TTC :: Volume #16

#21: Angel that in the lake confessed

The volume of animal skin aerocyst even compares the ordinary swim ring to be smaller, moreover cannot wrap/sets the person, can only hold appearance. 兽皮气囊的体积甚至比普通的游泳圈要小一些,而且还不能套着人,只能抱着的样子。 Therefore uses on two people bodies, little has the contact on body. 所以用在两人的身上,就少不免是有身体上的接触。 The young girls have not contacted the strange man, even if the male with village are also most is only the polite regards, let alone is the situation of present. 少女并没有接触过陌生的男子,哪怕是同村的男性也最多只是礼貌性的问候,更何况是如今的这种情况。 But has not chosen, if the issue of puzzled body contact, may postpone to return to the time of village here very much. 但已经没有选择了,如果在这里纠结身体接触的问题,很有可能会推迟返回村庄的时间。 You, or hugs... grasps my shoulder.” A young girl face said earnestly: I have an experience that controls the aerocyst, making me lead to facilitate many.” “你要不抱…抓紧我的肩膀吧。”少女一脸认真地说道:“我有个操控气囊的经验,让我来主导会方便很多。” Boss Luo thinks, then circled the young girl behind. 洛老板想了想,便绕到了少女的身后。 He after the poster the young girl, both hands surrounded on the neck of young girl, looked like is that right.” 他从后楼主了少女,双手环绕在了少女的脖子上,“像是这样吗。” Chirp-! 啾-! She felt, if she has a tail, this flash will certainly stand erect, even the wool on tail will also raise up. 她觉得如果她有一条尾巴的话,这一瞬间一定会直立起来,甚至尾巴上的毛还会竖起。 Near after the ear sound is also in violation , the feeling of sticking, really yes...... 耳边的声音还有背后紧贴的感觉,实在是…… You... you are the poster my waist of...... not, holds my clothes!” “你…你还是楼主我的腰……不,抓住我的衣服吧!” Waist...... waist also very exciting! 腰……腰也会很刺激的吧! No, the waist resulted in the words too to be exciting, that was the young girl quite sensitive place, she most feared by person flexure itchy...... can be the life and death enemy simply! 不,腰得话就太刺激了,那是少女相当敏感的地方,她最怕被人挠痒痒的了……简直可以是生死敌人! After the reality held several times, in young girl finally the way that but, Boss Luo to hold in the arms the young girl slender waist launches. 实操了几次之后,在少女的无奈之下,洛老板最终还是以搂住少女纤细腰部的方式下水。 „The water of underground river very ice-cold, if you cannot endure patiently, must tell me.” The young girl deep breath one...... this plunges into the instinct in ice-cold river water suddenly. “地下河的水很冰冷,如果你忍耐不住的话,一定要告诉我。”少女深呼吸了一口……这是骤然跳入冰冷的河水之中的本能反应。 The breath, all of a sudden became difficult. 呼吸,一下子就变得艰难了起来。 But this symptom after the young girl adapted to the temperature of underground river water, quick has abated. 但这种症状在少女适应了地下河水的温度之后,很快就已经消退。 She even thought that the river water of today's underground river, in the past hasn't ice-cold, looked like the ordinary ground river water same...... cool? 她甚至觉得今日的地下河的河水,并没有往常的冰冷,就像是普通的地上河水一样……清凉? How long needs to arrive in the village probably?” Boss Luo after asked. “大概需要多久才能抵达村子?”洛老板从后问道。 River water rapidly directly promotes to go to the dropping variance direction two people of bodies at this time crazily, the river bank both sides winding ups and downs, on the river course will even often present the sharp hidden rock, but was hidden by the young girl adept river character with ease. 急速的河水此时直接将二人的身体疯狂地往落差的方向推动而去,河岸两侧蜿蜒曲折,河道上甚至不时会出现尖锐的暗礁,但都被少女娴熟的水性轻松躲了过去。 She perhaps by the number of times that this buried river water hurries along, is not only only several times. 她恐怕以这条地下河河水赶路的次数,不仅仅只是几次。 