TM :: Volume #14 5.0全面战争·命运拐点!

#1424: Martial Daoist signboard

time, World Tree Great Army will be dormant over the following several days, not launches any attack to the Glittering World border or Shallow Layer Dimension, no longer brought the pressure, the flames of war had the short intermittence. But Three Great Civilizations strategy command center has not relaxed slightly, the atmosphere is critical situation, fully realized that this is only the tranquility before storm. 接下来的几天时间,世界树大军蛰伏了下来,没有对闪耀世界边境或浅层维度发起任何一次进攻,不再施加压力,战火出现了短暂的间歇。但三大文明战略指挥部丝毫没有放松,气氛如临大敌,深知这只是暴风雨前的宁静。 To prepare emergency requirement collective army to apply stationed in each star region, enters war status all, stands guard to go on patrol in the respective responsible region. 原本驻扎在各个星域以备不时之需的集团军派上了用场,尽数进入战争状态,在各自负责的区域内警戒巡游。 Coded particle to divulge entire explored cosmos star map, contained countless space coordinates, the enemy selectable route were too many, where invaded has the possibility. 编码粒子泄漏了整个已探索宇宙星图,包含了不计其数的空间坐标,敌人可选择的路线太多,从哪里入侵都有可能。 Han Xiao dispatches Main Cosmos most Mechanical God's Messenger, increases the high grade strength scale —— Three Great Civilizations' individual mighty force domain to occupy superiorly, but if World Tree Thorough Invasion, then the function of high grade strength was entirely different from the positive/direct war, the extremely high flexibility brought the strong destructive power, battleline divided the innumerable blocks, as has to besiege and pursue the defense that blocked off the opponent, Super A Grade powerhouse of one's own side still does not meet sufficiently. 韩萧将大部分机械神使派往主宇宙,增加高级战力的规模——本来三大文明的个体伟力领域已经占优,但若是世界树全境入侵,那么高级战力的作用就和正面战争截然不同了,极高的灵活性带来了强大的破坏力,战线分割成无数块,作为不得不围追堵截对手的守方,己方的超A级强者依然会不够用。 But beyond dealing with aspect change, Han Xiao was also searching foreign civilization lurker for these days in secret, what a pity looks for a needle in a haystack, temporarily is harvestless, but his inquiry to the Super Star Cluster Alliance, had some achievements actually. 而在应对局面变化之外,韩萧这几天也在暗中搜索外来文明潜伏者,可惜大海捞针,暂无收获,不过他对超星团同盟的打探,倒是有了一些成果。 Originally wants to be intense while the war, when Three Great Civilizations has no time to attend to other things, sneaks away at a critical juncture to leave their controls, goes to unexplored cosmos, found stretch of place of free multiplication development......” “原来是想趁着战局激烈,三大文明无暇他顾之时,临阵脱逃离开他们的掌控,前往未探索宇宙,找到一片自由的繁衍发展之地……” Han Xiao looks at the information in virtual screen, the complexion is somewhat subtle. 韩萧看着虚拟屏幕中的情报,脸色有些微妙。 This is bullied miserably by Three Great Civilizations, does not want the native place...... 这是被三大文明欺负得多惨,才连老家都不要了…… He can understand that probably the idea of Super Star Cluster Alliance, keeps explored cosmos, will only encounter forever the suppression without limits, forever was impeded by Three Great Civilizations', how to develop again is unable to surpass these three ceilings. 他大概能理解超星团同盟的想法,留在已探索宇宙,只会遭到永无止境的打压,永远受到三大文明的掣肘,再怎么发展也无法超过这三个天花板。 When the pattern of foreign invasion shuffles, Super Star Cluster Alliance considered that the future future, made Choice, can develop for civilization freely, decides to take risk to develop unknown, this is also indisputable, after all they and Three Great Civilizations is never a heart. 