EB :: Volume #1 Beastly Knight

#118: I am Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear

Tonight forest is unusual. 今夜的森林不同寻常。 The bear roar transmits unceasingly, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear resides in this hill year to year, is here overlord. 熊吼声不断传来,一头猴尾棕熊常年居于这处山丘,是这里的霸主。 But now its in the roar, actually reveals an obvious anxiety, violent anger and pain. 但现在它的吼声中,却流露出了一股明显的焦躁、暴怒和痛楚。 Can make Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear exude such cry unceasingly, the powerful enemy who it faces also damn what kind of ferocious beast? 能够让猴尾棕熊不断发出这样的叫声,它面临的强敌又该死何等猛兽 As if realizes the threat that in the middle of this had, cave nearby wild beast by an intermittent bear roar is alarmed, runs away one after another, as far as possible far away from cave. 似乎意识到了这当中存在的威胁,山洞附近的野兽都被一阵阵熊吼声惊扰,陆续逃窜,尽量远离山洞。 At this time feels embarrassed Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, is a monster. 此时为难猴尾棕熊的,是一头怪物。 It has the silver Bat Monkey body and bat wing, but head and neck, actually acid liquid Green Lizard from Blackiron Level. 它有白银蝠猴的身躯、蝠翅,但头部和颈部,却来自黑铁级别的酸液绿蜥 This makes this monster seem like, is uncoordinated, is a big body is completely small. 这让这头怪物看起来,并不协调,完全是头大身小。 The monster is spreading the wings to fly spatially, circles in the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear top of the head unceasingly, once for a while, it opens the mouth, rolls a round package from the skin of nape of the neck. When the round package slips into the mouth, the monster opens the mouth spouts together the acid liquid. 怪物正展翅飞空,不断在猴尾棕熊的头顶上盘旋,时不时的,它就张开口,从脖颈的皮肤上滚动出一个圆包。等到圆包滑到口腔,怪物张口就喷出一道酸液。 The acid liquid is accurate, but also considering lead, even if Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear in ground made the movement of moving aside, was still hit. 酸液精准无比,还考虑到了提前量,即便地面上的猴尾棕熊做出了躲闪的动作,仍旧被命中。 The acid liquid had corroded its whole body most fur/superficial knowledge, making its injury more and more heavy. 酸液已经腐蚀了它全身大半的皮毛,让它伤势越来越重。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear is angry, the advantage of orangutan palm front section refers, already red piece. Initially Zhen Jin with this sharp claws, struck directly turned Silver Rank Blade Edge Spider dry/does. 猴尾棕熊愤怒至极,猩猩般的手掌前段的利指,早已经通红一片。当初针金就是用这副利爪,直接一击干翻了白银级别刀锋蜘蛛 sharp claws usual time, probably Blackiron, is in itself also hardly sharp. 利爪平时的时候,像是黑铁,本身也非常锋利坚硬。 When Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear encounters the powerful enemy, very resents time, jet black sharp claws then transformed the red color, sent out the high fever, like just took from Tieluzhong. This time sharp claws, the might was very terrifying, Zhen Jin have attempted, even the silver scorpion shell, cannot resist! 猴尾棕熊遭遇强敌,十分愤恨的时候,漆黑的利爪便转变成了通红颜色,散发出高热,如同刚刚从铁炉中取出来的。这个时候的利爪,威力十分恐怖,针金自己已经尝试过,即便是白银蝎壳,都不能抵挡! The silver scorpion shell can resist the silver spider blade edge. 要知道,白银蝎壳可是能够抵挡得住白银蜘蛛刀锋的。 However, even the sharp claws might is powerful, sufficing Zhen Jin is still useless. 不过,就算利爪威力再强大,够不到针金也是白搭。 Right, this lizard head, the monster of Bat Monkey body, is Zhen Jin. 没错,这头蜥蜴头颅,蝠猴身躯的怪物,正是针金 The Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear build is huge, the body is sincere, let alone soars, is jumps is very difficult. Otherwise, Zong Ge one group of burying alive tactics, not that having achieved great achievements. 猴尾棕熊体型庞大,身躯厚重,别说飞翔,就是蹦跳都很困难。要不然,鬃戈一伙的坑杀战术,也不会那么硕果累累了。