UPOH :: Volume #3

#439: Fatal mistake! 【Is the silver Alliance Lord young in addition 8】

This is gambling!” “这是一次赌博!” Zuo Changlu comes straight to the point, said directly: Moreover is the long-drawn-out pass/test three continent life welfare, in the future will save following huge gambling! Extremely adventurous, but we must bet one time!” 左长路开门见山,直接说道:“而且是悠关三个大陆生灵福祉,未来存继的巨大赌博!极其冒险,但是我们必须要赌一次!” Otherwise, we cannot support Monster Clan continent to return, first a destruction in the Demon Clan hand!” “否则,我们根本就撑不到妖族大陆回归,就会先一步毁灭在魔族手中!” Therefore, this time adventure, imperative! Also invited everyone after me any resolution that made, do not have any objection!” “所以,这一次冒险,势在必行!还请大家对于我之后做出的任何决议,不要有任何的异议!” Zuo Changlu vision like electricity. 左长路目光如电。 Understood!” “明白!” Everyone is complies. 大家都是答应下来。 Below me must deploy, is returns in view of this time Demon Clan, issue how we must intercept!” Zuo Changlu these words, aroused the utmost interest of people. “我以下要部署的,乃是针对这一次魔族回归,我们要如何截击的问题!”左长路这一句话,引起了众人的极大兴趣。 In people eyes, explodes two groups of brights. 人人眼中,都是爆出来两团亮光。 Intercepts Demon Clan!! 截击魔族!! Finally, on this day, can arrive? 终于,这一天,要到来了吗? Intercepts Demon Clan, where?” Daoist Lei is very excited. “截击魔族,在什么地方?”雷道人很兴奋。 The answer of this issue, endures to make everyone be very excited fully, but also has doubts very much! 这个问题的答案,足堪令到所有人都感到很兴奋,但也很疑惑! Like this intercepts the sneak attack the opportunity, has one time, said is once in a thousand years, eternal unparalleled is not overrated! 这样子截击偷袭的机会,就只得一次,说是千载难逢,万古无双都是不为过的! Because of such opportunity, not only has one time, but also the gap time is very short, at most also only then less than one minute! 因为这样子的机遇,不但只得一次,而且间隙时间很短,至多也就只有不到一分钟的时间而已! If can hold this minute, endures fully to return Demon Clan causes the greatest damage, reduces their unquantifiable strength upper limits. 若是能够抓住这一分钟的时间,足堪给归来的魔族造成莫大的损伤,削减掉他们难以估量的战力上限。 Once goes well, three continent aspect odds of success will increase inevitably, this in other words, the this time opportunity, is three continent affects the life and death turning point! 一旦得手,三大陆方面胜算势必大增,这也就是说,这一次机会,乃是三大陆攸关生死的转折点! Cinnabar Emptiness Great Shaman looks has hung the huge three continent map projections on wall, the vision is dignified. 丹空大巫看着已经挂在墙上的巨大三大陆地图投影,目光凝重空前。 Throne Zuo, the this time interception...... the responsibility is significant, possibly is the good opportunity, actually also not necessarily is not the crisis.” 左御座,这一次截击……干系重大,可能是良机,却也未必不是危机。” Cinnabar Emptiness Great Shaman said: According to your strategy, all our high-end strengths must gather to one inevitably, the waiting interception time, but if Demon Clan has not actually returned from the preinstall place, but from other directions, other positions returns, the defense lines of other places inevitably weakly, once were formed the potential of pushing directly into by the Demon Clan strength, three continent only then suffer a defeat and flee faster...... this matter, is prudent!” 