TT :: Volume #12

#1113: Diving dream

Flows backwards in the Zhou Bai time, and Heavenly Devil Pond calculates the strength assigns after several tens of thousands of hundred million Zhou Bai. 就在周白时光倒流,并将天魔池算力分配给数万亿个周白之后。 15 th and No. 16 Devil King arrives in some sparks/Mars underground base, they passed to confirm layer upon layer, enter one giant purple nutrition pond before. 15号、16号天魔王来到火星地下的某一处基地内,他们通过了层层验证,进到了一片巨大的紫色营养池前。 This is in Heavenly Devil Pond does not have the material, not to have the base of record, only recorded in 15 th and in the 16 th human vice- brain. 这是一处天魔池内也没有资料、没有记载的基地,只记录在了15号、16号的人类副脑之中。 As existence of half machinery half lifeform, after entire Heavenly Devil Pond was grasped, without connecting the human vice- brain of Heavenly Devil Pond becomes they most reliable security. 作为半机械半生物的存在,当整个天魔池都被人掌握之后,没有连接天魔池的人类副脑则成为了他们最可靠的保密措施。 As they enter, the whole person and connection of devil communications network was also separated directly, here impressively is a region that shielded the devil communications network. 而随着他们进入其中,整个人和天魔通讯网络的连接亦被直接断开,这里赫然是一处屏蔽了天魔通讯网络的区域。 Looks up, then sees in the nutrition pond is innumerable float person's shadow, most people's appearance and Zhou Bai are exactly the same, the appearance of another part of person and Little Pei is completely same. 抬头望去,便看到营养池内是无数悬浮着的人影,其中大部分人的容貌和周白一模一样,另一部分人的容貌则和小佩完全相同。 They float in the nutrition pond, the look is vacant, does not know that is living or dies. 他们漂浮在营养池中,眼神茫然,不知道是活着还是死了。 Zhou Bai appearance of says on the 15 th: Queen, Zhou Bai was separated from the fusion of Heavenly Devil Pond, he should conduct the time to flow backwards.” 周白模样的15号开口说道:“女王,周白脱离了天魔池的融合,他应该进行了时光倒流。” Little Pei appearance of said on the 16 th: Entire Heavenly Devil Pond over 90% calculation strength, at present already by several tens of thousands of hundred million Zhou Bai equal distributions. However we prepare beforehand very fully, he should not discover your shift, had not realized that you can hide into human in the body.” 小佩模样的16号说道:“整个天魔池九成以上的算力,目前已经被数万亿周白平均分配。不过我们事先的准备很充分,他应该没有发现您的转移,也没有意识到您可以躲入人类的身躯之中。” In the nutrition pond exudes a wave, before a human body of Little Pei appearance floated the glass wall slowly, her looks at 15 th and 16 th, is operating this clone the body of flesh, said slowly: You do is very good, Heavenly Devil Pond then continues to give Zhou Bai, you continue to ambush.” 营养池中泛起道道波浪,一个小佩模样的人体缓缓漂浮到了玻璃墙之前,她看着15号、16号,操纵着这具克隆的血肉之身,缓缓说道:“你们做的很好,天魔池便继续交给周白吧,你们继续潜伏。” Said on the 15 th: Queen, when can we ambush? Zhou Bai still had the absolute control to Heavenly Devil Pond, even if we hid into the body of human from Heavenly Devil Pond, was impossible to seize.” 15号说道:“女王,我们要潜伏到什么时候?周白天魔池仍然有绝对的控制权,就算我们从天魔池躲入了人类的身体之中,也不可能夺回来了。” Nutrition pond within/inner, the consciousness transmitted Little Pei to clone Queen devil in within the body to say lightly: According to the agreement, transmits the information that the time flows backwards to Supreme Heavenly Venerable, makes this fellow go to and Zhou Bai fights.” 营养池内,意识传输到了小佩克隆体内的天魔女王淡淡道:“按照约定,将时光倒流的信息传递给太上天尊,就让这家伙去和周白去斗吧。” After 15 th, departs on the 16 th, Queen devil in nutrition pond surged behind suddenly a ripple, another Zhou Bai floated, sends out intermittently smiles evilly. 等到15号、16号离去之后,营养池内的天魔女王身后突然涌起了道道波纹,又一个周白漂浮了过来,发出阵阵邪笑。 