TV :: Volume #26

#2533: Queen falls from the sky

The float city does not have Blue Moon to be big, person simply on Star of Hope cannot see it. Energy Shell that but it launches is actually the hot sun generally burns existence of eye, firepower full, that picture was similar to is under a meteor shower in the An Xi Forest direction! 悬浮城远没有蓝月大,希望之星上的人根本就看不见它。可它发射的能量炮弹却是烈日一般灼眼的存在,火力全开,那景象就如同是一场流星雨下在了安息森林的方向! Extremely remote, cannot hear the explosion sound, but that and not difficult to imagine. Promotion float city the might of energy main artillery is more powerful than it City of the Sun, can destroy a city in a flash. Destroys An Xi Forest important place simply including Origin Canyon is a cinch. 太过遥远,听不见爆炸的声音,可那并不难想象。升级的悬浮城的能量主炮的威力比之太阳之城更强大,弹指间就能毁灭一座城市。毁灭安息森林的包括起源峡谷在内的重要的地方根本就不在话下。 The Xia Lei personal appearance in a flash, almost cannot feel him to move suddenly, but his person actually arrived at the rooftop border, held the birds of that only six color feathers. 夏雷的身形突然一晃,几乎感觉不到他动,可他的人却已经到了天台边沿,抓住了那只六色彩羽的小鸟。 The birds of six color feathers are staring at Xia Lei, in two gloomily blue small eyes released to absorb the light of person. It is not afraid, was far facing the death fear. 六色彩羽的小鸟盯着夏雷,两只幽蓝的小眼睛里释放出了摄人的光。它并不害怕,更谈不上面对死亡的恐惧。 Xia Lei coldly said: Nobody can control me, nobody can threaten me. I will lead my wife and children to return to Earth World, has to plant you to make war. also here, if you dare to destroy Star of Hope, I thoroughly erase you. Do not suspect that my determination, I live up to one's words.” 夏雷冷冷地道:“没人能控制我,也没有人能威胁我。我会带着我的妻儿回到地球世界,有种你们就来开战。还有这里,如果你们敢毁灭希望之星,那我就将你们彻底抹除。不要怀疑我的决心,我说到做到。” You have killed deep Yaaz, but you think that you can defeat us? What you face is six deep Yaaz.” Bird said with a sneer of six color feathers: Perhaps haven't you known us and deep Yaaz's that war? What he wins is only our flesh and blood idol. You will regret that I believe firmly this point.” “就算你杀了冥亚斯,可你以为你就能战胜我们吗?你面对的是六个冥亚斯。”六色彩羽的小鸟冷笑道:“你恐怕还不知道我们和冥亚斯的那一战吧?他打赢的只是我们的血肉神像。你会后悔的,我非常确信这一点。” Xia Lei said: I know that you are looking in behind, that accepts my signal.” Then, his hand pinches. 夏雷说道:“我知道你们正在后面看着,那就收下我的信号吧。”说完,他的手一捏。 Bird suddenly of six color feathers explodes, turns into the flying ash to crash toward rooftop in piece by piece. Does not wait for their crash ground, wind blows, does not have remaining including the flying ash. 六色彩羽的小鸟顿时爆开,化成片片飞灰往天台上坠落。不等它们坠落地上,一股风吹来,连飞灰都没有剩下。 „Does Husband, what creator in this world have really?” Kangtu Nana also not walks from the tense and surprised condition. 老公,这个世上真有什么造物主吗?”康图娜娜还没有从紧张和惊讶的状态里走出来。 On road of going home I explained listens again to you, we walk.” Xia Lei binds six wives with the source strength energy, the also summer jumps to leap. Then is this leaps, since he and six wives or summer soar to the heavens from rooftop fly, suddenly vanished in the clear sky. “回家的路上我再解释给你们听,我们走。”夏雷用源力能量裹住六个妻子,还有夏日纵身一跃。