USS :: Volume #13

#1262: I am Xu Que's father!

Wha...... what? old person, you said that...... Xu Que is your son? Jade Pool Saintess is Bai Cailing, your daughter-in-law?” Soldier(s) one hear of this saying, immediately scared, is very scared! “什……什么?老人家,您说……徐缺是您的儿子?瑶池圣女白彩翎,是您的儿媳妇?”士兵一听这话,顿时吓坏了,无比傻眼! Jade Pool is in Tianxiang Immortal Domain the strongest influence, his only Soldier(s) usually in approaches does not dare, if not sympathizes with this old man, he said that anything will not come. 瑶池乃是天相仙域里最强大的势力,他区区一个士兵平日里连靠近都不敢,若非是同情这位老者,他说什么都不会来的。 But now, this old man says such absurd words unexpectedly, dared saying that Jade Pool Saintess Bai Cailing, was his daughter-in-law. 可现在,这老者居然说出这么荒谬的话,竟敢说瑶池圣女白彩翎,是他的儿媳妇。 Oh, this has not led him to go in luckily, otherwise oneself today must die in this! 天哪,这幸好是没带他进去,否则自己今天都得死在这! Right, I am Xu Que's father, how? What matter did my child make the mistake?” An old man face blurry with worrying looked that asked to Soldier(s). “对呀,我是徐缺他爹,怎么了?是不是我那孩子做错了什么事?”老者一脸迷糊与担忧的看向士兵问道。 The forced smile of Soldier(s) immediately whole face: old person, you were possibly deceived! As far as I know, Xu Que is Heaven Exploding Faction's Faction Master, he sent his subordinate Er Gou'zi and Duan Jiude, was once ransacked side Hidden Treasure Pavilion in Jade Pool Holy Land, now Jade Pool is chasing down Er Gou'zi and Duan Jiude everywhere, even Xu Que!” 士兵顿时满脸的苦笑:“老人家,您可能被人骗了!据我所知,徐缺乃是炸天帮的帮主,他派了他的手下二狗子与段九德,曾经把瑶池圣地里的一方藏宝阁洗劫一空,如今瑶池到处在追杀二狗子与段九德,甚至还有徐缺!” What? This...... this disobedient son, does this matters of not shame to come......” old man hearing this, the immediately air/Qi to result in both hands blue vein unexpectedly to stick out suddenly, the complexion becomes flushed. “什么?这……这个逆子,竟干出这等不耻之事来……”老者闻言,顿时气得双手青筋暴起,脸色涨红。 I...... cough cough cough......” “我……咳咳咳……” The next quarter, the old man opens the mouth continues to speak, actually the anger launches a psychological attack, coughed at the scene a blood, the aura of whole person seemed even more dejected, suffocated. 下一刻,老者张口继续说话,却怒火攻心,当场咳出了一口鲜血,整个人的气息显得愈发颓然,奄奄一息。 The Soldier(s) complexion big change, a busy palm pats in the old man conducts the back, pours into a vitality to him, opens the mouth to comfort saying: old person, your body is not good, do not take offense. Like this, I look for an intermittent stack to you, you rest well, but do not say the Xu Que's matter ten million/countless, moreover Xu Que not possible to have the engagement with Jade Pool Saintess, pearl that Saintess keeps aloof like that the female of Supreme Talent(s),...... , old person, I thinks can it be that you should be understand!” 士兵脸色大变,紧忙一掌拍在老者背上,灌入一丝生机给他,开口安慰道:“老人家,您身子不好,千万别动气了。这样吧,我给您找一间息栈,您好好休息,但是千万可别跟人说徐缺的事,另外徐缺也不可能跟瑶池圣女有婚约,圣女那般高高在上的明珠,天骄之女,又岂是……呃,罢了,老人家,我想您应该是懂的!” I understand, I understand!” The old men nod again and again, the corner of the eye slid the tears, the look is sad , to continue saying: little friend, you are a good person, do you name?” “我明白,我明白!”老者连连点头,眼角滑出了泪水,神色哀伤,继续道:“小友,你是个好人,你叫什么名字?” Goes old person home, in next enlightened ruler, I first delivers you minus interest stack!” Soldier(s) shows a faint smile, holds the old man preparation to leave. “回老人家,在下张明君,我先送您去息栈吧!”士兵微微一笑,扶着老者准备离开。 