TCOC :: Volume #18

#1757: Wild aura

100,000 mountains, filled black smoke general Yin Qi, the silk silk cord are circling, making 100,000 mountains turn into another appearance. 100000大山,弥漫着一股黑烟一般的阴气,丝丝绕绕,令100000大山变成了另外一副模样。 They float sky over 100,000 mountains, the military worried that said: We do not have means thorough, otherwise, will encounter the danger. The Li Xiaotian strength is special, she penetrated 100,000 mountains, did not have a news.” 两人悬浮在100000大山上空,武担忧地说:“我们根本没办法深入其中,否则,就会遇到危险。栗笑天实力特殊,她就深入了100000大山,却没有一点音信了。” The Tang Zheng calm face, the bird's eye view, was saying: Walks, I lead you to get down, have me side you, does not need to be worried about these Yin Qi.” 唐铮沉着脸,俯瞰着下方,说:“走,我带你下去,有我在你身边,无需担心这些阴气。” Wu Zaojiu wants to violate danger by the body, has found out, but other people persuaded her, this has to give up. 武早就想以身犯险,一探究竟了,可其他人都劝说她,这才不得不放弃了。 Tang Zheng is holding the military hand, descends directly to 100,000 mountains, penetrated in faint trace Yin Qi continuously. 唐铮牵着武的手,径直就向100000大山中降落下去,深入了丝丝缕缕的阴气之中。 What may feel strange is Yin Qi automatic separates to both sides, is unable the body of near Tang Zheng. 可奇怪的是阴气自动向两旁分开,根本无法近唐铮的身。 Wu Nanyan the excited color, gripped tightened the hand of Tang Zheng, as if had found the pillar, this was own man, these difficulties could not stump him. 武难掩兴奋之色,攥紧了唐铮的手,仿佛找到了主心骨,这才是自己的男人,这些困难根本难不住他。 However, Yin Qi has not given up, tries to approach Tang Zheng as before they, but the invisible strength is resisting it, made its is the futile efforts. 然而,阴气并没有罢休,依旧试图靠近唐铮两人,但无形的力量抵抗着它,令其一切都是徒劳。 The front path is very as before fuzzy, does not see clearly a farther place. 前方的道路依旧十分模糊,看不清楚更远的地方。 Opens!” “开!” The Tang Zheng brow twists, shouted , the finger, Heaven-shaking moved the place the strength to clash forward, Yin Qi shook the powder, in the world restored bright, they saw clearly the distant place finally. 唐铮眉头一拧,一声断喝,手指向前一点,一股惊天动地的力量冲出去,阴气震散,天地间又恢复了一片明亮,他们终于看清楚了远处。 They go forward a distance, Tang Zheng discovered that has direction Yin Qi to be getting more and more intense, he had the premonition certainly to have anything. 两人又前进一段距离,唐铮发现有一个方向的阴气越来越强烈,他有预感一定发生了什么。 Suddenly, they stop before a cliff, is looking at the cliff of under foot. 突然,两人在一个悬崖前停下来,怔怔地望着脚下的悬崖。 Rich Yin Qi transmits from under. 浓郁的阴气从下方传来。 Source below.” Wu Zhi under was saying. “源头在下面。”武指着下方说。 The Tang Zheng nod said: We get down, I must have a look but actually what's the matter.” 唐铮点头说:“我们下去,我倒要看看是怎么回事。” sōu! 嗖! They jump to leap, plummet, penetrates overlapping Yin Qi, they fell the cliff bottom finally. 两人纵身一跃,直线下降,穿透层层叠叠的阴气,两人终于落到了崖底。 Regarding here, Tang Zheng is not strange, because, Xin Mo (Heart Demon) was put from here, that bronze great coffin also quietly places in the Tang Zheng Xumi world. 对于此处,唐铮并不陌生,因为,心魔就是从这里被放出来的,那个青铜巨棺还悄然放在唐铮的须弥天下中。 What now will here appear strangely? 如今这里又会出现什么古怪呢? Tang Zheng racks brains unable to find out the truth, only has exploration step by step. When his both feet steps on the soft ground, in the heart thump, had an unusual feeling. 唐铮绞尽脑汁也想不出真相,唯有一步步探索。只是当他双足踩在松软的地面上时,心中咯噔一下,有了一股异样的感觉。 He looks all around, where also has Yin Qi. 