TCOC :: Volume #18

#1737: Falling over one another

Tang Zheng was seized by Dragon Claw, face upwards dragon roar, changed, changes to the body of real dragon, Dragon's Tail has swept, hits that silver Dragon Claw. 唐铮龙爪所擒,仰天一声龙吟,摇身一变,化作了真龙之身,龙尾一扫,击中那银色的龙爪 Bang! 轰! The air drastic fluctuation, the money two rays likely are the gorgeous fireworks, explodes. 空气剧烈波动,金银两道光芒像是绚丽的烟花,爆炸开来。 Tang Zheng retrocedes rapidly, Dragon Claw also shook flew, both sides have not asked for the advantage. 唐铮急速后退,龙爪也震飞了,双方都没有讨到好处。 The Tang Zheng pupil shrinks, the giant dragon eye is staring the leader, sighs with emotion: Really out of the ordinary, no wonder these years the looks like stray cur that Dragon Clan compels.” 唐铮瞳孔一缩,巨大的龙眼瞪着首领,感慨道:“果然非同凡响,难怪这些年把龙族逼的像丧家之犬。” The leader corners of the mouth raise, happily ferociously said with a smile: That is natural! When I fused dragon god fragment, Dragon Clan this thoroughly exterminated the clan.” 首领嘴角一扬,得意地狞笑道:“那是自然!等我融合了龙神碎片,龙族就该彻底灭族了。” During the speeches, Dragon Claw of leader grasps fiercely to the stairway of below a yet higher goal. 说话间,首领的龙爪猛地抓向通往下一层楼的楼梯口。 Bang! 轰! The earth-shaking power is common, Langya trembles, kā chā, the stairway has resounded the abnormal noise unexpectedly. 山摇地动一般,琅琊颤起来,咔嚓,楼梯口竟然响起了异响。 This Tang Zheng changes colors with amazement, he will not have to practice Dragon Shenjue to enter the step version to practice the corresponding rank, will not have the means to go to the corresponding floor. “这”唐铮骇然失色,他没有将修炼龙神决进阶版修炼到相应的等级,根本没办法去相应的楼层。 Why can the leaders break this limit? Does he practice Dragon Shenjue to enter the step version? 首领为何可以突破这种限制?难道他修炼过龙神决进阶版? It is not right! 不对! In Tang Zheng heart one cold, the opposite party and initially Dragon Shen was brothers, cultivated Dragon Shenjue not to be strange. 唐铮心中一凛,对方和当初龙神乃是兄弟,修炼过龙神决并不稀奇。 This is not difficult to explain why he can arrive at the corresponding floor. 这就不难解释他为何可以到达相应的楼层了。 „Before this damn Langya, does not have these many Seal, definitely is Seal that afterward that fellow added on intentionally, but also died the dragon god fragment conceal after oneself in these floors.” “这该死的琅琊以前可是没有这么多禁制的,肯定是后来那家伙故意加上的禁制,还把自己死后的龙神碎片藏于这些楼层中。” The leaders are looking at the stairway, muttered: He He, he definitely cannot think of me, although was not Dragon Clan, but I cultivated Dragon Shenjue to enter the step version after all, although must consume martial arts, but how these Seal possibly could block me.” 首领望着楼梯口,喃喃自语:“呵呵,他肯定想不到我虽然不是龙族了,可我毕竟修炼过龙神决进阶版,虽然要耗费一点功夫,但这些禁制又怎么可能拦得住我。” Tang Zheng terrified one startled, oneself have guessed correctly a symptom. 唐铮悚然一惊,自己果真是猜到了一点苗头。 But his heart actually sinks, the opposite party by the limit of Langya system, that following dragon god fragment was not been dangerous. 但他心头却一沉,对方不受琅琊制的限制,那后面的龙神碎片就危险了。 Once makes the opposite party melt closure god fragment, that consequence is dreadful. 一旦让对方融合龙神碎片,那后果不堪设想。 Cannot let break through Seal absolutely.” Tang Zheng clenches teeth, whiz one overruns, yelled: Stop!” “绝对不能让突破禁制。”唐铮一咬牙,嗖的一下冲过去,大叫道:“住手!” Hū! 呼! Sees only his Dragon Claw to search, has aimed at the leader, the black hole for the first time presently, the terrifying suction covered the leader instantaneously. 只见他龙爪一探,对准了首领,黑洞乍现,恐怖的吸力瞬间就笼罩住了首领。 Well?” “咦?” The leaders were astonished however winked under the eye, said: A little meaning.” 首领讶然地眨了下眼,道:“有点意思。” The leader whole body blooms eye-catching silver light, in an instant, this yet higher goal was covered silver light completely. 