TTC :: Volume #11

#14: The first bullet

The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute wakes up, feelings of some have a splitting headache, but this is not the situation of headache sickness he always has...... such hangover later headache, instead makes him have a relaxed feeling. 周玉笙醒来的时候,有种头痛欲裂的感觉,但这并不是他一直以来存在的头痛症的情况……这样宿醉之后的头痛,反而让他有种轻松的感觉。 Small Said. 说. Gao Wen not here, but he left behind the note. 高文并不在这里,不过他留下了字条。 I went to the school, downstairs had the breakfast, you yourself brought eat. Moreover gave you to prepare the clothes of changing and washing, had the time to take a bath, you were too truly smelly, went out remembers that closed to me. Gao Wen character.” “我去学校了,楼下有早餐,你自己取来吃了吧。另外给你准备了换洗的衣服,有时间洗个澡吧,你确实太臭了点,出门的时候记得给我关门。高文字。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute smiles subconsciously. 周玉笙下意识笑了笑。 Does not know whether the sleep passed the relations, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute felt this little while own condition well many. 不知道是否睡眠过了的关系,周玉笙感觉这会儿自己的状态好了不少。 He looked at all around, later hesitated, starts to look for anything in the Gao Wen study room before long, he found a small jar under a drawer of book shelf. 他看了看四周,随后犹豫了一下,就在高文的书房中开始找着什么不一会儿,他在一个书柜的抽屉下找到了一个小瓶子。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute this small jar stopper clothes, however thinks, finally actually twisted off this jar, pours some pills, is wrapping with napkin, then returned the original place the jar. 周玉笙把这小瓶子塞衣服之中,但是想了想,最后却把这瓶子拧开,倒出来了一些药丸,用纸巾包着,接着才把瓶子放回原来的地方。 He goes downstairs, takes a bath, later ate a thing, then goes out. 他下楼,洗了个澡,随后吃了点东西,接着就出了门。 Goes by car from here directly, went to...... own home toward the bureau, necessity that naturally does not have. 从这里直接驱车,往局里面去了……自己的家,自然就没有回去的必要。 ...... …… ...... …… The Gao Wen class, is still student most classrooms in University of Politics and Law this relatively serious place, can have this star effect are not many. 高文的课,依然是学生最多的课堂在政法大学这种相对严肃的地方,能有这种明星般效应的可不多。 From the beginning, the student does not know passing of this Teacher Gao Wen. Afterward, Gao Wen was the matter of local Interpol two brigade teams leader is once dug up, he had performed what merit, has cracked what case, was familiar by the students gradually. 一开始,学生并不知道这位高文老师的过往。后来,高文曾经是市内刑警二大队队长的事情被人扒出来了,他曾经立下过什么功劳,破获过什么案件,也渐渐被学生们熟悉。 A state-of-art is very high, and experiences massively, was not an armchair strategist, and very attractive middle-aged gentleman, was really very easily stimulating came out the feeling of young female students naturally, Gao Wen honestly married, and never had any negative news. 一个知识水平很高,并且还有大量经验,并非纸上谈兵,并且还是很有魅力的中年男士,实在是很容易就把年轻女生们的感觉给刺激了出来当然,高文老实是已婚的,并且从未有什么负面的新闻。 On the Gao Wen class, can hear the actual case, these examples, majority are he had formerly held some cases. 高文的课,能够听到许多实际的案例,这些例子,大多数都是他从前办过的一些案件。 In the classroom, the students are listening with total concentration, but how Gao Wen is actually not able thoroughly the centralized spirit. 课堂上,学生们聚精会神地听着,但高文却怎样也无法彻底地集中精神。 He saw yesterday to remain finally, asked that that male student of his issue sat in final of classroom , the complexion was tranquil. 他看见了昨日最后留下来,问他问题的那名男生坐在了课室的最后,独自一人,脸色平静。 This makes Gao Wen very difficult the completely centralized spirit. 这让高文很难完全集中精神。 Strong major ability, makes Gao Wen to conform to the level the condition, taught...... the bell sound according to the plan this class. 