However the old man actually stands in unmovingly same place, beckons with the hand: Opens little friend, thank you! However...... my unfilial child makes this matter, when father how could to disregard, you first walk, this matter old man surely must explain to Jade Pool one!” 然而老者却纹丝不动的站在原地,摆了摆手:“张小友,谢谢你了!不过……我那不孝孩子做出这种事,当爹的又岂能无视呢,你先走吧,此事老夫必当要给瑶池一个交待!” "Ah! this...... ” enlightened ruler one hear, flustered immediately, the busy urged: old person, does not may, if Jade Pool knows that you are the Xu Que's father, decides however......” “啊!这……”张明君一听,立马慌了,紧忙劝道:“老人家,万万不可呀,瑶池若是知道您是徐缺的父亲,定然……” This little brother, my Jade Pool in your eyes, is difficult to be inadequate is that type uses strength to bully the weak, unreasonable Sect(s)?” “这位小兄弟,我瑶池在你眼里,难不成是那种恃强凌弱,不讲道理的宗门吗?” Opened the enlightened ruler words not saying that powerful aura gushed out from Jade Pool Holy Land suddenly, brought the dignified female voice to transmit together. 明君话没说完,一股强大的气息陡然从瑶池圣地里涌出,同时一道带着威严的女声传来。 Can hear from the sound, the master age of this female voice is also big, moreover this aura, almost can judge realm of opposite party, at least above Golden Immortal Realm. 从声音听得出,这道女声的主人年纪也不小,而且这道气息,几乎可以判断出对方的境界,至少在金仙境之上。 First...... the senior forgives, the villain made an indiscreet remark a moment ago!” Opens enlightened ruler to kneel on the ground immediately, the whole face terrified say/way. “前……前辈恕罪,小人刚才失言了!”张明君当即跪在地上,满脸惶恐道。 His only day the city defends a city Soldier(s), in others Jade Pool Holy Land out of the door said that this words, truly does. 他区区一个天相城守城士兵,在人家瑶池圣地的门外说这种话,确实是作死。 „, Your words this Seat listened to arrived, read in your benevolence, this matter did not go into one's past, you first drew back, as for this old person, you can arrive in my Jade Pool.” At this time, the voice of that female conveyed again. “罢了,你们刚才的话本座都听到了,念在你一片善心上,此事既往不咎,你先退下吧,至于这位老人家,你可以到我瑶池中来。”这时,那道女子的声音再次传来。 Opens enlightened ruler hearing this, relaxes immediately, stands up, but somewhat worries looked at the old man, immediately clenches teeth, said to the Jade Pool direction submissively: Senior, please villain with great courage, this old person, although is the Xu Que's father, but he does not know the circumstances of the matter to the Xu Que's actions, but also invited the senior......” 明君闻言,立马松了一口大气,站起身,但又有些担忧的看了看老者,随即咬了咬牙,面向瑶池方向拱手道:“前辈,请恕小人斗胆,这位老人家虽然是徐缺的父亲,但他对徐缺的所作所为都不知情,还请前辈……” Dissolute!” In Jade Pool Holy Land immediately hears one to berate: this Seat said a moment ago, my Jade Pool is Holy Land in your eyes, so overbearing? Snort, your little kid, young, cultivation base is low, is actually very just, this Seat can promise you, we will not injure this old man half a point half, and you under drawing back. If there is half a word to make an indiscreet remark again, you did not use!” “放肆!”瑶池圣地顿时传来一声喝斥:“本座刚才都说了,我瑶池圣地在你眼里,就那么霸道吗?哼,你这小娃子,年纪轻轻,修为低下,倒是挺正义的,本座可以向你保证,我们绝不会伤这位老者半分半豪,你且退下吧。若再有半句失言,你就不用走了!” Yes, the villain knew the crime, many thanks senior!” Opens the enlightened ruler busy to say submissively, worry on face also vanished thoroughly. “是,小人知罪了,多谢前辈!”张明君紧忙拱手道,脸上的担忧也彻底消失了。 Jade Pool's can greatly, since said that will not definitely harm this old man. 瑶池的大能既然都如此说,那肯定就不会伤害这位老者。 He looks to the old man, the smile said: old person, I delivered you to this, please take care!” 他看向老者,微笑道:“老人家,那我就送您到这了,请多保重!” Good, opens little friend, thank you, you were really a good child!” On the old man face the whole face gentle smile, pats the hand of enlightened ruler saying that such as elder to the praise of younger generation. “好,张小友,谢谢你了,你真是个好孩子呀!”