TM :: Volume #14 5.0全面战争·命运拐点!

#1416: Fierce struggle and disparity

lóng lóng—— 隆隆—— The fight of two Transcendental Grade mighty force is even more intense, rapid traverse of battlefield in the space storm, as if split up a black green two light group, each other pestered in together, is corroding space of opposite party crazily, thundering of energy concussion resounds unceasingly, bursts out glare one after another, just like destroy the heavens and extinguish the earth, looked like the world to be newborn. 两个超神级伟力的战斗越发激烈,战场在空间风暴中快速移动,仿佛分化成了一黑一绿两个光团,彼此纠缠在一起,正在疯狂侵蚀对方的空间,能量震荡的轰鸣不断响起,迸发出一轮又一轮的强光,宛如毁天灭地,又像世界初生。 endless mechanical soldier departs from Han Xiao's Divine Body Fortress, looks from afar, like continuously black smoke that Supreme Heavenly Venerate releases, changes to tens of thousands of bolts of white silk, part is similar to the whip, strikes with the World Tree root hair junctions of innumerable dance unceasingly, part emits trillion beams in the vibration, is shelling Tree God's each spot. 无穷无尽机械战兵韩萧的神体要塞中飞出,远远望去,如同至高天尊释放出来的一缕缕黑烟,化作成千上万条匹练,一部分如同鞭子,不断与无数狂舞的世界树根须交击,一部分则在抖动中放出亿万射线,轰击着树神的各个部位。 And the luminous spots of dozens dust sizes are jumping on Tree God alone, tears into shreds one after another root hair, is under Han Xiao numerous Mechanical God's Messenger, ability varies, under the Mechanical Force in addition holds, has the far surpass normal combat soldier strength, is the elite unit. 其中还有数十个尘埃大小的光点独自在树神身上跳跃着,撕碎一条又一条根须,正是韩萧麾下的众多机械神使,能力各异,在械力的加持之下,拥有远超正常战兵的实力,全都是精英单位。 Under continuous mechanical soldier piles up one on top of another, the Supreme Heavenly Venerate build as if increases without limits, but in another side, the speed of Tree God congealment World Tree root hair is also getting quicker and quicker, under numerous windings, makes his build rapidly grow, the two huge big thing increases at a rate of almost the same synchronously. 而在源源不断的机械战兵堆叠之下,至高天尊的体型仿佛无止境变大,而在另一边,树神身上凝结世界树根须的速度也越来越快,重重缠绕之下,也让他的体型飞速增长,两个庞大大物相差不多同步变大。 Hiss, big......” “嘶,好大……” Vower and Klotti are looking surprisedly two people who are in the fierce struggle. 起誓人克洛蒂惊奇地望着正在激斗的两人。 The complementary waves of Transcendental Grade fight are getting more and more violent, for two people were not involved, has drawn back far, but Han Xiao still occupied their positive/direct complete fields of vision with the Tree God's body, even cannot see the complete picture, as if extends to be the same without limits. 超神级战斗的余波越来越猛烈,两人为了不被牵连,已经退得更远了,可韩萧树神的身躯仍然占据了他们正面的全部视野,甚至看不到全貌,仿佛无止境延伸一样。 By Vower and Klotti gradation, naturally does not have megalophobia, but looks at this moment two sends out terrifying prestigious pressure immense lifeform, the heart cannot be bearing raises the lifeform instinct startled palpitates, that is regarding the indescribable fear that going beyond the understanding range has! 起誓人克洛蒂层次,自然不具备巨物恐惧症,但此时此刻看着两个举手投足间散发着恐怖威压巨大生物,心底忍不住升起生物本能的惊悸,那是对于超出理解范围存在的不可名状的恐惧! The intense dangerous feeling winds around two people heart, more looked that more thought within the body energy is unstable, the heart seems like must jump out of the throat to be the same, as if Transcendental Grade erupts the full power stance, picture that to them may not even look straight ahead! 强烈的危险感缭绕两人心头,越看越觉得体内能量不稳定,心脏像是要跳出喉咙一样,仿佛超神级爆发全力的姿态,对他们而言甚至是不可直视的画面! Does not know but from where startles intimidated is attacking the brain, making them want to put aside the vision, but the eye seemed separated from the body independently, was no longer controlled, the vision mounted firmly on two Transcendental Grade. 