TCOC :: Volume #18

#1771: Bolt from the blue

Tang Zheng and profound storehouse sword regard is interlinked, the profound storehouse sword sees, is he sees. 唐铮和玄藏剑心意相通,玄藏剑所见,便是他所见。 When the profound storehouse sword skyrockets, after submerging in that darkness, the whole body sword light writings, shoot to all around, completely dark will not actually have scattered. 当玄藏剑扶摇直上,没入那黑暗之中后,浑身剑光大作,向四周射去,却并没有完全将黑暗驱散。 The darkness as if there is infinite strength, prevents the advance of sword light. 黑暗仿佛拥有无穷的力量,阻挡剑光的前进。 Tang Zheng frowns slightly, this darkness very strange matter. 唐铮微微蹙眉,这黑暗十分蹊跷 But Tang Zheng gradually saw clue, this tall Tajing is the bone congeals, but the countless bones of the dead turned into the black bone. 唐铮还是渐渐看出了端倪,这高塔竟是骨头凝结而成,只是累累白骨已经变成了黑骨。 If not the Tang Zheng attention observes, cannot distinguish. 若非唐铮注意观察,根本分辨不出来。 Tang Zheng has a big shock looks at this, the bones of the dead builds tall Tower who so reaches to the sky, that need many bones of the dead, kill many lives. 唐铮大惊失色地看着这一幕,白骨垒出如此高耸入云的高塔,那需要多少白骨,杀害多少生灵。 Unexpectedly, Tang Zheng quickly grasps the meaning of something, had an idea of terrifying. 蓦地,唐铮一个激灵吗,有了一个恐怖的想法。 This place turned into ruins, has not seen other lives, is it possible that were these lives used to build this tall Tower?” “这片地方变成了废墟,根本没看见其他生灵,莫非这些生灵都被用来垒成这座高塔了?” Hissing! 嘶! Tang Zheng holds breath cold air, was sprouted up the fantasy daunting by this. 唐铮倒吸一口凉气,着实被这突发奇想给吓住了。 Fang Shishi sees the change of Tang Zheng, heart to tremble, asked hurriedly: Tang Zheng, you how?” 方诗诗看见唐铮的变化,心头一颤,急忙问道:“唐铮,你怎么了?” Tang Zheng shakes the head, facial color grim, did not say a word, said: We come up, must look up a purity inevitably.” 唐铮摇摇头,面色凝重,一言不发,说:“我们上去,势必要查个一清二楚。” sōu! 嗖! The somersault cloud carries on the back them to shoot up to the sky, all around darkness keeps gathering, the day cremation has made a giant fireball, covered them, making the darkness is unable to approach. 筋斗云驮着两人冲天而起,四周的黑暗不停地聚拢,天火化作了一个巨大的火球,罩住了两人,令黑暗无法靠近。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Suddenly, a bang as if transmits from the horizon, was trembled the heartstrings. 突然,一声巨响仿佛是从天际传来,叫人心弦直颤。 Through the profound storehouse sword, Tang Zheng sees two to drop from the clouds black light, the profound storehouse sword ray writings, changed to a great sword. 通过玄藏剑,唐铮看见两道黑光从天而降,玄藏剑光芒大作,化作了一把巨剑。 The profound storehouse sword intercepted two black light, the tendency of but going forward was blocked, the somersault cloud pursued exactly, the Tang Zheng big hand grasped, has gripped the profound storehouse sword. 玄藏剑拦截住了两道黑光,但前进的势头受阻,恰好筋斗云追了上来,唐铮大手一抓,握住了玄藏剑。 Whoosh! 唰唰唰! The profound storehouse sword erupts the radiant sword light once more, will crush black light. 玄藏剑再次爆发出璀璨的剑光,将黑光击碎。 Hao Son of Heaven definitely in tower top, but this tall Tower as if forever does not have the end, asking the person unable to see Hao Son of Heaven, seriously was hateful.” Tang Zheng whispered indignantly. “昊天王肯定在塔顶,只是这高塔似乎永远没有尽头,叫人一直看不到昊天王,当真是可恶。”唐铮愤愤地嘀咕道。 Fang Shishi looked up sky, anything could not see, but that dangerous aura made her heartstrings tremble fiercely. 方诗诗抬头望了一眼天空,什么也看不见,但那股危险的气息却令她心弦猛颤。 She gets a sudden inspiration, said: We did not have the means to find Hao Son of Heaven, but were we so why passive? We can definitely turn the passive situation into initiative.” 