老者脸上满脸慈祥的笑容,拍着张明君的手道,如长辈对晚辈的夸赞。 „The old person erroneous approved!” Opens enlightened ruler to smile difficultly, later said goodbye to the old man, turns around to depart. 老人家谬赞了!”张明君挠头笑了笑,随后与老者道别,转身离去。 At this time, the old man also looked at the vision to Jade Pool Holy Land, the front door in steps has opened wide, out of the door is standing several young female disciple, wore the pink cheongsam, is all visiting him. 这时候,老者也将目光看向瑶池圣地,阶梯上的大门已经敞开,门外站着数名年轻的女弟子,身穿粉色长衫,皆在看着他。 Oh!” “唉!” The old men shake the head slightly, sigh, the difficult taking step, goes toward the Jade Pool front door. 老者微微摇头,叹了口气,艰难的迈出步伐,往瑶池大门而去。 Although he every step is so difficult, but among merely several, figure has then plundered to the entrance, is very brief movement technique. 虽然他每一步都那么艰难,但仅仅几步之间,身形便已经掠至大门口,是一种很简略的身法 Entrance several Jade Pool female disciple have not felt surprised, thought on the contrary this old person speed was too slow, but they do not have slightly does not bear, because this old person is very gentle, feeling is very good with the impression, like former that enlightened ruler, making one unable to bear want to sympathize with him. 门口几位瑶池弟子并未感到惊讶,反倒还觉得这位老人的速度太慢了,可她们也没有丝毫的不耐,因为这位老人很慈祥,给人的感觉跟印象都很好,就像之前那位张明君似的,让人忍不住想同情他。 old person, here invited. Saintess and Deacon Lin, already in meeting hall you!” Female disciple leads the way for the old man, smiles was saying. 老人家,这边请。圣女林执事,已在议事厅等您!”一名女弟子为老者引路,微笑着说道。 If previously that female voice said that Jade Pool is not using strength to bully the weak is unreasonable, even if the old man said that is the Xu Que's father, the hatred had not blamed that on the body of old person, they listened to arrived let alone a moment ago, this old person actually said that must come to forgive wrong, is really the pitiful world parental love who is Xu Que violates. 如此前那道女声所言,瑶池并非恃强凌弱不讲道理,哪怕老者自称是徐缺的父亲,她们也没把仇恨怪责在老人家的身上,更何况她们刚才都听到了,这位老人家竟然说要来为徐缺犯下的错而恕罪,真是可怜天下父母心呐。 Quick, the old man was then taken to Jade Pool by that female disciple, pleasant is a piece by piece deep green great lake, the lake water is then limpid, is growing a lotus, is giving off rich Immortal Essence and fragrance, refreshing. 很快,老者便被那名女弟子带往瑶池,入眼便是一片片碧绿的大湖,湖水清澈无比,长着朵朵荷花,散发着浓郁的仙元与香气,沁人心脾。 In several pieces of great lake center, the alley, lays by seven color small stones, carries to. 在几片大湖中央,有一条小路,以七彩的小石头铺砌而成,通往里端。 The old men walk on the alley, felt like that within the body vitality slightly some are long gradually, the whole person was also more refreshing than a moment ago, was very comfortable. 老者走在小路上,隐约觉得体内生机略微有些渐长,整个人也比刚才神清气爽了许多,很是舒适。 He surprised is sizing up all around, while follows female disciple to proceed the line. 他一边惊奇的打量着四周,一边跟随女弟子往前而行。 Quick, two people have then passed through the small rock road, arrives at a yard, the yard center is arranging great array, a center is seven color giant stones. 很快,两人便已经走过了小石路,来到一座大院,大院中心布置着一座大阵,阵中心是一枚七彩巨石。 In the old man astonished vision, female disciple makes together Magic Art, opens Array, seven color giant stones lighten together the blue light instantaneously, covers the old man, is involved in Array. 在老者惊愕的目光中,女弟子打出一道法诀,开启阵法,七彩巨石瞬间闪出一道蓝光,将老者笼罩,卷入阵法中。 After a force of traction, the old man present illusion of suddenly discovered the change, was transmitted to a light and bright meeting hall in unexpectedly. 