TTC :: Volume #16

#13: Her name

The flame of combustion extinguishes gradually. 燃烧的火光渐渐熄灭。 Has turned into the burnt black corpse to pour in the corner of night street like this. 已经变成了焦黑色的尸体就这样倒在了深夜街头的一角。 Together is afterward dusky, probably hoodwinked the dust light group, emits...... the next instance from the corpse chest place slowly, this dusky light group then wants to flush away toward the sky directly. 随后一道灰蒙蒙,像是蒙了尘般的光团,从尸体的胸口处缓缓冒出……下一个瞬间,这灰蒙蒙的光团便直接想要朝着天空冲去。 The people die to belong dead out, the soul puts into the main bosom. 人死归于寂灭,灵魂投入主的怀抱。 People in Holy Light state, can see existence that the soul investment main arms of death...... therefore believed in the lord. 圣光国度的人们,可以看见去世者的灵魂投入主的怀抱……因此相信主的存在。 But at this moment, the soul of male drunkard has not thrown turns over to main bosom- it was temporarily stopped, finally fell into the palm of white clothing youth. 但这一刻,醉汉的灵魂并没有投归主的怀抱-它被截留了,最终落入了白衣青年的掌心之中。 „A polluted soul, like bacteria.” The white clothing youth five fingers grasp, change to the prisoner's cage, is stranded the soul of male drunkard, hopes that this is only the first case, otherwise......” “一个被污染的灵魂,如同细菌。”白衣青年五指微握,化作囚笼,将醉汉的灵魂困着,“希望这只是第一例,否则……” Otherwise anything, side the white clothing youth two high-level angels are unable to guess. 否则什么,白衣青年身边的两名高级天使无从猜测。 But no matter angel or the female angel, suspected indistinctly, perhaps this involves the heaven extremely secret matter, perhaps only then blazing the angel first-level angel, can know. 但不管是朗度天使还是女性天使,都隐约地猜想,这恐怕涉及到天国极度机密的事情,或许只有是炽天使一级的天使,才能够知晓。 Sir, this male drunkard is impossible for no reason the self-ignition.” The female angel is hesitating at this time the say/way: We have examined the diary of his destiny system, discovered that he starts as of late becomes frustrated, even does not have the means centralized spirit to pray, and feels the serious anxiety. Afterward through friend's introduction, he attempted to take one mysterious medicine......” “大人,这个醉汉不可能无故自燃的。”女性天使此时沉吟着道:“我们查看过他天命系统的日志,发现他最近这段时间开始变得失意,甚至没有办法集中精神进行祈祷,并且感到严重的焦虑。后来通过朋友的介绍,他尝试服用了一种神奇的药物……” The white clothing youth actually beckons with the hand at this time suddenly, said indifferently: Some people came, should be the person in public security hall, first left here to say again.” 白衣青年此时却忽然一摆手,淡然道:“有人来了,应该是治安厅的人,先离开这里再说吧。” The female angel nods hastily. 女性天使连忙点了点头。 This white clothing youth arrives, even eliminated arrived at the time in Blazing day The response of statue, has not planned to alarm human in Holy Light state. 这次白衣青年降临,甚至消除了降临时候在【炽天之都】的雕像的反应,就是没打算惊动圣光国度内的人类 That, this corpse......” “那么,这具尸体……” One and carry away.” The white clothing youth said directly. “一并带走吧。”白衣青年直接说道。 ...... …… Before long, one team of night patrols patrol leader in public security hall arrived at this place...... they to detect some sounds, therefore caught up hastily. 不一会儿,一队夜间巡逻的治安厅的巡逻队来到了此地……他们是察觉到了一些动静,所以连忙赶来的。 However at the scene, besides finding the ground had a trace of burn, not many discoveries. 但是在现场,除了找到了地上拥有一处烧焦的痕迹之外,并没有更多的发现。 