只是强大的专业能力,还是让高文以符合水平的状态,把这一节课按计划讲完……下课铃声响了。 In the past was the same, the students departed in a hurry, there are many students to well up to come...... in the crowd, Gao Wen looked to final of classroom, that peaceful boy, has looked to disappear. 往常一样,学生们匆匆离去,也有不少的学生涌上前来……人群中,高文看向了课室的最后,那个安静的男学生,已经看不见了。 „Is Teacher tall, what you looking at?” The schoolmates are asking curiously, they discovered that Teacher tall at this time somewhat is probably absent-minded, this is the situation that rarely can have. “高老师,你在看什么呢?”同学们好奇地问着,她们发现高老师这时候好像有些心不在焉,这是很少会出现的情况。 Gao Wen hesitated, suddenly asked: A moment ago, sat in the rear, near the male student in position close to the window, anyone of you know, is what class?” 高文沉吟了一下,忽然问道:“刚才,坐在最后面,靠近窗边位置的男生,你们有谁知道,是什么班级的吗?” A moment ago?” The students stare suddenly, during seems like lost in thought. “刚才?”学生们忽然一愣,似乎是陷入了沉思之中。 Finally, a school girl said slowly: Teacher tall, I remembers that a moment ago in that position, does probably no one sit?” 终于,一名女学生缓缓说道:“高老师,我记得刚才那个位置上,好像没有人坐啊?” No?” Gao Wen cannot help but was startled being startled. “没有?”高文不由得怔了怔。 Yes, should not have, honest.” Another female student is also replying by the affirmative tone at this time. “是啊,应该是没有的,老实。”另一名女生此时也以肯定的口吻回答着。 „......” Gao Wen nods, possibly was I misreads. The schoolmates, the teacher also a little matter, arrives today here was good, everyone dispersed.” “哦……”高文点了点头,“可能是我看错了吧。同学们,老师还有点事情,今天就到这里好了,大家都散了吧。” Gao Wen packed the thing, under the vision of people, the footsteps left the classroom slightly quickly. 高文收拾好了东西,就在众人的目光下,脚步稍快地离开了课室。 ...... …… ...... …… Zhou Dui!” “周队!” On the corridor, these are bustling about the police officer of walking past, is greeting with the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute naturally, after they fire off greeting, soon leaves. 走廊上,那些忙碌着走过的警员,纷纷与周玉笙打着招呼当然,他们打完招呼之后就很快离开。 This is a subordinate sees the higher authority later behavior completely, and no one plans to chat anything...... this to be different from bureau inside Sir Ma, Sir Ma is no matter, can talk nonsense the half-day character. 这完全是一种下级看到上级之后的行为,并没有人打算多聊些什么……这与局里面的马sir不一样,马sir是不管谁,都能够胡扯半天的人物。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute is thinking the matter of broken corpse case case, moved toward two teams of troops quickly before location at this time of special committee supposing sets up, a police officer in reception room found the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute. 周玉笙想着碎尸案案件的事情,快步走向了两队人马临设设立的专案小组的场地这时候,一名接待室的警员找到了周玉笙。 Zhou Dui, outside came individual, said that must see your.” “周队,外边来了个人,说是要见你的。” Sees me?” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute cannot help but stares. “见我?”周玉笙不由得一愣。 He said that he is called Chen Mingming, said that you listened to the name to meet his.” The police officer said like this. “他说他叫做陈明明,说你听了名字就会见他的。”警员这样说道。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute opened the opens the mouth, on the face seems anything to hesitate...... finally, he said: You first his taking away reception room, independent room, I immediately on the past.” 周玉笙张了张口,脸上似有什么犹豫着……最后,他才说道:“你先把他带去接待室,单独一个房间吧,我马上就过去。” The police officer according to the instruction of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute, after first step left this, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute hastily ran back in the middle of own office, took out a thing of bag from the drawer, ran he here shaving cleanly the beard on face toward the washroom, is reorganizing own clothes, hair. 