TV :: Volume #26

#2539: Husband flew

Night approaches, lamplights of ten thousand families. 夜晚来临,万家灯火。 In Peaceful Residence six Mistresses gathers round dining table to eat meal, the children are playing with the toy in side. The women chatted, the children were noisy, this picture was warm and lively, may always think that has been short of anything. 平安居六个女主人围着餐桌吃饭,孩子们在旁边玩着玩具。女人们说说笑笑,孩子们吵吵闹闹,这画面温馨而热闹,可总觉得少了什么。 Hangs the television on wall is broadcasting the state press program. 挂在墙壁上的电视正播放着国家新闻节目。 This program is Fan Fan must look that she has the special status after all, the concern over the political field be much more than another five women. 这节目是凡凡要看的,她毕竟有着特殊的身份,对政治方面的关注要比另外五个女人多得多。 You said that Husband this little while is doing?” Does not know that was any reason, Jiang Ruyi mentioned Xia Lei. “你们说老公这会儿在干什么?”不知道是什么原因,江如意提到了夏雷 Picture suddenly that chatted changed, the smiling face also vanished from the face of women. They miss Xia Lei, where may he not know. In their hearts also filled worried, moreover was anything worried, was worried Xia Lei has encountered any danger, worried that Xia Lei has not eaten, worried that Xia Lei was freezing, worried that bad person killed secretly him...... 原本说说笑笑的画面顿时变了,笑容也从女人们的脸上消失了。她们思念夏雷,可连他在什么地方都不知道。她们的心中也充满了担忧,而且是什么担忧,担心夏雷遇到了什么危险,担忧夏雷没有吃好,担忧夏雷冻着了,担忧坏人暗害他…… Yeah, my this opens mouth, really loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points.” Jiang Ruyi at heart also a gloomy mood, but she actually forces oneself to look cheerful, „should not be worried, Husband is so fierce, he well, will not certainly have the matter.” “哎,我这张嘴,真是哪壶不开提哪壶。”江如意的心里也一片愁绪,可她却强颜欢笑,“你们别担心,老公那么厉害,他一定会好好的,不会有事的。” Eats meal, eats meal.” Liang Siyao said, her corner of the eye is somewhat moist. “吃饭吧,吃饭。”梁思瑶说,她的眼角有些湿润。 Shentu Tianyin said: Right, haven't our Husband what great storms seen? No matter he encounters any difficulty to turn danger into safety.” 申屠天音说道:“对,我们老公什么大风大浪没有见过?不管他遇到什么困难都会化险为夷的。” He will come quickly back, Un, I have a feeling, he will come quickly back.” Tang Yuyan said. “他很快就会回来了,,我有一种感觉,他很快就会回来了。”唐语嫣说。 Long Bing said: How do you have such feeling?” 龙冰说道:“你怎么有这样的感觉?” Tang Yuyan has smiled, I have.” 唐语嫣笑了一下,“我就是有。” Spirit?” Long Bing also asked. “灵吗?”龙冰又问。 Tang Yuyan said with a smile: Naturally effective, I also dreamed of him last night, called his name......” 唐语嫣笑着说道:“当然灵验,我昨晚还梦见了他,叫了他的名字……” Has not waited for her to speak the words, a Long Bing foot stepped in her instep. Tang Yuyan obviously in teasing her, because looked in the morning time Tang Yuyan of movie heard her to call the Xia Lei name from the mouth of Xia Long in dream, but also let the Xia Lei light point anything's secret. 没等她把话说话,龙冰一脚就踩在了她的脚背上。唐语嫣显然是在调侃她,因为上午去看电影的时候唐语嫣夏龙的嘴里听到了她在梦里叫夏雷的名字,还让夏雷轻点什么的秘密。 Fan Fan is Unique does not have the participation to chat, she reads the news to look very dedicated. The leaders have serious of leadership, she thinks that Xia Lei was always at heart thinking quietly, on the mouth little said. 