UD :: Volume #7

#216: 1 meets the say/way to break Chengde

Above Huang Xiyin facial features, rare flashes through a shock. 黄希音面容之上,罕见的闪过一丝震惊。 Golden Pill Boundary, almost can hide the truth from the spiritual consciousness induction of oneself. Although her spiritual will fills the air, what observation is entire heart bud palace little realm, rather than rigidly adheres to one, but so scene, was really astonishing. 金丹境界,就几乎能够瞒过自己神识感应。虽然她神意弥漫,观察的是整个心芽殿小界,而非拘泥于一处,但如此景象,也甚是惊人了。 Incessantly so. 不止如此。 After Huang Xiyin marches into this realm, in a breath, spiritual will sways to fill the air to entire domain. 黄希音步入此界之后,一息之内,神意即挥洒弥漫至整个界域 If after her spiritual will spreads a realm, at present this Golden Pill Boundary young girl again changes the form transformation mark, such dynamic process, definitely will be caught by Huang Xiyin. 若是在她神意遍及一界之后,眼前这金丹境少女再变化形迹,此等动态过程,必然会被黄希音捕捉到。 In other words , before Huang Xiyin discovered this side cave residence, this person first discovered Huang Xiyin. 换言之,在黄希音发现这方洞府之前,此人就先发现了黄希音 Only if said that is coincidence- she did not know the arrival of Huang Xiyin, but the coincidence does for the occasion the season, changes a green grass. However Huang Xiyin view its look, actually concluded that non- is so. At present this person, clearly is extremely targeted to avoid the investigation of oneself, used the law of easy shape! 除非说是巧合-她并非是知晓了黄希音的到来,只是巧合应景时节,变化成一株碧草。但是黄希音观其神色,却料定非是如此。眼前这人,分明是极有针对性的为了躲避自己的探查,才动用了易形之法! Huang Xiyin and this physique emaciated Golden Pill Boundary female, look in the eyes. 黄希音和这形体瘦弱的金丹境女子,四目相对。 Sees only in the Huang Xiyin pupil to reveal the meaning of real and unreal uncertain moving fast, whether there seems to be to perform the stars to past far and near. 只见黄希音眸中流露出虚实不定的飘忽之意,似乎有无尽星辰远近流转。 Then puts out a profound distant sound from her mouth in: Who are you?” 然后自她口中吐出一个深邃悠远的声音:“你是谁?” A young girl confusedness, sees extremely eye-catching white to reappear from her soft spot place suddenly, then spreads the whole body from top to bottom. The young girl vision is also one bright, the tone that to believe firmly very said: I am Huang Xiyin.” 那少女一阵迷茫,忽见一道极耀目的白色自她囟门处浮现,然后自上而下流传全身。少女目光也是一亮,以十分确信的口气说道:“我是黄希音。” In Huang Xiyin radiance receives, is startled alone however. 黄希音目中光华一收,独自怔然。 Rebounded her Demon Dao Heart Sword...... 反弹了她的魔道心剑…… So the ability, really shocks everybody. 如此本领,委实惊世骇俗。 Slightly a consideration, the Huang Xiyin spin carefully examines at present this young girl internal qi by the really deep Demon Dao precise France , Italy ; Clearly is Golden Pill cultivator without doubt. 略一思量,黄希音旋以甚深魔道精密法意体察眼前这少女气机;分明就是一位金丹修士无疑。 View its dao foundation depth, looks to be well with the secular vision, the standard of but at the present age first-class being in direct line appraises, is actually being worth mentioning disparity that the aerodynamic pitch seven steps and eight grades edge, still 12 planned. 观其道基深浅,用世俗的眼光看算得上是不错,但以当世第一流嫡传的标准去评价,却是不值一提-距离七步八品的边缘,尚有一二筹的差距。 In the meantime, this young girl forehead slightly one pressed, the corners of the mouth have overflowed a blood. 就在此时,这少女眉心微微一蹙,嘴角已溢出一丝鲜血。 