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear cannot hit Zhen Jin, Zhen Jin each acid liquid almost can make in the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear wound add the wound. 猴尾棕熊打不着针金,针金每一口酸液几乎都能让猴尾棕熊伤上加伤。 This asymmetrical fight, has been doomed from the beginning the result. 这场不对称的战斗,从一开始就已经注定了结局。 Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear from the anger to being incapable, from the hatred to frightened, the serious injury makes its no longer person stand, roared to Zhen Jin, but turned around to flee to the cave. 猴尾棕熊从愤怒到无力,从仇恨到恐惧,沉重的伤势让它不再人立起来,向针金咆哮,而是转身逃往山洞。 The Zhen Jin time observed the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear condition, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear was just turning around, he understood clearly its intention, immediately a pair of wings leaf, the entire body dived. 针金时刻观察着猴尾棕熊的状态,猴尾棕熊刚一转身,他就洞悉了它的意图,立即双翼一扇,整个身躯俯冲下去。 Soon close Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear time, behind Zhen Jin the red light flashes suddenly, grows a tail of Spear Scorpion. 快要贴近猴尾棕熊的时候,针金背后忽然红光一闪,生长出一条枪蝎的尾巴。 The silver breech of rifle tittered, from the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear back, pierced the head of Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 白银枪尾噗嗤一下,就从猴尾棕熊的背后上空,将猴尾棕熊的头颅刺穿。 Zhen Jin extracts own tail, immediately carries over the mix liquid of blood plasma and brains. 针金抽出自己的尾巴,立即又带出一股血浆和脑汁的混合液体。 Because Zhen Jin inserts the movement that pulls out is too quick, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear as if not detected, ran forward more than ten steps, suddenly passes one, fell down, rubbed a small section distance forward, raised tiny mist and dust. 因为针金插抽的动作太快,猴尾棕熊似乎毫无察觉,又向前奔跑了十几步,忽然噗通一声,倒在了地上,向前摩擦了一小段距离,掀起一阵细小的烟尘。 Zong Ge consumes the big strength, leads one group of people, first digs a pit, then takes risk to tempt the enemy, then the salvo kills the enemy. Zhen Jin by a person of strength, is only used for Zong Ge and the others about 1/10, annihilated Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear with ease. 鬃戈耗费大力气,带领一帮人,先是挖坑,然后冒险诱敌,再齐射杀敌。针金以一人之力,只用来鬃戈等人十分之一左右的时间,就轻松地消灭掉了一头猴尾棕熊 Multiple changes, the might is really very powerful!” “多重变化,威力真的是非常强大!” Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear facing silver Bat Monkey, is the sound wave attack makes it loathe at most hot tempered. silver Bat Monkey really must cope with Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, but must the close combat, come flexure with the monkey claw. By that time, certainly was taught by Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear.” 猴尾棕熊面对白银蝠猴,顶多是音浪攻击让它暴躁厌恶。白银蝠猴真要对付猴尾棕熊,还得近战,用猴爪来挠。到那时,一定被猴尾棕熊教训。” Acid liquor Green Lizard facing Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, in the early period of the fight also can only spurt on several acid liquid. The Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear running speed is fast, is much quicker than Green Lizard. Even if Green Lizard shoots while runs, will still be caught up by Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear rapidly, by that time, acid liquid Green Lizard must pay the life price.” “酸液绿蜥面对猴尾棕熊,战斗前期也只能喷上几口酸液。猴尾棕熊的奔跑速度非常快,比绿蜥要快得多。绿蜥就算边射边跑,也会被猴尾棕熊迅速追上,到那时,酸液绿蜥就要付出生命的代价。” However, after Bat Monkey and Green Lizard mutation superimposes, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear does not have the strength to hit back. Words that in addition the scorpion tail, any Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear independent combat, will not be my opponent!” “然而,当蝠猴绿蜥异变叠加起来后,猴尾棕熊根本就毫无还手之力。