Quick! Most wants 15 minutes.” The young girls said fast: are you okay?” “很快!最多只要十五分钟的时间。”少女飞快地说道:“你还好吗?” Has Miss Jeanne here, I feel very safe.” “有让娜小姐在这里,我感到很安全。” Uh-huh...... 嗯哼…… Possibly will be quicker.” The young girls said at this time suddenly: Today the speed of flow of buried river water, as if compares ordinary wanting to be quicker, even the water level also as if rose much...... was not good!” “可能还会更快一些。”少女此时忽然说道:“今日地下河河水的流速,似乎比平常的要快些,甚至水位也似乎涨了不少……不好!” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” If the water level rose, we might unable to reach me the string that laid aside in front also to have the net very much......” young girl look to alarm, we will fire into a farther place...... I is too careless, I should prepare to be fuller launch.” “如果水位涨了的话,我们很有可能就够不着我在前面放置的绳子还有网……”少女神色惊动,“我们会被冲向更远的地方……我太草率了,我应该准备充分一些才下水的。” Boss Luo thinks saying: River rise how many?” 洛老板想了想道:“河水上涨了多少?” The young girls are observing the say/way fast: Probably one meter about five, could flutter the string with the foot..., but the opportunity only has one time. The time, we and others will try to find the solution. Front has a river course of furcation, side to the village, another side to a cliff, looking like an underground waterfall is the same, if were curled to the cliff that side, the trouble was big.” 少女飞快观察着道:“大概一米五左右,或许能够用脚勾住绳子…但机会只有一次。还有时间,我们等会才想办法。前面有一条分叉的河道,一边是通往村子的,另外一边则是通往一处断崖,就像是一个地下瀑布一样,如果被卷到断崖那边的话,就麻烦大了。” Boss Luo asked curiously: How Miss Jeanne you know that another side has the cliff?” 洛老板不禁好奇问道:“让娜小姐你怎么知道另一边有断崖的?” I have curiosity a time, overran toward that side...... is clamped tree trunk in stones in falling down at that time fortunately blocking. After that I do not dare toward that side.” “我有一次好奇,就往那边冲过去了……当时还好在掉下去之前被夹在石头间的树干给拦住。从那之后,我就再也不敢往那边去了。” Miss Jeanne has the venture spirit very much.” Boss Luo smiles at this time. “让娜小姐很有冒险精神呢。”洛老板此时笑了笑。 What You Ye basically does not have this spirit...... her habit was the prepare all, acted officially, will not like the midway having any mistake, regarding request nearly infinite high of fault-tolerant rate/lead. 优夜就基本没有这种精神……她习惯的是布置好了一切,才正式行动,不喜欢中途会出现任何的差错,对于容错率的要求近乎无限的高。 You are also reminding me, is my temper very wild?” The young girls looked angrily at one. “你是又在提醒我,我性子很野吗?”少女怒视了一眼。 Really, this fellow anything person, what situation, the life could discard immediately, actually the mood cared that some do not have. 真是的,这个家伙什么人,都什么情况了,命可能马上就要丢掉了,竟然还有心情关心那些有的没的。 Haze.” Boss Luo said suddenly. “起雾了。”洛老板冷不丁说道。 The young girls said subconsciously: How can underground river have...... the real haze?!” 少女下意识道:“地下河怎么会起……真的起雾了?!” The young girls look at the front dim river course at this time inconceivable, flare that velamen she holds up high, at this time actually can only illuminate arrives at the front haziness. 少女此时不可思议地看着前方昏暗的河道,那根被她高高举起的火把,此时却只能够照到前面的迷蒙。 However struggles...... also nonexistence to work loose the possibility in jet stream without enough time, the galloping underground river, will send in this piece on two people instantaneously hazily middle, the young girl lost the ability of observation river course furcation all of a sudden. 然而挣扎已经来不及……也不存在能够挣脱急流的可能,奔腾的地下河,瞬间将就二人送入了这片迷蒙当中,少女一下子就失去了观察河道分叉的能力。 