TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#662: Beautiful young girls and beautiful youngster

Chapter 662 beautiful young girls and beautiful youngster 第662章美少女和美少年 Weekend time, the lotus sees good is the innertube comes a news. 周末的时候,莲见佳乃子带来一个消息。 Katou-kun, I had a matter to you tell. The new strip schoolmate just made the phone call, said that was that Miss Ogiwara donated 27 million to the account of association.” 加藤君,我有件事要跟你说一下。新条同学刚刚打来电话,说是那位荻原小姐给协会的账户捐赠了2700万。” At that time Katou Yusuke is drawing, hears this news only to stare slightly, immediately restored as usual, said knew. 彼时的加藤悠介正在画图,听到这个消息仅是微微一愣,就马上恢复如常,说了一句知道了。 But hears " Miss Ogiwara " this name, other three young girls gather immediately the line of sight. 而听到「荻原小姐」这个名字,其他三名少女立刻就把视线聚集过来。 Because today is in the weekend, therefore Yoshida and happy really by does not go to work, in work room only then their these management. 因为今天是周末,所以吉田和相乐真由并不上班,工作室里只有他们这些管理层。 The lotus sees good is child is selecting the appropriate expression, then said: 莲见佳乃子挑着合适的措辞,接着说: Then, what to do that side the new strip schoolmate asked my sum of money should? She does not know that this account of money changing course work room is your account, therefore holds me to ask your opinion.” “然后,新条同学那边问我这笔钱该怎么办?她不知道该把钱转进工作室的账户还是你的账户,所以托我问下你的意见。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke slightly does to hesitate: Does not need to transfer. That sum of money keeps in the account of association, as operation fund use.” 加藤悠介略作沉吟:“不必转了。那笔钱就留在协会的账户上,作为运营资金使用。” Un...... I knew, I reply her.” “嗯……我知道了,那我去回复她。” Good.” “好。” The lotus sees good is around child observation, turns around to leave. 莲见佳乃子观察一下周围,转身离开。 A side sang, a side arrived. 一方唱罢,一方登场。 The looks of three young girls sew on the Katou Yusuke face. 三名少女的眼神钉在加藤悠介脸上。 After short silence, Utaha takes the lead to break the deadlock, asked Eriri and benefit common aspiration. 短暂的沉默过后,诗羽率先打破僵局,问出了英梨梨与惠的共同心声。 Yu-chan, you did not plan that explained the situation for us?” 悠酱,你不打算为我们说明一下情况吗?” No, without that matter.” The youngster shake the head, what do you want to know?” “不,没那种事。”少年摇摇头,“你们想知道什么?” About small good was just said that what meaning did that female student donate money to the association is?” “关于小佳乃刚刚说的,那个女生给协会捐钱是什么意思?” Objectively, this matter actually has nothing to explain that nothing but some people contributed a sum of money for the social services organization with good intention, but Utaha they mind obviously is not this. 客观上来看,这种事其实没什么好解释的,无非就是有人好心为公益组织捐了一笔钱,但诗羽她们介意的显然不是这点。 Simply speaking, the opposite party said before must return me this sum of money, but I rejected, therefore she decided to donate to the association.” “简单来说,对方之前说要还我这笔钱,但我拒绝了,于是她就决定捐给协会了。” „...... , if this, that explained that this sum of money indeed was you hit initially to that female student?” “……假如是这样的话,那就说明这笔钱的确是你当初打给那个女生的咯?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looked at one three people respectively. 加藤悠介分别望了一眼三人。 After Sayu same day revealing, this matter's truth has not basically been able to conceal again, he has to nod the acknowledgment. 经过沙优当天的袒露,此事的真相基本已无法再隐瞒,他只得点头承认。 „- Yes.” “-是。” The looks of three young girls therefore have some changes, had not questioned, has probably understood clearly in heart. 三名少女的神色因此出现些许变化,却未曾质疑,像是早就了然于心。 After a while, Eriri cannot endure the temper to open the mouth. 