TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1186: Martial Daoist: Now in eye class/flow tears, it's all water in my mind when I chose a profession

Various great guild alliances built massive footholds in Milton Star, may have the one nominal main base, generally the default is the first construction foothold, is the same in the rules and other bases, and has no special significance, but looks like in player is actually the one symbol, is similar existence in main city. 大公会联盟在米尔顿星建立了大量据点,可都有一个名义上的主基地,一般默认为第一个建造的据点,在规则上和其他基地一样,并没有什么特殊意义,但在玩家看来却是一个象征,类似于主城的存在。 Dragon Soaring Hill, this is the encirclement in the Yan-Huang Alliance main base hilly area, is vast, did not have the name, after Yan-Huang Alliance occupies this place, names. 龙腾之丘,这是环绕在炎黄联盟主基地的丘陵地区,面积辽阔,本来没有名字,炎黄联盟占据此地后为之命名。 On this day of battle, Milton Star presented the every large or small several hundred over a thousand battlefields, basically is the conflict regions between footholds, but most noted Dragon Soaring Hill. The reason was the Anti-Black Star battleline guild alliance the main force arrangement here, planned that with the aid of the potential of encirclement, is fighting the first day to capture the Yan-Huang Alliance main base, asked for a grand opening. But Yan-Huang Alliance does not show weakness, similarly places this place the main force, did met the approaching enemy the preparation fully, decided to fight a tough battle. 在开战的这一天,米尔顿星出现了大大小小数百上千个战场,基本都是据点之间的冲突地带,而其中最受瞩目的正是龙腾之丘。原因是反黑星战线公会联盟把主力布置在了这里,打算借助合围之势,在大战第一天就拔掉炎黄联盟的主基地,讨个开门红。而炎黄联盟也不示弱,同样将主力放在此地,做足了迎击准备,决定打一场硬仗。 At this moment, both sides faction near whatever happens|10 million player gathers at Dragon Soaring Hill, is ready to fight and be ready to make trouble. A large area of army made this hill turn into a piece of colorful vastness, one after another player troop constantly adjusted position, overlooked the picture to just like the wave to whirl around, making one be awed at the sight. 此时此刻,双方阵营千万玩家聚集在龙腾之丘,摩拳擦掌、蠢蠢欲动。大面积的军阵让这片丘陵变成了一片五颜六色的汪洋,一支支玩家部队不断调整位置,俯瞰画面犹如波浪翻卷,让人望之生畏。 The disorderly color originates from Anti-Black Star battleline troop, equipment is various. But the Yan-Huang Alliance troops wear legion standard mecha, is black and silver, is very neat, externally like difference of irregular troops and regular army. 杂乱的颜色来源于反黑星战线部队,身上的装备各不相同。而炎黄联盟的人马身穿军团制式机甲,又黑又银,十分整齐,外观上就像杂牌军与正规军队的区别。 Pan-Business Union and other guild the troops arranged in eastern, southern and northwest three directions, prepared three attacks, but Yan-Huang Alliance troop presented the ring-like battle formation, surrounded and protected the main base, among army of both sides was away from a broad intermediate area, as if line between rival territories was ordinary, distinguishes right from wrong. 泛商联公会的人马布置在了东、南、西北三个方向,准备三面进攻,而炎黄联盟部队则呈现环形阵势,拱卫主基地,双方的军阵之间隔着一条宽阔的缓冲地带,仿佛楚河汉界一般,泾渭分明。 Main base operational control room, battlefield three dimensional satellite map float in room center. 主基地的作战监控室,战场的三维卫星地图悬浮在房间中央。 Holds the post of the Morning Snow Twilight Frost tightly staring map of operational main direction, the mouth non-stop issuing the one after another order, more than ten army divisions put forward the proposal occasionally, nearby one group of assistants were responsible for passing to the subordinate to direct there the order. 担任作战主指挥的朝雪暮霜紧紧盯着地图,嘴里不停发出一条条命令,身边十几位军师团偶尔提出建议,旁边的一堆助手则负责把命令传到下级指挥那里。 The battlefield is broad in scale, the great legion combat inevitably is the main fight method, the crowded wave rushes delivers the vegetable/dish absolutely, therefore directs system to be especially important. 