TM :: Volume #12 4.0闪耀世界·时代狂潮!

#1080: ……

Follows Han Xiao to appear together, Super A Grade energy oscillation/fluctuation that he sends out, the whole person turns into one to release the energy storage of intense dangerous aura, immediately attracted presented all the attention of void lifeform slaughtering. 伴随韩萧一起出现的,还有他散发出来的超A级能量波动,整个人变成一个释放着强烈危险气息的能量源,立即吸引了在场所有正在厮杀的虚空生物的注意。 Ha! My helper came!” “哈!我的帮手来了!” Kirkmond mental inspires greatly, the whole body surged the working zeal, while the Baggdora god time, the mount that stimulates to movement the crotch, the horizontal blade pasted the opponent to pass over gently and swiftly. The black light flashes, Baggdora's several energy arms were cut, instantaneous evaporation. 柯克蒙德精神大振,浑身涌起了干劲,趁着巴格朵拉愣神的时候,催动胯下的坐骑,横刀贴着对手掠过。乌光一闪,巴格朵拉的几条能量手臂被斩了下来,瞬间蒸发。 The Baggdora hurried avoidance, far away from Kirkmond, grows several arms, looks dignifiedly to the Han Xiao's direction, does not have self-satisfaction that was sure of success just now. 巴格朵拉急忙退避,远离柯克蒙德,重新长出几条手臂,紧接着凝重望向韩萧的方向,没了适才稳操胜券的得意。 Main Cosmos Super A Grade powerhouse is not affable, this is the Secondary Dimension World consensus, his didn't think Kirkmond unexpectedly and one strange Super A Grade powerhouse makes the contacts. 主宇宙超A级强者不好惹,这是次级维度世界的共识,他没想到柯克蒙德竟然和一个陌生的超A级强者搭上了线。 „Who are you? Reminded you, do not meddle the Void Dimension matter casually, I was subordinate of Sir Kesuye!” “你是什么人?提醒你,别随便插手虚空维度的事情,我可是克苏耶大人的手下!” Baggdora pulls the flag without delay, in the lord Cosmos Human thing that he knows, Kesuye is the given name is most resounding. 巴格朵拉二话不说扯大旗,在他认识的主宇宙人物里面,克苏耶是名号最响亮的。 He is not! But wants to frighten your that's all!” Kirkmond brutally reveals in the one side. “他才不是!只不过想吓唬你而已!”柯克蒙德在一旁无情揭穿。 Snort, do not believe him, Kirkmond is a swindler, he is certainly using you!” “哼,别信他,柯克蒙德就是个骗子,他一定是在利用你!” You is a swindler!” Kirkmond is angry. “你才是骗子!”柯克蒙德大怒。 You are!” “你才是!” In this moment, two people have not stopped bickering. 在这种关头,两人也没停止斗嘴。 Han Xiao has not actually accompanied the meaning of opposite party slapping in the face artillery, in the eye the electric light flashes, the innumerable Mechanical Section teams flow, the big net that Mechanical Force composes catches all individuals, pulls to oneself, rapid Combination Form. 韩萧却没有陪对方打嘴炮的意思,眼中电光一闪,无数机械部队奔涌而出,紧接着一张械力组成的大网拽住所有个体,扯向自己,飞速合体 The immense sound made void lifeform in battlefield stop battle, complete looked over. 巨大的动静让战场中的虚空生物都停止了厮杀,全部望了过来 A Mechanical God rapid formation, because the opponent is only one Void Landgraf, he does not have the summon too many Mechanical Section teams, causing the Mechanical God's build is not big, 10,000 meter height. 一尊机械神明飞速成型,因为对手只是一个虚空领主,他没有召唤太多机械部队,导致机械神明的体型不大,只有不到一万米的高度 What is most conspicuous is bears a metal material quality the immense cloak battle dress, not like cotton material mild-mannered, above is completely the mechanism, seems like extremely accurate. 最显眼的是背上一件金属材质的巨大披风战袍,并不像布料一样柔顺,上面全部是机械结构,看上去极为精密 Robes of the Great Emperor of first time for actual combat. 正是第一次用于实战的大帝之袍 Mechanical God?!” Baggdora is actually experienced, the mental oscillation/fluctuation frequency was chaotic immediately, exposed his time mood. 机械神明?!”巴格朵拉倒是见多识广,精神波动的频率顿时乱了,暴露了他此时的心情。 If he has a face, at this time then can see to be caught off guard from his face with the panic expression. 