Strange, after this flavor seems like the animal fat burns, sends out, the trace of ground is......” the masters in public security hall is also big frowns. “奇怪,这种味道似乎是动物油脂燃烧之后所散发出来的,地上的这个痕迹也是……”治安厅的老爷们不禁大皱眉头 „Nearby you go to a revolution of revolutions, looked that has anything to discover.” The team leader of patrol leader was telling to the team member at this time said. “你们去附近转转,看有没有什么发现吧。”巡逻队的队长此时向队员吩咐着说道。 The people disperse accordingly. 众人应声而散。 But afterward in a whole evening, this patrol leader had no useful discovery, this matter can only let it go finally temporarily. 但后来一整晚上,这支巡逻队都没有什么有用的发现,这件事情最后只能暂时不了了之。 ...... …… ...... …… Wild rose mansion, Main Hall. 【蔷薇公馆】,大堂 Will have the discovery of mutation about the blood under the condition of heating publicly, Boss Luo not. 关于鲜血在加热的状态之下会产生异变的发现,洛老板并没有公开。 Atha Chios and Livar, although will pay attention to here, but the complete thoughts have not placed above observation here obviously. 阿萨谢斯与利瓦尔虽然会留意这边,但显然并没有全副心思都放在观察这边之上。 Following late at night, was in shifts several times, when cell phone time demonstration 6 : 00 am, has been able to see that out of the window transmitted wiped the weak light. 接下来的后半夜,轮班了几次,在手机时间显示早上 6 点的时候,已经能够看到窗外传来了一抹微弱的光。 Wild rose mansion The outside landform, has been able to see an approximate outline, no longer is pitch-dark one piece- this also means, this strange place, and does the night time is to belong during the daytime normally......, take them to come here for the standard? 【蔷薇公馆】外边的地貌,已经能够看到一个大致的轮廓,不再是黑漆漆的一片-这也意味着,这个奇异的地方,白天与黑夜的时间是属于正常……嗯,以他们来到这里为准? I... I give everyone the focus water.” The maid young lady the whole face weary condition crawled at this time the body. “我…我去给大家烧点水。”女佣小姐此时满脸疲态地爬起了身来。 Originally she was wants saying that prepared the breakfast, but thinks Wild rose mansion That very poor mansion, she went out yesterday is only made additional payment the electrical bill, has not bought some food with enough time. 本来她是想要说去准备早餐的,但是一想【蔷薇公馆】还是那个很穷的公馆,昨日她出门只是去补交了电费,还没有来得及购入一些食材。 The people wake up one by one. 众人逐一醒来。 After Livar rubbed to pinch the little while forehead, said: „After the sky is brighter, we start to search all around environment, looks for Mr. Durand, moreover to last night saw that the light the place investigated...... to defer to last night grouping, the woman remained in the mansion, try not to go out, wait for me came back.” 利瓦尔揉捏了会儿眉心之后道:“天再亮一些之后,我们开始搜索四周的环境,寻找杜兰德先生,另外到昨晚看到灯光的地方探查一下……还是按照昨晚的分组吧,女士留守在公馆內,尽量不要外出,等我们回来。” Atha Chios first unfamiliar road: Gram Lili, waits to meet you to go to the garden to look for some flowering branches to moisten, once what's the matter lights, I will continue to pay attention to the direction of mansion, will have the matter we to hurry back immediately.” 阿萨谢斯先生道:“克丽丽,等会你去花园找一些花枝打湿一些,一旦有什么事情就点燃吧,我会持续留意公馆的方向,一有事情我们就会马上赶回来的。” Now, in this strange place, cell phone besides looking at time, already not available, can only contact with this indigenous methods. 如今,在这个怪异的地方,手机除了看时间之外,已经不可用,只能用这种土办法进行联络。 The after maid in mansion complied with one, quick then prepared. 公馆的女佣应了一声之后,很快便去准备了。 At this time Mr. Atha Chios left a while alone, but quick then comes back, and also brings some ancient weapons to come back. 