TTC :: Volume #11

#13: The soul is a spear/gun, the life makes the ball, the ball completely must perish

This is a very strange feeling......, when Luo Qiu is facing this new guest. 这是一种很奇怪的感觉……当洛邱面对着这位新客人的时候。 He soberly and clearly realized, the past few days perhaps do not suit facing guest, but he almost in found the former condition to be given the former condition instantaneously. 他清醒并且清楚地意识到,这几天自己恐怕是不适合面对客人的但他几乎在瞬间就找回了从前的状态或者说,被赋予了从前的状态。 Because the sober and clear reason, Luo Qiu had not even felt that for this reason any irritability, instead thought that is so therefore naturally, he thinks that this is a strange feeling, rather than irritable feeling. 因为清醒并且清楚的原因,洛邱甚至并未为此而感觉到任何的别扭,反而觉得如此才是理所当然所以,他才会认为这是一种奇怪的感觉,而不是别扭的感觉。 With the Club's assimilation degree, went far beyond him...... he to look at front customer to own estimate, the comfort that one type as if arose spontaneously, made him feel gradually, here was his final ownership. 俱乐部的同化程度,远远超过了他对自身的估计……他看着面前的顾客,一种仿佛油然而生的舒适感,渐渐让他觉得,这里才是他最终的归属。 In a flash, the change of boss, has not hidden the truth from Dazhe. 一瞬间,老板的变化,并没有瞒过大哲 Black Soul Envoy is almost equal to the boss possession, Black Soul Envoy regarding the boss sensation, naturally very intense...... Dazhe, in addition, miss maid naturally is not so no need to say. 黑魂使者几乎等同于老板的所有物,黑魂使者对于老板的感知,自然十分的强烈……大哲尚且如此,女仆小姐自然是不必多说。 Dazhe saw from last night also to the present, on the face of miss maid suddenly had wiped the attractive smile. 大哲看到了从昨晚也到现在,女仆小姐的脸上才忽然有了一抹好看的笑容。 Suddenly, Dazhe wrinkled frowns...... to knit the brows, perhaps was only an instinct, he himself did not talk clearly, for anything. 忽然间,大哲皱了皱眉头……皱眉,或许只是一种本能,他自己也说不清楚,到底为了什么。 ...... …… New customer, not like in the past to customer flustered new guest, self-poise, the complexion is calm, is very easy to remind this perhaps is the frequent guest, or is it has the person of certainly unusual strength. 新的顾客,并没有如同往常的一些给顾客般的慌张新的客人,镇定自如,脸色从容,很容易让人联想到这或许是熟客,又或者是本身具有一定超凡力量的人。 But in fact, new guest, but is a person that could not be more ordinary. Without the least bit unusual strength, not the frequent guest...... can only say decidedly, his temper is quite cold. 但实际上,新的客人,只不过是一个普通得不能再普通的人。没有半点超凡的力量,也决然并非什么熟客……只能说,他的性子比较冷。 gray eye. 灰色的眼睛。 Boss Luo looks at both eyes of opposite party, this both eyes eyeball double pupil is the black of average man, but boss thinks the grey...... was that type squeezed out large number of white pigments on the black pigment, but compromised the iron grey that became forcefully. 洛老板看着对方的双眼,这双眼睛双瞳是常人的黑,但老板想到了灰色……是那种在黑色的颜料上挤出了大量白色颜料,而强行调和而成的灰白色。 New guest, in listening to miss maid after Club's business custom, fell into silent from starting, to falling into silent these days, new guest, asked three questions merely. 新的客人,在听完了女仆小姐关于俱乐部的买卖规矩之后,就陷入了沉默当中从开始,到陷入沉默的这段时间当中,新的客人,仅仅只是问了三个问题。 This.” “这是哪。” Why I can here.” “我为什么会在这里。” Who you are.” “你们是谁。” ...... …… Mr. Chen Mingming, does not know that you have the place that anything has doubts.” boss first opens the mouth the speech new guest name, is called Chen Mingming. 陈明明先生,不知道您还有什么疑惑的地方吗。”老板首先开口说话新客人的名字,叫做陈明明 However he has not made to introduce oneself, boss called his name directly. 不过他并没有做出自我介绍,老板是直接喊出了他的名字。 