USS :: Volume #18

#1749: Tang 3 conceals killed insanely

The old man frightens the complexion to be pallid directly, at heart Fuck me. 老头直接吓得脸色煞白,心里一阵卧槽 This smelly monk what background? 这臭和尚什么来路? Unexpectedly did look through own true body? 居然一眼就看破了自己的真身? Damn! 见了鬼了! As for nearby several apprentices, has frightened simply insanely. 至于旁边的几个徒弟,简直已经吓疯了。 Fuck me! 卧槽啊! Master was insane! 师父疯了啊! Even the mortals kill! 连凡人都杀! No, is not, the old man I am the person......” “不,不是,老头我是人……” Finishes barely the words, sees only Xu Que without hesitation, fights with the fists directly. 话音未落,只见徐缺毫不犹豫,直接一拳打出。 The old man wails, falls down, twitched two, then did not have the sound. 老头哀嚎一声,摔倒在地,抽搐了两下,便没了动静。 "Ah! Master you killed people! ” Kakarot calls out in alarm said, our seeking the Scriptures great undertaking must not have!” “啊啊啊!师父你杀人了!”卡卡罗特惊呼道,“咱们取经大业要无了啊!” He looked a moment ago continually has not seen clearly, Xu Que then killed! 他刚才连看都没看清,徐缺便将人杀了! Xu Que shook the head, righteousness expression: This is a monster, is not the person.” 徐缺摇了摇头,义正言辞道:“这是妖怪,不是人。” Several apprentices looked at each other one, reveals the panic-stricken facial expression as if by prior agreement. 几位徒弟对视了一眼,不约而同地流露出惊恐的神情。 Ending...... Master was insane...... 完了……师父疯了…… Xu Que sees several people not to believe that smiles: Ok, I go to discover to come to see to you monster.” 徐缺见几人不信,笑了笑:“行,那我就去把妖怪给你找出来看看。” Then, jumped to leap, plunged into the jungle. 说罢,纵身一跃,跳入了丛林之中。 Another side, White Bone Spirit was separated from old man's body, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, returned to the middle of own cave mansion. 另一边,白骨精脱离了老头的身躯,慌不择路,逃回了自己的洞府当中。 Displays Magic to seal up the entrance of cave mansion , after superimposing several defended Magic, White Bone Spirit then relaxes, sits on the stone chair still shaken. 施展法术将洞府的入口封住,又叠加了数个防御法术之后,白骨精这才松了一口气,惊魂未定地坐在石椅上。 How does that smelly monk possibly look through my true body?” White Bone Spirit is puzzling. “那臭和尚怎么可能看破我的真身?”白骨精百思不得其解。 After she is the person dies, a resentment has not disappeared, finally white bone is not spoiled, formed White Bone Spirit. 她本身乃是人死之后,一口怨气未消,最终白骨不腐,形成的白骨精 Is unique Five Elements, not monster in hell life and death book, so long as the time is long enough, she can definitely practice the peerless big monster. 乃是超脱五行,不在地府生死册上的妖怪,只要时间够长,她完全可以修行成绝世大妖。 Even if now her cultivation base is not high, person but who transforms, is still not a mortal can look through absolutely. 即便现在她的修为不高,但是幻化出来的人身,也绝对不是一个凡人能够看破。 Luckily, the monk does not have cultivation base, should not Magic, here temporarily safe......” “幸好,那和尚没有修为,应该不会法术,我这里暂时还是安全……” Bang! 砰! White Bone Spirit finishes barely the words, suddenly outside the cave mansion transmits a dull thumping sound. 白骨精话音未落,忽然洞府外传来一声闷响。 Her gawked, but also without walked the examination exactly what happened with enough time, then heard the rampant sound to transmit together. 愣了愣,还没来得及走出去查看到底发生了什么事,便听见一道嚣张的声音传来。 White Bone Spirit you open the door! You have the skill to steal the man...... are not, you have the skill to play the role of the old man you not to have the skill to open the door!” 白骨精你开门啊!你有本事偷男人……不是,你有本事扮老头你没本事开门啊!” Hey!!! 噫!!! White Bone Spirit almost calls out in alarm makes noise. 白骨精差点惊叫出声。 Is that smelly monk, will he pursue to here comes? 