TTC :: Volume #16

#20: Jeanne poem

On the steep downhill, all around is the gloomy moist illusion, after only light source, in the young girl hand takes flare. 陡峭的下坡路上,四周是阴暗潮湿的幻境,唯一的光源之后少女手上拿着的火把。 She walks in front. 她走在前头。 Shadow in flame, because of hole ** the wind shakes. Under shadow that was enlarged by the flame, the young girl frail body, appearing was thinner and smaller, but she walks quickly. 影子在火光之中,会因为洞**的风而摇动。在被火光放大的影子之下,少女原本单薄的身体,显得更加的瘦小了,但她走得很快。 Can follow? On the road has many sharp small stones, haven't you rubbed through the foot?” “能跟上吗?路上有很多尖锐的小石头,你没有磨破脚吧?” This is the young girl cares about the way of person probably...... the quite direct way. 这大概是少女关心人的方式……比较直接的方式。 Miss Jeanne, I in your behind, relax.” “让娜小姐,我在你的身后,放心。” „.” The young girls do not turn head, but complied with one gently, later the rate of march actually also sped up some...... she to think in this city perhaps the fellow, is supporting by hard and stubborn effort. “哦。”少女也不回头,只是轻轻应了一句,随后步速却同时也加快了一些……她心想这个城里来的家伙,或许只是在硬撑。 How can I say? 怎么说呢? Perhaps the sword technique of this fellow is very wise, but after all is not the hunter, moreover took this rugged road...... to say such relaxedness for the first time unexpectedly, even if oneself have had the experience, the physical exertion was very big. 或许这个家伙的剑术真的很高明,但毕竟不是猎人,而且还是第一次走这条崎岖的路……居然说得那样的轻松,即使自己有过经验,体力消耗还是很大。 Just, when the forest bumps into this fellow, has this fellow probably demonstrated some good field survival skills? 只不过,在森林碰到这个家伙的时候,这家伙好像就展示过一些不俗的野外生存技巧? At this time should not divide to think these things. 这个时候不应该分心想这些事情。 Be careful.” “小心。” „?......” “啊?啊……” The under foot of young girl skids instantaneously, must fall the steep dike shortly, the instance that young girl in the heart alarms, the instinct holds anything to stand firm own body, but starting impressively is a palm of warming. 少女的脚下瞬间滑动,眼看就要滑落陡峭的岩壁,少女心中惊动的瞬间,本能地抓住什么来稳住自己的身体,只是入手的赫然是一只温暖的手掌。 The body of young girl half soon found out below abyss! 少女半边的身子都快要探出下方的深渊了! At this time, the tumbled gravel was swallowed by dark all of a sudden, the heart of young girl jumps fast, is survivor of disaster the feeling had the flash even to find time the strength of whole body. 此时,滚落的石子一下子就被黑暗所吞噬,少女的心脏跳得飞快,劫后余生般的感觉有一瞬间甚至抽空了全身的力气。 She felt that the body somewhat becomes tender...... the body to be pulled back little. 她感觉身子有些发软……身体一点点地被拉了回来。 This underground acupuncture point was too moist, in the stone facing attaches many messes.” Boss Luo said at this time suddenly: I almost also tripped a moment ago several times, has Miss Jeanne then to remind me fortunately once for a while.” “这地下穴道太潮湿了,石面上附着许多苔藓。”洛老板此时忽然说道:“我刚才有好几次差点也绊倒了,还好有让娜小姐时不时回头提醒我。” Have I... reminded this matter? 我…有提醒过这件事情啊? Probably... has? No? 好像…有吧?没有? The young girl deep breath of being survivor of disaster, is calming down slightly, I was all right, we continue to hurry along, quick can see the underground river,...... thanked a moment ago, you rescued my one time.” 