He...... Chen Mingming was only accidentally looked at one. He is relaxing himself, from now on, starts to size up all around all. 他……陈明明只是意外地看了一眼。他放松着自己,从现在开始,才开始打量着四周的一切。 Lays aside on the exhibition frame, various strange things, after not far away counter, that type of rich concealed liquor, the old model record player as well as desk clock of corner. 放置在陈列架上,各种各样稀奇古怪的东西,不远处柜台后,那种丰富的藏酒,还有墙角的旧款唱机以及座钟。 Knows why is called obviously.” He looked suddenly to boss, the eye wooden, the lip moved slightly, probably becomes the upper half the face division is the static state, but the lower half was the dynamic combination picture. “知道,为什么叫做明明吗。”他忽然看向了老板,目无表情,嘴唇微动,好像是把脸分割成为了上半部分是静态,而下半部分是动态的组合画般。 Luo Qiu shakes the head slightly......, because, he knows that Chen Mingming possibly is likes itself saying. 洛邱微微摇了摇头……因为,他知道陈明明可能是喜欢自己说出口来。 To I give this name the time, they are want me to be clear.” Chen Mingming both hands raised, placed on the table, cultivated the behavior clearly, worked clearly, living is also clear.” “给我取这个名字的时候,他们是想要我能够明明白白。”陈明明双手提起,放在了桌子上,“做人明明白白,做事情明明白白,活着也要明明白白。” They?” boss asked suddenly. “他们?”老板忽然问道。 Besides them, but who can also have the right to give the name to the child.” Chen Mingming said indifferently. “除了他们之外,还能有谁是有权利给孩子取名字的吗。”陈明明淡然道 Boss Luo nods...... returns to the proper topic, Boss Luo smiling faintly said: Then guest, the custom you had also known, but thought that must buy anything.” 洛老板点了点头……言归正传,洛老板微微一笑道:“那么客人,规矩您也已经知道了,可是想好了,要买点什么吗。” Spear/Gun, gives me a spear/gun.” Chen Mingming seemed to be clear that want anything, can kill anybody's spear/gun.” “枪,给我一把枪。”陈明明似乎清楚自己想要些什么,“一把能够杀死任何人的枪。” His request, making Dazhe quite somewhat change countenance, but in this transaction, qualifications that Black Soul Envoy has not spoken......, because this does not seek for the investor duty, but investor had arrived at the boss front, is equal to final one step. 他的要求,让大哲颇有些动容但这场交易上,黑魂使者没有说话的资格……因为这并非是寻找金主的任务,而金主已经来到了老板的面前,等于是最后的一步。 Boss Luo changed a sitting posture suddenly, holds their palms together to put on the leg, looks that Chen Mingming clothes neckband...... here has the tattoo design that a flake reveals. 洛老板忽然换了一下坐姿,双手合十放于腿上,看着陈明明衣服的领口处……这里有一小片露出来的纹身图案。 The part that reveals are too few, normally, is very difficult to know complete design what exactly is it. 只是露出的部分太少,正常情况下,很难知道完整的图案到底是什么 Mr. Chen, has the person who wants to kill.” After boss some little time, asked in a soft voice. “陈先生,是有想要杀死的人吗。”老板好一会儿之后,才轻声问道。 Chen Mingming shakes the head, vision or iron grey, not. But thinking, if sometimes, on can have such method on hand immediately.” 陈明明摇了摇头,目光还是灰白色,“并没有。只不过想着,要是有的时候,手头上能够马上就有这样的手段。” Boss Luo nods, Mr. Chen, here sells anything, but also has the premise. We need, at least is the equal thing. To us, the ability of Mr. Chen, synthesizes all, you also in the category of average person. However, such as you see, here existence also means uncommon has...... one to kill anybody's spear/gun, we can give, but Mr. Chen is unable to pay the price of this spear/gun.” 洛老板点了点头,“陈先生,这里出售任何的东西,但也有前提。我们需要,至少是等价的东西。对于我们来说,陈先生自身的能力,综合所有,您也只是在普通人的范畴。但是,如您所见,这里的存在也就意味着不凡的存在……一把能够杀死任何人的枪,我们能给,但是陈先生无法支付这把枪的价格。” This is normal.” Chen Mingming actually not disappointed, instead thought that nod of very reasonable as, that this how, can kill any me to have the spear/gun of person the ability kills.” “这样才正常。”