TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1094: Pandora's Box

Harrison Moore, the renowned interstellar free explorer, craves in his entire life unearthing the vestige, tracks down unknown, although the strength is mean, but can always miraculous turn danger into safety, for many years discovered the countless historic relics, leaves behind dozens work, he is through thick and thin to be bold in exploring( so long as makes cannot die makes) mental, in the cosmos attracted a group of follower, regards as mental leader and life street light him. 哈里森·摩尔,著名的星际自由探险家,一生热衷于挖掘遗迹、追寻未知,虽然实力低微,但总能神奇地化险为夷,多年来发现了不计其数的历史遗迹,留下数十本著作,他不畏艰难勇于探险(只要作不死就往死里作)的精神,在宇宙里吸引了一大群追随者,将他视为精神领袖、人生路灯。 In the World Tree War stage, Harrison is frail, situated in semiretirement status. A Three Great Civilizations discovered side, was attacked by World Tree Civilization's, starts then to be hit to be caught off guard, the loss is serious. Because does not know the origin of enemy, explored cosmos all civilization in early stage the share that basically only then comes under attack, takes the defensive completely, can only passive resist the continuous intruder, one after another planet is wrested away by World Tree, regarded the nourishment. 世界树战争阶段,哈里森已经年老体衰,处于半退休状态三大文明是被发现的一方,遭到世界树文明的突袭,开始便被打了个措手不及,损失惨重。因为不知道敌人的来历,已探索宇宙的所有文明初期基本只有挨打的份,完全采取守势,只能被动抵御着源源不断的入侵者,一颗颗星球世界树霸占,当成了养料。 Three Great Civilizations exhausts the means to collect the World Tree Civilization's clue, most essential is World Tree original body location. 三大文明用尽办法搜集世界树文明的线索,其中最关键的就是世界树本体所在 World Tree was one Cosmic Treasure, World Tree Civilization obtains it in agriculture spark era, the civilization shape that therefore formed twisted, all development of civilization revolved World Tree, countless people exhausted the means to nourish and strengthen this Cosmic Treasure. 世界树本身就是一个宇宙宝物,世界树文明在农耕火种时代就已经得到了它,所以形成了扭曲的文明形态,文明的一切发展都围绕世界树进行,无数人用尽办法滋养、增强这个宇宙宝物 As a result of the World Tree's specificity, only then found its original body location, can solve the problem from the root, otherwise routs again the multi- intruder, World Tree can also use the innumerable planet nutrient, the transformation and nurture more army. 由于世界树的特异性,只有找到它的本体所在,才能从根源上解决问题,否则杀退再多入侵者,世界树也能使用无数星球的养分,转化、哺育出更多军队 World Tree's original body takes root in Secondary Dimension World, hides extremely deeply, and like once Netherland Dimension, the stealth sealed up. In that era, explored cosmos basic every citizen is a soldier, volunteers Explorer spontaneous organization to get up, goes to the Secondary Dimension search, Harrison also resurfaces, is involved. 世界树的本体扎根于次级维度世界,藏得极深,并且像曾经的冥土维度一样,隐身并封闭。在那个时代,已探索宇宙基本全民皆兵,许多志愿探索者自发组织起来,前往次级维度搜寻,哈里森也重新复出,加入其中。 Because a series of accidents of sorts, his first discovered World Tree original body location Secondary Dimension, recorded dimension coordinates before the sacrifice, threw into the Secondary Dimension World space storm. 因为一连串机缘巧合,他第一个发现了世界树本体所在次级维度,在牺牲之前记录了维度坐标,丢进了次级维度世界空间风暴中。 This coordinates drifts the drift bottle in boundless sea like one, the vicissitudes, finally luck fell in the Three Great Civilizations' hand, the Harrison's deeds therefore spread, the world knew his merit. 