TTC :: Volume #10

#154: One's own selfish interests

From individual perspective, Luo Qiu does not approve of Nero to become Club's one, because in the body of Nero has his energetic seed. 从个人的角度上来说,洛邱并不怎么赞同尼禄成为俱乐部的一员因为尼禄的身体内有他的精神种子。 x x If possible, Luo Qiu does not hope that ‚the Nero vision loses like this. 可能的话,洛邱并不希望‘尼禄视觉’就这样失去。 Just, based on club most basic transaction principle...... guest, since set requirement, under premise that in the price can pay, the transaction will trigger. 只不过,基于俱乐部最基本的交易原则……客人既然提出了要求,在代价能够支付得起的前提下,交易就会触发。 Will fall into during the endless transaction, no matter is willing not to want, but the strength has reached that degree it never to change. 将会陷入无止尽的交易当中,不管是愿意还是不愿意,不过力量已经达到那种程度它永远不会改变。 This possibility, is the part in freedom losing...... an involuntary feeling. 这可能,就是失去的自由中的一部分……一种身不由己的感觉。 Luo Qiu knows that step will be quick, but possibly will also be very late, but it definitely will arrive most likely, he will turn into Predecessor such, will lose the interest in all things finally. 洛邱知道到那一步可能会很快,但也可能会很迟,但它必然会到来最有可能的,他会变成上一任那样,对一切的事物终将失去兴趣。 Just like the Club's objective, must obtain anything, so long as must pay anything. 正如俱乐部的宗旨,要得到什么,就只要要付出什么。 Becoming in the root proxy that in the endless space and time eternal does not extinguish, will become the puppet under root will...... is also coordinated? 将会成为在无尽时空中永恒不灭的根源代理,也将会成为根源意志下的傀儡……也是对等的吧? The request of Nero the approval of sac­ri­fi­cial altar in fact, each transaction, will obtain the approval of sac­ri­fi­cial altar, heaviest will have the contract of transaction to appear. 尼禄的要求得到了祭台的认可事实上,每一次的交易,都会得到祭台的认可,最重才会有交易的契约出现。 The strength of contract came from in Altar, Luo Qiu is only a witness and performer. 契约的力量源自于祭坛,洛邱只是一个见证人以及执行者。 ...... …… The Nero biggest desire is living in the middle of the club, the customer would from not being enlarged the idea of in the heart most source. 尼禄最大的愿望是活着在俱乐部当中,顾客总会不自已地被放大着心中最本源的想法。 Your spirit is perhaps powerful enough, the will is firm enough, you can resist......, but you will be stimulated eventually, the time that because you arrive is long enough, because you have made the transaction are many enough......, because you took a road of no return from the beginning. 你或许精神足够强大,意志足够坚定,你可以抵制……但你终究会被激发,因为你到来的时间足够长,因为你做过的交易足够多……因为你从一开始就走上了一条不归路。 She as to live, no matter in which way. 她似乎只是想要活着,不管是以哪一种方式。 However living the request can it be able to live greatly in ancient times, lives eternal. 但是活着的要求可以很大它可以活到天荒地老,活到永恒。 Obviously, is very big until the eternal that price, must be almost impossible to estimate greatly......, but as if also has the method of being opportunistic for example, becomes Black Soul Envoy the road. 显然,直到永恒那种代价很大,大得几乎无法估量……但似乎也有取巧的方法比如,成为黑魂使者的这一条路。 Perhaps this is Nero this time idea. 或许这就是尼禄此时的想法。 You will lose the freedom, your body, your will, no longer is you from now henceforth. Your living, your death, from now, only in instant, and you are unable to betray my will. Moreover, in carrying out the process of duty, you will perhaps also bump into possibly wicked slightly situation until death...... even this, you still do want?” “您将会失去自由,您的身体,您的意志,从今以后都不再属于您自己。