是那个臭和尚,他怎么会追到这里来? Oneself have hidden the aura obviously, even the supernatural power excel monk, must spend a lot of time to find here! 自己明明已经掩藏了气息,就算是法力高强的和尚,也要花不少时间才能找到这里啊! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Outside the cave mansion, dull thumping sounds are getting more and more rapid, seem like some people crazily with the fist hammer cave mansion. 洞府外,一声声闷响越来越急促,似乎是有人在疯狂地用拳头锤击洞府。 Without White Bone Spirit pondered that actually should what to do, hear kā chā suddenly. 没等白骨精细想究竟该怎么办,忽然听见“咔嚓”一声。 Just now Array that oneself construct, is thin crash-bang becomes one piece broken, vanishes in the air. 方才自己所构建的阵法,稀里哗啦地碎成一片,消失在空气中。 Saw only the Xu Que stride to enter in the cave mansion, on the face is brimming with the benign countenance smile: Amitabha, benefactor, this poor monk came to surpass you.” 只见徐缺大步走进了洞府之中,脸上洋溢着慈眉善目的笑容:“阿弥陀佛,施主,贫僧前来超度你了。” Then, going forward is one set of farmer three fists, does not give the opportunity that White Bone Spirit begs for mercy. 说完,上前就是一套农夫三拳,根本不给白骨精求饶的机会。 Bang!” “砰!” A fist falls, White Bone Spirit then changed to one pile of skeletons in a twinkling, the fragrant disappearing jade perishes. 一拳落下,白骨精霎时间便化作了一堆骨头架子,就此香消玉殒。 Although Xu Que present mortal body does not have the supernatural power, but by demon source, Immortal Essence, Buddhist doctrine tertiary temperance, powerful incomparable, oneself then supplement the broken demon effect. 徐缺现在的肉身虽然没有法力,但是被魔源,仙元,佛法三重锤炼,强悍无匹,自身便附带破魔效果。 Almost does not have too strong monster strength like White Bone Spirit this type, depends entirely on changes the monster who the skin deceived people, one set of farmer three fists, could die directly thoroughly. 白骨精这种几乎没有太强妖力,全靠换皮肤骗人的妖怪,一套农夫三拳,直接死得透透的。 Before Golden Light Mirror, several old monks thorough are scared. 金光镜前,几名老僧已经彻底傻眼了。 They place the great expectations White Bone Spirit, simply has not played a role, almost just entered the stage is tidied up! 他们寄予厚望的白骨精,根本没有发挥一点作用,几乎是刚出场就被收拾了! What does? This also how Trial!” “搞什么啊?这样还怎么试炼啊!” This boy has the issue, is he Buddhist cultivator, killing is so how heavy!” “这厮有问题啊,他到底是不是佛修啊,杀性怎么这么重啊!” Cannot this absolutely after Bodhisattva Trial!” “绝对不能让此人经过佛子试炼!” Xu Que comes already the achievement of achieving has killed greatly kills especially along the way, these old monks abhorred his behavior simply, does not want this to pass Bodhisattva Trial. 徐缺沿途而来已经达成了大杀特杀的成就,这些老僧对他的行为简直深恶痛绝,根本不想让此人通过佛子试炼 What Buddhist cultivator depends is what? 佛修靠的是什么? Is the Buddhist doctrine, is the mouth artillery! 是佛法,是嘴炮! Persuades the world with a kindness! 是用一颗仁爱之心去感化世人! You special come up on three fists, what our Buddhist cultivator and these ordinary do cultivator(s) have to distinguish? 你特么上去就三拳,那我们佛修和那些普通的修士还有什么区别? Pushed down our Buddhist cultivator style simply! 简直拉低了我们佛修的格调! However, the old monks have not controlled the Trial skill, can only stare at Xu Que with clenched jaws, whatever he pushes directly into the Bodhisattva Trial among the roads. 然而,老僧们并没有操控试炼的本事,只能咬牙切齿地盯着徐缺,任由他在佛子试炼中一路长驱直入。 Several old monks, under the short of breath almost oneself under tutelage rush cushion gave to bite. 有几名老僧,气急之下差点把自己座下的蒲团都给咬碎了。 The shame, absolutely is the shame! 耻辱,绝对是耻辱! Let this person through Trial, absolutely is the shames of their these study Buddhist doctrine! 