TV :: Volume #26

#2532: The 2nd day

A very attractive bird, there are six color feathers, a gloomily blue eye. It is staring at Xia Lei and his women, that two gloomily blue eye is sparkling, is really attractive. 很漂亮的一只小鸟,有六色的羽毛,一双幽蓝的眼睛。它盯着夏雷和他的女人们,那两只幽蓝的眼睛亮晶晶的,煞是好看。 Wa, good attractive bird.” Bai Ling praised, she could not bear toward the rooftop border has stepped forward one step. ,好漂亮的小鸟。”百灵赞叹地道,她也忍不住往天台边沿跨出了一步。 Xia Lei has pulled her suddenly, then kept off before the body of women. 夏雷突然将她扯了回来,然后挡在了女人们的身前。 Started talking in bird suddenly of this time that only six color feathers, you have not really died.” 就在这个时候那只六色彩羽的小鸟忽然开口说话,“你果然没死。” Xia Lei visits it, inquired: „The 2nd day?” 夏雷看着它,试探地道:“第二日?” A moment ago that metal person obviously was the 3rd date the creation. 刚才那个金属人显然是第三日创造的。 The birds of six color feathers said: You thought that I am a bird?” 六色彩羽的小鸟说道:“你觉得我是一只鸟吗?” The bird of this six color feathers is the 2nd day informer, or is called the envoy. May facing it, the Xia Lei one types facing the 2nd day feeling, this very be strange. Perhaps this is because he is worried about the Earth World wife and children's reason, suddenly anxious. 这只六色彩羽的小鸟是第二日的眼线,或者称为使者。可面对它,夏雷却有一种面对第二日的感觉,这很诡异。或许这是因为他担心地球世界的妻儿的原因,突然就紧张了起来。 „Will bird also speak?” Bai Ling excitedly said: Good lovable bird, Husband, can you hold it to give to me?” “鸟还会说话?”百灵激动地道:“好可爱的鸟,老公,你能抓住它送给我吗?” The Bai Ling words made tension-filled atmosphere change a flavor/smell. 百灵的话让紧张的气氛变了一点味道。 Xia Lei said: Believes me, you will certainly not like this bird.” 夏雷说道:“相信我,你一定不会喜欢这只鸟的。” Bai Ling said: „, I will not like it very much.” 百灵说道:“不会呀,我很喜欢它。” The birds of six color feathers have exuded one laughter, very lovable wife, not? If there is a points anything accident/surprise not to be good. That thing is not you, gives us it, all your wives and children well, Star of Hope World and Earth World can also well.” 六色彩羽的小鸟发出了一串笑声,“很可爱的妻子,不是吗?如果出一点什么意外就不好了。那东西不属于你,把它给我们,你的所有的妻子和孩子都会好好的,希望之星世界地球世界也都会好好的。” Xia Lei coldly said: If I not?” 夏雷冷冷地道:“如果我不呢?” Six color feathers the voice of bird transfers suddenly coldly, that we will destroy all your, you could not prevent us. I told you, now the wife on Earth already in our hands. Gives us the thing, otherwise we have killed them.” 六色彩羽的小鸟的声音骤然转冷,“那我们就会毁灭你的一切,你阻止不了我们。我告诉你,现在你的地球上的妻子已经在我们的手中了。把东西给我们,不然我们就杀了她们。” The line of sight of six wives gathered Xia Lei's body as if by prior agreement, without a doubt, this was their first time hears Xia Lei in the Earth World also wife. Moreover listens to this six color feathers the speech of bird, a keyword was also caught by them. That keyword is they, this is a word of plural number, is not she, but is they, this explained him in a Earth World incessantly wife! 六个妻子的视线不约而同地聚集到了夏雷的身上,毫无疑问,这是她们第一次听说夏雷地球世界还有妻子。而且听这只六色彩羽的小鸟的说话,一个关键词也被她们捕捉到了。那个关键词就是“她们”,这是一个复数的词啊,不是“她”,而是“她们”,这就说明他在地球世界不止一个妻子! In this point time the women as if one type wants to surround their men, beats one to impulse. But now after all is not the husband and wife quarrelled, dares like this to threaten the Xia Lei bird surely is not the simple bird. 这一点时间里女人们似乎都有一种想将她们的男人包围起来,拳打脚踢一顿冲动。可是现在毕竟不是夫妻吵嘴的时候,敢这样威胁夏雷的鸟必定不是简单的鸟。 