UPOH :: Volume #3

#440: Ambush plan

Daoist Lei is nearly shameful: Other direction position, established, that boundary position is remote, is big a sea for the natural screen......” 雷道人近乎无地自容:“别的方向位置,都建立了,那地界位置偏僻,还有偌大一海为天然屏障……” Hears this is incapable illustration, everyone collective is speechless! 听到这番无力至极的解说,所有人集体无语! Dumb as a wooden chicken! 呆若木鸡! Facing the people despises, but angry vision...... 面对众人鄙夷而愤怒的目光…… Daoist Lei is nearly shameful: Other direction position, established, that boundary position is remote, is big a sea for the natural screen......” 雷道人近乎无地自容:“别的方向位置,都建立了,那地界位置偏僻,还有偌大一海为天然屏障……” Hears this is incapable illustration, everyone collective is speechless! 听到这番无力至极的解说,所有人集体无语! Dumb as a wooden chicken! 呆若木鸡! Raging Fire Great Shaman direct scalp tingles jumped: Your Dao Alliance what is this?! How did other place construct? Only then hasn't the Demon Clan future place constructed????” 烈火大巫直接头皮发麻的跳了起来:“你们道盟这是什么意思?!怎么别的地方都建了?偏偏就只有魔族将来的地方没建????” A Raging Fire Great Shaman red hair set upright, the eye is common like the bronze bell. 烈火大巫一头红色的头发都竖了起来,眼睛如同铜铃一般。 Seven old daoist together with the Dao Alliance Heavenly King expert, one after another are shameful lowering the head, did not say a word. 七位老道连同道盟天王高手,一个个都是无地自容的低下了头,一言不发。 „!!!!” “!!!!” Zuo Changlu only felt that under foot fiercely one soft, steps on the bottomless trench to be the same probably. 左长路只感觉脚底下猛地一软,就好像踩着无底深渊一般。 Vision stubbornly is staring at Daoist Lei, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered invincible Heaven Patrolling Throne, sound in this moment somewhat hoarse: Why only then that hasn't side constructed the hero's soul pass/test?!” 目光死死的盯着雷道人,纵横无敌的巡天御座,声音在这一刻都有些嘶哑:“为什么只有那一面没有建英魂关?!” At this moment, Zuo Changlu even suspected that so-called planning of oneself, radically is appearance of established causes and effects, vermilion Yan voluntarily choice destination, but possibly forms the beginning of most plague tribulation, where regardless of even vermilion Yan cannot go, there will become the Demon Clan inevitable return place, hundred li (0.5 km) dike fails at the ant nest, truth that never said purely! 这一刻,左长路甚至怀疑自己的所谓谋算,根本就是既定因果的显现,朱厌自行选择的去处,只不过是可能形成最大灾劫的起点而已,甚至无论朱厌去不去哪里,那里都会成为魔族必然的归来地点,百里之堤溃于蚁穴,从来不是单纯说说的道理! Zuo Changlu has not waited for the reply, immediately turns around to You Dongtian: Star Soul Continent, instantly! To Dao Alliance Continent that side, again additional hero's soul pass/test! On the existing basis, again additional two times! Quickly! Goes quickly!” 左长路没有等回答,即时转身对着游东天:“星魂大陆,即刻!面向道盟大陆的那一面,再加英魂关!在原来的基础上,再加两倍!快!快去!” Looking ashen You Dongtian without delay, dashes to go immediately. 面如土色的游东天二话不说,即时飞奔而去。 In this time field the atmosphere, just like solidifies. 这时候的场中气氛,恍如就此凝固。 Then Zuo Changlu looks at Daoist Lei: Why?” 然后左长路才看着雷道人:“为什么?” „...... The manpower was really insufficient...... we to choose in the Shaman Alliance boundary, the Sun and Moon Pass direction extended, as well as...... established many hero's souls to close to the north......, but that side plague sea, was in itself the natural moat general existed......, therefore...... yeah......” “……人手实在不足……我们选择了在巫盟边界,日月关方向延伸,以及对北方……建立了不少的英魂关……而瘟疫海那边,本身就是天堑一般的存在……所以……哎……” At this moment, has understood the condition Dao Alliance Seven Swords to regret that results in the intestines to be swollen. 此刻,已然明了状况的道盟七剑早已经后悔得肠子都肿了。 Gawked gawked, the Zuo Changlu mood erupted suddenly, shouts abuse: Bastard! Do these defense lines that you establish...... guard against Demon Clan? Is clearly guarding against our Star Soul and Shaman Alliance!!” 愣了一愣,左长路突然间情绪爆发,破口大骂:“混蛋!你们建立的那些个防线……是防备魔族的?分明是在防备我们星魂巫盟!!” You are guarding against the ally! Where has to guard against the enemy!” “你们是在防备战友!