战场规模宏大,大军团作战必然是主要的战斗手段,乌泱泱一波冲上去绝对是送菜,所以指挥体系尤其重要。 In order to prevent Electromagnetic and virtual disturbance and other factors caused front troop unable to receive the order, therefore the two sides chose the chat channel of panel bringing as issuing the channel of order as if by prior agreement, has maintained communication status 为了防止电磁虚拟干扰等因素导致前方部队无法收到命令,所以两边都不约而同选择了面板自带的聊天频道作为下达命令的渠道,一直保持通讯状态 The main direction plans the overall situation, is responsible for analyzing the situation with the army division together, but the order was issued various person responsible high tier commander by the command room transmitting orders officer point-to-point. The high tier direction according to the instruction and frontline condition, adjusts the concrete tactic flexibly, issues the intermediate direction that governs. The intermediate direction through the team channel, the transmission of order to subordinate basic unit squad team leader, will place basic unit squad leader of forefront to shout propaganda in team finally directly, leading the team member to carry out the tactical order. 主指挥统筹全局,负责和军师团一起分析局势,而命令由指挥室的传令官点对点发给各人负责的高层指挥官高层指挥则根据指示与前线状况,灵活调整具体战术,发给辖下的中级指挥。中级指挥则通过队伍频道,将命令传达给麾下的基层小队队长,最后身处最前线的基层小队长则直接在队里喊话,带着队员执行战术命令。 Directs system level by level to divide, the two sides are only commander at all levels have the more than 100,000 person, basic unit team leader occupied the big end. 指挥体系一级级划分下去,两边光是各级指挥官就有十多万人,其中基层队长占了大头。 This set of flow is seemingly tedious, because the chat channel was not away from limits, in addition performs its own functions, the complete set walks to be quick. 这一套流程看似繁琐,但因为聊天频道不受距离限制,再加上各司其职,全套走下来是很快的。 If treats as a body all troop, then the main direction and high tier direction are the brains, is responsible for giving orders, but mid tier and basic unit direction is the neural network, being responsible for lets the body according to the instruction of brain. But such a set of neural network is quite keen, to this body brought good reversal of stress. 若是将所有部队当作一具身体,那么主指挥、高层指挥是大脑,负责发号施令,而中层、基层指挥则是神经网络,负责让身体按照大脑的指示动起来。而这样一套神经网络颇为敏锐,给这具“身体”带来了不俗的“反应力”。 „...... The arrangement basically handled, from making war also how many time?” “……布置基本搞定了,距离开战还有多少时间?” Morning Snow Twilight Frost issued a series of orders, reads on the real-time map troop to start to adjust the position, stretch/leisurely one breath, turned the head to look gently to Unhurriedly Clear Sky of army division. 朝雪暮霜发布了一连串命令,看着实时地图上己方部队开始调整站位,轻轻舒了一口气,转头望向军师团的碧空悠悠 6 minutes and 11 seconds.” “还有六分十一秒。” Was similar, informs various troop preheating weapons, the base and frontline has the shield, when three minutes, let select on magician troop of enchant school of thought the increase, had the hormone and strengthen medicament cracked with the teeth.” “差不多了,通知各部队预热武器,基地和前线都起盾吧,在三分钟的时候,让点了附魔学派的法师部队上增幅,有激素和强化药剂的都嗑起来。” Order quick issue, sees only thick light blue energy barrier to raise in all around, covers the main base. 命令很快发布下去,只见一圈厚实的淡蓝色能量护罩在四周升起,将主基地笼罩起来。 The magician team of frontline full-time defense soon starts to give troop all around to brush barrier and increase spell, shouldered Martial Daoist troop of charge responsibility also to start to inject the hormone and substance abuse. These additions have the time limit, presses is making war time to be able the benefit maximization. 前线专职防御的法师队很快开始给周遭的部队护盾和增幅法术,肩负着冲锋职责的武道家部队也开始注射激素和嗑药了。