再加上蝎尾,任何的猴尾棕熊单打独斗的话,都不会是我的对手!” Zhen Jin fills with falls to the ground sigh with emotion. 针金满怀感慨地落到地面上来。 For serveral days trained hard, Zhen Jin started to tap the heart core fight potential profoundly. Through actual combat, he feels powerful and wondrous uses of multiple mutation more and more. 这些天苦练,针金开始深刻挖掘心核的战斗潜能。通过一次次的实战,他越来越感受到多重异变的强悍和妙用。 Zhen Jin steps on the foot in the head of Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. This silver magic beast, once in the severely wounded situation, almost killed Zhen Jin. Now under the complete condition, has not damaged a Zhen Jin soft body hair unexpectedly. 针金将脚踩在猴尾棕熊的头上。这种白银魔兽,曾经在重伤的情况下,差点杀死针金。现在完全状态下,竟没有损伤针金一根毫毛。 next moment, heart core stimulated to movement by Zhen Jin. 下一刻,心核针金催动起来。 Four red lines emerge, see Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear to tie hands, at once refining up, has a Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear bloodline essence, returns to Zhen Jin heart core. 四条红线浮出,见猴尾棕熊五花大绑,旋即炼化,带着猴尾棕熊的一身血脉精华,回归到针金心核当中。 Was enough.” “足够了。” The Zhen Jin whole body surging red light, the red light dissipates again, he no longer is the Bat Monkey shape, but transforms Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear. 针金全身再次涌动红光,红光消散,他不再是蝠猴形态,而是转变成了一头猴尾棕熊 Zhen Jin can the mutation have bear claw, bear arm, for serveral days he obtained a lot of bear meat. This must be lucky Zong Ge and the others the contributions. In addition he fully the silver brown bear of transformation, finally reaches the standard of complete mutation now. 针金本来就能异变出熊爪、熊臂,这些天来他得到了大量的熊肉。这点要多亏了鬃戈等人的贡献。再加上他现在完全转化的白银棕熊,终于达到了完整异变的标准。 looks at own palm, has a look at the fat chest again, the novel feeling covers the Zhen Jin heart once again. 看着自己的手掌,再看看肉乎乎的胸膛,新奇的感受又一次笼罩针金心头。 The Zhen Jin person stands, the field of vision also raises immediately. 针金人立起来,视野立即随之拔高。 No matter the sense of smell, sense of hearing and vision are very keen, but the sense of smell was inferior that the nose of Foxy Blue Wolf Dog, the sense of hearing was inferior Bat Monkey or Flying Squirrel, the vision was inferior alligator hammer tail ran, in the usability is not no need to say Green Lizard. 不管是嗅觉、听觉、视觉都很灵敏,但是嗅觉不如蓝狗狐狼的鼻子,听觉不如蝠猴或者飞鼠,视觉不如鳄头锤尾蚺,实用性上也不必说绿蜥 But how can I say, the synthesis, the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear three perception capabilities unified mutually, to the external insight was very powerful. 但怎么说呢,综合来看,猴尾棕熊的三种感知能力相互结合,对外在的洞察力还是很强大的。 Bat Monkey and Flying Squirrel vision cannot compare it, the sense of hearing of alligator hammer tail ran is the trash. Sense of smell, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear is also next to Foxy Blue Wolf Dog. Spear Scorpion and Green Lizard under it. 蝠猴飞鼠的视觉比不上它,鳄头锤尾蚺的听觉更是渣渣。嗅觉方面,猴尾棕熊也就仅次于蓝狗狐狼枪蝎绿蜥都在它之下。 „The Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear most powerful weapon, is these eight fingers of sharp claws.” 猴尾棕熊最强大的武器,还是这八指利爪。” Zhen Jin focuses in own both hands nail, quick, his nail from the Blackiron appearance, becomes the red heat boiling hot. 针金将注意力集中在自己的双手指甲上,很快,他的指甲就从黑铁般的外貌,变得红热滚烫。 Said that this ability, Zhen Jin must thank almost must kill his Blade Edge Spider initially on that day. 说起来这种能力,针金还得感谢当初那天差点要杀死他的刀锋蜘蛛 Under the stimulation of life and death, Zhen Jin used sharp claws of brown bear subconsciously, henceforth this feeling inscribed in the heart. 在生死存亡的刺激之下,针金下意识地用出了棕熊的利爪,从此这种感觉就铭刻在心。 