UB :: Volume #3

#245 Part 2: Also had/left the trick

Opposite, Chen Yu facing the flame of scattering in all directions, smiles, said: I said that although your strength is good, but this attack gives people flexure to be itchy.” 对面,陈御面对四散的火光,笑了笑,道:“我说,你实力虽然不错,但是这攻击给人挠痒痒呢吗。” I give you an opportunity, rides your Iron Eater, comes again one time.” “我给你一个机会,骑上你的食铁兽,再来一次。” Do not blame me not to give you opportunity.” “别怪我没给你机会。” Trivial Iron Eater.” “不过区区食铁兽哈哈。” The Shi Yu corners of the mouth twitch. 时宇嘴角抽搐。 Said that you were fat you also to breathe. 说你胖你还喘上了。 Also really thinks that I want you to let. 还真以为我要你让啊。 Uncle, you inflate very much.” “大叔,你很膨胀啊。” Originally he does not want to use that early, but considers as finished, quickly finished, he really does not have the thoughts to discipline now oneself. 本来他不想这么早动用那个的,但是算了算了,尽快结束吧,他现在实在没心思磨练自己。 The next quarter, Shi Yu stand forth, step by step, making opposite Chen Yu be in a daze. 下一刻,时宇向前走去,一步一步,让对面的陈御发愣。 You have listened, Frostfire Dragon?” “你听过,冰炎龙吗?” Shi Yu direct opens the mouth. 时宇直接开口。 Dodged light the ripples of emptying to appear in the Shi Yu chest front together. 紧接着,一道闪着光的空之涟漪出现在了时宇胸前。 Shi Yu puts out a hand, reaches in Relic Space directly, flies high pulls up slowly, immediately, the astonishing cold air spout, a blue divine sword drew out from different Space slowly, appears in the Shi Yu hand. 时宇伸出手来,直接伸向遗迹空间内,凌空缓缓拔起,随即,惊人的寒气喷涌,一把蓝色神剑慢慢从异空间中被拔出,出现在了时宇手中。 This process, the flame and cold air of Shi Yu body linger, changes into everywhere Power of Frostfire. 这个过程,时宇身体的火焰与寒气萦绕起来,化为漫天的冰炎之力 Meanwhile, in the sword sends out together the fearful dragon roar. 同时,剑内散发出一道可怕的吼。 Roar!!!!” “吼!!!!” The terrifying dragon roar, shakes everyone's mind in a flash, lets their short absent-minded, but Shi Yu opposite Chen Yu, psyche was more absent-minded, was shocked by Dragon's Might directly, received suppression that originates from Bloodlines. 恐怖的吼,一瞬间震住现场所有人的心神,让他们短暂的失神,而时宇对面的陈御,精神就更加恍惚了,直接被龙威震慑了住,受到了来源于血脉的压制。 Meanwhile, Shi Yu lifts off slowly. 与此同时,时宇缓缓升空。 Quick, when Chen Yu recovers, pupil shrinks suddenly, discovered that the Shi Yu stance completely changed, at this moment, Ice Dragon Phantom of terrifying is born under the Shi Yu body, becomes his mount. 很快,当陈御回过神来,瞳孔猛然一缩,发现时宇的姿态完全变了,此时此刻,更是有一尊恐怖的冰龙幻影诞生于时宇身下,成为了他的坐骑。 Huge Hoarfrost Dragon, the body as if comprised of the ice stone, the color ice blue and deep purple interweaves, represents coldly. 庞大的冰霜巨龙,身躯仿佛都是由冰石组成,颜色冰蓝与深紫交织,代表极寒。 Not is only the body, its neck, head, long-tail, sharp claws and canine, four powerful feet, that pair of pair of wings, is the ice lithical feeling, the scale is disclosing completely coldly, has wind snow to linger, forms the striking contrast with Shi Yu of flame shape. 不仅是身躯,它颈、头颅、长尾、利爪、尖牙,四只强而有力的脚,还有那一对双翼,全部都是冰石质感,鳞片透露着寒冷,有风萦绕,与火焰形态的时宇形成鲜明对比。 Roar!!!!!” “吼!!!!!” Ice Dragon roared, the wing flapped. 冰龙一声咆哮,翅膀拍动起来。 At this moment, small Akame is also cheering, likes with the Ice Dragon Phantom coordination inexplicably. 这一刻,小赤瞳也在欢呼,莫名喜欢和冰龙幻影配合。 All are ready, Shi Yu lifts up high Ice Dragon Blade. 一切准备就绪,时宇高举冰龙之刃 !!! 唰!!! Dazzling incomparable, the sword meteorology that roughly more than ten meters tall blue and interweaves red is tumbling Blizzard, probably spout fire mountain, sweeps across Dragon's Might to go toward the Chen Yu steamroll directly, brings suffocating deterrence, by force, is as good as Shi Yu the Firebolt Sword pressure that cuts in the arena!! 一道耀眼无比,约莫十多米高蓝与红交织的剑气像是翻滚的暴风雪,像是喷涌的火,直接席卷龙威朝着陈御碾压而去,带着令人窒息的威慑,论力量,丝毫不亚于时宇在擂台上斩出的雷炎剑压!! Bang!!! 轰!!! The sword of steamroll Frostfire Dragon the arena, is making opposite Chen Yu pupil shrink directly, before feeling the threat of far ultra, Sunslasher, but he wants to hide at this time, had actually been shocked by Dragon's Might, had no place to go. 