Notice Huang Xiyin Demon Dao Heart Sword, but to find out by secret inquiry news, not meaning of the offending somebody. But this young girl unexpectedly injured, obviously is the extra price that rebound the Huang Xiyin demon sword pays. 须知黄希音魔道心剑,只是为了探知讯息,并无一丝伤人之意。而这少女竟然受伤,显然是“反弹”黄希音的魔剑所付出的额外代价。 Huang Xiyin slightly one hesitates. 黄希音微一沉吟。 Her facial features start to change immediately. Old, young, the male and female degree of stoutness has everything, takes turn by the extremely quick speed chaotic revolutions. 她面容立刻开始变化。苍老,年少,男女胖瘦无所不有,以极快的速度乱转交替。 Each facial features, is a sword ; But each sword stops after getting a smattering, moistens walks, aiming at cuts into, the real and unreal characteristics that watches for this young girl unusual method from the different angles. Meanwhile by this sword shallow of discretion, even if there is the strength of backlash , the contingency injured that young girl. 每一个面容,都是一剑;但每一剑都是浅尝辄止,一沾即走,意在从不同的角度切入,窥伺这少女奇特手段的虚实特性。同时以此剑的分寸之浅,纵然有反噬之力,也不虞伤了那少女。 Contented Wonderful Contemplative Wisdom Great Demon Venerable from end in the continent brought the chance, the Huang Xiyin Demon Dao foundation, is not only wise, had both thickly. Regardless of what kind of dao art, her energy level quick dismantling the law of dealing. 自得了妙观智大魔尊自末拿本洲中携来机缘后,黄希音魔道根基,不仅仅是“高明”,更兼具了“厚实”。无论何等道术,她都能极快的拆解出应对之法。 Moreover, at the depth of Huang Xiyin dao thought, the nature believes profoundly the oneself perfection boundary above of real class/flow, is ancient and modern era already the peak that falls, is impossible to be higher than oneself many, incomprehensible character ; Also or divine ability dao art of far exceeding oneself level, can the divine ability complete restraint of oneself. 而且,以黄希音道念之深,自然深刻坚信了自己圆满之上的真流之境,已然是古今纪元已降的巅峰,决计不可能有高出自己甚多、以至于不能理解的人物;又或者远远超出自己层次的神通道术,能够将自己神通完整克制。 Even if Gui Wujiu, leads her one. 纵然是归无咎,也不过是领先她一步而已。 What there is a heaven beyond heaven, regarding Huang Xiyin is actually not suitable. 什么“天外有天”,对于黄希音而言却是不适用的。 At present sees, deciding is only some type leaning toward one particular aspect characteristics ; Even if there is highlight, but the flaw or insufficient will be inevitably bigger. 眼前所见,定只是某种“偏于一隅”的特性;纵然有亮点,但缺陷或不足势必更大。 After more than hundred breaths, Huang Xiyin has traded several tens of thousands of facial features, the look is certain. 百余息之后,黄希音换过数万种面容,神色一定。 Sees only her to show a faint smile, in the pupil the clear light circulation, sends to ask again: Who are you?” 只见她微微一笑,眸中清光流转,再度发问道:“你是谁?” If some to Huang Xiyin dao art is really the understanding, and true body cultivation boundary also high person, sees this scene, is inevitably puzzled. 若是有对黄希音道术甚为了解、且真身功行境界亦甚高之人,见此景象,必然困惑。 Huang Xiyin the asked, sound Indistinct, imaginary becomes infinite, as before is the Demon Dao method. 黄希音的这一问,声音缥缈,幻变无穷,依旧是魔道手段。 However at this time uses the method, is actually mixes together diversely, there is her oneself Demon Dao Heart Sword ; Also there is Gui Wujiu Demon Contamination method ; In steps low Demonism mind illusion technique secret technique. dao art divine ability that so varies high and low, became hodgepodge unexpectedly, confuses a law. 但是此时所用之法门,却是杂糅纷纭,既有她自己魔道心剑;又有归无咎的“魔染”手段;更有层次较低的魔门心神幻术秘法。如此高低不一的道术神通,竟成了一个大杂烩,混同一法。 