陈明明却没有失望,反而觉得十分合理似的点了点头,“那这样如何,一把能够杀死任何我有能力杀死的人的枪。” Theoretically, in the specific situation, the average person can also kill the uncommon person.” Boss Luo smiling faintly said: „Was the definition of Mr. Chen, some are too broad.” “理论上,在特定的情况下,普通人也能够杀死不凡的人。”洛老板微微一笑道:“陈先生的定义,是不是有些太广阔了。” Chen Mingming silent moment, is planning to open the mouth again. 陈明明沉默了片刻,正打算再次开口。 But Boss Luo said at this time suddenly, Mr. Chen, I can recommend one to meet your demand to you spear/gun......” 洛老板此时却忽然道,“陈先生,我可以向你推荐一款应该符合您需求的枪……” Speech at the same time, boss opened own palm, a silver pistol, starts from the part of stock at this time, has little comes out obviously...... the silver, but it is forming the time the gloss, after it takes shape thoroughly, becomes gloomy. 说话的同时,老板打开了自己的手掌,一柄银色的手枪,此时从枪柄的部分开始,一点点地具显出来……银色,只是它在形成时候的光泽,当它彻底成型之后,就变得黯淡无光。 Boss Luo this silver pistol, placed above the table, and said slowly: This did not have to be the spear/gun departs for the deep to complete, it also needs to inject your soul, can be complete. And, it is unable to use the ordinary bullet, it can only use by Mr. Chen you with the bullet of oneself life manufacture.” 洛老板把这把银色的手枪,放在了桌子之上,并且缓缓说道:“这把枪还没有算是沉底完成,它还需要注入您的灵魂,才能够算是完整。并且,它无法使用普通的子弹,它只能够使用以陈先生您以自己的生命制作的子弹。” Takes the bullet by my life?” Chen Mingming as if had one to change countenance. “以我的生命作为子弹?”陈明明似乎有了一丝动容。 Boss Luo said indifferently: We know, if the sincerity wants to kill a person, what I said is differs in not the big situation in the individual military force, so long as is willing to put the thoughts, spends the time, can always find the opportunity the time to kill the person, Mr. Chen can decide this view.” 洛老板淡然道:“我们知道,如果真心想要杀死一个人,我说的是在个体武力上相差不大的情况下,只要愿意花心思,花时间的话,总能够找到机会的时间能够杀死人,陈先生会否定这种说法吗。” Chen Mingming shakes the head slightly. 陈明明微微摇头。 „, Uses your time to take the bullet, kills, you who you said have the person who the ability can kill.” “那么,就用您的时间作为子弹,杀死您所说的,您有能力能够杀死的人。” How to determine my bullet to require how much time?” “怎么判定我的子弹需要多少的时间?” Needs to use the bullet time, this will naturally tell you spear/gun.” “需要使用子弹的时候,这把枪自然就会告诉您。” How to sell?” “怎么卖?” When Mr. Chen you are unable to pour into the bullet for this spear/gun again, we will recycle this spear/gun...... simultaneously, will recycle your soul, how you look.” “当陈先生您再也无法为这把枪注入子弹的时候,我们就会回收这把枪……同时,也会回收您的灵魂,您看如何。” Ball completely person perishes.” “弹尽人亡吗。” Boss Luo smiling faintly said: Theoretically, so long as Mr. Chen did not project the first bullet, your life can only naturally come to the end.” 洛老板微微一笑道:“理论上,只要陈先生一直不射出第一颗子弹,您的生命只会自然走到尽头。” For a long time for a long time, in the boss vision, under the gaze of miss maid, Chen Mingming picked the silver pistol on table slowly. 许久许久,在老板的目光中,在女仆小姐的注视之下,陈明明缓缓把桌子上的银色手枪捡了起来。 Until he leaves from the Boss Luo front, Chen Mingming had not spoken any a few words again. 直到他从洛老板的面前离开,陈明明也再没有说过任何一句话。 Dazhe wrinkled frowns at this time, arrived at Luo Qiu's, cannot bear say: boss, this fellow...... is very probably dangerous. You gave him the spear/gun this, did not fear that he acts unreasonably.” 大哲此时皱了皱眉头,走到了洛邱的边上,忍不住道:“老板,这个家伙……好像很危险。