TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#674: " Anti-Hui alliance "

Chapter 674 " anti-Hui alliance " 第674章「反惠联盟」 For several days, two people in live far away from the villa in city. 一连几天,两人就这么在远离城市的别墅里住着。 Under taking good care of Katou Yusuke, the body of Eriri is also getting better day-by-day, and gradually presents the disabled person characteristics, day that on the clothes has put out a hand to be waited on hand and foot. 加藤悠介的悉心照料下,英梨梨的身体也在一天天地好转,并逐渐呈现出废人化的特征,过上了衣来伸手饭来张口的日子。 Besides also a little coughs outside, the symptom that other such as the dizziness and class/flow tears, feel weak and so on has abated basically. 除了还有点咳嗽以外,其他诸如头晕、流涕、乏力之类的症状已基本消退。 Therefore Katou Yusuke then asked in Friday this late: 于是加藤悠介便在周五这晚问道: Since your is much healthier, we can consider to go back? Eriri.” “既然你的身体已经好得差不多了,我们可以考虑回去了吧?英梨梨。” Well......?” “咦……?” The litigants are enjoying him to feed itself to eat the ice cream at this time, hears word gawked, later covers the mouth to cough layer on layer/heavily. 当事人此时正在享受他喂自己吃冰激凌,闻言不禁愣了一下,随后捂着嘴巴重重咳嗽起来。 cough cough and cough cough......, why do not know, suddenly thought that is good to faint, the chest also is a little uncomfortable...... the feeling to be very comfortable.” 咳咳咳咳……啊啊,不知道为什么,突然觉得头好晕,胸口也有点难受……感觉好不舒服啊。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looks at her inferior performing skill, scooped up ice cream of spoon vanilla taste to deliver to her mouth, could not bear say the sentence. 加藤悠介看着她蹩脚的演技,舀了一小勺香草口味的冰激凌送至她嘴边,没忍住说了句。 „...... I did not mind that you deceive me, but can walk the dessert slightly?” “……我不介意你骗我,但能不能稍微走点心?” My where has to deceive you? I am since childhood unhealthy, other news year, Christmas, Hinamatsuri and children's day what holidays, will I fall ill...... the doctor not to say?” “我哪有骗你?我从小就身体不好,无论是新年、圣诞节、女儿节、儿童节还是其他什么节日,我都会生病啊……医生不是也说过了?” Eriri is saying righteously, opens mouth including the ladle, eats the above ice cream. 英梨梨理直气壮地说着,张开嘴含住勺子,把上面的冰激淋吃下去。 That said......” Katou Yusuke sighed, can we unable to treat here?” “话是这么说……”加藤悠介叹了口气,“可我们也不能一直在这里待下去吧?” Today is he arrives at the villa the fifth day, that side school honors day also formally came to an end, opened the spring vacation. 今天是他来到别墅的第五天,学校那边的结业式也正式宣告结束,开启了春假。 Although he does not care about this very much, the matter that however that side the work room must handle is actually many, he cannot work as the waving the arms about storekeeper. 虽然他不是很在意这个,然而工作室那边要处理的事情却是不少,他总不能一直当个甩手掌柜。 The young girls observe his response secretly, the eye are turning circle turning round, aiya......, otherwise we will go back the day after tomorrow, you left show that expression again.” 少女偷偷观察着他的反应,眼睛滴溜溜转了圈,“哎呀……不然我们就后天回去呗,你别再露出那种表情了。” The day after tomorrow? What you said is on Sunday?” “后天?你说的是周日?” Right, was this always OK?” “没错,这样总可以了吧?” Katou Yusuke thinks, affirmed, line, I said one to everyone, will book a car(riage) of next time Tokyo while convenient.” 加藤悠介想了想,表示肯定,“行,那我跟大家说一声,顺便预约一下回东京的车。” He was saying gives the opposite party the ice cream, oneself manipulate the cell phone. 他说着把冰激淋递给对方,自己摆弄起手机。 On the other hand, Yusuke.” “话说回来啊,悠介。” Eriri ate ice cream calmly, holds the ladle to inquire: That several original about my new picture, you have no feelings......?” 英梨梨若无其事地吃了一口冰激淋,含着勺子询问:“关于我新画的那几张原画,你都没什么感想吗……?” Un......?” “嗯……?” Katou Yusuke puts down the cell phone, looks askance to look, at once extends a hand to touch the head of opposite party gently. 