Probably... also has any strange sound to transmit probably.” The young girls the look is dignified at this time. “好像…好像还有什么奇怪的声音传来。”少女此时神色凝重。 Fell into the middle of the dense fog completely, even avoids Shijiao to be hard to achieve...... the possible next second, they will run upon these sharp rugged stones directly. 完全陷入了迷雾当中,甚至连躲避石礁都难以做到……可能下一秒,他们就会直接撞上那些尖锐嶙峋的石头。 And at this time the dense fog deep place, spread just like the sound that the wild animal neighed. 并且此时迷雾的深处,更是传出了宛如野兽嘶鸣的声音。 That sound under this hopeless situation environment, appeared terrifying with infiltrating the person...... pondered without enough time, the river water rushed to a shining place two people quickly! 那声音在这种绝境般的环境之下,显得更加的恐怖与渗人……来不及思考了,河水很快就将二人冲到了一次发亮的地方! Has the orange red together light, at this moment appeared above the front river course, and more and more clear- finally, they rushed to the place that light source was at! 有一道橙红色的光,此刻出现在了前方的河道之上,并且越来越清晰了-终于,他们冲到了光源所在的地方! What is that...... is a person?” “那是什么……是人?” The river course center of underground river, has two almost to paste in all stalagmites......, but at this moment, they see, impressively was a body card in two stalagmites fellow of! 地下河的河道中央,有着两块几乎贴在一切的石笋……而此刻,他们所看见的,赫然是一名身体正卡在了两块石笋之中的家伙! The young girls have never seen the appearance of this design, even never sees the bodies of some people able to send out the orange-red ray! 少女从未见过这种款式的打扮,甚至从未见过有人的身体能够发出橙红的光芒! He... it is the monster seems to be same, even if there is human appearance, but skin is many splits unexpectedly, in the split skin as if there is magma to be the same in flowing! 他…它仿佛是怪物一样,纵使有着人类的模样,但身上的皮肤竟是多处裂开,裂开的皮肤内仿佛有岩浆在流动一般! The river water that these touch and go rapidly, sent out, the sound, released a lot of steam later- this was the underground river suddenly presented the reason of dense fog! 那些飞速擦过的河水,发出了嗤嗤,嗤嗤的声音,随后释放出来了大量的水蒸气-这就是地下河突然出现了迷雾的原因! Because there is a whole body boiling hot fellow, at this time is soaking in the middle of the river water. 因为有个浑身滚烫的家伙,此时正浸在河水当中。 He wants to give itself to decrease temperature probably in this way.” Boss Luo looked at the eye, perhaps also has other reason.” “他好像是想要通过这种方式来给自己降温。”洛老板看了眼,“或许还有别的原因。” Breathes out... us try not to alarm this strange fellow.” The young girls said at this time hastily in a low voice: You grasp my some, I attempt to circle...... the body of this strange fellow from side of this strange fellow to be able instantaneously the evaporation river water, if were burnt, the consequence is dreadful!” “嘘…我们尽量不要惊动这个怪家伙。”少女此时连忙低声说道:“你抓紧我一些,我尝试从这个怪家伙的旁边绕过去……这怪家伙的身体瞬间就能够蒸发河水,要是被烫一下的话,后果不堪设想!” Late.” Boss Luo actually shakes the head: He discovered us.” “迟了。”洛老板却摇了摇头:“他发现我们了。” What!” “什么!” Under, the young girl told fortunes by physiognomy in great surprise hastily the strange fellow of card among stalagmites- the eye that clever fellow shut tightly, breaks away in this instantaneous fierce person, later blamed the fellow to show the smile. 大惊之下,少女连忙看相了卡在石笋中间的怪家伙-乖家伙原本紧闭的眼睛,在这瞬间猛人挣开,随后怪家伙露出了笑容。 That corners of the mouth slit the root of the ear place, showed the smile of terrifying canine! 那种嘴角一直裂到了耳根处,露出恐怖尖牙的笑容! Swoop! 