TTC :: Volume #10

#153: Please help my also carry away

Squeak--! 吱-呀-! With washroom gate opening slowly, cold air also scatters in this time. 伴随着洗手间门缓缓的打开,一股寒气也在此时飘散而出。 Meanwhile, is dried up, the hand phalanx stretched out like the palm of branch suddenly, grasped on the shutter. 与此同时,一只干枯的,手指骨更是如同枝桠似的手掌猛然伸出了出来,抓在了门板上。 miss maid retroceded slightly a step, looks down. 女仆小姐略微后退了一下步,低头看去。 The palm bit by bit removes toward inside the shutter, dim, a cheeks part almost under inlays the face, at this time is lifting little silver-haired...... 手掌一点一点地把门板往里面移去,昏暗中,一张脸颊部分几乎下嵌脸,此时正一点点地抬起……白发苍苍。 miss maid even can see on this face clearly nearly desperate as look. 女仆小姐甚至能够清晰地看到这脸上近乎绝望似的眼神。 Aiya, Miss Nero, are you all right?” miss maid asked in a soft voice. “哎呀,尼禄小姐,您没事吧?”女仆小姐轻声问道。 You... you try...... for 20 days...... only to drink water...... have a look......” “你…你试试……二十天……只喝水……看看……” Was my negligence.” miss maid the whole face sincere apology, really sorry at this moment, you wait/etc, I gave you to plan to restore food of body immediately.” “是我的疏忽了呢。”女仆小姐这一刻满脸真诚的歉意,“实在是对不起,您等等好了,我马上去给您准备一些恢复身体的食物。” miss maid said, goes hurriedly, like because of making mistakes appearance that but recovers eagerly. 女仆小姐说完,匆忙而去,像极了因为犯错而急于补救的样子。 Nero sees that has to crawl from inside little came out...... the average man to observe a fast 78 days, can only through drinking water to maintain, perhaps had died...... to insist that boils in this share, are naturally many body that this is repeatedly tempered. 尼禄见状,只好一点点从里面爬了出来……常人断食个七八天,只能通过喝水维持,恐怕早就死去……能够坚持到熬这个份上,自然也是多得这千锤百炼的身体。 Even but if this, these days, the pain that Nero must bear every day is still the rise of geometric series- her grief, must thing suppress through medicine fixed time. Without medicine thing, can only suppress, this regarding the consumption of body is an enormous burden. 可即便这样,这段时间,尼禄每日要承受的痛苦也是几何级数的上升-她身上的伤痛,必须要定时通过『药』物来压制。没有了『药』物,只能够强忍下来,这对于身体的消耗本来就是一个极大的负担。 Furthermore, this body is not repeatedly tempered false, that but more exercises like this, own consumption is an astonishing value. 再者,这身体是千锤百炼不假,但越是这样锻炼出来的身体,自身的消耗就是一个惊人的数值。 ...... …… In Main Hall, Dazhe placed the ground scared Tai Yinzi-, since was picked after by oneself, Tai Yinzi is this appearance. 大堂中,大哲把失魂落魄的太阴子放在了地上-自从被自己捡回来之后,太阴子就一直都是这幅模样。 At this time, he was more like accepted fate generally, dejectedly by the foot of tea table, two items absent-minded look at corner the record player of that old. 此时,他更像是认命了一般,垂头丧气地挨着茶几的脚,两目失神地看着墙角的那台老旧的唱机。 Dazhe...?” 大哲…是吧?” Un, right.” Dazhe nods, he sat came, asked: Brother, what's the matter?” “嗯,对。”大哲点了点头,他坐前来了一些,问:“老兄,有什么事情吗?” Tai Yinzi held up own claw, is pointing at corner the record player of that old model, in cabinet, from the left number in the past, the ninth small dish took, inside was heavy, many one was I hides specially, can you help me take to put?” 太阴子举起了自己的爪子,指着墙角的那台老款的唱机,“柜子里面,从左边数过去,第九张碟取出来一下,里面是重了的,多的一张是我特别藏进去的,你能帮我拿出来放一下吗?” „...... Should not have the issue.” “呃……应该没问题。” Dazhe thinks a while, no matter boss or the miss maid elder sister, had not warned probably he does not want chaotically to move here thing- naturally, Dazhe does not have chaotically to move the thing habit. 