EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#125: Snort, Zong Ge!

Under the hillside the scene of fierce struggle, shows in Zong Ge at present. 山坡下激斗的场面,都展现在鬃戈的眼前。 The right hind leg of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog was injured, it lies on the ground, called tearfully. 蓝狗狐狼的右后腿受伤了,它趴在地上,汪汪直叫。 Is under its direction on site, these Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear show the exquisite coordination unexpectedly, surrounds firmly Zhen Jin, left Jieyou stops up, on you under me, encircles watertight. 得到它的临场指挥,这几头猴尾棕熊竟然展现出精妙的配合来,将针金牢牢地包围住,左截右堵,你上我下,围得水泄不通。 Zhen Jin is brandishing thin sword SIlver Lightning , although sword blade is very sharp, every punctures can carry over the blood light, the pain must make Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear retrocede. However his drawback is also revealing at this moment without doubt, he does not have the qualified armor guard, this makes him attack defends weakly, extremely lacks the ability that attacking a fortified position breaks through. 针金挥舞着细剑银电,虽然剑锋十分犀利,每一刺都能带出血光,痛得让猴尾棕熊后退。但是他的弊端也在此刻显露无疑,他没有合格的护甲护身,这让他攻强守弱,极度缺乏攻坚突围的能力。 Zhen Jin will not arrive at the direct attack stupidly.” 针金绝不会愚蠢到去直接进攻的。” Should be Foxy Blue Wolf Dog takes itself as the bait, trapped him.” “应该是蓝狗狐狼以自己为诱饵,诱骗了他。” Zhen Jin has not thought that these Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear can have such coordination unexpectedly. No, even I, have not thought that the Foxy Blue Wolf Dog director can arrive at this degree!” 针金没有想到这些猴尾棕熊竟然能有这样的配合。不,就算是我,也没有想到蓝狗狐狼的指挥会到达这种程度!” During this moment, Zong Ge falls into hesitates. 在这一刻,鬃戈陷入犹豫之中。 Zhen Jin...... Templar Knight...... Hundred Needles family only successor...... 针金……圣殿骑士……百针家族唯一的继承人…… But he, half-beast, family background even better, cannot say even. 而他呢,一个半兽人,就算是更胜一筹的家世,也不能说出口。 After this military camp defensive war, the Zhen Jin prestige rises time inevitably again. Zong Ge also wants taking this opportunity, to show own strong strength. But the result cannot cover up the Zhen Jin ray. Even also somewhat by the symptom that youngster covers. 经过这一次的营寨防御战,针金声威必然再次上涨。鬃戈原本还想借着这个机会,展现自己的强大战力。但结果是遮掩不住针金的光芒。甚至还有些被少年掩盖的苗头。 This youngster, is really outstanding!” “这个少年,真是优秀啊!” Confessed to come, Zong Ge envied Zhen Jin very much. 坦白而来,鬃戈很羡慕针金 If the status exchange, trading to be him is Zhen Jin such situation, should good. 如果身份对调,换做他是针金这样的情况,该有多好。 His all earnestly seeking can realize logically. 他一切的渴求都能够顺理成章地实现。 But now, wastes time so many years, he has entered the middle age, still accomplished nothing. Only then goes to Wilderness Continent to look for the opportunity, tries one's luck. 而现在,蹉跎这么多年,他已经步入中年,仍旧一事无成。只有去荒野大陆找寻机会,去碰碰运气。 But his Zhen Jin? 而他针金呢? Comes up, competes with the position of Lord of the Whitesand City. If he succeeded, the beginning of this enterprise on far exceeds Zong Ge. Perhaps, Zong Ge must fight for more than ten years, can achieve City Lord such level. 