凡凡唯一没有参与聊天的,她看新闻看得很专注。领导自有领导的严肃,她想夏雷从来都是心里悄悄的想,嘴上很少说。 In the television picture switching, Mistress held the person to appear on the screen, her language was fast, is having the obvious intense feeling, fellow viewer friends, the present are the special news time. I in Eland Kermanshah, here only have dozens kilometers from the Iraq border now. Here just had 7.3 magnitude of earthquakes, many people were injured and died, currently did not have accurate statistics. In me behind once was a lively business street, but the house collapsed now, many people were buried in the ruins. During the local police and fire personnel is rescuing urgently, but manpower limited......” 电视机里画面切换,一个女主持人出现在了屏幕上,她的语速很快,带着明显的紧张感,“各位观众朋友,现在是特别新闻时间。我现在在伊兰克尔曼沙赫市,这里距离伊拉克边境只有几十公里。这里刚刚发生了7.3级地震,有很多人受伤和死亡,目前还没有一个准确的统计数字。在我身后曾经是一条繁华的商业街,可是现在房屋都倒塌了,很多人都被埋在了废墟之中。当地的警察和消防人员正在紧急抢救之中,可人力有限……” This Earth is really beset by disasters.” Shentu Tianyin sighed, we give stricken the place to contribute a money, appropriately how many do you look?” “这个地球真是多灾多难啊。”申屠天音叹了一口气,“我们给受灾的地方捐点钱吧,你们看多少合适?” Liang Siyao said: Contributes 10 million American dollar with the Husband name.” 梁思瑶说道:“以老公的名义捐一千万美金吧。” Fan Fan said: Does not want American dollar, contributes Chinese currency, first contributes its one hundred million, wants an atmospheric point in the name of Husband. Thus, can promote our Chinese currency international images.” 凡凡说道:“不要美金,就捐华币,先捐它一个亿,以老公的名义就要大气一点。这样,也可以提升我们的华币的国际形象。” Xia Lei is Thunder Horse Corporation Master, is the richest family of world, in his name does charitable truly cannot be petty. 夏雷雷马集团主人,是世界的首富,以他的名义搞慈善确实不能小家子气。 Tang Yuyan said: That sent Kunpeng Bomber to deliver 100 million cashes in the past, such had the scene.” 唐语嫣说道:“那就派一架鲲鹏轰炸机送100000000现金过去,那样才有场面。” The women more said that more is enthusiastic. 女人们越说越来劲。 Pointed at the soap opera to say in this time Xia Tawang suddenly: Has a look to look! Father! Father!” 就在这个时候夏达旺忽然指着电视剧说道:“看看看!爸爸!爸爸!” huala! All lines of sight gathered on the television. 哗啦!所有的视线都聚集到了电视机上。 A familiar form, an incomparably familiar and kind face entered the picture of camera. That youth, each women in this dining room can call his name, because he is Xia Lei, they long for Husband that is lost in a reverie. 一个熟悉的身影,一张无比熟悉和亲切的面孔进入了摄影机的画面。那个青年,这个餐厅里的每个女人都能叫出他的名字,因为他就是夏雷,她们朝思暮想魂牵梦绕的老公 The next second of women have stood as if by prior agreement, closely is staring at the soap opera, in the one by one eye full is excited and excited, may somewhat be also puzzled. Their is the appearance of Xia Lei feels at heart excited, may also be able help thinking that an issue, why will that be Xia Lei suddenly will appear in the national television station news? Moreover, his behavior seems seems like stealing the scene to show off. 下一秒钟女人们不约而同地站了起来,紧紧地盯着电视剧,一个个的眼里满是兴奋和激动,可也有些困惑。她们的心里为夏雷的出现感到激动,可也忍不住要去想一个问题,那就是夏雷为什么会突然出现在国家电视台的新闻节目里?而且,他的行为看上去就像是在抢镜头出风头。 