您的生,您的死,从此以后,也只会在一念之间,并且您无法背叛我的意志。而且,在执行任务的过程中,您或许也会碰到可能至死的恶略情况……即使是这样,您也愿意吗?” This is a business, first becomes the Club's possession with Dazhe transformed different Dazhe, is transformed by Luo Qiu, itself does not have the right of choice. 这是一笔买卖,与大哲的转化不同大哲是先成为了俱乐部的所有物,才由洛邱转化,本身没有选择的权利。 At this time, no matter Dazhe or Tai Yinzi, are gazing at Nero silently, because, Nero may very much after several minutes, will turn into their similar. 此时,不管是大哲还是太阴子,都默默地注视着尼禄因为,尼禄很有可能在几分钟之后,就会变成他们的同类。 boss, do you do business like this really?” Nero looks at Luo Qiu's both eyes at this time, you did not fear that guest doesn't want?” 老板,你这样做生意真的好吗?”尼禄此时看着洛邱的双眼,“难道你就不怕客人不愿意了?” Luo Qiu smiled saying with a smile: Talked clearly, later does not have many arguments. Moreover, option continuously in the hand of guest.” 洛邱笑了笑道:“说清楚了,以后就没有过多的争论。而且,选择权一直都在客人的手上。” Nero said indifferently: But, is happier, always this side you, isn't that so. Where although has the so-called option...... to be possible also to have a ratio this better choice?” 尼禄淡然道:“但是,更美好的,也总是在你们这一边,不是吗。尽管有着所谓的选择权……可哪里又有比这更好的选择?” Looks to fluctuate slowly in present sheepskin scroll, Nero was in charge own hand very much with ease, she said in a low voice: I do not want such pain to get down again.” 看着缓缓浮动在眼前的羊皮卷,尼禄很轻松地把自己的手掌印了上去,她低声道:“我不想再这样痛下去了。” Process of transformation very simple, under the Club's strength, process even less than ten seconds of transformation. 转化的过程十分的简单,在俱乐部的力量之下,转化的过程甚至不到十秒的时间。 Nero discarded the body of human, obtained by the body of source of constitution foreign body. 尼禄舍弃了人类的身体,获得了以异体之源构成的身体。 Her scabs vanish in this moment do not see, she looks at the own brand-new body, before feeling , is the relaxed feeling thing...... is not painful even without medicine. 她身上的伤疤在这一刻消失不见,她看着自己全新的身体,感受着前所有为的轻松的感觉即使不用『药』物也……不痛了。 Not painful is not painful, painful flew away. 不痛不痛了,痛的都飞走了哦。 The childhood parents' voice flashed past in the Nero mind suddenly. 儿时双亲的声音忽然在尼禄的脑海中一闪而过。 „It is not really painful.” “真的不痛了。” Nero looks at Luo Qiu, smiles. 尼禄看着洛邱,笑了笑。 Luo Qiu saw tears that her view below drop flows slowly. This is the first time that Luo Qiu the smile of seeing Nero. 洛邱看到了她眼帘下方一滴缓缓流出来的泪水。这是洛邱第一次看见尼禄的这种笑容。 It is not cruel, is not indifferent, is not fierce is not frivolous, without hostility and evil intent, is only very ordinary, the smile of average man. 不残忍,不冷漠,不狰狞也不轻浮,没有恶意和坏意,只是很普通的,常人的笑容。 So ordinary. 如此的普通。 ...... …… ...... …… Were many new Black Soul Envoy, miss maid not many accidents/surprises, even, not, because this is Nero has any disgruntled expression. 多了一个新的黑魂使者,女仆小姐并没有过多的意外甚至,没有因为这是尼禄而有任何不悦的表情。 In passing several hundred years, once witnessed outstanding people to become Black Soul Envoy, looks that they died in various difficult duties once again, miss maid already already habit. 在过往数百年的时间,曾见证着一个又一个杰出的人成为黑魂使者,也看着它们在各种困难的任务中又一次死去,女仆小姐早就已经习惯 miss maid seems very even happy, when Boss Luo transforms Nero, once again after going back the study room, Tai Yinzi discovered with amazement won't oneself possibly die? 