USS :: Volume #19

#1899: Delivers you to go to the western heaven

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Xu Que had changed an appearance at this time completely. 徐缺此时已经完全变了一个模样。 The white hair hangs loose after behind, in the eye glitters golden yellow with the black lightning, around the body is actually emitting the strength of boundless Immortal Essence, just like the god demon that the ancient times were born, taking a quick look around lets the thoughts that life leaving was hard to raise resists. 白发披散在身后,眼中闪烁着金黄与黑色的闪电,身周却是散溢着磅礴的仙元之力,宛如远古降世的神魔,一眼看去让人生出难以提抵挡的心思。 If the light looked from the imposing manner, if these cultivator(s) do not know four Immortal Emperor, perhaps thinks that Xu Que is true Immortal Emperor. 如果光是从气势上看,倘若这些修士不认识四位仙帝,恐怕都会以为徐缺才是真正的仙帝 Damn, will some people challenge Immortal Emperor unexpectedly?” “见了鬼了,居然有人会去挑战仙帝?” Before I had also seen, afterward that person died probably, divine soul entirely to extinguish.” “之前我也曾经见过,后来那人好像死了,神魂俱灭。” „The prestige of Immortal Emperor, ordinary cultivator(s) can challenge can it be that!” 仙帝之威,岂是普通修士可以挑战的!” Numerous cultivator(s) discuss spiritedly, the strength that although Xu Que displays far far exceeds has had their imagination. 修士议论纷纷,尽管徐缺展现出来的力量已经远远超出他们的想象。 However the people do not think that Xu Que has that strength to challenge Immortal Emperor. 但是众人并不认为徐缺有那个实力挑战仙帝 For a lot of years, do not know that many startled certainly colorful cultivator(s), were blocked beside the Immortal Emperor threshold. 要知道,千百年来,不知道多少惊才绝艳的修士,被拦在了仙帝的门槛之外。 But tries to walk out this, challenges the person of Immortal Emperor, that is monstrous talent/evildoer in talent, elite cultivator(s) extremely can achieve this step. 而其中试图跨过这条门槛,挑战仙帝之人,那更是天才中的妖孽,绝顶的精英修士才能做到这一步。 But four Immortal Emperor look like four mountains, high pressed in the top of the head of people. 但四位仙帝就像是四座大山,高高地压在众人的头顶。 cultivator(s) that each goes to challenge, ends up the divine soul entirely to extinguish fate finally. 每一位前去挑战的修士,最终都落得神魂俱灭的下场。 Even past Ji Family talent, similarly on this mean. 即便是当年的季家天才,同样在这上面阴狠。 Therefore people when seeing several people of confrontations, cannot help but shakes the head secretly. 所以众人在看见几人的对阵时,不由得暗自摇头。 Pitifully, another talent wanted fallen.” “可惜,又一位天才要陨落了。” „The road of Immortal Emperor is how difficult, although his wicked points, but had the future as before greatly is, why must do so the matter of not reason.” 仙帝之路何其艰难,虽然他缺德了一点,但依旧大有前途才是,为何要做如此不理智之事。” In Chengyuan Immortal Domain, Jiang Hongyan and the others also saw this, the immediately heart one to clutch tightly. 成元仙域中,姜红颜等人也看见了这一幕,顿时心一下揪紧了。 Although before Xu Que , has almost never defeated, but the Immortal Emperor strength had surpassed their understanding completely. 尽管徐缺以前几乎从未败过,但仙帝的力量已经完全超出了他们的理解。 That is not pure by the disparity that the powerful strength can level. 那不是单纯凭借强大的力量就可以抹平的差距。 Several people stare at that say/way to let silhouette that the will of the people trembles, lowers the head silently, in the heart only has a thought. 几人凝望着那道让人心颤的身影,默默地低下了头,心中只有一个念头。 Xu Que...... must succeed. 徐缺……一定要成功。 main character of war of this history, Xu Que at this time proud stand in in the air, is feeling the within the body strength, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe the curve. 这一场历史之战的主角,徐缺此时傲立在空中,感受着体内的力量,嘴角勾起一抹弧度。 From now on, Immortal Cloud Continent is decided by me, who approved, who opposed?” He said lightly. “从现在起,仙云洲由我说了算,谁赞成,谁反对?”他淡淡地说道。 Several Immortal Emperor complexions are dignified, around the body immortal cloud surges, the atmosphere is filling the air tight. 