻,随着天空一阵轰鸣,白溪等人顿时抬头看向天空,微微张开嘴巴。 Bang!!!! 轰隆!!!! At this moment, covers on Eleven only Iron Eater hardening material, the electric arc has glittered unusual is intense. 此时此刻,覆盖在十一食铁兽身上的硬化物质上,电弧已经闪烁的非常强烈。 Bang!!! 轰隆!!! Also the deafening sound, sky over the location, almost presented the dark cloud together instantaneously, the thunder clouds condense the speed quick fearfulness. 又一道震耳欲聋的响声,场地上空,几乎是瞬间出现了乌云,雷云凝聚速度快的可怕。 As if entire Wuling City Thunderbolt Power of Nature, was attracted. 仿佛整个武陵市雷电自然之力,都被吸引了过来。 A sky dark piece, the thunder sound is ear-spitting. 天空漆黑一片,雷霆响声震耳。 Without the Rain wind, the surroundings are quiet, in the thunder clouds in sky, only then the thunder tumbles crazily, power and influence terrifying. 没有风,周围平静无比,天空中的雷云里,只有雷霆疯狂翻滚,威势恐怖。 The day gets dark all of a sudden, the ray of lightning, illuminated each Iron Eater body, particularly Beany Panda crowding around Panda King Eleven, at this time just like Thunder God. 天一下子就黑了下来,闪电的光芒,照亮了每一只食铁兽的身躯,尤其是豆豆熊簇拥的熊猫王十一,此时宛若雷神 Under the startling thunderclap, flies high King Oxhead that chops to be startled, its axe falls to Castle of Gold on, even if entire Iron Defense is Army Skill, was also disintegrated facing absolute force instantaneously, but at the same time 惊雷之下,凌空劈来的牛头兽王一怔,它斧头落到金之城池上,整个固若金汤哪怕是军团技,面对绝对的力量也是瞬间被瓦解,但是与此同时 Bang!!! 轰!!! Heavenly Thunder has delimited the sky together directly, the thunder clouds changed into perimeter/thunder pool, the thunder kept, the sky was transferred clear(ly) by darkness, became a white vastness, illuminated the four directions, just like the end other day daybreak. 一道天雷直接划过天空,紧接着雷云化为了雷池,响雷不停,天空由转明,变为一道白色汪洋,照亮四方,宛如末日前的黎明。 Divine Punishment!” 神之制裁!” As the Shi Yu words fall, the single arm that small Eleven holds up wields, bang, white force in sky condenses huge the power line pole of thunder completely, the incline, just broke open Castle of Gold loudly, King Oxhead suddenly by the change attraction of sky. 随着时宇话落,小十一举起的单臂挥下,“轰”的一声,天空中的白色雷海全部力量凝聚成一个巨大的雷之电柱,轰然倾斜而下,刚刚劈破金之城池,牛头兽王猛然被天空的变化吸引。 A speed ten points of rapidness of Thunderbolt, King Oxhead just raised the head, the next quarter, covered the thunder column of entire location to fall directly, swallowed including King Oxhead, Eleven and ten Beany Panda all beast pet! 雷电的速度十分之快,牛头兽王刚刚抬头,下一刻,笼罩整个场地的雷柱直接落下,吞噬了包括牛头兽王十一、十只豆豆熊在内的所有宠兽 At this moment, Grandmaster Qujie, Legend Bai, Principal Feng, Senior Sister Lu, Senior Bai and the others, all look changes. 这一刻,曲解大师,白传奇封校长陆学姐白学姐等人,无一不色变。 What is this? 这又是什么? Can so large-scale reassignment Power of Nature??? 能如此大规模的调动自然之力??? Lightning Rod, can or the external object transforms attraction nature Thunderbolt Physique oneself.” 引雷针,可以将自己或外物改造成吸引自然雷电体质。” Heavenly Thunder , undifferentiated destruction surrounding all things.” 天雷,会无差别的毁灭周围一切事物。” Ten thousand thunder thunder, no matter Shi Yu also the people can hear, Heavenly Thunder lowers instantaneous, ten as directing the thunder offer the sacrificial offering Beany Panda first died, even if they have Charge, at this time was also crushed the body by Heavenly Thunder of so huge might instantaneously. 万雷轰鸣中,时宇也不管众人能不能听见,天雷降下瞬间,十只作为引雷献祭品的豆豆熊最先挂掉,哪怕它们有蓄能闪电,此时也被如此庞大威力的天雷瞬间粉碎了身躯。 Meanwhile, King Oxhead is also experiencing the Heavenly Thunder baptism of terrifying!! 同时,牛头兽王也在经历着恐怖的天雷洗礼!! Roar!!!” The King Oxhead defensive power is strong, even if what faces is nature Heavenly Thunder , still shouldered, in Thunderbolt, is feeling the pain, it glowers at Eleven, does not have to think oneself were injured unexpectedly one after another by Commander-level beast pet, however, as it looks in Thunderbolt to Eleven, the next quarter suddenly has a sense of crisis. “吼!!!”