在外敌入侵的格局洗牌之时,超星团同盟考虑到未来的前途,做出了抉择,为了文明能自由发展,决定冒险开拓未知,这也是无可厚非,毕竟他们和三大文明从来不是一条心。 This may go bad, World Tree Thorough Invasion is the opportunity that they run, if they really did that the yellow mud falls the pants crotch, was not the excrement is also the excrement.” “这可坏了,世界树全境入侵是他们跑路的机会,要是他们真这么做了,黄泥巴掉裤裆,不是屎也是屎了。” Han Xiao rubs to pinch the forehead, secret pain in the ass. 韩萧揉捏着眉心,暗暗蛋疼 He has done the result of matter to tell three big Head third party, even selected existence of Lor Civilization directly, but the situation was as expected, three people were not say completely do not believe that but only accepted this is a view, only if produced the concrete evidence, otherwise the spy rebel must continue to look. 他已经把第三方搞事的结果告诉了三大首脑,甚至直接点出了洛尔文明的存在,可情况不出所料,三人也不是说完全不信,但只接受这是其中一种说法,除非拿出确凿证据,否则内鬼叛徒还是要继续找的。 Only the war is chaotic, Three Great Civilizations cannot extract the energy, Super Star Cluster Alliance can the implementation plan, but just divulged the information in this time people, this was not skillful...... speaks the truth, if it wasn't for Han Xiao knew the truth, standing in the Three Great Civilizations' angle also thought that Super Star Cluster Alliance was the iron wolf, definitely travelled for oneself, therefore brought in World Tree Thorough Invasion. 只有战局乱起来,三大文明抽不出精力,超星团同盟才能执行计划,可刚好在这个时候有人泄漏情报,这不就巧了么……说实话,要不是韩萧知道真相,站在三大文明的角度也觉得超星团同盟是铁狼,肯定是为了自身跑路,所以才引来世界树全境入侵 The previous generation, Super Star Cluster Alliance has not done that actually, but stands Interstellar Community, the anti- foreign enemy, this time made the entirely different choice together, perhaps is because the time stage is different, high tier is different, the decision logic has the difference ; Perhaps is also their situations and previous generation has the subtle difference, majority is the butterfly effect that oneself brings ; Possibly is Super Star Cluster Alliance has not experienced the World Tree Thorough Invasion might like the previous generation with own eyes, without realizing the real threat of this cosmos disaster, therefore still felt one can be far away from the flames of war, is insufficient without lips, the teeth will feel cold...... 前世,超星团同盟倒是没有这么做,而是站在星际社会这边,一起共抗外敌,这次做出了截然不同的选择,或许是因为时间阶段不同,高层不一样,决策逻辑有区别;也或许是他们的处境与前世有微妙区别,其中大部分是自己带来的蝴蝶效应;更可能是超星团同盟还没有像前世一样亲眼见识世界树全境入侵的威力,没体会到这个宇宙灾祸的真正威胁,所以仍然觉得自身可以远离战火,不至于唇亡齿寒…… —— in other words , had not been beaten mercilessly by World Tree. ——换言之,没被世界树毒打过。 I must convince super star cluster to cancel run the plan, otherwise the internal split at present, will be only this type related to the future civilization development grand strategy, even my face will be big, super star cluster will not be persuaded by my in a few words.” “我得说服超星团取消跑路计划,不然内部分裂就在眼前,只是这种涉及未来文明发展的大战略,就算我面子再大,超星团也不会被我三言两语说动。” Han Xiao hesitates secretly. 韩萧暗自沉吟。 