TCOC :: Volume #17

#1688: Enters the fontanel

Several people arrive in front of the stone, observes curiously, the stone does not have what special place, actually the seal lived in Gate of Heaven, was hard to imagine really 几人来到石头前面,好奇地观察,石头并没有什么特异之处,却封印住了天门,真叫人难以想象 Moves things out of the way these stones, did the seal relieve?” Nannan sprouts up the fantasy to ask, voice falls, her both hands grasped a stone. “是不是把这几块石头搬开,封印就解除了?”囡囡突发奇想地问道,话音一落,她双手就抱住了一块石头。 Eyah! 咿呀! She used the strength of nursing, the stone has been entirely still. 她使出了吃奶的力气,石头纹丝不动。 This stone is good to sink.” Nannan loosens the hand resentfully, said disappointedly. “这石头好沉啊。”囡囡悻悻地松开手,失望地说道。 Tang Zheng cannot help laughing: Where eradicates seal so to be simple, the brute force is incorrect.” 唐铮哑然失笑:“破除封印哪里会那么简单,蛮力是不行的。” Nannan honk the mouth, was saying disappointedly: Really insipid!” 囡囡失望地嘟着嘴,说:“真没劲!” Fang Shishi looks reluctant, said: „Do four elephants have the means?” 方诗诗面有难色,道:“四象有办法吗?” Four elephants shake the head: I cannot induce Gate of Heaven, naturally does not know how to eradicate the seal.” 四象摇头:“我根本感应不到天门,自然也不知道如何破除封印。” Tang Zheng already expected this point, smiles lightly, said: This seal stems from the hand of Yan Qingyi, is definitely related with the sun, where so will be easy to eradicate, I looked whether can break this seal with the sun.” 唐铮早已料到这一点,淡淡一笑,说:“这封印出自燕青衣之手,肯定与天道有关,哪里会那么容易破除,我看是否能用天道破掉这封印。” In his heart some few words had not said that Jiutian Xuannu does not know the trace, fully explained this spell formation weird. 他心中还有一句话没说,连九天玄女也不知所踪,足以说明这阵法之邪门儿。 Elder brother, your certain line, a bit faster breaks this seal, disliked.” Nannan is rousing the cheek, said angrily. “哥哥,你一定行,快点破掉这封印,讨厌死了。”囡囡鼓着腮帮子,气鼓鼓地说。 Tang Zheng has closed the eye, the sun that will perceive through meditation releases, shortly, he as if will be connected with this islands, every bit of property will be brighter. 唐铮闭上了眼,将参悟出来的天道释放出来,顷刻间,他就仿佛与这座岛屿相连,一草一木更加鲜活。 He discovered on with amazement every bit of property unexpectedly the energy, this energy and entire islands unified whole, shares everything. 他骇然发现一草一木上竟然都有一股能量,这股能量与整座岛屿浑然一体,不分彼此。 But some place of islands, the energy is most centralized, that boundless energy looks like cloud cluster, far from periphery these thin energies may compare. 但岛屿的某一个地方,能量最为集中,那股磅礴的能量就像是一个云团,远非周围这些稀薄的能量可比。 This place definitely was Gate of Heaven, has not thought that must be able to discover using the sun, is not only able to distinguish depending on the naked eye.” “这地方肯定就是天门所在了,没想到要利用天道才能发现,仅凭肉眼是无法分辨的。” sōu! 嗖! He one step steps forward, is treading the green grass, flushes away to the cloud cluster place walk as if flying. 他一步跨出,踏着青草,健步如飞地向云团处冲去。 Other people are perplexed, pursued hastily. 其他人不明所以,也连忙追了上去。 When Tang Zheng stops the footsteps, brilliant is staring at a front stretch of open area, in the naked eye, except for the weed of ground, is empty. 唐铮停下脚步,灼灼地盯着前方的一片空地,肉眼之中,除了地上的杂草,空无一物。 Other people look following his vision, is bemused, does not know that any thing so attracts him. 其他人顺着他的目光望去,一脸问号,不知道什么东西如此吸引他。 Is here!” Tang Zheng gives a loud shout, the double palm promotes, the energy attacks continuously to the cloud cluster. “就是这里!”唐铮大喝一声,双掌推出,源源不断地能量向云团攻去。 Without any response, the clay ox entering the sea is ordinary, the cloud cluster is safe and sound, but the Tang Zheng energy has actually broken away from his control, has poured into the cloud cluster, the incarnation becomes part of cloud cluster. 