UD :: Volume #7

#217: The main attack deceptive attack gambling house chooses

A great mountain, mid-hill as if shakes gently, inside and outside internal qi communicates unclearly. 一座巨山,山腹处似乎轻轻一震,内外气机隐然沟通。 After closing up moon/month, opens the Profound Sect Mauchamp benefit and Ning Zixuan, promote auspicious non- three elder, finally goes out. 闭关月余之后,启化玄宗莫尚惠、宁子宣、晋祥非三位长老,终于出关。 At this time in mid-hill in dense palace, the Mauchamp benefit three people, are the color of face rousing. 此时山腹中密殿之内,莫尚惠三人,都是一脸振奋之色。 In front of three people, is piling up article after article scroll 64, hold Lie in a bamboo basket of as if small boat, it may be said that presents an impressive sight. 三人面前,堆积着连篇累牍的卷轴六十四道,盛列在一只仿佛小舟的竹篮之中,可谓是蔚为大观。 By these three people of cultivation, making it formulate eight classics alone, naturally was difficult ; But under having relied on premise, the deletion clause, pieces together the conformity, makes its speciously and roughly smooth, actually does not resemble difficultly. 以这三人的功行,令其独自创制八部经典,自然是难能;但在有所依傍的前提下,删改文句,拼凑整合,使其似是而非、大致通顺,却似不难。 After one month of effort, so-called „the Dao Sect secret, was concocts successfully. 经过一个多月的努力,所谓的“道宗秘传”,算是炮制成功了。 Ning Zi proclaimed to clap hands gently, likes: Has this thing , the hope of passing through was big immediately several points. don't senior brother really provides for a rainy day, my two people of institutes cannot.” 宁子宣轻轻一拊掌,欢喜道:“有此物在,过关的希望登时大了几分。莫师兄真是未雨绸缪,非我二人所能及。” Incessantly is Ning Zixuan, promote auspicious looks to Mauchamp benefit look, has three points to feel grateful. 不止是宁子宣,就连晋祥非看向莫尚惠的神色,都是带着三分感激。 Arrived half a month ago, had secret ditch dao inheritance to come News heaven finally barrier was broken, is not ever green heaven one, but is Divine Dao 30 seven heaven , met with a disaster. Moreover until today, one month has passed, the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven channel has not restored as before ; Saint Cult comes the person not to mention, organization's powerful counter-attack. 到了半个月之前,终于有隐秘渠道传来消息-界天结界被破,绝非长青界天一处,而是神道三十七界天,同时遭殃。而且直到今日,已然一个多月过去,阴阳洞天通道依旧没有恢复;更不必说圣教来人,组织有力的反击。 This appears Mauchamp benefit regarding the judgment of situation, has the foreknowledge extremely. 这就显得莫尚惠对于局势的判断,极有先见之明。 Mauchamp benefit slightly hesitates, said in a low voice: So far, about 50% assurances can pass through.” 莫尚惠略一沉吟,低声道:“到目前为止,大约有50%把握能够过关。” Ning Zixuan one surprised, said: 50%?” 宁子宣一愕,道:“才50%么?” In front of his determination these eight remnant standard is really precise, almost it can be said that flawless, no matter what no one can observe the flaw to come.” “他自觉面前这八部‘残典’甚是精密,几乎可以说是天衣无缝,任谁也察不出破绽来。” Mauchamp benefit shakes the head gently, said: Must underestimate Hidden Sect to come the astuteness of person not.” 莫尚惠轻轻摇头,道:“莫要小看了隐宗来人的精明。” Slightly pondered over, Mauchamp benefit also said: Ancient book certainly is really considerable ; If similar inherits magical seal and so on treasure, can pass through most likely.” 略一思忖,莫尚惠又言道:“典籍确然甚为可观;但是若是有一件类似‘传承法印’之类的宝物,十有八九就能过关。” Ning Zixuan is startled, said spookily: This actually difficult office.” 