一波波不知从何而起的骇怖冲击着大脑,让他们想要移开目光,但眼睛仿佛脱离身体独立了一下,不再受控制,目光牢牢黏在了两个超神级身上。 Brush! 刷! At this time, burnt navy-blue nether energy Regent's Cracking Space Edge to tear into shreds the big piece space storm, held to set up in Divine Body, inserted around insightful, however set up the root hair rapid dragon knot in Divine Body, made up the wound like the stitching, simultaneously nearby the wound the one after another granulation tiny root hair grew, each other entanglement joint, then made the sores restore suddenly such as beginning. 这时,燃烧着深蓝色幽能帝王裂空刃撕碎大片空间风暴,捅进树神体内,插了个前后通透,然而树神体内的根须飞速虬结,像缝针一样补上伤口,同时伤口附近一条条肉芽般的细小根须长了出来,彼此纠缠联结,眨眼间便让伤处恢复如初。 Moreover, nether energy that the sword blade covers suction part by the Tree God body, he also has World Tree's to swallow the characteristics, any energy refuses nobody. 另外,剑刃覆盖的幽能树神身躯吸走了一部分,他同样具备世界树的吞噬特性,任何能量都来者不拒 Meanwhile, Regent's Cracking Space Edge spreads in the cutting mark that in the space storm leaves behind rapidly, changes to the one space opening all of a sudden, ripped open a channel to some Secondary Dimension. 与此同时,帝王裂空刃空间风暴中留下的斩痕飞速蔓延,一下子化作一个空间豁口,撕开了一条通往某个次级维度的通道。 However two people had not only been drawn by the Secondary Dimension attraction, instead is the counterpull that the body carries, this Secondary Dimension pulling, the internal material is flowing, spurts along the space crevice in a steady stream violently, sprinkles in two people, sprinkles in the battlefield. 然而两人不仅没有被次级维度的吸引力拉进去,反而是身上携带的反引力,将这个次级维度给扯了出来,内部物质一泻千里,沿着空间裂隙源源激喷而出,洒在两人身上,洒在战场之中。 This, looked like the one external skin to break the hole fruit, was grasped firmly stubbornly, wants to push completely inside fruit juice and fruit pulp following the pinhole, turned into beach everything in disorder mixture. 这一幕,就像是一个表皮破了个洞的水果,被死死攥住,想把里面的果汁、果肉顺着小洞全部挤出来,变成一滩乱七八糟的混合物。 shuā shuā shuā —— 刷刷刷—— Cutting of Han Xiao each blade cuts the path, will rip open the one space crevice, to different Secondary Dimension, in the quick battlefield then had/left many space channels bright with many colors, innumerable Secondary Dimension spurts here violently, projects the one after another marterial current, various types of strange things sprinkled all over the sky, wraps various grotesque lifeform, made into the fragment powder in the complementary waves, integrates in energy storm that two people fight. 韩萧每一刀的斩切轨迹,都会撕开一个空间裂隙,通往不同的次级维度,很快战场中便多出了许多五光十色的空间通道,数不清的次级维度在这里激喷,射出一道道物质流,各种奇奇怪怪的东西洒了满天,其中还包裹各种奇形怪状的生物,在余波中被打成齑粉,融入两人交手的能量风暴之中。 Looks to the interior of these space channels, can see these Secondary Dimension to get down in rapid shriveled, probably the body pulled out spatially. 望向这些空间通道的内部,可以看见这些次级维度正在迅速干瘪下去,好像身体被掏空。 Such fight momentum, has exceeded the Super A Grade ability range, although their fight complementary waves can also scrap Secondary Dimension, but Super A Grade by a side of Secondary Dimension inspiration, was destroyed Secondary Dimension from the interior, but Transcendental Grade by own attraction, not only makes Secondary Dimension attract also attracts motionless, but can also pull out Secondary Dimension reverse intestines. 这样的战斗声势,已然超过了超A级能力范围,虽然他们的战斗余波也能炸碎次级维度,但超A级是被次级维度吸入的一方,从内部破坏次级维度,而超神级凭借自身的引力,不仅让次级维度吸也吸不动,还能反向掏出次级维度的“肠子”。 Tree God has carried the Han Xiao's offensive hardly, the root hair rolls up and pushes along, endless the strength of release of World Tree, is nearly billowing just like green flood, an attack and defense body, the wondrous use is infinite, and invaded this region, making space also catch the indistinct green light. 