TM :: Volume #10 3.0赤潮!破碎星环第五席!

#910: 【ultimate Mechanical Engineering】

The bulkhead of metal quality of material full is the scratch and hole, the energy line that exposes damaged, unceasing splash fire the electric spark, the cabin of this ships has been experiencing a fierce fight, the flame pī li pā lā combustion, the ground lay down completely crew torn to pieces corpse. 金属质地的舱壁满是划痕与窟窿,裸露出来的能量线路已破损,不断溅射着电火花,这艘舰船的船舱经历了一场激烈的战斗,火焰噼里啪啦燃烧,地上躺满了船员支离破碎的尸体 intergalactic warrior that one crowd wears the entire coverage type armor carries is exploding can the spear/gun inspect corpse everywhere, discovered that has the survivor then to make up a spear/gun. 一群身穿全覆盖式装甲的星际战士端着爆能枪四处检查尸体,发现有幸存者便补上一枪。 The died in battle crew was Rock Elf, the one quite ancient mammalia race, has the yellow-brown rough skin, the height average about three meters, the hair was exuberant, although was the flesh and blood, but inborn then rock-solid, was good at discovering that rare ore and metal resources, was Sea of the Star Spirit quite powerful galaxy grade civilization. 阵亡的船员都是岩石精灵,一个较为古老的哺乳类种族,有着黄褐色的粗糙皮肤,身高平均在三米左右,毛发旺盛,虽为血肉之躯,但天生便坚如磐石,擅长发现稀有矿石与金属资源,是星灵之海一家较为强大的星系级文明 But on the uniforms/subdue of these crew the symbols of this civilization, showed that this ship subordinates in civilization official regular troop, but was actually attacked, is annihilated. 而这些船员的制服上都有该文明的标志,证明这艘船是隶属于文明官方的正规部队,但却遭到袭击,全军覆没。 In the end of this cabin is the one immense metal storehouse gate, inside is a warehouse, at this moment, one seems like the fellow of raider leader to stand before the warehouse front door of shutting tightly, puts out one specifically to be used to decode disc device of key, pressed on the operation panel of warehouse front door, resounded the high-frequency the dí dí sound. 在这间船舱的尽头是一个巨大的金属库门,里面是仓库,此时此刻,一个像是袭击者头领的家伙站在紧闭的仓库大门前,拿出一个专门用来破解密钥的圆盘装置,摁在了仓库大门的操作面板上,响起高频率的嘀嘀声。 Buzz! the next moment, this warehouse front door sound, relieves the lock-on mode loudly, opens slowly. 嗡!下一刻,这座仓库大门轰然一响,解除锁定模式,缓缓打开。 Raider leader stride walked in, sees only in the warehouse to place one after another Evolver's Totem neatly, has several hundred. 袭击者头领大步走了进去,只见仓库里整齐摆放着一个个进化者图腾,足足有数百个。 Thing succeeded in obtaining, takes inventory, moves back to our ships.” “东西到手了,去清点一下,搬回我们的船上。” The raider leader nods satisfied, beckons, ordering subordinate to work. 袭击者头领满意地点点头,招了招手,命令手下做事。 Rock Elf purchased a number of Totem Device from Black Star Legion, the news disclosed that this group of raiders ambushed ahead of time, target robs these Evolver's Totem. 岩石精灵黑星军团采购了一批图腾装置,消息走漏,这伙袭击者提前埋伏,目标就是抢走这些进化者图腾 Accompanying escort fleet was eliminated by this group of raiders...... can plunder the one galaxy grade civilization regular troop gang, obviously is not small character. 随行的护卫舰队都被这伙袭击者清除……能够掠夺一个星系级文明正规部队的团伙,显然不是小人物 This group of raiders are also interstellar mercenary, but the nature is different, mercenary is divided into three types, first type in the regular practitioner of Mercenary Alliance report, for example Black Star Legion ; second type, not in disbanded soldiers of interstellar Mercenary Alliance registration, no business license independent mercenary ; But third type, then enlivens in black market, is willing to meet the illegal work black market mercenary. 这伙袭击者也是星际佣兵,但性质却不同,佣兵大致分为三种,第一种是在佣兵联盟报备的正规从业者,例如黑星军团;第二种,没有在星际佣兵联盟注册的散兵游勇,无营业执照的独立佣兵;而第三种,便是活跃在黑市,愿意接黑活的黑市佣兵 Illegal work refers to is these violates the interstellar general law to not exposed to the crime work light/only, generally issued that in the black market network, for example grabs, kidnaps and assassinates the civilization official, slaughter planet and spy to infiltrate and provoke the war wait/etc, this black mercenary actually is also the criminal...... in fact is engaged in this industry most people are the most wanted terrorist. “黑活”指的便是那些违背星际通用法律见不得光的犯罪工作,一般发布在黑市网络上,例如劫掠、绑架、刺杀文明官员、屠戮星球、间谍渗透、挑起战争等等,这种黑佣兵其实也是罪犯……实际上从事这个行业的大部分人本身就是通缉犯。 