USS :: Volume #19

#1898: The head of Heaven Exploding Faction

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Thousand Immortal Venerate Peak, several hundred Half-Step Immortal Emperor strengths were absorbed by Xu Que completely. 千名仙尊巅峰,数百名半步仙帝的力量全部被徐缺所吸收。 That at this time he can perform, endures to compare Half-Step Spiritual God. 此时他能够发挥出来的力量,堪比半步神灵 Facing this strength, the way that Immortal Emperor Chengyuan has almost does not have any. 面对这股力量,成元仙帝几乎没有任何的应对办法。 He is in four Immortal Emperor weakest one, what because controls is space Great Dao, even might not have the means to promote Immortal Emperor in the past. 他本来就是四位仙帝之中最弱的一个,要不是因为掌控的是空间大道,甚至当年都有可能没有办法晋升仙帝 Did not mean that grasped Great Dao, can promote is Immortal Emperor. 并不是说掌握了大道,就可以晋升为仙帝 Becoming the Immortal Emperor final time, needs to undergo the inspection of the world, only then can become Immortal Emperor through the inspection. 成为仙帝的最后时刻,需要经过天地的考核,只有通过考核才可以成为仙帝 Why this is also Half-Step Immortal Emperor so many, but true Immortal Emperor actually only then their four. 这也是为什么半步仙帝那么多,但真正的仙帝却只有他们四个。 Other want to promote are Immortal Emperor cultivator(s), all has died. 其他想要晋升为仙帝修士,全都已经死了。 At this time when Immortal Emperor Chengyuan sensed dealt with the inspection powerless feeling again in the past, under has no recourse, has to request the help of several other Immortal Emperor. 此时成元仙帝再度感受到了当年应对考核时的无力感,迫不得已之下,只好请求其他几位仙帝的帮助。 Bang! 砰! Gushes out along with the strength of Three Daos surging forward, void was torn instantaneously. 伴随着三道汹涌澎湃的力量涌出,虚空瞬间被撕裂。 The terrifying dreadful imposing manner must not gasp for breath the surrounding area suppression. 恐怖的滔天气势将方圆镇压得喘不过气。 three silhouettes just like stepping over time river, tearing is void, suddenly appeared in front of Xu Que. 三道身影宛若迈过时间长河,撕裂虚空,眨眼出现在了徐缺面前。 Chengyuan, will you make into this unexpectedly?” 成元,你居然会被打成这样?” One of them opens the mouth suddenly, is Immortal Emperor Yongzhen. 其中一人陡然开口,正是永真仙帝 He scoffs to say with a smile, initially let your well practice, you are bent on having to do what dishonest practices.” 他嗤笑道,“当初让你好好修炼,你偏要去搞什么歪门邪道。” Another two Immortal Emperor are also echoing smiling, Yongzhen is in them strongest Immortal Emperor, has meaning of heads of four Immortal Emperor indistinctly in inside. 另外两名仙帝也附和着笑了笑,永真是他们之中最强的仙帝,隐约有四仙帝之首的意味在里面。 He teased Immortal Emperor Chengyuan, looked to Xu Que, immediately was shocked, long time said with a smile suddenly: Originally is you, I said that who has that big skill, hits Chengyuan this fellow requests reinforcements.” 他调侃完成元仙帝,看向徐缺,顿时愣住了,半晌才忽然笑道:“原来是你,我就说谁有那么大的本事,把成元这家伙打得求援。” Two people had seen before, more than once. 两人之前见过,不止一次。 Previous Xu Que hitting cracks the human form lightning of opposite party, at that time in that human form lightning, there is Immortal Emperor Yongzhen wipes divine sense. 上一次徐缺把对方的人形闪电给打得崩裂,当时那道人形闪电之中,有永真仙帝的一抹神念在。 Several other Immortal Emperor cannot achieve this thing, only then Yongzhen makes arrived. 其他几位仙帝都做不到这种事,只有永真到了 In the past many thanks the senior directed.” Xu Que arched said submissively, today I come only for one person, gave me Xiao Rou, the younger generation retreats immediately.” “当年多谢前辈指点。”徐缺拱了拱手道,“今日我来只为了一人,把小柔交给我,晚辈立刻退去。” In the Yongzhen eye is the appreciation that cannot stop: You, if can be promoted Immortal Emperor, that can be in history strongest Immortal Emperor, but you were too young, I do not want to kill you, you went back.” 永真眼中是止不住的欣赏:“你如果能够晋级仙帝,那一定会是史上最强的仙帝,但你还是太年轻了,我不想杀你,你回去吧。” Clash/To a crown anger is Hongyan, he looks at arrived oneself shadow on Xu Que's. 冲冠一怒为红颜,他在徐缺的身上看到了自己的影子。 