没有任何反应,泥牛入海一般,云团安然无恙,而唐铮的能量却脱离了他的控制,注入了云团,化身成为云团的一部分。 Well? 咦? The cloud cluster energy strengthen was big. 云团能量变强大了。 Strange, does not fear the attack unexpectedly, this seal has the strangeness.” “怪哉,竟然不惧攻击,这封印果真有古怪。” He leisurely strolls to move toward the cloud cluster, actually immediately stopped the footsteps, because, the cloud cluster shifted the position instantaneously, moved beyond the kilometer. 他信步走向云团,却又马上停下了脚步,因为,云团瞬间转移了方位,又挪到了千米之外。 Shift?” “转移?” Under the Tang Zheng heart with amazement, realized fierce of seal, Gate of Heaven unexpectedly is not fixed, but moves. 唐铮心下骇然,更加体会到了封印的厉害,天门竟然不是固定的了,而是一动的。 Is this achieves? 这是怎么做到的? Tang Zheng engages in introspection does not have the means to achieve, but Yan Qingyi has achieved superficially on the same day, has to say the sun that she perceives through meditation is truly far ultra Tang Zheng. 唐铮扪心自问是没办法做到的,但当日燕青衣轻描淡写就做到了,不得不说她所参悟的天道确实远超唐铮 I and you did, looked that I can break your this seal, opened Gate of Heaven.” “我和你干上了,看我能不能破掉你这封印,打开天门。” Tang Zheng with a sudden burst, pursued in front of the cloud cluster, an energy promoted, is quietly, integrated in the cloud cluster. 唐铮卯足了劲,又追到了云团面前,一股能量推出,悄无声息,又融入了云团之中。 „Don't you like eating my skill? I thought when you can eat.” “你不是喜欢吃我的功力吗?那我看你能吃到什么时候。” Although Tang Zheng can induce all these with the sun, did not have the means to eradicate the seal with the sun, the sensibility of Heavenly Emperor to sun has definitely surpassed him, has not succeeded, after he has tried one next, the decision no longer revealed shortcomings. 唐铮虽然用天道可以感应这一切,却没有办法用天道破除封印,天帝对天道的感悟肯定超过了他,也没有成功,他试了一下之后,就决定不再献丑。 He tries another method simply. 他索性另辟蹊径。 A boundless energy attacks from his double palm, integrated the cloud cluster, the cloud cluster shivered, as if must shift. 一股磅礴的能量从他双掌冲击出来,融入云团,云团颤抖了一下,似乎又要转移。 Gives up any idea of the shift!” “休想转移!” The energy in Tang Zheng hand wells up continuous, and him has established the relation between the cloud cluster, as if many a link. 唐铮手中的能量连绵不绝地涌出来,在云团和他之间建立了联系,仿佛多了一根纽带。 The cloud cluster tries to shift, firmly was actually fettered by this link. 云团试图转移,却被这根纽带牢牢地束缚住了。 Ha Ha, you are not multipurpose.” “哈哈,你也不是万能的嘛。” Tang Zheng laughs, the whole body energy spews out, he did not fear actually the whole body skill vanishes, here does not have the foreign enemy to attack, only needs to cope with the seal then. 唐铮大笑,浑身的能量都喷涌而出,他倒是不怕浑身功力消失殆尽,这里没有外敌攻击,只需要对付封印即可。 Whish! 哗! In Deva, an energy fluttered from the tree of life, flies to nine days, then through the both arms of Tang Zheng, has poured into the cloud cluster. 天界之中,一股能量从生命之树上飘了起来,飞向九天之上,然后就通过唐铮的双臂,注入了云团之中。 In an instant, the cloud cluster shivers fiercely, cannot support again, looks like the fatty who eats to support is still keeping toward belly, finally could not install. 刹那间,云团剧烈颤抖,再也支撑不住,就像是一个吃撑的胖子还在不停地往肚子里塞,终于装不下了。 Bang! 轰! A bang, the cloud cluster exploded. 一声巨响,云团爆炸了。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 Sounds of stone disruption resound, the stone of seal is destroyed in a moment completely, the seal relieved. 一块块石头碎裂的声音响起,封印之石完全毁于一旦,封印解除了。 In Tang Zheng heart one cold, unexpectedly is the function of tree of life, the one had only known, that inspires the Deva tree of energy in life to come opposite party seal. 