Also is in a little time, Xia Lei as to understand anything, his suddenly has smiled, you did not have idea, I believe that you are realized I feigned death in the end city, is I after all first your one step. I already to Star of Hope, to my doorstep, your talented people. I have killed the 3rd day envoy, then you appeared, but also me told that I the wife and children on Earth fell in your hands, whom do you deceive? If is really such that you said that perhaps you arrived at Star of Hope at this moment, negotiated with me personally, but did not make up the story to deceive me.” 也就是这么一点时间里,夏雷似乎想明白了什么,他忽然笑了,“你们没辙了,我相信你们是察觉到了我在末日城是装死,可是我毕竟先你们一步。我已经到希望之星了,到了我的家门口,你们的人才到。我杀了第三日的使者,接着你出现了,还跟我说我在地球上的妻儿已经落在了你们的手中,你骗谁呢?如果真的是你说的那样,你们此刻恐怕已经来到希望之星了,亲自与我谈判,而不是编故事骗我。” Six color feathers the forehead of bird suddenly opened, has revealed a camera, a total information projection appeared in rooftop. That is a spacious room, six woman also seven children were imprisoned in that room. Each face Xia Lei incomparable familiar, they are he wife on Earth World, the also child. 六色彩羽的小鸟的额头突然打开,露出了一个摄像头,一个全息投影出现在了天台上。那是一个空旷的房间,六个女人还有七个孩子被囚禁在那个房间里。每一张面孔夏雷都无比的熟悉,她们都是他在地球世界上的妻子,还有孩子。 The mouth wiper plug of women arrange/cloth round/ball, is not making them speak. The also seven children, seven children's mouths are also filling arrange/cloth round/ball, cannot make the sound. 女人们的嘴上塞着布团,不让她们说话。还有七个孩子,七个孩子的嘴里也塞着布团,发不出声音。 Six faceless silver metal people stand in six Earth wives, can be icy. They unemotionally, but links the surface not to have. Their right arms are not the right arms of human, but is sharp machete, as if wants an order, they molding the right arm of machete will chop to the neck of women. 六个没有面孔的银色金属人站在六个地球妻子的身后,能冷冰冰。他们不是面无表情,而是连面都没有。他们的右臂不是人类的右臂,而是锋利的砍刀,似乎只要一个命令,他们就会将塑造成砍刀的右臂砍向女人们的脖子。 wu wu wu......” the mouth of women has made the ambiguous sound. 呜呜呜……”女人们的嘴里发出了含混的声音。 The children are crying, may send from their mouths is also the ambiguous sound, the simply hear is not clear. 孩子们在哭,可从他们的嘴里发出来的也是含混的声音,根本就听不清楚。 Xia Lei got hold of the fist suddenly, in eyes has ignited two groups of angry flame, „, if you dare to touch my wife and children, I pledged, where no matter you hid, I will find you, has killed you!” 夏雷骤然握紧了拳头,眼眸之中燃起了两团愤怒的火焰,“如果你们敢碰我的妻儿,我发誓,不管你们躲在哪里,我都会找到你们,杀了你们!” The birds of six color feathers said: You dare to threaten your creator, you also are really extremely arrogant. Divine Punishment started, but the great six spirits are actually willing to give you last opportunity. Kneels down the confession, gives me to bring that box.” 六色彩羽的小鸟说道:“你敢威胁你的造物主,你还真是狂妄。神罚已经启动,可伟大的六神却还是愿意给你最后一次机会。跪下忏悔吧,将那只盒子交给我带回去。” You dare to threaten my Husband!” Bai Ling draws a pistol to point at the birds of six color feathers suddenly, ominously said: „Do you believe my spear/gun to kill you!” “你敢威胁我老公!”百灵突然拔枪指着六色彩羽的小鸟,凶巴巴地道:“你信不信我一枪打死你!” She also to this six color feathers the bird of bird liked a moment ago seriously, but she hates it to hate now seriously. 刚才她还对这只六色彩羽的小鸟的小鸟喜欢得不得了,可是现在她恨它恨得不得了。 Another five women are also staring the birds of that only six color feathers with the aggressive look, they are jealous to turn over to be jealous, the vitality/angry turns over to the vitality/angry, but Husband is Husband. These life and death experiences that together they and Xia Lei sentiment, also experiences together are not this matter can write off. 另外五个女人也都用凶悍的眼神瞪着那只六色彩羽的小鸟,她们吃醋归吃醋,生气归生气,可老公就是老公。她们与夏雷的感情,还有一起经历的那些生死与共的经历不是这一件事就能抹杀的。 