TCOC :: Volume #19

#1830: Soul

Fengtu, all around Yin Qi is richer, as before to human body injury. 酆都,四周的阴气更加浓郁,依旧对人体没有伤害。 All around the Tang Zheng careful observation, has not roared already crack. 唐铮尚未仔细观察四周,一声怒吼已炸响。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” An imposing manner of moving mountains heads on, the ground creaking straight sound that presses. 一股排山倒海的气势扑面而来,压的地面嘎吱直响。 Tang Zheng catches the eye to look, dew surprised color, this person very big, wears a ghost mask unexpectedly, is exactly the same as the ghost mask that formerly saw, was only small. 唐铮抬眼望去,『露』出惊讶之『色』,这人十分高大,竟然也戴着一张鬼面具,与先前所见的鬼面具如出一辙,只是小了许多。 Tang Zheng does not fear quite the same as, instead sizes up the opposite party up and down, asked: „Are you Fengtu city Lord?” 唐铮浑然不惧,反而上下打量对方,问:“你就是酆都城主?” „Who you are, my transmission does spell formation why can explain, arrive at the Fengtu city?” The city hosts send a punitive expedition, threaten. “你是什么人,为何能够破解的我的传送阵法,来到酆都城?”城主兴师问罪,气势汹汹。 Tang Zheng is suddenly enlighted, is pointing at about, said: Originally this is the Fengtu city, I may probably transfer one revolution carefully.” 唐铮恍然大悟,指着左右,说:“原来这是酆都城,那我可要仔细地转一转。” Sees Tang Zheng not to place in the eye him, the city hosts fly into a rage, roar: Brings about own destruction, I help you.” 唐铮根本没将他放在眼中,城主勃然大怒,咆哮道:“自寻死路,我成全你。” Bang! 轰! Black air/Qi spews out from him, occupied instantaneously in all directions, has blocked the Tang Zheng way. 一股黑气从他身上喷涌而出,瞬间就占据了四面八方,堵住了唐铮的去路。 Roar!” “吼!” The black gasification makes fierce ghost head, opens the big mouth, bites crazily toward Tang Zheng. 黑气化作狰狞的鬼头,张开血盆大口,朝唐铮疯狂地咬来。 The Tang Zheng look widow who does not remarry, the finger, falls on that fierce ghost top of the head, ghost, anchored fiercely unexpectedly stiffly. 唐铮的眼神古井不波,手指一点,落在那狰狞的鬼头头顶,鬼头猛地一顿,竟然硬生生地停住了。 Ghost struggles to whoosh, actually does not help matters. 鬼头挣扎嘶吼,却无济于事。 Explodes!” “炸!” Tang Zheng puts out a character gently, the voice falls, ghost explodes loudly, changed to the black air/Qi. 唐铮轻轻吐出一个字,话音一落,鬼头轰然爆炸,又化作了黑气。 The city main loses color in great surprise, seeing Tang Zheng to meet no resistance, walks step by step toward him. 城主大惊失『色』,看见唐铮如入无人之境,一步步向他走来。 He shouts and wrangles saying: Soul, kills!” 他大呼小叫道:“魂器,杀!” A mysterious strength stirs up 『』 to come, Tang Zheng looks following this strength, seeing in the city main hand to have a sphere, but some superficial many holes, in the hole are glittering the dim light, as if there is sound to pass on. 一股神秘的力量激『荡』开来,唐铮循着这股力量望去,看见城主手中有一个圆球,但表面有许多孔洞,孔洞中闪烁着幽光,仿佛有声音从中传出来。 „Is this soul?” “这就是魂器吗?” The city main said complacently: „, So long as you have soul, that must die without doubt.” 城主得意洋洋地说:“正是,只要你有魂魄,那就必死无疑。” Tang Zheng thinks little, said: „, I happen to experience, you invited first.” 唐铮不以为意,说:“哦,那我正好见识一下,你先请。” City main like looking at fool looks at Tang Zheng, this person dares to make him begin unexpectedly first, so pulls rank, does not know how seriously the dead characters write. 城主像看傻子一样看着唐铮,这人竟然敢让他先动手,如此托大,当真是不知死字是怎样写的。 However, this is just right for city main regard. 不过,这正合城主心意。 Kills!” “杀!” The city hosts bellow, soul flies, the ray writings, in that eyelet drill whiskers unexpectedly, flies high to dance in the air, is sending out a mysterious strength. 城主大吼,魂器飞起来,光芒大作,那一个个小孔中竟然钻出一条条触须,凌空飞舞,散发着一股神秘的力量。 