TCOC :: Volume #17

#1689: Which did the God go?

Four called likely pleasantly surprised, as if had the discovery. 四象惊喜地叫了起来,似乎已经有了发现。.. „Do four elephants, what have to discover?” Tang Zheng asked hurriedly. “四象,有什么发现?”唐铮急忙问道。 Master, I have discovered several trails of people, but does not determine is they, the mysterious energies have blocked me.” Four doubt said likely. “主人,我发现了几个人的踪迹,但不确定是不是他们,有一股神秘的能量挡住了我。”四象狐疑地说道。 Well? 咦? Tang Zheng look one cold, this seal spell formation vanished, to have how also this situation? 唐铮神色一凛,这封印阵法都已经消失了,怎么还会有这种情况? They where? You lead me to look for them quickly.” “那他们在哪里?你快带我去找他们。” Master, I can only induce them, is actually not necessarily able to save them.” “主人,我只能感应到他们,却未必能把他们救出来。” What?” Tang Zheng is surprised, „aren't they stranded in this Gate of Heaven? How can not have the means to rescue.” “什么?”唐铮大吃一惊,“他们不就困在这天门之中吗?怎么会没办法救出来。” Four image planes have the male homosexuality, shakes the head resentfully: I do not know that this feeling is not very intense, I following this feeling, looked whether can further approach them.” 四象面有男色,悻悻地摇头:“我也不知道,这股感觉并不是十分强烈,我循着这股感觉,看是否能够进一步靠近他们。” Good, you move quickly.” Tang Zheng urged, the brow closely has twisted. Actually seal spell formation under Yan Qingyi cloth has any positive result, unexpectedly so weird. “好,那你快行动。”唐铮催促道,眉头紧紧地拧了起来。燕青衣布下的封印阵法究竟有什么名堂,竟然如此邪门儿。 Four rush likely rapidly forward, the Tang Zheng three people also quickly followed. 四象迅速地向前奔去,唐铮三人也快步跟了上去。 They arrived at Gate of Heaven most deep place gradually, weak Yin Qi fills the air in the air, after Heavenly Bed ruins, was unable with initially to place on a par. 他们渐渐来到了天门最深处,一股微弱的阴气弥漫在空气中,天床毁掉后,已经无法与当初相提并论。 Four stopped the footsteps before Fu Xi's statue likely, brilliant is staring at the statue, the facial color changes. 四象在伏羲的雕像前停下了脚步,灼灼地盯着雕像,面色微变。 How?” Tang Zheng asked. “怎么了?”唐铮问道。 Four elephants are pointing at Fu Xi statue, said: They probably in this.” 四象指着伏羲雕像,说:“他们好像就在这里面。” In statue?” “雕像里面?” Three people greatly were startled, particularly Tang Zheng, has experienced Fu Xi statue instruction book from heaven intent that a clearer this statue is out of the ordinary, is the Fu Clan ancestor, cannot neglect. 三人都大吃了一惊,尤其是唐铮,见识过伏羲雕像传授天书道意那一幕,更明白这雕像非同凡响,还是伏氏一族的先祖,丝毫不能怠慢。 Tang Zheng is staring at Fu Xi statue, as if in the tradeoff, this statue is not big, can actually imprison three people, perhaps this statue has the universe. ” Does master, want me to ruin it? ” Four elephants asked. 唐铮怔怔地盯着伏羲雕像,似乎在权衡分析,这雕像并不大,却可以禁锢住三个人,恐怕这雕像另有乾坤。”主人,要我毁掉它吗?”四象问道。 Tang Zheng hesitates slightly, shakes the head saying: I come to find out first.” 唐铮微微沉吟,摇头道:“我先来一探究竟。” His palm according to Fu Xi statue, did not have the mysterious strength to ripple again. 他的手掌按在了伏羲雕像身上,再也没有神秘的力量荡漾开来。 The Tang Zheng stimulation of movement book from heaven, the mysterious strength of sun crosses into Fu Xi statue from his palm, Fu Xi statue immediately a flood ray. 唐铮催动天书,天道的神秘力量从他掌心渡入了伏羲雕像,伏羲雕像立刻泛起一道光芒。 Master, my induction was more intense, they truly in this statue.” Four elephants call out in alarm said. “主人,我的感应更强烈了,他们确实就在这雕像之中。”四象惊呼道。 Tang Zheng heart next one happy, goes all out to stimulate to movement the book from heaven, during ray of Fu Xi statue is getting more and more intense, is dark, Tang Zheng also induced several familiar aura. 