树神一直硬扛着韩萧的攻势,根须卷动间,近乎无尽世界树之力释放而出,宛如绿滔滚滚,攻防一体,妙用无穷,并侵染了这片区域,让空间也染上了隐约的绿光。 Ding! 叮! At this moment, is centered on Tree God, emits piece of special space oscillation/fluctuation suddenly , one layer green world False Shadow as if overlaps with this region, spreads the shallow green ray continuously, rapidly completed taking root. 就在这时,以树神为中心,忽然放出一片特异的空间波动,紧接着,一层绿色的世界虚影仿佛与这片区域重叠,扩散出源源不绝的浅绿色光芒,迅速完成了“扎根”。 the next moment, Han Xiao felt suddenly the for a while strong binding force, own strength was suppressed part inexplicably, not only the Supreme Heavenly Venerate movement slows down, Prestige of all Mechanical Section teams also slide synchronously. But Tree God's strength rises in turn, and can free teleport go through in this region, the mobility rises suddenly immediately. 下一刻,韩萧陡然感到一阵强大的束缚力,自身的力量被莫名压制了一部分,不仅至高天尊动作变慢,所有机械部队的威能也同步下滑。而树神的力量则反过来上升,并且在这片区域中可以自由瞬移穿行,机动性立刻暴涨。 Seemingly is the dimension projection......” “貌似是维度投影……” Looked at one, Han Xiao identified this piece of green world False Shadow is anything, can't help moves at heart. 看了一眼,韩萧就辨认出了这片绿色世界虚影是什么东西,不禁心里一动。 Transcendental Grade in within the body formation inner space, in cosmos, his within the body then was born second Void Dimension, but sets up in Divine Body should also to have in dimension of one bringing. 超神级已经在体内形成内空间、内宇宙,他体内便诞生了第二虚空维度,而树神体内应该也有一个自带的内维度。 At present this, should opens inner space, in summon dimension projection descent, changes the region in outside the body certain range makes the environment of dimension, formation own domain, gains the home advantage by this, promoting oneself, to suppress the opponent. 眼前这一幕,应该就是张开内空间,召唤维度投影降临,将体外一定范围的区域变作内维度的环境,形成自身的领域,以此获取主场优势,提升自己、压制对手。 And this domain moves with oneself together, even the battlefield position shifts unceasingly, is still not affected. 并且这个领域随着自身一起移动,即使战场位置不断转移,也不受影响。 The Han Xiao heart moves, rouses the Void Dimension consciousness in within the body, follows the example to summon the inner space projection, in piece of hazy Glittering the domain of blue electric light is revolving immediately opening, all of a sudden the Tree God's green domain pushing. 韩萧心头一动,勾动体内的虚空维度意识,有样学样召唤内空间投影,一片灰蒙蒙闪耀蓝色电光的领域顿时旋转着张开,一下子将树神的绿色领域给挤开。 The negative impact that Tree God Domain brings vanishes immediately, Han Xiao not only returned to normal, but also feels the immense increase that the domain brought, but also the domain of whole body moves along with the intention, looks like one new sense organ. 树神领域带来的负面影响顿时消失,韩萧不仅恢复了正常,还感受到了领域带来的巨大增幅,而且周身的领域随心意而动,就像是一个新的感官 In the space storm, grey-blue and green corrode mutually, Void Domain and Tree God Domain distinguish right from wrong, Han Xiao did not have the careful taste, then felt the pressure that the domain bears, can't help expanded the vigor investment. 空间风暴中,灰蓝色绿色互相侵蚀,虚空领域树神领域泾渭分明,韩萧还没有细细品味,便感到了领域承受的压力,不禁加大了气力投入。 Buzz —— —— Sees only Void Domain to expand immediately outward, extruded slightly Tree God Domain, simultaneously Han Xiao detected keenly, a oneself domain increase grew stronger point, but Tree God Domain weakened a point. 只见虚空领域立马向外扩张,将树神领域挤压得又小了一圈,同时韩萧敏锐察觉到,自身领域的增幅变强了一点,而树神领域则变弱了一分。 inner space is released externally conducts the test of strength, originally this is the normal style of Transcendental Grade fight......” 内空间外放进行角力吗,原来这才是超神级战斗的正常画风……” The Han Xiao look flashes, flashes through wipes to secretly rejoice. 韩萧眼神闪动,闪过一抹暗喜。 