But this group of raiders, then meet the illegal work specially black market mercenary, came from black market mercenary influence —— Blood Gold Organization that entire cosmos ranks among the best. 而这伙袭击者,便是专门接黑活的黑市佣兵,来自于全宇宙数一数二的黑市佣兵势力——血金组织 Blood Gold Organization is a black mercenary influence of Cross-Star Region business, the main active range is Sea of the Star Spirit, Ancient Star Desert and Old Sun Star River, the whereabouts of organization member, spaceship and base is quite secret, the conduct attitude is low-key, the Blood Gold Organization concrete scale is a secret, but can in three star region development businesses, obviously be a colossus. 血金组织是一家跨星域营业的黑佣兵势力,主要的活跃范围是星灵之海远古星漠旧日星河,组织成员、飞船和基地的行踪都颇为隐秘,行事作风低调,血金组织的具体规模是个秘密,但能在三个星域开展业务,显然是个庞然大物。 Meanwhile, Blood Gold Organization is also one of the Interstellar Black Market high tier. 同时,血金组织也是星际黑市高层之一。 Has the place that the trade controls to present black market, black market continually multiplies, gradually formed huge pattern. 有贸易管制的地方就会出现黑市,黑市不断滋生,逐渐形成了庞大格局。 black market also has the gradation difference, differentiates at the topicality and business scope, from planet to galaxy, to star region, with level by level upward, black market is getting more and more regular, to highest level 1, is the business scope covers almost all star region Interstellar Black Market, in name commands all black market. 黑市也有层次的差别,以地区性与业务范围来区分,从星球星系,再到星域,随着一级级往上,黑市越来越正规,到了最高一级,便是业务范围覆盖几乎所有星域星际黑市,名义上统领所有黑市 But this highest level black market influence understands to remain silent to get rich the say/way, will not be all right idly to oneself gives the one independent name, called Interstellar Black Market, the person who did not know the circumstances of the matter also thinks that this was only the one noun. 而这个最高级黑市势力深谙闷声发财之道,不会闲的没事给自己一个独立的名字,就叫“星际黑市”,不知情的人还以为这只是一个名词。 Naturally, not all independent black market take orders in highest level Interstellar Black Market, like some not popular bludger does not know that mingles among the giant of international community. 当然,并不是所有独立黑市都听命于最高级星际黑市,就像一些不入流的小混混不知道混迹国际社会的巨擘一样。 Interstellar Black Market is quite huge, the business spreads entire cosmos, always some civilization hopes obtain the technology of advanced civilization blockade, similarly has the demand to black market, therefore turns a blind eye, even acts as the protective umbrella, on the other hand, Interstellar Black Market or the exchange platform of interstellar criminal, is the one immense underground society. 星际黑市极为庞大,业务遍及全宇宙,总有一些文明希望得到高级文明封锁的技术,同样对黑市有需求,于是睁一只眼闭一只眼,甚至充当保护伞,另一方面,星际黑市还是星际罪犯的交流平台,是一个巨大的地下社会。 Not all criminals to do the matter exist, some very big criminals scheme the benefit, they also need the order and prestige, needs some people to draw up the rule, therefore Interstellar Black Market manager arises at the historic moment, from black market mercenary and information organization and smuggling trade, the contraband goods production and other gray industries, is most powerful organization. 并非所有罪犯都是为了搞事而存在,很大一部分罪犯只是图谋利益,他们同样需要秩序与信誉,需要有人来制订规则,所以星际黑市管理者应运而生,来自黑市佣兵、情报组织、走私贸易、违禁品生产等各种灰色行业,都是其中最强大组织 Blood Gold Organization is one of the black market manager, the overlord great alligator of equivalent to underground crime world. 血金组织便是黑市管理者之一,相当于地下犯罪世界的霸主巨鳄。 