唐铮心下一喜,拼命地催动天书,伏羲雕像的光芒越来越强烈,冥冥之中,唐铮也感应到了几股熟悉的气息。 Fu Yao!” 伏瑶!” Li Xiaotian!” 栗笑天!” Tang Zheng calls out in alarm secretly, finally confirmed that four said likely not empty, four even if likely in very far distance, depended upon own talent divine ability to induce them, but Tang Zheng must contact with the statue, and stimulation of movement book from heaven Ancient Scroll, can achieve this effect. 唐铮暗自惊呼,终于确认四象所言非虚,四象即便是在很远的距离,依靠自己的天赋神通就可以感应到他们,而唐铮必须与雕像接触,并且催动天书古卷,才能达到这种效果。 He has locked immediately these aura, they as if in another world, partly visible, he attempts following this relation, saves them, the discovery is not easy. 他马上就锁定了这几股气息,他们仿佛是在另外一个世界,若隐若现,他试图循着这股联系,把他们救出去,却发现没那么容易。 Four elephants, we work as one, has the confidence to rescue them.” Tang Zheng asked. “四象,我们齐心协力,是否有信心把他们救出来。”唐铮问道。 Four said likely without hesitation: Has the master, I am confident.” 四象不假思索地说:“有主人在,我就有信心。” Good, we transport the merit together, in this statue has the universe, has another small space, they by the seal in that small space, we must rescue forcefully from that small space them.” The Tang Zheng analysis said. “那好,我们一起运功,这雕像内有乾坤,有另外一个小空间,他们就被封印在那个小空间之中,我们要强行把他们从那个小空间中救出来。”唐铮分析道。 Several other people are suddenly enlighted, it seems like Yan Qingyi was initially superficial, spell formation under cloth with Fu Xi statue for a body, excels at rushing unexpectedly continually directly by seal in statue. 其他几人恍然大悟,看来燕青衣当初轻描淡写,所布下的阵法竟然与伏羲雕像连为了一体,擅闯者直接被封印在了雕像之中。 If no Tang Zheng, does not know them to be able by seal many years. 若是没有唐铮,不知他们会被封印多少岁月。 Is thinks to make one be afraid, the Yan Qingyi method is really fierce. 仅仅是想一想就令人不寒而栗,燕青衣的手段真是厉害。 Four elephants nod to indicate to understand. 四象点头表示明白。 Tang Zheng simultaneously revolution space principle, this, since involves another space, although is not Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) and Deva that large space, but the space principle is also interlinked. 唐铮又同时运转空间法则,这既然涉及到另外一个空间,虽然不是天外天和天界那种大空间,但空间法则也是相通的。 Whish! 哗! On Fu Xi statue flood gloss is getting more and more bright, covers the top of the head had been floating the day hot ray unexpectedly. 伏羲雕像上泛起的光泽越来越亮,竟然盖过了头顶漂浮着的天火的光芒。 Several both eyes eyeballs brilliant are staring at the statue. 双眼睛灼灼地盯着雕像。 Suddenly, ripples ripple from statue, this ripples are getting more and more intense, look like throw down the gravel the lake surface. 突然,一圈涟漪从雕像上荡漾开来,这涟漪越来越强烈,就像是投下石子的湖面。 Quite dazzling!” “好刺眼!” Suddenly, Fang Shishi and Nannan have closed the eye as if by prior agreement, that ray is too dazzling, makes the person eyes stabbing pain. 突然,方诗诗囡囡不约而同地闭上了眼睛,那道光芒太刺眼,令人眼睛刺痛。 When they open eyes again, ray vanished, but two people stand in the front impressively. 当他们再睁开眼时,光芒消失了,而两个人赫然就站在面前。 Li Xiaotian!” 栗笑天!” Master!” 师父!” Two call out in alarm resounds, Nannan flies also to go to one of them 's arms, is Jiutian Xuannu Fu Yao. 两声惊呼响起,囡囡飞也似地投向其中一人的怀抱,正是九天玄女伏瑶 Another person impressively is Li Xiaotian. 另外一人赫然就是栗笑天 Their looks somewhat are blurry, hear these screams, they seem to be awakening from a dream, in eye gradually blooming none remaining. 两人的神色还有些迷糊,听见这些惊呼声,她们如梦初醒,眼中渐渐绽放精光。 