TOTM :: Volume #10

#946: Revelations( 7000 make up)

In cave mansion. 洞府之中。 Aaron sits cross-legged to sit, is perceiving through meditation «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Book» this Demon Way secret Lu in static. 亚伦盘膝而坐,正在静中参悟《嗜血奇书》这一魔道秘录。 This world demon sect has nine big day of demon inheritance, 70 two External Way and 300 supplementary biography «Bloodthirsty Wonderful Books» is just in the middle of 300 supplementary biography hundred bird temples cultivation method, is not counted really rides. 此世魔门有九大天魔传承、七十二外道、三百别传《嗜血奇书》只不过是三百别传当中的一支‘百禽庙’的一部功法,着实不算上乘。 Even if in demon art, the position is third-class! 纵然在魔功之中,都位属三流! Practices this method, needs by day demon secret curse/incantation, the sacrifice to refine 7749 variation bats, then feeds with own flesh, must achieve the intention to be interlinked. 修炼此法门,需要以天魔秘咒,祭炼七七四十九只异种蝙蝠,然后用自己的血肉喂养,务必做到心意相通。 Waited till the crucial moment, then needs to cultivate/repair technique to gobble up these bats entirely, in again the cave that will bury the total darkness seven nights, may not hear the thunderclap on the 7 th in this period. 等到了火候,便需要修术者将这些蝙蝠通通吞吃,再将自己埋入暗无天日的山洞之中七日七夜,期间不可听闻雷声。 After seven days seven nights, can change into the demon bat crack, grasps the bat different functions inborn, but can also the emitting toxic smoke gas cloud. 七日七夜之后,便可化为魔蝠破洞而出,天生掌握化蝠异能,还能喷吐毒烟毒雾。 Quite intensive, received restraint also many can only calculate the low grade no wonder.’ ‘相当速成,受到的克制也多难怪只能算下乘。’ This before me calculated that is the chance in Demon Way, somewhat incompatible?’ ‘这跟我之前推算的,机缘在魔道,有些不符啊?’ Aaron thinks, continues to comprehend this demon art. 亚伦想了想,继续参悟此魔功 Dark, how long also does not know. 冥冥之中,也不知过去多久。 Suddenly, he becomes aware the profound and abstruse principles wonderfully, one thought through several mountain passes, immediately thought the front piece suddenly sees the light. 忽然,他妙悟玄机,一下想通了好几处关隘,顿时觉得前方一片豁然开朗。 What even if cultivates melts the technique of bat, but the scarlet blood bat also divided many his bodies to have antiquity bloodlines, can trace for mudra that antiquity counter blood dragon bat needed is also very simple, but 49 bats, changed into 365, but also wanted the complete seal cutting day demon real seal, best several dragon blood raised mixed crops “纵然修炼的是化蝠之术,但赤血蝙蝠也分许多种的其身上有一丝上古血脉,可以追溯为上古逆血龙蝠所需要的法诀也很简单,只不过是将四十九只蝙蝠,换成三百六十五只罢了,还要全部篆刻天魔真篆,最好其中有几只龙血混种” Antiquity counter blood dragon bat was actually not anything, the bloodlines continued upward, can until the great antiquity, be nine quiet sea of blood demon bat is in sea of blood, can greatly the mount, took blood of True Dragon and real phoenix as food “上古逆血龙蝠其实也不算什么,血脉继续往上,可以直至洪荒,为九幽血海魔蝠乃是血海之中,一尊大能的坐骑,以真龙、真凤之血为食” Asked it by magic technique, even if had the prestige of by some chance atavism, once changed, was the ominous thing of Yuan god rank, can be this in a big way four wonderful ominous one “以法术求之,纵然只得返祖的万一之威,一旦变化,也是元神级别的凶物,能位列此界四大奇凶之一” Aaron had not discovered, when he comprehends these secrets, in his body week, some innumerable give an exaggerated account of things, chinese dwarf banana, forms a piece of varvel. 亚伦并没有发现,在他参悟出这些秘诀之时,于他身周,有无数天花乱坠、地涌金莲,形成一片奇异之景。 , These sceneries were submerged by a sea of blood swiftly, this sea of blood has the aura that all sorts is disillusioned decayed and chaotic just like the set in world evil. 倏忽间,这些景色又被一片血海淹没,这血海带着种种腐朽、混乱破灭的气息宛若世间罪恶之集合。 Nether world sea of blood! 幽冥血海! This piece of sea of blood even has to melt empty for the solid indication, the blood wave is dreadful, spreads day of demon secret sound unceasingly, seems summoning Aaron to be fascinated! 