女仆小姐的心情看起来甚至很不错当洛老板尼禄转化完毕,又一次回去书房之后,太阴子惊讶地发现自己可能不会死? Black Soul Envoy belongs to the miss maid management...... at this time, miss maid is explaining the work of Black Soul Envoy to Nero carefully. 黑魂使者归属女仆小姐管理……此时,女仆小姐正在细心地给尼禄讲解着黑魂使者的工作。 First, does not allow with forcing nature method compelling compels guest to trade, but permits the method of use induction.” “第一,不允许用强制『性』的手段『逼』迫客人进行交易,但允许使用诱导的手段。” Nero shrugs indifferently. 尼禄无所谓地耸了耸肩。 Second, we do not have enemy in the true sense, each arrived here guest, even if he once were your hateful, must maintain is basically respecting about the customer.” “第二,我们没有真正意义上的敌人,每一个来到这里的客人,哪怕他曾是你讨厌的,也必须要保持着对顾客最基本的尊重。” Nero shrugs indifferently , indicating to know. 尼禄还是无所谓地耸了耸肩,表示知道。 Third, the master is all our, any wants to betray the thought of master not to allow to have, particularly cannot abandon all restraint, bathe the later earliest possible time to wear the clothes.” “第三,主人是我们的一切,任何想要背叛主人的念头都不允许拥有,尤其是不能放浪形骸,沐浴之后第一时间要穿上衣服。” Nero...... Nero had so-called opened the opens the mouth, but has not said anything finally. 尼禄……尼禄有所谓地张了张口,但最终还是没有说些什么。 The education is still conducted, as if also needs some time. 教育依然还在进行着,似乎还需要一段时间。 ...... …… ...... …… Hidden Dragon Village Mountain underground clinic. 卧龙山庄的地下医疗室。 Momo almost can come to see Zhan'er this time Hidden Dragon Village Mountain every day, but left behind two logistic personnel, as well as a medical personnel. 莫默几乎每天都会过来看望展儿一次此时的卧龙山庄,只是留下了两名的后勤人员,以及一名医护人员而已。 What the Zhan'er current situation is unable to conduct the shift...... to rejoice is Hidden Dragon Village Mountain, when constructed initially the suitable intention, being self-sufficient electric power can maintenance continuously be prevented by knot that the administrative bureau releases as for the thick fog outside. 展儿目前的情况无法进行转移……庆幸的是卧龙山庄在当初建造的时候相当的用心,自给电力能够一直的维持至于浓雾则是被管理局释放的结界阻挡了在外边。 Here medical instrument also can therefore use. 这里的医疗仪器也因此能够使用。 If probably this knot can move, will not stay here, but was applied the movement at present thick fog? 大概如果这个结界能够移动的话,也不会留在这里,而是被应用于目前浓雾中的移动吧? Possibly keeps here really extremely bored relations, accepts the nurse who the order leaves behind, at this time starts to clean for example, she planned that takes away to clean the clothes that Zhan'er changes. 可能是留在这里实在太过无聊的关系,接受命令而留下的这名护士,此时开始打扫起来比方说,她打算把展儿换下来的衣服拿去清洗一下。 On the clothing also has the bloodstain, is the treatment time takes off, afterward placed an corner/horn, had not paid attention, when she takes the clothing, suddenly had anything from the clothing. 衣物上还带着血迹,是救治的时候脱下来的,后来放在了一角,就一直没有理会当她把衣物拿起来的时候,忽然间有什么东西从衣物中掉了出来。 Is small ringing a bell. 是一个小小的摇铃。 This rings a bell......” “这个摇铃……” Rings a bell the sound that falls to the ground to bring to the attention of Momo, he arrived at the side of this nurse, ringing a bell of ground picking, subconsciously swung two. 摇铃落地的声音引起了莫默的注意,他走到了这护士的身边,把地上的摇铃给捡了起来,下意识地摇了两下。 The clear sound as if brings strange magic power, can calm. 清脆的声音似乎带着一种奇异的魔力,能够让人心平气和。 Mr. Momo, hasn't the thing spoiled?” The nurse little miss somewhat looks that at this time anxiously Momo she naturally knows Hidden Dragon Village Mountain moves is any people. 莫默先生,东西没有弄坏吧?”护士小姑娘此时有些不安地看着莫默她自然知道卧龙山庄入住的都是些什么人。 