大哲想一会儿,不管是老板还是女仆小姐姐,好像都没有警告过他不要『乱』动这里的东西-当然,大哲也没有『乱』动东西的习惯 He is thinking plays a song with the record player, should not have the major problem to comply refreshedly, and asked curiously: Right, Brother, how do you suddenly want to listen to music?” 他想着只是用唱机放首歌,应该没有多大的问题就爽快地答应了下来,并且好奇问道:“对了,老兄,你怎么突然想听歌了?” The Tai Yinzi dog does not have to be possible the love to look at Dazhe, the sound is low and deep, but the vicissitudes, before „a master I before death am also the individual dough figurine...... at the point of death, requests some things of liking, isn't excessive? Person condemned to death last food, but can also eat is more sumptuous.” 太阴子狗无可恋地看着大哲,声音低沉而沧桑,“道爷我生前也算是个体面人……临死之前,要求一些喜欢的东西,也不过分吧?人家死囚最后一顿饭,还能吃的丰盛些。” Brother, you made anything......” Dazhe to shake the head. “老哥,你到底做过了些什么……”大哲摇了摇头。 However he is nature that』 that type will comply to do standard, will therefore walk toward that record player. 不过他是那种答应过就会去做的『性』格,所以还是朝着那唱机走去。 Tai Yinzi sighed at this time, looks that the Dazhe squatting body sought the recording the appearance, honest you told that I before was really the person of dignity, a top official of club big project.” 太阴子此时叹了口气,看着大哲蹲身寻唱片的模样,“老实跟你说吧,我之前真的是体面之人,俱乐部一个大项目的总负责人。” Is this?” Dazhe according to Tai Yinzi said that took away a black gelatin plate, and touching came out a recording from wrap/sets, only had one? You did not say folded one?” “是这张吗?”大哲按照太阴子说的,扣出来了一张黑胶碟,并且从套『摸』出来了一张唱片,“不过只有一张啊?你不是说叠了一张进去的吗?” Tai Yinzi was startled being startled, as if wanted to say anything, but sighed finally, looked at Dazhe saying: „The birthday of this poor Daoist is every year lunar calendar in April 17, the thing that this poor Daoist most likes eating is the Guangxi flower cakes of Luoyang hundred fragrance rooms, but currently estimates that could not have found, the Guangxi flower cake also line that therefore the supermarket sells...... also has the joyful water, below does not know that this thing, had better be able burn several box, right «Straw hat King» result the words also remember that burns a itself/Ben to me, if the result the author also said that what also has new challenge and other, the adventure what, that on will not need to burn forever, you burnt the author on the line......” 太阴子怔了怔,似乎想要说些什么,但最终只是叹了口气,望着大哲道:“贫道的生辰是每年的农历四月十七,贫道最爱吃的东西是洛阳百芳斋的桂花糕,不过现在估计也已经找不到了,所以超市卖的桂花糕也行……还有快乐水,下面不知道有没有这玩意,最好能多烧几箱,对了《草帽王》结局了的话也记得给我烧一本,不过如果结局了作者又说什么还有新的挑战等着,冒险永不息什么的,那就不用烧了,你去把作者烧了就行……” Listened to Tai Yinzi to say incessantly matters needing attention, Dazhe even more was curious this in Black Soul Envoy of oneself beforehand dignity, what made...... to refer to the Penglai treasure house matter? 听着太阴子滔滔不绝地说着注意事项,大哲就越发好奇这位在自己之前的体面的黑魂使者,到底都做了些啥……是指蓬莱宝库里面的事情? At this time, some strange sounds convey from the corridor, Tai Yinzi is still saying endlessly, meets no resistance, does not care about...... Dazhe to look curiously, visible is actually dry corpse, is binding the female of bath towel, is crawling from the corridor little. 