这片血海甚至有化虚为实的征兆,血浪滔天,不断从中传出天魔秘音,似乎在呼唤着亚伦入魔! Affected by this, his skin starts becomes red, under the leather bag, clear blood beads are congealing, have the thing to be ready to make trouble, resembling to break the body 受此影响,他的皮肤都开始变得通红起来,皮囊之下,一颗颗晶莹的血珠正在凝结,有物蠢蠢欲动,似要破体而出 Does not have spirit essence of tower to me obviously, why does the wisdom increase suddenly?” “不对我明明没有塔之灵性,为何突然智慧大增?” Let alone the antiquity and great antiquity variation matter, I do not know that is this Heavenly Dao direct inspiration in my?” “更何况上古与洪荒异种的事情,我根本不知道啊是此界天道直接启发于我的么?” „Is this tribulation of revelation?!” “这是天启之劫?!” „It is not right, I did not have the Yuan god obviously!” “不对啊,我明明还没元神呢!” Aaron terrified and is startled. 亚伦悚然而惊。 After realizing this point, during he can feel dark, many information are common just like the waterfall, washout under. 当意识到这一点之后,他能感受到冥冥之中,更多的信息宛若瀑布一般,冲刷而下。 If not he operates the divine consciousness digestion memory to be greatly experienced, could not do well to be choked to roll the eyes. 若非他操纵神识消化记忆大有经验,搞不好已经被噎到翻白眼了。 Indeed, my also not Yuan god, will therefore not suffer the native Ascetic day tribulation and person tribulation, life tribulation “的确,我还未元神,因此不会遭受本土修士的天劫、人劫、命劫” But the tribulation of revelation is different!” “但天启之劫不同!” All Immortal its not this original inexorable fate along with the highest heaven day beyond, suddenly are that many that has to present, will suffer a disaster?” “它并非此界本来的劫数是伴随着九霄天外,忽然多出的一尊存在而出现的一切长生者,都会遭劫?” That existing given name is “那尊存在的名讳是” On sulphathiazol high empty extremely nine luminary mysterious emperors!!” “太素高虚上极九曜玄秘帝君!!” When comprehends this revered name, the Aaron body one disperses, changes into one group of bloody water! 当领悟出这个尊名之时,亚伦的身躯一下散开,化为一团血水! Inexhaustible knowledge turbulently under. 无穷无尽的知识汹涌而下。 But «bloodthirsty strange book who before deduced- Nine quiet sea of blood demon bat»! Also moves, the innumerable day of demon seal script fly, falls into Aaron sea of consciousness, weeds through the old to bring forth the new this bat distinguished merit again, brand-new scrip­tures see the clue faintly 而之前推演的《嗜血奇书--九幽血海魔蝠篇》!也同时一动,无数天魔篆文飞下,落入亚伦识海之中,将这一篇化蝠奇功再次推陈出新,一篇全新的经文隐隐见得端倪 This demon, the place of its profound mystery, even is not inferior in nine big day of demon true inheritance! 这一篇魔经,其精深奥妙之处,甚至不逊色于九大天魔真传! Certain aspects, even must surpass! 某些方面,甚至还要超出! Was not good the limit!” “不行到了极限了!” In bloody pus that Aaron changes into, a thought appears. 亚伦化为的脓血中,一个念头浮现。 Subsequently, is a white light falls, cleanses all. 继而,则是一圈白光落下,荡涤一切。 Regarding pollution that this high has, Aaron is deals with accomplishes a task with ease, experienced rich! 对于这种高位存在的污染,亚伦算是应付得游刃有余,经验十足丰富! The next quarter, these bloody pus condense, changes into the four limbs torso, carved facial features mouth and nose and other five senses to restore the Fang Yu appearance in the face! 下一刻,那些脓血凝聚起来,化为四肢躯干,在面部雕琢出眉眼口鼻等五官又恢复成了方玉的模样! Nine luminary mysterious emperors?” “九曜玄秘帝君么?” Aaron deep sigh tone, in a low voice muttering. 亚伦长叹口气,低声喃喃着。 Read revered name that had top to be very dangerous completely, therefore he only read half, this was also a small skill of avoidance attention. 完整念动高位存在的尊名很危险,因此他只念一半,这也是一个躲避注意的小技巧。 But, even if were polluted also no at the worst sacrificial offering main body, obtains source of secrets strength, purifies all “不过,哪怕被污染了也没啥大不了祭祀本尊,获得秘源之力,净化一切” „Is the tribulation of native Ascetic most frightened revelation, to me actually a buried treasure?” “本土修士最为恐惧的天启之劫,对我而言其实是个宝藏?” „Before why , when comprehends beginning of the universe profound phosgene and other cultivation method, haven't I actually received the revelation? Only has when sensing demon art, suddenly appearance?” “那为何之前参悟混元玄光气等功法之时,我却并未受到天启?