他环顾四周,哪里还有阴气 „It is not right, these Yin Qi are only the camouflage, the place of this most core actually does not have Yin Qi, but is another strength, this strength is a little familiar......” “不对,那些阴气只是障眼法而已,这最核心的地方竟然没有阴气,而是另外一股力量,这股力量还有一点熟悉……” He stared in a big way the eye, in mind has flashed through the innumerable thoughts, suddenly, the miraculous glow flashed through together, in his eye revealed the panic-stricken color. 他瞪大了眼睛,脑海中闪过无数的念头,突然,一道灵光闪过,他的眼中露出惊恐之色。 Wild aura!” “蛮荒气息!” He almost forgot this strength quickly, because, he thinks subconsciously this strength vanished from this world thoroughly. 他几乎快忘记这股力量了,因为,他下意识地认为这种力量已经彻底从这个世界上消失了。 How to resurge, reappears? 怎么又死灰复燃,重新出现了呢? He naturally does not know that initially had the wild aura to lose in Mount Tai. 他自然不知道当初有蛮荒气息遗落在了泰山上。 Tang Zheng does not think clearly, but heart has hung, initially a Mount Tai war, wild aura almost resurrecting Yellow Emperor, that war made him have a vivid memory. 唐铮想不明白,但心脏已经悬了起来,当初泰山一战,蛮荒气息差点复活黄帝,那一场大战令他记忆犹新。 „The Yellow Emperor former subordinates completely have not vanished, after ceasing all activities, staged a comeback?” “难道黄帝旧部并没有完全消失,偃旗息鼓后,又卷土重来了?” Tang Zheng is not fully correct, only has goes forward cautiously, does not forget to urge the military: A while by side me, there is any slightest sign of trouble, you cannot clash in the forefront, all have me.” 唐铮猜不透,唯有小心翼翼地前进,并不忘叮嘱武:“一会儿靠在我身边,有任何风吹草动,你都不能冲在最前面,一切有我。” The military saw from the Tang Zheng foreheads worried about the color, the numerous nods, said: I understand!” She also knows that the wild aura, asked: How wild will aura appear in 100,000 mountains?” 武从唐铮眉宇间看出了担忧之色,重重点头,说:“我明白!”她也知道蛮荒气息,问道:“蛮荒气息怎么会出现在100000大山之中?” Believes that the quick answer will make known.” “相信很快答案就会揭晓。” Tang Zheng grabs the military the hand, stand forth, all around wild aura is fast getting more and more intense, Tang Zheng is blazing with anger, gazes at all around sound as well as the change closely. 唐铮抓着武的手,飞快地向前走去,四周的蛮荒气息越来越强烈,唐铮目光如炬,密切地注视四周的动静以及变化。 Bottom of this canyon had not the small change, completely likely is not the appearance that previous Tang Zheng comes. 这个峡谷底部发生了不小的变化,完全不像是上次唐铮来的样子。 Suddenly, a change transmits from under foot, Tang Zheng and military under foot staggers, almost throws down on the ground, because, their both feet was imprisoned. 突然,一声异动从脚下传来,唐铮和武脚下踉跄,差点摔倒在地上,因为,他们双脚都被禁锢住了。 Any thing!” “什么东西!” The Tang Zheng pupil shrinks, is staring at own foot, a black rock turned into the chains, has locked in their ankle area firmly. 唐铮瞳孔一缩,盯着自己的脚,一块黑色的岩石变成了锁链,牢牢地锁住了他们两人的脚踝。 Really has strange matter.” “果然有蹊跷。” Tang Zheng feels in the chains to have the intense wild aura clearly, raises the foot fiercely, kā chā, the chains all breaks. 唐铮清晰地感受到锁链中有强烈的蛮荒气息,猛地提脚,咔嚓一声,锁链悉数断裂。 They have worked loose the chains, has to cautiously. 两人挣脱了锁链,不得不更加小心翼翼。 Hū! 呼! A top of the head giant rock crashes, pounds fiercely to their top of the heads. 头顶一块巨大的岩石坠落下来,猛砸向两人的头顶。 Broken!” “破!” Tang Zheng shouted , the invisible strength shot up to the sky. 唐铮一声断喝,无形的力量冲天而起。 Bang, the rock disruption, scatters to all around. Tang Zheng has not panted for breath with enough time, crash-bang the sound, the quarry stone gathered rapidly in together, turned into a stone image unexpectedly. 