TCOC :: Volume #19

#1831: Deity Secret Art

City main looks at Tang Zheng, the cold sound asked still shaken: „Do you actually want to do?” 城主惊魂未定地看着唐铮,寒声问道:“你到底想干什么?” Deity Secret Art!” Tang Zheng reaches out the city hosts. “天神诀!”唐铮向城主伸出手。 The city main eyelid jumps fiercely, clenched teeth, denied: I do not have.” 城主眼皮猛跳,咬了咬牙,否认道:“我没有。” Tang Zheng turns around then to walk, said: You wait the clan to explain to god.” 唐铮转身便走,说:“那你等着给神族解释吧。” The city hosts grip the tight fist, wants to fight with the fists dead Tang Zheng, but the round military force, he at is not the Tang Zheng match. 城主攥紧拳头,真想将唐铮一拳打死,可轮武力,他根本不是唐铮的对手。 If the god clan knew, let alone is the position of city Lord, perhaps nature life also difficult insurance. 若神族真的知道了,别说是城主之位,恐怕『性』命也难保。 And other!” “等一下!” The city main hesitant quite a while, dejectedly called out. 城主犹豫半天,垂头丧气地叫道。 Tang Zheng stops the footsteps, turns around smilingly looks at he, said: Thought through?” 唐铮停下脚步,转身笑眯眯地看着他,说:“想通了?” The city Lord cold snort|hum one, said: You think of every means that take the strength of belief as the bait, does not want to find the deity Secret Art, cultivates the god? Actually, we are the same fronts, why kills one another?” 城主冷哼一声,说:“你费尽心思,以信仰之力为饵,不就是想找到天神诀,修炼成神吗?其实,我们是同一条战线的,何必自相残杀?” A Tang Zheng corners of the mouth check, the expression said complex: Practices the god, he he.” 唐铮嘴角一勾,语气复杂地说:“修炼成神,呵呵。” Do not deny that I am inferior to you, I am away from the Saint boundary, only then separation, you can exceed me, naturally is Saint boundary cultivation level. You do not want to break through the final imprisonment, flies to ascend to heaven?” The city hosts vowed solemnly saying that as if has seen through the Tang Zheng small thoughts. “你别否认,我是不如你,我距离圣境只有一线之隔,你能胜过我,自然就是圣境修为。你不也是想突破最后的禁锢,一飞升天吗?”城主信誓旦旦地说,仿佛识破了唐铮的小心思。 Tang Zheng shows neither approval nor disapproval, said: First gives me the deity Secret Art.” 唐铮不置可否,说:“先给我天神诀。” „Did you collect the strength of enough belief?” The city hosts asked. “你收集到足够的信仰之力了?”城主问道。 What issue has?” The Tang Zheng straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise high. “有什么问题吗?”唐铮剑眉高高扬起。 I give you deity Secret Art, you strength of unnecessary belief will give me. Once you practice the god, the strength of belief is extremely easy to obtain, the strength of that belief was insignificant.” The city main vision is blazing, brilliant stared at Tang Zheng, in the eye has been filling with the anticipation. “我给你天神诀,你将多余的信仰之力给我。一旦你修炼成神,信仰之力唾手可得,那点信仰之力已无足轻重了。”城主目光炽热,灼灼地盯着唐铮,眼中充满了期待。 Actually he he, your wishful thinking hits very loud.” Tang Zheng sobbed said. “呵呵,你的如意算盘倒是打的很响。”唐铮唏嘘地说。 This is win-win, why not.” The city hosts urged. “这是双赢,何乐而不为。”城主劝道。 Tang Zheng shakes the head, sinking sound track: You do not have the qualifications to discuss the condition with me, the deity Secret Art!” 唐铮摇头,沉声道:“你没资格与我谈条件,天神诀!” The city hosts glare angrily, stare are staring at Tang Zheng, wishes one could to rush. 城主怒目圆睁,直勾勾地盯着唐铮,恨不得冲上去。 The final reason suppressed this impulsive, he deeply inspired, said bitterly: Gives you are, do after you think becomes the god, on is well with everything? Recently god did not present a world of mortals to practice the person of god, had not been chased down in all directions.” 最后的理智抑制住了这股冲动,他深吸口气,恨恨地说:“给你就是,你以为成神之后就万事大吉吗?最近神界不也出现了一个下界修炼成神之人,还不是被四处追杀。” In the Tang Zheng heart moves, isn't the person who city main said his Avatar? 