几名仙帝脸色凝重,身周仙云涌动,紧张地气氛在弥漫。 Even if Xu Que stands there, does not have any movement, actually can still make several Immortal Emperor produce enough vigilance. 即便徐缺只是站在那里,没有任何的动作,却也能够让几位仙帝产生足够的警惕。 You were too extremely arrogant, the Immortal Emperor strength at all is not existence that you can understand.” Immortal Emperor Yongzhen is still trying to make peace, „, so long as you are willing to retreat, we can guarantee that cannot injure to tiny bit of Yu Rou, matter ended will give back to you immediately.” “你太狂妄了,仙帝的力量根本不是你所能够理解的存在。”永真仙帝还在试图言和,“只要你愿意退去,我们可以保证不会伤到羽柔的一丝一毫,事情结束立刻就会还给你。” This saying should me.” Xu Que goes forward one step, vision coldly is staring at the opposite party, hands over Xiao Rou, I forgive you not dead!” “这话应该我来说。”徐缺上前一步,目光冷冷地盯着对方,“交出小柔,我饶你们不死!” Rampant! Do you really think to be able one dozen two inadequate?” Immortal Emperor Chengyuan could not bear, the anger exclaimed. “嚣张!你真以为能一打二不成?”成元仙帝忍不住了,怒吼道。 Xu Que raises up a finger, rocks slightly. 徐缺竖起一根手指,微微晃动。 Immortal Emperor Chengyuan gawked, sneers to say immediately: Even if you beg for mercy now, still late......” 成元仙帝愣了愣,随即冷笑道:“即便你现在求饶,也晚了……” No, I mean, I must hit you to be complete!” The Xu Que insolent say/way, with all due respect, everyone present is trash!” “不,我的意思是,我要打你们全部!”徐缺张狂道,“恕我直言,在座的各位都是乐色!” Whish! 哗! cultivator(s) immediately on Immortal Cloud Continent blasted out the pot. 仙云洲上的修士顿时炸开了锅。 This person was too rampant, provokes Immortal Emperor unexpectedly in the presence of everyone! 这人太嚣张了,竟然当众挑衅仙帝 Immortal Emperor Chengyuan is in an uncontrollable rage, both hands gather, Immortal Essence tumbles. 成元仙帝怒不可遏,双手一合,仙元翻滚。 Absolute Heaven Seal!” 绝天印!” The clouds, huge golden seal pokes head. 云端,一枚巨大的金印探出头来。 golden seal has less than half Western Heavenly Sect City is so big fully, the semblance full is the mysterious gold/metal mark is pasting, the powerful incomparable pressure presses below cultivator(s) not to relax directly, can only the rickets the body, look at this shocking. 金印足有小半个西天门城那么大,外表满是玄妙的金纹在流转,强悍无匹的威压直接压得下方的修士直不起腰来,只能佝偻着身子,震惊地看着这一幕。 Heavens...... unexpectedly is Absolute Heaven Seal! Immortal Emperor Chengyuan past becoming famous unique skill!” 天啊……居然是绝天印成元仙帝当年的成名绝技!” „Before it is said Immortal Emperor Chengyuan has not become Immortal Emperor, wrote off same boundary dozens people by this move at one fell swoop, is the monstrous talent/evildoer talent!” “据说成元仙帝尚未成仙帝之前,凭借此招一举抹杀了同境数十人,全都是妖孽天才!” This fellow dies today, “这家伙今天死定了, No one can block Immortal Emperor full power take action. ” Facing power and influence astonishing golden seal, Xu Que raises head to look at the day, suddenly shows the smile. 没有人能挡住仙帝的全力出手。”面对威势惊人的金印,徐缺仰头望天,忽然露出笑容。 In this smile, full is the color of disdaining. 这笑容之中,满是不屑之色。 This?” “就这?” He deeply inspires, shakes the fist fiercely. 他深吸一口气,猛地挥拳。 The fusion of Righteousness Sealing Demon Scripture and Cool King's Fist, making his fist erupt the unequalled strength. 正气封魔经逼王拳的融合,使得他这一拳爆发出了无与伦比的力量。 Chakra follows shakes the fist, flows crazily fiercely, flows in backward just like the Milky Way, heavily bombardment above golden seal. 查克拉伴随着挥拳,狂猛地奔涌而出,宛如天河倒灌,重重地轰击在金印之上。 Bang! 轰! The deafening bellow reverberates in the world, the Milky Way and golden seal heavily collided in together, fell into deadlock unexpectedly. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声在天地间回荡,天河与金印重重地碰撞在一起,竟陷入了僵持。 Everyone shocked. 所有人都震撼了。 They light/only see this golden seal, then couldn't have had the heart of resistance, Xu Que can actually shake with it hardly? 