你把这把枪给了他,就不怕他乱来吗。” guest wants to buy anything, we sell anything.” Luo Qiu said indifferently: Originally not on is that right.” 客人想要买什么,我们就卖什么。”洛邱淡然道:“本来不就是这样吗。” Dazhe opened the opens the mouth, finally without saying anything, but nods, draws back slowly, since feels not to have the issue as Luo Qiu of master, he naturally does not have the standpoint to refute to take boss Luo Qiu again. 大哲张了张口,最终没有说些什么,只是点了点头,缓缓退下既然作为主人的洛邱觉得没有问题,那他自然就再没有立场去反驳作为老板洛邱 The when will of master cannot violate...... this is becomes Black Soul, has carved into the brand mark of most deep place. 主人的意志不可违背……这可是成为黑魂之时,就已经刻入了最深处的烙印。 You Ye starts to tidy up the desktop at this time, master, you came back to say a moment ago, what wants to make?” 优夜此时开始收拾着桌面,“主人,刚才您回来说,想要做什么?” Luo Qiu actually shakes the head, originally plans Altar, but suddenly, does not want to go......, I want the dinner that you make suddenly.” 洛邱却摇了摇头,“本来是打算去一趟祭坛的,但是忽然间,又不想去了……嗯,我忽然想吃你做的晚餐了。” My this prepares.” “我这就去准备。” miss maid is smiling departure, footsteps is cheerful. 女仆小姐微笑着离开,脚步似是欢快的。 ...... …… ...... …… The automobile drove into stopping parking lot of community slowly, after stopping the car(riage), the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute did not have first to get out, but sat in the vehicle. 汽车缓缓驶入了小区的停车场,停好了车之后,周玉笙没有第一时间下车,而是独自一人坐在了车子之中。 After he seat moves, like this lies down on the driver seat, closed the eye...... the engine not to close. 他把座椅调后,就这样躺在了驾驶座上,闭上了眼睛……发动机一直没有关闭。 Had a half hour probably, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute gets out. 大概有了半个小时的时间,周玉笙才下了车。 He resounded the Ma Houde words suddenly, then how long time started to smell own clothes...... truly to have poor flavor not to take a bath? 他忽然响起了马厚德话,便开始嗅了嗅自己的衣服……确实有着一股不怎么好的味道有多久的时间没有洗澡来着? Week police officer, do you come back?” “周警官,你回来啦?” In the underground garage, a middle-aged man just walked from the elevator, is plans to drive to go out evidently, perhaps the neighbor of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute, otherwise enthusiastically will not greet. 地下车库内,一名中年男子刚好从电梯走了出来,看样子是打算驾车外出,恐怕还是周玉笙的邻居,不然不会热情地打招呼。 Un.” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute nods. “嗯。”周玉笙点了点头。 Although the name of neighbor he remembers, the look remembers, passing has talked anything, has the impression...... to face opposite party's warm greeting, Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute instead one type does not adapt. 尽管邻居的名字他记得,相貌记得,过往谈过一些什么话,也都有印象……可面对对方的热情招呼,周玉笙反而一种不适应。 He withdraws from exchanging greetings of neighbor quickly, got in own home quickly, opened the door. 他很快就从邻居的寒暄中脱了身,一路快步回到了自己的家中,打开了门。 I return......” “我回……” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute shakes the head, closes, key conveniently still in entered near the entrance position wall cabinet place, without changing the shoes, arrived at the living room directly, then sat on the sofa. 周玉笙摇了摇头,关了门,把钥匙随手地仍在了入门口位置墙边的柜子处,也没有换去鞋子,径直就走到了客厅,然后坐在了沙发上。 The instance that the reason that perhaps too for a long time does not have...... sits down, arrange/cloth art/skill the sofa raised some dust immediately. 或许太久没有回来的原因……坐下的瞬间,布艺的沙发顿时扬起了一些灰尘。 He turned on the television conveniently, is just the time interval of evening news. 他随手打开了电视,刚好是晚间新闻的时段。 