TCOC :: Volume #18

#1758: Stars attack

Tang Zheng and Wudu looks at that person, calls out in alarm unthinkably as if by prior agreement said: Is you!” 唐铮和武都匪夷所思地看着那人,不约而同地惊呼道:“是你!” Ha Ha, has not thought! You definitely think that I died, but I also live, I am not well willingly, how I can die.” “哈哈,没想到吧!你肯定认为我死了,可我还活的好好的,我不甘心,我怎么能死呢。” Ye Meiyu, you perpetrate every kind of villainy, own family member does not let off, you have anything not to be willingly.” The Tang Zheng satire said. 叶美瑜,你坏事做绝,连自己的家人都不放过,你还有什么不甘心。”唐铮讽刺道。 Originally, this person unexpectedly is Ye Meiyu, if Ye Dingdang sees her, will be very definitely angry. 原来,这人竟是叶美瑜,若是叶叮当见到她,肯定会十分愤怒。 Since Ye Dingdang returns to Ye Clan, Ye Meiyu everywhere aims at her. 自从叶叮当回归叶家,叶美瑜就处处针对她。 Afterward followed Nightmare to practice heart dream traceless Cultivation Techniques, this thinks that was already no longer living, does not want to hide in 100,000 mountains unexpectedly. 后来又追随梦魇修炼心梦无痕法术,本以为早就不在人世了,不曾想竟然躲在了100000大山中。 Her whole body wild aura what's the matter? 她浑身的蛮荒气息又是怎么回事? Tang Zheng and military brilliant are staring at her, has not actually seen any clue. 唐铮和武灼灼地盯着她,却没有看出什么端倪来。 Ha Ha, they are not my family member, I did not have the family member, I am my. Initially the war of Mount Tai, you won, but you do not know that the wild aura has not vanished truly, now I make you experience wild aura fierce.” “哈哈,他们不是我的家人,我已经没有了家人,我就是我自己一人。当初泰山之战,你们胜了,可你们并不知道蛮荒气息并没有真正地消失,如今我就让你见识一下蛮荒气息的厉害。” If the Ye Meiyu shape is crazy, initially after she Ye Xuanji bled off, is absentminded, lost the goal, was the good-for-nothing is likely ordinary. 叶美瑜状若疯狂,当初她被叶玄机放走后,失魂落魄,已经失去了目标,像是行尸走肉一般。 Has not thought that her chance coincidence arrived at the summit of Mount Tai, the accident had discovered the wild aura of surviving, then resourcefully used the wild aura. 不曾想她机缘巧合又到泰山之巅,意外发现了残存的蛮荒气息,然后就想方设法地利用蛮荒气息。 She truly is also fierce, combines with the wild aura unexpectedly, melts for a body. 她也确实厉害,竟然与蛮荒气息合二为一,融为了一体。 After this, her strength increases, and sneaks in 100,000 mountains, because, she knows that only has this boundless mountain is the best hiding place. 从此之后,她实力大增,并且潜入100000大山之中,因为,她知道唯有这茫茫的大山才是最好的藏身之所。 The Tang Zheng influence at the height of power, the informer proliferates the world, she wants to hide is not an easy matter, only 100,000 mountains may hide. 唐铮的势力如日中天,眼线遍布天下,她想躲藏并非易事,唯有100000大山才有可能隐藏住。 She after great antiquity aura fuses, gradually had discovered the place of mystery, the wild aura is the epoch-making beginning all at once, is the source of world aura. 她与洪荒气息融合之后,渐渐发现了一点奥妙之处,蛮荒荒气息乃是开天辟地之初的一股气,乃是天地气息之源。 World spiritual energy, Yin Qi of ghost is the wild aura evolves to come. 无论是天地灵气,还是鬼界的阴气都是蛮荒气息演化而来。 Her cultivation level was still after all shallow, does not have the means completely to control the wild aura, therefore, when she cultivates later, wild aura overflow. 她毕竟修为尚浅,没办法完全控制住蛮荒气息,所以,当她修炼后期时,蛮荒气息外溢。 Ye Meiyu is very clear the wild aura to be easy to expose, attracts others' attention, therefore, she wild aura will camouflage Yin Qi. 叶美瑜很清楚蛮荒气息容易暴露,吸引别人的注意力,于是,她将蛮荒气息伪装成了阴气 In 100,000 mountains has Great Antiquity Heavenly Grave, Yin Qi was very rich, pours is not too conspicuous. But she has not thought that wild aura increases day by day, Yin Qi are also getting more and more, almost filled the big 100,000 mountains. 