这些加成都有时限,压着开战时间才能效益最大化。 The Anti-Black Star battleline troops are also the similar approach, for a moment two sides shining, probably lights the fireworks to be the same on the competition. 反黑星战线的人马也是同样的做法,一时间两边流光溢彩,像是在比赛放烟花一样。 Final three minutes of every second feels like a year, player on the scene is all excited and anxious, holds the breath congealing shen, in the silent battlefield is filling the atmosphere of withering. 最后的三分钟度秒如年,在场玩家无不又兴奋又紧张,屏息凝神,寂静的战场上弥漫着肃杀的气氛。 Second several increase little, is arriving at the peak time, suddenly nulling operation. 秒数位一点点增加,在到达顶峰的时间,忽然归零。 On!” “上!” In this flash, the land vibrates suddenly! 就在这一瞬间,大地猛然震动起来! Some time ago the peaceful battlefield instantaneous war cry was shocking, the fight erupted loudly! 不久前还安静的战场瞬间喊杀声震天,战斗轰然爆发! Sees only two static sea to transform into the tsunami of roaring suddenly, hōng lóng lóng sweeps across, all over, vast, is mighty, unprecedented! 只见两片静止的海洋骤然转变为咆哮的海啸,轰隆隆席卷而出,漫山遍野,一望无际,气势恢弘,一往无前! In an instant, the crowded energy beam composed in the intermediate area interlocked the light net vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, batches of player fell on the road of charge, is going against ranged attack of opposite party, black and varicolored mighty current approaches rapidly, bumped into loudly! 刹那间,密集的能量射线在缓冲地带组成了交错纵横的光网,一批批玩家倒在冲锋的路上,顶着对方的远程攻击,黑色与杂色的洪流迅速逼近,轰然相撞! pēng pēng pēng pēng!! 嘭嘭嘭嘭!! A series of explosions leave behind the one after another fissure and gulf in the land, Dragon Soaring Hill becomes instantaneously damaged. 一连串的爆炸在大地上留下一道道裂痕与深坑,龙腾之丘瞬间变得破碎不堪。 herald troop of both sides just like shearing wheat general huā lā la drops down, among such a blink, countless mechanical soldier and martial dao system and melee ability system player then dies a violent death at the scene, frigid incomparable! 双方的先锋部队宛如割麦子一般哗啦啦倒下,就这么一眨眼间,不计其数的机械战兵武道系近战异能系玩家便当场暴毙,惨烈无比! This is not individual stage, no matter how fierce player, so long as is separated from large troop, was basically flickered a second of fate, no operates space, performing its own functions sticking together is the only choice. 这不是个人的舞台,不管是多么厉害的玩家,只要脱离大部队,基本都是被瞬秒的下场,没什么操作空间,各司其职抱团是唯一的选择。 C5 and D2 region cuts away Psychic troop quickly! Their AOE is too fierce, barrier value quickly to warning line!” “C5和D2区域赶快切掉念力师部队!他们AOE太猛,护盾值快到警戒线了!” „The Defense School magician brigade brushes arcane to protect oneself with Mental Resist Spell, fire magic, poison magic and lightning magic to give me to Martial Daoist to light the fireworks repeatedly toward the crowd, pounds his him! The earth magic shop trap, do not follow especially blindly output, Summoner draws the baby a bit faster...... the B2 region's fine law brigade, leaked the person, quickly controlled!” 防御学派法师大队给武道家重复刷奥术护身和精抗术,火法毒法电法给我往人堆里放烟花,砸他丫的!地法铺陷阱,特么别瞎跟着输出,召唤师快点拉宝宝……B2区域的精法大队呢,漏人了,赶快控住!” A1, A4, B2, B6, C1 and Mechanic of D1 region removed the trap quickly, D9 artillery battery is destroyed, quickly repair. Legion Class and Mechanical Martialist continue to charge, Gunner output do not stop, the point holds opposite Psychic and Mage, the virtual branch doing opposite party gunboat, armament and energy branch on heavy weapon , to continue covering fire, faces Martial Daoist!” “A1、A4、B2、B6、C1、D1区域的机械师赶快拆陷阱,D9的炮台被打坏了,快去修军团流械武者继续冲锋,枪炮师输出不要停,点操对面的念力师魔法师,虚拟分支的搞对方炮舰,武装能量分支的上重武器,继续火力覆盖,就打对面武道家!” Psychic centralized second of opposite Mechanic, is saving blue...... fuck me nice, had/left mental explosion! Opposite but actually a piece!” 