唯有在感悟魔功之时,才忽然出现?” Is it possible that nine luminary mysterious emperors, through Demon Way cultivation method, do induce to my?” “莫非那位九曜玄秘帝君,是通过魔道功法,感应到我的?” „The nine big demon biographies of this world, the origin is quite suspicious “此世的九大魔传,来历相当可疑啊” This Yuan god is too big, regardless of demon, so long as the card disperses the immortal on the Yuan god, will immediately pay attention. 此界元神个头太大,不论正魔,只要证就元神散仙,立即就会被注意。 But Aaron is too small, before could not even cause attention but Demon Way cultivation method with that nine luminary mysterious Emperor somewhat complicated relations, he comprehends demon art, is equivalent to the driving communication opposite party, obtaining the revelation is also the logical matter. 亚伦個头太小,之前甚至都引不起关注但魔道功法与那位九曜玄秘帝君有些千丝万缕的联系,他参悟魔功,就相当于主动沟通对方,获得天启也就是顺理成章的事儿。 Originally unknowingly, made dead one time greatly ‘原来不知不觉中,作了一次大死啊’ To me, is not does, the tribulation of revelation, the reality is my inspirational goddess ‘不过对我来说,也不是什么作死,天启之劫,实乃我的灵感女神啊’ magic power that in the Aaron returning to normal lower part moves restlessly, starts scrip­tures that recalls itself to comprehend finally, immediately feels the character character pearl. 亚伦平复下体内躁动的法力,开始回忆自己最后参悟出的一篇经文,顿时觉得字字珠玑。 Unlike beforehand two bat secret technique, this demon, from divine ability of nine quiet sea of blood demon bat, pours to promote nether world sea of blood some prestige energies directly, can change into Sea of Blood Great Formation, summoned true nether world sea of blood to arrive, middle had the innumerable spoiled immortal, the eclipse bone, Yellow Springs, blue sky and nether world toxic gas, but the sacrifice refine innumerable sea of blood demonic creature and blood God’s Child to be known as under a arrange/cloth, True Immortal must change into the bloody pus!” “与之前两篇化蝠秘术不同,这一篇魔经,直接从九幽血海魔蝠的神通之中,倒推出幽冥血海的部分威能,可以化为一座血海大阵,召唤真正的幽冥血海降临,当中有无数腐仙、蚀骨、黄泉、碧落、幽冥毒气,更可祭炼无数血海魔物、血神子号称一阵布下,真仙都要化为脓血!” As for cultivation way but actually also simple, only needs to collect the essence and blood, sacrificial offering nine quiet sea of blood, summoning it to arrive, grants the divine ability seed to be able this book, but named one by one «sea of blood Demon Passing through», divided volume one «sea of blood Book from heaven 13», volume «Sea of Blood Great Formation 33 Volume of», last volume «Day Demon Blood divine ability 99 Say/Way» may be called comprehensive, can from crossing the threshold to cultivate to be buried.” “至于修炼方式倒也简单,只需要搜集精血,祭祀九幽血海,呼唤其降临,赐予神通种子便可此书,可名为一一《血海魔经》,分上卷《血海天书一十三篇》、中卷《血海大阵三十三册》、下卷《天魔化血神通九十九道》堪称包罗万有,能从入门一路修炼到入土。” And, even if last volume day demon blood divine ability, included the blood shadow sword technique and blood God’s Child and blood to escape divine ability and counter blood dragon Fu to change and other demon art, built together divine ability slightly, can fight with the profound light and Golden Pill Ascetic “并且,纵然是下卷的天魔化血神通,就囊括了血影剑术、血神子、血遁神通、逆血龙蝠变化等诸多魔功,稍微修成一道神通,便可与玄光、金丹修士争锋” Volume Sea of Blood Great Formation, once the sacrifices refine to complete, is a Yuan god disperses the immortals also to suffer a disaster!” “中卷的血海大阵,一旦祭炼完成,便是元神散仙也要遭劫!” „The most excellent sea of blood heavenly book, points to Tribulation Immortal, if 13 cultivation to be completed flies upwards again, even can prove on extremely excellent day Demon Way fruit 11 endures compared with gate gold/metal immortal?!” “最上乘的血海天书,更是直指劫仙,若是一十三篇都修炼完成再飞升,甚至能证就极其上乘的天魔道果一一堪比道门金仙?!” My this comprehends one volume of Demon Way copy clerks casually, how to comprehend to endure compared with demon art of Omei town/subdues faction true inheritance progression comes?” “我这随便领悟一卷魔道文书,怎么就领悟出堪比峨眉镇派真传级数的魔功来了呢?” Aaron patted oneself cheek: Never expected that do I above Demon Way, really have such aptitude? Perhaps I went astray the paths, should I be this demon lord inborn?” 亚伦拍了拍自己的脸蛋:“没想到我在魔道之上,竟然有如此资质?或许我走错了路子,我天生就应该是此界魔主?”
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