The Xu Que silent moment, exhibits the stance: Senior, offended.” 徐缺沉默片刻,摆开架势:“前辈,得罪了。” Four people were all shocked. 四人全都愣住了。 Immortal Venerate Realm Peak cultivator(s), wants to resist four Immortal Emperor unexpectedly! 一个仙尊境巅峰修士,居然想要对抗四名仙帝 After this matter simply is unprecedented, does not have the future, said that others do not believe! 这种事简直是前无古人后无来者,说出去别人根本不会相信! It seems like you were not defeated will not lose heart.” Immortal Emperor Yongzhen is maintaining the smile as before, your strength far exceeds has had Immortal Venerate Peak, even compared with our four people strong, dies will be a pity here very much.” “看来你不失败是不会死心了。”永真仙帝依旧保持着微笑,“你的力量已经远超仙尊巅峰,甚至比我们四人都强,死在这里会很可惜的。” Cannot rescue Xiao Rou, how dies here?” Xu Que sinking sound said. “救不回小柔,死在这里又如何?”徐缺沉声道。 Haha, good!” Immortal Emperor Yongzhen the corners of the mouth, the eyeground emerges to wipe excitedly the look, that I give you an opportunity, our four people will use strongest one move jointly, if you can break, represents you compared with our four people strongly, is completely capable of extinguishing kills us! When the time comes Xiao Rou gives you!” “哈哈,好!”永真仙帝咧起嘴角,眼底涌现出一抹兴奋地神色,“那我就给你个机会,我们四人会联手用出最强的一招,你若是能破了,代表你比我们四人都强,完全有能力灭杀我们!到时候小柔就交给你!” Nearby Immortal Emperor Chengyuan wants to speak, actually by Immortal Emperor Huanyun blocking. 一旁的成元仙帝想要说话,却被幻云仙帝给拦住了。 What do you make?” Some Immortal Emperor Chengyuan angry quirks. “你做什么?”成元仙帝有些恼火道。 The Immortal Emperor Huanyun complexion is dignified: „The strength of this fellow at least is our dozens times, hits normally cannot be victorious, if you a moment ago were not because were Immortal Emperor, had died, Yongzhen this was creating the opportunity to us!” 幻云仙帝脸色凝重:“这家伙的力量至少是我们的数十倍,正常打是打不过的,你刚才如果不是因为自己是仙帝,早就已经死了,永真这是在给我们创造机会!” Immortal Emperor Chengyuan gawked, responded suddenly. 成元仙帝愣了愣,陡然反应过来。 This competition way, looks very fair, but is in fact favorable for their four people. 这种比试方式,看起来很公平,但实际上却是对他们四人有利。 Immortal Emperor most intrepid place, regarding the control of Great Dao, if they act full power, can definitely not use with the Xu Que upfront resistance, then defeats the opposite party. 仙帝最强悍的地方,是对于大道的掌控,若是他们全力施为,完全可以不用和徐缺正面对抗,便战胜对方。 Heard this condition silent, Xu Que the moment, he knows that the opposite party this was the open intrigue, but actually has to accept. 听到这个条件,徐缺沉默了片刻,他知道对方这是阳谋,但是却又不得不接受。 Perhaps these people cannot be victorious oneself, but oneself could not kill the opposite party. 这几人或许打不过自己,但自己也杀不了对方。 If they iron core must block the person, oneself no matter what, are impossible to rescue Xiao Rou. 要是他们铁了心要拦人,自己不管怎么样,都不可能救到小柔 Such being the case......” Xu Que raised the head suddenly, cracks into a smile, you said that what is what? Are you what?” “既然如此……”徐缺忽然抬起头,咧嘴一笑,“你们说什么就是什么?你们算老几?” The voice falls, on him surges suddenly extremely powerful aura, the hair becomes white slowly, in the eye pupil is glittering the golden lightning. 话音落下,他身上忽然涌起一股极其强悍的气息,头发缓缓变白,眼眸之中闪烁着金色的闪电。 Righteousness Sealing Demon Scripture! 正气封魔经 Changes the flash of body when him, the around the body space starts to vacillate, the silk threads fissure appears, the light changes the body aura, then made the space in this Heavenly Palace appear shatter! 在他变身的一瞬间,身周的空间都开始动摇,丝丝缕缕的裂痕浮现,光是变身时的气息,便让这天宫之中的空间出现了破碎! Is feeling the opposite party aura, several people of complexions change. 感受着对方身上的气息,几人脸色大变。 This! How will this world have such powerful strength?!” Immortal Emperor Chengyuan felt oneself as if return to arrived just stepped into practices the time, met Great Principle Golden Immortal. “这!