过了一会儿,英梨梨耐不住性子地开了口。 That- said about that female student, Yusuke you had said can with the matter that she associated?” “那-关于那个女生讲的,悠介你曾经说过自己会与她交往的事情呢?” That I should have to work as everyone's surface rejection.” “那个我应该有当着大家的面拒绝。” „It is not right! I am not asking this, but actually was you when to say to her-” “不对!我不是在问这个,而是你究竟什么时候对她说过-” Eriri.” “-英梨梨。” Katou Yusuke breaks her tranquilly, shows the smile. 加藤悠介平静地打断她,露出微笑。 I thought what is important is the result rather than the process. No matter she said anything, regardless of also you whether on the scene, I have reject her very much clearly. Isn't right?” “我觉得重要的是结果而不是过程。不管她说了什么,也无论你们是否在场,我都有很明确地拒绝她。不对吗?” „...... Long-drawn-out............?” “……悠……介……?” The Eriri words obstruct, in that by his tone was stopped up unable to speak undeniably, later feels a grievance. 英梨梨的话语一窒,被他语气中的那份不容置疑堵得说不出话来,随后又感到一阵委屈。 What...... Yusuke your- idiot!” “什么嘛……悠介你这个-大笨蛋!” Few effeminacy must shout one, runs out of the office resolutely, treads the tread tread to run toward the building. 少女气得大喊一声,毅然决然地冲出办公室,蹬蹬蹬往楼上跑去。 Katou Yusuke is silent suddenly, later opens the mouth saying: 加藤悠介一时间默然,随后开口道: „...... Was sorry, the verset and benefit, you are first busy, I look at the Eriri situation.” “……抱歉,小诗、惠,你们先忙吧,我去看下英梨梨的情况。” He was saying leaves on the preparation, was stopped by calling out by Hui. 他说着就准备离开,却被惠叫住。 „, Yusuke you first wait, actually I have a matter to ask.” “啊,悠介你先等一下,其实我有件事想要问一下。” What matter?” “什么事?” About Miss Ogiwara to the matter that the association donates money, that after all is the money, does she have no request?” “就是关于荻原小姐给协会捐款的这件事,那毕竟是一大笔钱,她本人难道都没有什么要求吗?” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, „...... she only said wants to enter the association work, does not have other, is this.” 加藤悠介摇头,“……她只说了想进入协会工作,没有别的,就是这样。” He said that nods to two people, then arrives at two buildings. 他说完冲两人点头,然后来到二楼。 In the lounge, Eriri is holding a PSP nest on the sofa, seems like the plan to improve the mood with the game. 休息室里,英梨梨正抱着一台PSP窝在沙发上,似乎是打算用游戏来改善心情。 Sees him to walk, the young girl puts on a serious face immediately, shifts to another side the body. 见到他走进来,少女立刻板起脸,把身子转向另一边。 Music that spreads from the loudspeaker, the litigant seemingly is playing «Monster Hunter». 从喇叭里传出的音乐来看,当事人貌似在玩《怪物猎人》。 Katou Yusuke thinks, sits to the opposite party side, takes out happily from the tea table really by PSP, turns on the power source. 加藤悠介想了想,坐到对方身边,从茶几底下取出相乐真由的PSP,开启电源。 Eriri just received a hunting duty, is preparing, saw that on the screen springs a new player to join the prompt of game. 英梨梨这边刚刚接到一项狩猎任务,正准备出发,就看到屏幕上弹出一个新玩家加入游戏的提示。 Then, a female character that puts on the warrior armor and body backbone flute ran up to side her, beckons to hint. 接着,一名穿着武士盔甲、身背骨笛的女性角色跑到了她身边,招手示意。 That is happily really by the role. 那是属于相乐真由的角色。 Two people usually frequently together online, therefore she is very clear. 两人平时经常一起联机,所以她很清楚。 However the present operator naturally possibly is not happy really by. 然而现在的操作者自然不可能是相乐真由。 Why you take the Miss Le mechanical games casually!” Eriri asked angrily. “你干嘛随便拿相乐小姐的游戏机!”英梨梨怒气冲冲地质问道。 Really is my disciple, she will not mind.” Katou Yusuke returns with something else in mind said. “真由是我的弟子,她不会介意的。”加藤悠介不以为然地回道。 Even if such...... I also had not said that must play with you together! Why do you join others' match casually?” “就算是那样……我又没说要跟你一起玩!