USS :: Volume #18

#1751: this poor monk truth

Why will Black Tiger Spirit plunder so many females with no reason at all? 黑虎精为什么会无缘无故掳掠这么多女子? The reason only has one! 原因只有一个! That is because his function is not good! Therefore he feels inferior! Therefore he will plunder so many Women's Country nationals, wants itself certificate!” “那就是因为他功能不行了!所以他自卑!所以他才会掳掠这么多女儿国的国民,想要证明自己!” „The person who only then feels inferior, will so grab the female frequently!” “只有自卑的人,才会如此频繁地劫掠女子!” Knows that what this did call? your desire overrides your capability, is such meaning!” “知道这叫什么吗?人菜瘾大,就是这么个意思!” Outside the cave mansion, Xu Que face righteousness, is screaming. 洞府外,徐缺一脸正气,大声嚷嚷着。 The monsters in surroundings many mountain forest encircled, hearing the Xu Que's words, on the face to show the astonished facial expression. 周围不少山林之中的妖怪都围了过来,听见徐缺的话,脸上露出惊异的神情。 No wonder I said that Black Tiger Spirit recently always stealthy, originally was plunders the female?” “难怪我说黑虎精最近总是鬼鬼祟祟,原来是去掳掠女子去了?” Speaking of that previous Black Tiger Spirit also asked me covertly, how can make itself more lasting!” “你还别说,上一次黑虎精还偷偷摸摸地问我,怎么样才能够让自己更持久!” Fuck me! Real false? Launched to say!” 卧槽!真的假的?展开说说!” The monster on the scene mostly knows that the Eight Trigrams (gossip) about Black Tiger Spirit, a discussion, immediately therefore plunders lots of females Black Tiger Spirit your desire overrides your capability at this time vivid three-dimensional constructed. 在场的妖怪大多都知道一些关于黑虎精的八卦,此时一番探讨,顿时黑虎精人菜瘾大所以掳掠大量女子的形象立体地建设了起来。 The bonus is the Black Tiger Spirit facial skin is thick, at this time could not sit still! 饶是黑虎精脸皮再厚,此时也坐不住了! Roar!” “吼!” Only hears a vigorous angry roaring sound, huge silhouette leaps from the hole together, seems the giant rock, falls loudly. 只听见一声雄浑的怒吼声,一道庞大的身影从洞中一跃而出,好似巨大的山石,轰然落下。 Tang Sanzang, you spoke do not go too far!” 唐三藏,你说话不要太过分了!” Sees only a body best pupil to have three zhang (3.33 m) black bear, stands erect above the rock, is looking angrily at Xu Que. 只见一头身高足有三丈的黑熊,屹立在山石之上,怒视着徐缺 Hey, I said that has the mistake?” Xu Que shook the head, provokes to say rampantly, you aren't a toothpick?” “嘿,我说的有错?”徐缺摇了摇头,嚣张地挑衅道,“你难道不是牙签?” „! Tang Sanzang you went too far!” “哇呀呀呀!唐三藏你欺人太甚了!” Black Bear Spirit makes an effort to stamp, rock immediately of under foot presents the spider web fissure, the whole body lends the tyrannical aura. 黑熊精用力一跺,脚下的山石顿时出现蜘蛛网般的裂痕,周身散发出强横的气息。 Nearby Zhu Bajie and the others saw that immediately was shocked. 一旁的猪八戒等人见状,顿时愣住了。 How to feel, this Black Bear Spirit strength many? 怎么感觉,这黑熊精的实力强了不少? What a pity is, under the Xu Que's farmer three fists, this fellow does not have the strength of resistance simply, directly by suddenly/violently to beat up. 可惜的是,在徐缺的农夫三拳下,这家伙简直毫无反抗之力,直接被一顿暴揍。 I made a mistake the Saint monk!” “我错了圣僧!” After the moment, Black Bear Spirit lies down on the ground black and blue, is waving the white flag in hand difficultly, begs for mercy loudly. 片刻后,黑熊精鼻青脸肿地躺在地上,艰难地挥舞着手中的白旗,大声求饶。 Kakarot and the others showed a natural expression. 卡卡罗特等人露出一副理所当然的表情。 Un...... worthily is their masters, the method as always violence. 嗯……不愧是他们的师傅,手段一如既往地暴力。 Black Bear Spirit turns over/stands up to sit up, a face said suffering: Yes, is Golden Winged Great Peng King tells me, if can fall in love with the human female sincerity, can treat my stubborn illness......” 