这世上怎么会有这么强大的力量?!”成元仙帝感觉自己仿佛回到了刚刚踏入修行界的时候,遇见了一名大罗金仙 That powerful, the unapproachable strength, does not allow itself to resist! 那种强悍,无可匹敌的力量,根本不容自己抗拒! By strength that Xu Que erupts now, Immortal Emperor Chengyuan at all possibly is not his opponent. 徐缺现在所爆发的力量,成元仙帝根本不可能是他对手。 Huanyun, you on together.” Immortal Emperor Yongzhen is serious, told. 幻云,你一起上。”永真仙帝面色凝重,吩咐道。 Immortal Emperor has the Immortal Emperor dignity, two dozens one is the limit that they can accept. 仙帝仙帝的尊严,二打一已经是他们所能接受的极限。 Even so, several people of complexion as before ugly arrived extremes. 但即便如此,几人脸色依旧难看到了极点。 Intrepid strength crazy racing wells up, the space is full of dark cracks, the world shivers. 强悍的力量疯狂奔涌,空间中满是漆黑的裂痕,天地都为之颤抖。 Bang! 轰! The next second, the space is loudly stave, all around boundless white background changes to the nihility. 下一秒,空间轰然破碎,四周无垠的白色背景化作虚无。 At this time, on Immortal Cloud Continent, innumerable cultivator(s) already vibration in sensed Central Heavenly Sect, astonished. 此时,仙云洲上,无数的修士早已感受到了中央天门中的震动,惊异不已。 Central Heavenly Sect does not know how many years did not have the sound, why will appear in the mutation suddenly?” 中央天门不知多少年没动静了,为什么忽然会出现在异变?” „Did Immortal Emperor have the accident/surprise?” “难道说仙帝们出现意外了?” Damn, you look quickly, space collapse!” cultivator(s) is pointing at in the air, shouted shocking. “见鬼,你们快看,空间崩溃了!”一名修士指着空中,震惊地大喊。 At this moment, trim Immortal Cloud Continent cultivator(s) witnessed one of the shock. 这一刻,整片仙云洲修士见证了震撼的一幕。 The Immortal Cloud Continent vault of heaven, just like giant glasses, the innumerable fissures spreads above. 仙云洲的天穹,宛如一片巨大的玻璃,无数的裂痕在其上蔓延开来。 Fissure almost infinitely exaggerating, spread arrived field of vision end. 裂痕几乎无限地夸张,蔓延到了视野的尽头。 The vault of heaven disrupts piece by piece, just like a grand snowslide, but this snow is actually the trim vault of heaven disruption is the price. 天穹片片碎裂,宛如一场盛大的雪落,只不过这场雪却是整片天穹碎裂为代价。 Under the snowslide, gold and jade in glorious splendor Heavenly Palace appears in your people at present. 雪落之下,一座金碧辉煌天宫出现在你众人眼前。 Heavenly Palace all over the body pure white, all over the body traceless, as if in the world a nature production white jade palace. 天宫通体纯白,遍体无痕,仿佛天地间自然生成的一尊白玉宫殿。 The above of palace, is standing erect five silhouettes, each a person silhouette is sending out the powerful power and influence. 宫殿的上方,矗立着五道身影,每一道身影都散发着强大的威势。 cultivator(s) that any sees these silhouette dreads, that is disparity from strength level, fear feeling that produces. 任何一个看到这些身影修士都畏惧,那是一种来自力量层次上的差距,所产生的畏惧感。 Heavens...... unexpectedly is four Immortal Emperor.” 天啊……竟然是四位仙帝。” cultivator(s) shock, their eyes then recognized four Immortal Emperor identities. 修士们震惊不已,他们一眼便认出了四位仙帝的身份。 Unexpectedly some person and Immortal Emperor is confronting! 竟然有人与仙帝在对峙! Together wild with joy sound suddenly crack: That is Brother Que! Is Brother Que!” 一道狂喜声忽然炸响:“那是缺哥!是缺哥啊!” People surprised, discovery unexpectedly that dog in notorious Que+De+Gou (wicked dog) combination on Immortal Cloud Continent. 众人侧目,发现竟然是在仙云洲上恶名昭彰的缺德狗组合中的那条狗。 If said according to it, confronts with four Immortal Emperor above, is that Heaven Exploding Faction Master in legend, Que+De+Gou (wicked dog) first-- Xu Que? 那要是按照它这么说,在上面与四位仙帝对峙的,就是传说中的那个炸天帮帮主,缺德狗之首——徐缺 ...... …… 最强反套路系统最新章节地址:https:// 最强反套路系统全文阅读地址:https:// 最强反套路系统txt下载地址:https:// 最强反套路系统手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( the head of Chapter 1898 Heaven Exploding Faction) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1898章炸天帮之首)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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