这份坐标就像一个漂泊在茫茫大海中的漂流瓶,浮浮沉沉,最后幸运地落到了三大文明的手中,哈里森的事迹因此流传了下来,世人才得知他的功绩。 —— these are Harrison in the previous generation later the image of edition. ——这些是哈里森在前世后期版本的形象。 But at present this age, Harrison is also only the one young rookie explorer, the exuberant curiosity and exploration desire, urging him to give up the opportunity of inheriting the consortium trillion family property, stepped into this future not bright industry resolutely. 而在目前这个年代,哈里森还只是一个年轻的萌新探险家,旺盛的好奇心与探险欲望,促使他放弃了继承财团亿万家产的机会,毅然决然踏入了这个前途无亮的行业。 As newbie in this exploration archeological team, the Harrison's intuition doesn't have many persuasive power, the teammates on the scene have obviously very do not walk spatially...... cough, getting to the bottom mental, disregarded the Harrison's warning accidentally/surprisingly. 作为这支探索考古队中的新人,哈里森的直觉显然没有多少说服力,在场队友都具备贼不走空……咳,刨根问底的精神,不出意外无视了哈里森的警告。 Harrison did not have the means that moreover his curiosity also to crush the vigilance, has to press indistinct worry in the heart, continued to follow the team action. 哈里森没办法,况且他的好奇心也压倒了警觉,只好把隐约的担忧压在心底,继续跟随团队行动。 A Scavenger spaceship across Sandstorm of upper air, hovering in the above hundred meters places, throws next multipurpose drill vehicle, on outer armor full is the multi-colored wild doodle, obviously has accepted the artistic processing of this crowd of cultural level limited Scavenger. 一艘拾荒者飞船穿过高空的沙尘暴,悬停在上方百米处,投下一个多功能钻地载具,外装甲上满是五彩缤纷的狂放涂鸦,显然接受过这群文化水平有限的拾荒者的艺术加工。 The people mount to drill vehicle, along the instruction of detection radar, breaks open the land, dives, underground cavity on the speedy approach map. 众人登上钻地载具,沿着探测雷达的指示,破开土地,一路下潜,迅速接近地图上的地底空腔。 Because this underground vestige has time is too long, the diastrophism causes structure extremely unstable, generally has the collapsing risk, therefore Scavenger will not drill into the channel directly from one side, the first choice is to walk the main entrance. 这种地底遗迹因为存在时间太久,地壳变迁导致结构极其不稳定,一般存在坍塌风险,所以拾荒者不会直接从侧面钻入通道,首选都是走正门。 Whish! 哗! Quick, the peak penetrated rock layer of drilling machine, entered a stretch of cavity finally. All team members walk, turns on the searchlight, is observing all around environment. 很快,钻机的尖端终于穿透了岩层,进入了一片空腔。所有队员走下来,打开探照灯,观察着四周的环境。 Here is one has the artificial excavating trace underground cavern, about the height probably 7~8 meter, in the cavern end is a leaf of closed metal door, the entrance of doubtful this underground vestige. 此处是一个有人工开凿痕迹的地底洞窟,高度大概七八米左右,在洞窟尽头是一扇紧闭的金属门,疑似这片地下遗迹的入口。 The short person explorer slightly runs, put out the instrument to scan this metal door, whispered: Preserves good, the doesn't have many rusty sign, this is a high-intensity alloy material quality, according to the sketchy survey result, this Material Synthesis technology at least is galaxy grade starts, but in the database does not have the material record of match......” 矮个探测员小跑过去,拿出仪器扫描了一下这面金属门,嘀咕道:“保存良好,没有多少生锈的迹象,这是一种高强度合金材质,根据粗略探测结果,这种材料合成技术至少是星系级起步,不过数据库中没有匹配的材料记录……” hears word, the people even more are encouraged, lost civilization level is higher, in the vestige has the qualifications to attain the thing that on black market trades more. 闻言,众人越发振奋,失落文明等级越高,遗迹里有资格拿到黑市上贩卖的东西就越多。 However, this also delegate unknown risk more. 