他们光是看见这道金印,便已经生不起反抗之心,徐缺竟然能够与之硬撼? Too terrifying......” “太恐怖了……” „Who is this fellow?” “这个家伙到底是什么人?” Heaven Exploding Faction Master is unexpectedly terrifying in this way!” 炸天帮帮主竟然恐怖如斯!” How long this refuses to compromise has not continued, under vision that the people shock, on golden seal presented a fissure suddenly. 这份僵持并没有持续多久,在众人震撼的目光下,金印上陡然出现了一道裂痕。 The fissure spreads fast, quick entire golden seal is similar to the frail glass products, kā chā, cracks thoroughly! 裂痕飞快地蔓延,很快整枚金印便如同脆弱的玻璃制品,“咔嚓”一声,彻底崩裂! !” “噗!” Immortal Emperor Chengyuan spouts a blood directly, the whole person flies upside down, hit ruthlessly on the Heavenly Palace wall! 成元仙帝直接喷出一口鲜血,整个人倒飞而出,狠狠地撞在了天宫的墙上! Bang! 轰! Heavenly Palace just like hit by the meteorite, shakes violently. 天宫宛如被陨石击中,猛烈地震荡起来。 cultivator(s) dumbstruck on Immortal Cloud Continent, looks at this, felt that own world outlook broke to pieces instantaneously. 仙云洲上的修士呆若木鸡,怔怔地看着这一幕,感觉自己的世界观瞬间碎掉了。 Immortal Emperor Chengyuan...... was defeated by one move unexpectedly! 成元仙帝……居然被一招击败了! Also without them recovered, actually sees Xu Que figure to flash, then arrives in front of Immortal Emperor Chengyuan in a flash, raises the fist high. 还没等他们回过神来,却看见徐缺身形一闪,转瞬便来到成元仙帝面前,高高地扬起拳头。 Delivers you to go to the western heaven!” “送你上西天!” The wild air current disperses loudly, the Heavenly Palace surface was rumbled unexpectedly directly a pit, in the pit full is the dripping with blood stump residual limb. 狂暴的气流轰然散开,天宫表面竟然是被直接轰出了一个凹坑,坑中满是鲜血淋漓的残肢。 A cultivator(s) brain blank, on Immortal Cloud Continent a deathly stillness, falling the needle may hear! 修士们大脑一片空白,仙云洲上一片死寂,落针可闻! Immortal Emperor Chengyuan was killed! 成元仙帝被打死了! This scene simply shocking arrived extreme. 这个场景简直耸人听闻到了一个极点。 Trades to make any cultivator(s), is impossible to believe at present this, but appeared before them. 换做任何一个修士,都不可能相信眼前这一幕,可偏偏就出现在了他们面前。 Xu Que looked at the fist, knits the brows: I have not striven, how did you drop down?” 徐缺看了看拳头,皱眉道:“我还没出力,你怎么就倒下了?” Finishes speaking, the flesh in pit started to dissipate suddenly, changes to the ray of light magnificent to gather together. 话音刚落,坑内的血肉忽然就开始消散,化作一道道光华汇聚了起来。 After several breaths, Immortal Emperor Chengyuan silhouette appears before the people again. 数息后,成元仙帝身影再度出现在众人面前。 Xu Que immediately frowns: How to live? Immortal Emperor has no way to kill?” 徐缺顿时皱起了眉头:“怎么又活了?仙帝没法杀死的吗?” Immortal Emperor Chengyuan coldly snorted that just resurrected, complexion gloomy said: Ignorant, has not arrived at the Immortal Emperor boundary, who would have thought the mystery of Immortal Emperor boundary, you cannot kill my......” 刚刚复活过来的成元仙帝冷哼一声,脸色阴沉道:“无知,未到仙帝境,岂知仙帝境的奥秘,你是杀不死我的……” Bang! 轰! Finishes barely the words, Xu Que goes forward directly, a fist shells ruthlessly on Immortal Emperor Chengyuan, crushes its bang directly again. 话音未落,徐缺直接上前,一拳狠狠地轰击在成元仙帝身上,直接再度将其轰得粉碎。 If before were ordinary, Immortal Emperor Chengyuan resurrected again, said sternly: „Aren't you clear? Immortal Emperor cannot kill......” 如之前一般,成元仙帝再度复活,厉声道:“你不明白吗?仙帝是杀不死……” Bang! 轰! Do not have a dream......” “别做梦了……” Bang! 轰! You cannot understand the words of this emperor......” “你听不懂本帝的话……” Bang! 轰! your mother Ah…… 尼玛啊…… Bang! 轰! The people see this, in the heart Heavenly Thunder is billowing. 众人看到这一幕,心中天雷滚滚。 ...... …… 最强反套路系统最新章节地址:https:// 最强反套路系统全文阅读地址:https:// 最强反套路系统txt下载地址:https:// 最强反套路系统手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1899 delivers you to go to the western heaven) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1899章送你上西天)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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