牛头兽王的防御力还是强的,哪怕面对的是自然天雷,依然扛了过来,雷电中,感受着痛苦,它怒目而视十一,没想到自己竟然被一只统领级宠兽接连伤到,然而,随着它在雷电中看向十一,下一刻忽然有一种危机感。 Beany Panda cannot be withstood natural Heavenly Thunder that directs by 11 Lightning Rod, but has the source and thunder Mian and Full/Complete Level Charge physical strength Eleven, will unable to withstand. 豆豆熊承受不住由11个引雷针引下的自然天雷,但是拥有体力之源、雷免和满级蓄能闪电十一,可不会承受不住。 „!!!!” “嗷!!!!” In the thunder column, Heavenly Thunder lingers, Eleven as if obtained the release, in its vision the lingering lightning, the body gradually from one meter, starts to increase, becomes incomparable huge, is then going against Heavenly Thunder quickly, turned into ten meters high huge thunder Behemoth!!! 雷柱之中,天雷萦绕,十一仿佛得到了释放,它目光中萦绕闪电,身躯逐渐从一米大小,开始变大,变得无比巨大,很快便顶着天雷,变成了十米高的庞大雷霆巨兽!!! And, this process, the light of its whole body Evolution lingers, the point pattern erupts full power, changes into Novenary Black Warmonger Form directly, the strength of Heavenly Thunder is also attracted income within the body by it rapidly completely!!! 并且,这个过程,它浑身进化之光萦绕,锋芒模式全力爆发,直接化为九黎战兽形态,天雷之力也迅速被它全部吸收入体内!!! Shi Yu and Eleven this absorption huge Heavenly Thunder force Gigantify eruption shape, call it Thunder God Mode. 时宇十一将这吸收庞大天雷力量巨化爆发形态,称之为雷神铠甲模式 Covers under with silver Armor black, giant Eleven only revealed two as if to contain both eyes of thunder, at this moment, in the location does not have Thunderbolt, complete Thunderbolt was inhaled within the body by Eleven 黑与银的铠甲覆盖下,巨型十一只露出了两只仿佛蕴含雷霆的双眼,这一刻,场地上已然没有了雷电,全部雷电都被十一吸入了体内 Such result is, tyrannical electric current that at this time on Eleven reveals, lets opposite King Level King Oxhead is the incomparable heart startled, it looks to be higher than itself innumerably, oneself in its front Novenary Black Warmonger like child, stared in a big way the eye again. 这样的结果就是,此时十一身上流露的暴虐电流,让对面的君王级牛头兽王都是无比的心惊,它看着高出自己无数,自己在其面前就像一个孩子一样的九黎战兽,再次瞪大了眼睛。 It wants to move, Miraculous deterrence of strength of implication thunder but, the Eleven body erupts, just like startling thunderclap blasting open directly in the King Oxhead innermost feelings, lets its absent-minded. 它想动,但是,十一身上爆发出来的蕴含雷霆之力的出神入化威慑,直接犹如惊雷般炸裂于牛头兽王内心,让它一阵恍惚。 Cannot “不会吧 “难道 How possibly “怎么可能 Sees Eleven so fierce absorption completely Heavenly Thunder , all person size are startled, looked that to gripped the fist slowly, lifts the arm, to gather the strength backward Eleven. 见到十一如此勇猛的吸收全部天雷,所有人大吃一惊,看向了缓缓攥起拳头,抬起手臂、向后蓄力的十一 The next quarter, is twining White Thunderbolt, the ball cover same light ball, filled the air to cover on the hardening fist of Eleven huge, held in the Pinnacle Gigantify in addition, although Eleven has not become too greatly, the style that but, its this time condensed, incomparably rapidly is actually strengthened, became huge incomparable. 下一刻,一个缠绕着白色雷电,球罩一样的光球,弥漫覆盖在了十一巨大硬化拳头上,并且,在技进乎道巨化加持下,虽然十一没有变得太大,但是,它这次凝聚出来的招式,却无比迅速的增强着,变得庞大无比。 Spatial Quake!!!! 震空!!!! Bang!!! 轰!!! Condenses completes, the Eleven direct fist pounds, has not pounded King Oxhead, but hit directly in the air, but at this moment, the people actually not heard one accidentally/surprisingly are almost destroy the day to extinguish the huge sound, felt able to destroy all force! 凝聚完成,十一直接一拳砸出,并没有砸中牛头兽王,而是直接打在了空气上,但是这一刻,众人却毫无意外的听到了一声几乎算是毁天灭地巨大响声,感受到了可以毁灭一切的力量 In the huge blasting, „”, the Space direct disruption, entire location Space, like the shatter mirror, continuously presents White Lightning directly with the black lightning same fissure!! 