不过,这也代表未知的风险更多 „Does inside have the energy response?” team leader asked. “里面有能量反应吗?”队长问道。 Makes me have a look at...... , completely no, it is estimated that here energy source exhausted, even if there is the trap or the defensive measure, is still paralyzes.” “让我看看……,完全没有,估计这里的能源耗尽了,就算有陷阱或是防卫措施,也都是瘫痪的。” That goes to have a look.” The team leader injunction said: Met all careful, without my order, no one must relieve barrier.” “那就进去看看吧。”队长嘱咐道:“等会全体小心,没有我的命令,谁也不许解除护盾。” The group with the laser incision front door, are soundless walked in, is trying to find out the advance, inside route is intriguing, the environment seems like the large-scale underground military base. 一行人用激光切开大门,蹑手蹑脚走了进去,一路摸索着前进,里面的路线错综复杂,环境看上去像是大型地下军事基地。 Before Harrison arrives at the same time the index plate, wipes off the above dust, making the interpreter read the above writing, the result is unable to distinguish. 哈里森走到一面指示牌前,擦掉上面的灰尘,让翻译器读取上面的文字,结果是无法识别。 In database does not have the record of this language, can determine that this was one until now not discovered civilization vestige.” Harrison spoke in channel. “数据库里没有这种文字的记录,可以确定这是一个迄今为止没有被发现的文明的遗迹了。”哈里森在频道里发言。 Today was really luck day ah, no wonder Ashan responded to my consecutive several months of every day to send regards in the morning finally.” The diminutive explorer is full of enthusiasm. “今天真是幸运,怪不得早上阿香终于回应我连续几个月的每日问候了。”矮小探测员兴致勃勃。 What did she say?” Harrison is curious. “她说了什么?”哈里森好奇。 She said.” “她说嗯。” Harrison: „...... Refuels.” 哈里森:“……加油。” The people chatted while explore, was careful, the discovery had no danger, this searched Room one after another boldly, however only found the living facility, does not have any special equipment, does not have any text documents left behind, even energy source and network host did not have, even the one defense facility did not have, seemed like this base to abandon, all eastern Western Capital were evacuated. 众人一边闲聊一边探索,小心了一路,却发现没有任何危险,这才大胆搜索一个个,然而只找到了生活设施,没有任何特殊的设备,也没有任何文本文档遗留,连能源和网络主机也没了,甚至一个防卫设施都没有,看上去这座基地早就废弃,所有东西都被搬空了。 The people exciting flame of seemed like by a basin cold water pouring is extinguished. 众人内心兴奋的火苗像是被一盆冷水浇灭了。 No way, discovered obviously the one unknown vestige, did have no valuable harvest, could it be ran a fruitless errand?” The diminutive explorer wails. 不是吧,明明发现了一个未知遗迹,却没有任何有价值的收获,难道白跑了一趟?”矮小探测员哀嚎起来。 „It is not white to come, at least we discovered a new language, one had had unknown civilization.” In Harrison raises hand the interpreter, he on all poster writing the road had recorded. “也不算白来,至少我们发现了一种新的语言,一个曾经存在过的未知文明。”哈里森扬了扬手里的翻译器,他已经把路上遇到的所有告示牌文字都记录了下来。 This archaeology achievement is not useful, when really we are the historian are inadequate?” Some people cannot bear the complaint: if it wasn't for to dig to valuable thing, who wants to come to this damned place.” “这种考古成果有个屁用,真当我们是历史学家不成?”有人忍不住抱怨:“要不是为了挖到值钱的东西,谁想来这种鬼地方。” Scavenger may the doesn't have many integrity, exhaust patiently rapidly, the speed of search is getting more and more fast, shortly after then is only left over Room last (one), core position situated in base bottom. 拾荒者没有多少操守,耐心飞速耗尽,搜索的速度越来越快,没多久便只剩下最后一个,位于基地底部的核心位置。 The people cut open the front door to walk, breathes uniformly. 众人切开大门走进去,呼吸齐刷刷一顿。 