一上来,就去竞争白沙城主之位。如果他成功了,这份事业的起点就远超鬃戈。说不定,鬃戈得打拼十几年,才能达到城主这样的层次 Envy? 嫉妒吗? Zong Ge acknowledged oneself have. 鬃戈承认自己有。 He often asked himself 他时常问自己 Why the difference between person and is the person so big?” “为什么人和人之间的区别这么大?” Why some people keep aloof since birth, some people are base and low to the soil.” “为什么有的人生来就高高在上,有的人则卑微到泥土中。” Why the bloodline, status and can the racial prejudice, make all efforts appear are so tiny and weak?” “为什么血统、身份、种族偏见,能让一切的努力都显得那么渺小和虚弱?” Why he tried hard so many years, still can only be a companion with the mercenary by the present? Still can struggle in the lowest level?” “为什么他努力了这么多年,到现在仍旧只能和佣兵为伍?仍旧要在最底层挣扎?” But Zhen Jin? 针金呢? He does not need to ponder these issues. 他不需要思考这些问题。 He absolutely does not have Zong Ge such puzzle. 他完全没有鬃戈这样的困扰。 He has the fiancee, Zi Di, Wisteria Chamber of Commerce President. 他有未婚妻,紫蒂,紫藤商会会长 He has Hundred Needles family is the backing. 他有百针家族为后盾。 His Cang Xu, Mu Ban and the others, are the talents who Zong Ge earnestly seeks, attaches in youngster joyfully. 他身边的苍须木班等人,都是鬃戈渴求的人才,都欣然依附于少年 He is a person, the person of pure blood, is aristocrat, is Templar Knight. 他是人,纯血的人,是贵族,是圣殿骑士 He is the natural leader, sends out from inside to outside noblly light/only, this energy of light makes the most people feel inferior, bends down to kneel, can follow Zhen Jin, to most world, was the greatest glory! 他是天然的领导者,由内而外散发出高贵的光,这光能让绝大多数的人都自惭形秽,俯身跪地,能够追随针金,对大多数世人而言,就是莫大的荣耀了! Too many. 太多了。 On Zhen Jin has too many things, is Zong Ge pays several times, is dozens times of efforts, can have a ray of acquired hope. 针金身上有太多的东西,是鬃戈付出数倍,乃是数十倍的努力,才能有一丝获得的希望。 Even something, are Zong Ge, even if spells completely diligently, is unable to obtain. 甚至还有一些东西,是鬃戈哪怕拼尽努力,也无法获得的。 On the body of Zhen Jin, Zong Ge saw his childhood, saw the castle that in his childhood lives, saw in the castle his these half blood brothers and sisters. Side these people have servant in groups, has the benign steward, has the loyal guard. 针金的身上,鬃戈看到了他的童年,看到了他童年里居住的城堡,看到了城堡中他的那些同父异母的兄弟姐妹。那些人身边都有成群的奴仆,有和颜悦色的管家,有忠诚的守卫。 Zong Ge has hated! 鬃戈憎恨过! He of childhood, cursed his brothers and sisters. 童年的他,诅咒他的兄弟姐妹。 Why will have you?” “为什么会有你们?” Has you, father's vision first stays on you, then pays attention to me.” “有你们在,父亲的目光都先停留你们身上,然后才来关注我。” He first inquired certainly that your situations, then inquired me.” “他一定都先询问你们的情况,再来询问我。” Because has you, I can here.” “正是因为有你们,我才会在这里。” Zong Ge of childhood lies on the bed, is rolling up the body. 童年的鬃戈躺在床上,蜷缩着身躯。 He must roll up, because he grows quickly, the bedboard seemed short. If extends the body, his foot must hangingly outside the bed. 他必须蜷缩着,因为他生长得很快,床板都显得短小了。如果伸展身体,他的脚就要悬空在床外边。 His bed sheet broke, body light hempen garments have the dirt. 他的床单破了,身上薄薄的一层麻衣也有污渍。 