Xia Lei truly is stealing the scene to show off, because Mistress holds the person to be prompted to turn around to visit him, but also makes the body movement that has hinted him to make way. 夏雷确实是在抢镜头出风头,因为女主持人已经得到提示转身看着他,还做了示意他让开的肢体动作。 But Xia Lei has not left, he stands there looks at the scene, such as to make the photographer give him a face feature article. 夏雷并没有离开,他就站在那里看着镜头,那样子似乎是想让摄影师给他一个面部特写。 This is the news of national live transmission, how possibly to give his face feature article? 这可是全国直播的新闻节目啊,怎么可能给他面部特写? At this moment that Mistress held the person as if to recognize Xia Lei, excitedly said: You...... Are you Thunder Horse Corporation Xia Lei Head of the Board? How can you here?” 却就在这时那女主持人似乎认出了夏雷,激动地道:“你……请问你是雷马集团夏雷董事长吗?你怎么会在这里?” Xia Lei has not spoken, silent. 夏雷没有说话,沉默着。 He...... Husband he how in Eland?” Long Bing then recovers, said surprised: What world wasn't he says?” “他……老公他怎么会在伊兰?”龙冰这才回过神来,惊讶地道:“他不是说去了什么世界了吗?” Leaves he is a youngster, how now changed the original design?” Liang Siyao also surprisedly loses one's voice. “离开的时候他还是少年,现在怎么就变回原样了?”梁思瑶也惊讶失声。 In the head of women has crowded the question, may link an answer not to have. 女人们的脑袋里塞满了疑问,可连一个答案都没有。 At this time, the ground in news scene suddenly has swayed. The high tension line telephone pole of roadside, has pounded suddenly but actually loudly to Mistress held person and the photographer. 就在这个时候,新闻现场的地面突然摇晃了起来。路边的一根高压线电杆突然倒了下来,轰然砸向了女主持人和摄影师。 Mistress holds person and the attention of photographer in Xia Lei's body, where notices behind situation. 女主持人和摄影师的注意力都在夏雷的身上,哪里留意到身后的情况。 Quick avoid!” Fan Fan worried to roar. “快躲开啊!”凡凡着急得吼了出来。 Entire China, does not know that many people roared the similar words. 华国,不知道有多少人吼出了同样的话。 The minimum two tons telephone pole blinked arrived at the photographer and Mistress holds the top of the head of person, only needs one. two seconds the journalists to be battered to death again, covered with blood. In this extremely critical time, Xia Lei has actually lifted the left hand, single-handed cradling that minimum two tons high tension line telephone pole. 起码两吨重的电线杆子眨眼就到了摄影师和女主持人的头顶,只需要再一秒钟两个新闻工作者就会被砸死,血肉模糊。却就在这万分危急的时刻,夏雷抬起了左手,单手托住了那根起码两吨重的高压线电杆。 At this moment does not know that many people relaxed, does not know that had the chins of many people to fall on the ground. Must know that is a high tension wire pole, own weight adds on the force of inertia not only two tons, but he superficially lifted started, moreover left hand, on cradling it! 这一刻不知道多少人松了一口气,也不知道有多少人的下巴掉在了地上。要知道那可是一根高压电线杆子啊,自身的重量加上惯性力岂止两吨,可他就那么轻描淡写地抬了一下手,而且还是左手,就托住了它! The news scene, Mistress holds person and the photographer then discovered that what happened, Mistress holds the leg of person one softly almost to fall on the ground. The photographers have made instinct reaction, he holds the camera and tripod avoided, but after two seconds, he was good the tripod and camera framework, has aimed at the face of Xia Lei. 新闻现场,女主持人和摄影师这才发现发生了什么事,女主持人的腿一软差点跌坐在地上。摄影师做了一个本能的反应,他抱起摄影机和三脚架躲开了,可两秒钟后他又将三脚架和摄影机架好了,对准了夏雷的面孔。 