你干嘛随便加入别人的对局?” You want to relax right? That this game not suitable person to play, perhaps will otherwise work just the opposite. I call the assistance you.” “你想要散心对吧?那这款游戏就不适合一个人玩,不然也许会适得其反。我给你打辅助吧。” „......” “……” Eriri opposed nonchalantly to shoot a look at his one eyes, the back passes away, as you like then.” 英梨梨横眉冷对地瞥他一眼,背过身去,“随你便吧。” Although the tone is not very good, but was complies reluctantly. 虽然语气不是很好,但勉强算是答应了。 Therefore two people have had the cat food together, makes up the condition. 于是两人一起吃过猫饭,补好状态出发。 The assignment that they have is Hunting female fire dragon. 他们接的任务是【狩猎雌火龙】。 Katou Yusuke is operating the role, follows in Eriri behind. 加藤悠介操作着角色,跟在英梨梨身后。 The role of opposite party wears a pretty blue armor, carries too the blade, golden double ponytail flutters after the brain. 对方的角色穿着一身漂亮的蓝色盔甲,身背太刀,金色的双马尾在脑后飘荡。 In the process of running chart, he talked calmly. 跑图的过程中,他若无其事地搭话。 I said that Eriri.” “我说,英梨梨。” Does?” “干什么?” „When I possibly a little said a moment ago heavily in downstairs words, if I make you feel uncomfortable that I apologized to you, sorry.” “我刚才在楼下时话可能说得有点重了,如果我让你感到不舒服了,我向你道歉,对不起。” „......” “……” Eriri?” 英梨梨?” Let alone this, looks a bit faster strangely.” “别说这个,快点找怪。” „.” “哦。” After running continuously several regions, they found the target in the central jungle area. 连续跑了几个区域以后,他们在中央的丛林区找到了目标。 A huge female fire dragon is taking a stroll there idly. 一只庞大的雌火龙正在那里闲溜达。 Two people have not alerted the enemy, but first surrounding small cleaned up strangely. 两人没有打草惊蛇,而是先把周围的小怪清理了一下。 Eriri realized a matter until this time suddenly, „will you play the bamboo flute?” 英梨梨直到这时才突然意识到一件事,“你会吹笛子吗?” Katou Yusuke nods, „, I remember some foundation even/including trick/recruit. What buff do you want?” 加藤悠介点头,“还可以,我记得一些基础连招。你想要什么buff?” Ear hitch and wind pressure are invalid, striking power UP and HP reply, these metropolises?” “耳栓、风压无效、攻击力up和HP回复,这些都会吗?” Meeting.” “会。” You under and others blow buff in side to me, I do not have the blood time remembers that helps me reply.” “那你等下就在旁边给我吹buff,我没血的时候记得帮我回复。” Good.” “好。” Then, my body brought two traps paralysis, after I bury, you go to direct the monster, making it step on the trap.” “然后,我身上带了两个麻痹陷阱,等我埋好以后你就去把怪物引过来,让它踩陷阱。” Ok.” “行。” Katou Yusuke was saying plays the bamboo flute, adds on various buff to them. Meanwhile, Eriri also prepare trap. 加藤悠介说着吹起笛子,给他们加上各种buff。同时,英梨梨也布置好了陷阱。 Ok?” “好了吗?” On, Pikachu!” “上吧,皮卡丘!” „......” “……” Mental illness where this comes? 这哪来的神经病? Katou Yusuke shot a look at her one eyes speechless, then operates the character to charge into the female fire dragon, threw a dyeing jade to it, escapes again fast. 加藤悠介无语地瞥了她一眼,然后操作人物冲向雌火龙,向它扔了一颗染色玉,再飞快地逃回来。 Roar-!!!” “吼-—!!!” The female fire dragon that was attracted the hatred exudes one to angrily roar, opens the big mouth to pursue toward him, finally plop falls into the trap. 被吸引到仇恨的雌火龙发出一声怒吼,张着血盆大口朝他追来,最后“扑通”一声跌进陷阱。 Eriri.” 英梨梨。” I know!” “我知道!” Eriri has been ready, draws out too the blade excitedly, strikes off toward the monster that keeping struggling with the powerful stance, displayed one set of magnificent even/including trick/recruit. 英梨梨早已蓄势待发,兴奋地拔出太刀,用气势十足的姿态向着不停挣扎的怪物砍去,施展了一套华丽的连招。 Katou Yusuke looks praises without cease. 加藤悠介看得赞叹不已。 After ten minutes . 十分钟后。 Meow ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “喵~~~~~” Two people both take the cat car(riage) to return to the place of birth. 两个人双双乘坐猫车回到出生地。 