Without the means that he only then this clothes. 没有办法,他只有这一套衣服。 He must wait for clear genius to wash it, otherwise dries in the sun in the situation of not doing, he can only shrink all day in the small room, cannot walk, naturally the meal could not even eat. 他必须等着晴天才会去洗它,否则晾不干的情况下,他就只能整天缩在小房间里,走不出去,当然连饭菜也都吃不到了。 Whenever Zong Ge does laundry, he rolls up on the bed, the gloomy idea floods his mind, he cursed his brothers and sisters, wished one could them dead. 每当鬃戈洗衣服的时候,他就蜷缩在床上,阴暗的想法充斥他的脑海,他诅咒他的兄弟姐妹,恨不得他们都去死。 Died. 死掉吧。 The horses go crazy, making your falling horse perish. 马匹发狂,让你们坠马而亡吧。 Competition sword skill time makes a mistake, assassinates mutually. 比试剑技的时候失误,相互刺死吧。 Slips into, falls down to fall in the castle of rainy day. 滑到吧,在雨天的城堡上坠地跌死吧。 Died...... 死掉吧…… Died. 死掉吧。 Died! 死掉吧! Died, father only then my son.” “死掉了,父亲就只有我一个儿子了。” Died, I can become the entire Exploration Team most powerful person, no one can be more suitable than to take on the leader me. These people will have greatly possibly become my secondary roles!” “死掉了,我就能成为整个探索队最强大的人,没有人能比我更适合担当领袖。这些人将有更大可能成为我的班底!” I do not need to make anything.” “我不需要做什么。” I do not need to carry the thorn, under I do not need the killer, I only need looks at, was enough.” “我不需要背刺,我不需要下杀手,我只需要看着,就足够了。” When you died in battle, I will eradicate to kill your magic beast for you, I will collect your corpse, leading you to go back, I will be sad, I will burst into tears, I will become in the entire team the only leader.” “当你战死,我会为你铲除杀死你的魔兽,我会收集你的尸体,带着你回去,我会悲伤,我会流泪,我会成为整个队伍里唯一的领袖。” Perhaps this is the destiny gives my opportunity!” “这或许就是命运给我的机会!” Multi- youngster, amn't I have been earnestly seeking this opportunity?” “多少年了,我不是一直都在渴求这种机会吗?” Relaxed, I do not even need to make anything! I only need looks at, I only need to wait for the matter to happen......” “多轻松,我甚至不需要做什么!我只需要看着,我只需要等待事情发生……” Zong Ge of childhood is rotating the gloomy train of thought that rolls up on the chilling small bed, the eye is staring at the wooden door soulless. 童年的鬃戈转动着阴暗的思绪,蜷缩在冷硬的小床上,眼睛无神地盯着木门。 Bang! 砰! The wooden door was shoved open from outside suddenly ruthlessly. 木门忽然被人从外面狠狠推开。 The dazzling sunlight, probably innumerable sharp swords jab into the small room. 刺眼的阳光,像是无数柄利剑刺进小房间里。 Was screaming gloomily flinches crazily, reduces the slight point, hides in the corner. 阴暗尖叫着疯狂退缩,缩小成细微的点,躲在角落里。 A familiar person's shadow appears in the childhood Zong Ge front. 一个熟悉的人影出现在童年鬃戈的面前。 Because is turning away from the sunlight, his complexion fuzziness, but rough big voice already profoundly in the Zong Ge innermost feelings: Gets up, the brat, be not lying in the gloomy small nest. Comes to study the sword with me!” 因为背对着阳光,他的脸色一片模糊,但粗犷的大嗓门早已深刻在鬃戈的内心:“起来啊,臭小子,别在阴暗的小窝里趴着了。来和我学剑啊!” Taught, guidance......” Zong Ge of childhood to be shocked. “教、教导……”童年的鬃戈惊呆了。 The conjecture ended loudly. 臆想轰然结束。 