宁子宣一怔,幽幽道:“这倒是难办。” Inherits magical seal, often is Near Dao Boundary Heavenly Profound High Perfected keeps the shape by magical power, inscribes in a thing. Although the experience age is really long, the magical power intensity will decline gradually, even is only and Golden Pill and Origin Infant cultivator is equivalent ; However contains the depth and mystery of essential meaning, actually cannot conceal. 传承法印,往往都是近道境天玄上真法力留形,铭刻于一物之中。虽然经历年岁甚久,其中法力的强度会渐次衰落,甚至于只是和金丹元婴修士相当;但是其中蕴藏精义的深度和玄妙,却是掩饰不住的。 By three people of cultivation, 以三人的功行, To create a false impression in this thing, really has the difficulty greatly. 想要在此物上造假,委实大有难度。 promote auspicious non- say/way: Does not know that the person of Hidden Sect, when does kill to visit?” 晋祥非道:“不知隐宗之人,何时杀上门来?” Mauchamp Hui Fuhan said: dao boundary mighty figure, escaping fast is extremely quick, is always hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse. The responsibility that the bears, nothing but defeats heaven barrier- this act actually cannot do for somebody by others. After that in the sweeping receives of two third-class influences regarding heaven, is about the Heavenly Profound High Perfected leadership, is primarily Heaven and Human Three Boundaries cultivator. If building up launches, at least takes a half year of time to be ready ; Makes concrete to some sect, that must look at Hidden Sect earth vein transmission array from the distance of target zone. Wants completely to solve, at least is of carrying.” 莫尚惠抚颔道:“道境大能,遁速极快,向来是神龙见首不见尾。其所负担的职责,无非是将界天结界击破-此举却是不能由他人代劳。其后对于界天之内二三等势力的扫荡接收,大致是天玄上真领衔,以天人三境修士为主。若要集结展开,至少要半年功夫方能准备就绪;具体到某一家宗门,那更要看隐宗地脉传送阵距离目标地域的远近。想要完全解决,至少要数载之久。” Ning Zixuan the spirit inspires, said: Since still had the date and time, I and others, looked that again diligently whether ‚to inherit magical seal to concoct.” 宁子宣精神一振,道:“既然尚有时日,那我等就再努力一番,看能否将‘传承法印’炮制出来。” The promote auspicious non- feature moved, refers to not far away floating a spatial gold/metal arrow, said: Was printed and published by Great Emperor to entrust disciple, entered in my gate. This is his blood relation later generation,...... , if there is meaning of entrusting, why doesn't hide in the mountains and plains? The must know I open Profound Sect, calculates quite garish is.” 晋祥非眉目一动,指了指不远处浮空的一枚金箭,言道:“印行大帝托付了一名弟子,入我门中。这是他的血亲后人,还是……若有托付之意,为何不藏于山野?须知我启化玄宗,也算颇为扎眼的所在。” How senior brother do you see?” 师兄你怎么看?” Mauchamp benefit has not actually offered the explicit opinion, only said indifferently: I knew.” 莫尚惠却并未给出明确意见,只淡然道:“我知道了。” ...... …… Saint Cult Ancestral Court. 圣教祖庭 At this time in the day both sides, the fierce struggle is just luxurious. 此时天中双方,激斗正酣。 The blue sky ten thousand li (0.5 km), filling the single layer heavy colored glaze are colorful, circling round number ten coronas. The grotesque and gaudy, gloomy unclear, obviously contains the profound dao art highest good ; cultivation slightly shallow person, so long as looking, must fall into the sleep immediately. Since this has been in dozens days fights has not actually seen France , Italy. 青天万里,弥漫着一重重琉璃华彩,盘旋成数十个光轮。其光怪陆离,晦暗不明,显然蕴藏着精深的道术至理;功行稍浅之人,只要望上一眼,立刻就要跌入睡梦之中。这却是数十日以来的交手中所未见之法意。 The person of fight, a side is Xi Lerong ; A side is Dongfang Wanqing and Yin-Yang Dao Lord. 