唐铮心中一动,城主所说的人不就是他的分身吗? Regarding the Avatar situation, he is actually very curious, does not have sharply questioning, the vision is falling above jade Jane, in flew. 对于分身的情况,他倒是十分好奇,却没急着追问,目光落在了飞来的玉简之上。 Deity Secret Art! 天神诀! On jade Jane these three characters, one by one are passing a faint trace mysterious flavor. 玉简上正是这三字,一笔一划都透着一丝丝奥妙的味道。 He had learning from another's mistakes, does not have anxiously examination jade Jane, first has thought over with the hand several, said: This is not false?” 他有了前车之鉴,却没急着查看玉简,先用手掂量了几下,说:“这不会是假的吧?” He just came god to be deceived by the servant, the god young heart in the old days, he experience teaches, unavoidably were many a mind. 他刚来神界就被店小二骗了,神界人心不古,他吃一堑长一智,不免多了一个心眼儿。 In city main heart imposing, he has thought also deceives Tang Zheng with the counterfeit goods, but dreaded finally the Tang Zheng strength, does not dare to be put into practice. 城主心中凛然,他本来也想过用假货欺骗唐铮,但最后忌惮唐铮的实力,没敢付诸实践。 After all, can definitely distinguish the genuine and fake by the Tang Zheng vision, why moves unnecessarily. 毕竟,以唐铮的眼光肯定能分辨出真假,何必多此一举。 The city hosts did intentionally said angry: Possibly to be how false, you do not want, gives back to me is.” 城主故作愤慨地说:“怎么可能是假的,你不想要,还给我就是。” The Tang Zheng looks at city Lord, sees him like faking steadily, said with a smile: If is really false, I can also distinguish.” 唐铮目不转睛地看着城主,见他并不像作伪,笑道:“若真是假的,我也能分辨出来。” The city main heart jumps, fear. 城主心头一跳,一阵后怕。 Tang Zheng reads the content in jade Jane immediately, is really the deity Secret Art, truly is becomes the road of god, moreover tries another method, builds a god bridge after the Saint boundary stiffly. 唐铮立刻阅读玉简中的内容,果然是天神诀,确实是成神之路,而且是另辟蹊径,硬生生地在圣境之后打造一座神桥。 Cultivator ascends the god bridge, being enthralled boundary, thus cultivates the god. 修者登神桥,入神境,从而修炼成神。 On this day the god Secret Art is constructing the god bridge emphatically, the god bridge does not get it done in one action, the achievement of but accumulating over a long period of time. 这天神诀着重就在建神桥,神桥并非是一蹴而就,而是日积月累的成果。 The god bridge is not True Qi concise, only then the strength of belief can construct the god bridge. 神桥不是真气凝练而成,只有信仰之力才能建神桥。 The city main collects the strength of belief painstakingly, then to construct god bridge. 城主煞费苦心地收集信仰之力,便是为了建神桥。 Tang Zheng looking pensive looked at the city to advocate one, the city main mind jumped crazily, actually did intentionally calmly. 唐铮若有所思地看了城主一眼,城主心神狂跳,却故作镇定。 I am construct Heavenly Stairs and heavenly palace, creates the new book from heaven, absorbs the strength of belief for the common people, cultivates the god, this day is truly different from god Secret Art, but reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, can to become Shen. God is really uncommon, presented the looks like unexpectedly my so talent.” “我是建天梯和天宫,又创造新天书,供世人吸收信仰之力,修炼成神,与这天神诀确实不同,但殊途同归,都可以成神。神界果然不凡,竟然也出现了像我这般天才。” In the Tang Zheng heart sighed. 唐铮心中感叹。 Really was a pity that talent died.” He shakes the head, has clearheadedly the feeling of pitying. “真是可惜,那位天才已经陨落。”他摇摇头,不禁生出惺惺相惜之感。 „The idea of god bridge is very unique, is worth learning, if I can apply during my practice it, whether will have the new change?” “神桥的想法很独特,值得借鉴,若是我能够将之应用到我的修炼之中,是否会有新的变化呢?” This thought that he is excited, this completely is the possible matter. 这个念头一起,他不禁激动起来,这完全是可能的事。 