100000大山中拥有洪荒天墓,阴气本就十分浓郁,倒也不是太显眼。可她没想到蛮荒气息与日俱增,阴气也越来越多,几乎弥漫完了偌大的100000大山。 The Ye Meiyu voice just fell, the wild aura spewed out, fills this surrounding area world. 叶美瑜话音刚落,蛮荒气息就喷涌而出,弥漫住了这方圆的天地。 Bang! 轰隆! That stone giant lifts the foot goes to Tang Zheng and Wu Ta, they only thought that top of the head one gloomy, a terrifying pressure drops from the clouds. 那石头巨人抬脚就向唐铮和武踏去,两人只觉得头顶一黯,一股恐怖的压力从天而降。 Tang Zheng has not withdrawn, bellows: Broken!” 唐铮没有退避,大吼一声:“破!” The profound storehouse sword shoots up to the sky, changes to together the swift and fierce flowing light, cuts to the stone person. 玄藏剑冲天而起,化作一道凌厉的流光,斩向石头人。 Kacha! 咔嚓! A spark flashes through, the leg of stone person cuts off. 一阵火花闪过,石头人的腿从中斩断。 The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth bring back wipe the happy expression, however, coagulated instantaneously, because, that broke the leg offensive not to reduce, attacked unexpectedly as before fierce to him. 唐铮嘴角勾起一抹笑意,然而,瞬间就凝固住了,因为,那断腿攻势不减,竟然依旧凶猛地攻向他。 Ha Ha, how this method possibly perplexes me!” Ye Meiyu happily laughs wildly. “哈哈,这点手段怎么可能难住我!”叶美瑜得意地狂笑。 Tang Zheng cold snort|hum, profound storehouse sword sword light bright like the stars, cuts rapidly, bang, after that great leg was hit, becomes crushes. 唐铮冷哼一声,玄藏剑剑光灿烂如星辰,飞速斩出,轰隆一声,那巨腿被击中后变得粉碎。 Ye Meiyu roared angrily: Impenetrably thickheaded, resists stubbornly, I thought when you can resist.” 叶美瑜愤怒地咆哮起来:“冥顽不灵,负隅顽抗,我看你能抵抗到几时。” Her double pupil is red, a both hands move, flies in all directions the innumerable giant stones, changed to a mountain, but the stone person stands in the summit of mountain, drops from the clouds. 她双眸赤红,双手一招,四面八方飞来无数的巨石,化作了一座大山,而石头人站在大山之巅,从天而降。 The sky turned into a darkness thoroughly, canyon already vanished, the rock has flown in the midair, all around turned into a piece of plain. 天空已经彻底变成了一片漆黑,身边的峡谷早就消失了,山石都飞到了半空中,四周变成了一片平原。 Military facial color one tight, volunteers, said: I cope with her!” 武面色一紧,自告奋勇,说:“我来对付她!” sōu! 嗖! She seems together a rocket, welcomed to that giant mountain peak. 她仿佛是一道火箭,迎向那巨大的山峰。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Attacks are very intrepid, greeted completely on the mountain peak, however, the mountain peak stood one's ground steadfastly, instead crashed rapidly, the military that pressed has to retrocede. 一道道攻击十分强悍,完全招呼在山峰上,然而,山峰岿然不动,反而迅速坠落,压的武不得不后退。 Tang Zheng has not moved, calmly observes the counter-attack of military, has saying that her skill progresses by leaps and bounds, already was today we are no longer as we have been. 唐铮没有动,静静地观察武的反击,不得不说,她的功力突飞猛进,早已是今非昔比了。 Was only a pity after Ye Meiyu fused the wild aura, is not the person, the strength can simply so terrifying. 只可惜叶美瑜融合了蛮荒气息后,简直不是人,实力才会如此恐怖 „The light of glow also dares to vie with the livelihood, dies!” Ye Meiyu disdain bellows, mountain peak accelerates falling downwards. “萤火之光也敢与日月争辉,去死吧!”叶美瑜不屑地大吼起来,山峰加速下坠 Bang! 砰! The military layer on layer drops on the ground, Tang Zheng supports her hastily, comforts saying: You rest first, I come!” 武重重地跌落在地上,唐铮连忙扶住她,安慰道:“你先休息,我来!” The military shakes the head tenaciously, said: I have not defeated!” 武固执地摇头,说:“我还没败!” Then, she flying apsaras, this time with was also entirely different a moment ago, her body is sending out the strength of rich stars, boiling water that the rapid fluctuation, the air as if seethes with excitement, keeps fluctuating. 