如果他有脸,此时便能从他脸上看到措手不及与惊慌失措的表情。 Without delay, Baggdora turns the head to run, the whole person disappears instantaneously, enters void quantum leap. 二话不说,巴格朵拉转头就想跑,整个人瞬间消失,进入虚空跃迁 However nearby Kirkmond is prepared early, with is Void Landgraf, his some are the method stops the opposite party to travel, wields the long blade horizontally, strikes against front void with the tool face, the rich Void Energy eruption, splits open the concussion wave same ripples, easily locked in this piece of Void Dimension space. 然而一旁的柯克蒙德早有准备,同为虚空领主,他有的是手段制止对方跑路,横挥长刀,用刀面拍击前方的虚空,浓郁的虚空能量爆发,绽开震荡波一样的涟漪,轻易锁住了这片虚空维度空间 the next moment, the Baggdora's body appears again, was knocked from the quantum leap pattern by a Kirkmond blade. 下一刻,巴格朵拉的身躯再度出现,被柯克蒙德一刀从跃迁模式中敲了出来。 You......” “你……” Baggdora is breathless, but has not waited for him to attempt again, the meaning that Han Xiao of distant place has not seen a play, controlled Mechanical God to clash outrageously. 巴格朵拉气急败坏,可还不等他再次尝试,远处的韩萧没有看戏的意思,操控着机械神明悍然冲了过来。 Sees that he does not dare to continue exposure back part, quickly controls Void Energy, makes ranged attack wave after wave toward Mechanical God, tries to prevent Han Xiao to approach. 见状,他不敢继续暴露后背了,急忙操控虚空能量,朝着机械神明打出一波接一波的远程攻击,试图阻止韩萧靠近。 Mechanical God has not decelerated, lifts the hand to hold a Robes of the Great Emperor corner/horn, keeps off cloak simple before the body. 机械神明没有减速,抬手抓住大帝之袍的一角,将披风简单挡在身前。 Buzz! 嗡! matrix structure energy barrier appears from the cloak surface immediately, extremely tenacious thick, countless Void Energy bombardment above, hits non- Newtonian Fluid just like the one after another pebble, can only dislodge the little ripples, even is unable to slow down the Mechanical God's charge speed. 矩阵结构般的能量护盾登时从披风表面浮现,极其坚韧厚实,不计其数的虚空能量轰击在上面,宛如一颗颗石子击中非牛顿流体,只能撞出一点点涟漪,甚至无法减缓机械神明的冲锋速度。 Meanwhile, Robes of the Great Emperor also has dramatically increases the effect of Mechanical God flexibility and speed, saw only the edge of cloak battle dress, space had the sign of distortion, making the Mechanical God's speed promote more than a small point, might be called with lightning speed, had the striking contrast with the unwieldy action slightly obviously. 同时,大帝之袍本身还有大幅增加机械神明灵活性与速度的效果,只见披风战袍的边缘,空间出现了扭曲的迹象,让机械神明的速度提升了不止一星半点,堪称风驰电掣,与原本稍显笨重的行动产生强烈对比。 Do not come ah!” “你不要过来!” Baggdora with amazement, wants to retrocede, however the escape route was blocked by Kirkmond, for a short time does not cast off, can only Mechanical God approach helplessly. 巴格朵拉骇然,想要后退,然而后路被柯克蒙德堵住了,一时半会甩不开,只能眼睁睁机械神明逼近。 Eat my Old Black's punch!” Han Xiao is actually very relaxed, raises the Mechanical God's arm, a fist pounded. 吃我老黑一拳!”韩萧倒是十分轻松,举起机械神明的手臂,一拳砸了出去。 nether energy of high concentration is mixing various Electromagnetic and concussion forcefield, the formation one light blue energy cover, is wrapping the Mechanical God's fist, contains the astonishing multiple lethality. 高浓缩的幽能混合着各种电磁震荡力场,形成一个淡蓝色的能量罩子,包裹着机械神明的拳头,蕴含着惊人的多重杀伤力。 Bang!! 嘭!! Baggdora's parry has not played anything to affect, the immense energy body was patted flatly, pastes on the Mechanical God's fist, does not know that what material quality the bronze-color short lance all made into the disintegrating slag of molecular level, his void worm mount dies a violent death at the scene, the bone ash gave to raise. 