劫后余生的少女深呼吸着,略微地定了定神,“我没事了,我们继续赶路吧,很快就能够看到地下河了,还有……刚才谢谢,你救了我一次。” Boss Luo said at will: Miss Jeanne in forest, saved me and my companion. In mansion, is Miss Jeanne make a move, makes me be able from the hand of cavalry to escape.” 洛老板随意道:“让娜小姐在森林的时候,也救了我和我的同伴。还有在公馆的时候,也是让娜小姐出手,才让我能够从骑兵的手上逃脱。” The young girls blink, suddenly said: „Is our is the life-and-death friendship?” 少女眨了眨眼睛,忽然说道:“我们这算不算已经是生死之交?” Boss Luo said: On risky road, would running into the dangerous matter, effectively security that help can guarantee the team. Life-and-death friendship that Miss Jeanne you said that is some deeper level sentiments......, therefore should also not be considered as temporarily.” 洛老板道:“冒险的路上,总会碰到许多危险的事情,相互之间的帮助能够有效地保证队伍的安全性。让娜小姐你说的生死之交,是更深层次一些的感情……所以暂时来说应该还不算是。” A adventure...... 只是一次冒险么…… Young girls light un, withdraws fast the also gripped palm...... the palm of this fellow is smooth, even the callus does not have, master who how can catch? 少女轻嗯了一声,飞快地抽回还被握住的手掌……这家伙的手掌光滑细腻,甚至连老茧也没有,怎能抓的主人? Really does not know that this fellow the trace of hand work does not have, learns that wise sword technique...... the sword technique, should not accumulate over a long period of time, perseveres, trades with the innumerable sweat? 真不知道这家伙的手一点劳动的痕迹也没有,是怎么学会那么高明的剑术……剑术,难道不是应该日积月累,持之以恒,用无数的汗水换来的么? But... is really very warm hand. 但…真的是很温暖的手。 Does not know, we can catch up.” She shifted oneself attention... she really not to know that forcefully why oneself attention association/will fluttered unknowingly. “不知道,我们能不能赶上。”她强行转移了自己的注意力…她真的不知道为什么自己的注意力总会不经意间飘开。 Smooth words should yes.” Boss Luo thinks saying: I only feared that does not meet smoothly.” “顺利的话应该是可以的。”洛老板想了想道:“我只怕会不顺利。” Why?” The young girls are out of control to wrinkle frowns. “为什么?”少女禁不住皱了皱眉头 Boss Luo earnest said/tunnel: I thought carefully, I discovered that my person, such as...... probably is I quite easy to bring the misfortune facing some troublesome things somewhat suddenly.” 洛老板认真地道:“我仔细想了下,我发现我身边的人,多多少少都会突如起来地面对一些麻烦的事情……可能是我比较容易给人带来厄运。” The young girl surprise opened the opens the mouth, how will some people describe like this oneself? 少女诧异地张了张口,怎会有人这样形容自己的? But is careful thinks, as if seems like has such matter...... this fellow that was missing for example Mr. Durand, for example since their group of appeared, the cavalry of native of Bourgogne also follows to appear. 但仔细一想,似乎又像是有这么一回事……比如说这家伙那位失踪了的杜兰德老爷,比如说自从他们这一行人出现了之后,勃艮第人的骑兵也跟着出现。 The young girls shake the head, said indifferently: „The cavalry of native of Bourgogne, attacks our village is not a twice matter. In this piece by the area that a native of Bourgogne controls, the Domremy village is only one is still supporting the area of French imperial family. They want to eradicate us, is not the strange matter. You met this matter by chance.” 少女摇摇头,淡然道:“勃艮第人的骑兵,袭击我们的村子也不是一次两次的事情。在这片被勃艮第人掌控的地区,栋雷米村是唯一一个还在拥护法兰西皇室的地区。他们想要铲除我们,并不是什么奇怪的事情。你们只是碰巧遇上了这件事情而已。” Why your village does not bow to a native of Bourgogne.” Boss Luo asked curiously: Here is remote enough, perhaps even the imperial family, still had forgotten, even has possibly never heard. In the tumultuous times, you should have a better choice.” “你们村庄为什么不向勃艮第人低头。”