Sees only the one approximately 3~4 meter high triangle body to inlay in the room central ground scoop channel, is all over the body jet black, smoothly like the mirror, looks is a bit like the obsidian material quality, but the survey showed that this is one metallic material, but in side has one to float raised, above is the one display monitor. 只见一个大约三四米高的三角体嵌在房间中央的地面凹槽中,通体漆黑,光滑如镜,看上去有点像黑曜石材质,但探测显示这是一种金属材料,而在其中一面有一块浮凸,上面是一块显示屏。 In room only then this thing, nothing else, like the one exclusive warehouse. 房间里只有这个东西,别无他物,就像一个专属仓库。 hā hā, had the harvest finally.” 哈哈,终于有收获了。” What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” The people encircled pleasantly surprised, here traces there to knock, although does not know that this is what gadget, but looks at this physical appearance, so long as packs, does not worry on black market cannot sell. 众人惊喜地围了上来,这里摸摸那里敲敲,虽然不知道这是什么玩意儿,但看这品相,只要包装一下,不愁在黑市上卖不出去。 Before the diminutive explorer arrives at the display monitor of triangle body, pressed several, without the response, he tried to find out several, suddenly by the discovery display monitor have the board of one activity, after opening, is the one receptacle, seemingly is used to charge. 矮小探测员来到三角体的显示屏前按了几下,没有反应,他摸索了几下,突然发现显示屏旁边有一块活动的板子,揭开后是一个插口,貌似是用来充电的。 ...... the connection or first time of this shape see, but no issue.” The diminutive explorer hesitated, puts out the instrument to be busy at work, transforms an energy transfer line of adaptive receptacle quickly. ……这种形状的接口还是第一次见,不过没什么问题。”矮小探测员沉吟了一下,拿出仪器忙活起来,很快改造出一段适配插口的能量传输线。 He is preparing to this triangle body device charge, the Harrison subconscious opens the mouth of side continuously brow tight wrinkle. 他正准备给这个三角体装置充能,旁边一直眉头紧皱的哈里森下意识开口。 Waits!” “等一等!” The people turn the head to look to him. 众人转头望向他。 You how?” “你又怎么了?” I...... I thought that selects discretely, no one knows that what this device makes, what to do if the weapon of energy exhaustion?” “我……我觉得还是谨慎点好,谁也不知道这个装置是做什么的,万一是能量耗尽的武器怎么办?” A Harrison face hesitates, he sees this triangle body time, then feels the for a while palpitation bewilderedly, as if has a sound to warn that at heart his thing has the danger, the inherent intuition does not have the moment such intensely. 哈里森一脸犹豫,他看到这个三角体的时候,便莫名其妙感到一阵心悸,仿佛心里有个声音在警告他这玩意有危险,与生俱来的直觉从没有一刻这么强烈过。 Relax, I surveyed a moment ago, this is actually accurate disposable safety deposit box device, opening destroys, but innermost one layer is isolates the survey the material quality, does not know that is depositing anything.” Diminutive explorer without turning around said. “放心吧,我刚才探测了一下,这其实是精密的一次性保险箱装置,开启即毁,只是最里面一层是隔绝探测的材质,不知道存放着什么东西。”矮小探测员头也不回说道。 Saying, him holds directly the connection the plug, input the one weak energy, the triangle body device display monitor shone, springs the one password input contact surface. 说着,他直接把插头捅进了接口,输入了一道微弱的能量,三角体装置的显示屏亮了起来,弹出一个密码输入界面。 team leader collected to look at one, „can password decipher?” 队长凑过来看了一眼,“密码能破译吗?” The diminutive explorer put out the another equipment to incite a meeting, said assuredly: This password that insures device is the real-time change, must connect Quantum Network, then conducts decipher...... I now tool on hand is not good with Virtual Technology, so long as uses computing power high point decipher device, can open absolutely.” 