便是这一跃,他和六个妻子还是夏日从天台上冲天飞起,眨眼就消失在了晴空之中。 The women have made sound of calling out in alarm, Saint City fast changes in their fields of vision is small, then vanishes. Then is the earth, but the earth turned into the earth of arc in an instant. Also a blink, the Star of Hope atmosphere was also flung behind. They felt that they turned into the light, the present speed is also the light speed. But they actually do not know that this is Xia Lei slowed the tempo actually desirably, otherwise they at this moment perhaps already beyond several hundred thousand kilometers. 女人们发出了惊呼的声音,圣城在她们的视野里快速变小,然后消失。然后是大地,只是一转眼大地就变成了弧形的大地。又一眨眼,希望之星的大气层也被甩在身后。她们感觉她们变成了光,现在的速度也是光的速度。可她们却不知道这其实还是夏雷刻意放慢了速度,不然她们此刻恐怕已经在几十万公里外了。 Blue Moon in an instant, but women simply cannot see clearly on Blue Moon reconstructs Blue Moon Blue Moon person and robot, but Blue Moon was flung in a flash after behind. Then float the city in outer space entered the line of sight of women, the resplendent in gold and jade green palace, the palatial mountain, also stands erect on the summit black is flowing the Blue Energy pyramid. also cities and forest, even also paddies, in fairyland just like legend. 蓝月转眼就近了,可女人们根本就看不清在蓝月上重建蓝月蓝月人和机器人,只是那么一晃就连蓝月都被甩在了身后。然后一座悬浮在太空中的城市进入了女人们的视线,金碧辉煌的宫殿,巍峨的大山,还有矗立在山顶上的黑色的流动着蓝色能量的金字塔。还有城镇和森林,甚至还有田地,宛如传说中的仙境。 Xia Lei slowed the tempo, that is the float city, you are Mistress of this city.” 夏雷放慢了速度,“那就是悬浮城,你们是这座城市的女主人。” Rumble! 轰隆隆 When he spoke, the city cannon of float city was one roars, then has launched round of huge Energy Shell to the An Xi Forest direction. That is actually not Energy Shell, but together diameter dozens meters energy bunch. 就在他说话的时候,悬浮城的城市大炮又是一声怒吼,然后向安息森林的方向发射了一发巨大的能量炮弹。那其实不是什么能量炮弹,而是一道直径几十米的能量束。 The line of sight of women pursues the direction of that energy light beam to look together, they saw An Xi Forest finally, saw the flame and giant mushroom cloud of shooting up to the sky. 女人们的视线追着那一道能量光束的方向看去,她们终于看到了安息森林,也看到了冲天而起的火光和巨大的蘑菇云。 An Xi Queen came, your advanced city.” Xia Lei pushes gently, the women were then bound to bring to fly into the float city by one group of source strength energies. 安息女王来了,你们先进城。”夏雷轻轻一推,女人们便被一团源力能量裹带着飞进了悬浮城。 The foothold of women is the white Specter tribe, the most front of float city. Is away from Energy protective cover of float city, women can see float Xia Lei in outer space clearly, also sudden special existence, but also is really An Xi Queen. 女人们的落脚点是白幽灵部落,悬浮城的最前沿。隔着悬浮城的能量护罩,女人们能清晰地看到悬浮在太空之中的夏雷,还有突然出现的一个特殊的存在,还真是安息女王 Human form An Xi Queen, does not have the clothes, the perfect human body and appearance, what a pity do not have the least bit as the feminine qualities of woman. 人形的安息女王,没有衣服,完美的人体和容貌,可惜没有半点作为女人的女人味。 An Xi Queen Energy Body had not been killed, Xia Lei is not exceptional. However its tree trunk definitely is dies does not remain the dregs. 安息女王能量体并没有被炸死,夏雷对此一点都不例外。不过它的树身肯定是死得连渣都不剩了。 You dare unexpectedly like this to me!” An Xi Queen exclaimed to Xia Lei: bastard! makes your city stop bombing An Xi Forest!” “你竟然敢这样对我!”