念力师集中秒对面机械师,省着点蓝……卧槽nice,出精暴了!对面倒了一片!” „It is not ability user of melee department do not flush, pounded then it will be alright in behind, outburnt blue bar to remove to make up the demon...... my fucking to say do not flush upward, when the cannon fodder was the Martial Daoist work! Snatches NM?!” “不是近战系的异能者别冲,在后面砸就行了,烧完蓝条就撤回来补魔……我TM说了别往上冲,当炮灰是武道家的活儿!抢NM呢?!” Martial Daoist of Area computer graphics dies slowly! Resurrected to continue to shoulder the line, what rubbed gently?!” C2武道家死慢点!复活了就继续回去扛线,磨蹭什么?!” The war will then turn the superheating shortly, in the chat channel is dynamic, the direction roars at all levels must get flushed in the face with anger. 战局顷刻间便进入白热化,聊天频道里激情四射,各级指挥吼得脸红脖子粗。 Five profession system player performs its own functions, Psychic is responsible for AOE and exerts negative status in mental aspect, ability user according to own ability is responsible for different Intelligence, Mage according to majoring in the school of thought shoulders the increase and melee, long-distance, unfold to the field and other functions. 五个职业体系玩家各司其职,念力师负责AOE和施加精神方面的负面状态,异能者根据自身能力负责不同的智能,魔法师根据主修的学派肩负起增幅、近战、远程、铺场等职能。 Most miserable is Martial Daoist, can only charge to work as the cannon fodder in front, will shoulder the line —— as the saying goes words with fleshly being, reversal of the wheel of fortune, next year arrives at you to be miserable, earlier Martial Daoist will have the multi- scenery to be strong, had small and weakly at this time no use. 悲催的属武道家,只能在前头冲锋当炮灰,用肉身去扛线——俗话说的话,风水轮流转,明年到你惨,前期武道家有多风光强势,在这个时候就有多弱小无助。 martial dao system is civilian profession, the merit is to begin the difficulty after all is low, hits handsome, duel is good. 武道系毕竟是个平民职业,优点是上手难度低,打起来帅气,单挑还不错。 May in this big battlefield, everyone catch Martial Daoist to kill, wants to end opposite Martial Daoist resurrecting number of times clear, making the opposite lose shoulders the line troop. In this case, the Martial Daoist dying in battle rate/lead was far higher than other four profession, this fig leaf also resulted including handsome, whose death shape simply is disputing to be gaudier. 可在这种大战场,大家逮着武道家杀,都想清完对面武道家的复活次数,让对面失去扛线的部队。这种情况下,武道家的阵亡率远高于其他四个职业,连“帅气”这个遮羞布也么得了,简直是在较量谁的死状更花里胡哨。 Moreover, Martial Daoist including a side occupation not to have, even if does the logistics to move bricks still no one to want, various efficiency might as well construction classes machinery device. 而且,武道家连一点副业都没有,就算去干后勤搬砖也没人要,效率还不如各种建造类的机械装置 At this moment, in thought astonishing similar that in numerous Martial Daoist mind appears. 此时此刻,在众多武道家脑海里浮现的念头惊人的相似。 —— your uncle, this can profession also play?! ——大爷的,这职业还能玩?! But earlier weak Mechanic shines the brilliance in the campaign greatly, may be called in the battlefield busiest profession, the fight and logistics one grasps, can shoulder to be able output, can select to kill to be able the group to kill, can maintenance be able to produce, the function is not substitutable, became the sweetie pie. 而前期弱势的机械师则在战役中大放光彩,堪称战场上最忙的职业,战斗、后勤一把抓,能扛线能输出,能点杀能群杀,能维修能生产,作用无可代替,成了香饽饽。 Because the Mechanic's important strategy function, Yan-Huang Alliance had the advantage, because of the relations of faction benefits, in the player community sharpest Mechanic in Black Star Legion, basically is Yan-Huang Alliance member. 正因为机械师的重大战略作用,炎黄联盟有了优势,因为阵营福利的关系,玩家群体中最精锐的机械师都在黑星军团,基本都是炎黄联盟成员 troop of both sides slaughters in three directions, black and varicolored army jig-saw patterned, slaughter continuous. As fights for one minute/share one second to conduct, the war had the change gradually, Yan-Huang Alliance slightly was in the upper hand, gradually is expanding the advantage. 