This ringing a bell of undistinguished appearance, possibly is these flying escaping places magical artifact of Daoist and so on thing...... spoiled by some chance, she may be unable to repay. 这个其貌不扬的摇铃,可能是那些飞天遁地的道人的法器之类的东西……万一弄坏了,她可赔不起。 No, all right.” Momo smiles, you go busily.” “没,没事。”莫默笑了笑,“你去忙吧。” A nurse little miss then face half step leaves...... Momo this little while to look at the appearance of Zhan'er deep sleep by the glass disturbedly, somewhat is quite helpless, you have brought this thing.” 护士小姑娘这才一脸忐忑地快步离开……莫默这会儿透过玻璃看着展儿沉睡的模样,颇有些无奈,“你原来一直带着这个东西。” This is Momo moves in the Hidden Dragon Village Mountain First Heaven time, Sackcloth Dao of that present age bumps into successor others Lai Caisheng, obtains this from his hand is Lai Caisheng sends out. 这是莫默入住卧龙山庄第一天的时间,碰到的那位当代的布衣道传人赖才生,从他手上得到的或者说,这是赖才生送出的。 Momo has not thought, Zhan'er has had this to ring a bell...... Momo to shake the head unexpectedly, rang a bell this in the hand, went out of the clinic. 莫默没有想到,展儿居然一直带着这个摇铃……莫默摇了摇头,把这摇铃拿在了手上,也走出了医疗室。 Here also logistic personnel, therefore is insufficient no one to look. 这里还有一名后勤人员,所以不至于没有人看着。 Must tie existence, the Hidden Dragon Village Mountain interior is insufficient to be covered...... by the thick fog to look outward from the garden, Hidden Dragon Village Mountain seemed like isolated in the middle of a thick fog side little world. 多得结界的存在,卧龙山庄内部不至于被浓雾掩盖……只是从庭院往外看去,卧龙山庄就像是被隔绝在了浓雾当中的一方小天地。 The fog is too thick, in the mountain village also therefore seems dim, does not look at the time the words, even the minute/share is not clear is the morning or afternoon may Momo actually unable to think, oneself at this time, will bump into is raising the dreadful monstrous waves outside...... that mysterious person who brings the bronze mask! 雾太浓,山庄中也因此显得昏暗,不看时间的话,甚至分不清楚到底是上午还是下午可莫默却想不到,自己会在这个时候,碰到了正在外边掀起了滔天巨浪的……那个带着青铜面具的神秘人! In the middle of that some institute that Sackcloth Dao has. 就在布衣道持有的那个别院当中。 Momo does not even know that the opposite party what exactly is it time arrives, how passes through ties...... this time bronze mask person, stands in the courtyard, raise one's head looks at a dryondra in courtyard. 莫默甚至不知道对方到底是什么时候到来的,是怎样穿过结界的……此时的青铜面具人,站在院子中,抬头看着院子内的一棵梧桐树。 Momo at this time in the heart greatly is two logistic personnel who scary...... in the mountain village only save, naturally could not count on. 莫默此时心中大为的骇人……山庄内仅存的两名后勤人员,自然是指望不上。 Only is left over his own one. 只剩下他自己一个而已。 But only what can let some Momo slightly energy is, after returning to the mountain village again, his baggage also looked, Dragon Tiger Mountain magical artifact, rune/symbol Zhuan looked, was insufficient only to fight hand-to-hand. 而唯一能够让莫默稍微有些底气的是,再次回到山庄之后,他的行李也找回来了,龙虎山法器,符篆都找了回来,不至于只能够肉搏。 In his hand detained rune/symbol Zhuan of powerful secretly, walked into the middle of the courtyard...... Momo to have a feeling, the arrival of this bronze mask person, seemed like to look his. 他手中暗扣了一种强力的符篆,走入了院子当中……莫默有种感觉,这青铜面具人的到来,似乎是为了找他的。 Heaven's Heart 71 generations! You also dare to intrude Hidden Dragon Village Mountain unexpectedly!” Momo broke in the middle of other institute, nameless black color wooden sword points, gets angry: You actually want to make anything!” 