安息女王夏雷吼道:“混蛋!让你的城市停止轰炸安息森林!” bastard this Xia Lei received, matter truly very bastard that because he now done. But he has not made float city stop bombing An Xi Forest, this time wickedness, he must do. Blue Moon person that otherwise the human and Achimisian on Star of Hope and defeat will pay the bleeding price. Over a thousand years of struggle, sacrificed the peaceful coexistence as well as the revival opportunity that your many talented people have traded will vanish. 混蛋这一句夏雷受了,因为他现在正在干的事情确实挺混蛋的。可他并没有让悬浮城停止轰炸安息森林,这次的恶,他必须要做。不然的话希望之星上的人类、阿希米斯人和战败的蓝月人将付出血的代价。上千年的斗争,牺牲了你们多人才换来的和平共处以及复兴机会都会消失。 If can from friendly, who is willing to do evil? But the humans affair is helpless, is somewhat wicked we not to do to do. 如能从善,谁又愿意作恶?可世事多无奈,有些恶我们不想做去必须去做。 Xia Lei said: „The 2nd date ordered to call the An Xi Forest wild animal army to attack human and Achimisian to you, also Blue Moon person, right?” 夏雷说道:“第二日给你下令召集安息森林的野兽大军进攻人类和阿希米斯人,还有蓝月人,对吗?” An Xi Queen was silent, but this type silent is also its statement, it tacitly approved. 安息女王沉默了,可这种沉默也是它的表态,它默认了。 Xia Lei said: You know that the human in this world, Achimisian of also from Star of Ice experienced anything. Human was enslaved for over a thousand years, but Achimisian loses female star several thousand years, roamed about for several thousand years. I do not want to make them withstand one again time such misery, therefore, if no a side to destroy, I hope that is An Xi Forest.” 夏雷说道:“你知道这个世界上的人类,还有来自冰之星阿希米斯人都经历了一些什么。人类被奴役了上千年的时间,而阿希米斯人失去母星几千年,也流浪了几千年。我不想让他们再承受一次这样的苦难,所以,如果非有一方要毁灭的话,我希望是安息森林。” These lives are innocent!” An Xi Queen angrily said: „Did you forget? Who was your human chased down by Blue Moon person has no way out is to you provides the base to make you barely manage to maintain a feeble existence? Was who braves the fire to expel Blue Moon person, was who helped you win the decisive battle? You do this, do you do right by these for the An Xi Forest life that your human and Achimisian lay down one's life?” “那些生灵都是无辜的!”安息女王愤怒地道:“你难道忘记了吗?你们人类被蓝月人追杀得走投无路的时候是谁给你们提供了基地让你们苟延残喘?是谁冒着炮火赶走了蓝月人,又是谁帮你们赢得了决战?你这样做,你对得起那些为你们人类和阿希米斯人捐躯的安息森林的生灵吗?” Xia Lei said: What I bomb is only Origin Canyon, has not bombed these life survivals the region.” 夏雷说道:“我轰炸的只是起源峡谷,并没有轰炸那些生灵生存的区域。” An Xi Queen gawked for a moment. 安息女王顿时愣了一下 Xia Lei then said: An Xi Queen, aren't you clear? Only then you can rescue them, only then you died, they will not respond your summons attack human and Achimisian, also defeats surrender Blue Moon person. Only then you died, that six creator cannot order you to lead the An Xi Forest wild animal army to go to war, die in the battlefield.” 夏雷接着说道:“安息女王,你还不明白吗?只有你能救它们,只有你死了,它们才不会响应你的号召进攻人类和阿希米斯人,还有战败投降的蓝月人。只有你死了,那六个造物主才不能命令你带领安息森林的野兽大军去打仗,死在战场上。” „Do you want to kill me?” The An Xi Queen sound is having meaning of grief and indignation. “你要杀我?”安息女王的声音带着悲愤的意味。 