Ark of the Fallen is not black market manager, black market manager basically is lawful evil, similarly does not like chaotic evil Ability God, although with is the crime influence, the two sides actually aren't the same kind of people. After Ark of the Fallen disintegrates, Blood Gold Organization admitted lots of criminals, helping them realize the lay-off re-employment. 堕落者方舟并不是黑市管理者,黑市管理者基本都是守序邪恶,同样不喜欢混乱邪恶异神,虽然同为犯罪势力,两边却不是一路人。在堕落者方舟分崩离析后,血金组织接纳了大量罪犯,帮他们实现了下岗再就业。 cadre arrives at side the leader, looks at subordinate to transport Evolver's Totem, cannot bear chuckled. 一名干部来到头领身边,看着手下搬运着进化者图腾,忍不住嘿嘿一笑 Now on black market the Evolver's Totem selling price is fried very high, as far as I know, many civilization purchase in the secret, if we swallowed this large stock of goods, you said how much money can sell?” “现在黑市进化者图腾的售价被炒得很高,据我所知,很多文明在秘密采购,要是我们吞了这批货,你说能卖多少钱?” Do not think blindly, this hires the main thing, do our work cargo bring it back, you dare to misappropriate are dislike the life to be long?” The leaders shake the head. “别瞎想,这是雇主要的东西,我们的工作就是把货物带回去,你敢私吞是嫌命长吗?”头领摇头。 After one -and-a-half years of operation, the Evolver's Totem business was more or less stable, not possibly turned to other Radiant and Ethereal civilization to commit fornication with Empire, only active crooked thoughts, but some interstellar big consortium waited and saw was so long, started the movement. 经过一年半的经营,进化者图腾的业务基本稳定了,一些投靠了另外光辉和虚灵文明不可能与帝国有染,只能动歪心思,而一些星际大财团观望了这么久,也开始了动作。 Before no one forgets one -and-a-half years, Black Star's score, snatching the Black Star Legion's operation difficulty is too high, these influences back off, the choice robs to transport the Evolver's Totem fleet, eyes covetously to stare at each purchase civilization. 没人忘记一年半以前黑星的战绩,抢黑星军团的操作难度太高,这些势力退而求其次,选择抢夺运送进化者图腾的舰队,虎视眈眈盯着每一个采购的文明 Because this violates the Star Sea general law, therefore Blood Gold Organization is delegate black market mercenary applies, now Evolver's Totem on black market is has no market price and falling short of demand. 因为这违背星海通用法律,于是血金组织代表黑市佣兵派上了用场,现在进化者图腾黑市上是有价无市、供不应求。 Robbed Rock Elf Evolver's Totem, this group of Blood Gold Organization member return to the spaceship, scrap all spaceship wreckage, turn around to leave. 抢走了岩石精灵进化者图腾,这伙血金组织成员回到飞船,炸碎所有飞船残骸,调头离开。 In the last several months, similar has performed many times in cosmos each corner. 最近几个月里,相似一幕已经在宇宙各个角落上演过不少次了。 ...... …… Broken Starlink, Black Star Legion headquarters. 破碎星环,黑星军团总部。 Also had one to purchase the Evolver's Totem user to be snatched halfway?” “又有一个购买进化者图腾的用户半路被抢了?” In the legion commander office, Han Xiao switches off player forum, looks to the Silvia's long-distance projection, the brow slightly wrinkle. 军团长办公室里,韩萧关掉玩家论坛,望向西薇雅的远程投影,眉头微皱。 Yes, is counted Rock Elf, has the 13 galaxy grade civilization customer to be plundered, several thousand Evolver's Totem wander about destitute on black market.” “是的,算上岩石精灵,已经有十三星系级文明客户遭到掠夺,数千个进化者图腾流落在黑市上。” Where was snatched?” “在哪里被抢的?” Sea of the Star Spirit, the spoiler status unknown, initial judgment should with the murderer who commit a crime several first times be the same influence.” 星灵之海,抢夺者身份未知,初步判断应该和前几次作案的凶手是同一个势力。” Han Xiao touches the chin, pays attention to black market, if crosses on section time black market not to trade Evolver's Totem, that should black market mercenary do, the thing was given the employer by them.” 韩萧摸了摸下巴,“关注一下黑市,要是过段时间黑市上没贩卖进化者图腾,那应该还是黑市佣兵干的,东西被他们交给雇主了。” Teacher, do we need to process this issue?” “老师,我们需不需要处理一下这个问题?” Does not need to manage, I irresponsible post-sale, going shopping the oneself protection is not good, does not have the relations with me...... naturally they, if hires my Mechanical Section team, that regarded as another matter.” Han Xiao beckons with the hand, how that side Rock Elf to say?” “不用管,我不负责售后,买了东西自己保护不好,与我没关系……当然他们要是雇佣我的机械部队,那就另当别论了。”