加藤悠介把手机放下,侧目望去,旋即伸出一只手轻轻摸了摸对方的脑袋。 I thought that these original is very good, you drew very splendid work, is this very great? Eriri.” “我觉得那些原画很棒啊,你画出了非常出色的作品,这很了不起哦?英梨梨。” Ka ka......” “咔哩咔哩……” The young girls are nipping the ladle, asked: This......?” 少女咬着勺子,又问:“就这样……?” Katou Yusuke is sizing up her expression, saw " quarts me " the meaning, is out of control to smile. 加藤悠介打量着她的表情,看出了「夸夸我」的意思,禁不住会心一笑。 „Are you want to listen to more detailed feelings?” “你是想要听更详细的感想吗?” What...... I may not have such lecture, but you, if absolutely has saying that I can also listen.” “什么啊……我可没那样讲,但你要是非说不可的话,我也可以听听啰。” This, you make me think.” “这样啊,那你让我想一下。” The smile on Katou Yusuke face, then seriously ponders that seven original of opposite party. 加藤悠介脸上的笑容更甚,然后认真思考起对方的那七张原画。 Just like Eriri said, she used and passing completely different drawing technique. 正如英梨梨自己所说,她使用了和过往完全不同的画法。 She also holds the original individual style in the brushwork, the role that draws actually gives people an ecstatic feeling. 她在笔触上还保有原先的个人风格,画出来的角色却给人一种心花怒放的感觉。 While giving dual attention to sense of reality with sprouting/moe feeling, has an artistry inconceivable. The three fuse exquisitely in together, the produced effect can only describe with shocking probably. 在兼顾真实感与萌感的同时,又不可思议地具有一丝艺术性。三者精妙地融合在一起,产生的效果大概只能用惊艳来形容。 In these original, condenses the master born until now for 16 years, since as well as has become the creator seven years all efforts. 在那些原画里面,凝聚了主人出生至今十六年,以及成为创作者七年以来的所有努力。 Her applied the spiral spring, oneself will force to work wholeheartedly, thus creates the impeccable masterpiece, brings the powerful visual impact. 她上紧了发条,将自己逼迫到呕心沥血,从而创造出无可挑剔的杰作,给人带来强烈的视觉冲击。 In fact, when Katou Yusuke that seven feed in the work room original, does not have a member for these works not to adore. 事实上,当加藤悠介把那七张原画传回工作室时,就没有一个成员不为那些作品倾心。 That type has the greasepaint and water color fine arts style, lets drawing technique that the character and scenery blend and complement each other mutually, even a flavor that washes the cosmetics, making the watcher be touched deeply. 那种带有油彩与水彩美术风格的,让人物与景色互相交融且相得益彰的画法,甚至有一种洗尽铅华的味道,令观者深受触动。 He un hesitation a while, sighs with emotion heartfeltly: 他嗯地沉吟一会儿,由衷感慨道: You are very fierce, even imagines compared with me also does is better, simply is the talent.” “你真的很厉害,甚至比我想象中做得还要好,简直是天才。” Really......?” “真的……?” The young girls look secretly to him, the corners of the mouth cannot suppress curl upwards upward, is coy was asking: You really felt, my picture is better than everyone, is in your mind first......?” 少女偷偷瞄向他,嘴角不可抑制地往上翘,扭捏着问:“你真的觉得,我的画比所有人都棒,是你心目中的第一吗……?” Welcomed that pair of pure sapphire eye pupil, Katou Yusuke is definitely nodding, „, Eriri was the world's first, congratulated you successfully to break through the bottleneck.” 迎着那双纯净的蓝宝石眼眸,加藤悠介肯定地点头,“嗯,英梨梨是世界第一,恭喜你成功突破瓶颈。” Why, didn't you say that exaggeratingly? Aha......” “唔、你干嘛说得那么夸张?啊哈……” Eriri shuts out to glance his one eyes fully, on the face gradually blooms the smile, smiles to make noise loudly. 英梨梨嫌弃满满地瞟他一眼,脸上逐渐绽放出笑容,不禁大声笑出声。 Hahahaha...... coughed, gu...... is too good, good...... I achieved finally......” “啊哈哈哈哈……咳、呜咕……太好了,太好了……我终于做到了……” Her sorption nose, in the laughter has the depressed nasal sound and some extrication feeling gently, and along with cough. 她轻轻吸着鼻子,笑声里带着沉闷的鼻音与某种解脱感,并伴随着咳嗽。 , In the master eye socket appears gradually the innumerable clear water drops, keeps falling on that pink cheeks, is brimming with the intense joy. 