Xia Lei visits it, „can that you betray that six creator?” 夏雷看着它,“那你能背叛那六个造物主吗?” An Xi Queen wants not to want then to shake the head, forever does not have that possibility.” 安息女王连想都不想便摇了摇头,“永远没有那种可能。” Xia Lei said: That has sorry, I must kill you. You are living, Star of Hope World does not have the true peace. Not is only human, Achimisian and Blue Moon person, will link the An Xi Forest life also to receive your implication. You because of that mechanism and existence, the significance that you have also serves for that mechanism, we are the enemies.” 夏雷说道:“那就对不起了,我要杀你。你活着,希望之星世界就没有真正的和平可言。不仅是人类、阿希米斯人蓝月人,甚至连安息森林的生灵也会受到你的拖累。你是因为那个机制而存在,你存在的意义也只是为那个机制服务,我们是敌人。” An Xi Queen suddenly has shown a rare smiling face, I have remembered first time with the scene that you meet, at that time I very special feelings, I was then indescribable, but I know you to be out of the ordinary, you will certainly leave your trail in this world, will never obliterate.” 安息女王忽然露出了一个罕见的笑容,“我想起了第一次与你见面的情景,那个时候我便有一种很特别的感觉,我无法形容,可我知道你与众不同,你一定会在这个世界上留下你的足迹,永不磨灭。” In heart of Xia Lei inexplicable pain, he knows that it pursues intentionally. Knew perfectly well that will die actually must come, this was unable to indicate its purpose in coming, its determination and courage? 夏雷的心中莫名一痛,他知道它是故意追上来的。明知会死却还要来,这难道还不能表明它的来意,它的决心和勇气吗? An Xi Queen then said: You really so shocking, I use to describe you with legendary word, but I thought that simply is insufficient. What a pity, we cannot become the friends, we are doomed are the enemies. I represent my camp now, fights with you!” 安息女王接着说道:“你果然是如此的惊艳,我用用传奇这个词来形容你,可我觉得那根本就不够。可惜啊,我们不能成为朋友,我们注定是敌人。我现在代表我的阵营,与你一战!” Xia Lei has lifted the right arm, Amidol, stops attacking!” 夏雷抬起了右臂,“阿米多,停止攻击!” Yes, my Master.” The Sigmado sound conveys. “是,我的主人。”智库阿米多的声音传来。 The line of sight of Xia Lei transferred to the face of An Xi Queen, „the An Xi Forest life regards you for mother, you can also handle mother status, I to have your such match am proud, can one fight in this with you is also my being honored.” 夏雷的视线移到了安息女王的脸上,“安息森林的生灵视你为母亲,你也当得起母亲这个身份,我为有你这样的对手感到骄傲,能与你在此一战也是我的荣幸。” An Xi Queen said: I have a request, I guess that you collected all fragments, the box in your hands. I exist because of it, incomparably long years, but I have not seen it, before you begin can you look at one to me?” 安息女王说道:“我有一个请求,我猜你已经凑齐了所有的碎片,盒子就在你的手中。我因为它而存在,无比漫长的岁月,可我从来没有见过它,在你动手之前你能给我看一眼吗?” Xia Lei silent has guessed slightly said: „Are you for that six creator yourself?” 夏雷微微沉默了一猜才说道:“你是为了那六个造物主还是你自己?” An Xi Queen smiles mournfully, I do not want to deceive you, is I, for my Master. This is I requested finally, hopes you can satisfy my this desire, looked, in I have helped in your many friendship.” 安息女王凄然一笑,“我不想骗你,即是我自己,也是为了我的主人。这是我最后的请求,希望你能满足我这个愿望,看在我帮了你那么多的情分上。” Own treasure from Xia Lei's body float, then opens the energy sink. A bronze color box comes out from the energy sink, calmly float in outer space. Its fissure is clearly discernible, incomparable ancient and mysticalness. Because in the outer space, it has not destroyed anything, but An Xi Queen Energy Body instantaneously was actually affected, became unstable. 