一阵牵引力之后,老者眼前的幻境突然发现了变化,竟被传送到一间宽敞明亮的议事厅里。 In the meeting hall was filled with the person, the first position position on Holy Mother vacant, but the under left and right are also placing dozens chairs, from front to back arranges, was almost filled with the female, from experienced and reliable little all has. 议事厅内坐满了人,首座位置上的圣母之位空置着,但下方左右两侧也摆放着数十张椅子,从前往后排列,几乎是坐满了女子,从老到少皆有。 Except that the front several chairs are vacant, is the head sits a young female, white clothes, the appearance is delicate and beautiful, the makings have the dust, in her opposite sits a middle-aged female, could see from the aura, voice transmission went out a moment ago, is this middle-aged female at present. 除了前头几张椅子是空置着的,为首坐着一名年轻的女子,一声洁白的衣裳,样貌清秀而美丽,气质出尘,在她对面则坐着一位中年女子,从气息上看得出,刚才传音出去的,就是眼前这位中年女子。 The appearance of old man, brought in immediately vision gaze that presents dozens females. 老者的出现,立马引来了在座数十名女子的目光注视。 At this time, is that white clothing female disciple of head stands up, looked that said to the old man: old person, just now listened to you saying that you were the Xu Que's father?” 这时候,为首的那名白衣女弟子站起身,看向老者道:“老人家,方才听您说,您是徐缺的父亲?” Good, I am Xu Que's father!” The old men are leaning on the walking stick, the slight nod, meanwhile sighed: Oh, the non- loyal son who this does not make every effort to succeed, made the matter of such not shame unexpectedly, the old man apologized to apology for him!” “不错,我是徐缺他爹!”老者拄着拐杖,微微点头,同时还叹了口气:“唉,这个不争气的不孝子,竟做出了此等不耻之事,老夫替他向诸位道歉请罪!” Saying, under the old man is curved the trembling body, must kneel toward the ground. 说着,老者便弯下颤巍的身子,就要往地上跪去。 Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” The white clothing female busy prevented the old man, opens the mouth saying: old person, you do not worry, I am Jade Pool's Saintess Bai Cailing, more than ten years ago once had had several reasons with your son Xu Que, was rescued by him, therefore our not accountant compares with his actions, please feel relieved. However...... you said outside, Xu Que has the matter of engagement with me, is really the lies, does not know that whom you were listen to say?” 白衣女子紧忙阻止了老者,开口道:“老人家,您别担心,我是瑶池的圣女白彩翎,十几年前曾与您的儿子徐缺有过数面之缘,更被他所救,所以我们不会计较他的所作所为,请您放心。不过……您方才在外面说,徐缺与我有婚约之事,实属虚言,不知您是听谁说的?” "Ah! you are the daughter-in-law of old man...... cough cough, excuse me, the old man was offensive. Saintess Bai, present, actually the old man a moment ago not complete, my family young child and Saintess Bai who engagement outside said that had the marriage certificate to serve as evidence! ” “啊!你便是老夫的儿媳……咳咳,不好意思,老夫唐突了。白圣女,还有在座的诸位,其实老夫刚才在外面说的并非全部,我家小儿与白圣女的婚约,是有婚书为凭的!” Speaking of this, the old man big hand wields, pulls out a light spirit money from the crotch, on the paper writes several lines of small characters, under also has Bai Cailing the signature, and supplements her divine soul aura. 说到这,老者大手一挥,从胯下掏出一张薄薄的金纸,纸张上写着数行小字,下方还有“白彩翎”的签字,并附带她的神魂气息。 Shuā! 唰! Shortly, an audience dreariness, everyone whole face is all astonished. 顷刻间,全场一片沉寂,所有人皆满脸惊愕。 Bai Cailing is stares to look blank, looks at that spirit money dull, obviously IOU recognized this! 白彩翎更是瞪直了眼,呆呆看着那张金纸,显然将这张“欠条”认出来了! But she cannot think through completely, how did IOU turn into the marriage certificate? 可她完全想不通,欠条怎么就变成婚书了? ...... …… ...... …… Second delivers!】 【第二更送到!】
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