洛老板好奇问道:“这里足够偏僻,即使是皇室的话,恐怕也早就已经忘记,甚至可能从未听说过。在乱世之中,你们应该有更好的选择。” That group are fellows who have the Viking barbarian bloodline, under their rules, how possibly better choices?” Young girl coldly snorted one, free bloodlines, is never a slave! If I am not the daughter body, I had left the village, invests the army of France, this group of barbaric fellows, hurries back to their ancestry's Navia peninsulas! I had planned, after wait for me is grown, disguises as to become the man, joins in the army.” “那群拥有维京野蛮人血统的家伙,在他们的统治之下,怎么可能是更好的选择?”少女冷哼了一声,“自由的血脉,永不为奴!如果我不是女儿身,我早就已经离开了村子,投入法兰西的军队,将这群野蛮的家伙,赶回他们祖辈的纳维亚半岛!我已经打算,等我成年之后,就假扮成为男人,投身军队。” Listened to the young girl the firm language, in the brain of Boss Luo to resound one at this time chirp, chirp the sound, Emmmm...... the Jeanne poem? 听着少女此时坚定的语言,洛老板的脑中不禁响起了一段唧唧,唧唧的声音,Emmmm……让娜诗? Goes forth to battle to kill the enemy, is your ambition, Miss Jeanne.” Boss Luo looks that her both eyes asked. “上阵杀敌,是你的志向吗,让娜小姐。”洛老板看着她的双眼问道。 The young girls asked back: What's wrong, you look down upon the woman? Can't the women go forth to battle to kill the enemy?” 少女反问道:“怎么,你是看不起女人?女人就不能上阵杀敌?” Sure.” Boss Luo smiles saying: I am thinking, in the battlefield, Miss Jeanne certainly becomes like Goddess of Victory same existence, your ray will shine these to follow in your behind Warrior, you will become their flags.” “当然可以。”洛老板莞尔一笑道:“我在想,在战场上,让娜小姐一定会成为如同胜利女神一样的存在,你的光芒将会照耀那些跟随在你身后的战士,你将会成为他们的旗帜。” Young girl complexion one red. 少女脸色不禁一红。 This person spoke this, said all of a sudden of pleasant to hear, hearing the person was dizzy...... what to be similar to the goddess of victory? Also must become the ray flag! 这人说话怎么这样的,一下子就说得那么好听,听得人晕乎乎的……什么如同胜利的女神呀?还要成为光芒的旗帜! It is not bashful! 不害臊! The sound of rapid underground river running water conveys, following also in the gale that underground blows, the young girl the complexion one is hastily happy at this time: Immediately must arrive!” 湍急的地下河流水的声音传来,随之而来的还有一阵在地下刮起的强风,少女此时连忙脸色一喜道:“马上就要到了!” ...... …… ...... …… Good, saw the village! Evidently, that group of damn Bourgogne cavalries have not arrived!” “太好了,看到村庄了!看样子,那群该死的勃艮第骑兵还没有到来!” Outside the Domremy village, a militiaman said at this time excitedly. 栋雷米村外,一名民兵此时兴奋地说道。 From Wild rose mansion Escaped everyone...... they had not dispersed here finally escape, because Boss Luo held under duress Lyon Bell, gave their enough hurrying along time. 从【蔷薇公馆】逃出的所有人都在这里了……他们最终并没有分散逃跑,因为洛老板挟持了里昂贝尔,给了他们充足的赶路时间。 But life in 【The city of freedom Maid to subdue|grams Lili may not have such very intensive movement, at this time is pale, sweat profusely. 但生活在【自由之城】的女佣克丽丽可没有过这么高强度的运动,此时脸色苍白,香汗淋漓。 Atha Chios and some Livar many also aura rapidly. 阿萨谢斯与利瓦尔多少也有些气息急速。 Mr. Yak makes a militiaman speed up going to the village manages at this time to disclose secret information, lets another militiaman the person who goes to the sentry post notice of village to stand guard in the evening, pushes the loud bugle. 雅克先生此时让一名民兵加快前往村管所去通风报信,又让另一名民兵前往村子的哨岗通知晚上站岗的人,推响号角。 