交手之人,一方是席乐荣;一方是东方晚晴阴阳道主 dragon cloud and Xian Dao and Ying Yuan three people, although is suppressing that full power great egg barrier, but is the eyes winks, closely observes closely Xi Lerong and Yin-Yang Dao Lord two people of wars. 龙云、显道、应元三人,虽是在全力压制那“巨蛋”结界,但无一不是双眼一眨不眨,紧紧盯住席乐荣阴阳道主二人的战局。 Stemming from the self-confidence of Xi Lerong strength, there is a wind azure this new force to protect in the one side help, does not need so to adore to invest. 出于对席乐荣战力的自信,又有风青这生力军在一旁援护,原不必如此倾心投入。 Three people of attitudes, somewhat are really unusual. 三人的态度,委实有些异常。 If said reason, actually also not difficult solution-, because was Yin-Yang Dao Lord that 36 order upholstery finished and revealed the method today the time ; The thirty six layers method, spent more than 40 off and in , when to settling. Finally obviously real and unreal of opposite party strategy. 若说其中缘由,其实也并不难解-因为今日就是阴阳道主那三十六次序铺垫完毕、显露手段的时刻;三十六重手段,断断续续花费了四十余日,才到了结之时。终于可见对方策略之虚实 30 seven heaven, divided forces by Hidden Sect and major Monster Race the news that strongly broke, the nature has transmitted. 三十七界天,被隐宗及各大妖族强势分兵破去的消息,自然早已传来。 Then an issue emerged: 那么一个问题就出现了: The Hidden Sect intention, is a circuitous law- with the aid of the pressures of 30 seven heaven constitutions, forcing Saint Cult to divide forces to rescue. Even dismisses 49 Yin-Yang Cave Heaven to belong to the home position, thus achieves to rescue the Gui Wujiu goal. Simply to defeating to annex 30 seven heaven regions? 隐宗的意图,到底是一个迂回之法-借助三十七界天构成的压力,迫使圣教分兵救援。甚至解散四十九道阴阳洞天归于原位,从而达到救援归无咎的目的。还是干脆就是冲着击破吞并三十七界天地域去的? If the former, Xian Dao and Ying Yuan and dragon clouds that and the others can definitely accept, this is almost a good news, explained that a Hidden Sect side regarding rescues Gui Wujiu to be uncertain directly. 若是前者,显道、应元、龙云等人完全能够接受,这几乎算是一个利好消息,说明隐宗一方对于直接救援出归无咎并无把握。 But if latter...... 但若是后者…… That is just the opposite, explained that Hidden Sect regarding the duration that Gui Wujiu insists, has enough confidence, even dares to seek the practical value in advance! 那就恰恰相反,说明隐宗对于归无咎坚持的时间长短,有着足够的信心,甚至敢于先行谋取实利! Which side is the deceptive attack, which side is the main attack, immediately must come to light. 哪一方是佯攻,哪一方是主攻,马上就要水落石出。 Is good the meteorology that shows from this time day, the Yin-Yang Dao Lord method, indeed has not seen the meteorology formerly. 好在从此时天中彰显的气象来看,阴阳道主的手段,的确是既往所未见之气象。 As if- 似乎- But in the meantime, Xi Lerong whole body magical power receives suddenly, turns around to return. 但就在此时,席乐荣忽然全身法力一收,转身回返。 dragon cloud and Xian Dao and Ying Yuan, are startled. 龙云、显道、应元,都是一怔。 extreme boundary of Xi Lerong in that Jing Wu penetration from his fighting drew back, if Yin-Yang Dao Lord saves for a long time strikes to arrive, that consequence is very serious! 席乐荣自他斗战之中那“精武贯通”极境中退了出来,若是阴阳道主积蓄已久的一击降临,那后果可是十分严重! At this time, in the day seems rumble the sound, is the Yin-Yang Dao Lord sound: Worthily is perfection career accomplishment dao boundary.” 此时,天中似有隆隆响声,正是阴阳道主的声音:“不愧是圆满之上成就道境者。” The voice falls, in the day that just like the colored glaze light wheel general meteorology, changes to the broken fragment immediately, sprinkles thick fallingly in the place, extinguishes invisible. 