Zong Ge discovered oneself also on hillside, he just flushed from the grove, the foot also lifts in the halfway, must charge the stance of rescue. 鬃戈发现自己还在山坡上,他刚刚从树丛中冲出来,脚还抬在半途,一副要冲锋救援的架势。 The conjecture is very long, but the realistic time passes for one second not enough. 臆想很漫长,但现实的时间流逝一秒都未够。 Snort, Zong Ge!” “哼,鬃戈!” Zong Ge in heart to own cold snort/hum one. 鬃戈在心中对自己冷哼一声。 His being at a loss vision, the complex mood sweeps away suddenly. 他迷惘目光,复杂的情绪忽然一扫而空。 His hand pinches tightly the bone hammer wooden handle ruthlessly, he lifts proudly the head. 他的手狠狠捏紧骨锤木柄,他把头颅骄傲地抬起来。 A foot steps greatly, steps on the soil, treads out deep tracks. 一脚大大地迈出去,踩得泥土中,踩出一个深深的足印。 „!” He face upwards to send out to angrily roar. “啊!”他仰天发出怒吼。 Another steps. 又一脚迈过来。 He starts to run. 他开始奔跑。 Under the sunlight shines, the long hair of his shawl is dancing in the air, the thick pili, the loud and clear sound, the half-beast symptom, makes him seem like a lion to throw the hillside. 阳光照耀之下,他披肩的长发飞舞着,浓密的体毛,洪亮的声音,半兽人的体征,都让他像是一头狮子扑下山坡。 His angry roaring sound is continuous, probably opens the chest, has the boundless courage to instill into the sunlight to his heart. 他的怒吼声连绵不绝,像是打开胸膛,将外界阳光还有磅礴的勇气灌输到他的心中去。 His starting to walk stride, one step compares step big. 他迈开大步,一步更比一步大。 He charges, the speed is getting more and more fast. 他冲锋起来,速度越来越快。 The wind howls in his ear, he and Zhen Jin distance reduces suddenly. 风在他的耳边呼啸,他和针金的距离急剧缩短。 The wind sound/rumor as if changed, spreads the big voice of guidance unexpectedly: Right, is this, is this. Rushes, rushes. I am a soldier, you can also be a soldier. Rushes, your ally is waiting for you to support!” 风声似乎变了,竟传出教导的大嗓门:“对,就是这样,就是这样。冲上去,冲上去。我是军人,你也会是一个军人。冲上去,你的战友正等着你来支援!” Hang there, Templar Knight!” Zong Ge is bellowing, although others have not rushed to the Zhen Jin side, but must first courage and hope, concentrates through the roar to Zhen Jin within the body, your reinforcements came!!” “坚持住,圣殿骑士!”鬃戈大吼着,虽然他人没有赶到针金的身边,但也要先把勇气和希望,通过吼声投注到针金的体内,“你的援兵来了!!” His big voice reverberates in the forests, the ground as if also trembles. 他的大嗓门在林间回响,地面似乎也随声而颤。 woof Woof woof!” Foxy Blue Wolf Dog discovered Zong Ge, turns the head fiercely, yells several. “汪汪汪!”蓝狗狐狼发现了鬃戈,猛地转过头来,大叫几声。 next moment, a ground entire raises, the soil splashes everywhere, huge monster, opens the mouth bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, plunges Zong Ge. 下一刻,一片地面整个掀起来,泥土四处飞溅,一个巨大的怪兽,张口血盆大口,扑向鬃戈 By underground great insect of expelling. 正是被打跑的地下巨虫。 The fall of ground, Zong Ge falls into to the gulf in immediately, can only lift up high the bone hammer to resist. 地面塌陷,鬃戈立刻陷入到深坑中,只能高举骨锤抵挡。 Although the mouth of great insect opens wide the limit, but still could not swallow the entire bone hammer, only swallows one less than half. 巨虫的嘴巴虽然张大到极限,但仍旧吞不下整个骨锤,只吞下一小半。 