哪里有防备敌人!” The Zuo Changlu face was blue, angry roaring: What is the natural moat? Demon Clan trim continent returns, their first choice the point of descent is being the spacious sea position lands, really looks for an corner/horn to hit hardly? Even if they do not love dearly our here continent, can still be afraid Demon Clan continent to be damaged?” 左长路脸都青了,愤怒的咆哮:“什么叫天堑?魔族整片大陆归来,他们首选的着落点就是空旷的海洋位置着陆,难道真找个角硬撞进来?他们就算不心疼咱们这边的大陆,也要害怕魔族大陆本身受损吧?” In the heads of your seven people fulled floaded operation the excrement?!!!” “你们七个人的脑袋里难道都灌满了屎吗?!!!” Zuo Changlu one cursed right in the face, the air/Qi resulted in the breath rapidly. 左长路劈头盖脸一顿大骂,气得呼吸都急促了起来。 The Dao Alliance everyone collective lowers the head to be scolded. 道盟所有人集体低头挨骂。 For the first time Dao Alliance Seven Swords such big age, pointed at the nose to scold is so coarse. However now, can only listen! 道盟七剑这么大的岁数,第一次被人指着鼻子骂的这么难听。但是现在,只能听着! There is no words to say. 没有任何话可说。 Because this is really in the wrong! No wonder others scolded! 因为这是真的理亏!怪不得人家骂! Even, they in relates, could not have complained about the position that the Star Soul Continent heavenly secrets essence develops to calculate are the plague seas, should not be the plague sea, spacious vastly good whereabouts place! 甚至,他们已经在联想,怨不得星魂大陆天机精演演算出来的位置是瘟疫海,可不就该是瘟疫海么,多空旷多辽阔多好的着落地点哪! How now to scold them again, scolded them, scolded them, can change the reality?” Flood Great Shaman calmly saying of taunt: I had not counted on Dao Alliance can make anything, you started saying that simply how to intercept.” “现在再怎么骂他们,骂死他们,骂化他们,难道就能改变得了现实吗?”洪水大巫冷静而嘲讽的说道:“我从来就没有指望过道盟能做什么,你干脆开始说怎么截击吧。” A few words, seem like the most resounding slap in the face, hitting of papapa on several old daoist faces. 一句话,就好像是最最响亮的耳光,啪啪啪的打在几位老道脸上。 Suddenly, several people must the face like pig blood general bright red, vermilion Seyu drop. 一时间,几个人得面孔如同猪血一般的鲜红,朱色欲滴。 The appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, now is nothing left. 原本仙风道骨的模样,现在早已经荡然无存。 Zuo Changlu deeply shouted inspires, the mood of surging pressed. 左长路深深呼吸了一口气,将激荡的情绪压了下来。 But such as the blade vision was still gazing at the Dao Alliance people: „The this time interception, what responsibility your Dao Alliance must shoulder, what position, does oneself know in heart?” 但如刀目光仍旧注视着道盟众人:“这一次截击,你们道盟要承担什么责任,什么位置,自己心里有数吧?” Daoist Lei ashamed extreme say/way: Relax, since were we make such big mistake...... naturally to go all out to make up!” 雷道人羞愧万状的道:“放心,既然是我方出现了这么大的失误……自然会拼命弥补!” You Xingchen snort/hum, got angry: „Do you make up? You definitely want to make up, if Demon Clan returns as scheduled, will be admitted three continent center by your operation directly, is the original intention that but you want to make up for what? Because what is bears the brunt is Dao Alliance Continent, not so, not sticks one's neck out mistakenly year to year such as you and others, can continue sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, in everyone heart have several!” 游星辰哼了一声,怒道:“你们弥补?你们肯定想弥补,若是魔族如期归来,将会直接被你们的这一手操作放进了三个大陆的腹地,可你们想弥补的初衷又是什么?是因为首当其冲的乃是道盟大陆,错非如此,常年明哲保身如你等,会不会继续坐山观虎斗,大家心内有数!” Matter to this situation, if Demon Clan rushes in the inland......, let alone your side has not established the hero's soul pass/test, even if established place, the direction is still opposite......, when who can't imagine?” “事情到了这地步,万一魔族闯进内陆……别说你们那边没有建立英魂关,就算是建立了的地方,方向也是相反的……当谁想象不到吗?” The people collective of even more is speechless. 众人愈发的集体无语起来。 The ridicule of Star Picking Thearch is bald-faced, actually there is something in what is said that loud and clear. 摘星帝君的讥讽毫无掩饰,却言之有物,掷地有声。 This point complaint very awfully, but spoke of the strategic point, a mountain pass, perseveres combat the construction of direction direction with rear connection inland oneself center, is definitely widely divergent! 