Sand dust has blown from them, curls up one group of winds to roll the grass. 一阵沙尘从他们面前吹过,卷起一团风滚草。 Eriri......?” 英梨梨……?” Why does,......!?” “干、干嘛……!?” Un...... also no, thought that your too blade plays well.” “嗯……也没什么,就是觉得你太刀玩得不错。” Katou Yusuke is contrary to convictions saying that simultaneously is making up one next not to play at heart. 加藤悠介违心地称赞道,同时在心里补上一句下次别玩了。 gu......!” “呜咕……!” Probably heard his aspiration, Eriri hence had a vacillation, later became becomes angry out of shame. 像是听到了他的心声,英梨梨由此产生一阵动摇,随后又变得恼羞成怒。 Also and is also not because you do not have to add the blood to me promptly, harmed me dead not!? Your where has the qualifications to deliver this words?” “还、还不都是因为你没有及时给我加血,才害我死掉的不是吗!?你哪有资格讲这种话?” Katou Yusuke recalls. 加藤悠介回想一下。 Basically, Eriri besides most starts that set of attack also to calculate smoothly outside, the following style can only describe with the ugliness. 基本上,英梨梨除了最开始那一套攻击还算流畅以外,后面的招式只能用丑陋来形容。 When the effect of trap vanishes, the opposite party with was cut screw slippery little even/including to incur to flicker the second by the female fire dragon, the speed adds the opportunity of blood not to Katou Yusuke quickly continually. 等到陷阱的效果一消失,对方就被雌火龙用一套丝滑的小连招瞬秒了,速度快到加藤悠介连加血的机会都没有。 The fight can continue for ten minutes, because he has been supporting diligently. Finally when with great difficulty Eriri after resurrecting catches up, the opposite party was killed by the female fire dragon second. 战斗之所以能持续十分钟,还是因为他一直在努力支撑。结果好不容易等到复活后的英梨梨赶来,对方又是被雌火龙秒杀。 Finally is only left over condition not good Katou Yusuke to be unable to save the situation, two people in pairs family/home. 最后只剩下状态不好的加藤悠介无力回天,二人双双把家还。 He sucks a Palestinian lower jaw, asked: You with really are also usually played by her?” 他咂巴一下嘴,问道:“你平时和真由她也是这么玩的么?” Calculates, is......” “算,算是吧……” Is?” “算是?” „Before I...... us, has not hit the female fire dragon, this is the first time.” Eriri made excuses returns said. “我……我们之前没打过雌火龙,这还是第一次。”英梨梨支支吾吾地回道。 „......” “哦……” Hey, your look what's the matter! What profound meaning has probably? Said what opinion has to me?” “喂,你那眼神是怎么回事嘛!好像有什么深意啊?还是说对我有什么意见?” No, anything does not have.” “不,什么也没有。” Katou Yusuke spoke thoughtlessly to be perfunctory, was tread a foot side abdomen by Eriri effort. 加藤悠介随口敷衍着,然后就被英梨梨用力蹬了一脚侧腹。 You have! I know that you felt certainly like my vegetable/dish and love play is right? You irritated me!” “你有!我知道的,你心里一定是觉得我又菜又爱玩对不对?你气死我了!” Young girls is saying persistently unreasonably, while also with putting on the both feet of stockings treads him back and forth. 少女一边蛮不讲理地说着,一边还用穿着长筒袜的双脚来回蹬他。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looks askance to look, saw unknowingly the opposite party skirt arranges the fair flesh and thigh, therefore he returns to the face. 加藤悠介侧目望去,不经意看到对方裙摆下白皙的肌肤和大腿,于是他又回正脸。 How you did not speak!?” “你怎么不说话!?” „...... You want to be many, without that matter.” “……你想多了,没那回事。” You thought that I held back, thought that I very bothersomely is right?” “你就是觉得我拖后腿了,觉得我很烦对不对?” No, under I in want to wait to come the main attack by me, you output on the line from one side.” “不,我是在想等下还是由我来主攻吧,你从侧面输出就行了。” „......” “……” Eriri stared at him to look at a while, without opposition. 英梨梨盯着他看了一会儿,没反对。 Two people found the monster to be at according to the prompt of dyeing jade. 两人根据染色玉的提示重新找到怪物所在。 Just the same as always. 还是老样子。 