The Tang Zheng mind is startled, finally realized that a clue, said: Originally this soul copes with the soul specially Magical Treasure.” 唐铮心神一怔,终于察觉到了一点端倪,说:“原来这魂器是专门对付魂魄的法宝。” Ha Ha, you know now already late.” The city hosts laugh. “哈哈,你现在知道已经晚了。”城主大笑。 Tang Zheng shrugs: „It is not late.” 唐铮耸耸肩:“一点也不晚。” He puts out a hand to soul grasps, but when these whiskers dance in the air, making person Divine Soul vacillate, as if also swung to dance in the air, must be separated from the body of person. 他伸手向魂器抓去,而那些触须飞舞之时,令人神魂动摇,仿佛也跟着摇摆飞舞,要脱离人的躯体。 This is to the average person, or general Cultivator, Tang Zheng is a god, his Divine Soul is how reliable, can it be that soul can shake. 这是对普通人,或者说一般修者而言,唐铮乃是神,他的神魂何其牢固,又岂是魂器所能撼动。 Lord one to look at good play in the city the expression, the hand of Tang Zheng passes through the whisker, covered soul directly. 在城主一副看好戏的表情中,唐铮的手穿过触须,直接扣住了魂器。 The city main mind shakes, inconceivable, calls out in alarm said: Is impossible, is impossible! Do you accomplish? Soul may receive the world myriad things the soul, how doesn't your soul have the exsomatize?” 城主心神一震,不可思议,惊呼道:“不可能,不可能!你怎么办到的?魂器可收天下万物的魂魄,你的魂魄怎么没有离体?” Tang Zheng shows a faint smile, said: „, The function is so big, I accepted.” 唐铮微微一笑,说:“哦,作用这么大,那我就收下了。” The hand of Tang Zheng shrinks, held in the pocket directly. 唐铮的手缩回来,直接揣进了衣兜中。 Does not want!” “不要!” In the city master eye ended is occupied panic-stricken, the hysteria yelled that actually does not help matters, suddenly, his cry stops suddenly, shows the whites of the eyes desperately. 城主眼中已完被惊恐占据,歇斯底里地大叫,却无济于事,突然,他的叫声戛然而止,绝望地直翻白眼。 „, My soul “啊,我的魂器” The city main loses color to stare at the Tang Zheng pocket with amazement, after soul puts, he completely stiffly cut off with the induction of soul unexpectedly. 城主骇然失『色』地盯着唐铮的衣兜,当魂器放进去之后,他与魂器的感应竟然就完全被硬生生地斩断了。 Soul no longer is his Magical Treasure. 魂器已不再是他的法宝 Among the moment, he threw the most precious object unexpectedly, this how terrifying and satire. 须臾间,他竟然就丢了一件至宝,这何其恐怖与讽刺。 He realized finally one kicked the sheet iron, this person seemed like does not reveal mountain dew water, can actually break his transmission spell formation, but can also win his soul easily, the strength was without a doubt. 他终于意识到自己踢到了铁板,这人看似不显山『露』水,却能破了他的传送阵法,还能轻而易举夺走他的魂器,实力已毋庸置疑。 He rises spiritedly to revolt, not necessarily is the match of opposite party. 他奋起反抗,也未必是对方的对手。 City main biggest depending on is the attack and control to the soul, now, this method to this person of invalid, his depending on naturally does not help matters. 城主最大的倚仗就是对魂魄的攻击和掌控,如今,这种手段对此人无效,那他的倚仗自然也无济于事。 The city Lord who Tang Zheng looks at is absentminded, sits on nearby chair directly, racket chair, said superficially: Come, sits down.” 唐铮看着失魂落魄的城主,径直坐在旁边的椅子上,又拍拍身边的椅子,轻描淡写地说:“来,坐下。” The city main dangling head, sits depressed dingily. 城主沮丧地垂下头,灰溜溜地坐过去。 If the ghost in Fengtu sees this, certainly will shock, the city hosts are the hosts of Fengtu, low three air/Qi to a stranger unexpectedly, does not dare to revolt. 若是酆都中的鬼魂看见这一幕,一定会大跌眼镜,城主是酆都之主,竟然对一个陌生人低三下气,不敢反抗。 At this moment, the city main truly does not dare to revolt, the opposite party gives his feeling to be as deep as a well, seems like ordinary facing the god clan. 此时此刻,城主确实不敢反抗,对方给他的感觉太高深莫测,就像是面对神族一般。 