He does not have anxiously the experiment, but asked: Once cultivates the god, whether in the god clan has different Realm?” 他却没急着试验,而是问道:“一旦修炼成神,神族中是否有不同的境界?” Naturally has!” City main like looking at fool looks at Tang Zheng, said:: In god clan also has the skill strong many division.” “当然有!”城主像看傻子一样看着唐铮,说::“神族中也是有功力强多之分的。” What Realm does that have specifically?” “那具体有什么境界?” City Lord color looked at Tang Zheng one strangely, said: You are asked that to the person, the average person definitely does not know, I am clear. Division of god clan Realm not like human that many, only then trivial three Realm, separately are god Monarch, god Emperor King Heshen.” 城主神『色』古怪地看了唐铮一眼,说:“你算是问对人了,一般人肯定不知道的,我却一清二楚。神族境界的划分不像人类那么多,只有区区三个境界,分别是神君,神王和神帝。” God clan is numerous, was a birth god Monarch?” Tang Zheng asked puzzled. “神族众多,难道一出生就是神君吗?”唐铮不解地问。 Wrong! A birth was the god child, after being grown, was god Monarch, even if were the god child strength is also immeasurably deep, that also god, was not we can contend.” The city main said regrettably. “错!一出生是神子,成年之后才是神君,即便是神子实力也深不可测,那也神,不是我们可以抗衡的。”城主遗憾地说。 He cultivates the life, actually after being inferior to the god clan born the baby, this may be the huge attack. 他修炼一生,却不及神族出生后的婴孩,这可算是巨大的打击。 „After we practice the god, is the god child, is god Monarch?” “那我们修炼成神之后是神子,还是神君?” The city hosts raise the head, said: According to the last words that worthy people of former times leave behind, once cultivates deity Secret Art to become Shen, that becomes god Monarch, crosses the stage of god child.” 城主扬起头,说:“据那位先贤留下的遗言,一旦修炼天神诀成神,那就是一跃成为神君,越过神子的阶段。” Tang Zheng is suddenly enlighted, relaxed, is consistent with own guess, if the human practice life, finally is actually only the god child, that may too the tragedy. 唐铮恍然大悟,松了口气,与自己的猜测一致,若是人类修炼一生,最终却只是神子,那可真的太悲剧了。 Initially he and god clan the people of fought wins, that god clan has grown up, possibly was not the god child, but oneself won him, naturally possibly was not the god child. 况且,当初他与神族的人大战中获胜,那位神族已成年,不可能是神子,而自己胜了他,自然也不可能是神子。 I now was god Monarch Realm.” “那我现在是神君境界了。” However, thinks that above also two Realm, in his heart is one gloomy. 然而,一想到上面还有两个境界,他心中就是一黯。 This god as if no is so simple, compared with the bad risk that he who he thinks expects. 这神界似乎并没他想的那么简单,远比他预料的凶险。 Among each Realm has day to leave badly, if Tang Zheng meets the god king or the god emperor, to have the dead end. 每个境界之间就有天差地别,唐铮若是遇上神王或者神帝,岂不是只有死路一条。 How many god clan has, lives where?” Tang Zheng also asked. “神族有多少,又住在何处?”唐铮又问道。 After he enters god, has not seen a god clan, they affirm the life in some place. 他进入神界之后,还没见过一个神族,他们肯定生活在某一个地方。 Has many as for the god clan, he is interested. 至于神族有多少,他更感兴趣。 God clan naturally is the life in the god city.” City main white Tang Zheng, as if thinks this issue many. “神族当然是生活在神城之中。”城主白了唐铮一眼,似乎觉得他这个问题很多余。 This is matters of numerous being known by everybody, how can you not know?” “这是众多周知的事,你怎么会不知?” The city main sizes up Tang Zheng up and down, in eye completely doubts being puzzled color. 城主上下打量唐铮,眼中尽是疑『惑』之『色』。 Tang Zheng turns a deaf ear, gets to the bottom: That how many god clans?” 唐铮充耳不闻,刨根问底:“那有多少神族?” How I know that I am not the god clan. The god clan keeps aloof, how I know their quantities.” The city is main. “我怎么知道,我又不是神族。神族高高在上,我怎么知道他们的数量。”城主气急败坏。 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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