这一点控诉很要命,但却说到了要害,一处关隘,坚守作战的方向跟后方连接内陆自己腹地的方向的建造,肯定是大相径庭的! Dao Alliance abandons the result that the plague sea it pays no attention, made present awkward, so long as Demon Clan to/clashes, faces directly three continent inland! 道盟将瘟疫海弃之不理的结果,造成了现在至为尴尬的局面,只要魔族冲进来,就是直面三大陆内陆! Even must fight, was still equal discarded the sharp lance, can only prevent with the firm shield! 就算要战斗,也等同是舍弃了锋利的矛,只能用坚固的盾去阻挡! In other words......, only then defends, without attack! 也就是说……只有防守,没有进攻! Passive! 至为被动! Even if Demon Clan has the condition that anything is in unfavorable situation, should still close to strengthen one's own side to defend using the hero's soul of Dao Alliance construction in turn. 甚至就算魔族出现什么失利的状况,也会反过来利用道盟建造的英魂关来加强己方防御。 The people on the scene have one to calculate one completely all are the Hao of hero expedition first, who couldn't have thought this step? 在场众人有一个算一个尽皆是征战一世之豪雄,谁还想不到这一步? If is not Zuo Changlu sprouts up the fantasy, is Demon Clan continent that will intercept will have been near to notice here, whatever if Demon Clan will land successfully, this service, being equal has not fought five points passively, three continent that was at a disadvantage, will want to save the aspect again, only feared that the ratio will ascend to heaven also difficultly! 若非是左长路突发奇想,意欲截击将临未临的魔族大陆才注意到了这里的话,若是任由魔族登陆成功,这一役,等同是未战就被动了五分,本就处于下风的三大陆,再想要挽回局面,只怕比登天还难! This is damn condition! 这是何等操蛋的状况! The Daoist Lei complexion is ordinary like the bottom of the pot. 雷道人的脸色如同锅底一般。 He issued orders repeatedly, constructs the hero's soul pass/test, is almost pursuing the buttocks makes the following person construct, but to arrived, below actually made such big careless mistake. 他三令五申,构筑英魂关,几乎是追着屁股的让下面的人去建,但到了到了,下面却还是出了这么大的纰漏。 Neglected the entire coastline obstinately. 愣是忽略了整整一条海岸线。 Knows to the present, this coastline, unexpectedly is the route that Demon Clan comes! 偏偏到现在才知道,这条海岸线,居然就是魔族来的路线! This is the day perishes directly Dao Alliance, bearing the brunt is Dao Alliance! 这直接就是天亡道盟,首当其冲的就是道盟 At this moment, Dao Alliance Seven Swords everyone depressed, if dies, thinks the consequence again, is feels the dark day soon! 这一刻,道盟七剑人人都是懊丧若死,再想想后果,更是感觉暗天无日! What Zuo Changlu and Flood Great Shaman and the others got angry, Demon Clan takes the plague sea as the beginning, comes in three continent, after overturning responsible Dao Alliance, takes this as the foundation, causes the further threat and damage to Shaman Alliance and Star Soul. 左长路洪水大巫等人怒的是,魔族以瘟疫海为起点,进来三大陆,打翻了首当其冲的道盟之后,以此为根基,对巫盟星魂造成进一步的威胁与伤害。 But this result regarding Dao Alliance Seven Swords, actually also wants serious trillion times compared with Shaman Alliance and Star Soul! 但这结果对于道盟七剑来说,比起巫盟星魂却还要严重亿万倍! Because, Demon Clan , to attack Star Soul and Shaman Alliance, must first step from Dao Alliance this huge corpse! 因为,魔族要想进攻星魂巫盟的话,首先就要从道盟这个庞然的尸体上迈过去! This simply was simply! 这简直是简直了! Zuo Changlu at heart is also infinite fucked a dog. 左长路心里也是无限的日了狗 No matter what his what kind of experienced and careful, the wisdom is deep if sea, has not thought, Dao Alliance has not guarded in that side unexpectedly completely. 任他如何的老谋深算,智深若海,也是万万没想到,道盟在那边居然是完全没有防备。 What is the pig teammate, this not and that's the end! 什么是猪队友,这不就是了! Immediately Zuo Changlu oneself bah. 随即左长路自己就呸了一口。 Why must say the pig teammate, with the brain comparison pig brain of Dao Alliance that group of people, that is to blaspheming of pig, the flavor of pig brain is good! 为什么要说猪队友,用道盟那帮人的脑子比拟猪脑子,那是对猪的亵渎,猪脑子的味道还是不错的! Zuo Changlu has one share to be impulsive, if we had known, might as well vermilion Yanreng to the Shaman Alliance that side, Shaman Alliance is cultivates at least in all directions impregnably. 左长路心生一股子冲动,要是早知道的话,还不如将朱厌扔到巫盟那边去,最起码巫盟四面八方已经是修得固若金汤了。 Even keeps Star Soul oneself, can reduce three continent is too many too many losses, can defeat Demon Clan many strengths...... 