Now an emergency broadcast special reportage. This morning, in my city one of the Longhua road section from constructing housing, happened murder case that heard with amazement......” “现在插播一则特别的新闻报道。今日上午,在我市的龙华路段的一栋自建房中,发生了一宗骇然听闻的杀人案件……” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute has not listened, conveniently television closing. 周玉笙没有听下去,随手把电视给关上。 He remembers suddenly, in the family/home is raising the goldfish has not fed probably, but the water good long not to have replaced the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute to stand some time hastily, before arriving at the fish bowl, discovered that initially raised the good Silver Dragon fish to turn the belly, floated the water surface. 他忽然想起,家里养着的金鱼好像并没有喂食,而水也已经好长一段时间没有更换周玉笙连忙站了起来,走到了鱼缸之前,发现当初养得不错的银龙鱼已经翻了肚子,浮上了水面。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute put out a hand fishing the corpse of dead fish hastily, but the hand entered in the water time remembered the sleeve not to pinch, he has to pull out make a move. 周玉笙连忙伸手去把死鱼的尸体给捞了起来,但手伸入水中的时候才想起袖子并没有捏起,他不得不又抽出手来。 However the button of shirt sleeve actually did not seem like such good untying, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute to be busy at work in the past several, cannot untie him to give up suddenly, both hands pillow in the edge of fish bowl, the wrist/skill plunged in the water. 但是衬衣手袖的纽扣却不像是往常那样的好解开,周玉笙忙活了几下,还是未能解开他忽然放弃了,双手枕在了鱼缸的边缘,手腕浸入了水中。 Suddenly, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute overthrew the fish bowl all of a sudden on the ground. 猛然,周玉笙一下子把鱼缸推倒在了地上。 The glass disruption, the water in fish bowl also sprinkled on the ground, got wet his body...... the Silver Dragon fish because of not to have any movement like this, they lay down on the ground motionlessly. 玻璃碎裂,鱼缸中的水也洒在了地上,弄湿了他的身体……银龙鱼并没有因为这样而有任何的动作,它们只是一动不动地躺在了地上。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute squatted all of a sudden on the ground, looks like this, looks...... to look, he stood up suddenly the body, brought the tool of cleaning hastily, the glass of disruption, the fish of dying swept. 周玉笙一下子蹲在了地上,就这样看着,看着……看着看着,他才猛然又站起了身来,连忙取来了打扫的工具,把碎裂的玻璃,死去的鱼扫走。 Then he dries the water mark of floor, then looks at as if the worse indoor environment, then throws...... this mop on hand conveniently, he stands in same place, looks at the wall clock on living room wall, little rotation. 接着他把地板的水迹弄干,然后看着似乎更加糟糕的室内环境,便把手上的拖把随手一扔……就这样,他站在原地,看着客厅墙壁上的挂钟,一点点的转动。 For a long time, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute hammered gently hammered own forehead, then wiped the face, then before turning around to arrive at the gate, grasped the key, goes out, to the garage, drove. 许久,周玉笙轻轻锤了锤自己的额头,接着抹了把脸,然后转身走到了门前,抓起了钥匙,就出了门,一路到了车库,驾车而出。 ...... …… Place that the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute went to afterward, is a on the other hand quite premium residential district. 周玉笙后来去的地方,是一处相对来说比较高档的住宅区。 He the car(riage) stops before by a community artificial lake two small villa, pressed under the doorbell. Soon, sluice gate opens, a man of scholarly walked. 他把车停到了靠近小区人工湖旁边的一栋两层小别墅之前,按了下门铃。不久之后,闸门打开,一名儒雅的男子走了出来。 The men see arrival of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute to be somewhat accidental, are surprised the different way: jade bamboo flute?” 