话音一落,天中那宛若琉璃光轮一般的气象,立刻化作残破的碎片,纷纷扬扬洒落在地,消弭无形。 dragon clouds that and the others in the heart sink simultaneously- 龙云等人同时心中一沉- So-called order law, clearly is only a camouflage, and extremely wise has hidden the truth from one's own side's calculation. 所谓的“次序法”,分明只是一个障眼法,并且极高明的瞒过了己方的推算。 Yin-Yang Dao Lord, Dongfang Wanqing and the others, do not have the plan to rescue Gui Wujiu from the start fast! 阴阳道主东方晚晴等人,压根就没有打算快速救出归无咎 Xi Lerong however returns leisurely, unemotional. 席乐荣施施然回返,面无表情。 Looks all around three people of one, explained: „Before I am also only three days, finally determined. At this time must say that anything makes anything, is late. Might as well calmly wait, that moment that waits for the riddle to make known.” 环顾三人一眼,才解释道:“我也只是三日前才最终确定。此时要说什么做什么,已然迟了。不如静静等待,等候谜团揭晓的那一刻。” The wind actually resembles azure to the Xi Lerong words did not care, as if with dragon was saying and the others exchanged, seems like mutters: Hidden Sect earth vein transmission array is far and near uneven. Even if has several other big Monster Race transmission array and excellent flying rare treasure boost, wants completely to break 30 seven heaven to return, assembles the military, at least also takes three months.” 风青却似对席乐荣的话并不关心,似乎在和龙云等人交流,又似乎是喃喃自语:“隐宗地脉传送阵远近不均。纵然有其余几大妖族传送阵和上乘飞遁秘宝助力,想要尽破三十七界天回返,重新集结兵力,至少也要三个月时间。” You said that they believe how long Gui Wujiu can insist, Hidden Sect dares to allocate first for three months, gathers the practical value?” “你说他们坚信归无咎能够坚持多久,以至于隐宗敢于先拨出三个月,收取实利?” dragon cloud Chenyin said: A half year?” 龙云沉吟道:“半年?” Xiandao shook the head to say decisively: Is impossible!” 显道断然摇头道:“不可能!” Sees dragon to say the look surprise, as if misunderstands, Xiandao adds immediately: I meant that is impossible is so short!” 见龙云神色诧异,似乎误会,显道立刻补充道:“我是说不可能这么短!” At once Xiandao turned the head, deeply said: That is Gui Wujiu.” 旋即显道转过头来,深言道:“那可是归无咎。” dragon clouds that hearing this is silent. 龙云闻言默然。 If trades to be others, supposed that its can insist for six months. Delays several top dao boundary strength three months, making us gather thirty six heavens ; The remaining three months, rescue again, as if also enough arranged method. 若是换作一个旁人,假设其能够坚持六个月时间。拖延住几位顶尖道境战力三个月,令我方收取三十六界天;剩下的三个月,再来救援,似乎也足够安排手段了。 As if is also a business of prize investment. 似乎也是一桩一本万利的买卖。 However is the Gui Wujiu position important? 但是归无咎地位何等重要? The limit that if Gui Wujiu insists is a half year, in any event thinks that a Hidden Sect side does not dare to make the danger, must rescue inevitably full power. 归无咎坚持的极限是半年,无论如何想隐宗一方都不敢弄险,势必要全力营救。 dragon cloud said in a low voice: How Xiandao did fellow daoist think?” 龙云低声道:“显道道友以为如何?” Xiandao sinking sound said: At least ten times.” 显道沉声道:“至少十倍。” Trading to be me is Hidden Sect side the person of decision, wastes 1/10 time dividing forces another place, is the limit that I can withstand.” “换作我是隐宗一方的决策之人,浪费十分之一的时间分兵他处,已然是我能够承受的极限。” Three years...... 三年…… Wind azure muttered: He is not true dao boundary, but borrows to take possession the law...... his taking possession law to originate, before is , the generation of entire thing of era several hundred dao boundary mighty figure magical power gatherings? Said he uses divine ability dao art, doesn't consume magical power?” 