首领浑身绽放夺目的银光,刹那间,这一层楼全部被镀上了一层银光。 Roar! 吼! Roared to resound, the leader actually also had the tremendous changes. 一声咆哮响起,首领竟然也发生了翻天覆地的变化。 He turned into a silver big dragon, the dragon corner/horn of top of the head Tang Zheng must be longer , the terrifying aura of sending out made the person palpitation. 他变成了一头银色的巨龙,头顶的龙角比唐铮的还要长,散发的恐怖气息令人心悸。 But this Dragon's Prestige and Tang Zheng compare the difference of heaven and earth, his aura gloomy and cold, is very entirely different from Tang Zheng bright Grand Dao Dragon's Prestige. 但这股龙威唐铮相比有天壤之别,他的气息十分阴冷,与唐铮的煌煌大道龙威截然不同。 Although he also has the body of Dragon Clan, but in the bone is not Dragon Clan. 他虽然还拥有龙族之身,但骨子里已经不是龙族了。 The Heaven Swallowing Technique huge suction leader to the black hole, the leader keeps struggling, but is approaching the black hole as before little. 吞天术的巨大吸力将首领拉向黑洞,首领不停地挣扎,但依旧在一点点地靠近黑洞。 Hū! 呼! He wields Dragon Claw, the air is torn, the aura of this yet higher goal was confused thoroughly, likely is the sea water that dark Movement uses, the volume to the black hole, tries to counter-balance this terrifying suction one after another. 他挥动龙爪,空气被撕裂,这一层楼的气息彻底被搅乱,像是暗流动用的海水,一浪又一浪地卷向黑洞,试图地抵消这股恐怖的吸力。 Has saying that this means are very effective, this difficult situation strength counter-balanced part of suctions. 不得不说,这个办法很奏效,这股惊涛骇浪般的力量真的抵消掉了一部分吸力。 The form of leader is startled fiercely, temporarily has been separated from the fetter of black hole. 首领的身影猛地一怔,暂时脱离了黑洞的束缚。 His eye fiercely one bright, roared, fired into the stairway directly. 他眼睛猛地一亮,咆哮一声,径直冲向楼梯口。 Stops!” “停下!” Tang Zheng sees that where has not understood that attempt of opposite party, flies into a rage, goes all out to stimulate to movement Heaven Swallowing Technique. 唐铮见状,哪里还不明白对方的企图,勃然大怒,拼命地催动吞天术 Immediately, the suction sudden growth of Heaven Swallowing Technique, all inhales in the strength of that difficult situation the black hole. 登时,吞天术的吸力猛增,将那惊涛骇浪的力量悉数吸入黑洞中。 But this stopped the leader as before without enough time, saw only his Dragon Claw and Dragon's Tail and using. 但这依旧来不及制止首领了,只见他的龙爪和龙尾并用。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! A series of attacks fall on stairway Seal, Langya stops sways. 一连串攻击落在楼梯口的禁制上,琅琊停地摇晃。 Kacha! 咔嚓! A grating shatter sound resounds through the skies, Seal was torn to pieces, vanishes into thin air. 一声刺耳的破碎声响彻云霄,禁制支离破碎,烟消云散了。 This Tang Zheng was shocked. “这”唐铮惊呆了。 He has never thought dependence brute force attack, can rout this Seal. 他从未想过依靠蛮力攻击,可以击溃这个禁制 He has not accomplished, the Dragon Slayer leader has actually accomplished, this shocks can be imagined. 他没办到,屠龙士的首领却办到了,这股震撼可想而知。 Ha, I said that this broken Seal cannot block me.” Leader both eyes blooming ray, said with a smile complacently crazily. “哈哈哈,我就说这破禁制挡不住我。”首领双目绽放光芒,得意洋洋地狂笑道。 The leader personal appearance dodged, has crashed in the stairway. 首领身形一闪,冲进了楼梯口。 Tang Zheng seems to be awakening from a dream, pursues hastily. 唐铮如梦初醒,连忙追上去。 Seal broke, the dragon god who although he has not practiced the corresponding rank enters the step version definitely, actually can also the smooth ground to the 13 th building. 禁制已破,他虽然没有修炼到相应等级的龙神决进阶版,却也可以顺利地上通往第13层楼。 Hissing! 嘶! He just arrived at the 13 th building, holds breath cold air. 他刚到第13层楼,不禁倒吸一口凉气。 The Dragon Slayer leader has been attempting the friendly closure god fragment, he soars, flies to the dragon god fragment. 屠龙士首领已经在试图融合龙神碎片了,他腾空而起,飞向龙神碎片。 Dragon Clan in Langya cannot the free-flight motion, but the leader breaks through Seal forcefully, similarly eradicated including this Seal. 