TOTM :: Volume #10

#947: Breaks an engagement( 7200 make up)

Repairs the demon?” “修魔?” Aaron has to acknowledge, oneself also really a little moves. 亚伦不得不承认,自己还真有一点动心。 After all, his main body with the main body is not the good thing, regarding transfer and cultivate Demon Way not a little psychological burden. 毕竟,他本尊跟本体都不是什么好东西,对于转修魔道没有点心理负担。 Made some Aaron worries truly, the sea of blood demon did that oneself comprehended, middle have some issues? 真正令亚伦有些担心的,还是自己领悟出的这血海魔经,当中有没有一些问题? And, before the accident was hasty, he only had one volume of «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Books» refers, the foundation was not quite possibly solid. 并且,之前事发仓促,他只有一卷《嗜血奇书》参考,根基可能不太扎实。 Meanwhile, the scrip­tures of comprehension really somewhat are also incomplete 同时,领悟的经文也着实有些残缺 At this time, should receive the fool disciple to explore the way “这时候,就该收个冤大头弟子探路了” Happen to also has me with the causes and effects of Omei, can take advantage of opportunity to pass the burden to him, making him replace me to do Omei “正好还有我与峨眉的因果,也可以顺势转嫁给他,让他代替我去干峨眉” Initially Omei bitter mendicant budhist monk, already by Aaron in small book. 当初峨眉苦头陀,早就被亚伦记在小本本上了。 He is a lazy person, does not want to begin to revenge personally, such tired also is extremely too easy to expose. 只是他是个懒惰人,也不想亲自动手报仇,那样太累也太过容易暴露。 Receives a disciple, making him continue the causes and effects, is actually good. 收一位弟子,让他承接因果,倒是不错。 In fact, many Righteous Way sect, have does that especially Buddhism! 事实上,许多正道宗门,都有这么做的,特别是佛门! If along with a latrine pit disciple, some were too miserable “要是随便坑一位弟子,也有些太惨了” „, Finds an inborn evil person, must while convenient with the Omei destiny conflict “罢了,还是找一个天生邪恶之人,顺带还要与峨眉气数冲突的吧” Thinks, Aaron starts to calculate, seeks such Demon Way good beautiful jade. 想了想,亚伦开始推算,来寻找这么一位魔道的良才美玉。 When deduction, his intention moves, considers as finished Li Yingyun's causes and effects. 推演之时,他心念一动,将李英云的因果也算了进去。 Shu Shan Residence. 蜀山府。 Ling Yanzhen. 凌烟镇。 In the town/subdues has two big martial arts world aristocratic families, is Li Family and Ding, is always the family friendship of many generations, in the past both sides Old Man made a living as a wandering fortune-teller jointly, puts down river bandit of Jiu Village 26 lakes, really is really the friendship of life. 镇上有两大武林世家,为李家与丁家,向来都是世交,当年双方老爷子联手闯荡江湖,扫平九寨二十六湖的水匪,真真是过命的交情。 Afterward entered in Sichuan to live in seclusion, elected in one, became good of family/home. 后来进入川中隐居,也是选在一处,结为通家之好。 Initially, when Ding Xiadong was just born, Ding happen to also had a son, both parents subscribed the engagement for it. 当初,丁夏冬刚刚诞生之时,丁家正好也生了一個儿子,双方父母就为其订下婚约。 Now in a flash, passed for 16 years. 如今一晃,也过去了十六年。 On this day. 这一日。 Ding. 丁家。 Li Yingyun runs totteringly from the house, the tears spin in the eye socket tenaciously, actually does not flow comes out. 李英云跌跌撞撞地从宅子中跑出,眼泪顽强地在眼眶中打转,却就是不流出来。 He loathes Ding Xiadong that younger sister since childhood generally, has delicious what, fun is thinking the opposite party. 他从小就一般厌恶丁夏冬那个妹妹,有什么好吃的、好玩的都想着对方。 Even if Ding summer winter is wild, loathes the group hero to uphold justice, he thought that can accept. 哪怕丁夏冬性子野,厌恶行侠仗义,他都觉得可以接受。 But 可是 In days before, Ding Xiadong of going out goes home suddenly. 就在前几日,外出的丁夏冬忽然回到家中。 And, the show/unfolds shows one's skill hundred steps flying sword peerless marvelous abilities, informs the home person, she pays respects enters dwelling place of celestial beings sect, must ask immortal karma. 