TOTM :: Volume #3

#229: Blade of Sobbing( celebrates for Satan Alliance Lord under moonlight!)

‘Eclipse’ is degenerated to come, to contain by ‘Glory’ is degenerating, darkness, putrefication and other domains. ‘闇’‘曜’堕落而来,蕴含着堕落、黑暗、腐化等领域。 The curse is partial to the domain of ‘Eclipse’, is very normal matter. 诅咒偏向‘闇’之领域,是十分正常的事情。 Pondered, Aaron takes out the tool, the preparation starts to manufacture mystical article. 思考了一番之后,亚伦取出工具,准备开始制作一件神奇物品 As ‘Caster’, present he not only derives the Spirit Essence of the ‘Glory’ speed dramatically to speed up, meanwhile can in casting process, comprehend the significance of divine creative force of ‘Glory’. 作为一位‘铸物者’,如今的他不仅汲取‘曜’之灵性的速度大大加快,同时还可以在铸造这个过程中,更加领会到‘曜’之造物的意义。 Even, when some casting materials, but can also from derives pure Spirit Essence of the ‘Glory’. 甚至,在铸造一些材料之时,还可以从其中汲取纯粹的‘曜’之灵性 Aaron calls it ‘profiting from contact’ it, if known by other ‘Artisan’, must be jealous to go crazy. 亚伦将其称之为‘沾油水’,如果被其它‘工匠’知道,必然是要眼红到发疯的。 After all, to these ‘Artisan’, the casting is a very laborious matter, not to mention obtained purely the spirit essence advantage. 毕竟,对那些‘工匠’来说,铸造是一件很辛苦的事情,更不用说从中得到纯粹灵性的好处了。 Every time forges mystical article, ‘Caster’ will become the powerful point... until the 3rd Emanation end. ’ ‘每锻造一件神奇物品,‘铸物者’就会变得强大一点…直至第三原质的尽头。’ Obstructs my, is not always the accumulation and crazy hidden danger of spirit essence......’ ‘阻挠我的,从来都不是灵性的积累与疯狂隐患啊……’ Aaron sighed, while put in the mortarboard several obsidian common crystals, after grinding, making the powder of twinkle star sprinkle above the withered hand claw. 亚伦一边叹息,一边将几件黑曜石一般的晶体放入研钵,磨碎之后,让星星点点的粉末洒落在干枯手爪之上。 According to his spirit essence intuition, this is the means of best melted material! 根据他的灵性直觉,这是最好的融化材料的办法! zi zi! 嗞嗞! These jet black powder fall above the withered palm, immediately drills into the torn wound, gives birth just like the thing of silt general contamination, covers entirely the entire only palm gradually. 那些漆黑的粉末落在干枯手掌之上,顿时钻入被撕裂的伤口,生出宛若淤泥一般的污秽之物,渐渐布满整只手掌。 Meanwhile, there are massive white smoke sending out, in the silt package, the body and skeleton of palm starts to dissolve, only leaves behind some pure things. 与此同时,有大量的白烟散发而出,在淤泥包裹中,手掌的皮肉与骨骼开始溶解,只留下一些纯粹的东西。 Then...... is builds the carrying/sustaining the dagger, actuates spirit essence and dagger by the ceremony fuses......” “接下来……是打造承载的匕首,以仪式驱动灵性与匕首融合……” Aaron muttered takes out the iron slab, with the pure white flame its melting, injected in the mold directly. 亚伦喃喃自语中取出铁块,用纯白火焰直接将其融化,注入模具内。 Finally, he described the ceremony, the dark-red crystal and dagger embryonic form that from the withered palm separated out places the ritual two cores, read aloud invisible incantation. 最终,他描绘仪式,将从干枯手掌内析出的暗红色晶体以及匕首雏形放在仪轨的两个核心,念诵无形咒文 Above the blade surface of dagger, climbs up a faint trace dark-red trace gradually, just like blood trough, seems mysterious rune/symbol writing...... 匕首的刃面之上,渐渐攀爬一丝丝暗红色的纹路,宛若血槽,又好似神秘的符文…… In this process, Aaron also felt not right. 于此过程之中,亚伦也感觉到不对。 A mysterious influence, seems to be sending out from that palm legacy, slowly occupies to him on. 