TTC :: Volume #16

#12: White blood

Late at night, 【The city of sage Almost all places turn off a light. 深夜,【圣人之城】几乎所有的地方都关了灯。 Although 【The city of sage Will not be confined to barracks in the night, but here does not have these to make the recreation area that the person physical body degenerates...... the entire Holy Light world not have this type of thing. 虽然【圣人之城】并不会在深夜禁足,但这里也没有那些让人肉体堕落的娱乐场所……整个圣光世界都没有这种东西。 Although said that stays up late is the human instinct, but in the Holy Light state had only heard stays up late to pray, has not heard the staying up late amusement. 虽然说熬夜是人类的天性,但圣光国度内只听说过熬夜祈祷的,没有听说过熬夜玩乐的。 Together come!” “一起来嗨啊!” A tramp appearance, is carrying the magnum male drunkard single-handedly, suddenly braved to come out...... in the peaceful street. 一名流浪汉模样,一手拎着大酒瓶子的醉汉,突然冒了出来……在安静的街道之中。 The male drunkard dance with joy, as if forgot who oneself is, does not know oneself are making anything...... to make these should not the proper behavior in the Holy Light state. 醉汉手舞足蹈,似乎忘记了自己是谁,也不知道自己正在做些什么……做着那些不应该在圣光国度内应有的行为。 Meanwhile, then regarding three people that the behavior of this male drunkard watches critically. 与此同时,则是对于这位醉汉的行为冷眼旁观的三人。 The youth of white clothing, was punished and confiscated the angel of mouth, another female angel. 白衣的青年,被罚没了嘴巴的朗度天使,还有另外一位女性天使。 Although was punished and confiscated the mouth, but also is only the stay after Holy Light state period...... angel calms down also knows oneself said extremely, therefore does not have the complaint of least bit regarding the penalty. 虽然被罚没了嘴巴,但也只是逗留在圣光国度的期间……朗度天使冷静下来之后也知道自己说得太过,因此对于惩罚没有半点的怨言。 But he essentially is an extreme Holy Light person. 但他本质上是一个极端的圣光主义者。 Behavior that the appearance of male drunkard, male drunkard these lose the standard, just like the heresy...... the heresy to need to purify in the eye of angel. 醉汉的出现,还有醉汉这些失格的行为,在朗度天使的眼中犹如异端……异端是需要净化的。 The Holy Light flame of trial, has burnt on the palm of this angel...... only waits for one of the white clothing youth to hint. 审判的圣光火焰,已经在这位朗度天使的手掌上燃烧……只等白衣青年的一个示意了。 He is somewhat strange.” The white clothing youth said at this time indifferently: Investigates.” “他有些奇怪。”白衣青年此时却淡然说道:“调查一下。” Yes.” “是。” The female angel complied with one fast, angel also took back the Holy Light flame at this time...... Gabriel make a move, then stonkered the past this male drunkard instantaneously. 女性天使飞快地应了一句,朗度天使此时也收回了圣光的火焰……朗度出手,瞬间便将这名醉汉击昏了过去。 The white clothing youth also said at this time: You in this wait for me.” 白衣青年此时又道:“你们在这等我吧。” Saying, the white clothing youth along a long and narrow stone ladder, on some building on slopeway...... that was then called slowly Wild rose mansion Place. 说着,白衣青年便沿着一条石梯,缓缓地等上坡道上的某栋建筑……那被称之为【蔷薇公馆】的地方。 Angel wrinkled frowns at this time, looked at eye female angel, Sir, very much matter that cares about that sage.” 朗度天使此时皱了皱眉头,看了眼身边的女性天使,“大人,还是很在意那位圣人的事情。” His mouth still does not have, this is the sound of spiritual force resonating. 他的嘴巴依然没有,这是精神力共振的声音。 You are still banning the word .” The female angel said indifferently. “你还在禁言的,朗度。”女性天使淡然说道。 I know!” The sound of angel vibrates again, is only, the Sir really does not have this necessity!” “我知道!”