On the one hand does not make super star cluster be a scapegoat, making third party get off scot-free, on the other hand is Interstellar Community needs super star cluster strength to resist the World Tree's invasion, so long as they strengthen the war heart, battle power that joins up cannot be underestimated, is the important component of explored cosmos battlepower. 一方面是不让超星团背锅,使第三方逍遥法外,另一方面是星际社会需要超星团力量抵抗世界树的入侵,只要他们坚定战心,联合起来的战斗力不容小觑,也是已探索宇宙战力的重要组成部分。 I must try to find a solution......” “我得想个办法……” When is thinking, the urgent internal news that came from the Three Great Civilizations military jumped in the virtual screen. 正在思索之时,一则来自三大文明军方的紧急内部讯息在虚拟屏幕中跳了出来。 Old Sun Star River, Ancient Star Desert, Sea of the Star Spirit, Black Hole Border-edge and endless nebula, Broken Starlink and other star region discover the World Tree fleet trail simultaneously! Request assistance! Request assistance!” 旧日星河远古星漠星灵之海黑洞界缘无尽星云破碎星环星域同时发现世界树舰队踪迹!请求支援!请求支援!” Han Xiao sat the body fiercely, in the eye flashed the underheating glow straight. 韩萧猛地坐直了身体,眼中闪过冷芒。 Came! 来了! ...... …… Ancient Star Desert, the one after another blue wormhole production, becomes one piece continuously, the like a ultra-large oval-shape space crevice, cut open the cosmos theater curtain like God, leaves behind the one eerie blue scar. 远古星漠,一个个蓝色虫洞生成,连绵成一片,如同一个超大的椭圆形空间裂隙,如同神灵割开了宇宙幕布,留下一道幽蓝色的伤痕。 In the immense space crevice exuded the green glow, from dark revolutions clear(ly), by slightly was increased, finally changed to the green tide that blotted out the sky, was turbulent to fall in torrents! 紧接着,巨大空间裂隙中泛起了绿芒,从暗转明,由小变大,最终化作铺天盖地的绿潮,汹涌着倾泻而出! As if the endless World Tree fleet crosses the Glittering World border, along wormhole descent, the crowded quantum leap flowing light condensed the one after another light beam directly, shot toward all around, broke up the whole into parts, just like pours into plague virus of enemy within the body, suddenly then started the proliferation. 仿佛无穷无尽世界树舰队越过闪耀世界边境,直接沿着虫洞降临,密集的跃迁流光凝聚成了一道道光柱,朝着四面八方射去,化整为零,犹如注入敌人体内的瘟疫病毒,在眨眼间便开始了扩散。 Countless World Tree warrior looks frantically, just like is holding carnival —— to refuse to compromise so many years, finally killed, dismembered prey! 不计其数的世界树战士面露狂热,犹如在举行一场狂欢盛宴——僵持了这么多年,终于杀了进来,肢解猎物了! planet that the World Tree fleet passes through, outer space had fierce oscillation/fluctuation, the one after another thick World Tree root hair bores through the soil to be the same probably, ripped open the space crevice, stretched out from the nihility, inserted in one after another planet, just like the straw, extracted the naked eye obvious dazzling energy. 世界树舰队经过的星球,外层空间发生剧烈波动,一条条粗大的世界树根须像是钻透土壤一般,撕开了空间裂隙,从虚无中伸出,插进了一颗颗星球之中,如同吸管一样,抽取出肉眼可见的耀眼能量。 The planet earth's crust softens, flows in the World Tree root hair like the fluid generally, the mantle and Core material is also gobbled up in gulps, planet shriveled gets down slowly, rapid trend declining. 行星地壳软化,如同流体一般流入世界树根须,地幔与地核的物质也被大口大口吞吃,星球慢慢干瘪下去,飞速走向衰亡。 The green moist place visited, the star extinguishes slowly, the planet dissolves gradually , only then the deathly stillness and desolateness that stays behind. 绿潮所过之处,恒星缓缓熄灭,行星渐渐溶解,留下的只有死寂与荒芜。 