Therefore, Zhen Jin uses again, very relaxed free. 所以,针金再一次用出来,非常轻松自如。 But goes into seriously truly, the change of sharp claws, with the difficulty of Flying Squirrel electric discharge is the same. The nail of person cannot have this change, the dispatch of this ability, regarding the normal person, is completely strange. 但真正深究,利爪的这番变化,和飞鼠放电的难度是一样。人的指甲绝不会有这种变化,这种能力的调度,对于正常人而言,完全是陌生的。 Zhen Jin was unable to discharge now, but actually has a familiar task and handles it with ease with this sharp claws. 针金现在还不能放电,但用出这种利爪却是驾轻就熟。 How tries to mine!” “试试挖矿怎么样!” Zhen Jin cancels the person vertical condition, the four limbs falls to the ground, crawls to the front. 针金取消人立的状态,四肢落地,向前方爬去。 He has the experience of Green Lizard shape, how pursues regarding the leg and foot and land runs knows extremely well. 他有绿蜥形态的经验,对于如何腿脚并用地追跑非常熟稔。 „The hind leg of brown bear is stubby, the person under the vertical condition runs is very difficult, those who are most suitable is four foot racing line/traverse.” “棕熊的后腿粗短,人立状态下奔跑很难,最适合的还是四足奔行。” Zhen Jin begins to the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear shape is very rapid. 针金猴尾棕熊形态上手很迅速。 He arrives in the hole, unearths the hole wall with sharp claws, digs out the ore to eat. 他来到洞内,用利爪挖掘洞壁,挖出矿石来吃。 Un?” “嗯?” Flavor is good!” “味道不错唉!” Ate the ore, Zhen Jin felt that bit on flesh lump that in the size met, fragrant soft. The flesh lump does not bake, but cooks with the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce. According to the Empire Eastern view, is called red-roast. 吃了矿石,针金就感觉一口咬在了肥瘦相见的肉块上,香甜松软。肉块不是烧烤的,而是用酱汁烹煮的。按照帝国东方的说法,叫做红烧。 Originally, Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear eats the ore, looks like eats the meat.” “原来,猴尾棕熊吃矿石,就像是吃肉。” Zhen Jin tasted fine food well. 针金好好品尝了一顿美餐。 Usually, he in camp, although guarantees all one wants to eat, but bouillon anything, lacks the salts and other seasonings, the flavor is quite insipid. 平日里,他在营地中虽然管饱,但肉汤什么的,缺少盐和其他的调味料,味道相当寡淡。 Cang Xu dissected Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear, discovered that its digestion ability is outstanding, especially is good at digesting the iron. After Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear sharp claws also absorbed the iron, condenses lifeform fine iron that grows!” 苍须解剖了猴尾棕熊,发现它的消化能力非常出众,尤其擅长消化铁。猴尾棕熊利爪也是吸收了铁之后,凝聚成长出来的生物精铁!” I remember that Cang Xu has added that Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear such digestion absorbancy, even can treat as food the made of iron sword.” “我记得苍须还说过,猴尾棕熊这样的消化吸收能力,甚至能将铁制的刀剑当做食物。” Zhen Jin thinks of here, the heart moves. 针金想到这里,不由心头一动。 „After going back, can attempt secretly. Does not know that iron blade iron sword, is what taste?” “回去之后,可以偷偷地尝试一下。不知道铁刀铁剑,是个什么滋味?” Zhen Jin of person shape, can only treat as the weapon with the iron blade iron sword. However Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear Zhen Jin, can actually regard as some type of thing them. 人形态的针金,只能拿铁刀铁剑当做武器。但是猴尾棕熊针金,却可以将它们看成某种事物。 When the Zhen Jin life shape transforms unceasingly, he regards the angle and feeling of thing, also changed. Some transformations are quietly, even Zhen Jin could not detect. Some revolution of abnormalities are earth-shaking. 针金生命形态不断转变,他看待事物的角度、感受,也随之发生了转变。有些转变是悄然的,甚至针金都察觉不到。有些转变则是天翻地覆的。 Zhen Jin sharp claws made that is red and hot, he uses sharp claws under this condition to unearth the hole wall. 针金又将利爪弄得又红又热,他用这种状态下的利爪来挖掘洞壁。 