此时,一些奇怪的声音从走廊传来,太阴子还在喋喋不休地说着,如入无人之境,根本不在意……大哲好奇看去,看见的却是一名干尸似的,裹着浴巾的女子,正一点点地从走廊爬着出来。 Dazhe remembers vaguely before this leaves probably, was closed in of washroom? 大哲依稀记得这好像是离开之前被关在了洗手间的那位? Dazhe looked at this time Nero, looked at Tai Yinzi this time appearance...... in the brain also to flash through king tiger the whole body is the matter of flying in circles, shivers suddenly- he heard the sound of footsteps that the kitchen direction heard. 大哲看了看此时的尼禄,又看了看太阴子此时的模样……脑中也同时闪过了王虎浑身是翔的事情,猛然打了个冷颤-他听到了厨房方向传来的脚步声。 Hardly thinks, just like the instinct, Dazhe, squeezed in the envelope to put away the recording at the maximum speed, then turned back to the sofa place hastily, the danger lapel is sitting. 几乎不想,恍如本能,大哲以最快的速度,把唱片塞入了封套中放好,然后连忙走回到沙发处,危襟正坐。 Powerful seeking livehood wanted even to urge Dazhe reveal to have the hard smile, „did Miss You Ye, you finish?” 强大的求生欲甚至驱使着大哲『露』出了坚硬的微笑,“优夜小姐,你忙完了?” miss maid lifted the curtain screen to walk at this time, in the hand also takes a tray. 女仆小姐此时掀开帘子走了出来,手上还拿着一个托盘。 She looked that Dazhe sits the straight appearance at this time, slightly felt strange, Mr. Dazhe, are you very hot?” 她看大哲此时坐得笔直的模样,略感到了一丝奇怪,“大哲先生,你很热吗?” Heat? No?...... Possibly just did the movement end? In the Penglai treasure house just wasn't still fights one......” Dazhe subconsciously to scratch own forehead...... to perspire? “热?没有啊?哦……可能刚运动完吧?刚不是还在蓬莱宝库打了一架嘛……”大哲下意识地擦了擦自己的额头……什么时候流汗了? Counter has the ice water, fresh.” miss maid smiling faintly, rested to be good.” “柜台有冰水,新鲜的。”女仆小姐微微一笑,“休息一下就好了。” The Dazhe stiff point nods. 大哲僵硬点点了点头。 Afterward, maid seems like has not seen Tai Yinzi, but arrived at the Nero front, on tray food the tray puts down slowly. 随后,女仆像是没有看见太阴子般,而是走到了尼禄的面前,把托盘上一盘子食物缓缓地放下。 Miss Nero, this is food that I give you to make carefully, can supplement very well your defect the nutrition......, please take your time.” 尼禄小姐,这是我精心给您制作的食物,能够很好地补充您缺失的营养呢……那么,请慢用。” Mixture that a basin heat explodes. 一盆热量爆炸的混合物。 miss maid goes lightly- takes the tray, walks toward the position of study room. 女仆小姐翩然而去-拿着托盘,朝着书房的位置走去。 Dazhe is looking at already miss maid that back that leaves, looked to place Nero front Food Nero worn out, lay on the ground dried out, but food at this time placed in front of her...... on the floor. 大哲瞄着已经离开的女仆小姐的那道背影,又看了看放在尼禄面前的食物-尼禄还是有气无力,干瘪瘪地趴在地上,而食物这时候就放在了她面前的……地板上。 He felt hostility from miss maid suddenly, but at this time, Nero actually stretched out the tongue little, in food toward that dish went. 他忽然感觉到了来自女仆小姐恶意,但此时,尼禄却一点点地伸出了舌头,朝着那碟子中的食物而去。 Dazhe stared in a big way the eye, the opening mouth lip, felt that own breath as if also cannot help but got up rapidly. 大哲瞪大了眼睛,张了张嘴唇,感觉自己的呼吸似乎也不由得急速起来。 Do not eat!! Do not eat!! 别吃!!不要吃!! Ate you to lose the dignity!! Hang there!! 吃了你就失去尊严了!!坚持住!! Finally, Nero licking to tray on food, lost the dignity. 终于,尼禄『舔』到了盘子上的食物,失去了尊严。 ...... …… Thump thump-! 咚咚-! Sound of knocking on a door. 敲门的声音。 When You Ye walks into the study room, Luo Qiu is squatting on the corner sofa, is combing hair on Luo Ya face, the vision is gentle. 