朗度天使的声音再次振动,“只是,大人真没有这个必要!” Has a look at this fellow what's the matter.” The female angel shook the head, changed a topic, opened his destiny system, observed his record.” “看看这个家伙怎么回事吧。”女性天使摇摇头,换了个话题,“打开他的天命系统,察看他的记录吧。” Was given to enter the angel of Holy Light state, has the jurisdiction of opening the destiny system at will examination. 被赋予进入圣光国度的天使,都有打开天命系统随意查看的权限。 ...... …… Ascends the step, but on final, what the white clothing youth's first eyes see is that worn-out, even was eaten has bit the trace signboard. 登阶而上的最后,白衣青年第一眼看到的是那块破旧的,甚至还有被蛀咬过痕迹的招牌。 Wild rose mansion Front door at this time unlatched, Main Hall transmitted the ray of lights. 【蔷薇公馆】的大门此时是虚掩的,大堂传来了灯火的光芒。 By the hearing of white clothing youth, actually cannot hear Wild rose mansion In any sound...... the breathing does not even have. 只是以白衣青年的听力,却未能听到【蔷薇公馆】内任何一丝的声音……甚至连呼吸声都没有。 Gate unlatched, has the lamp small flame to get up, but in the mansion actually no one, this seemed somewhat strange. 门是虚掩的,有灯火亮起,但公馆内却没有人在,这就显得有些奇怪了。 The white clothing youth wrinkled frowns, walked into directly Wild rose mansion In...... in this Holy Light state, he does not need to abstain from as well as be careful anything. 白衣青年皱了皱眉头,直接走入了【蔷薇公馆】之中……在这圣光国度内,他无需要忌讳以及小心任何的事情。 Here all, cannot have any injury to him. 这里的一切,将不能对他有任何的伤害。 When he in Wild rose mansion In walks, has not truly seen anyone......, but here has the obvious life trace, even under the tea, leftovers food. 只是当他在【蔷薇公馆】内行走的时候,确实没有看见任何一个人……但这里有着明显的生活痕迹,甚至还有茶水,一些吃剩下的食物。 These can show, at least before several hours, here also people...... left hurriedly? 这些都能证明,至少在数个小时之前,这里还有人……只是匆忙地离开了? But in hurried is also insufficient even/including gate not to close, this was more like vanished suddenly same...... . Moreover, the person of disappearance even also had several. 但在匆忙也不至于连门也没有关上,这更像是突然之间消失了一样……而且,消失的人甚至还有好几个之多。 The white clothing youth crosses the hands behind the back in the corridor of mansion walks, suddenly stops. 白衣青年负手在公馆的走廊之中行走,忽然停下。 A landscape painting captured his attention...... his vision to see the signature on painting naturally. 一副风景画吸引了他的目光……他的目光自然而然地看到了画作上的署名。 Yak Ducker. 雅克・达克。 He remembers the name of this man. 他记得这个男人的名字。 This is sage the name of father's, is he this man, from some Sub-World, receives and instructs the Holy Light state that arrives at personally. 这是圣人的父亲的名字,同时也是他将这个男人,从某个子世界之中,亲自接引来到的这个圣光的国度。 This Yak Ducker, is in numerous, most reverent, has this qualifications. 这个雅克・达克,是众多个之中,最为虔诚的一个,有这个资格。 The people are no longer the same.” “物是人非了。” The white clothing youth god moment...... his vision puts aside from the landscape painting suddenly quickly, he continues to walk in the mansion, but cannot discover anything finally. 白衣青年恍神片刻……他目光很快就从风景画之中移开,他继续在公馆内部行走,但最终未能发现什么。 He has not moved all in this mansion, even the unlatched front door is also maintaining the original appearance. 他没有动这个公馆里的一切,甚至于虚掩的大门也维持着原来的模样。 He returned place that lets two angel waiting. 他回到了让两名天使等待的地方。 Sees only on two angels faces, had some heterochroses...... the white clothing youth to think then to open the mouth to ask directly: Has anything to discover.” 