He leads others, goes to converge with Master Charris, decided that is the troop who meets the approaching enemy a native of Bourgogne, item that evacuates the rural population as soon as possible. 他则是带着其余众人,前往与查里斯村长汇合,决定到底是迎击勃艮第人的骑兵队,还是尽早将村人撤离的事项。 Several, you, although is also a witness, what the cavalry of native of Bourgogne must attack is our village!” Mr. Yak looks at this time Mr. Atha Chios an numerous said: Therefore, from now on, I have not been able to care about you is too many, please keep here waiting...... to excuse me temporarily! However, I will guarantee that as far as possible your securities, look in that brave youngster share! God, hoping him to come back safely.” “几位,你们虽然也是见证者,但勃艮第人的骑兵要袭击的是我们的村子!”雅克先生此时看着阿萨谢斯先生一众说道:“所以,从现在开始,我已经无法顾及你们太多,请你们暂时留在这里等待……请见谅!不过,我会尽量保证你们的安全,看在那位挺身而出的年轻人的份上!上帝,但愿他能够平安回来。” Then, Mr. Yak then rushed to converge urgently with village head and the others. 说罢,雅克先生便火急火燎地赶往与村长等人汇合去了。 How to turn into like this......” “怎会变成这样子……” to subdue|grams Lili just now returns to normal the heartbeat, but looks under the sounding bugle, entire village households of turning on a light fires of...... look that this becomes panic-stricken village, maid young lady's the color of worry was stronger. 克丽丽才刚平复了心跳,但看着在吹响的号角之下,整个村子一户户亮起了灯火……看着这个变得惊恐的村子,女佣小姐的担忧之色更浓了。 Atha Chios boss, here what exactly is it place? Can we also go back the holy city?” Sound that this maid spoke, already many belts a weeping voice. “阿萨谢斯老板,这里到底是什么地方?我们还能回去圣城吗?”这位女佣说话的声音,已经多少带着了一丝哭腔。 Mr. Atha Chios can only comfort to subdue|grams Lili in a soft voice. 阿萨谢斯先生只能轻声安慰着克丽丽。 At this time, Livar in placing shape such as the Ruddick School president of empty shell after that male assistant, suddenly arrived at miss maid and Nan Xiaonan front, you, do not seem like worried about your companions very much.” 此时,利瓦尔在安置好了形如空壳的卢迪克校园长与那位男助理之后,忽然来到了女仆小姐南小楠的面前,“你们,看起来好像不是很担心你们的同伴。” Worry! I am worried!” Nan Xiaonan said directly: But is worried not to help matters now even, isn't that so?” “担心啊!我心里担心得要死!”南小楠直接说道:“但现在就算是担心也无补于事,不是吗?” boss is not, I worried that in the future owner lady must create obstacles for me...... boss to ask you to come back to sing the white face quickly! 老板不在,我就担心未来老板娘要刁难我……老板求求你快回来唱白脸啊! Hopes that he can come back safely.” Livar nods: Pitifully here is unable to pray, otherwise I will pray for him.” “希望他能平安回来。”利瓦尔点点头:“可惜这里无法祈祷,不然我会为他祈祷。” miss maid said at this time suddenly: Mr. Livar, is unable to produce hopes the strength under the situation, you will not pray.” 女仆小姐此时却冷不丁道:“利瓦尔先生,难道在无法生产愿力的情况之下,你就已经不会祈祷了吗。” Livar in the heart is startled, the surprise looked to this pretty female...... these words to his impact inexplicable big, what he has not even cared hears was Produces hopes strength Production hopes strength. 利瓦尔不禁心中一怔,诧异地看向了这名貌美的女子……这句话对他的冲击莫名的大,以至于他甚至没有在意到底听到的是【产生愿力】还是【生产愿力】。 Good!” Livar took a deep breath, „, even if unable to obtain to hope the strength, however the belief of in the heart should not vanish...... the sage unable to listen attentively to my pray aspiration, because is only I am not very reverent.” “不错!”