But he also denied this thought immediately, how this person possibly is the god clan, he clearly is humanity. 但他立刻又否定了这个念头,这人怎么可能是神族,他分明就是人类。 Do not be dejected, spunks up, answered my issue.” The Tang Zheng racket city main shoulder, the city main whole body trembles, almost slides from the chair. “别垂头丧气,打起精神,回答我的问题。”唐铮拍拍城主的肩膀,城主浑身一颤,差点从椅子上滑下去。 The city main gains ground gingerly, is staring at Tang Zheng, has not actually seen any clue, asked afraid: Who are you? This is Fengtu, the person died afterward place, was not your live person should come.” 城主战战兢兢地抬起头,盯着唐铮,却没看出什么端倪,心虚地问:“你到底是谁?这是酆都,人死后来的地方,不是你一个活人该来的。” Came, you answered my issue first.” Tang Zheng muddy is not serious. “来都来了,你先回答我的问题。”唐铮浑不当一回事。 What issue?” “什么问题?” You collect the strength of belief, for what?” “你收集信仰之力,是为了什么?” What?” City main buttocks shoot from the chair, calls out in alarm said: You said that who collects the strength of belief? You made false accusations.” “什么?”城主的屁股从椅子上弹起来,惊呼道:“你说谁收集信仰之力?你这是血口喷人。” Such loudly responded that what makes? I made false accusations, you looked that this was not clear.” “这么大反应做什么?我是不是血口喷人,你看这不就清楚了。” Tang Zheng toward city main one finger, two Yuan wooden bottles slowly flies. 唐铮朝城主身上一指,两个元木瓶就冉冉飞起来。 The city main loses color in great surprise, screamed: That is my.” 城主大惊失『色』,尖叫道:“那是我的。” However, a Yuan wooden bottle fell into the Tang Zheng control, the city has been responsible for one spatially, resentfully a looks at Yuan wooden bottle, keeps silent. 然而,元木瓶已落入唐铮手心,城主抓了一个空,悻悻地看着元木瓶,噤若寒蝉。 This is not your, this is my.” Tang Zheng in Yuan wooden bottle income pouch, will say: Then acknowledged that I have not been unfair to you.” “这不是你的,这是我的。”唐铮将元木瓶收入囊中,说:“这下承认我没冤枉你了吧。” The city main gains ground fiercely, brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng, said: I replied that you are, the world people know important of strength of belief nature, if there is the strength of belief, the practice is twice the result with half the effort.” 城主猛地抬起头,灼灼地盯着唐铮,说:“我回答你就是,天下人都知道信仰之力的重要『性』,若是有了信仰之力,修炼事半功倍。” He He, the strength of belief must coordinate the deity Secret Art to play the most major role, said that you did have the deity Secret Art?” Tang Zheng interesting asked. “呵呵,信仰之力要配合天神诀才能发挥最大的作用,这么说你有天神诀了?”唐铮饶有兴趣地问。 The city main eyelid jumps fiercely, categorically denies: I do not have, the deity Secret Art already vanished.” 城主眼皮猛跳,矢口否认:“我没有,天神诀早就消失了。” Ha Ha, the mouth to heart, I do not collect the matter of strength of belief to propagandize you, believes that the god clan will certainly be interested in you.” Tang Zheng threatens to say flagrantly. “哈哈,口不对心,那我就将你收集信仰之力的事宣传出去,相信神族一定会对你感兴趣。”唐铮明目张胆地威胁道。 The city main asked vigilantly: „Aren't you person of god clan?” 城主警惕地问:“你不是神族的人?” The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth brought back wipe the thought-provoking smiling face, being as deep as a well said: They do not match.” 唐铮嘴角勾起一抹耐人寻味的笑容,高深莫测的说:“他们不配。” Hissing! 嘶! City main holding breath cold air, through the ages, whom he personally has not seen to be so bold, dares openly to speak the words of this treason and heresy unexpectedly. 城主倒吸凉气,古往今来,他还从没亲眼见过有谁这么大胆,竟然敢公然说这种大逆不道的话。 This is dislikes own life to be long. 这是真嫌自己的命长啊。 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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