韩萧摆摆手,“岩石精灵那边怎么说?” They said that hopes legion sends one batch to them again.” “他们说希望军团再给他们发一批。” Sends one batch? Doesn't buy?” “发一批?不是买?” Yes, they said that knows the Evolver's Totem cost is very low, is not willing to spend the high price to purchase again, thinks that we should to them one set...... you also know again the Rock Elf character is quite straightforward.” Helpless Silvia shrugs. “是的,他们说知道进化者图腾成本很低,不愿意再花高价购买,认为我们应该再给他们一套……你也知道岩石精灵的性格比较耿直。”西薇雅无奈耸肩。 Told them, I did not open the insurance business, wanted to buy again, the free compensation did not exist, this was the matter of principle.” “告诉他们,我不开保险业务,想要就再买,免费补偿是不存在的,这是原则问题。” Han Xiao shakes the head, if will open this opening , perhaps to have civilization to play the trick that the automorphy robber must compensate, lost money to buy and sell him not to do. 韩萧摇头,要是开了这个口子,说不定会有文明玩自守自盗要补偿的把戏,亏本买卖他才不做。 However, this matter is actually avoidless, possibly has civilization to reach the agreement with other influences in private, pretends to be stolen intentionally, thus indirect help/gang other not intimate Empire's civilization purchases Evolver's Totem. 不过,这种事其实无法避免,可能有文明私下与其他势力达成协议,故意装作被盗走,从而间接帮其他不亲近帝国的文明采购进化者图腾 However, Han Xiao did not mind Evolver's Totem that sells was robbed, snatched are more, he sells are also more, the market are more general, even can help him share the pressure, Evolver's Totem charge is in any case workable, he does not owe in any case. 然而,韩萧并不介意卖出去的进化者图腾被抢走,被抢的越多,他卖的也越多,市场更广大,甚至可以帮他分担压力,反正进化者图腾充能才可使用,他横竖是不亏的。 What needs a headache about this issue is Empire, is not he, so long as does not snatch on Black Star Legion's directly, he can also accept. 需要头疼这个问题的是帝国,不是他,只要不直接抢到黑星军团的头上,他还可以接受。 Understood, I told them.” “明白,那我就这么告诉他们了。” Silvia switched off the long-distance projection. 西薇雅关掉了远程投影。 Han Xiao spat one breath, in the future one supine, by the chair, hesitates the thinking. 韩萧吐了一口气,往后一仰,靠在椅子上,沉吟思索。 Since this year half, the Black Star Legion calm and steady operation, digested the achievement of rapid expansion gradually, consolidated various businesses, development situation good, his conduct attitude looked like one Mechanic the —— original body dwelling to build the machinery finally at home with concentration, expanded the great legion scale, the Mechanical Section team outside everywhere wave, the doing quests grain bin random reward number of times, was used to extract Quest Settlement Card. 这一年半以来,黑星军团安稳经营,逐步消化了快速扩张的成果,巩固了各项业务,发展情况良好,他的行事作风终于像一个机械师——本体宅在家里潜心打造机械,扩大军团规模,机械部队在外面到处浪,做任务随机奖励次数,用来抽取任务结算卡 His experience reserve also accumulated, puts out part of promotion blueprint skill to accumulate potential point, is used to promote ultimate knowledge level, in this period traded fifth ultimate knowledge with 6000 Scarlet Empire contribution points, armament system ultimate Mechanical Engineering. 他的经验储备也积累了起来,拿出一部分升级图纸技能累积潜能点,用来提升终极知识等级,期间用6000点帝国贡献度换了第五终极知识,武装系的【终极机械工程学】。 This knowledge with making the machinery is related , to promote the technique of manufacture and production line power sharply, and unlocking may combine blueprint massively, gave one Specialty 【ultimate Manufacturer】 and one skill 【Inspiration Creation】. 这个知识与制造机械有关,大幅提升制造技术与生产线功率,并解锁大量可组合图纸,给了一个专长【终极制造者】一个技能【灵感创造】 The 【ultimate Manufacturer】 effect is simple and practical, production mechanical creation, basic performance enhancement 25%~30%, the output velocity promotes 300%~500%, obviously, this is used for suddenly/violently soldier/weapon Specialty. 