优夜走入书房的时候,洛邱正蹲在了墙角处的沙发上,梳理着洛娅脸上的发丝,目光柔和。 Luo Ya lies down on the sofa at this time, as if has gone off. 洛娅此时则是躺在沙发上,似乎已经睡去。 Master.” “主人。” Luo Qiu turned head, made a low voice movement. 洛邱回头,做了个小声的动作。 miss maid nods, relaxed the footsteps, silent put down the tray and tea slowly, arrived at side Luo Qiu's. 女仆小姐点了点头,放轻了脚步,无声地把托盘以及茶水缓缓放下,才来到了洛邱的身边。 She was very certainly tired.” miss maid also looks at this little miss fine face at this time, and other meetings, I a sweep trace room.” “她一定很累了吧。”女仆小姐此时也看着这小姑娘精致的脸,“等会,我去收拾干净一间房间。” Luo Qiu nods, later takes off own coat. 洛邱点了点头,随后脱起自己的外套。 miss maid sees that arrived at the back , helping give to take off the coat, then covered the coat on the body of Luo Ya. 女仆小姐见状,就走到了背后,帮着把外套给脱了下来,然后把外套盖在了洛娅的身上。 You can always guess correctly that I want to make anything.” “你总是能猜到我想做什么。” miss maid reviews the faint smile. 女仆小姐回眸浅笑。 Luo Qiu waves toward Luo Ya, the air rocks, whole piece sofa by not a visible cover covering Luo Qiu before this later returned to the desk sits down, right, that Miss Nero how.” 洛邱朝着洛娅挥了挥手,空气晃动,整张沙发就被一股看不见的罩子给罩了起来-洛邱这之后回到了书桌前坐下,“对了,那位尼禄小姐怎样了。” it's nothing obstructs greatly.” miss maid god color nature. 没什么大碍。”女仆小姐神『色』自然。 Luo Qiu also nods, has not closely examined, he raised the head, looks at You Ye, suddenly said: Kara Farr.” 洛邱也只是点了点头,没有追问,他抬起头来,看着优夜,忽然说道:“卡拉法尔。” By the desk, is being Luo Qiu pours out scented tea miss maid to stop suddenly, at the same time, braves the steam the tea, must flood quickly. 书桌旁,正在为洛邱斟着花茶女仆小姐忽然停了下来,与此同时,冒着热气的茶,很快要满溢而出。 This is not because miss maid was distracted, because this quarter static. 这并不是因为女仆小姐走神了,而是因为她这刻静止了。 Really......” “果然……” The Luo Qiu finger a point on the table made the tea of falling body also then to stop suddenly gently- Luo Qiu closed the eye at this time. 洛邱手指忽然在桌子上轻轻一点做着落体的茶水也接着停顿了下来-洛邱此时闭上了眼睛。 In the club, all as if turned were black and white, Dazhe that the danger lapel is sitting also stopped. Is burying the face in tray food Nero does not have all of a sudden, appearance that Tai Yinzi lowers the head, is motionless. 俱乐部中,一切都仿佛变成了黑与白,危襟正坐的大哲也停了下来。正把脸埋在盘子食物的尼禄也一下子没有动了,太阴子还是低着头的模样,也是不动。 Luo Qiu implored the tone lightly, stood up the body, went out of the study room alone. 洛邱轻吁了口气,站起了身来,独自走出了书房。 Soon, he arrived at the Club's lowest level, opened that door that only then he can walk. Here all, with his leave previous time, is not unusual before arrived at sac­ri­fi­cial altar . 不久之后,他来到了俱乐部的最低的层,打开了那扇只有他才能够走进去的门。这里的一切一切,与他上一次离开,并无异样-洛邱走到了祭台之前。 At this time sac­ri­fi­cial altar starts to rise slowly, that has mounted the pillar of Gold and Silver card sign to reappear gradually, Luo Qiu walked two around this pillar. 此时祭台开始缓缓上升,那根已经镶嵌了金银卡牌的柱子渐渐浮现,洛邱绕着这根柱子走了两圈。 He stops suddenly, this is actually not good, the people who if can speak with me including one do not have.” 他忽然停下,“这样其实不好,如果连一个能够和我说话的人都没有。” This place is dead calm, only then the Luo Qiu's sound resounds. 此地死静,只有洛邱的声音响起。 Except for free.” Luo Qiu looks at present Altar, the eye does not have the expression: I can be any me the matter that likes handling, right.” “除了自由。”