USS :: Volume #13

#1261: Sees my son

Fuck! 靠! Looks at present the empty barren hill, the Xu Que full head heavy line! 看着眼前空荡荡的荒山,徐缺满头的黑线! This too tragedy, this Cool Saint also had unexpectedly abandoned a day, Er Gou'zi was ascends the sky with Duan Jiude these two goods simply floating, unexpectedly kept everything for oneself! 这太悲剧了,本逼圣居然也有被抛弃的一天,二狗子段九德这两货简直是飘上天了啊,居然吃独食! „After it seems like, really cannot keep anything to these two goods, otherwise which day they really must ascend the sky!” “看来以后真不能给这两个货留什么东西,否则哪天他们真的要上天了!” Xu Que helpless shook the head. 徐缺无奈的摇了摇头 Initially he once gave Er Gou'zi many Divine Movement Escaping Symbol, has not thought that these two goods study essences, will cast off him with Divine Movement Escaping Symbol. 当初他曾经给了二狗子不少神行遁走符,没想到这二货学精了,都会用神行遁走符来甩开他了。 According to present this situation looks, clearly is Er Gou'zi with the Duan Jiude found what serious good fortune, urgent hurrying back, prepares to keep everything for oneself, moreover takes Mo Junchen, explained that place has certain risk, needs Mo Junchen take action. 按照眼下这形势看,分明就是二狗子段九德找到了什么不得了的造化,火急火燎的赶回来,准备去吃独食,而且带上莫君臣,说明那地方有一定的危险性,需要莫君臣出手 However Xu Que can also see through, by his current situation, various good fortunes are many enough, is the Duan Jiude strength has fallen behind on the contrary are too many, even if he crosses the tribulation to step into Earth Immortal Realm, the strength is still not much, making them make a good fortune to enhance the strength is also good. 不过徐缺倒也看得很开,以他目前的情况,各种造化已经足够多了,反倒是段九德的实力已经落后太多,哪怕他渡完劫踏入地仙境,实力依旧不怎么样,让他们去弄点造化提升一下实力也不错。 Although Er Gou'zi with Duan Jiude this approach, normally looks like very difficult to accept, but is very normal in the Xu Que eye, after all from the beginning, Er Gou'zi is cheating with the Duan Jiude itself/Ben everywhere, but after he appears, gave the steamroll the cheating methods of these two goods, turned into his good fortune bell Shenxiu. 虽然二狗子段九德这种做法,正常看来都很难接受,但在徐缺眼里却很正常,毕竟从一开始,二狗子段九德本就是在到处坑人,只不过他出现以后,把这两个货的坑人手段都给碾压了,变成他一个人的造化钟神秀。 But now he comes Heaven Continent many years late, are too really few regarding the understanding of Heaven Continent, this makes Er Gou'zi and Duan Jiude have an opportunity. 但现在他晚来天洲好多年,对于天洲的了解实在太少,这才让二狗子与段九德有机可乘。 Hey, wait for you two come back, looked how I tidy up you!” Xu Que snort/hum, turned around to be about to leave. “嘿,等你们两个回来,看我怎么收拾你们!”徐缺哼了一声,转身准备离开。 The instance that but the footsteps just took, his cannot help but, the brow wrinkled slightly. 但脚步刚迈出的瞬间,他不由得一顿,眉头微微皱了起来。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Xu Que talked to oneself in a low voice. 徐缺低声自语。 He had realized arrived a moment ago, if these two goods are really do what good fortune, as if not need hurriedly, not to need to find such rotten excuse, according to their past characters, should suspicious missing, will be impossible such frankly and uprightly will drop out him. 刚才他就已经意识到了,如果这两个货真是去搞什么造化的话,似乎也没必要这么匆忙,更没必要找这么烂的借口,按照他们往日的性格,应该是偷偷摸摸的失踪,不可能会这么光明正大的把他抛下。 Before the recombination their two leave the words, shouted he goes to Jade Pool, this little is really thought-provoking! 再结合他们两个离开前的话语,一个劲的喊他去瑶池,这实在有点耐人寻味呀! What plot really has? Or Jade Pool is a pit, these two goods do not dare to go, even does not dare to approach, what wicked matter possibly did, therefore was afraid by the Jade Pool settlement is travelled, now wants to deceive me to pass, making me solve?” Xu Que touches the chin, looking pensive. “果然是有什么阴谋吗?或者说,瑶池就是一个坑,这两个货不敢去,甚至不敢靠近,可能是干了什么缺德事,所以害怕被瑶池清算才跑路了,现在想骗我过去,让我一个人去解决么?”徐缺摸了摸下巴,若有所思。 After all according to Er Gou'zi with the Duan Jiude attitude, this matter they are does, no, this matter to them, is operates completely daily! 