渐渐的,主人眼眶里浮现出无数晶莹的水珠,不停地滑落在那粉红的脸颊上面,洋溢着强烈的喜悦。 Her deep breath one breath, wipes the tears with the hand, the mood non-stop between the excitement and happiness jumps horizontally. 她深呼吸一口气,用手抹去眼泪,情绪不停在激动和幸福之间横跳。 The Eriri single-handed holding down chest, attempt keeps calm by oneself, actually the discovery eye becomes moist, is unable to stop the tears, the frail body is shivering gently. 英梨梨单手按住胸口,试图让自己保持冷静,却发现眼睛又变得湿润,无法止住泪水,单薄的身体在轻轻颤抖。 Katou Yusuke is accompanying her peacefully, dispatches that like the handkerchief of tie. 加藤悠介只是安静地陪着她,递出那块如同纽带的手帕。 ...... …… Has not known after how long, the laughter and weeping sound in living room stop gradually. 不知过了多久以后,客厅里的笑声和哭声渐渐停止。 The young girls touch and go the eye with the handkerchief, then its restore. 少女用手帕擦过眼睛,然后将其归还。 „...... Handkerchief thank you, Yusuke.” “……谢谢你的手帕,悠介。” You're welcome.” Katou Yusuke installs the pocket the handkerchief, „did you feel a point?” “别客气。”加藤悠介把手帕装回口袋,“你觉得好一点了吗?” Un......” “嗯……” Eriri blushes bashfully nods gently, the tight shoulders relax slightly, happy. 英梨梨羞赧地轻轻点头,紧绷的双肩微微放松,心情畅快了许多。 She is unable to forget until now, suffering time that anything cannot draw. 她直到现在也无法忘记,那段什么也画不出来的煎熬时光。 That type can only look at others to surpass own feeling helplessly, making her pass innumerable the night that was tossed the innermost feelings to castigate. 那种只能眼睁睁看着别人赶超自己的感受,让她度过了无数个辗转难眠又内心苛责的夜晚。 The day of that trough period made her mind entirely exhausted, but defended cloud open/start to see well finally moon/month clear(ly) in her, very these dangers and difficulties, broken cocoon to become butterfly on original artist path, obtained felt the surprised growth including oneself. 那段低谷期的日子令她心神俱疲,但好在她终于守得云开见月明,挺过了那些艰难险阻,在原画师这条道路上破茧成蝶,获得了连自己都感到惊讶的成长。 Afterward recalled, can make her feel that only felt better, only had him until now to accompany and trust. 后来回忆起来,唯一能让她觉得好过一点的,唯有他一直以来的陪伴与信任。 Just...... 只不过…… As the matter stands, my these violent has arrived original is completely another work......” “这样一来,我的那些原画已经暴走到完全是另一款作品了呢……” Eriri twittering said heavyheartedly, but this is also the indisputable fact. 英梨梨忧心忡忡地呢喃道,而这也是无可争议的事实。 Although that seven original are very powerful, the strength that shows is as good as the first-class artist, however actually exists with other original style incompatible fatal issues. 尽管那七张原画很有震撼力,展现出来的实力绝不亚于一流的画师,然而却存在着与其他原画画风不符的致命问题。 This is not the farfetched that issue, but is style sudden change meeting makes one have the separate feeling the situation, may be called the painting collapse in reverse significance. 这已经不是驴唇不对马嘴那种问题了,而是画风突变到会让人产生割裂感的地步,堪称反向意义上的作画崩坏。 Although can also splice forcefully in them together, even industry in also has similar precedent with the person work, but felt that is not quite right, commercial work that especially they make. 虽然也可以强行将它们拼接在一起,甚至业内的一些同人作品也有着类似先例,但感觉还是不太对劲,尤其他们做的还是商业作品。 Eriri thinks of here, cannot bear open the mouth saying: That, Yusuke......, otherwise I defer to the beforehand style to go to the picture, these seven original consider as finished.” 英梨梨想到这里,忍不住开口道:“那个啊,悠介……不然我还是按照以前的风格去画吧,这七张原画还是算了。” Ok? Why ok?” Katou Yusuke is surprised the different way. “算了?为什么算了?”加藤悠介诧异道。 Well? After all these charts that I draw are so big with the beforehand difference, even if wants with not to have the means that can't overthrow completely comes again......?” “咦?