Jiutian Xuannu extended both hands to grasp Nannan, Nannan rubbed on her cheeks affectionate randomly, chirp smiled and restless. 九天玄女伸出双手抱住了囡囡,囡囡亲昵地在她脸颊上乱蹭,叽叽喳喳地又笑又闹腾。 Tang Zheng and four stopped the hand likely as if by prior agreement, they collaborate, executes divine ability respectively, finally rescued these two. 唐铮和四象不约而同地停下了手,两人联手,各施神通,才终于解救出了这两人。 Tang Zheng looks at they, had a lingering fear pleasantly surprised said: Congratulates two to get out of trouble, this time is really scary, if no four elephants, almost could not find you.” 唐铮惊喜地看着两人,心有余悸地说:“恭喜两位脱困,这次真是吓死人,若是没有四象,差点就找不到你们了。” The average people awe Fu Xi statue, where dares to probe the statue with the skill, that is the crime of lese majeste, only then this type is not the Fu Clan talented person dares to be so bold. 一般人敬畏伏羲雕像,哪里敢用功力试探雕像,那是大不敬之罪,也只有这种不是伏氏一族的人才敢如此胆大包天。 If not so, that absolutely could not discover that in the statue had the universe. 若非如此,那也绝对发现不了雕像内有乾坤。 Li Xiaotian also saw Tang Zheng, looks the guilty color, said resentfully: Tang Zheng, sorry, I have not helped your busy, instead makes you violate the danger by the body, arrives at Gate of Heaven.” 栗笑天也看见了唐铮,面露愧疚之色,悻悻地说:“唐铮,对不起,我没有帮到你的忙,反而让你以身犯险,亲临天门。” Tang Zheng feels relieved, is happy, holds the hand of Li Xiaotian, said: Why spoke this nonsense? You to not save me, is laborious you to be right.” 唐铮如释重负,也跟着开心起来,牵起栗笑天的手,说:“何必说这种傻话?你还不是为了救我,辛苦你才对。” The Li Xiaotian corners of the mouth smile, callous complexion had the change. 栗笑天嘴角莞尔,冷酷的脸色发生了变化。 Tang Zheng turns head looks at Jiutian Xuannu, her look indignant angrily, said: Yan Qingyi, you dare to play the method with us, supposes so the seal, I and you have not ended!” 唐铮又扭头看着九天玄女,她神色愤愤然,自顾自地说:“燕青衣,你胆敢和我们玩手段,设下如此封印,我和你没完!” Jiutian Xuannu little so is extremely rude, this command other three people are startled. 九天玄女极少如此失态,这令其他三人大吃一惊。 Tang Zheng is also very angry, said: Yan Qingyi likes playing the method, seal Gate of Heaven under our noses, has actually deceived all people, we simply have not discovered the true might of seal.” 唐铮也十分愤慨,道:“燕青衣喜欢玩手段,在我们眼皮底下封印天门,却骗过了所有人,我们根本没有发现封印的真正威力。” He, asked: Fu Yao, Heavenly Emperor? Whether already returning from the grave rebirth?” 他顿了一下,又问道:“伏瑶,天帝呢?是否已经还阳重生?” This is Jiutian Xuannu this line of real motives. 这才是九天玄女此行真实目的。 Listened to this issue, the Fu Yao attention to be attracted immediately, looked the hesitant color, said resentfully: We just came Gate of Heaven by the seal in this, the father has not experimented with enough time.” 听了这个问题,伏瑶的注意力马上就被吸引住了,面露犹豫之色,悻悻地说道:“我们刚来天门就被封印于此,父亲还没来得及试验。” That Heavenly Emperor?” “那天帝呢?” He remembers that the Heavenly Emperor soul was received in a vessel, how does not know now. 他记得天帝的魂魄被收在一个容器之中,不知现在又如何。 Fu Yao takes out a jade bottle, summoned: Father, can come out now.” 伏瑶取出一个玉瓶,呼唤道:“父亲,现在可以出来了。” However, jade bottle did not respond, as if Heavenly Emperor not in inside. 然而,玉瓶毫无反应,似乎天帝并没有在里面。 Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu simultaneously changed complexion, brilliant is staring at the porcelain insulator, has not felt the tremor of soul, this explained did not have the Heavenly Emperor soul. 唐铮九天玄女同时变了脸色,灼灼地盯着瓷瓶,并没有感受到魂魄的颤动,这说明其中已经没有天帝魂魄。 Which that did Heavenly Emperor go? 天帝去哪儿了? Tonight has one chapter. 今晚只有一章。
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