This made World Tree warrior remember the passing old times light, in limitless cosmos, is tasting the enemy lands tasty taste vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered unscrupulously, from still cut the one after another sliced meat on struggling prey, like hacked exactly eats all —— of enemy generally we after all is in cosmos the topmost hunter, even was the only predator! 这让世界树战士想起了过往的旧时光,纵横于漫无边际的宇宙,肆无忌惮品尝着敌人领土的鲜美滋味,从仍在挣扎的猎物身上割下一块块肉片,如同活剐一般吃掉敌人的一切——我们终归是宇宙最顶级的猎手,甚至是唯一的掠食者! Similarly scene , happened in many star region. 同样的一幕,在多个星域同时发生。 In a hurry, Interstellar United Army and local galaxy and star cluster grade civilization expand counter-attacks, besieges and pursues to block off, bloody battle Sky, the flames of war burn explored cosmos by the prevailing situation. 仓促之间,星际联合军与当地的星系星团级文明展开反扑,围追堵截,血战长空,战火以燎原之势烧遍已探索宇宙 battleline divides innumerably, World Tree powerhouse had the opportunity finally, each region the distribution, the twos and threes action, displayed the high grade strength flexibility thoroughly, stirred up trouble, numerous Three Great Civilizations Super A Grade are unable to continue to stick together, can only leave Aurora, rushed to rescue each region separately, the fierce battle of individual mighty force in each region eruption. 战线分割无数,世界树强者终于有了用武之地,分布各地,三三两两行动,彻底发挥出了高级战力的灵活性,兴风作浪,众多三大文明超A级也无法继续抱团,只能离了欧若拉,分头驰援各个区域,个体伟力的酣战在各地爆发。 The sudden sudden change, frightened countless interstellar citizen, the excellent situation reverses instantaneously, the foreign enemy wreaking havoc area, presses in the heart got rid of the rational reins scared, just like Volcano to erupt spews out generally, burnt down the reason of surviving, many refuge planet had the fierce unrest! 突如其来的骤变,吓倒了不计其数的星际公民,大好局面瞬间反转,外敌肆虐疆域,压在心底的恐慌摆脱了理性的缰绳,犹如火山爆发一般喷涌而出,烧毁了残存的理智,多个避难星球发生剧烈骚乱! Ancestral Tree King looked to the distant place, the line of sight as if passed through the impediment of infinite space, locked the Central Star Sea position distantly, talked to oneself in a low voice: 祖树王望向远方,视线仿佛穿过了无穷空间的阻隔,遥遥锁定了中央星海的方位,低声自语: Eats, eats all, you give us a grand feast, we also by desperate.” “吃吧,吃掉一切,你们给予我们一场盛宴,我们将还以绝望。” ...... …… Broken Starlink, legion sub-base, one after another Black Star Legion guard force in the World Tree fleet exchange of fire with descent, is slaughtering somewhere inextricably involved, but in the battlefield, black tide that mechanical soldier guard force composes in vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered round trip, tears one after another World Tree battleship. 破碎星环,某处军团分基地,一艘艘黑星军团卫队正在与降临世界树舰队交火,厮杀得难分难解,而在战场中,还有机械战兵卫队组成的黑潮在纵横来去,撕裂一艘艘世界树战舰 But above the planet of not far away, dozens over a hundred World Tree root hair had inserted in star core, is deriving the energy, in the outer space place, three Holy Tree Envoy is pursuing two forms, five streams light/only time after time collide. 而在不远处的行星之上,数十上百条世界树根须已然插进了星核之中,汲取着能量,在外层空间处,三个圣树使者正在追击两道身影,五道流光一次次碰撞。 Clang! 铛! The Rottal double hand-held dagger, one one instead, the blade fast quick such as the illness/quick electricity, the dance makes a debut a billowing silver flower, the body and spirit is agile, goes through many places organizes walks randomly in three Holy Tree Envoy back and forth, the fierce disputes, the Silver Light imposing dagger and laser and magic time after time collides the qi flame/arrogance flower fire. 