她灵机一动,说:“我们没办法找到昊天王,但我们何必如此被动呢?我们完全可以化被动为主动。” What means do you have?” Tang Zheng asked pleasantly surprised. “你有什么办法?”唐铮惊喜地问道。 Fang Shishi pointed at tall Tower saying: This high tower is very definitely important to Hao Son of Heaven, we ruin this tall Tower, can't make him come?” 方诗诗指着高塔说:“这高塔肯定对昊天王十分重要,我们毁掉这高塔,不就可以让他现身了吗?” Ha, good means!” “哈哈哈,好办法!” Tang Zheng understands everything right off, has comprehended immediately the meaning of Fang Shishi, therefore, he surface-to-surface has traced the sword blade of profound storehouse sword gently, said: „The profound storehouse sword, looked your.” 唐铮一点即透,马上就领会了方诗诗的意思,于是,他轻轻地地摸了一下玄藏剑的剑身,说:“玄藏剑,看你的了。” Buzz! 嗡! The profound storehouse sword sounds resoundingly, has together from out of the blue the sound, suddenly, has hit Heita. 玄藏剑高亢地鸣叫起来,带起一道破空声,眨眼即至,击中了黑塔。 Bang! 轰! tall Tower sways fiercely, jet black bone exploded a successively flew, tall Tower presented a pothole. 高塔剧烈摇晃,一节节漆黑的骨头炸飞了,高塔出现了一个坑洞。 Tang Zheng, you court death!” 唐铮,你找死!” Suddenly, roared from sky transmits, a huge form dived, mammoth, was really scary. 突然,一声咆哮从天空中传来,一个巨大的身影俯冲下来,声势浩大,煞是骇人。 Tang Zheng hear speech/words one happy, said: Hao Son of Heaven, you came finally.” 唐铮闻言一喜,道:“昊天王,你终于现身了。” He does not fear quite the same as, the hand grasps the profound storehouse sword, shoots up to the sky, the sword light as if has broken together out the world, cuts maliciously to Hao Son of Heaven. 他浑然不惧,手握玄藏剑,冲天而起,一道剑光仿佛劈开了天地,狠狠地斩向昊天王。 Bang! 轰! Hao Son of Heaven arm shakes, a jet black cloak raises from him slowly, likely is flags of fluttering. 昊天王手臂一抖,一件漆黑的披风从他背后冉冉升起,像是一面招展的旌旗。 In the cloak the lasing leaves one group of black light, kept off the profound storehouse sword, at the same time, the air coagulated rapidly, darkness in all directions turned into the entity to be ordinary, fast gathered to Tang Zheng. 披风中激射出一团黑光,挡下了玄藏剑,与此同时,空气迅速凝固,四面八方的黑暗都变成了实体一般,飞快地向唐铮聚拢。 Well? 咦? The Tang Zheng brow selects, a little surprise, because before Hao Son of Heaven, causes river system divine ability friendly, ices superb that the sword uses, but this time has actually used this black cloak, is really strange. 唐铮眉头一挑,有点诧异,因为昊天王以前善使水系神通,冰剑用的出神入化,但这次却一直用这黑披风,着实怪异。 However, when felt that all around the change of air, Tang Zheng is suddenly enlighted, originally Hao Son of Heaven evolved this divine ability. 不过,当感觉到四周空气的变化,唐铮恍然大悟,原来昊天王将这种神通演变了一下。 The change of air is the river system divine ability effect, but the might is more powerful. 空气的变化就是水系神通的效果,但威力却更加强大。 This air on quite in Shui, everywhere, the air setting, was an attack of ten points terrifying, Tang Zheng has felt the threat. 这空气就相当于水,无处不在,空气凝固,就是一种十分恐怖的攻击,唐铮已经感受到了威胁。 kā kā kā! 咔咔咔 The air coagulates rapidly, was stranded Tang Zheng in most, the day hot flame still dragged in the combustion, suddenly stopped, as if was also coagulated by the anchorage generally. 空气迅速凝固,将唐铮困在了最中间,天火的火苗原本还在燃烧摇曳,突然停了下来,仿佛是被定住了一般也凝固了。 This......” “这……” Tang Zheng holds breath cold air, brow selects, breaks shouts to clear the way: Broken!” 唐铮倒吸一口凉气,眉头一挑,断喝道:“破!” sōu! 嗖! The profound storehouse sword fast cut the innumerable swords to all around, the sword light changed to bunch of intense rays. 玄藏剑飞快地向四周斩出无数剑,剑光化作了一团团激烈的光芒。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 The air has disrupted, likely was coagulation the ice piece of lake surface by the stamp crushing generally, the air circulated all of a sudden. 