此时阿萨谢斯先生独自离开了一会儿,但很快便回来,并且还带着一些古老的武器回来。 Bow and arrow, hunting rifle?” Livar frowns at this time. “弓箭,猎枪?”利瓦尔此时不禁皱了下眉头。 Because of these thing seemingly suitable old, does not have the relations of history very much, because these things are known as immediately freely seven one 【The city of freedom In, is the thing of contraband goods. 不是因为这些东西看起来相当的老旧,很有历史的关系,而是因为这些东西即时在号称最为自由的七都之一的【自由之城】内,也是属于违禁品的东西。 Mr. Atha Chios shrugs to say at this time: You leave such look at me, these things are my ancestor remain, has deposited in the basement. It is said these things Sage Also has used, is this holy relic?” 阿萨谢斯先生此时耸了耸肩道:“你别这样看着我,这些东西都是我祖上留下来的,一直都只是存放在地下室。据说这些东西【圣人】也用过,这算不算是圣遗物?” Livar brow wrinkles deeply, took a rusty stain stained iron sword from Atha Chios's hand, drew out to look, shook the head saying: Really is very difficult associates this type of thing and holy relic.” 利瓦尔眉头皱得更深一些,从阿萨谢斯的手中取过来了一柄锈迹斑斑的铁剑,拔出看了看,不禁摇摇头道:“实在是很难将这种东西和圣遗物联想起来。” He puts above this rusty stain stained iron sword the table at once carefully, but is not willing to wear obviously. 他旋即将这柄锈迹斑斑的铁剑小心地放到了桌子之上,但显然并不是很愿意佩戴。 miss maid took this iron sword at this time suddenly, said indifferently: Your gentlemen went out, this keeps the sword to our these woman approaching bodies.” 女仆小姐此时却忽然将这柄铁剑拿了起来,淡然道:“你们男士都外出了,这把剑就留下来给我们这些女士傍身吧。” Mr. Atha Chios nods indifferently, at once also says: Perhaps perhaps actually the kitchen several sharp kitchen knives, more suitable lady's wrist/skill...... this sword, really could not have cut the thing.” 阿萨谢斯先生无所谓地点点头,旋即又道:“其实厨房还有几把锋利的菜刀,或许更适合女士的手腕……这把剑,恐怕真的砍不了东西的。” I feel good.” miss maid smiling faintly, pressed own waist the iron sword later, makes must draw a sword movement. “我觉得挺好的。”女仆小姐微微一笑,随后将铁剑按到了自己的腰间,作出了即要拔剑般的动作。 Mr. Livar has had the exercise sword technique, at this time vision one bright, very standard movement, Madame.” 利瓦尔先生一直都有锻炼剑术,此时目光一亮,“很标准的动作,女士。” miss maid gives a calm smile. 女仆小姐只是淡然一笑。 After Livar thinks, finally took the hunting rifle, read, discovered the appearance that as if can also use, then gave the direct back the hunting rifle on the body. 利瓦尔想了想之后,最后还是将猎枪拿了起来,翻看了一下,发现似乎还能用的样子,便将猎枪给直接背在了身上。 Atha Chios took up the bow and arrow. 阿萨谢斯则是拿起了弓箭。 Boss Luo did not have the weapon, then smiled saying with a smile: „The words that two do not shut out, protected me to be good.” 洛老板没有武器了,便笑了笑道:“两位不嫌弃的话,就保护我好了。” Atha Chios shakes the head, after thinking, at once goes out of a while, then brought an originally to be used to construct the shear of garden to come back, in a stopper toward the hand of Boss Luo, said that always compared no good, taking! 阿萨谢斯摇了摇头,想了想之后,旋即又走出了一会儿,接着带回来了一把原本用来修建庭院的大剪刀回来,往洛老板的手上一塞,说总比没有的好,拿着吧! Boss Luo is grasping the shear, pulls open, cuts the air, the complexion somewhat is quite strange, good, I accepted...... the scissors, can be very fierce weapon.” 洛老板手持着大剪刀,拉开,剪了剪空气,脸色颇有些古怪,“好吧,那我就收下了……剪刀,也能是很厉害的武器呢。” Nan Xiaonan sees that the deep breath the deep breath, was also good to hang not to smile to make noise. 南小楠见状,深呼吸了又深呼吸,好悬没有笑出声来。 hahahaha haha!! Smiles the dead old lady!!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈!!