TM :: Volume #10 3.0赤潮!破碎星环第五席!

#914: International Top Eight, moral behavior eruption

Han Xiao lets the Rottal in secret action at the same time, the district finals are held as scheduled. 韩萧罗泰尔暗中行动的同时,分区决赛如期举行。 After one engages in fierce battle, Top Eight of Broken Starlink contest area contended the position, Dynasty won the division champion for successive three times, overcame the one three-time champion dynasty, in Four Great Big Shots, Dynasty has been first, internal war and external war was extremely powerful, was very comprehensive, does not have the obvious weak area. 经过一番鏖战,破碎星环赛区的八强角逐出了名次,皇朝连续三届取得分区冠军,打下了一个三连冠王朝,四大豪门之中,皇朝一直名列第一,内战外战都极其强悍,十分全面,没有明显的短板。 But the district second place is Shrine, although Shrine fans is satisfied, but the passer-by cannot bear beat the breast and stamp the feet, loudly shouted is a pity outside —— Shrine to fight the image of soft foot shrimp to strike root in the hearts of the people, making Shrine enter the international race, that was not equal to the Huaxia (China) international race team was short of one! 而分区亚军是神殿,虽然神殿粉丝还算满意,可路人忍不住捶胸顿足,大呼可惜——神殿外战软脚虾的形象深入人心,让神殿打进国际赛,那可不就等于华夏的国际赛队伍少了一个嘛! The third place is Sky, although does not do well at the district match, but at least entered the international race, has the opportunity of flexing the muscles. fourth is Jiang City, Crazy Blade, Evil Little Sword and Maple Moon three people as the warteam core, the competitiveness is as good as the super first-rate strong team. 季军是长空,虽然在分区赛表现不佳,但至少进了国际赛,有大展拳脚的机会。第四名则是江城,狂刀邪小剑枫月三人作为战队核心,竞争力已经不亚于超一线强队。 District Top Four determined, these four warteam can march International League. 分区四强确定了下来,这四支战队得以进军国际联赛 In Four Great Big Shots, Fish Fragrant Eggplant misses the international race quota once again, became the elementary operation eo. 四大豪门中,鱼香茄子又一次错失国际赛名额,都成了基本操作。 It is reported that the Fish Fragrant Eggplant club boss thought that fengshui of this name is not good, planned changes name to warteam, the public questionnaire opinion on the social media, the stupid-ass netizen offered advice, all was what 'mala' spicy chicken with boiled fish and incense-stick pot skewer, just like one «Report Name» scene. 据传,鱼香茄子俱乐部的老板觉得这个名字的风水不好,打算给战队改个名,在社交媒体上公开征求意见,沙雕网友纷纷献策,全都是什么麻辣鸡丝水煮鱼香锅串串毛血旺,活脱脱一个《报菜名》现场。 Does not raise Fish Fragrant Eggplant fans that tries to find pleasure amidst suffering, most player to delegate Huaxia (China) soon march district Top Four of international race to provide encouragement —— this edition advantage very big, the machinery system rise and Broken Starlink numerous big events makes the Black Star Legion benefits promote, Huaxia (China) warteam because of previous to obtain the champion sharply, but the confidence multiplies, club great god grade player status also to be in the peak, the beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people have, therefore general player place the great expectations on Huaxia (China) warteam, was anticipating shines the brilliance in the international arena greatly, makes better progress. 不提苦中作乐的鱼香茄子粉丝,大部分玩家都为即将代表华夏进军国际赛的分区四强加油打气——这个版本优势很大,机械系崛起、破碎星环众多大事件让黑星军团福利大幅提升、华夏战队因上届得到冠军而信心倍增、俱乐部大神级选手状态也处于巅峰期,天时地利人和都有,因此广大玩家华夏战队寄予厚望,期待着在国际舞台上大放光彩,取得更好的成绩。 The individual match aspect, Maple Moon entered clear(ly) to have the treatment that with super star cluster grade civilization, the Black Star Legion's real influence scale is well below these two, but popularity in player community, actually not compared with cosmos grade civilization difference many. 个人赛方面,枫月打进了明和超星团级文明才有的待遇,黑星军团的真实势力规模远远不如这两者,但在玩家群体中的知名度,却是不比宇宙级文明差多少。 At the international opening match, Sky sweeps the declining tendency of district sports event, conserved strength for a long time, revealed the fang finally, hit with Devil warteam frequents each other, fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents. 国际开幕赛上,长空一扫分区赛事的颓势,养精蓄锐已久,终于露出了獠牙,与魔界战队打得你来我往,龙争虎斗。 This aspect, Sky and Shrine just the opposite, civil war so so, outside fights cruel...... perhaps is because foreign warteam too does not adapt to this very headstrong fighting method, was exploded the hammer by Iron-headed Brat easily. 这方面,长空神殿正好相反,内战一般般,外战如狼似虎……或许是因为外国战队不太适应这种很莽的打法,容易被铁头娃爆锤。 