警员按照周玉笙的吩咐,先一步离开了这之后,周玉笙连忙跑回了自己的办公室当中,从抽屉取出了一袋子的东西,就往洗手间跑去他在这里把脸上的胡子给刮了干净,然后整理着自己的衣服,还有头发。 The before gate of reception room, Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute placed above the doorknob, was actually all of a sudden, took a deep breath, opened the door. 接待室的门前,周玉笙手放在了门把之上,却是顿了一下子,才深呼吸了一口气,把门打开。 Is same like his beforehand instruction, the police officer brought in the middle of Chen Mingming this room alone. 就如同他之前的吩咐一样,警员把陈明明单独带来了这间房间当中。 How did you come to here?” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute looks at front male student. “你怎么自己来这里了?”周玉笙看着面前的男生。 It is not big, just celebrated the 19 th birthday not long, one year ago tested into University of Politics and Law, the academic record is very good, likes eating the sweet thing, does not have specially the hateful thing, but, is quite on the other hand neat. 不大,刚刚过了19岁的生日没有多久,一年前考上了政法大学,学习成绩很好,喜欢吃甜的东西,没有特别讨厌的东西,但相对来说,比较整洁。 Chen Mingming, his son...... three months ago, after he and wife divorces, the son changed the surname, with mother. 陈明明,他的儿子……三个月前,他与妻子离异之后,儿子就改了姓,随了母亲。 Chen Mingming of this little while, is penetrating the window, looks in the game courtyard police officers back and forth, hears word has not turned head, is only said indifferently: Here person, walks back and forth also quickly, heard that yesterday had the broken corpse case, you must within a limited time the investigation, looked at this busy situation.” 这会儿的陈明明,正透过窗,看着局里院子处来来回回的警员们,闻言也没有回头,只是淡然道:“这里的人来来回回的,走路也快,听说昨天发生碎尸案,你们是要限时破案的吧,看这忙碌的情况。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute wrinkled frowns, always, his not habit Chen Mingming the attitude. 周玉笙皱了皱眉头,一直以来,他都不习惯陈明明的这种态度。 This is our internal things, you are also only a student.” Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute coldly snorted, I had not meant, can't the operating time, be able to look for me?” “这是我们内部的事情,你还只是一个学生而已。”周玉冷哼了一声,“我不是说过了,工作时间,不许能找我吗?” Chen Mingming turns around, leans to take a look at own father, the eye does not have the expression: I went to your family, discovers the fish bowl to disappear, you not. I attempt to make your phone call, but also no one meets in the evening, the person who afterward met is Teacher tall, said that you got drunk to fall asleep. I can only come to here to look for you.” 陈明明转过身来,侧着头打量着自己的父亲,目无表情道:“我去了你家一趟,发现鱼缸不见了,你也不在。我就尝试打过你的电话,但一个晚上也没有人接,后来接的人是高老师,说你喝醉睡着了。我只能来这里找你。” You... you look for my what's the matter.” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute is excessive, saw nearby chair, sat simply, sat saying that be not standing.” “你…你找我有什么事情。”周玉笙偏过头去,看到了旁边的椅子,索性坐了下来,“坐下来说吧,别站着了。” Chen Mingming shakes the head saying: I and others will walk. I come to tell you, next month I must walk. The mother was similar, next month I who the matter arranged can immigrate Canada with her.” 陈明明摇摇头道:“我等会就走了。我过来只是告诉你,下个月我就要走了。妈妈把事情安排的差不多了,下个月我会和她移民到加拿大。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute opened the opens the mouth, what wanted saying that the countless words only had one finally, was so quick?” 周玉笙张了张口,想要说些什么,千言万语最后只有一句,“这么快?” I remember that you and mother officially divorced for three months.” Chen Mingming said indifferently: However before then, you have lived apart for a year...... you to feel, but also is quick.” “我记得你和妈妈正式离婚有三个月了吧。”陈明明淡然道:“而在这之前,你们已经分居了一年……你觉得,还快吗。” Why must go abroad, isn't here good?” “为什么要出国,这里不好吗?” Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute frowns said: Gao Wen received you to be the student, can't Gao Wen teach you? The home compared with the overseas difference...... the foreign country, everything is unfamiliar, really does not know how your mother thinks! It is not good, I did not agree, I then chat this matter with her.” 周玉皱着眉头道:“高文收你做了学生,难道高文不能教你了吗?国内并不比国外差……异国他乡,人生路不熟,真不知道你妈妈是怎么想的!不行,我不同意,我回头就和她聊聊这件事情。” Chen Mingming pulled out the telephone at this time suddenly, handed over. 陈明明此时冷不丁地掏出了电话,递了过来。 What do you make?” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute asked subconsciously. “你做什么?”周玉笙下意识问道。 Chen Mingming said indifferently: You did not say that must chat with mother well. You make her phone call to estimate that she will not meet, might as well with my hit...... me to help you hit?” 陈明明淡然道:“你不是说要和妈妈好好谈谈吗。你打她的电话估计她是不会接的,不如用我的来打……我帮你打?” contact list, mother, call. 通信录,母亲,呼叫。 Looks at the switch over of phone screen interface, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute pats all of a sudden the hand of Chen Mingming , the cell phone flies to fall, gets angry: Matter of Sir, but also is not one's turn you to worry!” 看着手机屏幕界面的切换,周玉笙一下子把陈明明的手拍开,啪的一声,手机飞落,怒道:“大人的事情,还轮不到你来操心!” Right.” Chen Mingming is grasping own wrist/skill, looked at Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute one, later picked the cell phone of ground, did not return, pushes the door to walk, said goodbye, Chief Zhou.” “是吗。”陈明明握着自己的手腕,看了周玉笙一眼,随后把地上的手机捡了起来,头也不回,推门走了出去,“告辞了,周队长。” „......” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute opened the opens the mouth, finally cannot say any words to come, sat in the reception room alone, covered own face...... he to feel suddenly own head started the pain. “等……”周玉笙张了张口,最终没能说出任何话来,独自坐在了接待室中,掩着自己的脸……他忽然又感觉自己的头开始痛了起来。 It seems like in the middle of the head, has the bomb that can blast out momentarily to be the same, the complexion of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute all of a sudden became pale. 就好像脑袋当中,有着一颗随时都会炸开的炸弹一样,周玉笙的脸色一下子变得苍白了起来。 His subconsciously putting out a hand into the middle of pocket, pulled out one group of balled papers, unties, took out a pill from inside, swallows down directly. 下意识地把伸手入口袋当中,掏出了一团纸团,解开,从里面取出了一颗药丸,直接吞了下去。 ...... …… Chen Mingming is walking in the corridor, the police officer who the side passes through although is strange, but had not asked that the idler is naturally impossible to walk casually, since that came, naturally also has any right reason. 陈明明独自一人在走廊走着,身边走过的警员虽然奇怪,但并没有多问闲人自然是不可能随便走进来的,那么既然进来了,自然也是有什么正当的理由。 At this time in the bureau is bustling about up and down, extremely cares about this age not big child on no one. 况且此时局里上下都在忙碌着,也就没有人太过关心这个年纪不大的孩子。 Chen Mingming stopped suddenly, what looked is hanging the bulletin board on corridor. 陈明明忽然停了下来,看着的是悬挂在走廊上的公告栏。 This month outstanding police officer, higher authority official business, recently the one who cracked case wait/etc Chen Mingming to see is commendation about investigation, the investigation person is the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute, but the criminal who captures is fetters of fame and fortune makes the driver of car(riage), in conducted the infringement after the victim also throws under the corpse bridge while convenient. 本月杰出警员,上级公事,最近破获案件等等陈明明看到的是一张关于破案的表彰,破案人是周玉笙,而抓获的犯人则是一名网约车的司机,在对受害者进行了侵犯之后顺带还抛尸桥下。 