笑死老娘啦!!! „, We go out to explore now, can the words, we will look for some food to come back as far as possible.” Before Atha Chios just before leaving, urged: Only if were we came back, or Durand sobered, otherwise before do not open the door...... the darkness, we will also come back.” “那么,我们现在出去探索了,可以的话,我们会尽量找些食物回来。”阿萨谢斯临行前叮嘱道:“除非是我们回来了,或者杜兰德清醒了回来,否则都不要开门……天黑之前,我们也会回来。” On road careful.” miss maid is looks Boss Luo said in a soft voice. “路上小心。”女仆小姐则是看着洛老板轻声说道。 ...... …… Wilderness, mountain peak, this was separated from the metropolis aura wilderness thoroughly...... the mood of Mr. Atha Chios at this time seemed like good. 原野,山峰,这是彻底脱离了都市气息的旷野……阿萨谢斯先生的心情此时看起来似乎不错。 In his words, this lets he remembered the youth and Ruddick together in the country life the time. 用他的话来说,这让他想起了少年时代与卢迪克一起在乡下生活过的时光。 „Has Mr. Atha Chios also lived in the place of countryside?” Boss Luo asked curiously. “阿萨谢斯先生也在乡下的地方生活过?”洛老板好奇问道。 Livar explained: Mr. Atha Chios and Ruddick School president, the youth had followed a scholar learn/study of noble character and high prestige, that mister is the person who a hobby travels, had once led them to walk randomly in holy city subordinate the experience of territory augmentation story after a period of time.” 利瓦尔解释道:“阿萨谢斯先生与卢迪克校园长,少年时代曾经跟随过一位德高望重的学者学习,那位先生是一位爱好游历的人,有过一段时间曾经带着他们游走在圣城下属的领地增广见闻的经历。” Old Man Calvin lacks two to the coolie who he lifts the baggage.” Atha Chios shrugs to say at this time: What this old man is painstakingly the life of cultivator, devout was devout, but also was one life idiot who the clothes will not wash!” “加尔文老头只是缺两个给他抬行李的苦力而已。”阿萨谢斯此时耸了耸肩道:“这老头自己过的是苦修士的生活,虔诚是虔诚了,但同时也是一个连衣服都不会自己洗的生活白痴!” Words that this type does not honor the teacher and respect his teachings, Livar uses temporarily as has not heard-, although similar words, can hear from the mouth of Ruddick School president frequently is. 这种不尊师重道的话,利瓦尔权当没有听见-尽管类似的话,也经常能够从卢迪克校园长的口中听到便是。 Boss Luo said at this time: Last night you saw the light the direction, was far?” 洛老板此时却道:“昨晚你们看到有灯光的方向,还有多远?” Should not have to be far.” Atha Chios memories said: But was too black last night, the indistinct light is not truly good to judge that the distance...... properly speaking, should also draw near? Strange, how front seems like, is very desolated appearance.” “应该没多远了。”阿萨谢斯回忆道:“但昨晚太黑了,隐约中的灯光确实不好判断距离……不过按理来说,应该也快到了吧?奇怪,怎么前面看起来,还是很荒芜的样子。” We could crawl to the high place have a look.” Livar points at front one is very long high big tree to say at this time. “我们或许可以爬到高处看看。”利瓦尔此时指着前方一颗长得很高的大树说道。 In the meantime, seems anything, to/clashes suddenly toward three people. 就在此时,似有什么东西,猛然朝着三人冲来。 „Is this...... the wild boar?” Atha Chios first responded, avoids quickly! Was hit by this thing, half life will lose!” “这是……野猪?”阿萨谢斯第一时间反应了过来,“快躲开!被这东西撞一下,半条命会丢!” Saying, the Atha Chios anxious hasty takes out the back bow, is thrown into confusion makes contact with the arrow...... the finger to draw the bowstring, sees only arrow to project accordingly! 说着,阿萨谢斯急忙忙地将背后的弓取出,手忙脚乱地搭上箭……手指一拉弓弦,只见箭枝应声射出! Whiz-! 嗖-! The arrow went to the horizon accurate, then does not know where crashed. 箭精准地投向了天际,然后不知道坠落到了什么地方。 