只见两名天使的脸上,都有了一些异色……白衣青年想了想便直接开口问道:“有什么发现吗。” Angel cannot say, he does not dare to use spiritual force to resonate before the white clothing youth, can only look to female angel. 朗度天使不能言,他也不敢在白衣青年面前用精神力共振,只能看向了身边的女性天使。 The female angel the look is dignified at this time, spat two characters gently: Poisonous /////.” 女性天使此时则神色凝重,轻轻地吐了两个字:“毒/////品。” A white clothing youth brow wrinkle, vision such as bright, looks straight ahead male drunkard who that is remaining unconscious, actually sees this male drunkard the complexion to be red at this time, whole body sweat profusely appearance. 白衣青年眉头一皱,目光如有神,直视着那昏迷不醒的醉汉,却见这醉汉此时脸色通红,浑身大汗淋漓的模样。 Why will his body temperature rise?” The white clothing youth has doubts to ask. “他体温为什么会升高?”白衣青年疑惑问道。 The female angel shakes the head, reveals the color of doubts: Subordinate does not know, he a moment ago was also not this appearance.” 女性天使摇摇头,露出疑惑之色:“属下不知,他刚才还不是这个样子的。” In the meantime, the body of male drunkard started to twitch crazily, was about during several seconds, the body of this male drunkard was fierce one catches fire unexpectedly. 就在此时,醉汉的身体开始疯狂地抽搐了起来,不过几秒间,这醉汉的身体竟是猛一下就着了火。 Self-ignition! 自燃! ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… ...... …… Mr. Atha Chios, Livar, Boss Luo three people of strike forces, but also in the range of mansion, searches for is possibly existing Third party Landscape painting that as well as vanishes. 阿萨谢斯先生,利瓦尔,还有洛老板的三人行动组,还在公馆的范围内,搜寻着可能存在的【第三者】,以及消失的风景画。 They had changed over to the mansion from the garden, the room opens one after another, careful examination. 他们已经从庭院转入了公馆内部,一个接着一个房间打开,仔细查看。 Only the exchange as well as shaking the head of look. 只有眼神的交流以及摇头。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Livar looked that asked to Atha Chios: Said, this changes is the landscape painting that Mr. Atha Chios your ancestor makes...... knows is where landscape painting? Where perhaps possibly takes us to place reference at present.” 利瓦尔看向了阿萨谢斯问道:“说起来,这幅化作是阿萨谢斯先生你祖上所作的风景画……知道是什么地方的风景画吗?或许可能作为我们目前身处何地的参考。” Atha Chios thinks saying: Heard that this is the ancestor acts according to the memory to draw, the scenery of hometown.” 阿萨谢斯想了想道:“听说这是祖上根据记忆所画出来的,故乡的风景。” Hometown?” Livar wrinkled frowns subconsciously, „the hometown of your ancestor,......” “故乡?”利瓦尔下意识皱了皱眉头,“你祖上的故乡,岂不是……” His facial expression became enforced all of a sudden- this was Sage's father The landscape painting of hometown, means, this is also Sage Hometown. 他神情一下子变得严肃了起来-这是【圣人之父】的故乡的风景画,也就意味着,这也是【圣人】的故乡。 But Sage The place of birth, is always a secret Sage Also has openly said that does not allow the person to verify the information of this place of birth. 但【圣人】的出生地,一直以来都是一个秘密【圣人】也公开说过,不允许人查明这个出生地的信息。 Therefore entire 【The city of sage, No one knows Sage Hometown where- in fact, not only yes 【The city of sage Sage Existence that other seven are similar, is unable to verify their hometown...... even does not have any record. 因此整个【圣人之城】,根本无人知道【圣人】的故乡在什么地方-事实上,不仅仅是【圣人之城】的【圣人】,其余七都类似的存在,也是无法查明它们的故乡的……甚至没有任何的记录。 