The hard hole wall seems quite weak, Zhen Jin inserts gently, can make the entire advantage refer to submerging in the hole wall. Stirs gently, can dig out a bulk ore. 坚硬的洞壁显得相当酥软,针金轻轻一插,就能让整个利指没入洞壁之中。轻轻一搅,就能挖出一大块的矿石来。 Then tries the ore the therapy effect.” “接下来试一试矿石的疗伤效果。” After Zhen Jin chubby bear buttocks, grew a scorpion tail. 针金肥墩墩的熊屁股后,生长出了一条蝎尾。 He uses the scorpion tail to poke itself, poked a small blood hole quickly, non- depth. 他用蝎尾戳自己,很快戳出了一个小小的血洞,并不深。 Zhen Jin starts the big mouth place to eat the ore, this blood hole stops bleeding rapidly. 针金开始大口地吃矿石,这个血洞迅速止血。 Zhen Jin carefully examines carefully, felt that the ore digests in the belly, changes into a warm current, flows comes up to the wound. 针金细细体察,感到矿石在肚子中消化,化为一股暖流,流淌到伤口上去。 His aching feeling is also weaken at once, along with the time lapse, the Zhen Jin wound had light bloody scab gradually. 他的疼痛感也旋即减弱,伴随着时间推移,针金的伤口渐渐有了一层薄薄的血痂。 „The Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear digesting system is very strong, can eating the ore digests rapidly, nutrition specificly as centralized as the wound of body, urging the wound to be restored to health rapidly.” 猴尾棕熊的消化系统很强,能够将吃下去的矿石迅速消化,营养特定地集中到身体的伤口上,促使伤口迅速康复。” By resilience, is inferior to Resilient White Rhinoceros.” “不过论恢复能力,还是不如强命白犀的。” The Resilient White Rhinoceros resilience is not only stronger, but also is more practical. 强命白犀的恢复能力不仅更强,而且还更加实用。 After Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear is dependence massive feeds therapy, needs the specific ore. But after Resilient White Rhinoceros therapy, will eat food supplements massively, grass, leaf, fruit that food of supplement also sees. 猴尾棕熊是依靠大量进食之后疗伤,需要特定的矿石。而强命白犀疗伤之后才会大量进补,补充的食物也是更多见的草、树叶、果实等。 Zhen Jin treated a meeting in this cave, dug out a large quantities of ore using sharp claws with ease. 针金在这个山洞中又待了一会,利用利爪轻松挖出了一大批矿石。 Now lacks tightly, the Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear shape mined was too easy, the entire cave was digs!” “现在铁紧缺,猴尾棕熊形态挖矿太容易了,整个山洞都是挖出来的!” My one person operating efficiency, can compared with resulting in 100 individuals.” “我一个人的工作效率,能比得过一百个人。” These ores the belt/bring person will take tomorrow, the iron in camp has been scarce.” “这些矿石明天带人来拿,营地中的铁一直都非常紧缺。” As for the excuse, does not need Zhen Jin to think, Cang Xu will certainly guess- perhaps, does Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear have the custom of storing up grain? 至于借口,不用针金去想,苍须一定会猜测-或许,猴尾棕熊有储备粮食的习惯? This will perhaps become a flaw, so long as Zhen Jin does not change face to face, Cang Xu also can only suspect that this only Mokey-Tailed Brown Bear perhaps is the special rare and beautiful flowers. 这也许会成为一个破绽,但只要针金不当面变化,苍须也只能怀疑这只猴尾棕熊或许是特殊的奇葩。 But the urgent matter of team, must many irons. 而队伍的当务之急,还是要更多的铁。 The time was up, Zhen Jin had/left the cave, changes silver Bat Monkey, flies back to the camp. 时间差不多了,针金出了山洞,又变回白银蝠猴,飞回营地。 In his heart is still talking over the iron ore. 他心中还在念叨着铁矿石。 Perhaps, I should each night find time, mines secretly, stores up, again natural discovery.” “或许,我应该每晚抽出一点时间,偷偷挖矿,囤积起来,再一次性地发现。” „The efficiency that I mine was too high.” “我挖矿的效率太高了。” For serveral days, Zi Di and Cang Xu they also planned to mine, but the manpower is very insufficient, simultaneously mines to need the pickaxe, absolutely does not have enough iron to come to manufacture the pickaxe luxuriously.” “这些天,紫蒂苍须他们也计划挖矿,但人手很不足,同时挖矿需要铁镐,根本就没有足够的铁来奢侈地制作铁镐。” Un?!” “嗯?!” At this moment, leap Zhen Jin suddenly look drastic change on the way. 就在这时,飞跃途中的针金忽然神色剧变。
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