天心七十一代!你竟然还敢闯入卧龙山庄!”莫默冲入了别院当中,无名黑『色』木剑遥指,怒道:“你到底想做什么!” Your companion, was all right.” The bronze mask person turns around, looks at Momo, said indifferently: Heard that he saved a life, right.” “你的同伴,没事了吧。”青铜面具人转过身来,看着莫默,淡然道:“听说他捡回了一命,对吗。” Momo clenches teeth, because of you, Zhan'er...... hateful!” 莫默咬了咬牙,“都是因为你,展儿才……可恶!” As the saying goes, being survived must have the happiness in old age.” The bronze mask person said certainly at this moment: He so, you also so. This showed that your fates are very strong......, but fate, does not represent can spend freely unscrupulously. You could see the new world, why does not treasure.” “俗话说,大难不死必有后福。”青铜面具人此刻当然道:“他如此,你也如此。这证明你们的命数很强……但命数强,并不代表就可以肆无忌惮地挥霍。你们或许能够见到新的世界,为什么不珍惜。” Treasures?” Momo sneers saying: On the same day, without were rescued, then...... so many say/way seniors, Monster Race expert, does become the sacrificial victim? For your oneself selfish desire, can ruin many people nature life? Could not have been lived, why should leave behind...... you to conclude?!” “珍惜?”莫默冷笑道:“当日,如果没有被救出,那么……那么多的道界前辈,妖族高手,是不是就成为了牺牲品?为了你自己的一己私欲,就要葬送怎么多人的『性』命吗?或得到活不到,是不是应该留下……你凭什么来断定?!” Always becomes important matter to have the sacrifice.” Bronze mask person said indifferently: Ancient times, small and weak tribe to maintain the vitality, will pack off the abandonment the clansman of old and weak, to leave behind food to later generation, is a truth. They in the long years, have consumed the light their potential, even Spiritual Qi recovers, is impossible to break through present. Therefore, they repose to return the potential person the hope, was willing to sacrifice itself...... in your opinion, was only the one's own selfish interests.” “历来成大事者必有牺牲。”青铜面具人淡然道:“古时候,弱小的部落为了维持生机,会把老弱的族人送走遗弃,为了多留下食物给后人,也是一个道理。他们在漫长的岁月中,早就已经把自身的潜力耗光,即使灵气复苏,也不可能突破现在的自己。为此,他们把希望寄托给还有潜力的人,甘愿牺牲自己……在你看来,也只是一己之私吗。” „Are they...... voluntary?” Momo was astonished however opened the opens the mouth. “他们……是自愿的?”莫默讶然地张了张口。 You do not know.” Bronze mask humanity: „It is not able a more further pain, you not to know that the life will perform the death not compelling near despair. You have not seen, Lu Ming ming also, but by thorough blocked one. The path of cultivation hundred years, come to naught eventually, self-tortures of several This, until the potential exhausts, wanders on the desperate edge, but the day also brutally elapses day-by-day. These, do you know?” “你不知道。”青铜面具人道:“无法更进一步的痛苦,你不知道寿元将尽死亡不不『逼』近的绝望。你也还没有看到,路明明还在,但是被彻底堵死的一幕。修道百年,终究一场空,几个甲子的苦修,直到潜力用尽,徘徊在绝望的边缘,而日子还一天天无情逝去。这些,你知道吗?” With the voice of bronze mask person, Momo is appears at present unexpectedly pictures. 伴随着青铜面具人的声音,莫默眼前竟是浮现出一幅幅的画面。 one by one in the despair, chooses dao practitioner that settled...... 一个个在绝望中,选择了自我了结的修道者…… one by one face upwards Monster Race that in the grief and indignation roared...... 一个个在悲愤中仰天咆哮的妖族…… Hates bitterly! 恨恨恨! Kills! 杀杀杀! How long does not know, possibly is only the flash, Momo only felt that the cold sweat braves...... that inexhaustible complaint and pain, as if passes his innermost soul. 不知道多久,可能只是一刹那,莫默只感觉冷汗之冒……那无穷无尽的怨念与痛苦,仿佛直透他的灵魂深处。 