TCOC :: Volume #18

#1770: tall Ta

Chapter 1770 第1770章 High tower Fang Shishi smatters to the space principle, has not arrived to perceive through meditation the space principle Realm, is confused asks: How do we arrive at this world?” 高塔方诗诗对空间法则一知半解,还没到参悟空间法则的境界,一头雾水地问道:“那我们怎么到达这个世界?” If there is no way to enter this world, all are the empty talk, their very clear this point. 若是没法进入这个世界,一切都是空谈,两人都很清楚这一点。 Tang Zheng has hesitated a while, said: We can pass through Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) from the world, that naturally can also pass through from Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) to this world.” 唐铮沉吟了一会儿,说:“我们可以从人间穿越到天外天,那自然也可以从天外天穿越到这个世界。” Fang Shishi eye one bright, anticipated that is looking at Tang Zheng. 方诗诗眼睛一亮,期待地望着唐铮 Tang Zheng ceases activity with rapt attention, feels another space silently, the space principle was quietly to operate. 唐铮凝神静息,默默地感受另外一个空间,空间法则悄无声息地运行起来了。 Broken!” “破!” Tang Zheng lowers roars, palm puts out an energy, making the front door tremble, all around shivered, this space as if could not support generally. 唐铮低吼一声,掌心吐出一股能量,令大门为之震颤,四周都颤抖起来,这个空间仿佛也支撑不住了一般。 „The gate of space will open immediately, but I do not know that opposite is any situation, has any danger, therefore, you must enhance the attention.” The Tang Zheng urging said. “空间之门马上就会打开,但我不知道对面是什么情况,有什么危险,所以,你务必提高注意力。”唐铮叮嘱道。 The Fang Shishi nod should under. 方诗诗点头应下。 Bang! 轰! A bang, front door drastic fluctuation, presented black hole unexpectedly, is controllable they to pass. 一声巨响,大门剧烈波动,竟然出现了一个黑洞,可控两人通过。 Walks!” “走!” Tang Zheng is drawing Fang Shishi, passed through together, at present the picture sudden change, unexpectedly is a darkness, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers. 唐铮拉着方诗诗,一起穿了过去,眼前景象骤变,竟是一片漆黑,伸手不见五指。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Two people is startled, this is not space and times between two spaces, but is the true another world, Tang Zheng very clear this point. 两人大吃一惊,这可不是两个空间之间的时空,而是真正的另外一个世界,唐铮很清楚这一点。 But this world was too strange, actually does not have ray, as if in world on only the remaining darkness. 但这个世界太诡异了,竟然没有一点光线,仿佛天地间就只剩下黑暗。 This is too unusual. 这着实太反常。 Bang! 轰! One group of day fires burn, floats in their front, has illuminated all around, empty, without anything. 一团天火燃烧起来,漂浮在两人前方,照亮了四周,空空荡荡,没有任何东西。 Fang Shishi saw the Tang Zheng appearance finally, worried that asked: How is this world this?” 方诗诗终于看见了唐铮的样子,担忧地问道:“这个世界怎么是这样?” Tang Zheng shakes the head resentfully: I do not know. But here Yin Qi is rich, wins several points compared with ghost unexpectedly.” 唐铮悻悻地摇头:“我也不知道。但这里阴气浓郁,竟比鬼界更胜几分。” Fang Shishi covers mouth surprised, asks: Here is Yin Qi more intense than ghost? Haven't why I responded? As if no any illness.” 方诗诗吃惊地捂着嘴,问道:“这里的阴气比鬼界还要强烈?那为什么我没反应呢?似乎也没什么不适。” Yin Qi has intense injury to the human body, exposes is too long in Yin Qi has the sorrow of life. 阴气对人体有强烈的伤害,暴露在阴气中太久是有性命之忧的。 Fang Shishi has not actually felt slightly unusual form, this very strange matter. 方诗诗却没感觉到丝毫异状,这就十分蹊跷了。 Well? 咦? Tang Zheng does not fear Yin Qi, does not have many feelings, but after a Fang Shishi reminder, he is suddenly enlighted, still shaken, said: Stands to reason, here Yin Qi seemed transformed, had not injured the human body.” 唐铮不惧怕阴气,并没多少感觉,但经方诗诗一提醒,他才恍然大悟,惊魂未定,道:“言之有理,这里的阴气似乎被改造了,已经不伤害人体了。” ? 啊? Fang Shishi is flabbergasted secretly. 