Discussed by boundary wisely, was far less than the Huang Xiyin first use purest Demon Dao Heart Sword. 境界高明而论,远不如黄希音第一次动用的最纯粹的魔道心剑 But in the young girl vision immediately appears vacant, as if the strength of law resistance, has not replied slightly immediately: I called the wood to assist.” 但那少女目光中立刻现出茫然,似乎对此法没有丝毫抵抗之力,立刻答道:“我叫木襄。” A Huang Xiyin slightly thinking, said: You does lost/carrying method, have what name?” 黄希音略一思索,道:“你所负手段,有何名目?” The wood assists to reply: I don't know either. From entering the gate of Divine Dao, in the heart once had a thought faintly, as if studies the cultivation technique level , if wise enough, best is ‚a language said the first law righteousness, my cultivation getting up advancement is then quick ; If cultivation technique mixes together impure, studying the advancement is then slow.” 木襄答道:“我也不知道。自入神道之门时,心中曾隐隐有一念头,似乎修习功法层次若是足够高明,最好是‘一语道断’的第一法义,我修炼起来进境便快;若是功法杂糅不纯,修习起来进境便慢。” „When initially enters the vast empty peak, inspects the primitive aptitude, I rank seventh in various disciple ; Afterward cultivation ten years, because cultivation progressed the slightly slow reason, ranking reduced 17 th ; Also crossed for dozens years, ranking drops to 33. If not the accident, in less than several years, must fall beside first grade today.” “初入浩虚峰时,考核原始资质,我在诸弟子中排名第七;后来修行十余载,因为功行进展稍慢的缘故,排名降低到了第十七;又过了数十载,排名降至三十三。若非今日变故,用不了数载,就要跌出第一等之外。” Huang Xiyin said: In your opinion, this is because did you cultivate/repair the secret art level not high reason?” 黄希音道:“在你看来,这是因为你所修法诀层次不高的缘故了?” The wood assists the vision one brightly, makes an effort to nod saying: Very much so.” 木襄目光一亮,用力点头道:“正是如此。” Huang Xiyin slightly pondered over, asked: „Haven't you mentioned to the Teacher?” 黄希音略一思忖,问道:“那你就不曾向师长提及?” The wood assists hearing this, the complexion actually reveals several points of grievance, said: One day Xu Great Emperor inspection heart bud palace, I once mentioned horizontally with great courage. Said if resulted in level higher cultivation technique, must be vast empty peak numerous disciple first. One was reprimanded by Xu Great Emperor horizontally, said that vast empty peak disciple practices, is the paramount method in Divine Dao ; Instead said me to aim too high, cannot to subdue|grams decide oneself heart.” 木襄闻言,面色却露出几分委屈,道:“有一日横胥大帝考察心芽殿,我曾斗胆提及。言道若是得了层次更高的功法,必是浩虚峰众弟子第一。只是却被横胥大帝一番申斥,言道浩虚峰弟子所习,已然是神道中的至高法门;反说我好高骛远,不能克定己心。” Huang Xiyin said slowly: Repairs cultivation technique you, takes out me to observe.” 黄希音缓缓道:“将你所修功法,取出我观。” The wood assists takes out jade slip in the sleeve immediately. 木襄立刻在袖中取出一枚玉简 Huang Xiyin spiritual will glance. 黄希音神意一览。 Horizontal Xu Great Emperor did not say badly ; In jade slip records the method, certainly is really wise. Must really say that what insufficient, that is Divine Dao secret technique came from Demon Dao, after that mixes by way of Dao Venerable Xian Dao the exercise, makes up for one's deficiency by learning from others'strong points, fuses itself to say intent ; Rather many some places of Demon Dao mixing together. 横胥大帝所言不差;玉简中所记载法门,确然已经甚是高明。要真说又什么不足,那就是神道秘法原本源自魔道,其后经由显道道尊糅合锻炼,取长补短,融合自身道意;未免有许多魔道杂糅之处。 Huang Xiyin also said: You rebound my Demon Dao Heart Sword, is what method? Also is related with your aptitude?” 