罗泰尔双手持匕,一正一反,刀速快如疾电,舞出道道潋滟银华,体魄矫捷,辗转腾挪来回游走于三个圣树使者之间,激烈交锋,银光凛然的匕首与激光、魔法一次次碰撞出气焰花火。 It seems like the prestige is not possible to work as, he is the whole body hangs out colored streamers actually, in the fierce combat also has to divert attention to consider nearby strength slightly to be weak several points of Carotel, unavoidably exposes weaknesses. 看上去威不可当,实际他已是浑身挂彩,激战中还不得不分心照顾一旁实力稍弱几分的卡罗特,难免露出破绽。 The Rottal double dagger cuts radiant Light-edge alternately, drives back the dogfight Mechanical Martialist Holy Tree Envoy, the corner of the eye split vision shines the one radiance suddenly, he is sideways to move aside without hesitation , magnificence Lili's higher arcane miraculous glow passes through the waist abdomen swiftly, leaves behind one piece to burn the mark. 罗泰尔双匕交叉斩出璀璨光刃,逼退缠斗的械武者圣树使者,眼角余光骤然亮起一道光华,他毫不犹豫侧身躲闪,倏忽之间,华丽丽的高等奥术灵光贯穿腰腹,留下一片灼痕。 „The avoid strategic point, the response was very quick.” 躲开要害了吗,反应挺快。” The magic system Holy Tree Envoy opens the mouth of making a move, the tone has the regret of slip. 出手的魔法系圣树使者开口,语气带着失手的遗憾。 In these three Holy Tree Envoy, the two have not appeared in the frontal battlefield, has repressed motionless other families powerhouse. 这三个圣树使者中,其中两人都不曾在正面战场中出现过,都是一直按捺不动的外族强者 Until kills the Three Great Civilizations area, divided innumerable battleline, World Tree began using other families powerhouse, increased the high grade strength scale. 直到杀进三大文明疆域,分割出了无数战线,世界树才启用外族强者,增加高级战力的规模。 On the one hand is disperses the action to be flexible enough, even if Black Star has to awaken other families powerhouse way, will not catch the whole lot in a dragnet. Second, World Tree is reckless, so long as can speed up invading the speed, loses some manpower not to care, has completed part of powerhouse to be used by Black Star Information State Obliteration Elimination mental preparation. 一方面是分散行动足够灵活,即便黑星拥有唤醒外族强者的方式,也不会被一网打尽。二是世界树已然不顾一切了,只要能加快侵略速度,损失一些人手也不在乎了,已经做好了一部分强者黑星用【信息态抹杀】清除的心理准备 The Rottal complexion ties tight, pressed a wound slightly, stimulates to movement the cell rapidly to restore with vigor, the wound quick scab, he is taking a fast look around three opponents, under the heart imposing. 罗泰尔脸色紧绷,稍稍按了一下伤口,用气力催动细胞快速恢复,伤口很快结痂,他扫视着三名对手,心下凛然。 His martial dao style is primarily agility, to hide and assassinate, the upfront fight is not the strong point, encountering besieges is disadvantageous, at this time could not somewhat have endured. 他的武道风格以敏捷、隐蔽、刺杀为主,正面战斗不是强项,遭到围攻更是不利,此时已然有些吃不消了。 „Are you good?” Nearby Carotel collected, same is covered with cuts and bruises, suffers with Rottal back to back in the same place, exhibits the Chinese boxing, the tightly staring enemy. “你还行吗?”一旁的卡罗特凑了过来,一样满身是伤,与罗泰尔背靠背挨在一起,摆出拳架,紧紧盯着敌人。 He enters Super A Grade also several years of time, 【Limitless Martial Dao】 of new stage also in the activation, battlepower or the newborn Super A Grade level, plays at this time very difficultly, one-to-one duel might not be able to defeats on the field any one opponent. 他进入超A级也才几年时间,新阶段的【武道无极】还在激活当中,战力还是新生超A级的水准,此时打得十分艰难,一对一单挑不一定能击败场上任何一个对手。 