Last opportunity! Gives me the box!” The birds of six color feathers exclaimed to Xia Lei. “最后一次机会!把盒子给我!”六色彩羽的小鸟的冲夏雷吼道。 Xia Lei as if has not actually heard six color feathers the voice of bird, he also stares at that total information to project. He was looking incessantly, his computer is also collecting and analyzes the woman and child's voice. Even if the ambiguous wu wu sound, he can also use his super brain to return to original state the sound. 夏雷却仿佛没有听到六色彩羽的小鸟的声音,他还盯着那个全息投影。他不止是在看,他的电脑也在收集和解析女人和孩子的声音。哪怕是含混不清的呜呜声,他也能利用他的超级大脑将之还原成声音。 However, his super brain returns to original state actually wu wu sound, ambiguous. 然而,他的超级大脑还原出来的却还是“呜呜”声,含混不清。 Energy that in this universe he was unable to analyze, let alone is the sound? 这个宇宙之中已经没有他不能解析的能量,更何况是声音? „Did you want me to kill them really?” Bird stern voice urged of six color feathers: Gives me the box!” “你真的要我杀了她们吗?”六色彩羽的小鸟厉声催促道:“给我盒子!” Xia Lei suddenly grinned to smile, the creator who thanks to you boasted of being this opposition universe world, controlled all. In my opinion, you are also mediocre. Sudden, your my wife and children's sound sample without enough time collects, will therefore cover their mouths, right? To deceive me with the ambiguous sound. If I am so good to deceive, I cannot here. You make such an image of fictionalizing to threaten me, you do not think disgraced, I think disgraced. You more worry, you are easier to make mistakes, expose weaknesses, not?” 夏雷忽然咧嘴笑了,“亏你们自诩为这个对立宇宙世界的造物主,掌控一切。在我看来,你们也不过如此。事发突然,你们就连我妻儿的声音样本都来不及采集,所以才会捂住她们的嘴,是吗?想用含混的声音蒙骗我。我要是这么好欺骗,我也不会在这里了。你们弄这么一段虚构的影像恐吓我,你们不觉得丢人,我都觉得丢人。你们越是着急,你们就越容易犯错,露出破绽,不是吗?” The birds of six color feathers have closed the miniature camera on forehead, „can you return to Earth now?” 六色彩羽的小鸟关闭了额头上的微型摄像头,“你现在就要回地球?” Xia Lei said: Yes, I am quicker than you one step. I all will protect quickly my wife and children, what at that time did you also take to threaten me?” 夏雷说道:“是的,我还是比你们快一步。我很快就会将我的妻儿全都保护起来,那个时候你们还拿什么来威胁我?” You did not fear that we do destroy Star of Hope?” “你就不怕我们毁灭希望之星吗?” You come, I come.” Xia Lei coldly said: I can kill deep Yaaz, I can also kill you. I will also go to God grave star, has destroyed your so-called mechanism thoroughly.” “你们来,我来。”夏雷冷冷地道:“我能杀冥亚斯,我也能杀你们。我还会去神墓星,彻底毁了你们的所谓的机制。” Mutual threat! 相互威胁! Do six creator destroy Star of Hope? 六个造物主来毁灭希望之星 This truly is a threat, but Xia Lei simply does not fear this threat. By the ability of float city, it can, when six creator destroy Star of Hope rushes to Star of Hope, at that time will destroy the Star of Hope six creator to face directly him, he also had is massacred six opportunities of creator! 这确实是一个威胁,可夏雷根本就不怕这个威胁。以悬浮城的能力,它能在六个造物主毁灭希望之星的时候赶到希望之星,那个时候来毁灭希望之星的六个造物主将直面他,他也就有得到杀掉六个造物主的机会! Is impossible! Your simply is impossible to kill deep Yaaz!” Six color feathers the voice of bird, has been full of angry and unwilling meaning. The method that all can use used, but Xia Lei was intractable, controlled its 2nd day a little to become angry out of shame. “不可能!你根本就不可能杀得掉冥亚斯!”六色彩羽的小鸟的声音,充满了愤怒和不甘的意味。所有能用的手段都用上了,可夏雷软硬不吃,操控它的第二日有点恼羞成怒了。 Xia Lei said: You , if not believe that can go to Dark Death World to look for him, if you can find him, that explained that I am lying.” 