矮小探测员拿出另一个设备鼓捣了一会,笃定道:“这个保险装置的密码是实时变化的,必须要接入量子网络,然后用虚拟技术进行破译……我现在手头的工具不行,但只要使用算力高一点的破译装置,绝对能打开。” Such ah......” “这样……” team leader hesitated a meeting, said: Or we let us not open, you also said that this gadget is disposable, the thing that if inside deposits is not valuable, we instead owed, might as well admits the black market auction this safety deposit box directly, making others draw a lottery, this form also was very in any case common on black market......” 队长踌躇了一会,道:“那要不我们别打开吧,你也说了,这玩意儿是一次性的,要是里面存放的东西不值钱,我们反而亏了,还不如直接把这个保险箱放进黑市拍卖,让别人去开奖好了,反正这种形式在黑市上也很常见……” „After this matter can, discussed?” Harrison inexplicably somewhat restless, we hurry to leave here, I have not a good intuition......” “这种事情能不能以后再讨论?”哈里森莫名有些坐立不安,“我们还是赶紧离开这里吧,我有一种不好的直觉……” When does your intuition feel better?” “你的直觉什么时候好过?” team leader stared his one eyes, but has not refuted his proposition, greeted the people to transport this device to the drilling machine on. 队长瞪了他一眼,不过也没反驳他的提议,招呼众人把这个装置运到钻机上。 In this vestige only then this valuable thing, the group do not yearn, bringing triangle body device to leave, returns to the spaceship. 这个遗迹里只有这个值钱的东西,一行人毫不留恋,带着三角体装置离开,一路回到飞船上。 Suddenly, a team member said looking pensive: 突然,其中一名队员若有所思道: Really was felt strange, properly speaking, this planet, since had the vestige that one unknown civilization left behind, that should have other traces to be right, may survey the result unexpectedly only then this one, this not too reasonable ah, could it be that did civilization come this planet only to dig the one underground installation?” “真是奇怪了,按理说,这颗星球既然有一个未知文明留下的遗迹,那就应该还有其他痕迹才对,可探测结果竟然只有这一个,这不太合理,难道那个文明来这颗星球只挖了一个地下设施?” Said to ah, I thought a moment ago was somewhat strange.” Another person echoes. “说得对,我刚才就觉得有些奇怪了。”另一人附和。 At this time, the diminutive explorer looked at a radar picture, well, said surprisedly: team leader, that vestige collapsed a moment ago unexpectedly!” 这时,矮小探测员看了一眼雷达画面,咦了一声,惊奇道:“队长,刚才那座遗迹竟然坍塌了!” The people hurried past looked at one, the underground cavity in picture is levelled, vanishes without the trace, wants to return cannot go back. 众人急忙过去看了一眼,画面中的地下空腔已经被填平,消失无踪,想回也回不去了。 Really strange......” “真奇怪……” team leader whispered, shakes the head, orders: Ok, no matter first these, marked this planet, we first go to recent black market planet to give our today's harvests to estimate.” 队长嘀咕了一声,摇了摇头,下令道:“算了,先不管那些了,把这个星球标记下来,我们先去最近的黑市星球给咱们今天的收获估个价。” hears word, the people does not want is too many, goes into action, steers the spaceship to leave this planet. 闻言,众人没有想太多,纷纷行动起来,驾驶飞船离开这颗星球 Only then a Harrison person stands before the porthole, is looking in the line of sight distantly planet getting smaller, suddenly some back part round of cold. 只有哈里森一人站在舷窗前,遥遥望着视线中越来越小的星球,突然后背有些发寒。 All sorts of signs, give him a feeling, the mission of as if this strange vestige, deposits this triangle body device specially. 种种迹象,给他一种感觉,仿佛这个诡异遗迹的使命,就是专门存放这个三角体装置 But the vestige after they walk collapses immediately, has probably waited for the bystander to take it silently same...... 而遗迹在他们走后立马坍塌,像是一直默默等待着外人取走它一样…… Harrison could not bear then looked at one. 