风青喃喃道:“他并非真正道境,只是借用附身法而已……难道他的附身法来源,是前代整整一个纪元数百道境大能法力汇聚之物?还是说他动用神通道术,根本不消耗法力?” From ten years of limiting of this array, has not as if imagined is so remote. 距离此阵的十年之限,似乎也并没有想象中那么遥远了。 Inexplicable, dragon cloud, wind azure, Xian Dao and Ying Yuan and the others, regarding this time whether really took Gui Wujiu, in the heart had a vacillation. 莫名之间,龙云、风青、显道、应元等人,对于此番是否真的拿下了归无咎,心中产生了一丝动摇。 Dao Venerable Ying Yuan leaves suddenly said: Three years, actually are also only the most conservative estimate, this must look at a Hidden Sect following conduct plan.” 应元道尊忽然出言道:“三年,其实也只是一个最保守的估计,这还要看隐宗一方接下来的行事方略。” If Hidden Sect and that several Monster Race, after gathering 30 seven heaven actual benefits, assembles joins forces fiercely attacks in this, then perhaps the Gui Wujiu insistence time limit, is for several years high and low ; After I and others paid the grievous cost, has the possibility to take Gui Wujiu as before.” “如果隐宗及那几家妖族,在收取了三十七界天的实惠之后,重新集结并力于此猛攻,那么或许归无咎的坚持时限,便是三年五载上下;我等付出惨痛代价之后,依旧有可能将归无咎拿下。” If after Hidden Sect gathers 30 seven heaven , to continue to disregard, seizes the practical value......” “如果隐宗收取三十七界天之后,继续不管不顾,四下攫取实利……” The wind looks at favorably the light to move, mutters: That means time limit that Gui Wujiu can insist, is not for several years, but is...... forever.” 风青目光一动,喃喃道:“那就意味着归无咎所能坚持的时限,不是三年五载,而是……永远。” dragon clouds that and the others hearing this, is silent. 龙云等人闻言,都是默然。 If so, can it be that to want...... 若果真如此,莫不是要…… Great egg within. “巨蛋”之内。 dragon clouds that and the others a discussion, falls into Gui Wujiu eyes and ears all. 龙云等人一番议论,尽数落入归无咎耳目中。 Actually subtle truth, he has thought ahead of time. 其实这其中的微妙道理,他已然提前想到了。 Arrived believes firmly truly does not have the odds of success certainly time, dragon clouds that and the others can only choose to endure suffering putting oneself to come out. 真正到了确信绝无胜算的时候,龙云等人只能选择忍痛“放”自己出来。 But Gui Wujiu does not want to come out ahead of time. This matter is not difficult to achieve, the person of outside stops intending to suppress, Gui Wujiu also stops intending to resist, rather than tries jet braking, then this great egg will naturally maintain the balance as before. 可是归无咎偏偏不想提前出来。此事并不难做到,外间之人停止出手压制,归无咎也停止出手抵挡,而非去尝试“反推”,那么这巨蛋自然会依旧保持平衡。 But this is not result that Gui Wujiu is happy to see- 但这并不是归无咎所乐见的结果- Because of then, dragon clouds that and the others also knew, oneself does not want to come out. 因为如此一来,龙云等人也知道了,自己不想出来。 The vertical non- under simple-minded person, can become aware oneself to be able immediately in this great egg, gains the huge advantage. When the time comes it does everything possible to destroy inevitably. 纵非下愚之人,立刻就能悟到自己能够在这“巨蛋”之中,获得巨大的好处。到时候其必然想方设法加以破坏。 The optimum strategy, gives them a hope, detains the final result step by step, that flash of until the victory and defeat making known. 最佳策略,是给他们一个希望,一步一步押下最终的结果,直到胜负揭晓的那一刹那。 But inside and outside this place is unable to pass on a message. 可是此地内外无法传讯。 Can achieve such effect, must look at various Fangyou the pledge wisdom. 能否达成这样的效果,就要看诸方友盟的智慧了。 7017 k 7017k
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