丹空大巫道:“依照你的战略,我们所有高端战力都势必得聚集到一处,等待截击时机,但若是魔族却没有从预设地点归来,而是从其他方向,其他位置归来,其他地方的防线势必薄弱至极,一旦被魔族战力形成长驱直入之势,三大陆只有败亡更速……此事,还是要慎重啊!” Zuo Changlu sinking sound said: I understand this, will therefore say, this is gambling! But the gambling stake, is three continent destinies!” 左长路沉声道:“我正是明白这点,所以才会说,这是一次赌博!而赌注,就是三个大陆的命运!” Zuo Changlu such remarks, the full house is completely silent, the scene peaceful to even can hear the sound of heartbeat. 左长路此言一出,满场鸦雀无声,场面安静到甚至能听到心跳的声响。 Flood Great Shaman said lightly: „If not make the interception, waits for Demon Clan continent and three parties continent fuses, then launches the attack, finally also has any distinction?” 洪水大巫淡淡道:“如果不做截击,等待魔族大陆与三方大陆融合,进而展开攻击,结果又有任何的分别么?” Did, so long as did right, can reduce the loss ; Some least tens of millions people will not first die ; The words that does not make, the foregone conclusion of plunging the people into disaster, does not have the swivel again.” “做了,只要做对了,就能减少损失;最少也有数千万人不会第一时间就死;不做的话,生灵涂炭的定局,再无转圜。” Since the destiny has been in the situation that must bet, bets may be loses, why that did not choose to bet, why at least bet can also have a slim chance of survival...... not to bet?” “既然命运已经到了必须要赌的地步,赌不赌都有可能是输,那为什么不选择赌了,起码赌了还能有一线生机……为何不赌?” Flood Great Shaman sits well on the chair, the vision is profound. 洪水大巫端坐在椅子上,目光深邃空前。 The people also understood all of a sudden, now the situation is obvious, even if three continent absolute sincerity cooperation, not necessarily is return the enemy of Demon Clan, behind also has more tyrannical Monster Clan let alone, since must lose in any event , bets why not the previous time? 众人也都一下子明白了过来,现在态势明显,三大陆纵然精诚合作,也未必是归来的魔族之敌,更何况后面还有更强横的妖族,既然无论如何都是要输,那么,何妨赌上一次? Even lost, what so-called also there is? 即便赌输了,又有什么所谓? The consequence cannot be worse in any case! 反正后果不会能更糟了! Below is the deployment.” Zuo Changlu said. “下面是部署。”左长路道。 Daoist Lei inserts said: You had not said that the exact location whereabouts where, I understand to intercept imperative, but the accuracy of target location, similarly is most important, about this, we have the right to know!” 雷道人插言道:“你还没说具体位置着落在什么地方呢,我明白截击势在必行,但目标位置的准确性,同样是重中之重,关于这点,我们有权利知道!” Daoist Lei is another continent first person outside Flood Great Shaman and Zuo Changlu, but he asked is also the key question, simultaneously presents everyone issue of concern! 雷道人乃是洪水大巫左长路之外的另一名大陆第一人,而他问出的亦是关键问题,同时还是在场所有人至为关心的问题! Zuo Changlu hesitated, said: Develops, destiny universe rotation technique after the heavenly secrets essence, as well as all heavens viewing qi ; We have been able to determine an approximate position.” 左长路沉吟了一下,道:“经过天机精演、气运乾坤轮转之术,以及诸天望气;我们已经可以确定一个大致的方位。” Determines an approximate position, what position that is concrete?” “确定一个大致方位,那具体什么方位?” The people is a little blurry. 众人有点迷糊。 Does the heavenly secrets essence develop? Does the destiny universe rotate? all heavens viewing qi? 天机精演?气运乾坤轮转?诸天望气 Listens to these three big on reputations, immediately does a piece ignorant to compel all high levels. 听罢这三个高大上的名头,顿时将所有高层搞得一片懵逼。 Everyone one after another is the unclear sleep/felt is severe, completely does not know that these are anything. 大家一个个都是不明觉厉,全然不知道这些都是什么。 