洛邱看着眼前的祭坛,目无表情道:“我可以做任何我喜欢做的事情,对吗。” ...... …… The pillar on sac­ri­fi­cial altar, is dropping slowly slowly. 祭台上的柱子缓缓地,缓缓地下降着。 Luo Qiu visits it, retroceded two steps, then turns around, goes out of the room that Altar was, returned to the middle of the study room again. 洛邱看着它,后退了两步,接着转身,走出了祭坛所在的这个房间,再次回到了书房当中。 Instance when he sits down, all resumed flowing, scented tea still braved the steam, can the peaceful flower fragrance dissipates. Luo Qiu looks at this time the side face of You Ye...... finally, a You Ye wrist/skill swayed, the teapot squares, one cup has poured out eight points of full scented tea to be then completed. 当他坐下的瞬间,一切又恢复了流动,花茶依然冒着热气,能够让人安宁的花香逸散开来。洛邱看着此时优夜的侧颜……终于,优夜的手腕一摆,茶壶摆正,一杯已经斟了八分满的花茶便已经完成。 „Before going out, picked freshly, the master tastes.” She carries the teacup, arrives at side Luo Qiu's, bends down to put down the teacup, on face does not have any difference. “出门前摘了点新鲜的,主人尝一下。”她把茶杯端来,走到洛邱的侧边,俯身把茶杯放下,脸上没有任何的异样。 Luo Qiu is out of control to extend the hand, caressed the cheeks of You Ye...... miss maid to be startled like this. 洛邱禁不住把手伸出,就这样抚上了优夜的脸颊……女仆小姐一怔。 Master?” “主人?” miss maid has therefore turned around. 女仆小姐因此转过了身来。 Luo Qiu pasted into surrounding of miss maid at this time, probably the child, resembling was wants to demand anything. 洛邱此时贴入了女仆小姐的环抱之中,像是孩子,似是想要索取一些什么。 The ear pasted on the body of miss maid, as if wanted to listen attentively to anything. 耳朵贴在了女仆小姐的身上,也似乎想要倾听着什么。 She has not spoken, but closed the eye, both hands are holding the head of master gently. 她没有说话,只是闭上了眼睛,双手轻柔地抱着自己主人的头。 Is so supporting. 如此相拥着。 ...... …… For a long time. 好久。 Luo Qiu took a deep breath, lets loose You Ye, said apologetically: I good to be rude.” 洛邱深呼吸了一口气,把优夜放开,歉然道:“我好想失态了。” Master runs into what unhappy matter.” You Ye shakes the head, her tolerance dominates above her etiquette completely...... to the tolerance of this master. “主人碰到什么不开心的事情吗。”优夜摇摇头,她的宽容完全凌驾在她的礼仪之上……只是对眼前这位主人的宽容。 I was only......” Luo Qiu as if returned to normal, he looks at You Ye, the look and past were different, wanted to hug you suddenly, moreover thinking, you should not refuse me...... the present to look like, I had not been truly rejected.” “我只是……”洛邱似乎恢复了正常,他看着优夜,眼神与以往不同,“就是突然想要抱抱你,而且想着,你应该也不会拒绝我……现在看来,我确实没有被拒绝。” Too oath of obedience does not need, miss maid pulled the Luo Qiu's palm at this time, put own chest front, sticking, supple sound said: You Ye, is only you.” 太多服从的宣誓并不需要,女仆小姐此时只是牵起了洛邱的手掌,放到了自己的胸前,紧贴着,柔声道:“优夜,只属于您。” Wants, boss of my shop?” Luo Qiu asked suddenly. “只要,我还是这铺子的老板?”洛邱忽然问道。 miss maid said: If...... please my also carry away.” 女仆小姐却道:“如果……请把我也带走。” Will happen one day, has such a day, gushes out the heart in this at this moment, before the type of sentiment and slights unceasingly vanishes thoroughly, can go...... to fall in love with you truly. 终有一天,有那么一天,在这份此刻涌出心头,而又不断冷淡下去的感情之种彻底消失之前,可以真正地去……爱上你。 Accompanies my meeting again.” “再陪我一会吧。” ...... …… ...... …… The pendulum clock on wall is swinging one by one, tick-tock tick-tock the sound, floods in Main Hall each place. 