毕竟我画的那些图跟以前的差别那么大,就算想用也没办法吧,总不能全部推翻重来吧……?” No need, we use this.” “不必,我们就用这个。” „-?” “诶-?” Eriri is shocked. 英梨梨愣住。 Katou Yusuke is staring at her earnestly, what issue has? You drew such fierce work obviously, is resigned to be buried like this?” 加藤悠介认真盯着她,“有什么问题吗?你明明画出了这么厉害的作品,就甘心被这样埋没吗?” But, the style that but...... such we play completely will lose the balance, even might be talked into paints the collapse!?” The Eriri stammering said. “可、可是……那样子我们游戏的画风就会完全失去平衡,甚至有可能会被人说成作画崩坏哦!?”英梨梨期期艾艾道。 Therefore? Because of this reason, you can suppress itself to coordinate others forcefully? You must do will not draw back in the future, but proceeds to clash is right.” “于是呢?难道就因为这种理由,你就要强行压制自己去配合其他人吗?你要做的不是往后退,而是往前冲才对。” But, but......” “但、但是……” It‘s nothing good, but.” “没什么好但是的。” Katou Yusuke shakes the head gently, looks the smile. 加藤悠介轻轻摇头,面露微笑。 No matter as the family member is also good the partner also to be good, I am not willing to see you, because these bored reasons restrain themselves. The cypress wood brave principle should sparkle, stands in the center of stage, becoming the world's first is right?” “不管是身为家人也好还是伙伴也好,我都不愿意见到你因为这些无聊的理由约束自己。柏木英理应该更加闪耀,站在舞台的中央,成为世界第一才对吧?” „-!” “-!” The words of youngster just like from the exquisite arrow arrow that on the bow projects, penetrates her chest, shoots the heart straightly. 少年的话语宛如从和弓上射出的优美箭矢,穿透她的胸膛,笔直射进心底。 Her lip is speaking haltingly, some little time later asked the exit|to speak: „The words that...... Yusuke, you delivered were earnest?” 她的嘴唇嗫嚅着,好一会儿以后才问出口:“……悠介,你讲的话是认真的吗?” Katou Yusuke cracks into a smile, guarantees exchange if not genuine- ?” 加藤悠介咧嘴一笑,“如假包换-唔?” Even being able to wait made him say the words, Eriri then overthrew him on the sofa, then cross sat. 甚至等不及让他把话说完,英梨梨便一把将他推倒在沙发上,然后跨坐上去。 Eriri......?” 英梨梨……?” The youngster slightly have are calling her name stunned, was done somewhat unexpected by her action suddenly. 少年略有错愕地叫着她的名字,被她突然之间的举动搞得有些猝不及防。 What...... does?” “……搞什么?” Eriri lowers the head to stare below that face, a pair of small hand makes an effort to grab the front piece of opposite party slightly, recite said: How you, mentioned that words to me calmly......” 英梨梨低头凝望下方那张脸,一双小手微微用力抓着对方的衣襟,吟咏般地说:“你怎么可以,这么若无其事地对我讲出那种话……” „......?” “呃……?” Naturally, Katou Yusuke shows the expression that is shocked. 理所当然的,加藤悠介露出愣住的表情。 She puts the strength of letting go slightly, thinks the eyeground that subsides starts to give off heat slightly, the heart also in plop plop keeps jumping. 她稍微放松手上的力道,原本以为平息下来的眼底开始微微发热,心脏也在扑通扑通跳个不停。 You, you......! You delivered that words arbitrarily, won't make me wants...... to act like a spoiled brat to you?” “你啊,你哦……!你擅自讲了那种话,不就会让我变得想要向你……撒娇吗?” „...... ? Do I have to say will make one have this feeling words?” “……唔?我有说出会让人有这种感觉的话吗?” You said that must use my original......” “你说了要用我的原画……” Cypress wood brave reason broke through own shackles, created to exceed the past outstanding works, shouldn't be seen by more people?” “柏木英理突破了自身的桎梏,创造出了超越以往的优秀作品,难道不该被更多人看到吗?” For this, your even hesitating makes our games collapse...... takes the producer, you have been eliminated completely.” “就为了这个,你甚至不惜让我们的游戏崩坏……作为制作人来说,你已经完全出局了。” About this, you misunderstood probably.” “关于这个,你好像误解了。” Well......?” “咦……?” Welcomes the look that she is wondering, Katou Yusuke smiles bitterly was scratching with the finger the scratching with the finger cheeks. 迎着她纳闷的眼神,加藤悠介苦笑着搔了搔脸颊。 