方诗诗暗暗咋舌。 Without a doubt, this definitely is the writing skill of Hao Son of Heaven, after all, he and under is not the person of ghost, must transform Yin Qi, can live safe and sound under this sky. 毫无疑问,这肯定是昊天王的手笔,毕竟,他和手下不是鬼界之人,必须改造了阴气,才能安然无恙地生活在这片天空下。 Hao Son of Heaven so takes great pains, definitely seeks really in a big way, we cannot treat it lightly, let matters drift.” Tang Zheng said assuredly. “昊天王如此煞费苦心,肯定所谋甚大,我们更不能掉以轻心,听之任之。”唐铮笃定地说。 The voice falls, he with the Fang Shishi jumping up somersault cloud, soared to go. 话音一落,他已经和方诗诗跳上筋斗云,腾空而去。 The somersault cloud speed is extremely fast, how long not to have flown, the front as if transmitted has stood in great numbers the complex shadow, this was not an enemy, but was a piece of rolling construction. 筋斗云速度极快,并没有飞行多久,前方似乎就传来了林立纷繁的影子,这不是敌人,而是一片连绵起伏的建筑。 Formerly the place visited vast stretch of flat land, these constructions appeared especially towering, definitely had the extraordinary value and significance. 先前所过之处一马平川,这些建筑就显得格外突兀,肯定拥有非凡的价值和意义。 Perhaps enemy in this building.” The Tang Zheng reminder said. “恐怕敌人就在这片建筑中。”唐铮提醒道。 Fang Shishi understands that his meaning, immediately, the whole body ties tight, is ready. 方诗诗明白他的意思,登时,全身紧绷,蓄势待发。 However, they wonder as before very much, the front world is a darkness, absolutely continually a wee bit rays do not have, how the enemy lives? 不过,两人依旧很纳闷,前方的世界是一片黑暗,根本连一丁点光线都没有,敌人如何生活的呢? Cannot live in darkness. 总不能一直生活在黑暗中吧。 Moreover, day fire and somersault cloud extremely in free, after nearness, Tang Zheng receives a day of fire immediately, melts with the dark world for a body. 另外,天火和筋斗云太过于招摇,等靠近后,唐铮立刻收起了天火,与黑暗的世界融为了一体。 In the world only remaining was dark, put out a hand not to see the five fingers, Fang Shishi stares in a big way the eye, actually also can only distinguish the fuzzy image. 天地间就只剩下黑暗了,伸手不见五指,方诗诗瞪大了眼睛,却也只能分辨出一点模糊的影像。 Tang Zheng did not fear the darkness, even if also has the extraordinary eyesight in the darkness, but this time is different. 唐铮本来是不惧怕黑暗,即使在黑暗中也拥有非凡的眼力,但这次不一样了。 He cannot see unexpectedly far in the darkness, compared with Fang Shishi many. 他竟然在黑暗中也不能看出多远,比方诗诗强不了多少。 This darkness also has strange matter.” “这黑暗也有蹊跷。” Tang Zheng has made the judgment, is more overcautious. 唐铮做出了判断,更加谨小慎微。 sōu! 嗖! Suddenly, the sound from far to near, strong Murderous Qi made one have profound respect together from out of the blue, the heart trembled. 突然,一道破空声由远及近,强劲的杀气令人肃然起敬,心头为之一颤。 Enemy raids.” Tang Zheng warned Fang Shishi in a low voice, the finger, the profound storehouse sword such as the arm pulled strings, to cut to fly. “敌袭。”唐铮低声告诫方诗诗,手指一点,玄藏剑如臂指使,斩飞出去。 Bang! 轰! A bang, the profound storehouse sword flies upside down unexpectedly, as if cannot how the opposite party, but also was rebounded. 一声巨响,玄藏剑竟然倒飞回来,似乎并没能奈何得了对方,还被反弹回来。 The profound storehouse sword is Saint, the might is extraordinary, actually flies upside down, this made Tang Zheng and Fang Shishi is surprised, looked at each other in blank dismay, although in the darkness did not see clearly the opposite party expression, can actually feel 12. 玄藏剑乃是圣器,威力非凡,却倒飞回来,这令唐铮方诗诗大吃一惊,面面相觑,虽然黑暗中看不清楚对方的表情,却能感受12。 Opposite what's the matter? 对面是怎么回事? In two people of hearts floated off question. 两人心中浮起了疑问。 Tang Zheng cold snort|hum, said: My Saint boundary cultivation level, if also kept off by this point counter-attack, that did not call the Saint boundary.” 