Two people came here special training, but World Tree attacks suddenly, was involved in them the flames of war. 两人本来在这里特训,但世界树突然来袭,将他们卷入了战火之中。 Also can support a meeting.” “还能撑一会。” Rottal mixes well the aura, the martial dao qi flame/arrogance again social climbing on, condenses in the blade place. 罗泰尔调匀气息,武道气焰再度攀附而上,在刀刃处凝聚。 Five people of internal combustion engines lock mutually, figure slightly, also sticks out suddenly suddenly, bullies the body again, but on the junction strikes outrageously, the blade light, qi flame/arrogance and mana whirlwind shoots, five streams light/only as if five silk threads, entangle one group of messes. 五人气机互相锁定,身形稍顿,又忽然同时暴起,再度欺身而上悍然交击,刀光、气焰法力飚射,五道流光仿佛五根丝线,缠成一团乱麻。 Suddenly, Rottal figure, the double dagger cuts to cut cross Light-edge, one arcane impact that crushes magic system Holy Tree Envoy. However in the light scraps/condescend of disruption, Mechanical Martialist comes suddenly, was thrown to come by mage hand unexpectedly, his mecha back part stretches out eight spider leg common machinery arthropod lances suddenly, the lance breaks open to protect body qi flame/arrogance sharp, jabs into Rottal within the body. 猛然间,罗泰尔身形一顿,双匕斩切出十字光刃,刷地一下击碎魔法系圣树使者奥术冲击。然而在碎裂的光屑中,械武者陡然现身,竟是被法师之手投掷而来,他的机甲后背猛然伸出八根蜘蛛腿一般的机械节肢长矛,矛尖破开护体气焰,刺进罗泰尔体内。 kā cā! 咔擦 The silver blade lightning flash, eight machinery arthropod lances cut off by uniformly, fracture place smooth like mirror. 银刃电闪,八根机械节肢长矛被齐刷刷砍断,断口处光滑如镜。 Rottal figure suddenly/violently to retreat, the control muscle extrudes to break in the lance point in within the body, leaves behind eight wound, this injury to him is the skin flesh wound. 罗泰尔身形暴退,操控肌肉挤压出断在体内的矛尖,留下八个浅浅的伤口,这点伤势对他而言不过是皮外伤。 However he is preparing to continue to attack, but suddenly body one stiff, the wound place exudes suddenly quiet green, originally the restoring sores flesh, started the fester suddenly. 然而他正准备继续攻击,可突然间身子一僵,伤口处猛然泛起幽绿,本来正在恢复的伤处血肉,忽然开始了溃烂。 lifeform toxin?!” 生物毒素?!” The Rottal complexion changes, looks up, sees only the break lance that was shot to be sharp, is seeping out the green liquid, he uses the microscopic vision to look, these green liquids impressively are one crowd of dark green miniature member robot, is carrying the astonishing toxin. 罗泰尔脸色一变,抬头望去,只见被弹出去的断裂矛尖,正在渗出绿色液体,他用微观视觉一看,这些绿色液体赫然是一群暗绿色微型分子机器人,携带着惊人的毒素。 The for a while nerve severe pain such as the tsunami sticks out suddenly, Rottal sense organ is suddenly confused, probably lost the control strength of body, unconsciously started to shiver, the cell in within the body was corroded by the large surface area. 一阵阵神经剧痛如海啸暴起,罗泰尔感官骤然错乱,像是失去了身体的操控力,不自觉开始颤抖起来,体内的细胞被大面积侵蚀。 The form flashes, finally that martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy taking advantage of innocence to get between the sheets, grasps a instead to regenerate the sharp blade that the alloy casts, from the cervical vertebra of back in-line Rottal, wants to pick out his entire vertebra. 身影一闪,最后那名武道系圣树使者趁虚而入,手持一柄反再生合金铸就的利刃,从背后直插罗泰尔的颈椎,想要将他的整条脊椎剔出来。 At this moment, Carotel kills from the slanting thorn, blocks this martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy, what a pity slow one step, can only make a fist loudly, tries to attack it to rescue. 