庞大的震声中,“咔嚓”一声,空间直接碎裂,整个场地所处的空间,直接像破碎的镜子一样,不断出现白色闪电和黑色闪电一样裂痕!! Roar!!!” “吼!!!” At this moment, the King Oxhead sensation to the fatal threat, huge pupil shrank directly. 这一刻,牛头兽王感知到了致命的威胁,巨大瞳孔直接一缩。 At that moment, what it faces, with the aid of Convergence and Charge, surpassed the limit to absorb Eleven to say Heavenly Thunder force the full power eruption of Eleven!! 当下,它面对的是,借助内敛锋芒蓄能闪电,超越极限吸收了十一天雷力量十一的全力爆发!! Under the stimulation of Thunderbolt Armor, Eleven force achieved the pinnacle, Spatial Quake that force that shocks pounds, by way of strength of additions hundred times of Gigantify, Eleven was hit own complete force at this moment. 雷电铠甲的刺激下,十一力量达到了极致,震撼的力量砸出的一道震空,又经由百倍巨化之力加成,这一刻十一算是把自己的全部力量都打了出去。 This unequalled eruption, only then one pile of Full/Complete Level skill Shi Yu beast pet can achieve, did not fear that backlash Eleven can achieve. 这种无与伦比的爆发,也只有一堆满级技能时宇宠兽能够做到,也只有不怕反噬十一能够做到。 At present, in the King Oxhead eye, which Eleven also looks like Commander-level beast pet 眼下,在牛头兽王眼里,十一哪还像一只统领级宠兽 Roar!!!!( Fool Beast Master!!!!)” “吼!!!!(傻逼御兽师!!!!)” Roar!!( Is what the fuck 200,000??)” “吼!!(这尼玛是20万??)” Roar!!!( You *****, Grandpa ox I ****)” “吼!!!(你*****,牛爷爷我****)” King Oxhead is bellowing to yell, but facing was not only held by the Gigantify in addition, twined the deterrence terrifying to strike, it can only resist hardly. 牛头兽王在大吼大叫,但是面对不仅被巨化加持,又缠绕了威慑的恐怖一击,它只能硬抗。 This move of attack range, is the entire location. 况且,这一招的打击范围,是整个场地。 oh fuck.” At this time, was scolded by King Oxhead, Grandmaster Qujie had lost the elaborative faculty, because of his also sensation to this move of terrifying. 我草。”此时,被牛头兽王骂了一顿,曲解大师已经失去了思考能力,因为他也感知到了这一招的恐怖。 With he many years of proclaiming experiences, wants to ask, determined this is 20 10,000 energy value beast pet, rather than 2 million??? 以他多年的自封经验,很想问,确定这是20万能量值宠兽,而不是200万??? This time Grandmaster Qujie, somewhat cannot help but vacant, felt that lost the dream, he also wants to shout at this time, what the fuck is Commander-level??? 此时的曲解大师,不由得有些茫然,感觉失去了梦想,他此时也想大喊,这尼玛统领级??? Your TM is what monster!!!” Grandmaster Qujie stares the big eye finally, later the line of sight was covered by the white light. “你们TM是什么怪物!!!”曲解大师最后瞪大眼睛,随后视线被白光笼罩。 In an instant, the real world was shattered just like the illusion, contains terrifying force strikes, crushes all directly, sweeps across the strength of unequalled shake, swallows to King Oxhead. 转眼间,真实的世界宛若镜花水月般破碎,蕴含恐怖力量的一击,直接粉碎一切,席卷无与伦比的震荡之力,吞噬向牛头兽王 Under the white lightning and black Space crack interweave, all of entire location are almost the instantaneous smashing, the strength of huge shake, rushes to the clouds, shortly will rip open a hundred-meter natural moat the sky!!! 白色的闪电与黑色的空间裂缝交织下,整个场地的一切几乎是瞬间粉碎,庞大的震荡之力,更是冲上云霄,顷刻将天空撕开一道长达百米的天堑!!! Nearby. 附近。 Many people stop the footsteps, looks mutation that the sky has, vacant looks. 不少人停下脚步,看着天空出现的异变,茫然的看去。 Frightens covers the ear. 紧接着,吓得捂住耳朵。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Meanwhile, even if there is protection of flame Fighting spirit, but facing Eleven this also own autonomy 90% strikes, King Oxhead Fighting spirit is almost the instantaneous dissipation, its pupil is also the strength of instantaneous flood white, intense shake, impacts into its within the body directly, created the heavy losses of huge. 与此同时,哪怕有着火焰战魂的守护,但面对十一这也把自己自残90%的一击,牛头兽王身上的战魂几乎是瞬间消散,它的瞳孔也是瞬间泛白,强烈的震荡之力,直接冲击入它体内,给它造成了巨大的重创。 