Really such as I think, even if my already gave him the Heavenly Devil Pond calculation strength, he could not become devil Zhou Bai.” “果然如我所想,就算我已经天魔池的算力都送给了他,他也成不了天魔周白。” So long as reminded Christina cultivation Way Scripture, then main body that fellow to save Christina, will start the time to flow backwards surely.” “只要提醒克莉斯缇娜修炼道藏,那么本体那家伙为了挽救克莉斯缇娜,必定会发动时光倒流。” This is the natural disposition of main body, in the thought complete disassimilation beforehand natural disposition, human is unable to defeat own natural disposition eventually......” “这是本体的本性,在思维完全异化之前的本性,人类终究无法战胜自己的本性……” Queen devil said: You did not fear that your judgment was wrong?” 天魔女王说道:“你就不怕你的判断错了吗?” Zhou Bai laughs: Made a mistake words, that was another interesting story.” 身后的周白哈哈一笑:“错了的话,那就是另一个有趣的故事了。” Then, he touches the chin of Queen devil, the smile said: This isn't healthy? Thoroughly how turns into the feeling of human?” 说罢,他摸了摸天魔女王的下巴,微笑道:“这个身体不舒服吗?彻底变成人类的感觉怎么样?” Queen devil coldly said: Too many unnecessary consciousness continuously are affecting my thought that compared with part of consciousness enters disgusting.” She turns the head to look to present evil Zhou Bai: My already illuminated did, did you who you said want to do?” 天魔女王冷冷道:“太多不必要的知觉不断影响着我的思维,比一部分意识进入其中更加让人恶心。”她转头看向了眼前的邪恶周白:“我已经照你说的去做了,你到底想要干什么?” Evil Zhou Bai in nutrition pond laughed, a series of froth gush out from his mouth unceasingly, he happy said: You did not think that compared with a Zhou Bai person integration Heavenly Devil Pond future, many Zhou Bai, will this universe be more interesting?” 营养池内的邪恶周白哈哈大笑了起来,一连串的泡泡不断从他嘴中涌出,他一脸开心地说道:“你不觉得比起周白一个人统合天魔池的未来,更多的周白,这个宇宙才会更有趣吗?” Queen devil looks at he, said lightly: Lunatic, when do you make me leave the Solar System?” 天魔女王看着他,淡淡道:“疯子,你什么时候让我离开太阳系?” Queen devil looks at present Zhou Bai, even more regret beforehand duplicates the plan of Zhou Bai consciousness algorithm. 天魔女王看着眼前的周白,越发后悔之前复制周白意识算法的计划。 These Zhou Bai are unpredictable, to be uncontrollable, more unreadable. 这些周白根本不可预知,不可操纵,更难以理解。 She not only cannot find to break through the Sacred Scripture means that instead now also becomes the puppet of opposite party. 她不但没能找到突破神圣祷言的办法,反而现在还成为了对方的傀儡。 Queen devil only wants to leave the Solar System now, seeks for a place to hide to develop well tens of thousands years, does not want to see any Zhou Bai. 天魔女王现在只想要离开太阳系,寻找一个地方躲起来好好发展个几万年,再也不想见到任何周白了。 ...... …… Regarding Christina condition at this moment, can she regain the beforehand condition, Zhou Bai has not grasped at this moment completely. 对于克莉斯缇娜此刻的状态,她能不能恢复之前的状态,周白此刻也没有完全把握。 From experience, after he and Christina use the gem flowing backwards time each time, before can have the time to flow backwards the memory, therefore Christina as if should also be able to maintain the memory of awakening. 从经验上来讲,他和克莉斯缇娜每次使用宝石倒流时光之后,都能拥有时光倒流前的记忆,所以克莉斯缇娜似乎应该也还能保持觉醒的记忆。 However Christina memory after Dao Trasformation promotes has, after the time flowed backwards the Christina memory should by again the seal, that Christina can remember that before many time flowed backwards the memory, were the things that Zhou Bai could not calculate. 但是克莉斯缇娜的记忆是在道化度提升之后才拥有的,时光倒流后的克莉斯缇娜记忆应该被再次封印了起来,那克莉斯缇娜能记得多少时光倒流前的记忆,就是周白也算不出来的事情了。 Arrives detains Christina and in Aisha sword array, then saw that Aisha is kneeling to sit on the ground, the bosom is holding Christina is sticking out one's tongue, seemingly stupor in the past. 