冰炎龙之剑碾压着擂台,直接让对面的陈御瞳孔一缩,感觉到了远超之前光炎剑的威胁,但是他此时想躲,却已经被龙威震慑住,无处可逃。 The sword light of ice and fire raids, sweeps across the huge dust and fog directly, swallows Chen Yu one, the astonishing complementary waves, change into the strong winds instantaneously, is moving the Shi Yu red hair. 冰与火的剑光袭来,直接席卷巨大的尘雾,将陈御一口吞噬,惊人的余波,瞬间化为狂风,吹动着时宇的红发。 Above Ice Dragon, Red-Haired Red-Eye Shi Yu grasps Ice Dragon Blade, the expression is light. 冰龙之上,红发赤瞳时宇手持冰龙之刃,表情平淡。 Sorry, a broken against small turtle, but also has no need for Iron Eater.” “对不起,破防一头小乌龟,还用不着食铁兽。” Iron Eater was too strong, using me to fear.” 食铁兽太强了,用起来我自己都怕。” Trivial turtle.” “区区乌龟。” Shi Yu calm opens the mouth. 时宇淡定的开口。 At this moment, all Player and audience, are shocked and panic-stricken in abundance. 这一刻,所有选手和观众,都纷纷震惊与惊骇起来。 fuck. 卧槽 In anything. 发生了啥。 The chairman's podium, Legend Bai and another two, are startled fiercely. 主席台,白传奇和另外两位,都是猛地一怔。 „Does the Rank 7 weapon, contain the Rank 7 weapon of dragon soul?” 七级武器,蕴含魂的七级武器?” At this time, the smog diverges, the whole body was iced the Chen Yu stand ground that on the scene the fire corrodes broken, the whole body injury, his expression delay, same was frightened with these audience, no one has thought, the Shi Yu backhand pulls out a rank high to the odd weapon. 此时,烟雾散去,浑身残破被冰火侵蚀的陈御站在场地上,满身伤势,他表情呆滞,和那些观众一样被吓到,谁也没想到,时宇反手就掏出一把等级高到离谱的武器。 This fights against both sides unarmed, a side pulls out the rocket launcher to be the same suddenly. 这就跟双方赤手空拳打架,一方忽然掏出火箭炮一样。 Outside the arena, the Bai Xi opening mouth, remembered itself to make Shi Yu prepare the reminder of Equipment, but 擂台外,白溪张大嘴巴,想起了自己让时宇去准备装备的提醒,但 Does this sword, where Shi Yu do??? 这把剑,时宇哪搞来的??? In watches this war that everyone shocks, Shi Yu lifts Ice Dragon Blade again, plans to settle the opponent, takes the victory time, the mutation lives suddenly!! 就在所有人震撼的看着这一战,时宇再次抬起冰龙之刃,打算了结对手,拿下胜利的时候,异变突生!! Breaks wind!!!】 【放屁!!!】 Is trivial Iron Eater is right, the turtle is definitely stronger than Iron Eater, is this fellow draws the hip purely!】 【就是区区食铁兽才对,乌龟肯定比食铁兽更强啊,纯粹是这个家伙拉胯罢了!】 The huge roar, spreads over sky over entire Emperor Wu's Relic suddenly, making everyone be shocked. 巨大的吼声,忽然传遍整个武帝遗迹上空,让所有人都愣住。 The Shi Yu movement also stiffens all of a sudden, a face compels ignorant. 时宇的动作也是一下子僵住,一脸的懵逼。 At this moment, accident suddenly, is to make Legend Bai have a fit of bad temper suddenly, is startled to look at all around instantaneously, does not understand that had anything. 这一刻,忽然的变故,更是让白传奇猛然炸毛,瞬间惊起看着四周,不明白发生了什么。 Then, a stranger appearance, in the sky, appeared a pair of huge red double pupil. 接下来,更为诡异的一幕出现,天空中,浮现了一对巨大的红色双瞳。 Under the gaze of double pupil. 双瞳的注视下。 In entire Emperor Wu's Relic, besides Shi Yu, all people starts to fill the white light, was transmitted Emperor Wu's Relic unexpectedly, only left behind a Shi Yu person to face directly this unthinkable one in empty Emperor Wu's Relic. 整个武帝遗迹中,除了时宇之外,所有人身上开始弥漫起白光,竟然一个一个被传送出了武帝遗迹,只留下了时宇一个人在空荡荡的武帝遗迹直面这匪夷所思的一幕。 fuck.” Just installed to compel, immediately Shi Yu could not stretch, reveals expression that employed professional mourners. 卧槽。”刚刚装完逼,当即时宇就绷不住了,露出哭丧的表情。 fuck fuck fuck, occurrence of TM anything!!!!! 卧槽卧槽卧槽,又TM的发生了什么啊!!!!! Senior Sister Lu, Senior Bai, Grandpa Bai, Old Man Feng, saves me! 陆学姐,白学姐,白爷爷,封姥爷,救我! Meanwhile, outside Emperor Wu's Relic, over ten thousand people almost appeared in Wuling City instantaneously, ignorant compelled looks at all around. 与此同时,武帝遗迹外,上万人几乎是瞬间出现在了武陵市内,懵逼的看着四周。 Legend Bai stands in place, dull , under their gazes, nine ex-root rock pillars in Wuling City, neat ka. 白传奇站立于某地,呆呆愣愣,紧接着,在他们的注视下,武陵市内的九根外岩柱,齐刷刷的“咔”了一声。 Split a seam. 都裂开了一个缝。 Sees this picture, Lu Qingyi, Bai Xi and Legend Bai that was transmitted at a loss have over ten thousand audience, was silly, ha? 见到这个画面,茫然被传送出来的陆青依白溪白传奇还有上万名观众,都傻了,哈?
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