毕竟按照二狗子段九德的作风,这种事他们是干得出来的,不,这种事对他们来说,完全是日常操作! „, It seems like really fluttered, moreover regarded the fool me,...... can have a look, that two delivery bottoms did any crazed matter in Jade Pool, will fear this, had a look also to have good thing anything to be able while convenient to fish!” Xu Que is talking to oneself, the corners of the mouth raise wipe the happy expression. “啧啧啧,看来真的是飘了,而且还把我当成傻子了,不过嘛……还是可以去看看,那两个货到底在瑶池干了什么丧心病狂的事,才会怕成这样,也顺便看看还有好东西什么能捞的!”徐缺自语着,嘴角扬起一抹笑意。 Whiz! 嗖! The next quarter, in his hand were also many a small puppet, above quarter completely dense and numerous rune, is sending out the splendor glow, was Immortal Grade Camouflage Puppet! 下一刻,他手中也多出一个小木偶,上面刻满了密密麻麻的符文,散发着辉芒,正是一个仙品伪装傀儡 ...... …… A few days later, Tianxiang Immortal Domain central-- day city! 几天后,天相仙域的中心——天相城! Gets sick the dispirited old man, is kind-looking, silver-haired, is plain-dressed, is leaning on a walking stick, standing of panting outside the city. 一位病怏怏的老者,面容慈祥,白发苍苍,衣着朴素,拄着一根拐杖,气喘吁吁的站在城外。 He raises head to stare at this float dull in the in the air great city, in the heart is quite shocking at present. 他呆呆的仰头凝望着眼前这座漂浮在空中的巨城,心中颇是震撼。 He has not thought, this day the city unexpectedly is float in in the air, such as Heavenly Palace in impression is really ordinary, the immortal fog winds around, said innumerably the silhouette control flying sword, or both hands shoulder after behind, mounts the clouds and rides the mist, from the sky speeds away. 他没想到,这座天相城竟然是悬浮在空中的,真的如印象中的天宫一般,仙雾缭绕,无数道身影驾驭飞剑,或双手背负在身后,腾云驾雾,在空中疾驰。 On ancient city also several moats, the river water from the space, turns into the waterfall, rushes to the sea in ground. 古城上还有数条护城河,河水从天上来,化成瀑布,涌向地面上的海洋里。 In front of old person, is a sea, head city, he is leaning on the walking stick, thin silhouette stands before the sea, some unexpectedly dreary feelings, making people think pitiful. 老人面前,就是一片海,头上一座城,他拄着拐杖,消瘦的身影站在大海前,竟有种萧瑟的感觉,让人觉得可怜。 He seems lonely, is very desolate, is actually passing a hope, trembling is hand-held the walking stick, as if gust comes to be able him to blow down momentarily! 他似乎很孤单,很落寞,却透着一种期盼,颤巍的手扶着拐杖,仿佛随时一阵风来都可以把他吹倒! old person, do you want to go day the city?” At this time, stream of light from in the air plundered, fell on the ground, looks at the old man to ask. 老人家,你这是要去天相城吗?”这时,一道流光从空中掠来,落在地上,看着老者问道。 This is Soldier(s) that is responsible for guarding the city gate, that moment of the old man presenting, they have discovered the old man, all close to the day the person in city, will be examined, but cultivator(s) plunders generally to in the air, after completes the verification to be entered the city made may enter a city, came like old man walking, was very on the contrary rare. 这是一名负责守卫城门的士兵,从老者出现的那一刻,他们就已经发现老者,一切靠近天相城的人,都会被审查,但是一般修士都是自行掠向空中,在空中完成审核得到入城令后才可进城,像老者这种走路过来的,反倒很罕见。 At this moment, this Soldier(s) is gazing at the old man moderately, a concern. 此刻,这士兵语气温和的注视着老者,略带一丝关怀。 Although at present this old man, only then Half Immortal Realm cultivation base, moreover seemingly had what serious illness, the actual strength was also far less than ordinary Half Immortal Realm, even body Death Qi, as if the life was near, but his gentle face, the sad look, successfully made Soldier(s) have the compassion to him, lets that old father who Soldier(s) remembered him once to elapse. 虽然眼前这老者只有半仙境修为,而且看上去似乎得了什么重病,实际实力也远不如普通半仙境了,甚至身上还有一股死气,仿佛寿元将近,但他那慈祥的面孔,略带哀伤的眼神,成功让士兵对他起了恻隐之心,让士兵想起了他曾经逝去的那位老父亲。 cough cough coughed......” at this time, cool breeze blew, the old man is covering the mouth, slightly painful light coughed obviously several. 咳咳咳……”这时,一阵清风吹来,老者捂着嘴巴,略显痛苦的轻咳了几声。 old person, are you all right?” The young Soldier(s) busy inquired. 老人家,你没事吧?”年轻的士兵紧忙询问道。 The old men smile lightly, beckon with the hand: Is all right, many thanks the care of little friend, the old man is half person who foot treads the coffin, these were the old problem, be used to it!” 老者淡淡一笑,摆了摆手:“没事没事,多谢小友的关心,老夫已经是半只脚踏进棺材的人了,这些都是老毛病,习惯了!” „, What matter that old person...... you come the day the city to have, below whether has something to help you?” Soldier(s) opens the mouth to ask. “呃,那老人家……您来天相城有什么事吗,在下是否有什么可以帮到您的?”