飞扑! The strange fellow of card among stalagmites, the relaxedness mounted the river course central stalagmite, later throws recklessly directly to two people who the washout comes! 卡在石笋中间的怪家伙,轻松就登上了河道中央的石笋,随后不顾一切地向冲刷而来的两人直接扑来! Bang-!! 嘭-!! The aerocyst instantaneously blamed fellow sharp nail of animal skin punctures! 兽皮的气囊瞬间被怪家伙锋利的指甲所刺破! Lost the help of buoyancy, is facing the close strange fellow, the body of young girl panic-stricken, was involved in the flying class/flow underground river water all of a sudden! 失去了浮力的帮助,又面临着近在咫尺的怪家伙,少女的身子惊恐之间,一下子就卷入了飞流的地下河水之中! The river water poured into her mouth and nose crazily......, however at this time, her foot as if by anything holding! 河水疯狂地灌入了她的口鼻……然而此时,她的脚似乎被什么东西给抓住了! The young girls opened an eye furiously, visible appears before oneself impressively orange red a glimmer- that fearful strange fellow, actually held the ankle area of young girl in the water. 少女奋力地睁开了一丝眼睛,看见的赫然是出现在自己面前的一道橙红色的微光-那个可怕的怪家伙,竟然在水中就抓住了少女的脚踝。 But the strange fellow another hand fluttered the stalagmite at this time, stood firm the body in turbulent current, and tries to pull off from the water the young girl. 而怪家伙此时另一只手则是勾住了石笋,稳住了在激流之中的身躯,并且试图将少女从水中拖出。 The young girls only have the instinct to stretch the legs to kick to the arm of this strange family/home. 少女唯有本能地蹬腿踢向这怪家的手臂。 Mr. Durand.” “杜兰德先生。” , The young girl as if heard what sound suddenly...... is the voice of that sword technique wise fellow, whose name he is calling probably. 冷不丁地,少女仿佛听到了什么声音……是那个剑术高明的家伙的声音,他好像在喊着谁的名字。 The river water is whipping her both ears, she is unable to hear carefully! 只是河水拍打着她的双耳,以至于她无法听得更加的仔细! But the young girl actually felt that the strange fellow held the palm of ankle area as if to change some...... she to make an effort suddenly, wrestled full power, finally was successful from the palm of strange fellow escapes! 但少女却感觉到怪家伙抓住自己脚踝的手掌似乎松动了些……她猛然用力,全力一搏,最终成功从怪家伙的手掌逃脱! However the river water gives to break all her of a sudden. 然而河水一下子就把她给冲开。 In the meantime, the form jumped to leap forward in the river water together, enclasped...... them to sink to the jet black river water the young girl together, but river water underground, running water confusion. 就在此时,一道身影纵身跃入了河水之中,将少女抱紧……他们一同沉入了漆黑的河水之中,而河水地下,流水更加的混乱。 The young girls feel the body to be rolled up and pushed along...... draw in the abyss. 少女感受着身体被卷动……被拖入深渊般。 She was unable to breathe. 她已经无法呼吸。 She only felt that the body falling rapidly, is tenesmusing, falls...... bangs into the water finally layer on layer/heavily again, the impulse had stonkered the past her directly! 她只感觉身体正在急速的下坠,下坠,下坠……最后重重地再次撞入水中,冲击力已经将她直接击昏了过去! ...... …… During she is calling out in alarm revives...... sits up, is sizing up all around at a loss. 她在惊叫之中苏醒了过来……坐起,茫然地打量着四周。 But she thorough has not as if come from the chaos of some consciousness soberly. 但她似乎还没有从某种意识的混沌之中彻底清醒过来。 Her vision subconsciously falls on present Luo Qiu, twittering was saying: I see Saint more/complete Eer It gave me to direct.” 她的目光下意识地落在了眼前的洛邱身上,呢喃着说道:“我看见【圣弥额尔】了,它给了我指引。” Saint more/complete Eer?” “圣弥额尔?” Where is this?” The young girls will actually sober suddenly thoroughly, she made an effort to fling the head, is rubbing own forehead, what did I say a moment ago?” “这是哪里?”