哈里森忍不住回头看了一眼。 In his line of sight, triangle body device calmly lies down in the rear cockpit, Pandora's Box that as if one and the others opens. 在他的视线里,三角体装置静静躺在后舱,仿佛一个等人开启的潘多拉魔盒 ...... …… Black Star Cup opening ceremony perfect convenes, the next day invitational meet like a raging fire is then held, legion becomes lively incomparable, billions of member enliven in the arena, drove the enthusiasm of entire cosmos audience. 黑星杯开幕式完美召开,第二天预选赛便如火如荼进行,军团变得热闹无比,数以亿计的成员活跃在赛场上,也带动了全宇宙观众的热情。 Because the sports event is extremely numerous, each media all-weather provide the live broadcast and record to look at the function, the audience can adjust the lens freely, the choice watches the random project, arena and player, the innumerable audience hold communicator to watch day in day out cheerfully. 因为赛事极多,每家媒体全天候提供直播和录像回看功能,观众可以自由调整镜头,选择观看任意项目、赛场、选手,无数观众一天到晚捧着通讯器乐呵呵观看。 Black Star Cup placed the entire cosmos viewing ratio at the one very high level, currently speaking, the average viewing ratios of various regions are next to Three Great Civilizations or the news broadcast of local civilization. 黑星杯在全宇宙的收视率维持在一个很高的水准,目前来说,各区域的平均收视率仅次于三大文明或当地文明的新闻联播。 two many months ago Black Star Cup sports event organization department that forms counted, viewing ratio highest these projects, except for B Grade, A Grade and various fight competitions of Inextinguished three grouping, next was the sports event of entertainment nature, especially the talent and skill competition class, sang the dancing talk show, innumerable interstellar citizen were glad to look in these ordinary days rare power user to show the alternative talent and skill on the screen. 两个多月前才组建的黑星杯赛事组织部门统计了一番,收视率最高的那些项目,除了b级a级不灭者三个分组的各种战斗赛事,其次便是娱乐性质的赛事了,特别是才艺选秀类,唱歌跳舞脱口秀,无数星际公民乐得看那些平日里难得一见的超能者在荧幕上展现另类的才艺。 Even many talent and skill outstanding players attracted big wave worshipper, some online audience argued wantonly the fit and unfit quality of each player...... the fact showed that regardless in what age, the pattern of competition always does not lack topical. 甚至不少才艺出众的选手吸引了一大波崇拜者,网上更有观众大肆争论各个选手的优劣……事实证明,无论在什么年代,选秀的模式总是不缺话题性。 But viewing ratio lowest project, does not have/leave Han Xiao to expect, is really the competitions of these technology classes, for example that pile of machinery maintenance, Machinery Remodeling and blueprint plan competition Leonard application...... 而收视率最低的项目,也不出韩萧所料,果然是那些技术类的比赛,比如雷纳德申请的那一堆机械维修机械改装图纸绘制比赛…… Is willing to look the technical dwelling holds the machinery really few. 愿意看技术宅操机械的果然还是极少数。 However Han Xiao does not care, these technology class projects are regarded as the pure selection, is legion excavates various domains potential stocks, supplements the fresh blood. 不过韩萧也不在意,那些技术类项目就当作是纯选拔,为军团发掘各领域的潜力股,补充新鲜血液。 The legion's rise channel has been clear, step position and position hook, but renders meritorious service also good, boils the qualifications, but Black Star Cup was equal to providing another rise shortcut, in same gradation had those who are able high-rank, legion member was so warm, was because such pattern made many people see the more opportunity, was legion infuses the new vigor. 军团的上升渠道一直比较清晰,阶位和职位挂钩,而立功也行,熬资历也可以,而黑星杯等于提供了另一条上升捷径,同层次中有能者上位,军团成员如此热情,也是因为这样的模式让许多人看到更多的机会,为军团注入新的活力。 