士兵开口问道。 Even if he is Human Immortal Realm cultivation base, even if he guard in city as the day, said that the old man is a senior, and used to politely call. 哪怕他已经是人仙境修为,哪怕他身为天相城的护卫,却还是称老者为前辈,并用了尊称。 Because of this old man, making him feel very pitiful, cannot bear will regard the person of father's generation to treat generally. 因为这位老者,让他感觉很可怜,忍不住会当成父辈一般去对待。 I...... cough cough, I look for my son, I heard, he and Jade Pool's Young Lady had the engagement, therefore guesses that he possibly came the day the city, oh, his Li Family many years, I...... I want before, to be able just before leaving with him and daughter-in-law sit together, good delicious food,...... then to be then well satisfied!” The language that the old men spoke fast was very slow, actually the feeling of exhausting the whole body strength. “我……咳咳,我来找我的儿子,我听人说,他与瑶池的一位姑娘有婚约,所以猜他可能来了天相城,唉,他离家很多年了,我……我想在临走之前,能跟他以及儿媳妇坐在一起,好好吃一顿饭,便……便心满意足了!”老者说话的语速很慢,却给人一种用尽全身力气的感觉。 Soldier(s) hearing this, the nose could not bear unexpectedly somewhat turns sour. 士兵闻言,鼻子竟忍不住有些发酸了。 In the past in his family/home that old father, before the end, there is such a desire, what a pity he himself wholeheartedly is only actually thinking sought the good fortune everywhere, wholeheartedly only thought practice, when he went home, the father actually had passed away for many years, in the room a piece of dust, was damaged. 当年他家中那位老父亲,临终前,也有这么一个愿望,可惜他自己却一心只想着到处寻求造化,一心只想修炼,直到他回家时,父亲却已经辞世多年,屋中一片灰尘,破败不堪。 Now hears the words of this old man, he even more thought of his father. 如今听到这位老者的话,他愈发想念他的父亲了。 Might as well, old person, you pour into this to enter the city command Immortal Essence, so long as you by the person of issuing a warrant for arrest, were not then entered the city!” Immediately, Soldier(s) also put out one to enter the city command fast. “无妨,老人家,您将仙元注入这块入城令,只要您不是被通缉之人,即可入城!”当即,士兵也快速拿出了一块入城令。 Although turns over to be moved with emotion, but the normal procedure is obligato. 虽然感动归感动,但正常手续是不能省略的。 Therefore, after the old man completed the examination, Soldier(s) then also rapidly leads the old man to step day the city, but also receives and instructs him to enter the city personally, goes toward Jade Pool's Holy Land. 于是,在老者完成了审查后,士兵便也迅速带着老者踏上天相城,还亲自接引他入城,往瑶池的圣地而去。 The day the city is very giant, middle various big or small influences at least several, the fish snake is promiscuous, Soldier(s) was really worried that old person will be bullied by some illegal people in the city, therefore guides personally. 天相城十分巨大,当中各种大小势力就至少数十,鱼蛇混杂,士兵实在担心老人家在城中会被一些不轨之人欺负,所以才亲自带路。 From the city gate to Jade Pool, at least needs to fly day of time, travels by Teleportation Array to the recent transmission point, can quickest arrival. 从城门去往瑶池,至少需要飞行一天时间,去往最近的传送点搭乘传送阵,才能最快的抵达。 The Soldier(s) warmheartedness, the entire journey accompanies the old man, also no one dares to stir up trouble, to third day, two people finally arrives in beside Jade Pool Holy Land. 士兵十分热心肠,全程都陪伴老者,一路也就没人敢来惹事,一直到第三天,两人终于抵达瑶池圣地之外。 old person does, your son name? That and your son has Jade Pool female disciple of engagement, informs me their names, I go to notify one for you with the Jade Pool's guard.” Stands outside Jade Pool Holy Land, young Soldier(s) looks at the old man, the concern asks. 老人家,您儿子叫什么名字?还有那位与您儿子有婚约的瑶池弟子,把他们的名字告知我,我替您去跟瑶池的守卫通报一声。”站在瑶池圣地外,年轻士兵看着老者,关怀问道。 The old men raised the head, on the face appears to be gratified and be proud, sighs: I...... there me, since childhood am much longer, therefore his several childhood names, called slow Meili with slow Piaoliang, the given name called Xu Que, I heard, he and Jade Pool's Saintess Bai Cailing had the engagement, therefore caught up from afar, wants to see him with that daughter-in-law!” 老者抬起头,脸上浮现一丝欣慰与自豪,叹息道:“我……我那儿子呀,从小就长得好看,所以他有几个小名,叫徐美丽跟徐漂亮,大名叫徐缺,我听人说,他与瑶池的圣女白彩翎有婚约,所以才千里迢迢赶过来,想见见他跟那位儿媳!” ...... …… ...... …… First delivers!】 【第一更送到!】
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