少女却猛然将彻底地清醒了过来,她用力地甩了甩脑袋,然后又揉着自己的额头,“我刚才说了什么吗?” You mentioned Saint more/complete Eer This name.” Boss Luo said calmly. “你提到了【圣弥额尔】这个名字。”洛老板平静说道。 Saw only the young girl to reveal the vision of doubts at this time, Saint more/complete Eer Is, why will I raise the name of this person?” 只见少女此时露出了疑惑的目光,“【圣弥额尔】是什么人,我为什么会提起这个人的名字?” Boss Luo shakes the head, expressed that does not know. 洛老板只是摇了摇头,表示不知道。 The young girls have to continue to rub the painfully swollen head, we where...... is this fire you make now?” 少女只好继续揉着胀痛的脑袋,“我们现在在什么地方……这火是你弄的?” She even revealed the inconceivable vision. 她甚至露出了不可思议的目光。 The present place is a platform...... here still also in the underground river course, she can also hear the voice of underground River Falls now clearly. 眼前的这个地方是一处平台……这里依然还在地下河道之中,她现在还能够清晰地听到地下河瀑布的声音。 Strange fellow who after bumping into which will send out the orange light, they seemed to be rushed to another crossing...... here, perhaps after had fallen the cliff, extremely far place. 在碰到哪个会发出橙光的怪家伙之后,他们似乎被冲到了另外一条岔道……这里,恐怕已经是掉落了断崖之后,极远的地方。 This is the young girl has not explored the domain. 这是少女也未曾探险过的领域。 But she is curious...... in this moist place how Boss Luo lights a fire. 但她还是好奇洛老板是怎么生火的……在这种潮湿至极的地方。 Actually I am Magician.” Boss Luo chuckle a sound said: Is practice Magician, waits again for eight years, I can transfer the duty to become true Magician.” “其实我是一名魔法师。”洛老板轻笑了一声道:“不过是一个见习的魔法师,再等八年的时间,我就可以转职成为真正的魔法师了。” You , if Magician, then I was a sorceress.” The young girls did not have feel mad to look at Boss Luo. “你如果是魔法师,那么我就是女巫了。”少女没好气地看了眼洛老板 She thinks that he is an art, and is somewhat mechanical, the fellow but who also many city people sweet talked...... this fellow will also play this joke? 她认为他是一个讲究,并且有些刻板,但又不乏城里人花言巧语的家伙……原来这个家伙也会开这种玩笑的啊? Miss Jeanne can find the road that leaves from here.” Boss Luo asked at this time at will. “让娜小姐能够从这里找到离开的路吗。”洛老板此时随意问道。 The spirit that the young girls relax had to tighten all of a sudden, she looked at eye all around environment, finally shakes the head reluctantly: This place, I have not come. However, the words that generally walks upward, should be able to find the road. Hopes us is not washed away very far place, otherwise......” 少女放松的精神一下子就有拉紧了起来,她又看了眼四周的环境,最终无奈地摇了摇头:“这个地方,我从来没有来过。不过,一般往上走的话,应该能够找到路。但愿我们没有被冲走很远的地方,不然的话……” The young girls know, after being rushed to this place, wants to hurry back to the village not realistically...... she even not to know own stupor long time, but looks at clothes, has done thoroughly, obviously is because the life roasted relations, but this proving time passed by much, perhaps the village is hit by the attack at this time...... 少女知道,被冲到来这个地方之后,想要在赶回村庄已经不现实……她甚至不知道自己昏迷了多长的时间,但看着身上的衣服,都已经干透了,显然是因为生活烤了的关系,可这证明时间过去了不少,或许村庄此时正遭受着袭击…… Walks, we find the road that leaves.” Young girl took a deep breath, both hands patted oneself cheeks suddenly, stood up the body: Cannot sit waiting for death!” “走吧,我们找离开的路。”少女突然深呼吸了一口气,双手拍了拍自己的脸颊,站起了身来:“不能坐以待毙!” Saying, the young girl vision is congealing, then aimed at some direction in dim environment, here topography should be upward, we first walk this direction have a try...... wait/etc, what sound do you have to hear?” 