Vomits( fool Beast Master)” “呕(傻逼御兽师)” Until the stupor last minute, King Oxhead is still scolding Qujie, it only felt that this world, is the lie. 直到昏迷的最后一刻,牛头兽王还在骂曲解,它只感觉这个世间,都是谎言。 This time, is the pit. 这一次,又是坑。 Even did not use the seal, could not be victorious. 甚至都不用封印了,都打不过了。 Grandmaster Qujie:???????!!!! 曲解大师:???????啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!! This, the Grandmaster Qujie mentality exploded, finally comprehended, if oneself give the Shi Yu inspection again, he is the dog!!! 这回,曲解大师心态炸了,终于领悟了,自己如果再给时宇考核,他就是狗!!! This boy, at all is not a person!!! 这小子,根本不是人!!! Also, President Bai, breaks ties! 还有,白会长,绝交! After the moment, King Oxhead lost the consciousness thoroughly, Grandmaster Qujie also lost the elaborative faculty, all settled down, but the location surely did not have, Legend Bai, Principal Feng, Lu Qingyi, Bai Xi, President Bai and the others silent looks at all these, similarly cannot speak. 片刻后,牛头兽王彻底失去了意识,曲解大师也失去了思考能力,一切尘埃落定,只不过场地肯定是没了,白传奇封校长陆青依白溪白会长等人沉默的看着这一切,同样是说不出话来。 Somewhat suffocates, who can think, not inferior King Level in Shi Yu mouth, is depending on Commander-level Growth Level, jumped the ranks the challenge oneself One Million Energy Value powerful enemy to topple one high. 有些窒息,谁能想到,时宇口中的不逊色君王级,是指靠着统领级成长等级,越级挑战把一只高了自己百万能量值的强敌拉下马来。 aaah baaa.” At this moment, after Legend Bai and Principal Feng stayed one next, in the heart is fuck is then unceasing. 阿巴。”这一刻,白传奇封校长呆了一下后,心中便是卧槽不断。 Determined that this is Advanced Overlord, isn't Advanced Mythical Species? 确定这是高等霸主,不是高等神话种族 Spatial Quake, can shaking the strength of Space gives to Metal is on the material, can give to hardening on, Metal is the material rank to be higher, the strength of Space shake is stronger, oneself force is bigger, the strength of Space shake also jumps over 震空,可以将震荡空间之力赋予到属物质上,也可以赋予到硬化上,属物质等级越高,空间震荡之力越强,自身力量越大,空间震荡之力也越 Naturally, this war is only for reference, all take the material object as the standard, Eleven is king Clan, therefore compared with other Iron Eater, will look at rational training.】 【当然,此战仅供参考,一切以实物为准,十一是王,所以会比其他食铁兽强一点,望理性培养。】 At this time, the Shi Yu final introduction transmitted. 这时,时宇最后的介绍传来。 With introducing, beast ear girl Bai Xi eyes were red all of a sudden, trained the Panda desire to arrive at the pinnacle, even if did not have heart movement Lu Qingyi from the beginning, at this time was still the incomparable silence, in the vision fills inconceivable. 随着介绍,兽耳娘白溪一下子眼红了,培养熊猫的欲望到达了极致,就算是一开始没有心动的陆青依,此时也是无比的沉默,目光中充满不可思议。 The next quarter, two Legend start to analyze again. 下一刻,两位传奇再次开始分析。 Mother, is this also only in addition that ordinary Rank 8 Metal is brings holds???” “妈的,这还只是普通八级属带来的加持???” In the Shi Yu mouth can make Iron Eater perfection Evolution Meteorum Fragment this/should fierce??” 时宇口中能让食铁兽完美进化陨犴碎片又该多厉害??” „This this this does not train the national treasure, is the natural justice is simply intolerable.” “这这这这不培养成国宝,简直是天理难容。” Legend Bai and Principal Feng set out fiercely, the vision is red, at this moment, they have the premonition, then, Donghuang must shake because of Novenary Black Warmonger, this must make Beastmasters know that Iron Eater can Evolution become this thing, it is estimated that wants the people's petition to crusade against some Demigod, was Emperor Wu revenged, Meteorum, danger!!! 白传奇封校长猛地起身,目光通红,这一刻,他们有预感,接下来,东煌要因为九黎战兽而震荡了,这要让御兽师们知道食铁兽进化成这玩意,估计要全民请愿讨伐某个半神,为武帝报仇了,陨犴,危矣!!!
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