利瓦尔深呼吸了一口气,“就算无法获得愿力,但是心中的信仰不应该消失……圣人无法倾听我的祈祷心声,只会因为是我不够虔诚。” Saying, this Mr. Livar then closed both eyes to go directly. 说着,这位利瓦尔先生便直接闭上了双眼去。 If in the heart prayed for someone purely, whom does not need to make hear.” miss maid sound suddenly floating sound, „, if so really the place that needs one to arrive, that is the rivers of destiny...... hopes your word of pray inevitably, can arrive in the destiny the rivers.” “如果心中只是单纯地为某一个人而祈祷,并不需要让谁听到。”女仆小姐的声音忽然飘响,“若然真的需要一个能够抵达的地方,那必然是命运的河流……但愿你的祈祷之言,能够抵达命运的河流。” Sees only Livar's view to twitch slightly, but quick then returned to normal. 只见利瓦尔的眼帘微微抽动,但很快便又平复了下来。 Un? 嗯? Also does not know whether the misconception, has that instant instance, Nan Xiaonan as if sees the glimmer that on Livar one wiped to flash past. 也不知道是否错觉,有那么刹那的瞬间,南小楠似乎看到了利瓦尔身上一抹一闪而过的微光。 After Atha Chios comforted. Lili, walks the gram 阿萨谢斯安慰了克丽丽之后走来。 Leads Mr. Yak and his party to return from the exploration group Wild rose mansion Later, they do not have the time, does not have the opportunity to calm down exchanges well. 从探索组带着雅克先生一行回到【蔷薇公馆】之后,他们都没有时间,也没有机会静下来好好地交流。 The question of Atha Chios in the heart were too many, the matter that for example Ruddick and male assistant wake up. 阿萨谢斯心中的疑问太多了,比如卢迪克与男助理醒来的这件事情。 Miss You Ye, south young lady, how Ruddick they sobers, how then to turn into now this appearance?” Atha Chios is considering asking: I listened to to subdue|grams Lili saying that was because you did feed the relations of some potion to them?” 优夜小姐,南小姐,卢迪克他们是怎么清醒过来,然后又是怎样变成现在这个样子的?”阿萨谢斯斟酌着问道:“我听克丽丽说,是因为你们给他们喂了一些药水的关系?” potion is I disposes temporarily.” miss maid at this time said indifferently: Does not have the clinical trial, therefore there is such a sequela is not strange.” 药水是我临时配置出来的。”女仆小姐此时淡然道:“没有临床试验过,所以有这样的后遗症并不奇怪。” This? 这? Mr. Atha Chios the cheeks twitches gently, when facing this woman, meets incredibly to have an awe, he must curse at people. 阿萨谢斯先生脸颊轻轻抽搐,要不是在面对这个女人的时候,会莫名其妙地生出一股敬畏,他是要骂人的了。 miss maid also said at this time: potion, since is I disposes, they drank having problems, I will naturally also be responsible for...... particularly this Ruddick, he should be 【The mother of sage Family's descendants, I will not make him have an accident.” 女仆小姐此时却又道:“药水既然是我配置的,他们喝下了出了问题,我自然也会负责……尤其是这个卢迪克,他应该是【圣人之母】家族的后裔吧,我不会让他出事的。” But Holy Light country sending people to heaven life equality......, although does not know why the opposite party must raise Ruddick's family background at this time specially, but Mr. Atha Chios also lost the idea of accountability at this time. 圣光国度人人生而平等……虽然不知道为何对方这个时候要特异地提起卢迪克的出身,但阿萨谢斯先生此时也失去了问责的想法。 He came on the accountability well, even looks straight at does not dare this pretty woman...... especially, his paternal grandmother is also alive, vision not such dignity! 他本来就问责不错来,甚至连正眼都不敢这个貌美的女人……特么的,他奶奶还在世的时候,目光都没有这样的威严! ei......” Mr. Atha Chios sighed said angrily at this time: Does not know the cavalry who these natives of Bourgogne, when will come, looked that perhaps situation here cannot resist, does not know whether we can stay out from this time disaster, Durand this fellow, now how does not know!” “欸……”阿萨谢斯先生此时叹了口气道:“也不知道那些勃艮第人的骑兵,什么时候会来,看情况这里恐怕是抵挡不住,也不知道我们能否躲过这次的灾难,还有杜兰德这家伙,现在也不知道如何!” miss maid said at this time suddenly: Nearby has a underground river, if the village cannot resist, can hide in the underground river, following the river water, can arrive in mountain valley another side.” 