Chen Mingming looks at the name of this criminal, the vision winked at this time, his eye, appeared suddenly several script. 陈明明看着看着这个犯人的名字,目光眨了眨此时,他的眼睛,忽然浮现出来了几个文字 9.9 days. 9.9天。 The pupil of Chen Mingming contracted suddenly. 陈明明的瞳孔忽然收缩了一下。 ...... …… Some little time later, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute felt that the headache had passed, rushed to the work point of special case team. 好一会儿之后,周玉笙感觉头痛已经过去了,才赶往了专案组的办公点。 This little while Ma Houde is digging up the instant noodles, while reads the material that reports unceasingly. 这会儿马厚德正一边扒着泡面,一边看着不断汇报上来的资料。 Saw some people to come, Sir Ma raise one's head looked at one, gawked staring, later nods, „, although was an appearance of salt fish, but must be much better compared with the yesterday's strip dead fish likely at least.” 看见有人过来了,马sir抬头看了一眼,愣了愣,随后点了点头,“嗯,虽然还是一副咸鱼的样子,但比昨天像条死鱼起码要好多了。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute treats as simply has not heard, did directly, grasped a document from the Ma Houde front, started to look, and asked: What new progress has?” 周玉笙索性当作没有听见,直接做了下来,从马厚德的面前抓起了一份文件,就开始看了起来,并且问道:“有没有什么新的进展?” Our investigates passed/lived the information of major stations, did not have Wang Liang's buying tickets information these days.” Ma Houde at this time along with tastes: „The localization of telephone has also done, this Wang Liang has not left here from the start, but hid.” “我们查过了各大车站的信息,这段时间都没有王亮的购票信息。”马厚德此时随口道:“电话的定位也做过了,这个王亮压根就没有离开过这里,而是躲了起来。” Saying, Ma Houde pulled out another document, threw the front of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute, last night midnight, we organized an action, according to the localization of Wang Liang cell phone, found one to shut down the messy building.” 说着,马厚德掏出了另外一份文件,扔到了周玉笙的面前,“昨晚半夜,我们就组织了一次行动,根据王亮手机的定位,找到了一处停了工得烂尾楼。” „Did person catch?” Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute raise one's head. “人抓到了?”周玉抬头 Sir Ma shakes the head, found the cell phone, had not found the person.” 马sir摇了摇头,“找到了手机,没找到人。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute knits the brows: Really, this Wang Liang's suspicion is very big. He resigned did not say, but also fabricated went home the false appearance, in the family/home also hid the corpse...... we to be able the direct under warrant for arrest?” 周玉笙皱眉道:“果然,这个王亮的嫌疑很大。他辞职不说,还伪造自己回家了的假象,家里还藏尸了……我们是不是应该可以直接下通缉令了?” I was planning that asks the chief to approve the document.” Sir Ma is wiping the mouth stood, held in the mouth a cigarette, but also without the point in scolded, mother...... harmed the labor to eat several instant noodles!” “我正打算找局长批文件呢。”马sir边抹着嘴巴边站了起来,叼了根烟,还没有点上就骂了起来,“娘的……害劳资吃了几顿泡面!” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute looks, smiles...... appearance of this Ma Houde dead fish actually in the bureau, did not strive for progressing, may meet the case, actually was also most careful one batch. 周玉笙看着,倒是笑了笑……这马厚德在局里面一副死鱼的样子,不求上进,可碰见了案件,却也是最上心的一批。 Is the entire evening has not left probably? 大概是整个晚上都没有离开吧? Sir Ma, week sir!” Actually saw Lin Feng the anxious hasty to run at this time, the look was hurried, had the new discovery!” 马sir,周sir!”却见林峰此时急忙忙地跑了进来,神色更是匆忙,“有新的发现!” What?” Ma Houde wrinkled frowns. “什么?”马厚德皱了皱眉头 Lin Feng said fast: That side Andy had confirmed that the identity of broken corpse case dead...... the dead is, Wang Liang!” 林峰飞快说道:“小宝那边已经证实了,碎尸案死者的身份……死者是,王亮!” Ma Houde opens mouth, the cigarette falls all of a sudden, what? Is the dead Wang Liang?” 