Katou Yusuke buries the trap also to exert buff on the ground, then directs to step on the trap strangely, simultaneously brandishes the bamboo flute one to output to the female fire dragon, pounds it calls. 加藤悠介在地上埋好陷阱并且施加buff,然后去引怪踩陷阱,同时抡起笛子对着雌火龙一顿输出,把它砸得嗷嗷直叫。 Eriri stands in the side, takes too the blade to continue to scrape the skin. 英梨梨站在侧面,拿着太刀持续刮痧。 When the time of trap almost arrived, Katou Yusuke reminded Eriri to hide far, oneself drew is blaming to run in another direction. 等到陷阱的时间差不多到了,加藤悠介提醒英梨梨躲远了点,自己则是拉着怪往另一个方向跑。 So pulls the output back and forth after a while, was impatient that the female fire dragon is fanning the wing, prepares to display own advantage, attacks from the space. 如此来回拉扯输出一阵子后,感到不耐烦的雌火龙扇动着翅膀,准备发挥自己的优势,从天上进行攻击。 The youngster were naturally impossible to make it achieve wishes, immediately then the adjustment good angle, to throw a flash jade toward the female fire dragon face on, successfully made it crash on the ground. 少年自然不可能让它如愿,当即便调整好角度,朝雌火龙脸上丢了一颗闪光玉,成功让它坠落在地上。 In line with taking advantage of him gets sick the principle that wants him to assign/life, coming up is an output, then spreads out. 本着趁他病要他命的原则,上去又是一阵输出,然后拉开距离。 Restores the vision the monster therefore to be in the wild stage, starts to start dragon Che to dash. 恢复视力的怪物因此进入狂暴阶段,开始发动龙车冲撞。 After the Katou Yusuke tumbling evades first, immediately starts to take a drug, in movement observes the monster the trend, prepares to avoid second. 加藤悠介翻滚躲过第一段后马上开始吃药,同时也在边移动边观察怪物的走向,准备躲避第二段。 At this moment, loafed trampled his foot in nearby double ponytail too blade soldier suddenly, not only broke him to drink the medicine the movement, made his role fall into the unbending condition. 就在这时,游荡在旁边的双马尾太刀战士忽然踹了他一脚,不仅打断了他喝药的动作,也让他的角色陷入僵直状态。 Next second- 下一秒- Roar-!!!” “吼-—!!!” The angry dragon car(riage) howls, the discontented volume of blood harvested him, lying down corpse. 愤怒的龙车呼啸而过,将他本就不满的血量收割一空,就地躺尸。 With picture one revolution, others had been returned to the camp by the cat car(riage). 随着画面一转,他人已经被猫车送回了营地。 „???” “???” Katou Yusuke opens the eye slightly, looks quickly toward side. 加藤悠介微微睁大眼睛,倏地往旁边望去。 Eriri partly depends in sofa that head, is made one unable to see clearly the expression by the small face that PSP blocks, seems like anything not to happen not without making a sound. 英梨梨半靠在沙发那头,被PSP挡住的小脸让人看不清表情,一声不吭地像是什么也没发生。 Then, the blade soldiers in too double ponytail also ride the cat car(riage) to return to the camp. 接着,双马尾的太刀战士也坐着猫车回到营地。 The scene had about five seconds peace. 现场有了约五秒钟左右的安静。 Eriri......?” 英梨梨……?” What?” “什么?” What wasn't...... you just kicked me to make?” “不是……你刚刚踢我做什么?” Mistake.” “失误了。” Mistake?” “失误?” Ehm.” “嗯啊。” Eriri puts down PSP slightly, reveals one pair to look at him like the crystal pure stainless blue pupil, the stick read: 英梨梨稍微放下PSP,露出一双如水晶般纯洁无垢的蓝眸望着他,棒读道: I want to tumble, finally you stop up there, harming me not carefully according to was wrong.” “我本来是想翻滚,结果你堵在那里,害我不小心按错了。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is staring at her steadily, silent moment: Hasn't hit?” 加藤悠介目不转睛地盯着她,沉默片刻:“还打不?” Naturally must hit! The monster wanted the remnant blood, how can give up here?” The Eriri righteousness is indicating with stern words. “当然要打!怪物都要残血了,怎么能在这里放弃呢?”英梨梨义正严辞地表示道。 You can not press next time again wrong key?” “那你下次能别再按・错・键・了・吗?” Snort, where that matter serves a need to remind specially. Compared with this, snacks to allay hunger the condition to look quickly strangely, otherwise the monster can return to the blood.” “哼,那种事情哪用得着特意提醒。