How should say? I do not hope that you suppress yourself is a matter, the balanced state of game is a different matter, among these two does not conflict, because I want to use your new in original playing on continuation.” “该怎么说呢?我不希望你压制自己是一回事,游戏的平衡性又是另一回事,这两者之间并不冲突,因为我想把你的新原画用在游戏的续篇上面。” Continuation of game??” “游戏的续篇??” Un, looks like «afterstory» such, I want a game continuation of wisdom generation of lines, uses your present style.” “嗯,就像是《afterstory》那样,我想要出一部智代线的游戏续篇,就用你现在的画风。” „......?” “……哈啊?” Eriri winks well-remembered the eyes, falls into confusedly. 英梨梨茫茫然地眨动双眼,陷入迷茫。 Therefore Katou Yusuke then explained to her. 于是加藤悠介便向她解释起来。 ...... …… After dozen minutes . 十几分钟以后。 «Wisdom Generation of after», academy finished the later rear-drive and entire age edition and 18 bans the edition. 《智代after》、学园篇结束之后的后传、全年龄版本和18禁版本。 Through these explanations, Eriri understood somebody's meaning finally. 通过这些说明,英梨梨终于理解了某人的意思。 Was said that...... this has not turned into the new business planning thoroughly-!” “是说……这不是已经彻底变成新企划了嘛-!” She cannot help but shouted makes noise, the youngster definitely nodded. 她不由自主地喊出声,少年则是肯定地点头。 Right. Continues the fine arts style of making to be dominated by you, at the appointed time I and by be really assisted you, do you want?” “没错。续作的美术风格以你为主,到时我和真由会辅助你,你愿意吗?” „The words that this...... must speak are not good, after all this did not need to consider the style compatible issue, moreover 18 banned the edition also to let my a little interest, but-!” “这个……要说的话也不是不行,毕竟这样就不用考虑画风兼容的问题了,而且18禁版本也让我有点兴趣,但是-!” Eriri effort hammered his chest, digs the mouth discontentedly. 英梨梨用力锤了一下他的胸口,不满地撅起嘴巴。 „...... This matter you told me actually earlier, I also think that you are determined that seven to use on the present work original.” “……这种事情你倒是早点告诉我啊,我还以为你执意要把那七张原画用在现在的作品上面呢。” Sorry, is I am not good, in brief did you comply?” Katou Yusuke asked. “抱歉,是我不好,总之你是答应了吧?”加藤悠介问道。 „Will I possibly reject? Rather, you use me well...... in various significances are...... the fool......” “我怎么可能会拒绝?不如说,你就好好使用我吧……在各种意义上都是……笨蛋……” Eriri was saying bending down body, pastes the lip on the Katou Yusuke lip, closes one's eyes to stir randomly, then escapes outside charging into that also resembles. 英梨梨说着俯下身体,把嘴唇贴在加藤悠介唇上,闭着眼睛一阵乱搅,然后逃也似的冲向外面。 I and I go to the washroom......!” “我、我去一下洗手间……!” From the kiss to the departure living room, the entire process over five seconds, quickly to not letting the person does not have the opportunity of response. 从亲吻到离开客厅,整个过程不超过五秒钟,快到让人没有反应的机会。 Long time, in the air resounds a sigh. 良久,空气中响起一声叹息。 ...... …… About 7 : 00 pm. 晚上 7 点左右。 Eriri received from " the anti-Hui alliance ( 3 ) " chat group news. 英梨梨收到了来自「反惠联盟」的聊天群组消息。 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Sawamura, I listened to Yu-chan saying that do you seem to return to Tokyo the day after tomorrow? That matter?】 霞之丘诗羽:泽村,我听悠酱说了哦,你们好像后天就会回东京吧?那件事怎么样了?】 Looks secretly to the opposite. 偷偷望向对面。 Katou Yusuke looks at the cell phone eats hot pot black Dongmian, facial expression tranquility as always, like knows nothing about something. 加藤悠介正边看手机边吃火锅乌冬面,神情一如既往的平静,就像对某件事一无所知。 Eriri:...... Careless?】 英梨梨:……马马虎虎?】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Went well......?】 霞之丘诗羽:得手了……?】 Eriri:( ;)】 英梨梨:(;)】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Hasn't gone well?? Are your five days doing??】 霞之丘诗羽:还没得手??你这五天都在干嘛??】 Eriri: the kiss words have for the time being one time......】 英梨梨:kiss的话姑且有一次……】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Does he kiss on own initiative your?