The close-up that Xia Lei wants came finally. He maintains the left hand is holding the posture of telephone pole, on the face is actually vacant, he started talking finally, who was I? Who am I? Who I am......” 夏雷想要的特写镜头终于来了。他保持着左手托着电线杆子的姿势,脸上却是一片茫然,他终于开口说话了,“我是谁?我是谁?我是谁……” In Peaceful Residence six Mistresses look at each other in blank dismay, exposes the terrifying power that from Xia Lei, they 100% determinations are not one are very long look like the Xia Lei person, but really their Husband. But, he had forgotten unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpectedly unexpectedly who he is! 平安居六个女主人面面相觑,从夏雷展露的恐怖力量而言,她们已经100确定不是一个长得很像夏雷的人,而是真真的她们的老公。可是,他居然居然居然居然忘记了他是谁! Mistress held the person to approach Xia Lei cautiously, on the face a tense facial expression, Mr. Xia, you forgot that who you were?” 女主持人小心翼翼地靠近了夏雷,脸上一片紧张的神情,“夏先生,你忘记你是谁了吗?” Xia Lei was talking still over those words, who was I? Who I am...... My what forgot? heavens, who I am!” 夏雷却还在念叨那句话,“我是谁?我是谁……我怎么什么都忘记了?天啊,我是谁!” His mood loses control suddenly, holds up that telephone pole to throw. 他的情绪突然失控,举起那根电线杆子一扔。 Whiz! 嗖! That telephone pole flies dozens meters altitude, rumbled to grip original Wozili. 那根电线杆子飞起几十米的高度,轰一声又扎进了原来的窝子里。 Xia Lei turns around to leave, seems like the normal step, but one step is the good long distance. He arrived at a collapse building , in an instant. In there, some survivors kneel on the ground prayed to the God who they believe, some people to bury in the family member sob that under the ruins and encountered difficulty. 夏雷转身离开,看似正常的步子,可一步便是好长一段距离。只是一转眼他就来到了一幢倒塌的楼房前。在那里,有幸存者跪在地上向他们信仰的神祈祷,有人在为埋在废墟下和遇难的亲人哭泣。 The female normal person and photographer half step followed. As the journalist, Thunder Horse Corporation Head of the Board appears in Eland's earthquake disaster area, this is in itself a heavy pound news, how two journalists are willing to miss this time obtain the important news the opportunity. 女正常人和摄影师快步跟了上去。作为新闻人,雷马集团董事长出现在伊兰的地震灾区,这本身就是一个重磅新闻,两个新闻工作者岂肯错过这次获得重大新闻的机会。 Xia Lei has not spoken with anybody, before having arrived at that collapse building directly, held up a giant floor to throw in a dozens meters far outside unmanned open area conveniently. 夏雷没有与任何人说话,直接走到了那幢倒塌的大楼前,随手就举起一块巨大的楼板扔到了几十米远外的一块无人的空地上。 The floor one after another flies from Xia Lei's hand, falls in that open area. Was pressed the child under floor to appear in the scene of photographer, the whole body blood stain, suffocates. 一块又一块的楼板从夏雷的手中飞出去,落在那块空地上。一个被压在楼板下的小孩出现在了摄影师的镜头之中,满身血污,奄奄一息。 Xia Lei put out a hand to hug him, in his hand emerged a flake gold light, that child has opened in an instant the eye, was staring at Xia Lei amazed. Xia Lei has placed the ground the child, that child ran away to one has knelt in the woman of ground. 夏雷伸手将他抱了起来,他的手中涌现出了一片金光,那个孩子转眼就睁开了眼睛,惊诧地盯着夏雷夏雷将孩子放在了地上,那个孩子撒腿就跑向了一个跪在地上的女人。 Sudden flake gold light emerges, all building fragments float, in the golden light all was buried the person in ruins is cured, the miracle stands generally. 