轰隆一声,岩石碎裂,向四周散落。唐铮还没来得及喘息一下,一阵哗啦啦的响声,乱石迅速地汇聚在一起,竟然变成了一个石人。 Well?” Tang Zheng eye one bright, cannot help but recalled to mind four elephants, these stones actually also had the life, is it possible that is the reason of wild aura?” “咦?”唐铮眼睛一亮,不由自主地记起了四象,“这些石头竟然也拥有了生命,莫非是蛮荒气息的缘故?” Tang Zheng has not analyzed result with enough time, the stone image raises the fist high, has pounded with raw hate, saw only the fist to be separated from the arm of stone person, seemed silver bullet, the diameter non-stop flies to Tang Zheng. 唐铮还没来得及分析出结果,石人高高地举起拳头,凶狠地砸了过来,只见拳头脱离了石头人的手臂,仿佛是一枚炮弹,径直飞向唐铮 Your life very greatly? I thought how you also resurrect now.” Tang Zheng waves the arm fiercely, bang, the stone hominization has made pile of powder, scatters with the wind. “你的命很大是吧?那我看你现在还怎么复活。”唐铮猛地挥动手臂,轰隆一声,石头人化作了一堆粉末,随风飘散。 As for that fist, vanished without the trace. 至于那个拳头,也消失无踪了。 Tang Zheng contemptuously curled the lip, he had the premonition, all these back some people control, since the opposite party likes playing to play hide-and-seek, he did not play with them simply. 唐铮轻蔑地撇了撇嘴,他已经有预感,这一切背后都是有人操控,既然对方喜欢玩捉迷藏,那他索性不和他们玩了。 He bellows: Why plays tricks, comes in a big hurry.” 他大吼一声:“何必装神弄鬼,快快现身吧。” hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 with a low voice, an earth-shaking power, in midair has the innumerable rocks to crash, the light cover soars together, covered these two firmly. 话音方落,一阵山摇地动,半空中有无数的岩石坠落,一道光罩腾空而起,牢牢地罩住了这两人。 Two people of safe and sound, but after they gain ground looks, is difficult to cover the surprised color in eye. 二人安然无恙,但当他们抬头望去后,难掩眼中的惊讶之色。 This canyon actually lived, the innumerable stones fly randomly, has composed a giant stone person gradually, occupies a commanding position, likely is huge monster. 这峡谷竟然都活了,无数的石头乱飞,渐渐组成了一个巨大的石头人,居高临下,像是一个庞然大物 They stand in the under foot of this huge monster, appears especially tiny, the huge oppression strength made the military facial color sudden change, cannot help but has gotten hold of the hand of Tang Zheng. 两人站在这庞然大物的脚下,显得格外渺小,巨大的压迫力令武面色骤变,不由自主地握紧了唐铮的手。 Tang Zheng cold snort|hum, thick eyebrows rise, said: „But actually actually what I must have a look in your bottle gourd to sell is any medicine, the profound storehouse sword, quells all these!” 唐铮冷哼一声,浓眉上扬,说:“我倒要看看你葫芦里究竟卖的是什么药,玄藏剑,荡平这一切!” ! 咻! A grating sword whining noise soars, the profound storehouse sword place visited, sword edge sweeps away all obstacles, collides the intense spark with the quarry stone. 一声刺耳的剑鸣声腾空而起,玄藏剑所过之处,剑锋所向披靡,和乱石碰撞出激烈的火花。 However, where the quarry stone can resist the point of profound storehouse sword, bang in the sound, the quarry stone is split up. 然而,乱石哪里抵挡得住玄藏剑的锋芒,轰隆声中,乱石四分五裂。 Suddenly, scolds from the midair tenderly transmits. 突然,一声娇叱从半空中传来。 Tang Zheng, is you goes bad my good deed.” 唐铮,又是你来坏我好事。” Tang Zheng terrified one startled, as if by prior agreement and military looks up, erratically a looks at person stands in that stone giant top of the head surprisedly, the whole body is lending the strong wild aura. 唐铮悚然一惊,不约而同地和武抬头望去,惊疑不定地看着一个人站在那石头巨人头顶,浑身散发着浓烈的蛮荒气息。
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