说罢,她又飞天而起,这次与刚才截然不同,她身上散发着浓郁的星辰之力,迅速波动,空气仿佛沸腾的开水,也不停地波动。 „The strength of stars!” “星辰之力!” Tang Zheng pupil micro, the understanding has smiled, understood the military the intention. 唐铮瞳孔微缩,会心笑了起来,已经明白武的意图。 Whish! 哗! Above nine days the stars twinkle, embellishes in the sky of 100,000 mountains, strength of the enormous and powerful stars drop from the clouds, slowly gathers in together, has formed a giant light beam, has passed through the world. 九天之上星辰闪烁,点缀在100000大山的上空,一股股浩浩荡荡的星辰之力从天而降,慢慢汇聚在一起,形成了一个巨大的光柱,贯穿了天地。 sōu! 嗖! This light beam has illuminated 100,000 mountains, the dark world turned into bright, such as scorching sun overhead. 这道光柱照亮了100000大山,本来黑沉沉的天地变成了一片明亮,如烈日当空。 Ye Meiyu realized that the difference, surprise has been on the rise, after he sees the light beam, the facial color changes suddenly, blurted out that screamed: What's all this about?” 叶美瑜察觉到了异样,诧异地抬起头,当他看见光柱后,面色骤变,脱口而出地尖叫道:“这是怎么回事?” Bang! 轰! The light beam has hit the mountain peak directly, in the bang sound, the mountain peak is split up, changes to fragments, but the strength of stars has not given up in light of this. 光柱直接击中了山峰,巨响声中,山峰四分五裂,化作一块块碎片,但星辰之力并没有就此罢休。 Sees only the ray to dodge, the fragment vanished, because was built up to turn into the air, scatters with the wind. 只见光芒一闪,碎片消失了,因为被炼化成了空气,随风飘散。 What to do then look at you also to be able.” The military vented spleen said that this time she used the day chess, roused the strength of stars, this had such terrifying might. “这下看你还能怎么办。”武解气地说,这次她动用天棋,勾动星辰之力,这才有如此恐怖的威力。 She guards shortly after Southern Yunnan, has not actually been idling, keeps in the range that the strength of expanded stars includes, wraps 100,000 mountains. 她驻守滇南不久,却一刻也没有闲着,不停地在扩大星辰之力所囊括的范围,其中就包裹100000大山。 Although the day chess only covered part of 100,000 mountains, but once started the day chess, might as before very terrifying. 虽然天棋只覆盖住了一部分100000大山,可一旦启动天棋,威力依旧十分恐怖 Ye Meiyu hits mountain peak in the light beam the previous second, she escaped promptly, therefore, after the mountain peak and stone person disappear, she does not have the injured injury, but appears somewhat distressed, falls on the one side by far. 叶美瑜在光柱击中山峰的前一秒,她及时地逃开了,所以,山峰和石头人消失后,她却没有受伤伤害,只是显得有些狼狈而已,远远地落在一旁。 The military routed the attack of Ye Meiyu, the corners of the mouth has brought back the smiling face that wiped to feel relieved, the both legs becomes tender, the strength failure, went to the ground but actually. 武击溃了叶美瑜的攻击,嘴角勾起一抹如释重负的笑容,双腿发软,力量衰竭,直直地向地上倒去。 Tang Zheng supports her hurriedly, asked kindly: „Are you all right?” 唐铮急忙扶住她,关切地问道:“你没事吧?” The military squeezes a smiling face, said: I am all right, but the strength uses up.” 武挤出一丝笑容,说:“我没事,只是力竭而已。” Her is the energy that the use surpasses itself to withstand, the loss is enormous, cannot launch the second round attack again. 她这是动用超过自己可以承受的能量,损耗极大,再也发动不了第二轮攻击。 Tang Zheng examined her body, truly greatly has not obstructed, this felt relieved that encourages saying: You do is very good, following gives me.” 唐铮查看了一下她的身体,确实没有大碍,这才放下心来,鼓励道:“你做的很好,接下来的就交给我吧。” looks at they cherish one's relatives my I, has not placed in her Ye Meiyu the eye quite the same as, if the Ye Meiyu shape is demented, the hysteria clamored: I must make you die without the burial ground.” 看着两人亲亲我我,浑然没将她叶美瑜放在眼中,叶美瑜状若癫狂,歇斯底里地叫嚣道:“我要让你们死无葬身之地。”
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