These years he tries to find out Transcendental Grade strength, although some harvests, but does not have the same level opponent after all, object who also has not profited from, but this time Tree God is incomplete, may regarding the utilization of Transcendental Grade method be very adept, gives him to inspire sufficiently much, imitates the skill of opposite party. 这些年他自行摸索超神级力量,虽然有些收获,但毕竟没有同级对手,也没有借鉴的对象,而此时的树神虽然不完整,可对于超神级手段的运用还是挺娴熟的,足以给他不少启发,模仿对方的技巧。 Only is the Transcendental Grade individual that and one knows the business fights, to him then has many advantage. 光是和一个懂行的超神级个体交手,对他而言便有不少的好处。 The Han Xiao mind moves, starts Virtual World Creation, various materials in Divine Body Fortress consumes rapidly, suddenly, an ultra giant-scale solid gun is reappearing suddenly behind, the caliber was almost the size of asteroid, the muzzle such as the jet black abyss is too deep to see the bottom generally. 韩萧心神一动,发动虚拟创世,神体要塞内的各种材料飞速消耗,眨眼间,一门超巨型实弹炮陡然在身后浮现,口径几乎达到了小行星的大小,炮口如漆黑的深渊一般深不见底。 This build Grand Artillery is the interstellar large building project, the building words, need to spend many time, but by Virtual World Creation( false)】, Can make suddenly, the efficiency promoted innumerable times. 这种体型的巨炮已经属于星际巨构工程了,正在打造的话,需要花费不少时间,但凭借【虚拟创世(伪)】,瞬息间就能造出来,效率提升了无数倍。 It looks like in Han Xiao, most major characteristics of this ability in fight, is change according to the situation and acting as circumstances permit, according to the battlefield situation, is on site different device that causes oneself to need, even if did not have the preparation is also indifferent before. 韩萧看来,这个能力在战斗中的最大特点,就是随机应变、因地制宜,根据战场形势,临场弄出自己需要的不同装置,哪怕之前没有准备也无所谓。 Even if Mechanic has inside information again, does not dare saying that the oneself family property can adapt to all aspects, for example this type of build solid gun, he will usually not idle is all right to build, now discovered that Tree God's energy resistance a little abnormal, happen to had the demand, gathers directly with Virtual World Creation, will facilitate...... after temporary creation will vanish will not return the material quickly, basic no shortcoming. 即便机械师再有底蕴,也不敢说自己的家底能适应一切局面,比如这种体型的实弹炮,他平时不会闲得没事打造,现在发现树神的能量抗性有点变态,正好有了需求,直接用虚拟创世合出来,方便快捷……除了临时造物消失后不会返还材料以外,基本没有什么缺点了。 wēng wēng wēng —— 嗡嗡嗡—— The energy of rushing stores up in the gun tube, the glare explodes flashes, a giant-scale projectile of planet size sprays loudly, is carrying the immense kinetic energy, cracked-up the Tree God's chest and belly loudly, deeply inlaid, root hair everywhere that disrupts dances in the air. 澎湃的能量在炮管中蓄积,强光爆闪,一枚行星大小的巨型弹丸轰然喷射而出,携带着巨大的动能,轰然撞碎了树神的胸腹,深深嵌了进去,大片大片碎裂的根须漫天飞舞。 the next moment, the glare almost flashes the eye of blind Vower and Klotti, sees only the projectile to rupture loudly, explodes two sections Tree God instantaneously around the middle, has the bomb fragment lasing that Magnetic Force accelerates innumerably, cuts the inadequate shape the Tree God's two pieces of bodies, tattered and torn. 下一刻,强光差点闪瞎起誓人克洛蒂的眼睛,只见弹丸轰然爆裂,瞬间将树神拦腰炸成两截,无数带有磁力加速的炸弹碎块激射而出,将树神的两片身体切割得不成形状,千疮百孔。 Han Xiao is preparing to pursue, however in this moment, the Tree God's body the rapid reduction, is transferred by the reality suddenly empty, integrates in a World Tree root hair, vanished in directly same place. 韩萧正准备追击,然而就在这一刻,树神的身体蓦然间飞速缩小,由实转虚,融入一条世界树根须之中,直接消失在了原地。 Projects on half, how did this run?” “才打到一半,怎么这就跑了?” Han Xiao cut to break to pieces this World Tree root hair, actually no induced to the Tree God's energy, simultaneously the domain of opposite party also vanished together, he somewhat was immediately clear. 