Boss Luo blinks. 洛老板不禁眨了眨眼睛。 Livar shakes the head at this time, takes up the hunting rifle, later bang...... the bullet has not projected, the reason was the burst in the bore- luckily was the hunting rifle of quite old design, but Livar exploded the whole face dark gray. 利瓦尔此时则是摇了摇头,将猎枪拿起,随后砰的一声……子弹没有射出,原因是炸膛了-幸亏则是相当老款式的猎枪,但利瓦尔还是炸得满脸灰黑。 Boss Luo blinks. 洛老板又不禁眨了眨眼睛。 Appearance that these two seem like...... the human elite? 这两位看起来……挺人类精英的模样啊? How suddenly on the drawing hip...... 怎么突然之间就拉胯了咧…… Quick...... runs!” Mr. Atha Chios yelled one at this time panic-stricken. “快……快跑!”阿萨谢斯先生此时惊恐地大叫了一声。 On sets up! The wild boar cannot climb up!” Livar took the bull by the horns, makes an effort to jump, climbs up tree trunk, the both legs jammed...... then unable to crawl. “上树!野猪爬不上!”利瓦尔当机立断,用力一跳,爬上了树干,双腿紧夹……然后就爬不上去了。 Although he attempts to catch up to stretch the legs very much diligently, wish makes the body rise, but the quick body then slid. 尽管他很是努力地尝试着发力蹬腿,想要让身体上升,但很快身体便又滑了下来。 Do they seem like really the appearance of human elite? 他们看起来真的很人类精英的样子啊? Falls face down!” “趴下!” In the meantime, the clear sound resounds in the forest together, Boss Luo hears word, then made way the body, saw only the long and narrow shadow rapid to pass over gently and swiftly from his side together, later submerged on the wild boar that dashing came directly! 就在此时,一道清脆的声音在林中响起,洛老板闻言,便让开了身体,只见一道狭长的黑影飞速从他的身边掠过,随后直接没入了那冲撞而来的野猪身上! Is an arrow, but is not has drawn the arrow that Mr. Atha of Chios hip projects obviously! 是箭,但显然并不是已经拉胯的阿萨谢斯先生射出的箭! The arrow the direct hit the forehead of wild boar, struck at this time fatally! 箭头此时直接命中了野猪的眉心,一击致命! „... Was saved.” Mr. Atha Chios implored the tone at this time secretly, by tree trunk. “得…得救了。”阿萨谢斯先生此时暗自吁了口气,靠在了树干上。 Livar slid slowly, later reorganized under the clothes, restores to become the appearance of human elite, after was the face black some...... the hunting rifle burst in the bore, was spurted by the gunpowder. 利瓦尔则是缓缓地滑了下来,随后整理了下衣服,又恢复成为了人类精英的模样,就是脸黑了些……猎枪炸膛后被火药喷的。 Here is very dangerous, many wild animals will appear and disappear, your three, then how isn't careful?” “这里很危险的,很多野兽会出没,你们三个,怎么那么不小心?” That is a golden short hair, wears is knitting the safari suit, the body slightly seems frail, at this time is drawing the bowstring that made contact with the arrow, refers to the tread, young girl who approaches slowly. 那是一名金色短发,身穿着打猎装,身子略显得单薄,此时拉着搭上了箭的弓弦,指着地面,缓缓靠近的少女。 This young girl somewhat was truly frail, is very difficult to think that her arrow can actually kill a giant wild boar. 这少女确实有些单薄了,很难让人想到她的一箭竟然能够击毙一头巨大的野猪。 This young girl, probably 14 or 15-year-old appearance? 这少女,大概只有十四五岁的样子吧? Was rescued by such a young girl, Mr. Atha Chios is red shameless one, at once in the eye flashes through a happy expression...... he to look to Livar, Livar in the eye also had similar color. 被这样一个少女救了,阿萨谢斯先生不禁老脸一红,旋即眼中闪过一丝喜色……他看向了利瓦尔,利瓦尔眼内同样也有类似的色彩。 Here presented a young girl, means, this place is not absolute bleak! 这里出现了一个少女,也就意味着,这个地方不会是绝对的荒凉! The words of some people, then many issues can the answer. 有人的话,那么许多问题都能够得到答案。 