If this landscape painting picture is really Sage Hometown, means, the landscape painting has the possibility Holy Light state very much...... at least is 【The city of sage In, uniquely recorded this aspect information important information. 这幅风景画如果画的真的是【圣人】的故乡,也就意味着,风景画很有可能圣光国度……至少是【圣人之城】內,唯一记录了这方面信息的重要资料。 You unexpectedly, the casualness important will such thing hang on the corridor?” Livar even looks at this Mr. Atha Chios with the inconceivable vision. “你居然,随便就将这么重要的东西挂在了走廊上?”利瓦尔甚至用不可思议的目光看着这位阿萨谢斯先生。 Atha Chios actually shrugs saying: „Before many people, moves, must photograph to accept as a memento. Livar, this is a creating income project, the income is very considerable. If I seal it, it is unable to create 0.1 points hoping strength for me, moreover I have not seen this ancestor, therefore its memories isn't even able to give me?” 阿萨谢斯却耸耸肩道:“很多人之前入住的时候,都要拍照留念的。利瓦尔,这是一个创收的项目,收益很可观的。我如果将它封存起来,它无法为我创造零点一点的愿力,而且我更没有见过这位祖上,所以它甚至连回忆也无法给我?” Livar this fellow is to roll the eyes probably, is only the education is too good, therefore facial paralysis. 利瓦尔这个家伙大概是想要翻白眼的,只是教养实在太好,所以面瘫了。 He shakes the head, what if painting record is Sage The hometown, that was very troublesome. This means that we really outside the place to mansion, know nothing.” 他摇了摇头,“如果画作记录的是【圣人】的故乡,那就十分麻烦了。这意味着,我们真的对公馆外边的地方,一无所知。” Atha Chios told fortunes by physiognomy Boss Luo to say at this time suddenly: Mr. Luo, you are seven travelers, formerly had...... or listens to be similar here place?” 阿萨谢斯此时忽然看相洛老板道:“洛先生,你是七都的旅人,从前有没有来过……或者听过类似这里的地方?” Livar somewhat looked curiously to this peaceful youth. 利瓦尔有些好奇地看向了这位安静的青年。 His words are few, but spoke on own initiative time, can always become the focus of public eyes...... even to turn by oneself unknowingly listened attentively to his speech. 他的话很少,但主动说话的时候,总是能够让自己成为众人视线的焦点……甚至不知不觉就变成了倾听他的说话。 When he did not speak, had is very easy to neglect his existence. 只是当他不说话的时候,却有很容易让人忽略他的存在。 As for seven travelers who Atha Chios said that actually will be makes a general reference these is not occupied by fellow in seven in fixedly- must achieve this point, first will need the god family rank to meet all seven entry conditions. 至于阿萨谢斯所说的七都的旅人,其实就是泛指那些不会固定居住在某个七都之中的家伙-要做到这一点,首先需要神眷等级能够符合所有七都的准入条件。 Because can produce through the pray hopes the relations of strength, therefore the theory, human of Holy Light state can life-long travel......, because will not starve to death. 因为可以通过祈祷产生愿力的关系,所以理论,圣光国度的人类是可以终生都在旅游的……因为不会饿死。 Boss Luo smiling faintly said at this time: I formerly travelled for pleasure, read in a vestige Sage The hometown seems like one named Domremy Village, but I have not gone to this village.” 洛老板此时微微一笑道:“我从前游历的时候,在一处遗迹之中读到过了【圣人】的故乡似乎是一个叫做【栋雷米】的村子,但我没有去过这个村子。” Domremy?” Livar look, remembered the name of this village secretly, at once also says: Vestige? Is what vestige, general position where.” “【栋雷米】?”利瓦尔神色一栋,暗自记下了这个村子的名字,旋即又道:“遗迹?是什么样的遗迹,大概位置又在什么地方。” Boss Luo blinks saying: Sorry, where I do not know the position of item body. Because that is a very marvelous marine drift, the ocean current brought to arrive at mysterious islands me, in the there entire islands seemed living......, but I discovered afterward, this might is only a dreamland, because I could not find this place afterward.” 