就在这时,卡罗特从斜刺里杀来,阻击这个武道系圣树使者,可惜慢了一步,只能轰然打出一拳,试图攻其必救。 Trivial one does newborn Super A Grade also think......?!” “区区一个新生超A级也想……嗯?!” martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy wants to spell is being injured must turn Rottal dry/does, however in the Carotel fist approaches, intense warning sign erupts in the heart loudly! 武道系圣树使者本来想拼着受伤也要干翻罗泰尔,然而就在卡罗特拳头逼近之时,一股强烈的警兆在心头轰然爆发! Sees only Carotel whole body qi flame/arrogance such as the water flow, concentrates all in Quanfeng, strength contains not to send, the fist potential actually increases successively, hangs upside down, the stars to be stave just like the Milky Way, bursts out the unprecedented intense point. 只见卡罗特浑身气焰如水流动,尽数凝于拳锋,力量含而不发,拳势却节节攀升,宛若天河倒悬、星辰破碎,迸发出一往无前的强烈锋芒。 This flash, containing mental oscillation/fluctuation calls out such as the startling thunderclap crack! 这一刹那,含有精神波动的暴喝声如惊雷炸响! Martial God Fist · Star River Breaks!” 武神拳·星河断!” The fist prints on arm that suddenly, in martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy quickly resists, the glare bloomed suddenly, seizes presented everyone's line of sight! 拳头猛然印在武道系圣树使者急忙招架的手臂上,强光猛然绽放,夺走了在场所有人的视线! time as if framed the flash, starts flowing. 时间仿佛定格了一瞬间,才开始流动。 Moreover two Holy Tree Envoy restored the vision, quickly looks, saw only Carotel to hold Rottal to fall back on the one side, but martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy dull remain in place, is still actually maintaining the posture of resisting, did not have the following movement. 另外两个圣树使者恢复了视觉,急忙看去,只见卡罗特已经抱着罗泰尔退到了一旁,而武道系圣树使者却呆呆留在原地,依然保持着招架的姿势,却没有了接下来的动作。 However in the next moment, the body of martial dao system Holy Tree Envoy just like the porcelain to split open, withers and falls piece by piece, finally changes into the dust to disperse in star river, the vitality cuts off. 然而就在下一刻,武道系圣树使者的身体宛如瓷器开裂,片片凋落,最终化为粉尘散于星河,生机断绝。 Strikes instant kill! 一击秒杀 What move is this?!” “这是什么招数?!” two Holy Tree Envoy that only saves was startled, hardly can believe the eye of oneself, a colleague such by second. 仅存的两名圣树使者惊了,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,一位同僚就这么被秒了。 Changes into peak Super A Grade also to understand, but is this newborn Super A Grade can beat out Prestige?! 换成巅峰超A级还可以理解,可这是新生超A级打出来威能吗?! Rottal had the opportunity of respite, suppresses the toxin difficultly, sees this, can't help stared in a big way the eye slightly, „have you created that skill at martial arts?” 罗泰尔有了喘息之机,艰难压制住毒素,看到这一幕,也不禁微微瞪大了眼睛,“你已经创出了那种拳术?” ...... shouts...... does not have, I only created two type that's all, from improving Martial God Fist also early.” “呼……呼……没有,我只创造出了两式而已,距离完善武神拳还早着呢。” The Carotel consumption is really great, this fist condensed his all vigors, might far surpass his step position, at this time the whole body worn out and aching, stamina must bottom, vigor is also not even one out of ten. 