甚至是就留在星魂自己这边,也能减少三大陆太多太多的损失,可以拼掉魔族很多的力量…… Now may be booing. 现在可倒好。 The Dao Alliance direct gate opens greatly, asks for trouble...... 道盟直接的中门大开,开门揖盗…… What kind fuck! 何等卧槽 vermilion Yan heaven's destiny really is so strong...... the automatic aware looking weak point, the game that I distribute, is the man-made disaster, is the disaster, because or the fruit, scratches, really he enough enough......” “难道说朱厌的天运真就这么强……自动自觉的找薄弱点,我排布的这一局,算是人祸,还是天灾,是因还是果,擦,真他么够够的了……” Zuo Changlu sighing repeatedly, actually does not know at heart regrets past mistakes, rejoiced that on the same day this decisions, made originally the bureau of delapidated danger, still had a slim chance of survival. 左长路心里一遍遍的叹气,却不知是悔不当初,还是庆幸当日有此决定,令到原本颓危之局,尚有一线生机。 „, Said the tactic.” Say/Way that Golden Scale Great Shaman is depressed: I accuse them to scold them to feel now worn out, matter this, has only been able to recover with every effort, but can also how, such as boss say, you scolded them, can change this established fact?” “罢了,还是说战术吧。”金鳞大巫闷闷的道:“我现在指责他们骂他们都感觉有气无力,事情已经这样,只能尽力补救,还能怎么样,就如老大所说的,你骂死他们,能改变这一既定的事实吗?” Yeah......” “哎……” Nearly is everyone, sighed. 近乎是所有人,都是叹了口气。 The Dao Alliance 200 people, are almost ashamed must dig worming one's way into of tunnel collective. 道盟两百来人,羞愧得几乎要挖个地洞集体的钻进去。 Zuo Changlu with deeply disappointed, swept one, said: Golden Scale Great Shaman said in the principle, below I arranged the tactic, when I spoke, I did not want to hear the sound that any question impeded again, any objection, when I said that said again.” 左长路怀着深深地失望,扫了一眼,道:“金鳞大巫所言在理,下面我来安排战术,在我发言期间,我不希望再听到任何质疑掣肘的声音,任何异议,等我说完再说。” The people lifted the head 众人都是抬起了头 Three continent Flying above experts, put in order the army immediately, rushes to the scene ; According to at that time situation row of soldier array, composed all -around ambush lineup.” “三大陆飞天以上高手,立即整军,赶赴现场;根据彼时的现场情况排兵列阵,组成全方位伏击阵容。” The matter that must explain...... the best time of ambush selects, is that moment of two continent fusion. At that moment, the shake that two continent fusion, produces, will make this world anybody any cultivator any powerhouse, does not base steadily.” “必须要说明白的事……伏击的最佳时间点,乃是两个大陆融合的那一刻。那一刻,两个大陆融合,所产生的震荡,将令此世任何人任何修者任何强者,都是立足不稳。” That flash, is flickers inevitably, the eye or spirit sense that heaven and earth overturns, are hard such as in the ordinary day the general display effectiveness.” “那一瞬间,必然是天地翻覆的一瞬,无论是眼睛还是灵觉,都难以如平日里一般的发挥效能。” But after passing through that moment, the ambush is also pointless, is hard to play the established role again. Because only has in that moment, the Demon Clan expert is outputting to protect and sustain full power, protects their making one's home continent...... the Demon Clan continent whole most void time. In the past at that moment, will have another wave of reserve forces to trade inevitably, the so-called ambush, will only evolve the upfront combat, did not have the material meaning again.” “但是在经过了那一刻之后,伏击也就没有意义,再难以发挥既定作用。因为唯有在那一刻,魔族高手正在全力输出护持,护住他们的存身大陆……正是魔族大陆整体最空虚的时刻。过去那一刻,势必有另一波预备队换过来,所谓的伏击,只会演变成了正面作战对抗,再无更多实质意义。” However at that time, heavenly secrets confuses completely, anybody will be hard to know in advance the future again, the strength of spiritual consciousness also loses control, two sides Heavenly Dao will also be ignorant......, therefore, will be the best moment.” “而在那个时候,天机完全混淆,任何人都再难以预知未来,神识之力也随之失控,两边天道亦是浑浑噩噩……所以,才是最佳时刻。” Based on this cognition is the premise, we must recognize certainly the position ahead of time, no matter when the time comes sees, must strike oneself strongest, toward recognizes the accurate position ahead of time, pounds directly!” “基于这个认知为前提,我们必须要提前去认准方位,到时候不管看到看不到,都要将自己最强一击,向着提前认准的方位,直接砸过去!”
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