巴格朵拉的格挡没起到什么作用,巨大的能量身躯被拍扁了,贴在机械神明的拳头上,不知道什么材质的青铜色短矛全被打成了分子级的碎渣,他的虚空蠕虫坐骑更是当场暴毙,骨灰都给扬了。 Previously Han Xiao pulled out in several Super A Grade captives Mecha Control Master, Promotes might of mecha kind of equipment sharply on oneself, moreover particularly strengthened the melee lethality. 此前韩萧在几名超A级俘虏中抽到了【机甲操控大师】,大幅提升机甲装备自己手上的威力,而且特别加强了近战杀伤力。 The might of this fist, Baggdora one Void Landgraf cannot withstand completely, caused heavy losses instantaneously. 这一拳的威力,巴格朵拉一个虚空领主完全承受不来,瞬间遭到重创。 void lifeform has independence battlepower system, was not integrated in the Main Cosmos battlepower evaluation criteria, therefore does not have the clear contrast, however in Han Xiao present gradation, naturally have several at heart. 虚空生物有独立的战力体系,不被纳入主宇宙战力评价标准之中,所以没有清晰的对比,但是在韩萧如今的层次,心里自然有数。 Void Landgraf by the Void Dimension home advantage, can with ordinary Super A Grade dozens moves, but also that is all, only then high-rank Landgraf as well as high tier time Void Mahārāja and a void Yuan ancestor, can compare favorably with Super A Grade truly...... as for peak Super A Grade, then far surpass their battlepower upper limits. 虚空领主凭借虚空维度的主场优势,可以和普通超A级过个几十招,但也仅此而已了,只有上位领主以及更高层次的虚空大君虚空元祖,才能真正和超A级媲美……至于巅峰超A级,则远远超过他们的战力上限了。 Calculates, Baggdora's battlepower, probably equivalent to he among Apostle Weaponry in level 260~280, is Quasi-Super A category —— downward steamroll natural disaster, was hung the thump by Super A Grade upward. 这么算下来,巴格朵拉的战力,大概相当于他在260~280级之间的使徒兵器,也就是准超A的范畴——往下碾压天灾,往上则被超A级吊捶。 So disparate battlepower disparity, Baggdora wasn't instantly killed thanks to Void Landgraf special physique, various resistances is extremely high. 如此悬殊的战力差距,巴格朵拉没被秒杀多亏虚空领主特殊的体质,各种抗性极高。 Baggdora was patted the flat body to stagnate on the Mechanical God fist flickered, the next moment is similar to the pinball to be the same, flies to shoot suddenly, hit a way of blank to come out in the battlefield directly. 巴格朵拉被拍扁的身体在机械神明拳头上凝滞了一瞬,下一刻便如同弹球一般,陡然飞射出去,直接在战场中撞了一条空白的路径出来。 Mechanical God remain in place, stretches out two fingers, aims at flying farther and farther away Baggdora distantly, the fingertip distorts, changes to the one nozzle, shone the dazzling ray. 机械神明留在原地,伸出两根手指,遥遥对准越飞越远巴格朵拉,指尖变形,化作一个喷口,亮起了耀眼的光芒。 Demon Penetrating Light Killing Artillery!” Han Xiao is wickedly interesting. 魔贯光杀炮!”韩萧恶趣味十足。 ! 咻! The energy light beam from the Mechanical God fingertip lasing, catches up with Baggdora instantaneously, direct penetrated his body. 能量光束从机械神明指尖激射而出,瞬间追上巴格朵拉,直接穿透了他的身躯。 The Baggdora's body stiffens suddenly, starts one after another to evaporate from the interior, just like the snow under Scorching Sun, gradually ablation. 巴格朵拉的身躯陡然僵住,从内部开始一片片蒸发,犹如烈日下的积雪,渐渐消融。 Quick, same place only one remaining hazy spheroid float here, this is the Baggdora's wreckage, Void Landgraf Core Essentials. 很快,原地只剩下一个灰蒙蒙的球体悬浮在此,这是巴格朵拉的残骸,虚空领主核心精华 This fellow died finally!” Kirkmond is excited, quantum leap in the past, on the one hand grasped the Baggdora's core, is feeling above the residual unwilling mood, fall about. “这家伙终于死了!”柯克蒙德兴奋不已,跃迁过去,一手抓住巴格朵拉的核心,感受着上面残留的不甘情绪,忍不住大笑了起来。 Landgraf died in battle, Baggdora's army retreats immediately, most void lifeform scatter in all directions to escape, by one close behind the other pursue and kill, the remaining surrenders, the aspect was turned immediately one-sided, from engaging in fierce battle to turn cleaned up the aftermath. 