Black color wooden sword acted bashful is not steady falls on the ground, Momo was the both legs kneels down weak on the ground...... kneels down in this inexhaustible being unwilling, angry as well as desperate middle...... these after immortal road by blocked, in the person or the monster that in the despair lost. 黑『色』木剑一个拿捏不稳就掉落在了地上,莫默更是双腿无力地跪倒在地上……跪倒在这无穷无尽的不甘,愤怒以及绝望当中……那些自从仙路被堵死之后,就在绝望中失去的人或妖。 Until the sound of ringing a bell resounds suddenly, probably broke open this complaint like lightning, the Momo mind pulled out from terrifying. 直到摇铃的声音忽然响起,才像是一道闪电般破开了这一股怨念,莫默的心神从恐怖中抽离出来。 He is gasping for breath in gulps, looks at front bronze mask person...... in his hand, does not know when took that to ring a bell unexpectedly. 他大口大口地喘着气,看着面前的青铜面具人……他的手上,不知道何时竟是拿着了那个摇铃。 No matter, is monster world, is seemingly gentle.” The bronze mask person said slowly: But middle many the undercurrent is turbulent, perhaps you had not realized that...... is accumulating, this despair has been accumulating, but this constraining also strengthens with the time day-by-day. When the day, it is unable to endure again, when it is unable to suppress again, crazy will also be following, may go to the extreme truly. You may know, after the new country was established, why can set up the administrative bureau?” “不管是道界,还是妖界,看似平和。”青铜面具人缓缓说道:“但是当中有多少的暗流汹涌,你或许还没有意识到……在积累,这种绝望一直都在积累,而这种压抑也随着时间一天天增强。当那一天,它再也无法忍受,它再也无法压制之时,疯狂也会随之而来,或许会真正地走向极端。你可知道,新国成立之后,为何要设立管理局?” Momo shakes the head at a loss. 莫默茫然地摇了摇头。 Because crazy.” Bronze mask person said indifferently: Breaks through the Daoist of this shackles with the life of mortal in secret, Monster Race crazy...... they have become secret, simultaneously the method becomes crazier and extreme. Cannot absorb Spiritual Qi of the world, the essence of that absorption living person. Daoism quietism and inaction has vanished does not see, in the back many have changed over to the Demonic Path became devil who swallows the person. It looks like the plague to be the same, the silence spread a monster two. Our destinies only then two, wither away in crazy, or seeks for a new breach...... , if not seek for this breach, then crazy withering away, it will even sweep across the world of entire mortal.” “因为更为的疯狂。”青铜面具人淡然道:“私底下用凡人的生命来冲破这个枷锁的道人,妖族早就更加的疯狂……他们变得更加的隐秘,同时手段变得更加的疯狂和极端。不能吸收天地的灵气,那就吸取生人的精气。道家的清静无为早就消失不见,背地里多少已经转入了魔道成为了吞人的魔鬼。它就像是瘟疫一样,悄无声息就蔓延了道妖两界。我们的命运只有两个,在疯狂中消亡,或者寻找一个新的突破口……而如果不寻找这个突破口,那么就只有疯狂疯狂的消亡,它甚至会席卷整个凡人的世界。” How can......” “怎么会……” You should rejoice.” The bronze mask person moved toward Momo, rejoiced sacrifice that they finally choose, what rather than crazy...... rejoices, they are also willing to open a way out for you, keeps you hope.” “你应该庆幸。”青铜面具人走向了莫默,“庆幸他们最终选择的还是牺牲,而不是疯狂……庆幸的是,他们还愿意为你们打开一条生路,把希望留个你们。” Momo raised the head, visits him. 莫默抬起头,看着他。 Saw only him to take down the bronze mask on face slowly, this, you also thought that we, was only the one's own selfish interests.” 只见他缓缓地取下了脸上的青铜面具,“这样,你还觉得我们为的,只是一己之私吗。” Momo stared in a big way the eye inconceivable, was you!” 莫默不可思议地瞪大了眼睛,“是你!” Present unexpectedly is...... 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