黑熊精翻身坐起,一脸委屈地说道:“是,是金翅大鹏王告诉我,如果能够和人类女子真心相爱,就可以治疗我身上的顽疾……” Xu Que gawked, said curiously: What stubborn illness do you have?” 徐缺愣了愣,好奇道:“你有什么顽疾?” Black Bear Spirit face one red, said in a low voice: That that...... you said......” 黑熊精老脸一红,低声道:“就……就你说的那个……” Xu Que was startled at that time! 徐缺当时就惊了! Casually how many I special shout, finally do you also really have? 我特么只是随便嚷嚷几句,结果你还真有啊? Sees the Xu Que shocking look, Black Bear Spirit is somewhat uncomfortable: What wrong do I have? I want to find girl a like angel, is in love with me! Found the angel should not many girl to choose?” 看见徐缺震惊的神色,黑熊精有些不爽:“我有什么错?我只是想找到一个像天使一样的女孩,和我谈恋爱而已!找到天使难道不应该多一点女孩来选择吗?” Truly, you said very reasonable.” Xu Que patted clapping, „the present knows in the world you were young.” “确实,你说的很有道理。”徐缺拍了拍手,“现在全世界都知道你小了。” The surrounding people look by the indescribable facial expression to Black Bear Spirit, in the vision full is the sympathy. 周围众人纷纷以难以言喻的神情看向黑熊精,目光中满是同情。 The Black Bear Spirit complexion is startled, immediately becomes solemn and stirring, after the moment, wails is rushing to the distant place. 黑熊精脸色一怔,随即变得悲壮,片刻后哀嚎着奔向远方。 Master...... you possibly gave the person to cast the trauma.” A Kakarot face sympathy looks to the Black Bear Spirit back. 师父……你可能给人留下心理阴影了。”卡卡罗特一脸同情地看向黑熊精的背影。 Xu Que snort/hum, the backhand pulled out the monk's staff: „Do I have to speak incorrectly? He is a toothpick.” 徐缺哼了一声,反手掏出禅杖:“我有说错吗?他本来就是牙签。” Master you said very right, disciple think that Black Bear Spirit is not good!” 师父你说得非常对,徒儿们一致认为黑熊精就是不行!” Sees Xu Que putting the monk's staff, Zhu Bajie they then put out the one breath quietly, erases the cold sweat that on the forehead seeps out. 徐缺将禅杖给放下去,猪八戒他们这才悄悄地吐出一口气,将额头上渗出的冷汗抹掉。 Rescued the Women's Country nationals, the nature by warm hospitality of King arrived, Xu Que and the others was then treated two days in Women's Country. 救回了女儿国的国民们,自然受到了国王的热烈款待,徐缺等人便在女儿国之中待了两天。 Two days later, they stepped the journey again. 两天后,他们再度踏上了旅途。 As for what beautiful King Women's Country and so on view, Xu Que naturally disdains. 至于什么绝美女儿国国王之类的说法,徐缺自然是不屑的。 Beautiful women how? 美人又怎么样? this poor monk is a Buddhist, not near female sexual attractiveness! 贫僧是出家人,不近女色的! Xu Que is pondering an issue all the way. 一路上徐缺都在思考一个问题。 Past was True Buddha, that Tang Sanzang in legend. 当年的真佛,到底是不是传说中的那个唐三藏 Properly speaking, True Buddha should be Sakyamuni is right, Tang Sanzang is his under tutelage eldest disciple Jin Chanzi. 按理来说,真佛应该是释迦摩尼才对,唐三藏乃是他座下大弟子金蝉子 This is on Earth the much-quoted Journey to the West story, well-known, even three -year-old young child, still knows some probably. 这是地球上广为流传的西游故事,家喻户晓,即便是三岁小儿,也知道一些大概。 May in the view according to Memory Realm, experience all these initially, is True Buddha oneself. 可按照记忆之境中的说法,当初经历这一切的,就是真佛本人。 Is Tang Sanzang actually Sakya? 难道说,唐三藏其实就是释迦 Xu Que suddenly one startled, in the heart raises an absolutely terrified feeling. 徐缺陡然一惊,心中升起一股毛骨悚然之感。 Earth has the channel to here, had been shown by Xu Que personally, this does not need to suspect. 地球有通道能够通向此处,已经被徐缺亲手证明,这不用怀疑。 But if according to this deduction continues, initial Journey to the West without doubt was a fraud. 