马厚德张了张嘴,香烟一下子掉了下来,“什么?死者是王亮?” Lin Feng nods, „. In the middle of the corpse of refrigerator, a small section of complete phalanx, and steel nail. The dead should undergo the surgery. We according to finding the serial number of this steel nail, then related the hospital of correspondence, found the personal information of patient...... is Wang Liang!” 林峰点了点头,“是的。冰柜的尸体当中,还有一小截完整的指骨,并且还有钢钉。死者应该曾经做过手术。我们根据找到了这颗钢钉的编号,接着联系到了对应的医院,找到了患者的个人信息……就是王亮!” Determination is the Wang Liang who we must look, rather than other Wang Liang of same surname of the same name?” Sir Ma opened the opens the mouth, the subconsciousness asked. “确定是我们要找的这个王亮,而不是同名同姓的别的王亮?”马sir张了张口,下意识问道。 Determination is Wang Liang who we must look for!” “确定是我们要找的王亮!” Ended.” Ma Houde one hear, sat directly, was then good, wasted an all day time.” “完了。”马厚德一听,直接坐了下来,“这下好了,白费了一整天的功夫了。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute actually knits the brows: Horse caravan, since can determine that now the identity of dead is Wang Liang, then matter its consolidation brightly.” 周玉笙却皱眉道:“马队,既然现在能够确定死者的身份是王亮的话,那么事情其实变得更加明亮了。” Ma Houde turns the head to think, nods: Also to...... can at least before Wang Liang's body starts. Wang Liang's body was dismembered this appearance, this murderer psychology changes / condition, or has the person of enormous hatred...... we first to have the personal enemy of possibility to start from Wang Liang to Wang Liang.” 马厚德转头想了想,点了点头:“也对……起码可以从王亮的身前入手。王亮的尸体被人肢解成这种样子,这凶手要不是心理变/态,要不就是对王亮有极大仇恨的人……我们先从王亮有可能的仇人下手。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute also nods, Lin Feng, according to the material demonstrated that before this Wang Liang, because once cheated, the money of deceiving several women? Was also one once reported that because was not proven, but is unable to put on record is coming?” 周玉笙也点了点头,“林峰,根据资料显示,这个王亮之前曾经因为诈骗,骗了好几个女人的钱吧?是不是还有一个曾经报了案,但是因为证据不足,而无法立案的来着?” Lin Feng changes the material hastily, „, the woman of reporting is surnamed Zhang, is called Zhang Xiaoqin, in nightclub, when has a drink.” 林峰连忙翻动资料,“是的,报案的女人姓张,叫做张晓琴,在夜总会当陪酒的。” First investigates this Zhang Xiaoqin.” Ma Houde told directly: Moreover, is not only this Zhang Xiaoqin, other had had the financial dispute with Wang Liang, individual gratitude and grudges, must check carefully one time...... Ma, then also had is working overtime!” “先去调查这个张晓琴。”马厚德直接吩咐道:“另外,不仅仅是这个张晓琴,其他与王亮曾经有过财务纠纷的,个人恩怨的,都要仔细查一次……玛的,这下又有得是加班了!” At this time. 此时。 „It is not good, is not good!!!” Is saying, a police officer actually flushed panic-stricken, frightened several people, deceased person! Sir Ma, week sir, deceased person!!” “不好了,不好了!!!”正自说着,一名警员却惊慌失措地冲了进来,把几人吓了一下,“死人了!马sir,周sir,死人了!!” Also had the homicide case?” Ma Houde immediately WTF. “又有命案了?”马厚德顿时卧槽 And Was not, is the lockup deceased person! Died a criminal!” This police officer looks at the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute at this time, a face said panic-stricken: Zhou Dui, is that net that you just grasped makes the driver of car(riage)!” “不、不是,是看守所死人了!死了个犯人!”这警员此时看着周玉笙,一脸惊恐道:“周队,就是你刚抓回来的那个网约车的司机!” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute wrinkled frowns, „is he suicide?” 周玉笙皱了皱眉头,“他是自杀的?” Seeing only this police officer complexion is strange, said flustered: Probably... said probably is, is the quilt, is gunned down!” 只见这警员脸色古怪,慌张道:“好像…好像说是,是被、被枪杀的!” What?!” “什么?!”
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