Although player has exclusive grouping, but most people crave in participating in normal step position grouping, runs and npc plays happily. 玩家虽然有专属的分组,但是大部分人更热衷于参加正常的阶位分组,跑过去和npc愉快玩耍。 As evolution badge blossoms in radiant splendor in the fight sports event of low rank group, more and more player start to purchase this item, the sales volume chunk after chunk rises suddenly in a short time, the momentum rises crazily. 随着进化徽章在低级别小组的战斗赛事中大放异彩,越来越多玩家开始购置这件道具,销售额在短期内一截截猛涨,势头疯狂上扬。 Uses evolution badge at the B Grade following sports event, player can obtain the immense advantage, but won't necessarily win. distortion body melee is powerful, the weakness is also very obvious, magic and Mind Resistance fall suddenly . Moreover the hand is short, by kite, was meanwhile met continuous lose HP extremely easily. b级以下的赛事使用进化徽章,玩家可以获得巨大的优势,但并不是必赢的。畸变体近战强大,弱点也很明显,魔法心灵抗性暴跌,而且手短,极其容易被风筝,同时还会持续掉血 To some on Psychic and Mage, has player after aberration to be pressed occasionally on the ground rubs repeatedly. 对上一些念力师魔法师,偶尔也有畸变后的玩家被按在地上反复摩擦。 But in the B Grade group, the function of evolution badge is not strong, B Grade power user has positive/direct contends with the Limit Aberration Body strength. 而在b级小组中,进化徽章的作用就没那么强了,b级超能者有正面抗衡极限畸变体的实力。 Here all flowers blooms together, like a raging fire is holding the competition, but compares legion's to be lively, faction that other Glittering World player are was lonelier. 这边百花齐放,如火如荼举行着比赛,而相比军团的热闹,闪耀世界其他玩家所在的阵营就冷清多了。 Various countries' player in abundance is red the eye, to nip the handkerchief, with the mood of envying the envy hating looks that near whatever happens|10 million legion player plays delighted. 各国玩家纷纷红着眼睛、咬着手绢,用羡慕嫉妒恨的心情看着近千万军团玩家玩得不亦乐乎。 Let alone participated, we bet do not have the qualifications! 别说参加了,咱们就连下注都没资格! There's five „人” (person) characters in „从众” (following the crowd), most people have this psychology, but this effect in the chase is lively and in the interest player community even more is obvious. “从众”拆开是五个“人”,绝大部分人都有这种心理,而这种效应在追逐热闹与趣味的玩家群体中更加明显。 Everyone plays, how does not add my one line! 大家玩得这么嗨,不加我一个怎么行! The Faction War event compared with before over six months, was also wanted more by Black Star Cup league tournament waver various countries' ordinary player, this hoe gets down, numerous faction corners were also many a new hole. 比起半年多前的阵营战争事件,被黑星杯联赛动摇的各国普通玩家还要更多,这一锄头下去,众多阵营的墙角又多了个新的窟窿。 Unlimited Consortium was also dug a big wave of people, but Sorokin now is very low-key , indicating that he is unimportant. 就连无限财团也被掘了一大波人,不过索罗金现在低调得很,表示他不要紧的。 Most painful is other faction foreign club, this anything has not done obviously, actually must look helplessly ordinary player drains again, the reason of even detaining cannot look, only feels to cry but have no tears. 最痛苦的莫过于其他阵营的外国俱乐部,明明这次啥也没干,却要眼睁睁看着普通玩家再度流失,甚至连挽留的理由都找不出来,只觉得欲哭无泪。 What to do this may ah, not bring your! 这可咋整,不带你们这样的! Must compel us to join a political party! 非要逼我们入党吗! Black Star Legion! You go too far! 黑星军团!你欺人太甚! The clay figurine has three points of anger, you have to plant compel me again! 泥人都有三分火气,你有种再逼我! Compels me again, I really joined you! 再逼我,我就真加入你了!
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