Previous Sky has won Devil at the small disparity, but this time, because the machinery system edition is strong, in addition Devil has the backbone player to change job the transfer, the power gap between both increased, Sky was shocking but not dangerous to take first win of international opening match. 上一届长空以微小的差距赢过魔界,但这一次,因为机械系版本强势,加上魔界有中坚选手跳槽转会,两者之间的实力差距变大了,长空有惊无险拿下了国际开幕赛的首胜 The Huaxia (China) player's morale by inspired, in the picture brushed one piece densely and numerously eldest senior disciple brother came back greatly. 华夏玩家的士气大受鼓舞,画面上刷过去一片密密麻麻的“大师兄回来了”。 International Regular Season that numerous player wait for formally starts, the one after another warteam fierce confrontation, the points list is changing constantly every day. 众多玩家翘首以盼的国际常规赛正式开始,一支支战队激烈对抗,积分榜每一天都在风云变幻。 Until fired off the first half competition schedule, points list ranking formed one quite stable pattern, because the Team A strong team stands in great numbers, is very difficult to play the game of steamroll, gains the points efficiency is not high, causing many strong teams to rank does not conform to the real strength, such as Devil, Key and Tulip, White Emperor Holy Sword wait/etc, has not all entered first four. 直到打完了前半段赛程,积分榜排名才形成了一个较为稳定的格局,因为A组强队林立,很难打出碾压的比赛,获取积分的效率不高,导致许多强队排名不符合真实实力,诸如魔界科伊郁金香、“白帝圣剑”等等,全都没打进前四。 Dynasty and Sky are like a fish in water in Team B, occupies first and fourth name respectively, Jiang City eats in the Team C fish pond bureau crazily minute/share, projected on the second name, in first Top Four, having the third name is Korea Kimchi warteam, is Team C oppressive vegetable/dish bureau member. 皇朝长空B组如鱼得水,分别占据第一第四名,江城则在C组鱼塘局疯狂吃分,打到了第二名,前四强之中,只有第三名是韩国泡菜战队,也是C组虐菜局的一员 To Huaxia (China) warteam, the situation was one piece excellent...... as for is been oppressive wish one were dead Shrine directly to be neglected by player in Team A. 华夏战队来说,形势可谓是一片大好……至于在A组被虐得欲仙欲死神殿则直接被玩家忽略了。 Huaxia (China) warteam advantage immense, the reason that not only groups, this competition joined the capture the flag matches and two instance dungeon matches, these competition forms are the most suitable machinery system display stage, Dynasty, Sky and Jiang City displays exceptional, the PvE strength surpasses a various countries' warteam average level big truncation, ate a big wavelength division, results in the thief to be full exactly. 华夏战队优势巨大,不只是分组的原因,这届比赛加入了夺旗赛和两种副本赛,这些比赛形式是最适合机械系发挥的舞台,皇朝长空江城在其中表现优异,PVe实力超出各国战队平均水准一大截,从中吃了一大波分,恰得贼饱。 And the another reason...... the instance dungeon match in International Regular Season, will not have chosen instance dungeon with field player contest area, this is ensure among warteam does not have the difference of information, in other words, Huaxia (China) warteam in the International Competition instance dungeon war for survival, will not experience Black Star Legion these abnormal instance dungeon. 其中还有另一个原因……国际常规赛里的副本赛,不会选择同场选手赛区的副本,这是保证战队之间没有信息差,也就是说,华夏战队国际赛事副本生存战,不会经历黑星军团那些变态副本 But the foreign friend, actually fully experiences deep waters and scorching fires that Broken Starlink player usually lived. 而外国友人,却充分体验了破碎星环玩家平时生活的水深火热 Very difficult instance dungeon that Han Xiao issues, with advanced instance dungeon difficulty basic not in the same gradation of other contest areas, looks over the major contest areas, Broken Starlink is only one has the Super A Grade instance dungeon place! 韩萧发布的高难度副本,与其他赛区的高级副本难度根本不在一个层次,纵观各大赛区,破碎星环唯一一个超A级副本的地方! Under Han Xiao's devastates, Huaxia (China) pro player has been used to it oppressively, the mentality is well organized, runs to hit advanced instance dungeon of other contest areas, only feels relaxed satisfied, even if were exploded the whole face peach blossom to open, still feels like the picnic comfortable. 韩萧的摧残下,华夏职业选手早已习惯了被虐,心态四平八稳,跑去打其他赛区的高级副本,只觉得轻松惬意,就算被炸得满脸桃花开,也觉得像郊游一样舒服。 In turn, warteam of other contest areas hit Black Star Legion's instance dungeon, was been oppressive wants to spit, the mentality earth-shattering, the world outlook was under the impact. 反过来,其他赛区的战队黑星军团的副本,却被虐得想吐,心态天崩地裂,世界观受到了冲击。 Meeting to kill is the elementary operation eo, even enters the field kills, cutscene how long, that can only be exactly long. 见面杀是基本操作,甚至还有入场杀,过场动画有多长,那就只能活多长。 