韩萧斩碎了这条世界树根须,却没有感应到树神的能量,同时对方的领域也一起消失了,他顿时有些明白了。 Tree God Domain also equivalent to World Tree's taking root region, therefore has the joint with the World Tree area, delegate Tree God can in any one corner that any place direct teleport returns to one's old home, from this perspective, has the Sovereign transfer style actually very much. 树神领域相当于世界树的“扎根”区域,所以与世界树疆域存在联结,代表树神可以在任何地方直接瞬移回老家的任何一个角落,从这个方面来讲,倒是很有皇者传送的风范。 Meat forget about it, but can also run...... Tch, this is certainly imitating me!” “肉就算了,还这么能跑……,这一定是在模仿我吧!” Han Xiao knew in the heart that Tree God was expelled by oneself, shakes the head secretly. 韩萧心知树神自己打跑了,暗暗摇头。 Mainly is Tree God's appears somewhat is to him sudden, no preparation, but the seal Secret Tree King, has completed target of trip . Moreover the accident/surprise opened World Tree's another card in hand, oneself does not owe. 主要是树神的出现对他而言有些突然,没有什么准备,不过封印了秘树王,已经完成了此行的目标,而且还意外揭开了世界树的又一张底牌,自己也不亏。 moreover, by Tree God's tankiness, oneself before grasping information state strikes to kill the strength, perhaps has no way to kill this fellow. 况且,以树神的肉度,自己在掌握信息态击杀力之前,恐怕都没法弄死这家伙。 However speaking of which, this Tree God had not attacked him in information state gradation a moment ago, what Conditions of Use has, said that incomplete edition Tree God does have more than enough this move? 不过说起来,这个树神刚才怎么没在信息态层次攻击他呢,是有什么使用条件,还是说“残缺”版本的树神用不了这招? Although this what Tree God seemingly is not my opponent, but has to strike to kill information state ability doubtful, needs to process discretely......, moreover through this event, my battlepower exposed, that side World Tree does not know that is anything responded, but must need further consideration.” “虽然这个什么树神貌似不是我的对手,不过疑似具备击杀信息态能力,需要谨慎处理……而且经此一役,我的战力暴露了,世界树那边不知道是什么反应,还得从长计议。” Han Xiao hesitates secretly. 韩萧暗暗沉吟。 He calms down, turned on the panel to take a look at one, the look was somewhat strange. 他定了定神,紧接着打开面板瞅了一眼,神色有些怪异。 didn't think, this can also trigger quest, I also think Challenge Quest highest until Super A Grade, challenges Super A Grade to be excusable after all, lets player challenges Transcendental Grade...... such marvel, a success ratio does not have, will also trigger quest unexpectedly.” “不过没想到,这样也能触发任务,我还以为挑战任务最高直到超A级,毕竟挑战超A级还情有可原,让玩家去挑战超神级……这么奇葩的吗,一点成功率都没有,竟然也会触发任务。” At this time, Vower and Klotti of distant place until this time, the tight body relaxed, a hands and feet icy coldness, the heart is still beating fiercely. 此时,远方的起誓人克洛蒂直到这个时候,紧绷的身子才松弛了下来,手脚一片冰凉,心脏还在剧烈跳动。 Although the fight had ended, when two Transcendental Grade fights just now fearful prestigious pressure, the deep brand mark in two people memories, the like a ordinary person had ridden no use of small boat in howling winds and torrential rains, that type from indescribable terrifying of instinct, the lingering heart, deep impression, is still not able to obliterate. 虽然战斗已经结束了,但适才两个超神级交手时的可怕威压,已经深深烙印在了两人的记忆之中,如同一个普通人乘坐小舟处在狂风暴雨中的无助,那种发自本能的不可名状的恐怖,仍然萦绕心头,印象深刻,无法磨灭。 didn't think will also be afraid my rank power user like this, the life gradation disparity was too big, this is Transcendental Grade......” 没想到连我这种级别超能者也会这样害怕,生命层次的差距太大了,这就是超神级吗……” Vower scratches the cold sweat that did not have. 起誓人擦了擦不存在的冷汗。 At this moment, he felt suddenly, makes little bro very well seemingly also...... 这一刻,他忽然觉得,做个小弟貌似也挺好的……
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