领主阵亡,巴格朵拉的军队登时溃逃,大部分虚空生物四散逃跑,被衔尾追杀,剩下的就地投降,局面立即变成一边倒,从鏖战变成了收拾残局。 Sees that Han Xiao relieved Mechanical God, has not given full expression smacks the lips. 见状,韩萧解除了机械神明,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。 This Void Landgraf also can't help hits ah, I have not satisfied a craving...... 虚空领主不禁,我还没过瘾呢…… At this time, Kirkmond takes the Baggdora's core, returned to side Han Xiao's, in mental oscillation/fluctuation full was the joy of not being able to keep: 这时,柯克蒙德拿着巴格朵拉的核心,回到韩萧的身边,精神波动中满是藏不住的喜悦: hā hā, I have not really misread the person, Baggdora am killed by your 2~3, you in Main Cosmos think that is also serious big character!” 哈哈,我果然没有看错人,巴格朵拉被你两三下就打死了,你在主宇宙想必也是不得了的大人物吧!” Generally general, world third.” Han Xiao modest. “一般一般,世界第三。”韩萧谦虚了一手。 According to our agreements, the void lifeform core of collection apportions your half, we later were the good friends, had anything to fight to need to help, call me then it will be alright, this was my energy mark, having the matter can inform me.” “按照咱们的协议,收集的虚空生物核心分给你一半,咱们以后就是好朋友了,有什么战斗需要帮忙,叫我就行,这是我的能量印记,有事可以通知我。” Han Xiao received the Kirkmond energy, changes to the one mark on the arm, his body had many enchantment tattoo, seems like the society, one more is also indifferent. 韩萧接过柯克蒙德的能量,在手臂上化作一个印记,他的身上本来就有许多附魔纹身,看起来十分社会,多一个也无所谓。 Han Xiao looked at a panel while convenient. 韩萧顺便看了一眼面板。 quest demonstrates to complete, the reward settles accounts, 12,000,000,000 large experience starts, Kirkmond faction favorability achieved esteemed, Resulted in character card simultaneously, is Kirkmond, ability is Void Imprisonment, is also good control skill, can use 5 times. 任务显示完成,奖励结算,120e的大额经验入手,柯克蒙德阵营好感达到了【尊敬】,同时得了一张人物卡,正是柯克蒙德的,能力虚空禁锢,是个还不错的控制技能,足足能用五次。 Contrasts this not high difficulty, this reward was quite rich, but also was Han Xiao this Super A Grade can solve this quest with ease, having strength anything was easy to do. 对比一下此次不高的难度,这份奖励算是相当丰厚了,不过也就是韩萧这种超A级能轻松解决这个任务,有了实力什么都好办。 Void Conqueror Milestone Quest also opened, smashes the Void Landgraf influence progress 1 / 8, void faction esteemed progress 1 / 4, if can keep today's efficiency, then milestone should be able quick to activate. 虚空征服者】的里程碑任务也开启了,捣毁虚空领主势力进度1/8,虚空阵营尊敬进度1/4,如果能一直保持今天的效率,那么里程碑应该可以很快就激活。 At this time, the Han Xiao eyeball transferred the revolutions, said with a smile: Is interested in continue open up territory to develop the earth?” 这时,韩萧眼珠转了转,笑道:“有没有兴趣继续开疆拓土?” oh, do you plan to continue to help me?” Kirkmond stopped moving, was startled instead of happy, hesitant. ,你打算继续帮我?”柯克蒙德动作一顿,不喜反惊,犹豫了起来。 In his opinion, Black Star this is to subdue its meaning, under like Kesuye, making Void Landgraf, for its dozen of domains. Kirkmond does not want to give loyalty to others, therefore does not go to Kesuye, at this time felt awkward. 在他看来,黑星这是想要收服它的意思,就像克苏耶一样,让虚空领主成为属下,为其打地盘。柯克蒙德正是不想效忠于别人,所以才不去投奔克苏耶,此时感到了为难。 Han Xiao understood his thoughts from his hesitation, thinks, said: You can feel relieved, I do not have the plan of learning Kesuye, since you want, when my helper, then enhances your influence, is equal to helping my oneself in disguised form, the ally is more powerful , helping be also bigger.” 