自身宝从夏雷的身上悬浮了起来,然后打开能量通道。一只青铜色的盒子从能量通道之中出来,静静地悬浮在太空之中。它身上的裂痕清晰可见,无比的古老和神秘。因为是在太空之中,它并没有毁灭什么,可安息女王能量体却瞬间受到影响,变得不稳定了起来。 Xia Lei was not affected by the least bit of this box now, because his body also has makes Box of the World sand. Before Dark Death World dying out canyon finally leaps, he also receives the image of this box, will have the illusion, even goes crazy, but after universe beginning comes out he any was then not affected. Speaking from a certain angle, he and box are actually same-kind, is this universe leader. 夏雷现在已经不受这只盒子的半点影响了,因为他的身上也有制造世界之盒的“沙粒”。在黑暗死亡世界寂灭峡谷的最后一跃之前,他还受这盒子的影像,会产生幻觉,甚至发疯,可是从宇宙的“起点”出来之后他便不受任何影响了。从某种角度讲,他和盒子其实是同类,都是这个宇宙的“主导者”。 Hahaha......” An Xi Queen has laughed, is this kind of box?” 哈哈哈……”安息女王大笑了起来,“就是这样一只盒子吗?” Xia Lei nodded, „, it is that box, Box of the World.” 夏雷点了点头,“是的,它就是那只盒子,世界之盒。” The An Xi Queen smiling face was getting more and more strange, that many people die because of it, but it is actually such a tattered box. Although I do not know that it has any charm, but I am willing to confirm its genuine and fake for my Master!” 安息女王的笑容越来越奇怪了,“那么多人因为它而死,可它却是这么一只破破烂烂的盒子。虽然我不知道它有什么魔力,可我愿意为我的主人验证它的真假!” The voice falls, in its throat suddenly has made one string of strange sounds. 话音落下,它的喉咙里忽然发出了一串奇怪的声音。 That is transmits to six signals of creator. 那是传递给六个造物主的信号。 Xia Lei clearly knows that it is more for the ingredients of six creator, for its ingredient are few, but he has satisfied its last wish. He is the ruthless person, An Xi Queen has never helped the human of this world, when human has no way out. An Xi Queen has also helped him, although this inside has the ingredient of mechanism operation, may receive the graciousness of person, how could to respond with the enmity? Satisfies its wish, making it complete its mission, this was also one type repays a debt of gratitude. 夏雷明知道它是为了六个造物主的成分更多一些,为了它自己的成分少,可他还是满足了它的遗愿。他从来不是无情无义的人,安息女王帮助过这个世界的人类,在人类走投无路的时候。安息女王也帮助过他,虽然这里面有着机制运作的成分,可受人之恩,岂能报以仇怨?满足它的意愿,让它完成它的使命,这也算是一种报恩了。 Strange sound conclusion, An Xi Queen hit suddenly to Box of the World. 奇怪的声音结束,安息女王突然撞向了世界之盒 Xia Lei has not prevented it, read gently in the mouth, parted forever, An Xi Queen.” 夏雷还是没有阻止它,却在嘴里轻轻念出,“永别了,安息女王。” An Xi Queen Energy Body hit above box, was decomposed directly, anything has not stayed behind. The speed of decomposition will also draw near pinnacle, such as the wind has blown, anything does not have remaining. 安息女王能量体撞在了盒子之上,直接被分解,什么都没有留下。分解的速度也快到了极致,如风吹过,什么都没有剩下。 Xia Lei own treasure toward a Box of the World cover, received Box of the World. He looked at An Xi Forest one, then returned to the float city. 夏雷将自身宝往世界之盒一罩,收了世界之盒。他看了安息森林一眼,然后回到了悬浮城之中。 Then was the travel of Earth. 接下来便是地球之旅了。
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