空气碎裂了,像是凝固的湖面的冰块被捣碎了一般,空气一下子就流通起来。 To!” “冲!” Tang Zheng lowers roars, hand grasps the profound storehouse sword, rushes ahead to Hao Son of Heaven. 唐铮低吼一声,手握玄藏剑,冲杀向昊天王。 Hū! 呼! The cloak of Hao Son of Heaven shook, wraps itself, the profound storehouse sword hit the place that Hao Son of Heaven has stood, but was completely empty, simply has not hit Hao Son of Heaven. 昊天王的披风一抖,包裹住了自己,玄藏剑击中了昊天王站立的地方,但空空如也,根本没有击中昊天王。 This......” “这……” Tang Zheng terrified one startled, looks all around, except for the pitch-dark air and tall Tower, does not have the form of Hao Son of Heaven again. 唐铮悚然一惊,环顾四周,除了黑漆漆的空气和高塔,再也没有昊天王的身影。 People? 人呢? Tang Zheng and Fang Shishi looked at each other in blank dismay. 唐铮方诗诗面面相觑 Ha, Tang Zheng, how my place allows you to act in a self-serving manner, you think that wants to kill me depending on this broken sword? You were really too naive.” “哈哈哈,唐铮,我的地方岂容你为所欲为,你以为凭这一把破剑就想杀了我吗?你果然是太天真了。” The Hao Son of Heaven rampant laughter of resounds in the ear bank, actually being called the person unable to distinguish him where, he as if disappeared, or melts with the air for a body. 昊天王嚣张的笑声在耳畔响起,叫人分辨不出他究竟在什么地方,他仿佛消失了,或者说与空气融为了一体。 Do not rack one's brain for nothing look for me, I want to make you see, you can see, I do not want to make you see, your brain is also useless.” Hao Son of Heaven said complacently. “你别白费心思地找我,我想让你看见,你就可以看见,我不想让你看见,你挖空心思也无用。”昊天王得意洋洋地说。 Tang Zheng concentrates on, protects firmly Fang Shishi, asked: Hao Son of Heaven, actually do you want to do? This world what's the matter?” 唐铮全神贯注,将方诗诗牢牢地护住,问道:“昊天王,你究竟要干什么?这个世界是怎么回事?” Hao Son of Heaven gets angry snort|hum one, asked: Tang Zheng, was my son died in your hand?” 昊天王怒哼一声,问道:“唐铮,我儿子是不是已经死在了你的手中?” Right, you send him to absorb the ghost energy, destroys to make mischief, trillion lives that lets ghost are destroyed in a moment, how could I sit by and do nothing, he deserves to be damned . Moreover, he in fact is you kills.” Tang Zheng said forcefully. “没错,你派他吸收鬼界能量,毁掉鬼界,让鬼界的亿万生灵毁于一旦,我岂能坐视不理,他是死有余辜,而且,他实际上是你害死的。”唐铮铿锵有力地说。 Nonsense! How I possibly harm him!” Hao Son of Heaven argued. “胡说八道!我怎么可能害他!”昊天王辩解道。 If not for you send him to go to ghost, how he possibly dies.” Tang Zheng asked. “若不是你派他去鬼界,他怎么可能死。”唐铮反问道。 Utter nonsense, he goes to ghost voluntarily, moreover I also bestow his Saint self-defense, he is you kills, Tang Zheng, I must avenge a grievance for the son.” Hao Son of Heaven Murderous Qi is steaming, in the air is filling a gunsmoke air/Qi of flavor and withering. “一派胡言,他是自愿去鬼界的,而且我还赐他圣器防身,他是你害死的,唐铮,我要为儿子报仇雪恨。”昊天王杀气腾腾,空气中都弥漫着一股硝烟的味道和肃杀之气。 Although my son died, but under his dwelling place of the dead, saw that my achievement will also die content, because, this has his merit.” “虽然我儿子死了,但他九泉之下,看到我的成就也会瞑目的,因为,这有他的一份功劳。” Tang Zheng asked curiously: Actually are you conspiring what? What this tall Tower makes?” 唐铮好奇地问道:“你究竟在密谋什么?这高塔是做什么的?” Hao Son of Heaven said complacently: „When this you know, you naturally can know that you also like Little Bai that anything want to get to the bottom, who finally harms were killed in this.” 昊天王得意洋洋地说:“该你知道时,你自然会知道,你也像小白那一样,什么都想刨根问底,最后害的自己丧命于此。” What? 什么? Tang Zheng terrified one startled, these words likely is a bolt from the blue. 唐铮悚然一惊,这句话像是一个晴天霹雳。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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