韩萧从他的犹豫中读懂了他的心思,想了想,道:“你可以放心,我没有学习克苏耶的打算,你既然愿意当我的帮手,那么提升你的势力,也等于变相帮助我自己,盟友越强大,帮助也越大。” Void Dimension is the Kesuye domain, if comes the development influence, without doubt will offend this Void Shadow Emperor, therefore Han Xiao planned that with signing the mercenary form, supports some Void Landgraf. 虚空维度克苏耶的地盘,若是过来发展势力,无疑会冒犯到这位虚空影帝,所以韩萧打算用签约佣兵的形式,扶持一些虚空领主 So long as the opposite party complies with to become his spare tire...... to cough, the helper, he helps the opposite party annex the Void Landgraf influence , the convenience completes Milestone Quest, but can also obtain new military strength. 只要对方答应成为他的备胎……咳,帮手,他就帮对方吞并虚空领主势力,既方便完成里程碑任务,还能得到新的兵力 This is good.” Kirkmond puts down the heart. “这样还不错。”柯克蒙德放下心。 Experienced Han Xiao's battlepower a moment ago, he knows that oneself is not an opponent, if the opposite party had to subdue subordinate plan, so long as came hardly, he is not then able to revolt, therefore he thought that Black Star does not need to deceive him. 刚才见识了韩萧的战力,他知道自己不是对手,如果对方有收服属下的打算,只要硬来,他便无法反抗,所以他觉得黑星没必要骗他。 simple exchanged several, Kirkmond enjoyed the Baggdora's essence at the same time, but Emersy can't help that had not acted shakes the head, sighs with emotion: 简单交流了几句,柯克蒙德去一边享受巴格朵拉的精华,而一直没动作的艾默丝不禁摇了摇头,感慨道: You are really do not forget to expand the influence at any time.” “你真是任何时候都不忘扩大势力。” Be used to it, after all I was qualified faction leader......” “习惯了,毕竟我是个合格的阵营领袖……” Saying, Han Xiao took a look at Emersy one, the meaning is self-evident. 说着,韩萧瞅了艾默丝一眼,意思不言而喻。 What look...... is your?” The Emersy eyebrow selects. “……你那是什么眼神?”艾默丝眉毛微挑。 Appreciates your beauty.” “欣赏你的美。” „, Loquacious.” “呵,贫嘴。” ...... …… Over the following several days, Han Xiao brings Emersy to bustle about in Void Dimension, looks for the new collaborator unceasingly, annexes each family Void Landgraf influence, has peak Super A Grade battlepower to clear the way, Void Conqueror milestone progresses very rapidly. 接下来的数天,韩萧带着艾默丝虚空维度东奔西走,不断寻找新的合作者,吞并一家家虚空领主势力,有巅峰超A级战力开道,【虚空征服者里程碑进展十分迅速。 So frequent movement, brought to the attention of more Void Dimension big shot, when the wind sound/rumor passes to the Kesuye domain, subdued Void Landgraf reported this news to him. 如此频繁的动作,也引起了更多虚空维度大佬的注意,当风声传到克苏耶的地盘,被收服的虚空领主纷纷把这则消息上报给他。 Main Cosmos, Glittering World somewhere, in a spaceship. 主宇宙,闪耀世界某处,一艘飞船中。 Black Star runs up to Void Dimension, but also helps Void Landgraf annex the opponent there?” 黑星跑到虚空维度,还在那里帮助虚空领主吞并对手?” Looks the void messenger who front is crawling, Kesuye brow slightly wrinkle, narrowed the eye, gives birth is vigilant the heart. 望着面前匍匐的虚空信使,克苏耶眉头微皱,眯了眯眼,生出警惕之心。 Is it possible that Black Star stared at Void Dimension military strength, wanted to draw in void lifeform like me, cultivated an influence, occupied a side? 莫非黑星盯上了虚空维度兵力,想要像我一样收拢虚空生物,培植出一支势力,盘踞一方? In his opinion, Black Star also has void bloodline, to peak Super A Grade, divinity transformation to the certain extent, likely produced with void related new ability. 在他看来,黑星也有虚空血脉,又到了巅峰超A级,神性蜕变到一定程度,很可能产生与虚空有关的新能力 Kesuye actually does not care about Han Xiao and Void Dimension has anything, because Void Dimension is big enough, the energy grows continually, the one more person shares absolutely does not have the issue, has no influence on him, the struggle for existence. 