( Anger)】 霞之丘诗羽:他主动吻你的?(怒)】 Eriri:...... In turn.】 英梨梨:……反过来。】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Your this waste governing dwelling princess! Entices the men unable to achieve continually?( Torching)】 霞之丘诗羽:啧,你这废物御宅公主!连勾引男人都做不到吗?(喷火)】 Eriri: Otherwise you said how must do! Obviously I in the evening with fearing the black reason wanted him to stay in the room to accompany me, but Yusuke he will only sit on the chair each time, after I fell asleep, returned to the guest room.】 英梨梨:不然你说要怎样做嘛!明明我晚上都用怕黑的理由要他留在房间陪我了,可悠介他每次都只会坐在椅子上,等我睡着以后就回客房了。】 Small good is: I asked that ~ what Sawamura-san do you usually put on the villa?】 【小佳乃:我问一下哦~泽村同学你在别墅平时都穿着什么?】 Eriri lowers the head to take a look at itself, reply in the past: 英梨梨低头打量一下自己,回复过去: 【Do pajamas add the sweater to add the cotton-padded gown? Almost is this.】 【睡衣加毛线衫加棉袍?差不多就是这样吧。】 Small good is + Kasumigaoka Utaha: It is not completely good.( Holds volume)】 【小佳乃+霞之丘诗羽:完全不行呢。(扶额)】 Eriri: What meaning anything meaning! Do you know Nasukougen coldly now? Which type otherwise I must put on!?】 英梨梨:什么意思什么意思嘛!你们知道那须高原现在到底有多冷吗?不然我要穿成哪样!?】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: The key point of issue not there, but how is you must entice Yu-chan to this degree sloppily? Escapes to me! Removes completely completely!( Earnest)】 霞之丘诗羽:问题的重点不在那里,而是你邋遢到这种程度到底要怎么勾引悠酱?给我脱!全部脱光!(认真)】 Eriri: Escapes and take off/escape stripping naked-!?!?】 英梨梨:脱、脱脱脱脱脱光-!?!?】 Small good is: Aha, the verset is cracking a joke, do you leave take seriously? Sawamura-san.】 【小佳乃:啊哈哈,小诗只是在开玩笑而已啦,你别太当真哦?泽村同学。】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Was this quickest method? Even if the object is barren such as Sawamura this type, Yu-chan saw also how many will a little respond?】 霞之丘诗羽:这是最快的方法了吧?哪怕对象是贫瘠如泽村这种类型,悠酱看到了也多少会有点反应吧?】 Eriri: Hey! What meaning barren is-!?( Violent anger)】 英梨梨:喂!贫瘠是什么意思-!?(暴怒)】 Small good is: The verset, this was difficult to say? I thought actually Katou-kun compared with seeing the complete picture, instead does like containing one point that type?】 【小佳乃:小诗,这个难说吧?我个人倒是觉得加藤君比起看到全貌,反而更喜欢含蓄一点那种呢?】 Kasumigaoka Utaha:? Now what discusses is that matter? I to this very interested, can ask you to conduct a more concrete explanation? What you usually and Yu-chan are making ~? Small good is.( Icy)】 霞之丘诗羽:哦?现在讨论的是那种事情吗?我对这个很有兴趣呢,可以请你进行更加具体的说明吗?你平时都和悠酱在做什么呢~?小佳乃。(冷冰冰)】 Small good is: Aha...... always and in brief, Sawamura-san you , to make Katou-kun excited, best dress up itself slightly? 【小佳乃:啊哈哈……总、总之,泽村同学你如果想让加藤君心动的话,最好稍微打扮一下自己哦? Even if cannot achieve that situation that the verset said not to relate, so long as showed girl's charm to be OK, refueled ~! I will lend assistance for you. I first got down. 】 就算做不到小诗说的那种地步也没关系,只要展现出女孩子的魅力就可以了,加油加油~!我会为你应援的。我先下了哈。】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Is slow slightly good is being! You had not replied that my issue, answers the telephone to me!】 霞之丘诗羽:慢着小佳乃!你还没回答我刚才的问题,给我接电话!】 Kasumigaoka Utaha: Sawamura, your time are not many. No matter the night assault also good to get drunk Yu-chan is also good with your family's chocolate, gives me a more positive point to attack! So should not be useless!】 霞之丘诗羽:还有泽村,你的时间不多了。不管是夜袭也好还是用你家的巧克力灌醉悠酱也好,给我更积极一点去进攻!别这么没用!】 „......” “……” Eriri looks at the cell phone above news, falls into intertwines. 英梨梨看着手机上面的消息,陷入纠结。 ...... ……
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