一种神秘的影响,似乎正从那手掌遗留物之中散发出来,慢慢盘踞到他身上。 Curse? I like...... being a pity that is not the Year Manager rank.” “诅咒么?我喜欢……可惜不是司岁级别的。” Aaron complained one, in own Spirit Essence Vision, can see faint trace black rust, has twined on oneself, even polluted own spirit essence in the attempt! 亚伦吐槽一句,在自己的灵性视觉中,可以看到一丝丝黑色铁锈,已经缠绕在自己身上,甚至在尝试污染自己的灵性 Changes into other Artisan, perhaps really might plant......’ ‘换成其它工匠,或许真的有可能栽了……’ Aaron mumbled one, near the ear as if appears fuzzy and dim whispering. 亚伦嘟囔一句,耳边似乎浮现出模糊而朦胧的低语。 If will grade crazily, first is the auditory hallucination, is the seeing things, the personality changes subsequently, mood hot tempered or bloodthirsty, this can be divided into the recessiveness and dominance, without a doubt, revealed is more dangerous, can not have the burden to destroy all in public...... is the 4th Step section, the thorough disassociation of personality, the 5th Step section, completely crazy......, destroys itself until final destruction all subsequently......” “如果将疯狂分级的话,先是幻听、然后是幻视、继而人格变化,情绪暴躁或嗜血,这可以分为隐性与显性,毫无疑问,显露出来的更加危险,可以毫无负担地在公开场合破坏一切……然后是第四阶段,彻底人格分裂、继而第五阶段,完全疯狂……直至最终的毁灭一切、毁灭自己……” Such seems like, I was just the mental aberration, the 1st Step section...... this curse on this might?” “这么看起来,我才刚刚精神失常,算是第一阶段……这诅咒就这点威力么?” Aaron shot a look at a ceremony, has not gone to the dagger in manages fusion, but closes the eye, tries divination this curse. 亚伦瞥了眼仪式,没有去管融合中的匕首,而是闭上眼睛,尝试占卜这道诅咒。 Arrived the 3rd Emanation stage, his divination ability also had the increase, is not restricted in the spirit swayed and throws coin intuition divination, can see! 到了第三原质阶段,他的占卜能力又有增幅,已经不限于灵摆与抛硬币这种直觉占卜了,可以看到更多! ...... …… Ancient altar and ruined collapse palace...... 古老的祭坛、破败倒塌的宫殿…… The time is motley, as if hidden the ancient buried treasure in river of history...... 光阴斑驳,仿佛隐藏在历史长河中的古老宝藏…… Is growing the thick pili, like gorilla common palm, suddenly according to above altar. 一只长着厚厚体毛,如同大猩猩一般的手掌,忽然按在了祭坛之上。 Subsequently, a wound appears from the palm above, flows to fill odor the blood of degeneration from inside...... 继而,一道伤口自手掌之上浮现出来,从内里流淌出充满恶臭的堕落之血…… A little bit blood flows in the ground, inside as if contains the mysterious symbol, composed one together by Spirit Realm text writing secret chronicle...... 一滴滴血液流淌在地面,内里似乎包含着神秘的符号,共同组成了一篇以灵界文书写的密传…… ...... …… „Does this curse...... as if come from an ancient vestige...... Declined Blood?!” “这诅咒……似乎来自一处古老遗迹……衰亡之血?!” Aaron read aloud the keyword that divination is obtaining slowly, recalls that is seeing. 亚伦缓缓念诵着自己占卜获得的关键词,回忆着见到的一幕幕。 From the architectural style, after is Fabry Dynasty, dark chaotic age, a confusion with style of degeneration......” “从建筑风格来看,是法布里王朝之后,黑暗混乱年代的,有一种混乱与堕落的风格……” I am the friend is so long with Clark, is not has not learned, as for the specific year, is not really able to research......” “我跟克拉克做朋友那么久,也不是什么都没有学到的,至于具体年份,就真的无法考证……” But...... from that ‘Declined Blood’, I obtained incomplete ‘Scarlet’ secret chronicle unexpectedly...... Tasha, if knows, definitely thinks, it is fortunate that died.” “但是……从那一份‘衰亡之血’中,我居然得到了残缺的‘赤’之密传……塔莎要是知道,肯定觉得亏死了。” On Aaron inherits numerously, will be will definitely not covet only incomplete secret chronicle, but this will not hinder him to glance over, will increase own occultism knowledge. 