But everyone is the ruthless role that can take up to put down, knows that now does not intertwine these unable to understand! 但大家都是拿得起放得下的狠角色,知道现在可不是纠结这些懂不懂的时候! The key point is, where is this place at? 关键点是,这个地方在哪? Other anything method discovery, is unimportant! 其他什么手段发现的,不重要! Zuo Changlu puts out a hand a finger/refers, sincere say/way: „The conclusion that we draw is the place that...... Demon Clan returns, most likely (80%) assurances, from this co-factor propagation continent!” 左长路伸手一指,正色的道:“我们得出的结论是……魔族归来的地方,有八成的把握,是从这个位置融合大陆!” His finger projects a white light, some place of accurate illumination above on map. 他的手指头射出一道白光,精准的照射在地图上某个地点之上。 Immediately, Bai Yunduo takes a red pen, this place, encircled a circle. 随即,白云朵拿着一支红笔,将这个地方,圈了一个圈。 Red circle center, shining three large characters. 红色的圆圈中心,明晃晃的三个大字。 Plague sea! 瘟疫海! Plague coast?” Flood Great Shaman frowns all of a sudden. “瘟疫海岸?”洪水大巫一下子皱起了眉头。 This place, is a little far from Shaman Alliance, but is near from Dao Alliance Continent, because this radically is the Dao Alliance Continent edge. 这个地方,距离巫盟有点远,但距离道盟大陆却非常近,因为这根本就是道盟大陆的边缘。 Good, is the plague sea!” Zuo Changlu affirmative nod. “不错,就是瘟疫海!”左长路肯定的点头。 The face of Dao Alliance Seven Swords was all of a sudden white, in complexion of their behind numerous Dao Alliance expert, also changes facial color, changes beyond the score ugly. 道盟七剑的脸一下子就白了,在他们身后的一众道盟高手的脸色,也随之变颜变色,变得分外难看。 Why is the plague sea? How can be here?” Daoist Yun stands up suddenly, eyeful is completely incredible looks at these three characters. “为什么是瘟疫海?怎么会是这里?”云道人陡然站起身来,满眼尽是不可置信的看着这三个字。 Has a few words he not saying: Why lands from Dao Alliance? Why not lands from Shaman Alliance or Star Soul? 有一句话他没有说出来:为什么是从道盟登陆?为什么不是从巫盟或者星魂登陆? If Demon Clan lands from the plague sea, bearing the brunt is the Dao Alliance inland...... also only has to/clashes broken Dao Alliance, will be one's turn Star Soul Continent, then can disperse, expands the front...... to rushes to the Star Soul Continent edge again, will affect Shaman Alliance Continent seriously. 魔族要是从瘟疫海登陆,首当其冲的就是道盟内陆……也唯有一路冲碎道盟,才会轮到星魂大陆,然后才能分散开来,扩展战线……须得再冲到星魂大陆的边缘,才会当真波及到巫盟大陆 If seriously is such situation, Dao Alliance Continent unexpectedly is the first victim of this catastrophe! 若当真是这样的局势,道盟大陆竟是这场浩劫的首个受害者! Why is the plague sea, this you must ask Demon Clan.” “为什么是瘟疫海,这你就要去问魔族了。” Zuo Changlu coughs, said: But now the observed place, is actually here, is the process confirmed over and over, no one have no reason to counterfeit in this aspect.” 左长路咳嗽一声,道:“但现在观测到的地点,却就是在这里,已经是经过再三确认,没有人也没有理由在这方面上作假。” „......” “……” Dao Alliance Seven Swords eye, straight sat, the one after another complexion is pallid. 道盟七剑直着眼睛,直直的坐了下去,一个个脸色煞白。 They naturally understand that in the truth, three continent definitely will be under the impact that Demon Clan returns, this is the matter of being settled, three continent who is first attacked after who is attacked, must be attacked, this is without a doubt, but meanwhile at the last moment, is takes the lead to be attacked by the catastrophe unexpectedly, under the heart is not willing not to would rather be the way things should be. 