男子看见周玉笙的到来似有些意外,诧异道:“玉笙?” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute looks at front man, implored the tone, tall Dui, I can go to sit...... me... the headache.” 周玉笙看着面前的男子,吁了口气,“高队,我可以进去坐一坐吗……我…头痛。” The high team...... tall stretch/open the opens the mouth, nods later, you first come.” 高队……高张了张口,随后点了点头,“你先进来。” Brought in the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute the study room high, and made him sit above a deck chair, then oneself moved in the chair, achieved side of Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute. 高把周玉笙带到了书房里面,并且让他坐到了一张躺椅之上,接着自己搬来了椅子,做到了周玉笙的旁边。 jade bamboo flute, in the last several months you do not have a headache, how to violate suddenly.” High this time knits the brows to ask. “玉笙,最近几个月你不是已经不头痛了吗,怎么突然之间又犯了。”高此时皱眉问道。 The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute is lying down, the fist is knocking the forehead gently, I do not know that...... tall Dui, your previous time to the medicine that I prescribe, can give again?” 周玉笙躺着,拳头轻轻敲着额头,“我也不知道……高队,你上次给我开的药,能不能再给一些?” tall say/way: That is the ordinary sleeping pill, I make you rest, is not really can treat the headache the medicine...... you, started to have the nightmare?” 高道:“那不过是普通的安眠药而已,我只是让你多休息一下,并不是真的可以治疗头痛的药……你,是不是又开始做噩梦了?” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute shakes the head, does not have.” 周玉笙摇了摇头,“没有。” tall say/way: I thought that you were too weary, in this morning looks at your time, felt that the person soon fall down from weariness result. jade bamboo flute, what you need is not the medicine, is not my treatment, what you need is only the rest.” 高道:“那我觉得你只是太疲劳了,今早上看你的时候,感觉人都快要累倒似得。玉笙啊,你需要的并不是什么药物,也不是我的治疗,你需要的只是休息而已。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute actually smiles bitterly saying: Today I and Ma Houde almost quarrelled, does he make me go home to rest...... goes home? Others go home are the rest, I go home am only endure hardships...... do not have the meaning.” 周玉笙却苦笑道:“今日我和马厚德差点吵了起来,他让我回家休息……回家?人家回家是休息,我回家只是遭罪而已……没意思。” tall Pai the shoulder that pats the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute, medicine, I did not suggest you continued to eat, the liquor words were good, drink a red wine to be helpful the sleep, just some people delivered one bottle of good red wines to me, over the two days my wife was not at home, idled is also idling, accompanied me to drink several cups?” 高拍了拍周玉笙的肩膀,“药呢,我是不建议你继续吃了,不过酒的话还行,喝点红酒有助睡眠,刚好有人给我送了一瓶不错的红酒,这两天我老婆也不在家,闲着也是闲着,陪我喝几杯?” Good.” Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute tight face loosen. “好啊。”周玉笙绷紧的脸松了一些。 Looks that high starts to open the red wine to sober up in the young wine place of study room at this time, the Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute asked suddenly: Right, recently, obviously how?” 看着高此时在书房的小酒处开始打开红酒醒酒,周玉笙忽然问道:“对了,最近,明明怎样了?” You, if cares about your son, you yourself did have a look is not good?” Shakes the head to say high: I am only his teacher, is not his father.” “你要是关心你儿子呢,你自己去看看不就好了?”高摇摇头道:“我只是他的老师,不是他爹。” The Zhou Yusheng bamboo flute shakes the head, red does not want, to select white......” 周玉笙摇了摇头,“红的不要了,来点白的……”
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