但如果按照这个推论继续下去,当初的西游无疑便是一场骗局。 In this world simply does not have Jin Chanzi, not with Tang Sanzang, some for to gain experience Buddha Heart, reincarnation rebirth True Buddha? 这世上根本没有金蝉子,也没有与唐三藏,有的只是为了历练佛心,转世重生的真佛 Moreover the opposite party also has been to Earth! 而且对方还到过地球! „, Past Journey to the West, was one heading west seeking the Scriptures that stretched across the innumerable world?” “难道说,当年的西游,就是一场横跨了无数世界的西行取经?” The master and disciple four people, from Earth, stretched across several infinite universe, finally arrives at the Thunderclap Temple seeking Daoist scripture. 师徒四人,从地球出发,横跨了数个大千世界,最终来到雷音寺求取真经。 Naturally, that Thunderclap Temple definitely is not that Xu Que sees now, the person the monks said that this is a replica. 当然,那个雷音寺肯定不是徐缺现在看见的那座,人和尚都说了,这不过是一座仿制品罢了。 Ok, this and I have no relations, the urgent matter is hurries to obtain the Daoist scripture, restores cultivation base, rescues Xiao Rou.” “算了,这和我又没有什么关系,当务之急是赶紧取得真经,恢复修为,救出小柔。” In an instant, is several days passes, Xu Que and the others come arrived Lion Camel Ridge finally. 转眼,又是数日过去,徐缺等人终于来到了狮驼岭 Here, is in Journey to the West, master and disciple four people of hit most miserable places. 这里,也是西游记中,师徒四人被打的最惨的地方。 Although in Memory Realm, the Golden Winged Great Peng King strength had been weakened, but is not Xu Que depends on mortal body to resist. 尽管记忆之境中,金翅大鹏王的实力已经被削弱了,但也不是徐缺靠着一具肉身就可以抵抗的。 However what is lucky, for these days his acting cool came, successfully suppressed part Demon Qi, at this time within the body has some weak cultivation base. 不过幸运的是,这几天他一路装逼过来,成功地将魔气镇压了一部分,此时体内已经有了一些微弱的修为 In light of his mortal body, wants to come to be able to subdue Golden Winged Great Peng King. 结合他的肉身,想来应该可以将金翅大鹏王收服。 His time body looks like one reaches as high as, powerful incomparable, is all-mighty, but does not have the slight energy how, can only be a hard scrap copper and iron. 他此时的身躯就像是一具高达,强悍无匹,威力无穷,但奈何没有丝毫的能量,只能算是一具坚硬的废铜烂铁。 However had cultivation base, the good and evil can struggle reluctantly two. 不过有了一丝修为,好歹能够勉强挣扎两下。 Master, here is Lion Camel Ridge, there Golden Winged Great Peng King, in the Buddha under tutelage hear of Buddhist doctrine millenniums, the strength was it is said immeasurably deep in the past, how should we pass?” Sun Wukong had adapted to Kakarot this name very well, even the modeling was built to be exactly the same as Kakarot. 师父,这里是狮驼岭,那里的金翅大鹏王,据说当年在佛祖座下听佛法千年,实力深不可测,咱们该怎么过去呢?”孙悟空已经很好地适应了卡卡罗特这个名字,连造型都被打造成了与卡卡罗特一模一样。 Ponders for the master long time, thought that the previous behavior slaughters is too heavy, has the dry/does day, thinks that the master these decides time reasonable.” “为师思考良久,觉得此前行为杀戮太重,有干天和,所以为师这一次决定讲道理。” On several apprentice faces immediately reveals the unbelievable facial expression, is moved to have tears streaming down the face. 几个徒弟脸上顿时流露出难以置信的神情,紧接着感动到泪流满面。 Master! 师父 You know finally spoke the truth! 你终于知道讲道理了! Then, they see Xu Que to ride White Dragon Horse, treads the tread tread to come to the arrived Lingkou, bellows to. 然后,他们就看见徐缺骑着白龙马,蹬蹬蹬地来到了岭口,冲着里面大吼。 thin-feathered bird, rolls to this poor monk! this poor monk came to speak the truth with you!” 扁毛鸟,给贫僧滚出来!贫僧来与你讲道理了!” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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