突然一片金光涌现,所有的建筑物碎片都悬浮了起来,金光中所有被埋在废墟之中的人都得到治愈,奇迹一般站起来。 Peaceful Residence Mistresses is all dumb as a wooden chicken, they also 100% determined that in Eland's youth is their Husband, but their confidence actually vacillated at this moment, what because they see is a God, their Husband Xia Lei again strong, so will not be formidable, waves casually, big stretch of earthquake ruins all float, buries in the ruins person, so long as a also aura was cured, is this person competent matter of? 平安居女主人们个个呆若木鸡,她们还100确定那个远在伊兰的青年就是她们的老公,可这一刻她们的信心却动摇了,因为她们看到的是一个神,她们的老公夏雷就算再强,也不会有这么强大,随随便便一挥手,偌大一片地震废墟全都悬浮起来,埋在废墟之中的人只要还有一丝气息的都被治愈,这是人能干的事情吗? In fact, is not only they have such reaction, all saw this person to be startled silly! Not only China watches the person of news, in also world the person in other area also through different channels, television news or web platform, public relations media anything saw this. Therefore, changes silly person not only 10 million/whatever happens in this moment! 事实上,不仅是她们有这样的反应,所有看见这一幕的人都被惊傻了!不只是华国收看新闻节目的人,还有世界上别的地区的人也通过不同的渠道,电视新闻或者网络平台,社交媒体什么的看到了这一幕。所以,在这一刻变傻的人岂止千万 Who am I?” Xia Lei said, his sound thunderclap general crush four directions, the fragments of all buildings will shortly change to the stone powder! “我是谁?”夏雷说,他的声音炸雷一般碾压四方,所有的建筑物的碎片顷刻间化作石粉! This, the work of reconstruction after the disaster became simple. 这一下,就连灾后重建的工作都变得简单了。 You is a my father!” Xia Lei brandishes is smiling the arm, father! Father! I am Longlong a! You are quite fierce! You compare to exceed others in ability also fiercely!” “你是我爸爸呀!”夏雷挥舞着笑胳膊,“爸爸!爸爸!我是龙龙吖!你好厉害啊!你比超人还厉害!” In the morning, in the White Deer Town movie theater Xia Lei made the wish, must make his son feel that he compares to exceed others in ability is fierce, in the evening he has realized this wish. 上午,白鹿镇的电影院里夏雷许下了心愿,要让他的儿子觉得他比超人还要厉害,晚上他就实现了这个心愿。 Whiz! 嗖! Wisp of golden light soars to the heavens to fly, Xia Lei vanished in an instant. 一缕金光冲天飞起,夏雷转眼就消失了。 In the ground, looks up to his person enough several minutes not to move, but that photographer has been patting several minutes to the sky to the empty sky the camera unexpectedly. National television station news time compared with golden also precious hundred times, but television station has not pinched this meaningless several minutes. It is not other, because only the founder of this miracle is Xia Lei! 地面上,仰望他的人足足几分钟都没有动弹一下,而那个摄影师居然将摄像头对着天空对着空荡荡的天空拍了几分钟。国家电视台的新闻时间比黄金还贵重百倍,可电视台也没掐掉这毫无意义的几分钟。不为别的,只因为这神迹的缔造者是夏雷! I must look for him!” Long Bing recovers first, has roared excitedly. “我要去找他!”龙冰最先回过神来,激动地吼了一句。 Husband flew......” Shentu Tianyin twittering, which did he fly?” 老公飞了……”申屠天音呢喃了一句,“他飞哪去了?” Nobody knows. 没人知道。 However this does not hinder to have Peaceful Residence Mistresses of huge energy, in the quick dining room was busy at pot gruel, each women the telephoning director person were investigating...... 不过这并不妨碍拥有巨大能量的平安居女主人们,很快餐厅里就忙成了一锅粥,每个女人都在打电话指挥人调查……
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