黄希音又道:“你反弹我的魔道心剑,是何手段?也与你的资质相关?” The wood assists to listen to this one to ask, the brow is actually a wrinkle, seems very ill, as if touched in her intention to hide extremely deep place- this was also Huang Xiyin at this time dao art, confused in Demon Dao not really wise method to have side effect that- struggled long time, said: Not is only cultivate the dao, fighting is also so.” 木襄听此一问,眉头却是一皱,似乎十分不适,仿佛触及了她心意中隐藏极深之处-这也是黄希音此时所用道术,混同了魔道中不甚高明的法门才有的副作用-挣扎良久,才道:“不仅仅是修道,斗战也是如此。” Rehearsal spars, the method that the opponent uses is even more wise, as if my intention also even more pure brightness, the twinkling then can sentence its real and unreal ; The method that but if the opponent uses mixes together the chaos, heterogeneous impure, I instead thought that in mind diverse chaotic, not knowing what to do, instead appears the average man to be clumsier.” “试演斗法,对手使用的法门愈加高明,似乎我的心意也愈加清明,瞬息便能判其虚实;但若对手所用的法门杂糅混沌,驳杂不纯,我反而觉得脑海中纷纭混乱,不知如何是好,反而显得较常人更加笨拙。” Huang Xiyin makes a veiled attack, finds out real and unreal. 黄希音又旁敲侧击,问明虚实 The marvelous characteristics that the wood assists, in concrete divine ability spars the effectiveness no doubt already really good, to on wise method, only the solid only principle in solemn spiritual consciousness naturally having deduces Grand Dao to be the same. Because her cultivation was still shallow, still had the hand should not somewhat the place of heart. 木襄的这一奇妙特性,在具体的神通斗法中效用固然已经甚佳,对上高明法门,俨然神识中天然具备的唯实唯理推演大道一般。但因为她本身功行尚浅,多多少少尚有手不应心之处。 However meets the pure spiritual attack method of not injuring the main body, the function of this unusual natural talent can actually display the pinnacle, almost can synchronize the deduction, counterattacks rival divine ability. 但是遇到不伤本体的纯粹精神攻击法门,这奇特天资的作用却能发挥到极致,几乎能够同步推演,将敌手神通还击回去。 Also or the stance as observer, observes calmly others to display wisest dao art, similarly is this characteristics most has the situation in opportunity. In heart its dismantling, it may be said that clear Lang Lang, distinctly clearly. 又或者作为旁观者的姿态,静观旁人施展最高明道术,同样是此特性最具用武之地的场合。心中将其拆解,可谓清清郎朗,历历分明。 The so special physique, in Purple Tenuity Great World books formerly, has not actually seen. 如此特殊体质,紫薇大世界既往的载籍中,却是并未见过。 The Huang Xiyin thought moves, said: „The imaginary law of body vegetation, what truth is also?” 黄希音念头一动,道:“身化草木的幻法,又是什么道理?” The wood assists said in a low voice: Does not know. This is also inborn can.” 木襄低声道:“不知道。这也是天生就会的。” In the Huang Xiyin mind appears suddenly eight characters: 黄希音心神中蓦然浮现出八个字: Should transport/fortune, Chengde. 应运而出,承德之器。 Huang Xiyin vision suddenly solidify. 黄希音目光陡然凝实 The young girl body trembles slightly, the vision pure brightness, is sobers suddenly. 少女身躯微微一颤,目光陡然清明,已是清醒过来。 But sees her vigilantly really touches the oneself forehead, looked at Huang Xiyin two, at once pinches pinched the cheek of oneself, making one smile. 但见她甚是警惕的摸了摸自己的额头,望了黄希音两眼,旋即又捏了一捏自己的面颊,令人莞尔。 She so acts, clearly suspected that oneself in Huang Xiyin illusion technique, the state of mind can not be independent. 她如此动作,分明是怀疑自己尚在黄希音幻术之中,神思不得自主。 