夏雷说道:“你们要是不相信的话可以去黑暗死亡世界找他,如果你们能找到他,那就说明我在说谎。” Hahaha......” the birds of six color feathers have exuded the strange laughter, „do you want to delay us? You are we create, we can also not understand you. You were very perhaps formidable, to has been able to massacre the deep Yaaz's degree formidable. But do not forget, no matter what you are we create. We are your creator, we can still control all your. Do not be stubborn, you only then this last opportunity.” 哈哈哈……”六色彩羽的小鸟发出了怪异的笑声,“你想拖延我们吗?你是我们创造的,我们还能不了解你。你现在或许已经很强大了,强大到了能杀掉冥亚斯的程度。可你别忘了,不管怎么样你都是我们创造的。我们是你的造物主,我们仍然能掌控你的一切。不要再顽固了,你只有这最后一次机会。” Xia Lei said: I am assigned by me not by the day, I am not that Unique that whatever you organize. If you dislike the life to be long, you can look for me. I now rubbish with you, is in light of this independently or oneself courting disaster, you make the decision.” 夏雷说道:“我命由我不由天,我已经不是那个任由你们摆布的唯一。如果你们嫌命长,你们可以来找我。我现在不跟你废话了,是就此放手还是自取灭亡,你们自己做决定吧。” Piece of Golden Energy light jumped to shoot from the body of Xia Lei, increased to burn the eye degree instantaneously. Greasy middle-aged Uncle vanished, what replaces it is his original appearance. 一片金色的能量光从夏雷的身体之中迸射了出来,瞬间就攀升到了灼眼的程度。油腻的中年大叔消失了,取而代之的是他本来的样子。 Call...... The call......” the birds of six color feathers have made the sound suddenly. “呼叫……呼叫……”六色彩羽的小鸟突然发出了声音。 Xia Lei suddenly has realized anything, lifts the right arm to exclaim: Amidol! Immediately bombs An Xi Forest, goal Origin Canyon!” 夏雷忽然意识到了什么,跟着抬起右臂吼道:“阿米多!立刻轰炸安息森林,目标起源峡谷!” The birds of six color feathers send out call the sound is Spirit Clansman the way of unique transmission information, it was calling An Xi Forest An Xi Queen. simply not the content of information uses to explain it to transmit, Xia Lei can also guess correctly that the 2nd day is giving An Xi Queen to order, making An Xi Queen lead the An Xi Forest wild animal army to attack the human the city, is six creator wins the time. 六色彩羽的小鸟发出的“呼叫”之音是灵族人所特有的传递信息的方式,它在呼叫安息森林安息女王根本就不用去解读它传递的信息的内容,夏雷也能猜到第二日是在给安息女王下令,让安息女王带领安息森林的野兽大军进攻人类的城市,为六个造物主争取时间。 To be honest, Xia Lei does not want to begin with An Xi Queen actually. After all, initially An Xi Queen extended the aid in the time of human most danger, gave shelter to human, and provided to human has counter-attacked the Blue Moon base. But the camp is different, An Xi Queen is also doomed is an enemy. Makes An Xi Queen lead the An Xi Forest wild animal army brings the injury with it to human, Achimisian and Blue Moon person, that might as well bombs An Xi Forest directly! 说实话,夏雷其实是不想跟安息女王动手的。毕竟,当初安息女王在人类最危难的时刻伸出了援手,收留了人类,并给人类提供了反攻蓝月的基地。可阵营不同,安息女王也注定是敌人。与其让安息女王带领安息森林的野兽大军给人类、阿希米斯人蓝月人带来伤害,那还不如直接轰炸安息森林 Does this as if has to lose morality and justice, even is very cruel, but to just finish the human of millennium misery, also roamed about several thousand years of Achimisian no longer to roam about, such cruel matter must harden one's heart to be done eventually. It is not other, because only my clan his heart cannot different, this is the war! 这样做似乎有失道义,甚至还很残忍,可为了刚刚结束千年苦难的人类,还有流浪了数千年的阿希米斯人不再流浪,这样残忍的事情终究得硬着心肠去做。不为别的,只因为非我族类其心必异,这是战争! You dare the birds of six color feathers to exclaim angrily: You will regret!” “你竟敢”六色彩羽的小鸟愤怒地吼道:“你会后悔的!” In the outer space, the float city comes suddenly. The weapon system of city full, is being a round crazy bang randomly explodes to the An Xi Forest direction. 太空中,悬浮城突然现身。城市的武器系统全开,对着安息森林的方向便是一轮狂轰乱炸。 Since had been discovered that that did not need again hidden. 既然已经被发现了,那就不需要再隐藏了。
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