Squeak yo squeak yo the sound passes on, so grating sharp. This is in the great insect mouth denticles, is twisting to rub the bone hammer crazily. 吱呦吱呦的声音传出来,如此的刺耳尖锐。这是巨虫口中一圈圈的锯齿,正在疯狂地绞磨骨锤。 A Zong Ge hand support bone hammer, other hands and feet brandishes full power, beats the underground great insect. 鬃戈一只手支撑骨锤,另外的手脚全力挥舞,对地下巨虫拳打脚踢。 The great insect body surface is obese, falls the Zong Ge fists and feet, the strength reduces very fiercely. The Zong Ge fists and feet only trades superficial of great insect. 巨虫体表肥胖油腻,把鬃戈的拳脚都陷进去,力道削减得非常厉害。鬃戈的拳脚只换来巨虫的不痛不痒。 Refused to compromise several breath, the underground great insect holds up the head suddenly necking , the bone hammer in spout. 僵持了几个呼吸,地下巨虫忽然昂首缩头,吐出口中的骨锤。 In its mouth front several teeth must smooth by grinding, the white bones great hammer surface also presented the a stream of concentric circle, is close tooth seal that the great insect keeps, the surface also has the grinding a lot of bonedust. 它口中前面的几圈牙齿都要磨平了,白骨巨锤表面也出现了一道道同心圆,都是巨虫留下来的紧密牙印,表面还有磨出来的大量骨粉。 You also in what? The army are expensive, quick, quick and quick!” The sound of guidance as if conveys. “你还在等什么?军贵神速,快、快、快!”教导的声音似乎又传来。 Zong Ge cold snort/hum, is stepping on the side, jumps. 鬃戈冷哼一声,踩着坑壁上,跳跃上去。 Then, his hammer, strikes down the great insect fiercely, steps in its body, takes advantage of opportunity to jump out of the gulf. 接下来,他猛地一锤,击倒巨虫,踩在它的身体上,顺势跳出深坑。 I came!” Zong Ge angrily roars again. “我来了!”鬃戈再次怒吼。 But just ran more than ten steps, the ground lifts again, the underground great insect throws again. 但刚跑出十几步,地面再次掀开,地下巨虫再次扑来。 Another head?!” Zong Ge changes colors. “又一头?!”鬃戈失色。 Also in a flash, there is doubts: If two heads, why attacked the military camp before time doesn't use?” 转瞬间,又有疑惑:“如果有两头,为什么之前攻打营寨的时候不用?” Continues to observe, doubts resolution: No, is only a head. Originally the great insect head and tail has big mouth!” 继续观察,疑惑消解:“不,只是一头。原来巨虫首尾都有大嘴!” The underground great insect uses an end attack generally, another end buries in within the earth, facilitates to run away. 地下巨虫一般都用一端进攻,另一端埋在土中,方便逃窜。 But now is restrained the order of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, the underground great insect spelled to go all-out to fight. 但现在受制于蓝狗狐狼的命令,地下巨虫拼尽全力战斗了。 As the matter stands, has the dangerous situation, it cannot drill promptly runs away. 这样一来,出现险情,它就不能及时钻地逃窜。 The overwhelming power that meanwhile, the head and tail attacks, making Zong Ge also be bogged down in difficulties in the middle, is hesitant to advance. 但同时,首尾相攻的威猛,让鬃戈也陷入困境当中,裹足不前。 Zong Ge coped with one is very difficult, two attacks suppressed half-beast. 鬃戈对付一头就已经很艰难了,两头进攻压制住了半兽人 Another side, Zhen Jin is surrounded by perils. 另一边,针金险象环生。 No!” Zong Ge angrily roars, hang there!” “不!”鬃戈怒吼,“坚持住!” He wanted from the past. 他想要从过去。 Damn insect!” next moment, half-beast has to dodge. “该死的虫子!”下一刻,半兽人不得不闪避。 