Huang Xiyin shows a faint smile, said: Demon sword, although the advantage, actually only cuts the person of missing. If with the valuable tree, to be how could ignorant compared with her, does to raise the line puppet? You could rest assured that even if oneself regarding some ideas, will not force someone to do something against his will, will not bury head in the sand.” 黄希音微微一笑,道:“魔剑虽利,却只斩无缘之人。若是得遇宝树,岂能较她浑浑噩噩,做提线木偶?你放心,哪怕本人对于有些想法,也绝不会强人所难,更不会掩耳盗铃。” A Huang Xiyin palm request, is appears together the scroll, said: Might as well has a liking for one.” 黄希音掌心一托,已是浮现出一道卷轴,道:“不妨看上一眼。” The young girls hesitate long time, knows not to resist, finally received the scroll. 少女踌躇良久,自知推拒不得,终于接过卷轴。 When she turns on the scroll, the vision falls on that moment, cannot move again ; In the pupil is spills over the difference the brilliance. 但是当她打开卷轴,目光落在其中的那一刻,就再也挪动不开了;眸中更是泛出异样的光彩。 This is a language that she harbors intentions says supreme technique. 这正是她心心念念的一语道断至法 And the essential meaning, faintly seems to be interlinked with Divine Dao method that she cultivates formerly ; The revolutions cultivates, not slightly difficult. 并且其中精义,似乎和她既往所修的神道法门隐隐相通;转修过去,没有丝毫疑难。 Approximately after the quarter of an hour, her body has reappeared light mist, seems true|really is imaginary, passes through many places nimble and resourceful. 大约一刻钟之后,她身上已然浮现出一层淡淡的雾气,似真似幻,宛转灵动。 Also crossed more than hundred breaths, the wood assists awakens suddenly. 又过了百余息,木襄陡然惊醒。 Looked to the Huang Xiyin vision, the meaning of alert went to eight points, as if were many to admire with the good intentions. 望向黄希音的目光,戒备之意去了八分,似乎多出许多仰慕和善意。 The Huang Xiyin vision moves. 黄希音目光一动。 She passes on in Muxiang, is " Golden Flower Jade Stem Profound Bead Wonderful Technique » vol. 1. 她传于木襄的,是《金花玉蒂玄珠妙法》的第一卷。 Initially when her oneself cultivation this method, the speed is also and wood assists to be similar. 当初她自己修炼此法时,速度也不过是和木襄相若。 What is more wonderful, the wood assists flickers, Huang Xiyin that gets the knack of feels a dao heart intent suddenly loosen suddenly. As if ran away capriciously running quickly, the standpoint of oneself body also had the radical change. 更奇的是,木襄得法的一瞬,黄希音蓦然感道心意陡然一松。似乎心猿意马脱缰奔驰,己身的立场也发生了根本的变化。 She is the dissociation beside four big Demon Sect decides world true inheritance, although Demon Venerable carries out the edict discretely, meaning that but some weights invert somewhat ; However at this moment, Huang Xiyin felt oneself to establish one fundamental thing, seemed the line to cross a steamship in difficult situation, suddenly dropped out an extremely deep anchor. 原先她是游离于四大魔宗之外的“定世真传”,虽得魔尊“谨慎奉行”之谕,但多多少少有些轻重颠倒的意味;然此时此刻,黄希音感受到自己立下了一个“根本之物”,好似行渡于惊涛骇浪中的一艘大船,忽然抛下一根极深的铁锚。 In Purple Tenuity Great World Demon Dao inheritance formerly, as if insignificant. 紫薇大世界中既往的魔道传承,似乎都不足道。 Establishes this step that treads from oneself, is the genuine foundation. 自己立下踏出的这一步,才是真正根基。 Meanwhile, Huang Xiyin near dao/shortcut cultivation, as if also prompted forward greatly one step. 同时,黄希音近道功行,似乎也大大向前推进了一步。 In the Huang Xiyin heart induced, after oneself subdues 30 seven heaven, the road of near dao/shortcut approximately can complete half ; Now actually for no reason increases 20%, achieves 70% high and low. 原本黄希音心中感应,自己收服三十七界天之后,近道之路大约能完成一半;如今却平白添加了20%,达到70%上下。 7017 k 7017k
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