Is this to instance dungeon that the person plays? 这是给人玩的副本 Difficulty how such abnormal?! 难度怎么这么变态?! So long as pulls out to Black Star Legion's instance dungeon, foreign warteam fans of other plate live broadcast channels wailed —— dead everywhere quickly, no ornamental experience. 只要抽到黑星军团的副本,其他板块直播频道的外国战队粉丝遍地哀嚎——死得太快了,毫无观赏体验。 The latter half competition schedule of International Regular Season, perhaps is because the points disparity is too big, various countries' warteam clothing/taking, has not presented on Huaxia (China) warteam to encounter the bad concern that various countries' warteam aims. 国际常规赛的后半段赛程,或许是因为积分差距太大,各国战队服了,没有出现上一届华夏战队遭到各国战队针对的糟心事。 Dynasty, Sky and Jiang City fight steadily, the result has ups and downs, but maintained First 8 ranking, is established, was impossible to fall down. 皇朝长空江城稳扎稳打,成绩有升有降,但都保持了前八排名,地位稳固,不可能掉下去了。 Last after International Regular Season ended, ranking also determined finally. 最后一场国际常规赛结束之后,排名也终于确定了下来。 Jiang City rose in the reverse direction, took points first, went Top Eight , in descending order , are Kimchi, Dynasty, Yamata, Sky, Devil, Key and battle axe. 江城逆势上扬,拿下了积分第一,接下去八强依次是泡菜皇朝八岐长空魔界科伊战斧 Huaxia (China) altogether has three warteam to march international Top Eight, reappeared previous magnificent......, and historical astonishing similar, this advancement, is these three old irons. 华夏共有三支战队进军国际八强,重现了上一届的辉煌……且历史惊人的相似,这一届出线的,还是这三个老铁。 Dynasty and Sky are the established rich and powerful families, does not need to raise, Jiang City as emerging club warteam, enters international Top Eight continuously, the position in player community even more consolidated, has to become the trend of new super first-rate rich and powerful family. 皇朝长空是老牌豪门,不用提,江城作为新兴俱乐部战队,连续打进国际八强,在玩家群体中的地位越发巩固了,有成为新的超一线豪门的趋势。 Shrine misses the finals...... no one to be a pity for them and that's the end, the vision of audience always focuses on the winner, is real one batch. 神殿则无缘决赛圈……不过没人为他们可惜就是了,观众的目光向来聚焦在赢家身上,真实得一批。 The one who makes the Huaxia (China) audience excited is, this finals confrontation is much better than previous! 华夏观众兴奋的是,这一届的决赛对阵情况远远好于上一届! second league tournament time, because of the position and ballot reason, Huaxia (China) three warteam conducted twice civil wars, Dynasty and Jiang City is eliminated by the oneself person. 第二届联赛的时候,因为名次与抽签原因,华夏三支战队进行了两次内战,皇朝江城都是被自己人淘汰的。 But this time according to points position grouping, first Jiang City to eighth games Swedish Battle Axe, third Dynasty to fighting Old American Devil, fifth Sky confronts Japan Yamata, confronted the condition happen to avoid all civil wars. 本次按照积分名次分组,第一江城第八瑞典战斧,第三皇朝对战老美魔界,第五长空对阵日本八岐,对阵状况正好避开了所有内战。 This grouping list makes Huaxia (China) audience can't help be wild with joy, compared with the bad luck of previous league tournament, this as if really received the Luck Goddess' favor, the moral behavior eruption! 这个分组名单让华夏观众不禁欣喜若狂,与上一届联赛的倒霉相比,这一届仿佛真的受到了幸运女神的青睐,人品爆发! ...... …… Plays International Regular Season, the sports event side propagandizes to drum up support for the finals at the forum, sets the day that the finals opened. 打完国际常规赛,赛事方在论坛上为决赛宣传造势,定下了决赛开幕的日子。 Rottal was sent other star region Assassination Target by Han Xiao, after International Regular Season finished a period of time, Han Xiao received the reply of Rottal, is still brief and to the point. 罗泰尔韩萧派去其他星域刺杀目标了,国际常规赛结束一段时间后,韩萧收到了罗泰尔的回复,依旧言简意赅。 target has eliminated.” 目标已清除。” In the news supplemented the picture of victim, matter managed neatly. 消息里附带了受害人的照片,事情办得干净利落。 He only provided the information, the Rottal entire journey acted independently, did not need any help, work ability was extremely strong, was reliable to the Han Xiao's feeling. 他只提供了情报,罗泰尔全程独立行动,不需要任何帮助,工作能力极强,给韩萧的感觉非常可靠。 Scarlet Empire also solved two Blood Gold Organization high tier. 赤色帝国也解决掉了两个血金组织高层 Three high tier death, to Blood Gold Organization all high tier are the one shock and awe. 三个高层死亡,对血金组织的所有高层一个震慑。 Encounters Scarlet Empire and Black Star Legion's aims, Blood Gold Organization leader could not sit still, convenes all high tier to get online, discussed the countermeasure. 遭到赤色帝国黑星军团的针对,血金组织领袖也坐不住了,召集所有高层上线,商量对策。
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