并且,展露了一手百步飞剑的绝世神功,告知家里人,她已经拜入仙家宗门,要去求一个仙缘了。 As for the mediocre causes and effects, naturally needs to cut off. 至于凡俗因果,自然需要斩断。 After all Omei cultivation method attaches great importance to the virginity very much. 毕竟峨眉功法对于童身还是很重视的。 Then, is Li Family breaks an engagement 然后,就是李家退婚 Li Yingyun regarding is the great shame! Also does not have 李英云视之为奇耻大辱!却又无可奈 From the family background, power and influence of Li Family in town, is big on Ding, behind Ding Xiadong is standing let alone now Immortal Master! 从家世上来说,李家在镇子上的权势,就比丁家要大,更何况如今丁夏冬背后站着仙师呢! Parents' just now words, but also vaguely near ear: 父母方才的话语,还依稀在耳边: Son, the people with the standard dou-measure, cannot that Li Family female the technique of flying sword you also see with the immortal square scroll, my family does not may for the enemy “儿啊,民不与官斗,更不能与仙斗方才那李家女子的飞剑之术你也看到了,我家万万不可为敌啊” That is the vision that the old mother whole face worries about. 那是老母亲满脸担忧的目光。 My child you accepts fate!” The old father smoked the half-day tobacco pipe, puts out one slowly: And the Li Family girl also kept the face to us, can not say this matter outward, even besides the past gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family, but also draws back spirit pill that one bottle can prolong the life!” “我儿你就认命吧!”老父亲抽了半天烟斗,缓缓吐出一句:“并且李家女娃子也给咱们留了脸面,对外可以不说这事,甚至除了当年聘礼之外,还退了一瓶能延年益寿的灵丹呢!” spirit pill, especially one bottle of did pill medicine sell me immortal cultivation very greatly?” 灵丹,特么的一瓶丹药就将我卖了修仙很了不起么?” To the wilderness, Li Yingyun's tears did not make every effort to succeed to flow, the whole person sways back and forth in the silt: 一直到了荒郊野外,李英云的眼泪才不争气地流了下来,整个人都在淤泥中打滚: My Li Yingyun pledged on the 1st always, necessary that woman and her back Immortal Person regret!!!” “我李英云发誓总有一日,必要那女人与她背后的仙人后悔!!!” Hehe “呵呵” At this moment, side hears one to sneer suddenly. 就在这时,旁边忽然传来一声冷笑。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” Li Yingyun turns over/stands up to crawl, saw that cannot see clearly the person of appearance to stand on one side. 李英云翻身爬起,就见到一个看不清面目之人站在一边。 An opposite party black robe, the rich black red gasification is a mask, making the face dim, looked is a sorcerer! 对方一身黑袍,浓郁的黑红之气化为一张面具,令脸部朦朦胧胧,一看就是个妖人! Before changing into, Li Yingyun perhaps also somewhat fears, at this time is actually imposing fearless, asked generously. 换成之前,李英云或许还有些惧怕,此时却是凛然无惧,慨然问道。 Ants told the water to the sky, finally the saliva will only fall on own face, how could on this day to care?” “蝼蚁向天空吐口水,最终口水只会落在自己脸上,这天何曾在乎?” Aaron laughs: Wailing of frivolous young man besides annoying the person laughs, not slightly significance!” 亚伦哈哈大笑:“惨绿少年的哀嚎除了惹人发笑之外,并无丝毫意义!” Good, you come to see me to laugh intentionally?” “好啊,你是故意来看我笑话的么?” The solanum lyratum to fact in the character bring epidemic pathogenic factor, hears here, a direct right hand finger ball, an iron egg departs. 白英以实际上性格中带着一股乖戾之气,听到这里,直接右手手指一弹,一枚铁蛋飞出。 The technique of his hidden weapon, is Ding vanished art, passes on male does not pass on the female, calculates a distinguished merit unsurpassed artistry in the martial arts world. 他这一手暗器之术,乃是丁家绝学,传男不传女,在武林中也算一门奇功绝艺。 But next quarter, this iron egg on float in midair, moves also motionless: I person of the most special immortal cultivation, you cannot do to me, am I with that ratio of Omei, how just like the glow and bright moon you can take revenge?” 但下一刻,这枚铁蛋就悬浮在半空,动也不动:“我才只是最特殊的修仙之人,你就奈何不了我,我与那峨眉之比,好比萤火与皓月啊你如何能复仇?” I do not manage.” On Li Yingyun face has the ruthless color: I only know being ambitious, the matter unexpectedly becomes!” “我不管。”