克苏耶其实不在意韩萧虚空维度发生点什么,因为虚空维度足够大,能量生生不息,多一个人分享完全没问题,对他没什么影响,算不上竞争。 However he minded very much the bystander bribes Void Legion, Void Dimension is his Base Camp, all void lifeform are the compatriot in his eye, now the Black Star's behavior, making Kesuye some not happy —— you dig an earth not to have the issue in my vegetable garden, stealing the vegetable/dish may be excessive. 但是他很介意外人染指虚空军团,虚空维度是他的大本营,所有虚空生物都是他眼中的同胞,现在黑星的行为,让克苏耶有些不高兴——你在我的菜园里挖点土没问题,偷菜可就过分了。 Entire cosmos knows, Void Dimension is I covers, there is my hometown, is my back garden, Black Star your devil, does not say a hello to run up to my family to do the matter, feared that doesn't pay attention to me? 宇宙都知道,虚空维度是我罩的,那里是我的家乡,也是我的后花园,黑星你个死鬼,不打一声招呼就跑到我家里搞事情,怕是不把我放在眼里? Kesuye thinks, opens the mouth slowly: You go back to transmit my meaning to these Landgraf, lets them and Black Star contacts, searches sound out opinions, as well as probes he has helped other Void Landgraf.” 克苏耶想了想,缓缓开口:“你回去向那些领主传达我的意思,让他们和黑星接触一下,探探口风,以及试探一下他帮助过的其他虚空领主。” The messengers receive the order, shook the body, returns to Void Dimension, vanishes without the trace. 信使接到命令,晃了晃身子,回归虚空维度,消失无踪。 By the Kesuye position, calls to inquire that directly Han Xiao is most convenient, but such does not have room to maneuver, he wants to adopt to relax a point action, inquired the Han Xiao's meaning through the intermediate. 克苏耶的地位,直接打电话询问韩萧最方便,但是那样没有转圜余地,他希望采取缓和一点的行动,通过中间人询问韩萧的意思。 Now the so-called Super A Grade Association establishment nears, he does not want to provoke Black Star that coordinates. 如今所谓的超A级协会成立在即,他也不想招惹牵头的黑星 speaking of which, Manison probably was very recently active, has been taking a walk the relations, it seems like he really thinks act as spokesperson......” 说起来,最近麦尼逊好像很活跃,一直在走动关系,看来他是真想当话事人……” The Kesuye eyeball transferred the revolutions, the expression is interesting. 克苏耶眼珠转了转,表情饶有兴趣。 Kesuye oneself does not have the idea actually, he was not careful to Super A Grade Association, but saw that Super A Grade sticking together can become the future one trend, therefore only wants to come to mix the old leadership qualifications. As for the president position, even if gives in vain to him he does not want, sit in this position, is equal to standing in the keenest struggle, will receive the key attention of advanced civilization. 克苏耶自己倒是没想法,他对超A级协会本来就不上心,只是看出超A级抱团会成为未来的一个趋势,于是只想过来混个元老资历。至于会长的位置,就算白送给他他也不要,坐在这个位置,就等于站在风口浪尖,会受到高级文明的重点关注。 Part of peak Super A Grade are like his idea, trying to campaign for president is only a few, in addition Manison and Black Star, altogether also four intend the campaigner. 一部分巅峰超A级和他的想法一样,试图竞选会长只是少数,加上麦尼逊黑星,总共也才四个有意竞选者。 , association can only have one person in charge, could not be Three Great Civilizations direct line, otherwise departed from the original intention...... not to know that Black Star did have the idea, although he qualifications were shallow, but as Glittering World's the main sponsor of local snake and this action, seemingly also had the opportunity......” ,协会只能有一个主事人,还不能是三大文明嫡系,否则就背离初衷了……也不知道黑星有没有想法,他虽然资历浅了点,但作为闪耀世界的地头蛇、此次行动的主要发起者,貌似也有机会……” —— —— ( The public number character list renewed to Emersy, the interested brother caught to have a look, WeChat public number Immaculate Armor( = ^ (公众号人物榜单更新到艾默丝了,有兴趣的兄逮可以看看,微信公众号“齐佩甲”(=^
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