比起这个,快点补好状态去找怪啦,不然怪物会回血的。” „......” “……” Therefore Katou Yusuke has not talked too much again, once again steps hunts for the journey of blaming. 于是加藤悠介没再多言,又一次踏上猎怪之旅。 However this time he was many a mind, the time was guarding against that attractive double ponytail female soldier, to prepare mishap. 不过这次他多了个心眼,时刻都在提防那个漂亮的双马尾女战士,以备不测。 May be made to throw down the condition until the monster, the opposite party has not made any suspicious action, but follows he to come up together the output. 可直到怪物被打出摔倒状态,对方也没做出什么可疑的举动,而是跟着他一起上来输出。 Was I wants......?’ ‘是我想多了吗……?’ While Katou Yusuke thinks time, the double ponytail female soldiers suddenly pulled out a powder cask from the armor, places the ground. 正当加藤悠介这么想的时候,双马尾女战士突然从盔甲里掏出了一个炸药桶,放在地上。 Sees this Katou Yusuke terrified one startled, still also reacted without enough time, was returned to the native place by a magnificent explosion. 见到这一幕的加藤悠介悚然一惊,尚还来不及做出反应,就被一场华丽的爆炸送回了老家。 Eriri-!?” 英梨梨-!?” This is the accident/surprise.” “这是意外。” Eriri blocks the face with the mechanical games, said mechanically: I just successfully exploded to the monster, it is certainly dying, we continue.” 英梨梨用游戏机挡住脸,刻板地说道:“我刚刚成功炸到怪物了,它一定快死了,我们继续吧。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looks at her to sip a line tightly, the cherry pink color lip that the corners of the mouth actually rise slightly, keeps silent. 加藤悠介望着她紧抿成一条线,嘴角却微微上扬的樱粉色嘴唇,不言不语。 The opposite party see him not to respond, kicked him to express the urging gently. 对方见他迟迟没有反应,又轻轻踢了他一脚表达催促。 Hurry up, proposed that can with the person who I play together be yourself? Do not rub gently.” “快点啦,主动提出要跟我一起玩的人是你自己吧?别这么磨磨蹭蹭的。” Compares on a few words, in the master voice at this moment were many a faint trace to be joyful, thus it can be seen the previous all sorts were by no means coincidental. 相比起上一句话,主人此刻的嗓音里多了一丝丝愉悦,由此可见先前的种种绝非偶然。 Katou Yusuke shakes the head, meditates the goal that several go upstairs in the heart, accompanied her. 加藤悠介摇摇头,在心中默念几遍自己上楼的目的,还是陪她去了。 Then their taking a seat cat car(riage) sat a crispness. 然后他们就坐猫车坐了个爽。 Nothing accident/surprise, Eriri is hindering him. 没有任何意外,英梨梨就是在妨碍他。 For example when he swoops throws the sound bombs to harm him to eat intentionally to spit the breath, 比如在他飞扑的时候故意丢音爆弹害他吃吐息, For example including when him incurs in side eats the supplementary constrained motion the life dust, 比如趁他连招时在旁边吃附带强制动作的生命粉尘, For example when he blows the bamboo flute exerts buff takes blade too to cut him...... 比如在他吹笛子施加buff时拿太刀砍他…… The litigants arrive behind did not cover up, basically tripped somebody up to him flagrantly. 当事人到了后面也不遮掩了,基本是明目张胆地给他使绊子。 The game that they play obviously is «Monster Hunter», Katou Yusuke has to plant is actually playing " Mario Race car » misconception, that called one to suffer. 明明他们玩的游戏是《怪物猎人》,加藤悠介却硬是有种在玩《马里奥赛车》的错觉,那叫一个折磨。 Naturally- 当然- Eriri harmed he himself unable to live, but the opposite party seemingly does not want to live from the start, was to ride the cat car(riage) with him ecstatically together. 英梨梨这么害他自己也活不了,但对方貌似压根不想活,就是要乐此不疲地跟他一起坐猫车。 After one difficult escaped to kill, the female fire dragon that degenerated into the supporting role greatly also passed away under the injury. 经过一番艰难的大逃杀,沦为配角的雌火龙也在连带伤害下一命呜呼。 