唐铮心中一凛,竟然是生命之树的作用,早知如此,那就引动天界中的生命之树能量来对方这封印。 Yan Qingyi has not spoken incorrectly, besides her, other people must eradicate this seal to be really almost impossible, if not for I because of assisting of tree of life, has no alternative but to arrive absolutely. No wonder Jiutian Xuannu and Heavenly Emperor were defeated.” 燕青衣真的没说错,除了她之外,其他人要破除这封印真的几乎不可能,我若不是因为生命之树的相助,也绝对不能不到。难怪九天玄女天帝失败了。” Under the Tang Zheng heart with amazement, could not give a thought to sigh, the vision solidly has locked the front. 唐铮心下骇然,顾不得感叹,目光牢牢地锁定了前方。 After the cloud cluster vanishes, leaf of palatial big Stone Gate stands erect at present, this is Gate of Heaven, compared with several people Gate of Heaven, looks like the ants is generally small. 云团消失后,一扇巍峨的大石门矗立在眼前,这就是天门,几人相比天门,就像是蝼蚁一般小。 Other people also see Gate of Heaven to be fabricated, presently, one after another cheers baseless for the first time, particularly Gate of Heaven raises the neck, as if the neck must break was the same, excitedly and is staring Gate of Heaven curiously, like is the Sir is filled with emotion: This is Gate of Heaven Ah! 其他人也看见天门无中生有,凭空乍现,纷纷欢呼起来,尤其是天门扬起脖子,仿佛脖子都要断了一样,兴奋又好奇地瞪着天门,像是大人一样感慨万千:“这就是天门啊! The revisit, Fang Shishi sees Gate of Heaven intentionally, touches the scenery to excite the emotions, as if also recalled the tour of previous time Gate of Heaven. 故意重游,方诗诗看见天门,触景生情,似乎也回忆起了上次的天门之行。 Tang Zheng is calmest, walks toward Gate of Heaven step by step, four elephants push to the front, both hands according to above Gate of Heaven, have creaked, Gate of Heaven open slowly. 唐铮最为淡定,一步步朝天门走去,四象一马当先,双手按在了天门之上,嘎吱一声,天门徐徐地打开了。 Before Gate of Heaven opening needed the blood of Fu Clan, this actually could not baffle four elephants, Gate of Heaven was reliable, he also had means opening. 以前天门开启需要伏氏一族的鲜血,这却难不倒四象,天门再牢固,他也有办法开启。 Bang. 轰隆一声。 Gate of Heaven opens completely, the group strides walked nearly went, before and different, therefore, went forward familiar and easy. 天门完全开启,一行人大步走了近去,与以前并没什么两样,于是,轻车熟路地前进。 In Gate of Heaven did not have the feeling of that gloomy and cold, because, Yin Qi in Gate of Heaven almost vanished. 天门中已经没有了那股阴冷的感觉,因为,天门中的阴气几乎消失殆尽了。 One group of day fires brave from the Tang Zheng fingertip, float in several people of top of the heads, guiding them to walk toward the Gate of Heaven deep place. 一团天火从唐铮指尖冒起来,悬浮在几人头顶,引导着他们向天门深处走去。 Has not seen Jiutian Xuannu and Li Xiaotian trace along the way, everybody heart has cast a shadow. 沿途都没有看见九天玄女栗笑天的踪影,大家心头不禁蒙上了一层阴影。 Actually can they where? 他们究竟会在什么地方呢? They, since has not eradicated the seal, can at all not in Gate of Heaven, but in other places? We such looked to be not necessarily able to find them.” The Fang Shishi analysis said. “他们既然没有破除封印,会不会根本没在天门之中,而是在其他地方?我们这么找下去未必会找到他们。”方诗诗分析道。 Tang Zheng has hesitated a while, shakes the head firmly: I have the premonition, they here.” 唐铮沉吟了一会儿,坚定地摇头:“我有预感,他们就在这里。” Master, I look for them.” “主人,我来找他们。” Four elephants volunteer, both hands paste on the rock wall, displays divine ability, before long, four called likely pleasantly surprised. 四象自告奋勇,双手贴在岩石墙壁上,施展神通,不一会儿,四象惊喜地叫了起来。 Recommends everybody to pay attention to my micro letter public number: The florilegium that Tang flute, the latter extended session sends this book, the major beautiful women will appear in the florilegium. 推荐大家关注我的微信公众号:唐箫,后续会发本书的群芳谱,各大美女都会出现在群芳谱。
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