龙族在琅琊原本是不能自由飞行的,但首领强行突破禁制,连这个禁制也同样破除了。 Therefore, he can the free-flight motion. 所以,他可以自由飞行。 No!” “不!” Tang Zheng bellows, soars, the speed is not slower than the opposite party. 唐铮大吼一声,也腾空而起,速度丝毫不比对方慢。 Both sides almost simultaneously arrive in front of the dragon god fragment, finds out Dragon Claw, grasps to the dragon god fragment. 双方几乎是同时到达龙神碎片面前,都探出龙爪,抓向龙神碎片。 Hū! 呼! Two Dragon Claw simultaneously moved the dragon god fragment, two suctions covered the dragon god fragment, with all might and main wants one step to melt the closure god fragment first. 两个龙爪同时触碰到了龙神碎片,两股吸力笼罩住了龙神碎片,都竭尽全力地想先一步融合龙神碎片。 Leader both eyes (to) breath fire is staring Tang Zheng, roared: To the fat of my mouth, where allows you to bribe.” 首领双目喷火似地瞪着唐铮,咆哮道:“到我嘴边的肥肉,哪里容你染指。” sōu! 嗖! The voice falls, Dragon's Tail swept to Tang Zheng. 话音一落,龙尾就扫向了唐铮 Tang Zheng refuses to admit being inferior, bellows, Dragon's Tail also moved forward to meet somebody. 唐铮不甘示弱,大吼一声,龙尾也迎了上去。 Bang! 轰! Money two rays bloom, two Dragon Scale flew unexpectedly, has been separated from each other body, leaves behind a bulk to be alarmed, dripping with blood scabs. 金银两道光芒绽放,两块龙鳞竟然飞了起来,脱离了彼此的身体,留下一大块触目惊心,鲜血淋漓的伤疤。 But their as if bystander is the same, attacks unhaltingly, everyone refuses to admit being inferior. 但他们却仿佛没事人一样,继续不停地攻击,谁都不甘示弱。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The earth-shaking power, Dragon's Tail hits, Dragon Scale mixes the blood to dance in the air, in the air filled a rich bloody taste gradually. 山摇地动,龙尾撞击,龙鳞混合着鲜血飞舞,渐渐地,空气中弥漫起了一股浓郁的血腥味儿。 Redness that their eyes also change, cannot attend to oneself dripping with blood the injury, wholeheartedly is only thinking first one step melts the closure god fragment. 两人的眼睛也变的赤红,顾不得自己鲜血淋漓的伤势,一心只想着抢先一步融合龙神碎片。 If by cultivation level and strength, the Dragon Slayer leader wants a forcing Tang Zheng head. 若论修为和实力,屠龙士的首领要力压唐铮一头。 But discussed to the familiarity of dragon god fragment, Tang Zheng was slightly better, after all, he fused three dragon god fragments, had the rich experience, understood the dragon god fragment the attribute. 但论对龙神碎片的熟悉程度,唐铮却略胜一筹,毕竟,他已经融合了三个龙神碎片,有了丰富的经验,也更了解龙神碎片的属性。 You so are unexpectedly tenacious. Attempts to bribe my dragon god fragment, dies.” The Dragon Slayer leader roared angrily, the claw tail and using. “你竟然如此顽强。妄图染指我的龙神碎片,去死。”屠龙士首领愤怒地咆哮一声,爪尾并用。 Eight Dragon Claw simultaneously grasped to Tang Zheng, the strength that Dragon's Tail swept is also bigger. 八个龙爪一起抓向唐铮,龙尾扫出去的力道也更大了。 Spelled!” “拼了!” Tang Zheng clenches teeth, knows that the victory and defeat in this at one fell swoop, where does not dare whole-heartedly. 唐铮一咬牙,知道胜负在此一举,哪里敢不全力以赴。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The ray blooms, dyed the golden color and silver this yet higher goal, was also mixing with the red of blood. 光芒绽放,将这一层楼都染成了金色和银色,其中还夹杂着鲜血的红色。 Tang Zheng flies upside down backward, the leader reveals the self-satisfied color, but the next quarter, his expression coagulated. 唐铮向后倒飞出去,首领露出得意之色,但下一刻,他的表情凝固了。 Sees only in the dragon corner/horn of Tang Zheng top of the head to fly three groups of rays, is lending Dragon Shen the aura. 只见唐铮头顶的龙角中飞出来三团光芒,其中散发着龙神的气息。 In the midair that coiled dragon god fragment as if ran into the family member to be common, unexpectedly automatic flew to that three groups of rays, cannot the fetters live in the dragon god fragment including the suction of leader. 半空中那一团龙神碎片仿佛是遇到了家人一般,竟然自动向那三团光芒飞去,连首领的吸力都没能羁绊住龙神碎片。
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