卡罗特消耗甚巨,这一拳凝聚了他的所有精气神,威力远超他的阶位,此时浑身酸软,体力就要见底,气力也是十不存一 When steps into the Super A Grade domain, Carotel then had some special sensibility, had the one tentative plan, wanting self-made one to suit own martial dao school of thought, names for Martial God Fist, with this name actually not because of insolent, but contained him to own hoping, hopes that can create the Super A Grade skill at martial arts that a heifer ascends the sky. 踏入超A级领域之时,卡罗特便产生了一些特殊的感悟,有了一个设想,想要自创一门适合自身的武道流派,取名为“武神拳”,用这个名字倒不是因为张狂,而是包含了他对自身的期许,希望能创造出一门小母牛上天的超A级拳术。 These year of Carotel have been trying to find out, blends hundred managers, until now understood two type powder to incur, Prestige was very exaggerating, but consumed equally is also scary, by his Super A Grade Martial Daoist basis, just can make the appearance of 3~4 fist. 这些年卡罗特一直在摸索,融汇百家所长,到现在为止才悟出了两式散招,威能十分夸张,但消耗也一样吓人,以他超A级武道家的基底,也只不过能打出三四拳的样子。 Rottal looks the dust that the enemy corpse changes, is flabbergasted saying: Really is the fearful move, you have surpassed me.” 罗泰尔看着敌人尸首化作的粉尘,咋舌道:“真是可怕的招数,你已经超过我了。” You want to study, I can teach you ah.” “你想学吗,我可以教你。” Carotel smiles shyly. 卡罗特腼腆地笑了笑。 Two people think that is this Martial God Fist is very fierce, but if Han Xiao here, can see Martial God Fist, although very gods and ghosts, but is used unable to play such big might by others, what is truly fierce is Carotel oneself. 两人以为是这门武神拳很厉害,但若是韩萧在这里,就能看出武神拳虽然很神异,但由别人使用发挥不出这么大的威力,真正厉害的是卡罗特自己 Because creates the Martial God Fist process, is Carotel the stage that an institute studies to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, in this process, he almost can comprehend one new Specialty regularly, including three martial dao system Specialty to be extremely intrepid. 因为创造武神拳的过程,也是卡罗特将一身所学融会贯通的阶段,在这个过程中,他几乎隔三差五就能领悟一个专长,其中有三个武道系专长极其强悍。 Martial Saint's Powerful Strike When —— any martial dao skill, actual use, basic Prestige rises 80% ~ 240%! 武圣强击——任何武道技能,实际使用时,基础威能上升80%~240%! Martial God Fist Ancestor When —— you use Martial God Fist series skill, basic Prestige promotes 100% ~ 300%! 武神拳祖——当你使用“武神拳”系列技能时,基础威能提升100%~300%! One Punch Martial God When —— uses Martial God Fist each time series skill hit opponent, can trigger severely wounded determination / instant death check( success ratio to depend on the skill might, both sides level, energy level, attribute and other disparities), if determines the failure, creates 50% ~ 150% damage additionally! 一拳武神——每次使用“武神拳”系列技能命中对手时,都可以触发重伤判定/即死判定(成功率取决于技能威力,双方等级能级属性等差距),若判定失败,额外造成50%~150%伤害 The big pile of martial dao Specialty in addition hold, although Carotel is only newborn Super A Grade, explosive force is powerful inconceivable, even wants the luck to be good, the insta-death instant kill enemy also has the possibility. 有一大堆武道专长加持,卡罗特虽然只是新生超A级,爆发力却强悍得不可思议,甚至只要运气好,即死秒杀敌人也是有可能的。 pēng pēng...... 嘭嘭…… Carotel pinched the fist, looks to surprised uncertain two Holy Tree Envoy, opens the mouth to say to Rottal: I have some battlepower , to continue, do not let them run.” 卡罗特捏了捏拳头,望向惊疑不定的两名圣树使者,对身边的罗泰尔开口道:“我还剩下一些战力,继续上,别让他们跑了。” Good.” Rottal gets hold of the dagger, the look is sharp. “好。”罗泰尔握紧匕首,眼神锐利。 In many people do not have in the time of attention, Martial Daoist signboard is taking shape quietly. 在许多人没关注的时光里,武道家牌面正在悄然成型。
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