让这种人通过试炼,绝对是他们这些钻研佛法者的耻辱! I had the means!” A fat old monk suddenly eyes bright, high sound said. “我有办法了!”胖老僧忽然眼睛一亮,高声道。 Surrounding old monk hearing this, encircled hastily. 周围的老僧闻言,连忙围了过去。 Saw only the fat old monk to lower the sound, said slowly: We, although does not have the means to control Buddha Sect Trial, but we can pours into our cultivation base, then the evil spirit strength greatly will enhance.” 只见胖老僧压低了声音,缓缓道:“咱们虽然没有办法操控佛门试炼,但是我们可以向其中注入我们的修为,如此一来妖物的实力就会大幅度提高。” This...... is a good way, but how can you 1 affirmation, he certainly not can be victorious?” “这……不失为一个好办法,但你又怎么能一肯定,他就一定打不过呢?” The performance that Xu Que comes, has made the old monks shock. 徐缺一路来的表现,已经让老僧们震撼不已。 Especially that powerful mortal body, made the profound impression on them. 尤其是那强大的肉身,更是给他们留下了深刻的印象。 A fist monster, this special who? 一拳一个妖怪,这特么谁遭得住? 9 x 9 = 81 is difficult, according to this fighting method, 881 difficult only to support for several days! 九九八十一难,照这个打法,八百八十一难都只能多撑几天! The time speed of flow in Memory Realm, with outside world is 100 : 1 , was inside passed for 100 days, outside world also passed for day. 记忆之境中的时间流速,与外界是一百比一,也就是里面度过一百天,外界也才度过一天。 Xu Que in Memory Realm, in less than half a month, has killed the quick more than 20 monsters, pushes directly into, the journey walked quickly 1/3! 徐缺记忆之境中,不到半个月的时间,就已经打死了快二十多只妖怪,一路长驱直入,路途都走了快三分之一了! Others the fourth apprentice have not subdued now continually! 其他人现在连第四个徒弟都还没收服呢! Fat old monk sinking sound said: I have carefully observed, although his mortal body is strong, but truly has no supernatural power, even so, heads west can on the way with monster few that it fights, therefore we must pour into our cultivation base on the most competent monster, I said, whom you should know credibly?” 胖老僧沉声道:“我仔细观察过,他的肉身虽强,但确实没有任何法力,即便如此,西行途中能够与之一战的妖怪都没有几个,所以咱们要在最有实力的妖怪身上注入我们的修为,我这么说,你们应该知道谁最靠谱了吧?” An old monks slightly thinking, then revealed the color of bright becoming aware. 老僧们只是略一思索,便露出了明悟之色。 Golden Winged Great Peng King! 金翅大鹏王 west travels the background hardest monster! Once was the True Buddha mount, afterward fled Great Thunderclap Temple secretly, arriving at the world of mortals becomes 9 x 9 = 81 difficult one difficult. 西行路上背景最硬的妖怪!曾经乃是真佛的坐骑,后来私自逃离大雷音寺,来到凡间成为了九九八十一难中的其中一难。 So long as makes Golden Winged Great Peng King obtain our cultivation base, this Tang Sanzang absolutely is not an opponent!” “只要让金翅大鹏王得到我们的修为,这唐三藏绝对不是对手!” Truly, Golden Winged Great Peng King practices side True Buddha for many years, mortal body is powerful, the supernatural power is profound, in this Memory Realm the strength is almost 1 : 1 replica, in addition our irrigation, can defeat Tang Sanzang inevitably.” “确实,金翅大鹏王真佛身边修行多年,肉身强大,法力高深,这记忆之境中实力几乎是一比一复刻,加上咱们的灌注,必然可以战胜唐三藏。” The matter cannot be delayed, we go now!” “事不宜迟,咱们现在就去吧!” The old monks take the bull by the horns, sits cross-legged to sit down directly, revolution Cultivation Technique, starts to go into action. 老僧们当机立断,直接盘膝坐下,运转功法,开始行动起来。 Sees only their body surface flood to make a debut a golden light, in the eye is brimming with hot blooded, as well as firm will. 只见他们体表泛出道道金光,眼中都洋溢着热血,以及坚决的意志。 Cannot let Tang Sanzang absolutely, obtains the Daoist scripture! 绝对不能让唐三藏,取得真经! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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