说着,少女目光一凝,便指向了昏暗环境中的某个方向,“这边的地势应该是往上的,我们先走这个方向试一试吧……等等,你有听到什么声音吗?” Boss Luo said: I can hear the voice of distant place underground River Falls.” 洛老板道:“我能听到远处地下河瀑布的声音。” „It is not this, is other sound......” young girl closes the eye, is listening attentively to anything, then she took the step suddenly, has not actually gone in that topography high direction. “不是这个,是别的声音……”少女闭上眼睛,倾听着什么,然后她忽然迈出了步子,却并未朝着那地势高的方向而去。 Is another direction, a topography downward direction. 是另外一个方向,一个地势向下的方向。 It is calling my name.” “它在喊我的名字。” Only during hears to take a step, the young girl makes twittering sound, her consciousness seemed to be attracted completely, forgot side all, during walked into was dim. 只听见在迈步之中,少女发出呢喃般的声音,她的意识似乎被全部吸引,忘记了身边所有的一切,一头走入了昏暗之中。 Boss Luo has not gone to break young girl this time condition, he follows silently in the young girl behind...... behind, voice of that underground River Falls getting smaller. 洛老板没有去打断少女此时的状态,他只是默默地跟随在少女的身后……身后,那地下河瀑布的声音越来越小了。 The front road gradually becomes narrow, but before the river course also vanishes did not see...... them to arrive at limestone cave under a giant dike, the young girl continues to penetrate into this limestone cave. 前方的路渐渐变得狭窄,但是河道也不知不觉之间消失了不见……他们来到了一处巨大岩壁下的溶洞之前,少女继续深入到这个溶洞之中。 Suddenly, the young girl stopped the footsteps, hesitates. 忽然间,少女停下了脚步,踌躇不前。 Luo Qiu asked at this time: Why does not continue.” 洛邱此时问道:“为什么不继续走下去。” I do not know that......” young girl has not turned head, said in a low voice: I am afraid... me not to know front what exactly is it, why will cry out I...... why me.” “我不知道……”少女并未回头,低声道:“我害怕…我不知道前面到底是什么,为什么会叫唤我……为什么是我。” Boss Luo said: Our return trip.” 洛老板道:“那我们返程。” No, I must walk, I want to know the answer.” Young girl took a deep breath, she has oneself opinion...... her subconsciously as if not to think extremely by this frivolous fellow about. “不,我要走下去,我想知道答案。”少女深呼吸了一口气,她极有自己的主见……她下意识地似乎并不想自己被这个轻浮的家伙所左右。 Even if he were engagement who the father chose good...... this engagement she not to agree! 就算是他是父亲选的婚约者好了……这婚约她也没有同意的! The end of limestone cave channel as if has been able to see, wipes the dim light, in the front emerges, the young girl moved toward this wiped dim light- went out of this channel. 溶洞通道的尽头仿佛已经能够看见,一抹幽光在前方涌现,少女走向了这一抹幽光-走出了这条通道。 Suddenly seeing the light world. 豁然开朗的世界。 Legend... real?” “传说…难道是真的?” Only hears the young girl twittering the sound to remember again. 只听见少女呢喃的声音再次想起。 Their at present, is the lake that powder is shining...... the ray came from the crystal that unexpectedly buries above all around dike, the bottom of lake water also has this type of crystal that is sending out the ray! 他们的眼前,竟是一个散发着光的湖泊……光芒来自于四周岩壁之上埋藏的水晶,湖水的底部也有这种散发着光芒的水晶! The vision of young girl a shoal that was located by lake in the heart Yang attracted the past all of a sudden. 少女的目光一下子就被湖心中央处的一处浅滩所吸引了过去。 Above the shoal of that center of the lake, has an angel statue. 在那湖心的浅滩之上,有着一尊天使的雕像。 Gabriel on one knee knelt on the ground, the wing drew, but angel both hands, are grasping a sword......[ pen interest pavilion 520] sword inserted in the ground, the angel also lowered the head. 单膝跪在了地上,羽翼收拢,而天使的双手,正握着一柄剑……[笔趣阁]剑插在了地上,天使亦低着头。 It, is waiting for probably. 它,好像是在等待。 It, is confessing probably. 它,也好像是在忏悔。
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