洛老板眨了眨眼睛道:“抱歉,我不知道具体的位置在什么地方。因为那是一次十分奇妙的海上漂流,洋流将我带到去了一个神奇的岛屿,在那里整个岛屿似乎都是活着的……但是后来我发现,这很有可能只是一段梦境,因为我后来也找不到这个地方了。” This......” Livar nods, this was really a pity, after all this possibly is the extremely major discovery.” “这样……”利瓦尔点了点头,“这真就是太可惜了,毕竟这可能是极为重大的发现。” This involved the concept that the Holy Light state trust among people basically had. 这就涉及到圣光国度人与人之间的信任是基本存在的观念了。 Regarding the stranger, human of Holy Light state will not guard subconsciously, regarding the speech, they basically has the attitude of trust......, because, this is state that a deceit that does not have the lie. 对于陌生人,圣光国度的人类不会下意识的防备,对于说话,他们基本采取信任的态度……因为,这是一个没有谎言的欺骗的国度。 Sounds is really a romantic adventurous story.” Atha Chios this quite yearns for the said/tunnel at this time: I also want to become such traveler, if not because protects the ancestor to remain Wild rose mansion, The Holy Light state is so big, I also want to take a look, to come story of one fantasy drift like you.” “听起来真是一个浪漫的冒险故事。”阿萨谢斯此时这是颇为向往地道:“我也想要成为这样的旅人,如果不是因为守护祖上留下来的【蔷薇公馆】,圣光国度这么大,我也想要出去看看,来一段像你这样的奇幻漂流的故事啊。” Livar said: „Are Mr. Luo, besides the name of village, you in the middle of that vestige, the discovery more record about village? Perhaps, do you have these of impression?” 利瓦尔道:“洛先生,除了村子的名字之外,你在那个遗迹当中,还有发现更多关于村子的记载吗?或许,你还有印象的那些?” Boss Luo thinks saying: Has a farm, 【The city of freedom The sage, seems to be earliest as farm operator birth of daughter.” 洛老板想了想道:“有一个农场,【自由之城】的圣人,似乎最早是作为农场主的女儿的降生的。” Farm.” Livar nods, at once says: Dawn, we could attempt to seek, does this nearby have the farm. I and Mr. Atha Chios's the first going out time, sees the distant place to have the lights, therefore outside definitely also has anyone.” “农场。”利瓦尔点点头,旋即道:“天一亮,我们或许可以尝试寻找一下,这附近有没有农场。我和阿萨谢斯先生第一次外出的时候,就看见远处有灯火,因此外边肯定还有什么人在。” Atha Chios said: The place that can search has basically searched, had not found the person...... to suppose this Third party Really exists, at this time perhaps had also left the mansion, we continue to search for the significance is not big, first goes back Main Hall and to subdue|grams Lili they converges, I also had a look at Ruddick to wake up.” 阿萨谢斯道:“能搜查的地方基本上都搜查过了,没有找到人……假设这个【第三者】真的存在,此时恐怕也已经离开了公馆了,我们继续搜下去意义也不大,先回去大堂和克丽丽她们汇合吧,我也看看卢迪克醒来了没有。” ...... …… The strike force returns to Main Hall time. 行动组回到大堂的时候。 The Atha Chios's first eyes saw that to have the dignified feeling woman to him very much, at this time was holding up the cup, is sizing up under the light. 阿萨谢斯第一眼就看见了那位对于他来说很有威严感的女人,此时正举起了杯子,在灯光之下打量着。 What in the cup thinks is the red liquid. 杯子里面装着的是红色的液体。 Red wine?” Atha Chios slightly surprised said/tunnel: In mansion also has the red wine?” “红酒?”阿萨谢斯略微惊讶地道:“公馆里面还有红酒吗?” Nan Xiaonan smelled the extreme poverty aura from this mansion boss issue......, but to subdue|grams Lili then arrived at Atha Chios's side quickly, pulled his lower hem corner, then put one's mouth close to another's ear in his ear quietly said anything. 南小楠不禁从这位公馆老板的问题之中嗅到了极度贫穷的气息……但克丽丽很快便走到了阿萨谢斯的身边,扯了扯他衣角,然后悄悄在他的耳边附耳说了些什么。 