墙壁上的摆钟一下一下地摇摆着,滴答滴答的声音,充斥在大堂的每一个地方。 You Ye leaves, Luo Ya also carry away, went to arrange the new room for her. 优夜离开的时候,把洛娅带走了,去为她布置新的房间。 Luo Qiu walked from the study room. 洛邱从书房走了出来。 Nero has eaten to eat all one's food the food on tray, even licking hurries, this little while is depending in the counter place, both eyes looks at ceiling soulless, but the aura was more attractive. 尼禄已经把盘子上的食物吃光,甚至『舔』得十分赶紧,这会儿正靠在了柜台处,双目无神地看着天花板,但气息好看了一些。 Dazhe saw boss to come out, opened the opens the mouth to prepare to greet, Luo Qiu actually beckons with the hand, making Dazhe stop. 大哲见到老板出来了,张了张口正准备打招呼,洛邱却摆了摆手,让大哲停下。 He arrived at the Nero side-, although eats very cleanly food of tray, on the face does not have the residual of food, but just like also remained the grease stains. 他来到了尼禄的身边-尽管把盘子的食物吃得十分的干净,脸上也没有食物的残渣,但俨然也残留了一下的油渍。 Was really sorry very much.” “实在很抱歉。” Resounds along with the Luo Qiu's sound, Nero is also recovering at the inconceivable speed- restores to her beforehand condition, does not have many point, has not been short of a point. 伴随着洛邱的声音响起,尼禄的身体也正在以不可思议的速度恢复着-恢复到她之前的状态,没有多一分,也没有少一分。 Her that grief still also. 她的那一身伤痛依然还在。 Luo Qiu takes make a move, is cleaning the greasiness on face to Nero personally, next transaction, I an appropriate preferential benefit...... will be sorry to Miss Nero very much, I can only give such compensation.” 洛邱出手帕,亲手给尼禄擦拭着脸上的油腻,“下一次的交易,我会给尼禄小姐一个合适的优惠……很抱歉,我只能给出这样的补偿。” Nero this little while eyelash wool moves, her who restores, at this time looks at Luo Qiu, suddenly said: boss, you are good to me so, did not fear that on that day your family's miss maid did cancel from various significances me quietly?” 尼禄这会儿睫『毛』动了动,恢复过来的她,此时看着洛邱,忽然道:“老板,你对我这么好,就不怕那天你家的女仆小姐悄悄把我从各种意义上都抹去?” Miss Nero chatted.” The Luo Qiu smile said: How we will make to injure the guest matter......, even if caused the losses accidentally, we still meet first offer the compensation.” 尼禄小姐说笑了。”洛邱微笑道:“我们又怎么会做出伤害客人的事情……即便是无意中造成了损失,我们也会第一时间做出赔偿的。” Nero smiles. 尼禄笑了笑。 She extended near the Luo Qiu's ear, said in a soft voice: To maintain a livelihood, I can handle anything.” 她伸到了洛邱的耳边,轻声道:“为了活命,我可是可以做任何事情的哟。” This is Miss Nero your individual freedom.” “这是尼禄小姐您的个人自由。” Good.” Nero narrowed the eye at this time, I did not feel safely, therefore...... from now on, I must sell into servitude. I sell out me, then becomes your person. Irrecusable? Customer's request...... . Moreover, you added, gives me a preferential benefit.” “那好。”尼禄此时眯起了眼睛,“我还是觉得不安全,所以……从现在开始,我要卖身。我卖掉我自己,然后成为你的人。不能拒绝的吧?顾客的要求……而且,你还说,给我一个优惠。” ...... …… Nearby Tai Yinzi moves at this time suddenly, the vision looks pitifully Nero...... this silly little girl thinks this was all right? 边上的太阴子此时忽然动了动,目光可怜地看着尼禄……这傻妞以为这样就没事了? Feared that does not know under the rule of black maid, is what kind of terrifying! 怕是不知道在黑的女仆的统治之下,是何等的恐怖 Remembers the cell phone version website: 记住手机版网址: ( P. 1 / 1) (第1/1页) Joins the bookmark, easy reading 『加入书签,方便阅读』 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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