唐铮冷哼一声,道:“我圣境修为,若是还被这一点反击就挡下来,那也不叫圣境了。” The whereabouts has exposed in any case, he gave up cautiously, instead the stimulation of movement skill simply, the profound storehouse sword has shone immediately. 反正行踪已经暴露,他索性放弃了小心翼翼,反而催动功力,玄藏剑立刻亮了起来。 Bang! 轰! One group of flame appear on the profound storehouse sword, the profound storehouse sword turned into the hot sword. But the day fire such as the hot sun was common, has scattered all around darkness, all gradually became clear. 一团火焰出现在玄藏剑上,玄藏剑变成了火剑。而天火如烈日一般,驱散了四周的黑暗,一切渐渐变得清晰起来。 This is......” “这是……” Tang Zheng looks up, as if saw a clue, this unexpectedly is tall Tower, but the tower is giant, reaches to the sky, cannot look at the end, but the day fire is unable to illuminate completely. 唐铮抬头望去,似乎看出了一点端倪,这竟是一座高塔,而塔身巨大,高耸入云,一眼望不到尽头,而天火也无法完全照亮。 This tower is not ordinary.” “这座塔不一般。” Tang Zheng judges according to the experience, because, even more intense Yin Qi transmits from the tower top, although does not see clearly the picture, but only depends on this point, can explain 12. 唐铮根据经验判断,因为,越发强烈的阴气从塔顶传来,虽然看不清楚景象,但仅凭这一点,已经能够说明12。 Perhaps a moment ago the profound storehouse sword had hit this tall Tower, was rebounded. 说不定刚才玄藏剑就是击中了这座高塔,然后才被反弹回来。 sōu! 嗖! Suddenly, black light transmits from the sky together, such as vigorous like wind, making the person mind tremble. 突然,一道黑光从天空中传来,如疾如风,令人心神为之一颤。 Careful attack.” “小心攻击。” Tang Zheng has seen through, protects Fang Shishi after behind, the profound storehouse sword ray writings, the day fire gathers on the sword blade particularly, is burning blazingly. 唐铮一眼就识破了,将方诗诗护在身后,玄藏剑光芒大作,尤其是天火汇聚在剑身上,炽烈地燃烧着。 Ah! 嗷! The profound storehouse sword expresses a resounding sword cry, the rising typhoon on, direct impact horizon. 玄藏剑发出一声高亢的剑鸣,扶摇而上,直冲天际。 The profound storehouse sword and black light connects in midair, one group of blazing ray explosion twinkles, are the fireworks to four scatter likely generally. 玄藏剑和黑光在半空中交汇,一团炽烈的光芒爆炸闪烁,像是烟花一般向四下散落。 The profound storehouse sword and black light fell into the deadlock unexpectedly, no one is able to go a step further again, keeps consuming each other energy. 玄藏剑和黑光竟然陷入了胶着状态,谁也无法再进一步,不停地消耗彼此的能量。 Hissing!” “嘶!” Tang Zheng holds breath cold air, is it possible that this black light is also Saint, how otherwise to have the so powerful might. 唐铮倒吸一口凉气,莫非这道黑光也是一件圣器,否则怎么会有如此强悍的威力。 Snort! 哼! Tang Zheng breaks snort|hum one, said: I must have a look at your truth about the matter but actually.” 唐铮断哼一声,道:“我倒要看看你的庐山真面目。” His intention moves, the skill pours into the profound storehouse sword continuously. 他心念一动,功力源源不断地注入玄藏剑中。 Whoosh! 唰! The profound storehouse sword ray writings, express the intermittent sword cry, resounds through the world, as for that fireworks general day fire, scattered completely in all around. 玄藏剑光芒大作,发出阵阵剑鸣,响彻天地,至于那烟花一般的天火,完全散落在了四周。 Tang Zheng and Fang Shishi saw clearly finally completely, this place besides this high tower, does not have other things again, is the vast stretch of flat land. 唐铮方诗诗终于完全看清楚了,这一个地方除了这高塔之外,再没有其他东西,全是一马平川。 Bang! 砰! The black light sudden explosion, vanishes into thin air, the profound storehouse sword won, humming sound shivers, skyrockets angrily, the direct impact on that spire, submerged in the darkness. 黑光突然爆炸,烟消云散,玄藏剑胜了,嗡嗡地颤抖一下,愤怒地扶摇直上,直冲向那塔尖,没入了黑暗之中。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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