What...... blood?” The Atha Chios instantaneous complexion slightly changes, erratically looks surprisedly in the miss maid direction. “什么……血?”阿萨谢斯瞬间脸色微微一变,惊疑不定地朝着女仆小姐的方向看去。 But this has not broken observation of miss maid in liquid regarding the cup. 但这并没有打断女仆小姐对于杯中液体的观察。 This little while Ruddick also had the city to advocate on Durand's male assistant to cover the wool blanket, one was only the appearance of sleeping soundly...... Atha Chios took a deep breath, just described that picture that to wield on the quiet from own brain to subdue|grams Lili, and suppressed the impulsion that the wool blanket lifted to watch. 这会儿卢迪克还有城主杜兰德的男助理身上都盖着了毛毯,一副只是熟睡的模样……阿萨谢斯深呼吸了一口气,将克丽丽刚刚悄悄形容的那个画面从自己的脑中挥出,并且强忍了将毛毯掀开看一看的冲动。 We have searched carefully, not suspicious discovery.” Atha Chios took a deep breath: In other words, we are safe temporarily, this is all unfortunate middle is also the good news.” “我们仔细搜查过了,并没有可疑的发现。”阿萨谢斯深呼吸了一口气:“也就是说,我们暂时是安全的,这算是所有不幸当中还算是好的消息。” Livar nods, then plans the time of rest, we need to stand night watch in turn, cannot rest completely dies the time that...... my cell phone demonstrates now is the early morning three Twelve minutes/shares, after three hours, if outside weather not bright, we need to recomputate the outside time. Everyone first rests, my first standing night watch, after one hour, exhausted Mr. Atha Chios replaces me.” 利瓦尔点点头,“接下来规划休息的时间吧,我们需要轮流来守夜,不能全部都睡得太死……现在我手机显示的时间是凌晨的三点十二分,三个小时之后,如果外边的天色没有亮的话,我们需要重新计算外边的时间。各位先休息吧,我第一个守夜,一个小时之后,劳烦阿萨谢斯先生接替我。” Good.” Atha Chios nods. “好。”阿萨谢斯点了点头。 Another side. 另一边。 Luo Qiu arrived at the miss maid side, was interested You Ye to him to say any appearance of interesting matter very much...... the miss maid front to put two cups, thought of the blood, obviously respectively was the blood of Ruddick and male assistant. 洛邱来到了女仆小姐的身边,很是感兴趣优夜能够给他说出些什么有趣事情的模样……女仆小姐的面前放了两个杯子,都装着血,显然分别是卢迪克与男助理的血液。 Master you looks.” “主人你看。” miss maid said suddenly in a low voice, the technique of later to adjusting the liquor, in being loaded with the cup of blood wiped some strong liquor...... the ignition. 女仆小姐忽然低声说道,随后以调酒的手法,在装有了鲜血的杯子上抹了一些烈酒……点燃。 The flame ascends, but quick then vanishes does not see, this seems only to heat up. 火焰升腾,但很快便消失不见,这似乎只是为了加热。 After temporary heating, the blood in cup had some strange changes unexpectedly...... in the cup the dark red blood, then became the creamy white color unexpectedly gradually. 短暂的加热过后,杯中的血液竟是产生了一些奇异的变化……杯中殷红的血,竟是渐渐地便成了乳白的颜色。 Why can like this.” Asking of Boss Luo curious baby. “为什么会这样。”洛老板好奇宝宝似的问道。 miss maid shakes the head: Temporarily is unable to know, but after the heating , if will make the blood have the mutation, I will suppose, if did not consider issue that in the air oxidizes, when rise of bodily temperature of human body, it will perhaps have similar change in the middle of the human body.” 女仆小姐摇摇头:“暂时无法得知,只不过加热之后如果会让血液有异变的话,我会假设如果不考虑空气中氧化的问题,当人体的体温升高的时候,它在人体当中或许也会有类似的变化。” White blood?” “白色的血?” Boss Luo received from the hand of miss maid the cup, the fan of palm in the rim, shook the head to say gently: Does not have the flavor of blood.” 洛老板将杯子从女仆小姐的手中接过,手掌在杯口上轻轻扇了下,摇摇头道:“已经没有血的味道了。”
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