双方的部队在三个方向厮杀,黑色与杂色的军阵犬牙交错,厮杀不休。随着战斗一分一秒进行,战局渐渐有了变化,炎黄联盟略占上风,正在逐渐扩大优势。 high-end pro player has the club resources centralism treatment, the disparity will not be obvious, however in player overall strength, Yan-Huang Alliance and Anti-Black Star battleline spread out. 高端职业选手都有俱乐部的资源集中待遇,差距不会太明显,但是在玩家整体实力方面,炎黄联盟反黑星战线拉开了距离。 The Black Star Legion integration Huaxia (China) player, omitted player to transform the resource of faction early unceasingly, moreover once for a while sends the faction benefits, development has the planning, wins these first three editions mingle among different faction wild player. 黑星军团早早统合了华夏玩家,省去了玩家不断转换阵营的资源浪费,而且还时不时发阵营福利,发育更有规划性,完胜那些前三个版本混迹于不同阵营的“野生”玩家 Third, four editions get down, compared with, the Yan-Huang Alliance player whole is obviously slightly better on skill and equipment. 三、四个版本下来,相比,炎黄联盟玩家整体在技能装备上明显略胜一筹。 Moreover copy mainline that Han Xiao settles accounts ahead of time, making legion player have a fund and experience, the one or two person could not have looked at anything, may then many 'small' can suddenly become 'big' in the battlefield of this 10 million grade scale, the advantage then even more expand. 而且韩萧提前结算的仿造主线,让军团玩家多出了一笔资金与经验,一个两个人还看不出来什么,可在这种千万级规模的战场上便积少成多,优势便越发扩大了。 Died in battle the number of times to count!” “阵亡次数统计出来了!” In main base command room, giving orders Morning Snow Twilight Frost received Intelligence statistics, immediately look one bright. 主基地指挥室中,正在发号施令的朝雪暮霜收到了一则智能统计数据,顿时眼神一亮。 Enemy died in battle the number of times on average 0.742, we are 0.631, attractive!” “敌军平均阵亡次数0.742,我方是0.631,漂亮!” The army division on the scene looks the happy expression in abundance. 在场的军师团纷纷面露喜色。 The meaning of this/should data is the enemy and ourselves single player's average death number of times, do not look at the disparity, only then 0.111, in the battlefield of this 10 million grade scale, were equal to that were less than the 500,000 time the opposite party! 该数据的含义是敌我单个玩家的平均死亡次数,别看差距只有0.111,在这种千万级规模的战场,就等于比对方少死了五十万次! In six days, only then ten resurrecting, use up ahead of time are equal to being eliminated, today is the first day of battle, opposite party's bottom line estimate is 1.8 to 2.2, but their herald troop death number of times is higher than the overall mean value, to 1.2, quick must unable to shoulder!” “六天内只有十次复活,提前用完就等于出局,今天是开战的第一天,对方的底线估计是1.8到2.2之间,而他们的先锋部队死亡次数比整体平均值更高,都到1.2了,很快就要扛不住了!” The Morning Snow Twilight Frost eye narrows the eyes, said solemnly: 朝雪暮霜眼睛一眯,沉声道: Invests 50 Felling Faction, listening to me to order to one wave!” “投入五十陷阵营,听我命令冲一波!” Because does not hit NPC, the two sides have not conducted the large-scale suicide attack, everyone can resurrect repeatedly, using will not be good instead possibly to lose money. 因为不是打NPC,两边没有进行大规模自杀式袭击,大家都能多次复活,使用不好反而可能会亏本。 When Yan-Huang Alliance prepares stored up massive evolution badge, the 50 Felling Faction grand total is the 40,000 person, converts to be equal to about 0.01 average death number of times. Currently superior immense, completely has the capital to one, does not rush is killing the enemy to go, but cuts opposite party vanguard troop using distortion body high tankiness and high melee addition, lets the following damage dealer focus fire second of person, and confuses the formation of opposite party. 炎黄联盟备战时囤积了大量进化徽章,五十陷阵营总计为四万人,换算一下等于0.01左右的平均死亡次数。