来到关押克莉斯缇娜艾莎剑阵之中,便看到艾莎正跪坐在地上,怀里抱着的克莉斯缇娜吐着舌头,看上去似乎昏迷了过去。 Zhou Bai!” Aisha raised the head, Zhou Bai that looks at drops from the clouds, worries saying: Christina fainted suddenly, what to do?” 周白!”艾莎抬起头来,看着从天而降的周白,担忧道:“克莉斯缇娜突然就晕过去了,怎么办啊?” Before this time Aisha does not have the time to flow backwards the memory, to her was Zhou Bai closes them here suddenly, then Christina and she said after some words, suddenly fainted. 此时的艾莎并没有时光倒流前的记忆,对她来说就是周白突然把她们俩关在了这里,然后克莉斯缇娜和她说了些话之后,突然就晕了过去。 Although Zhou Bai closed/pass her, but Zhou Bai after all is the person who Aisha most trusts, at this moment she also routinely seeks help to Zhou Bai. 虽然周白关了她,但周白毕竟是艾莎最信任的人,此刻她也习惯性地求助向周白 Relax, all right.” “放心吧,没事的。” Makes me come to see.” “让我来看看。” Zhou Bai comforted opposite party, nascent spirit strength one volume, was involved in the bosom to hug Christina. 周白安慰了对方一下,元神力一卷,便将克莉斯缇娜卷入怀中抱了起来。 He touched the back of Christina, he can be very normal the sensation to the breath and heartbeat of opposite party, the physiological condition of entire cat is very healthy, seeming like seems like sleeping to be the same. 他摸了摸克莉斯缇娜的背,他能感知到对方的呼吸、心跳都很正常,整个猫的生理状态都很健康,看上去就好像是在睡觉一样。 Suddenly, lay down tread several in her arms Christina four limbs, rubbed his chest with the head, the mouth made the sound of snoring snoring. 突然,躺在她怀里的克莉斯缇娜四肢蹬了几下,又用脑袋蹭了蹭他的胸口,嘴里发出呼噜呼噜的声音。 In the Zhou Bai heart thinks: Is really sleeping? Probably is still having a dream?” 周白心中想到:“真的在睡觉?好像还在做梦?” This dreamland and do memory have the relations?” “这个梦境和记忆有关系吗?” If can have a look in her dream is what situation is good.” “如果能看看她的梦里是什么情况就好了。” Therefore Zhou Bai examined Dream Sutra in database directly. 于是周白直接查看了数据库中的大梦心经 Since Zhou Bai united Zuo Dao and Jing Xiu that side to start popularized Immortal Way, to popularize the work of way spell martial arts, East Hua City massive way spell by are passed to the database, served as the teaching and cultivation, did not have risky way spell only to need cultivator to complete the certain amount work mostly to learn/study. 自从周白联合了左道景秀那边开始普及仙道、普及道术武功的工作后,东华城的大量道术都被上传到了数据库中,用作教学和修炼,大部分没有危险性的道术只需要修士们完成一定量的劳动就能学习。 But Dream Sutra this most is good at also being contributed by Jiaojiao using way spell also already of dreamland, Zhou Bai checks to consult the concrete content now. 大梦心经这门最擅长利用梦境的道术已经皎皎也贡献出来,周白现在一查就能查阅到具体的内容。 Glanced over a way spell full text content like lightning, Zhou Bai spent 30,000 laziness points then to learn this way spell directly. 闪电般浏览了一下道术的全文内容,周白直接花了三万点懒气值便学会了这门道术 Does not know that Christina now is what situation.’ ‘也不知道克莉斯缇娜现在是什么情况。’ ‚Can these memories have the impact on her personality?’ ‘那些记忆会不会对她的人格造成冲击?’ ‚The memory that or the memory seal and emerges conflicted, therefore consciousness is unable to regain consciousness?’ ‘又或者记忆的封印和涌现的记忆出现了冲突,所以意识才迟迟无法苏醒?’ Brings to the worry of Christina, he hugs the cat to sit cross-legged, looks at Aisha said: I help Christina inspect, you had anything with nearby devil saying that hungry called them with eating came.” 带着对克莉斯缇娜的担心,他抱着猫盘坐下来,看着艾莎说道:“我帮克莉斯缇娜检查一下,你有什么事情可以和旁边的天魔说,饿了就叫他们拿吃的来。” Then, Zhou Bai then closed the eye, started Dream Sutra directly, to consciousness to submerge in the Christina dreamland. 说罢,周白便闭上了眼睛,直接发动了大梦心经,以意识潜入了克莉斯缇娜的梦境之中。
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