李英云脸上带着狠色:“我只知有志者,事竟成!” Good, you follow me!” “甚好,你就跟我走吧!” Aaron nods, the five fingers open, is correct to say black qi to send out, just like the chains, bundled Li Yingyun. 亚伦点点头,五指张开,就有道道黑气发出,宛若锁链,将李英云捆了起来。 Old Fool, what do you want to make?” 老东西,你要做什么?” Li Yingyun struggles again and again, how can actually escape? 李英云连连挣扎,却又如何能够逃脱? Haha frankly, this poor Daoist looked that your aptitude is not bad, really about cultivating demon art, but needs first to denude reason this to want the skin of your whole body to receive you to work as disciple “哈哈实不相瞒,贫道看你资质不差,甚合修炼一门魔功,只是需要先将你全身的皮剥下来因此想收你当个徒儿” Aaron laughs. 亚伦哈哈大笑。 What? Skins?” “什么?剥皮?” Li Yingyun scalp tingles with numbness instantaneously, felt like falls a demon's hand 李英云头皮瞬间发麻,感觉似乎落到了一个魔头之手 Aaron chooses this person, naturally is not the evil intention, settles on this causes and effects entanglements. 亚伦选这人,当然不是什么恶意,就是看中这因果纠缠。 In addition, he also has no patience to be a good master, earlier some planned, «sea of blood Book from heaven 13» will be will definitely not pass on, «Sea of Blood Great Formation 33 Volume of» will also only prepare to pass on most incomplete, actually «Day Demon Blood divine ability 99 Say/Way» can completely all teach, making this Li Yingyun make the demon art Little Bai mouse. 除此之外,他也没什么耐心当个好师傅,更早有打算,《血海天书一十三篇》是肯定不会传的,《血海大阵三十三册》也只准备传大半残缺的,倒是《天魔化血神通九十九道》可以尽皆传授,让这李英云做魔功小白鼠。 When this boy cultivates, I must make him first murder the masters one to mediate the causes and effects by this am although homicides I, but later dry/does matters, but had nothing to do with me.’ ‘等到这小子修炼有成,我还得让他先弑师一回以此了断因果才是虽然他杀不了我,但之后干的事儿,可就跟我无关了。’ Flies, in the Aaron heart while is thinking secretly. 一边飞行,亚伦心中一边暗自想着。 If not for this solanum lyratum is runs down the mountains to break an engagement secretly, he not necessarily comes this turbid water. 若不是这次白英以是自己偷偷跑下山退婚的,他都未必来趟这浑水。 And now, Omei should also respond early. 并且现在,峨眉也早该反应过来了。 Ling Yanzhen. 凌烟镇。 sword light howl, around town one week, the landings, changes into the white plum Old Daoist form suddenly. 剑光呼啸,绕着镇子一周,忽然降落而下,化为白梅老道的身影。 Now Omei in the Flower Goddess mansion and profound Heavenly Dao fencing, the bitter mendicant budhist monk are doing Elder completely all. 如今峨眉正在花神府与玄天道斗剑,苦头陀等一干长老尽皆去了。 simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person must assume this mountain, cannot move lightly. 齐妙一真人要坐镇本山,不可轻动。 Can run about outside, whom abandons his? 能在外跑腿的,舍他其谁? At this time sword light dodge, falls on Li Family, saw that Li Yingyun went forward to call Martial Uncle, sighed: brave clouds that your temper staunch this matter was actually makes some difference 此时剑光一闪,落在李家,见到李英云上前叫了一声师叔,不由叹息一声:“英云你性子刚烈这件事却是做得有些差了” Is it possible that Martial Uncle thought that I shouldn't break an engagement?” Li Yingyun called out. “莫非师叔觉得我不该退婚?”李英云叫道。 No, is only cannot so directly let alone, Ding Xiadong also be your causes and effects, how can so handle?” “非也,只是不能如此直接更何況,那丁夏冬也是你的一番因果,怎能如此处置?” White plum Old Daoist is stroking the beards, shows a faint smile: Is good because of having Old Daoist is better late than never, Old Daoist have a good friend, can recommend your fiance to make disciple, studies with a teacher, seeks the immortals to ask him introduces the palace doors, by causes and effects.” 白梅老道捋着胡须,微微一笑:“好在有老道来亡羊补牢,老道有一好友,可以推荐你那未婚夫去做个徒儿,也去拜师学艺,寻仙问道将他引入仙门,以了因果。”
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