You must take risk, the man must take risk! In the battlefield who has the risk, do not dread, faces directly the fear, you will live, you can win!” The sound of guidance resounds in the heart again. “你得冒险,男人就得冒险!战场上谁都有风险,不要畏惧,直面恐惧,你才会活下来,你才能胜利!”教导的声音再次在心中响起。 Zong Ge shouted in a low voice, stretches out the left arm suddenly, makes the underground great insect bite on own initiative. 鬃戈低喝一声,忽然伸出左臂,主动让地下巨虫咬住。 Great insect body is huge, but after biting the Zong Ge left arm, the mouth apparatus then contract ruthlessly, a body shrank at least half, surrounds Zong Ge stubbornly, does not make him run away. 巨虫体型庞大,但咬住鬃戈左臂之后,口器便狠狠收缩,一头身躯缩水了至少一半,死死地困住鬃戈,不让他逃窜。 But at the same time, the back of another ultra accurate Zong Ge throws. 而与此同时,另一个头超准鬃戈的后背扑来。 The dangerous moment, Zong Ge brandishes the bone hammer, whips the head of great insect ruthlessly. 危难关头,鬃戈挥舞骨锤,狠狠拍打巨虫的一头。 The great insect to bite Zong Ge, the body shrinks, becomes the congealing reality, without before reduced the defense effect of obtusely striking again. 巨虫为了咬住鬃戈,身躯缩水,变得凝实,再没有之前削减钝击的防御效果。 The great hammer strokes unceasingly, is more painful much the insect to fling the swayed crazily, the body twists in the ground carelessly struggles. 巨锤不断击打,痛得巨虫疯狂甩摆,身躯在地面上胡乱扭曲挣扎。 Zong Ge was hurled on the ground from time to time, from time to time was lifted up high in the air. 鬃戈时而被掼在地上,时而又被高举到空中。 No matter how the world in field of vision turns over, Zong Ge only recognizes the goal, the hammer knocks a great insect head at present unceasingly fiercely. 不管视野中的天地如何翻转,鬃戈只认准眼前目标,锤子不断猛敲巨虫一头。 Times pound ruthlessly, is battered to death the great insect forcefully at the scene! 一次次狠砸,硬生生将巨虫当场砸死! Died the great insect Korean pine to open the mouth, Zong Ge withdrew own left arm. His left arm covered with blood, fine steel arm armor became by the saw into pieces, the exposed skin outside is tattered, covered with blood, some obvious white arm bone. Has the steel armor residual place, is in the middle of the strip fine steel being embed body, the injury is very terrifying. 死掉到了巨虫红松开了口,鬃戈抽回自己的左臂。他的左臂血肉模糊,精钢臂甲被锯碎成一条条,裸露在外的皮肤早已破烂,血肉模糊,有的可见白色臂骨。有钢甲残留的地方,则是条状的精钢嵌进皮肉当中,伤势十分恐怖。 The severe pain transmits, the Zong Ge whole body sweat, the perspiration drop falls into the eye socket, blurred the Zong Ge field of vision. 剧痛传来,鬃戈满身大汗,汗滴落入眼眶,更是模糊了鬃戈的视野。 Do not give up, do not give up! Stands, do not lie on the ground. Can you be trampled dead? Are you also a soldier? Stands, even if dies, must stand dying!” The guidance as if also talked over in the Zong Ge ear bank. “不要放弃,不要放弃!站起来,不要趴在地上。你要被人践踏而死吗?你还是不是个军人?站起来,哪怕是死,也要站着死!”教导似乎又在鬃戈的耳畔念叨了。 You give to shut up! Stinky old man.” Zong Ge returned to a mouth. “你给闭嘴!臭老头。”鬃戈回了一嘴。 He drags him to lose the consciousness left arm, is dragging the white bones great hammer, charges into Zhen Jin. 他拖着他失去知觉的左臂,也拖着白骨巨锤,冲向针金 This time, no barrier prevented him again. 这一次,再没有什么障碍阻挡他了。
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