亚伦手上传承众多,是肯定不会觊觎区区一篇残缺的密传,但这并不妨碍他浏览一番,增益自己的神秘学知识。 【Secret Rite Sharp Blade Ceremony】 【密仪利刃仪式】 Flows in my blood vessel scarlet, making my external skin open wide, forms wound that is unable to heal forever......】 【赤红流淌于我血管内,令我的表皮洞开,形成永远也无法愈合的伤口……】 Spirit and meat flow from wound place, when came to the verge of death, I can see......】 【灵与肉从伤口处流淌而出,濒临死亡之际,我才能看到更多……】 ...... …… Was the quite profound knowledge, related to life and death?” “算是比较高深的知识了,涉及生与死?” Aaron is touching the chin, looks the mystical article dagger that is gradually completing: Un...... I felt that this ceremony effect, can become is more perfect......, twines in my curse, as if can also use......” 亚伦抚摸着下巴,望着逐渐完成的神奇物品匕首:“嗯……我感觉这个仪式效果,能变得更加完善一些……并且,缠绕在我身上的诅咒,似乎也可以利用……” Thinks that does! 想到就去做! Person who Aaron has the action, immediately starts to read aloud revered name, summoned ‘Dreamt-Up Spirit’! 亚伦是相当有行动力的人,立即开始念诵尊名,召唤出‘虚妄之灵’ In the spiritual body angle of view, he can see iron black spot that on clearly oneself twines. 灵体的视角中,他可以清晰看到自己身上缠绕的铁黑色痕迹。 Purification!” “净化!” Aaron without hesitation, agitates ‘source of secrets strength’, expels these iron black, changes into the pure pollution crystallization. 亚伦毫不犹豫,鼓动起‘秘源之力’,将这些铁黑色驱逐出来,化为纯粹的污染结晶。 If in usually, this is very outstanding warhead material, but now?” “如果是在平时,这是十分优秀的弹头材料,不过现在么?” Aaron extends illusory both hands, just like holding the invisible curse, pressed toward secret ceremony on! 亚伦伸出虚幻的双手,宛若抓住了无形的诅咒,往密仪上一按! Wū wū ~ 呜呜~ Above the dagger, the blood trough and trace simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform wriggle, makes the sob general sound. 匕首之上,血槽与纹路齐齐蠕动,发出哭泣一般的声音。 Two lines of blood-color liquids, are common just like the tears, falls from the blade. 有两行血色的液体,宛若泪水一般,从刀刃之上落下。 ‘Blade of Sobbing’!” ‘哭泣之刃’!” The Aaron return body, is grasping this dagger, in a layer upon layer thin hemp rope for its gripping winding, and deferred to likes to increase some decorations on the hand guard personally. 亚伦回归身体,握着这柄匕首,为它的握把缠绕上一层层细麻绳,并按照个人喜好在护手上增加了一些装饰。 Un, in Irregular Rank curio I have ever seen, it was the strongest that kind, although can only use in the close combat......” “嗯,在我所见过的非凡级诡物之中,它算是最强的那一类了,虽然只能在近战中使用……” It has two negative effects...... a curse that is I twines intentionally.” “它有两个负面效果……其中一个是我故意缠绕上去的诅咒。” After completing all these, Aaron puts out ‘Roberts’ Mystical Insect Box’, making one only crawl just like the spider common bug, crawled from the windows and doors slits, in the gloom, corner, treetop, sewer, composed a detection network. 做完这一切之后,亚伦拿出‘罗伯茨的神奇虫箱’,让一只只宛若蜘蛛一般的小虫爬出,从门窗缝隙间爬了出去,在阴暗里、角落中、树梢上、下水道内,组成了一张侦查网。 That Tasha, if must plan me, definitely will trace...... her big probability attempts to pervert on the material or the box, can trace me.” “那个塔莎如果要谋划我,必然会追踪……她大概率在材料或者盒子上做了手脚,可以追踪到我。” Hope can come earlier.” “希望能早点来。” Aaron washes simply, falls on the bed, falls into the deep sleep. 亚伦简单洗漱一番,倒在床上,陷入沉睡。
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