【终极制造者】的效果朴素而实用,生产的机械造物,基础性能提升25%~30%,生产速度提升300%~500%,显而易见,这是用来暴兵的专长 But 【Inspiration Creation】 is one inactive skill, activating the condition is ultimate Mechanical Engineering Achieves Lv5 full level, the effect is the random combination does not limit the quantity blueprint, random synthesizes one or many improvement or fusion new blueprint, but can also conduct the advanced establishment, the choice synthesizes blueprint tendentious (Attack, Defense, etc.) and demand role wait/etc, creates even more to be stabler than freely, can produce goods inevitably. 【灵感创造】一个未激活技能,激活条件是【终极机械工程学】达到Lv5满级,效果是任意组合不限数量的图纸,随机合成出一个或多个改良或融合的新图纸,还可以进行高级设置,选择合成图纸的倾向性(攻击、防御等等)、需求功能等等,比自由创造更加稳定,必然可以出货。 skill consumption is experience...... magnanimous experience. 技能消耗的则是经验……海量经验 Regarding cannot change blueprint player independently, this skill is divine skill, but Han Xiao oneself can improve blueprint, this skill use not big...... it is not a weak, similarly has the one unreplaceable function: 对于不能自主改变图纸玩家来说,这个技能神技,但是韩萧自己就能改良图纸,这个技能用处不大……不过它并不是鸡肋,同样有一个不可替代的作用: —— 【Inspiration Creation】 has the small probability to synthesize blueprint of cosmic treasure grade machinery, is Mechanic creates the gold equipment only way independently! ——【灵感创造】有微小的几率合成出宇宙宝物级机械的图纸,是机械师自主创造金色装备的唯一途径! Now Han Xiao's hand grasps two Cosmic Treasure, he does not shut out one more, but synthesizes cosmic treasure grade machinery blueprint is not easy, this like gamble blueprint, does not have the fixed matching combination, even the combination is the same, blueprint that synthesizes still has high randomness. 如今韩萧手两个宇宙宝物,他也不嫌弃多一个,不过合成出宇宙宝物级机械图纸没那么容易,这个不像赌图纸,没有固定的搭配组合,就算组合一样,合成出来的图纸依然有很高的随机性 The previous generation had player to gather actually by chance sold cosmic treasure grade machinery blueprint, but there is a two issue ; first, only emitted the blueprint information, and no one combined matching publicly, next......, even if had blueprint, the previous generation did not have machinery system player really to make other gold grade machinery. 前世倒是有玩家碰巧合成出了宇宙宝物级的机械图纸,但是有两个问题,一是只放出了图纸的信息,并没有人公开组合搭配,其次……就算有了图纸,前世也没有机械系玩家真的制造出金色级别的机械。 The blueprint prerequisite condition was too harsh, below Super A Grade basically did not have the possibility of manufacture, player naturally unable to satisfy the condition. 图纸前置条件太苛刻了,超A级以下基本没有制造的可能性,玩家自然满足不了条件。 【Inspiration Creation】 temporarily by Han Xiao throw into the back of the mind ; first, ultimate Mechanical Engineering Arrived full level, potential point of demand were too many ; second, although he has magnanimous experience to attempt to synthesize cosmic treasure grade blueprint, but other aspects lack experience, he must during Edition Update leaves behind the rich reserve, therefore does not dare to waste —— to him, without betting cosmic treasure grade blueprint, invests this skill experience to waste. 【灵感创造】暂时被韩萧抛在脑后,一是要把【终极机械工程学】点到满级,需求的潜能点太多了,二是他虽然有海量经验去尝试合成宇宙宝物级图纸,但其他方面更缺经验,他得为版本更新期间留下丰厚的储备,所以不敢浪费——对他而言,只要没赌出宇宙宝物级图纸,投入这个技能经验都是浪费。 Since this year half, the Gulal Civil War general situation has decided that the advancement, the process has no accident/surprise step by step, Pioneer Party will soon pick the fruits of victory, but the player's attention places on forthcoming third Pro League at present. 这一年半以来,古拉尔内战大局已定,步步推进,过程没什么意外,先驱党即将摘得胜利果实,不过目前玩家的注意力都放在了即将开幕的第三职业联赛上。 Because the player quantity rises dramatically, this Pro League heat degree also rises, attracting much attention, the district with second same was nine big contest areas, the competition schedule fine-tuned. 