他们自然明白个中道理,三大陆必然会受到魔族回归的冲击,这是板上钉钉的事情,三大陆谁先受袭谁后受袭,仍旧还是都要受袭,这是毋庸置疑的,但此际事到临头,竟是自家率先被浩劫侵袭,心下不甘愿不情愿乃是人之常情。 Only listens to Zuo Changlu paused also saying: Naturally, any heavenly secrets calculation has the error, even we have calculated to confirm repeatedly, the wrong possibility, still has, roughly has less than 10% mistake probabilities.” 只听左长路顿了一顿又道:“当然,任何天机演算都存在误差,就算我们已经多次演算确认,错误的可能性,也还是有的,约莫有不到10%的失误几率。” You might as well said do not have. 那你还不如说没有。 Over 90% assurances, that was basically settled. 超过90%的把握,那基本就是板上钉钉了。 Daoist Lei breathing a sigh of relief of gently, he is the Dao Alliance first person, the state of mind is quite eventually tenacious, when confirming condition, knows for sure to blame god and man to no help, immediately hurries to try to find the solution is proper. 雷道人轻轻的舒了一口气,他终究是道盟第一人,心境还是比较坚韧的,在确认状况之余,情知怨天尤人于事无补,当下赶紧想办法才是正经。 What to do but should? 可是该怎么办呢? Again why now argues anything, does not have the significance. 现在再去争论什么为什么,毫无意义。 In the heart had a thought to glitter suddenly: vermilion battle who Zuo Changlu sends, seemingly...... Zuo Changlu knew this place in that nearby guarding long time ago, therefore vermilion Zhancai did choose that boundary as the place of presence specially? 只是心中有一个念头蓦然闪烁了一下:左长路派去的朱战,貌似就在那左近驻守……难道左长路早早就知道了这个地方,所以那朱战才特意挑选了那地界作为驻留之地? Such a thinks, Daoist Lei cannot help but responds with the grateful vision to Zuo Changlu! 这么一想,雷道人不由得对左长路报以感激的目光! That is this world peak overhaul, to confirm condition, to prepare emergency requirement, was sent by Zuo Changlu obstinately, that past may stops up the bullet hole, the first goal that Demon Clan continent returns must be that vermilion battle, will not have others again...... 那可是一位此世巅峰大修,就为了确认状况,以备不时之需,愣是被左长路派了过去,那过去可就是堵枪眼,魔族大陆归来的第一目标就得是那朱战,不会再有其他人…… This favor, was big. 这份人情,可是大了去了。 But Daoist Lei thinks immediately another matter, the whole body shakes suddenly, the complexion is pallid. The lip is trembling, almost must faint general. 雷道人随即想到了另一件事,突然浑身一震,脸色煞白。嘴唇哆嗦着,几乎要晕了过去一般。 We on set off, rush to that side tonight.” Zuo Changlu said: Your these...... under Heavenly King, convene the army immediately, turns toward that side to migrate collectively.” “我们今天晚上就出发,赶到那边去。”左长路道:“你们这些……天王之下的,立即召集部队,集体向着那边迁移。” „The strength under Flying Boundary...... does not need to pass to join in the fun, this time liveliness is not good to look! The army under Flying, sets up a general to command, henceforth distributes in each region fort, must guarantee the head and tail interlocking, coordinates with each other across a great distance, with the aid of us the hero's soul checkpoint that builds in each region, prepares small stock Demon Clan that deals a head-on blow to flee in all directions at any time, maximum defend beyond entrance.” 飞天境界之下的战力……就不需要过去凑热闹了,这次的热闹不好瞧!飞天之下的部队,设立一位将军自行统帅,从此分布于各地要塞,要确保首尾相接,遥相呼应,借助我们于各地建立的英魂关卡,随时准备迎头痛击流窜进来的小股魔族,最大限度的御敌于国门之外。” Yes.” “是。” „The Shaman Clan team scatters, merges into the Star Soul army, accepts the unified command!” 