女仆小姐此时却忽然道:“附近有一条地下河,如果村子抵挡不住,可以躲到地下河里面去,顺着河水,能够抵达山谷的另外一边。” Really?” Mr. Atha Chios the great happiness, responds immediately at once, is surprised the different way: How will you know?” “真的?”阿萨谢斯先生顿时大喜,旋即反应了过来,诧异道:“你怎会知道的?” The miss maid resembles has not heard, arrived at Ruddick's front directly, opened Ruddick's eyes with the finger, is observing his both eyes. 女仆小姐像未听见似的,直接走到了卢迪克的面前,用手指撑开了卢迪克的眼睛,观察着他的双眼 Atha Chios only has to flip the supercilious look...... this pretty woman, as if left to that Mr. Luo beside, no matter what who is this looking cold and indifferent, is maintaining the polite appearance merely. 阿萨谢斯唯有翻了翻白眼……这个貌美的女人,似乎出了对着那位洛先生之外,任谁都是这副爱理不理,仅仅维持着礼貌的模样。 I look, eats.” Atha Chios thinks at this time: Escapes must need the strength, your day has not eaten the thing.” “我去找找,有没有吃的。”阿萨谢斯此时想了想:“逃跑也是要需要力气的,你们也一天没吃过东西了。” I......” see that Nan Xiaonan also opens the mouth hastily, I also......? Am I all right to do probably?” “那我……”见状,南小楠也连忙开口,“我也……咦?我好像没事做?” „If not mind, looks for a food and drink with me.” Helpless Mr. Atha Chios said. “要是不介意的话,就和我一起找点吃喝的吧。”阿萨谢斯先生无奈说道。 ...... …… ...... …… The ray of flare is unable to illuminate arrives at the river water another side. 火把的光芒无法照到河水的另一边。 Under only light source, can actually see the river water...... the dropping variance in this underground river to be big in flowing at the scary speed. 仅有的光源之下,却能够看见河水正在以骇人的速度在流动……这条地下河的落差应该不小。 All around cold air is strong. 四周寒气浓重。 Sees only the young girl to wield the flare at this time, seems seeking for anything...... quickly, then sees the young girl from together underground river big stone then since parting, towed a cotton cloth bag. 只见少女此时挥动着火把,似乎在寻找着什么……很快,便看见少女从一块地下河便的大石别后,拖出来了一个大布袋子。 Young girl Jeanne inserted the flare in the ground directly, later pulled out some similar animal skin to be the same from the cotton cloth bag, after sewing thing. 少女让娜直接将火把插在了地上,随后从大布袋子之中掏出了一些类似兽皮一样,经过缝制的东西。 These are the aerocysts of animal skin manufacture.” The young girls said fast: Depends upon the buoyancy of aerocyst, we can flutter to the nearby of village fast. I left leeway a standing net also to have the string there, fluttered to there time will block us.” “这些是兽皮制作的气囊。”少女飞快地说道:“依靠气囊的浮力,我们就能够快速地飘到村子的附近。我在那里留有了一张网还有绳子,飘到那里的时候就会拦住我们。” Saying, the young girl is then blowing air/Qi directly to the aerocyst. 说着,少女便直接对着气囊吹起了气来。 Only has an aerocyst.” Boss Luo thinks saying that that looks like, can only share.” “只有一个气囊吗。”洛老板想了想道,“那么看来,只能共用了。” Do the words that truly only then, shares...... need to hug mutually? 确实只有一个,共用的话……岂不是要相互抱着? Coughs-! 咳咳咳咳咳-! Is blowing the aerocyst, blows is blowing, the young girl was mad the branch suddenly. Something went wrong 吹着气囊,吹着吹着,少女就忽然气岔了。[Not Found]
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