因为玩家数量暴增,这一届的职业联赛热度也随之上涨,备受瞩目,分区与第二届一样是九大赛区,赛程则进行了微调。 For example the secondary league tournament and invitational meet start ahead of schedule, six months ago started, making time of invitational meet ample, fully transfers more player to be heavy in the enthusiasm of participation, for also before Pro League opens officially decides the clamp quota and regular season list. 比如次级联赛和预选赛提早开打,半年前就开始了,让预选赛的时间变得宽裕,充分调动更多玩家重在参与的热情,同时也为了在职业联赛正式开幕前决定外卡名额和常规赛名单。 Han Xiao a moment ago is the video of invitational meet the forum looked, appreciated some player's shows to operate, the harvest share stupid-ass is joyful today. 韩萧刚才在论坛看的就是预选赛的视频,欣赏一些玩家的骚操作,收获今日份的沙雕快乐。 But when regulation game, in the arena war and group battle, individual to the war with the warteam war for survival beside, will increase three types specially to fighting the form. 而正式比赛时,在擂台战、团体对战、个人对战和战队生存战之外,将新增三种特殊对战形式。 First, the capture the flag capture the point match, many warteam participate to conduct the big tangled warfare, each player can Unlimited resurrect, finally wins by the points points. 一是夺旗抢点赛,多个战队参加进行大混战,每个选手都可以无限复活,最后以积分点数获胜。 Second, the team instance dungeon match, many warteam enter same instance dungeon, the competition completes quest target of sports event side establishment, gains points by this. 二是团队副本赛,多个战队进入同一个副本,竞争完成赛事方设置的任务目标,以此获取积分 Third, instance dungeon war for survival, as the name suggests, what competition is both sides survive (suffer) time in instance dungeon, the previous generation is also called as by player suppresses urine match. 三是副本生存战,顾名思义,比拼的是双方在副本内的生(受)存(苦)时间,前世也被玩家称作“憋尿赛”。 This league tournament to fighting the form was richer, target of sports event side is to strengthen athletics and interesting, joins two instance dungeon to fighting the form, attracts more PvE player. 这一届联赛的对战形式丰富了许多,赛事方的目标是增强竞技性和趣味性,加入两种副本对战形式,吸引更多PVe玩家 Preseason Match that warteam wearing in uses was also ahead of time, when plays the secondary league tournament and invitational meet, opens as the league tournament by the regular season directly, going is the district regular season, International All-star Game and district finals, International Regular Season and International Final, the gap of international race and district match and on equally short, the competition schedule is close. 战队磨合用的季前赛也提前了,等到打完次级联赛和预选赛,直接以常规赛作为联赛开幕,接下去是分区常规赛、国际明星赛、分区决赛、国际常规赛、国际总决赛,国际赛与分区赛的间隙和上一届一样短,赛程紧密。 The rule of this league tournament also compared with first two detailed many times, joined List of Forbidden Items, does not have/leave Great Technician Han to expect, Black Star Legion Badge · Evolution Is the first directly! 本届联赛的规则也比前两届详细了许多倍,其中还加入了“禁用道具清单”,不出韩大技师所料,【黑星军团徽章·进化】直接排在榜首! legion player has no feeling actually, because everyone can use, therefore does not feel specially, but other star region club were greatly loose —— this equipment was really strong excessively, if Broken Starlink player manpower one, they admitted defeat to consider as finished directly! 军团玩家倒是没什么感觉,因为大家都能用,所以不觉得特别,可是其他星域俱乐部却是大大松了一口——这件装备实在强得过分,要是破碎星环玩家人手一个,他们直接认输算了! However Han Xiao thinks reason not only that, because perhaps after also aberration, was too bloody was too ugly, was easy to frighten the flowers and plants, did not conform to the sports event side attraction popularity the original intention...... 不过韩萧认为原因不止如此,恐怕还因为畸变后太血腥太丑了,容易吓到花花草草,不符合赛事方吸引人气的初衷…… Is much longer does not have the human rights, is really the truth. 长得丑没人权,果然是真理。 —— —— ( This was yesterday, in the evening also had) (这是昨天的,晚上还有)
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