In that moment that the female fire dragon drops down, Katou Yusuke even from Eriri eyeground reading out wipes to regret, after this let he decided secretly, not accompany this young lady online. 在雌火龙倒下的那一刻,加藤悠介甚至从英梨梨眼底读出一抹遗憾,这让他暗下决心以后再也不陪这个大小姐联机了。 Finally, two people collect good monster material, this online also formally came to an end. 最后,两人收集好怪物身上的素材,这场联机也正式宣告结束。 The Katou Yusuke complexion puts back PSP pale, after the whole person, face upwards leans on the sofa, both hands is covering the face, sends out an exhausted deep sigh. 加藤悠介脸色铁青地把PSP放回原处,整个人后仰靠在沙发上,双手捂着脸,发出一声疲惫的长叹。 Eriri stretches oneself refreshing, practical joke gathers side him, sits with the posture that the duck sits on the sofa. 英梨梨神清气爽地伸了个懒腰,恶作剧般凑到他身旁,用鸭子坐的姿势坐在沙发上。 Aiya, do not heave a sigh like this, otherwise the happiness will sneak off secretly ~?” “哎呀,你不要这样唉声叹气啊,不然幸福可是会偷偷溜走的哦~?” „...... The happiness that if you said refers to with you plays the game together, I rather do not want.” “……假如你说的幸福是指跟你一起玩游戏,那我宁愿不要。” Does! You with the school's first beautiful young girl, refusing the girl of three figure above masculine confessions to play ei? Gives me to be honored!” “干嘛!你可是跟学校第一美少女,拒绝过三位数以上男性告白的女孩子在玩欸?给我更荣幸一点啦!” Then, you with the school's first beautiful youngster, refusing the boy of three figure above female confessions to play? Doesn't feel this/should gently?” “这么说来,你可是跟学校第一美少年,拒绝过三位数以上女性告白的男孩子在玩呢?不觉得该更温柔一点吗?” Quite disgusting! Why Yusuke you use that frivolous tone speech, disliked!” “好恶心!悠介你干嘛用那种轻浮的语气讲话,讨厌死了!” Un, you said that anything is anything.” “嗯,你说什么就是什么吧。” Katou Yusuke looks askance to look at toward right side that fine attractive small face, is smiling bitterly bringing up an old matter again. 加藤悠介侧目望向右边那张精致漂亮的小脸,苦笑着旧事重提。 „...... In brief, since the game had ended, we can discuss the proper business? I was not quite possibly good because of downstairs attitude before, I apologized to you. Can you forgive me?” “……总之,既然游戏已经结束了,我们可以谈正事了吗?我之前在楼下的态度可能不太好,我向你道歉。你能原谅我吗?” Well......?” “咦……?” Eriri was asked stares slightly, subsequently is blushing to move out of the way the line of sight, „the words that...... really must speak all are not your issue, actually I also......” 英梨梨被问地微微一愣,既而红着脸挪开视线,“嘛……真要说的话也不全是你的问题,其实我也……” She once stopped at this point, for a very long time does not have the sound, after making is waiting, Katou Yusuke of half a word wonder crookedly excessive. 她说到这里一度停下,久久没有声音,让等着后半句的加藤悠介不禁纳闷地歪过头。 Eriri......?” 英梨梨……?” „, Yusuke, actually I had a matter to you to say.” “呐,悠介,其实我有件事想要对你说。” Un?” “嗯?” „......” “……” Eriri is looking at him, reveals the smile that contains slightly is being sorry, the upholstery has the words. 英梨梨望着他,露出蕴含着些微抱歉的微笑,铺垫起话语。 In brief you felt relieved although, I then planned the matter that must handle is plans.” “总之你尽管放心,我接下来打算要做的事情全都是规划好的。” „...... What meaning?” “……什么意思?” Therefore starting from next week, I for sometime had no way probably again the work room, but I can report every day one time to you, the handset power will also remember. The words saying that that side does receive to obtain the signal?” “所以从下周开始,我大概有一段时间没法再来工作室了,不过我会每天向你报告一次,手机电源也会记得开着。啊,话说那边收得到信号吗?” Listened to the young girl mouth the significance unclear words, Katou Yusuke unable to bear sit, awaited calmly as follows. 听着少女口中意义不明的话,加藤悠介忍不住坐了起来,静待下文。 Then, the young girl deeply inspires, reveals own that decision to him- 然后,少女深吸一口气,对他吐露出自己的那个决定- ...... ……
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