巫族的队伍打散,并入星魂军队,接受统一指挥!” Yes!” “是!” In continent meanwhile carving of critical life or death, the beforehand all gratitude and grudges, put down totally, if violates, stands cuts the nine generations, not hesitates certainly!” “在大陆此际危急存亡之刻,之前的所有恩怨,一概放下,若有违反,立斩九族,绝无犹疑!” Yes!” “是!” Immediately begins to arrange! Before noon tomorrow, must complete the troops to fuse! Before tomorrow afternoon, must complete the setting out matters concerned!” “立即着手安排!在明天中午之前,要完成军旅融合!明天下午之前,要完成开拔事宜!” Yes.” “是。” Critical time, when with severe laws! No other penalties, only then three characters, as long as violates any military order......” “危急时刻,当用重典!没有任何其他的惩罚,只有三个字,但凡违反任何军令者……” The eye of Zuo Changlu like sharp arrow, sweeps on the people face, said lightly: „...... Kills without the amnesty!” 左长路的眼睛如同利箭,在众人脸上一扫而过,淡淡道:“……杀无赦!” Yes!” “是!” Dao Alliance aspect army, was still arranged by the Dao Alliance high level, at that time fought against Demon Clan in the Dao Alliance inland, takes lowering the loss as first strategy. The solid matter may not is not able to resist, will remove in the future, removes to Star Soul, everyone together defend, altogether anti- demon calamity, but I think that should be...... after some time matter.” Zuo Changlu said 道盟方面军队,仍由道盟高层自行安排,彼时在道盟内陆抗击魔族,以减轻损失为优先战略。实在事不可为抵挡不住的时候,就往后撤,撤到星魂这边,大家共同御敌,共抗魔祸,但我想,那怎么也应该是……一段时间以后的事情。”左长路 Daoist Lei serious complying: Good! The wind and cloud went out to transmit orders.” 雷道人严肃的答应:“好!风云出去传令。” Good.” “好。” Wait!” “等等!” The Flood Great Shaman brow stood, a character character asked: „Does Dao Alliance in the plague coast, have the construction hero's soul pass/test? Is the hero's soul stars bureau?” 洪水大巫眉头立了起来,一字字问道:“道盟在瘟疫海岸,是否有建造英魂关?就是英魂星辰局?” This towering issue, made the Dao Alliance Seven Swords collective all of a sudden silent. 这个突兀的问题,一下子令道盟七剑集体为之沉默了下来。 Seven person glance at each other, then look at behind Heavenly Kings. 七个人相互看了一眼,然后看着身后的天王们 In them behind, Dao Alliance high-level one after another is pale, the vision does not dare with its docking, to glitter is shunting. 在他们身后,道盟的高层一个个脸色苍白,目光不敢与其对接,闪烁着躲开了。 Dao Alliance Seven Swords...... 道盟七剑…… Besides Daoist Lei, other six people of brushing, look deathly pale like the paper immediately! 除了雷道人之外,其他六人刷的一声,顿时脸色惨白如纸! As for Daoist Lei...... he before, had been rent with grief a moment ago...... 至于雷道人……他早已经在刚才之前,就已经是五内俱焚了…… Zuo Changlu whole body fierce shakes, the look transfers incredible stunned immediately, immediately turns around to look fiercely to Daoist Lei, the vision like the electricity, brings intensely almost must explode general constraining, the sound was hoarse: That boundary, you...... haven't you...... constructed the hero's soul pass/test?!” 左长路浑身剧烈的一震,眼神登时转为不可置信的错愕,随即猛地转身看向雷道,目光如电,带着强烈的几乎要爆炸一般的压抑,声音都沙哑了:“那地界,你……你们……没建英魂关?!” ............ ………… Asked the sound monthly ticket. Having diarrhea stopped, and has not broken, then I felt that actually might as well had not said that has diarrhea this matter. Such you will only scold a laziness, said, teased me quickly...... 【求声月票吧。拉肚子止住了,而且没断更,然后我感觉其实还不如没说拉肚子这事儿。那样你们只会骂一声懒,说了后都快调侃死我了…… Asked the sound ticket. 】 求声票吧。】
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