现在优势巨大,完全有资本冲一手,不是奔着杀敌而去,而是利用畸变体的高肉度和高近战加成切割对方前锋部队,让后面的输出手集火秒人,并搅乱对方的阵型。 The transmission of order, saw only special troop to kill the frontline under about asylum, the ray flashed, the build inflated in abundance, one after another changed to distortion body, killed in the enemy ranks fierce, just like the hot blade to cut the butter, irresistible! 命令传达下去,只见一支特殊的部队在左右庇护之下杀进了前线,光芒一闪,体型纷纷膨胀,接二连三化作畸变体,凶猛杀进敌阵之中,犹如热刀切黄油,势不可挡! A 40,000 in addition held the defense and increase spell monster to batter in the enemy pile, divided the one after another region instantaneously, the teams of enemy Martial Daoist isolation came out, by output beat until crippled or dead that Yan-Huang Alliance threw, passed away at the scene. 四万头加持了防御、增幅法术的怪物在敌人堆里横冲直撞,瞬间分割了一片片区域,一队队敌方武道家孤立出来,被炎黄联盟扔过来的输出打死打残,当场去世。 The evolution badge violence obtains all player's to approve, 40,000 distortion body simultaneous/uniform to rush, the Anti-Black Star battleline command and adjustment was disrupted a small meeting. 进化徽章的暴力早已得到所有玩家的认同,四万畸变体齐冲,反黑星战线的指挥调度被打乱了一小会。 They spent many time to kill these distortion body focus fire, the created confusion directly caused the Anti-Black Star battleline average death number of times to rise 0.018, died about the hundred thousand strip life, the disparity further expanded, especially Martial Daoist troop lost seriously. 他们花了不少时间才将这些畸变体集火打死,造成的混乱直接导致反黑星战线的平均死亡次数涨了0.018,死了十万条命左右,差距进一步扩大,特别是武道家部队损失惨重。 This way we can win!” “这样下去我们能赢!” The frontline Yan-Huang Alliance player morale inspires greatly, but Pan-Business Union troops qi flame/arrogance obviously was short a head. 前线炎黄联盟玩家士气大振,而泛商联的人马气焰明显矮了一头。 The great legion combat is not easy to overturn, so long as had the advantage, goes makes a snowman unceasingly. 大军团作战可不是那么容易翻盘的,只要占据了优势,接下去就是不断滚雪球。 The morale is in inverse proportion, the aspect toward develops to the Yan-Huang Alliance advantageous direction unceasingly, winning situation gradually establishes. 士气此消彼长,局面朝着对炎黄联盟有利的方向不断发展,胜势逐渐奠定。 ...... …… When the Dragon Soaring Hill campaign hits like a raging fire, is holding the popcorn in Black Star's Mobile Palace Han Xiao, is lifting the fat dwelling joyful water, watches at the forum full of enthusiasm the Meat Bun's retransmission video recording. 就在龙腾之丘战役打得如火如荼的时候,远在黑星行宫韩萧正捧着爆米花,举着肥宅快乐水,兴致勃勃看着论坛上肉包的转播录像。 However his emphasis is not the war...... 不过他的关注点不是战局…… Wonderful ah wonderful ah, a wave used 40,000 evolution badge, following charge can give me an income, multipurpose several ah.” “妙,一波用了四万进化徽章,后续充能又能给我一笔进账,多用几次。” hā hā, abandoned the more than 100 Mechanical Section team, repair spent.” 哈哈,又废了一百多机械部队,修理费到手了。” Han Xiao is jubilant, does not love dearly the Yan-Huang Alliance battle loss, even also wants to smile to make noise. 韩萧喜气洋洋,一点也不心疼炎黄联盟的战损,甚至还想笑出声。 In his eyes, each wave of resources that Yan-Huang Alliance loses, delegate a new performance. The if it wasn't for faction benefits cannot issue, he even wants to sell to the Anti-Black Star battleline guild alliance the weapon. 在他眼里,炎黄联盟损失的每一波资源,都代表着一笔新的业绩。要不是阵营福利不能乱发,他甚至想把武器卖给反黑星战线公会联盟。 „The war wealth most makes money ah!” “还是战争财最赚钱!” Han Xiao cracks into a smile. 韩萧咧嘴一笑。 At this moment, he thought that oneself simply looks like the one dog plan, changes the pattern to recycle the resources from player. 这一刻,他觉得自己简直一个狗策划,变着花样从玩家手里回收资源。 Only then pulls out to empty the family property that player made laboriously, can make them have the power to continue to create value ah. 只有掏空了玩家辛辛苦苦挣的家底,才能让他们有动力继续创造价值
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