The young girls had arrived at the exploration squad at this time the place five meters away, but actually stopped, she is still maintaining the movement of drawing, the vision concentrates: Your attires are very strange, where from comes? Who hadn't I formerly seen you in the village...... you am?” 少女此时已经来到了探索小队五米外的地方,但却停了下来,她依然保持着拉弓的动作,目光一凝:“你们的衣着很奇怪,是从什么地方来的?我从前没有在村子见过你们……你们是谁?” This woman, hello/you good.” Mr. Atha Chios the politeness said at this time: We are the travelers of wrong path, is seeking for nearby village, the hope can some supplies.” “这位女士,你好。”阿萨谢斯先生此时礼貌道:“我们是迷途的旅人,正在寻找附近的村庄,希望能够得到一些补给。” Young girls silent moment, the bow that suddenly will press down holds up, the arrow aimed at Atha Chios, said indifferently: You do not seem like a good person, I do not believe that your words...... you, you look quite pleasing to the eyes!” 少女沉默了片刻,忽然将按下的弓举起,箭头对准了阿萨谢斯,淡然道:“你看起来不像是个好人,我不相信你的话……你来说,你看着比较顺眼!” Saying, the arrow is moving slowly, actually aimed at Atha Chios and Livar behind, takes shear nowhere imposition Boss Luo. 说着,箭头缓缓地移动,却是指向了阿萨谢斯与利瓦尔身后,拿着大剪刀无处安放的洛老板 Mr. Atha Chios wanted to curse at people. 阿萨谢斯先生想要骂人了。 He formerly was also the handsome man who and Ruddick shared the honor, although did these years were somewhat sloven, but also grow as the mature masculine charm? 他好歹从前也是和卢迪克齐名的美男子,这些年虽然有些不修边幅,但也增长了作为成熟男性的魅力? Boss Luo blinks saying: We truly are the travelers of wrong way , nearby wants to seek has a look at the inhabit region, wants to make some supplies, moreover consults here information.” 洛老板眨了眨眼睛道:“我们确实是迷路的旅人,也想要寻找附近看看有没有聚居地,想要弄些补给,另外咨询一下这里的情报。” Mr. Atha Chios shakes the head, even suppresses the impulsion of rolling the eyes...... this is not equal to that had not said. 阿萨谢斯先生不禁摇了摇头,甚至强忍着翻白眼的冲动……这不等于没说。 This forest , if an outsider, truly very easy wrong way.” Who would have guessed that holds the young girl of bow actually to nod at this time, I can believe your words temporarily, but the condition, you need to help me carry this wild boar to go back...... me behind you, shows the way to you.” “这森林如果是外来人,确实很容易迷路。”哪知道持弓的少女此时却点了点头,“我可以暂时相信你们的话,不过有一个条件,你们需要帮我扛着这头野猪回去……我会在你们后面,给你们指路。” WTF! WTF! WTF!! 卧槽卧槽卧槽!! Mr. Atha Chios in the heart cursed, he in the past was really the handsome man who and Ruddick shared the honor, was all the rage entire Freedom school Handsome man! 阿萨谢斯先生心中大骂,他当年真得是和卢迪克齐名的美男子,是风靡整个【自由之都学院】的美男子啊! Very fair transaction.” Boss Luo smiling faintly said: I think that my companions should agree.” “很公平的交易。”洛老板微微一笑道:“我想我的同伴们应该会同意的。” The young girls have not said anything, but is directing three people of exploration group simply, starts to pick up all around branches as well as some wear-resisting vines, temporarily makes the tool, transporting of convenient wild boar. 少女没多说什么,只是简单地指挥着探索组的三人,开始捡起四周的树枝以及一些耐磨的藤蔓,临时做了工具,方便野猪的运送。 Until finally, the young girl pointed out the direction, explores the three talents of group to start to drive the wild boar to go forward. 直到最后,少女指明了方向,探索组的三人才开始拖动着野猪前进。 Right, my name was Jeanne Ducker!” The young girls said at this time at will: „Do you, you name?” “对了,我叫让娜・达克!”少女此时随意说道:“你们呢,你们叫什么名字?”
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