TRSFPUS :: Volume #7

#661: Impractical fantasy

Chapter 661 impractical fantasy 第661章不切实际的幻想 Another side. 另一边。 Katou Yusuke is looking at the cell phone, cannot find way out. 加藤悠介望着手机,一筹莫展。 On screen also stay and chat contact surface of small evening. 屏幕上还停留在与小夕的聊天界面。 As of late , the young girl would regularly wish asking him to go to that side the association, even if he turns down repeatedly still still never says die. 最近这段时间里,少女总会隔三差五的想要叫他去协会那边,即便他多次婉拒也依然锲而不舍。 As such situation increases slowly, he gradually not becomes some to be good to reject. 随着这样的情况慢慢增多,他逐渐变得有些不太好拒绝。 Especially this mountain Mui Ne every week will make the phone call to inquire him and condition of small evening. The number of times that he is perfunctory were many, the opposite party also almost a little began to have suspicions. 尤其是本山美奈每周都会打来电话询问他和小夕的状况。他敷衍的次数多了,对方也差不多有点起疑了。 Katou Yusuke silent a while, assigns out with the new strip fragrant chat contact surface. 加藤悠介沉默一会儿,调出与新条香的聊天界面。 The time that they chatted for the last time also stayed last month. 他们最后一次聊天的时间还停留在上个月。 Unlike before daily to the situation that he greeted, since on that day, the opposite party has not disturbed him again. 与之前天天向他问候的情况不同,自打那一天之后,对方就没再打扰过他。 When three five like before did not send in the lesson, even the work of student association was also as far as possible through the chat group report, displayed a clever tactful appearance. 既不像以前那样三不五时发来日课,连学生会的工作也都是尽量通过聊天群汇报,表现出一副乖巧知趣的样子。 Observes the contract is not good safely?’ ‘安心遵守契约不好么?’ Katou Yusuke thought indifferently, receives the cell phone. 加藤悠介漠然心想,把手机收起来。 The next quarter, the dings resound. 下一刻,门铃声响起。 After opening the door, numb beautiful lifts the hand to greet grinningly. 打开门以后,麻美笑嘻嘻地抬手打了个招呼。 Ha ~ Katou young, good evening. This gives you.” “哈喽~加藤仔,晚上好呀。喏,这个给你。” The opposite party are saying, hands over in a document of four square shape his hand. 对方这么说着,把一个四方形的文件交到他手里。 Katou Yusuke thinks that is any document of community, carefully looks at the discovery is an envelope, above writes " the Katou Yusuke respect to open " . 加藤悠介原本以为那是社区的什么文件,仔细一看才发现是一个信封,上头写着「加藤悠介敬启」。 „...... This what?” “……这什么?” „Did letter/believes, understand at a glance?” “信啊,一看就知道了吧?” „Isn't this above address your door plate? Why will have my name?” “这上面的地址不是你的门牌号吗?为什么会有我的名字?” Aha, about this, you crossed the letter/believes comes to see ~ “啊哈哈,关于这个呀,你把信翻过来看看~” Therefore Katou Yusuke complies according to the word, later when seeing the back sender information falls into silent. 于是加藤悠介依言照做,随后就在见到背面的寄信人信息时陷入沉默。 numb beautiful explained with a smile. 麻美笑着解释起来。 Then should you understand? Simply speaking, Sayu younger sister young she, because was worried that you are not willing to receive a letter, therefore asked me to help transmit to you ~ “这下你应该懂了吧?简单来说,沙优妹仔她因为担心你不肯收信,所以就拜托我帮忙转交给你咯~” On the other hand, used such old communication method in present this time unexpectedly, the Sayu younger sister young she was too interesting.” “不过话又说回来了,在现在这种时代居然还用这么老土的沟通方式,沙优妹仔她真的太有意思了。” Should say that wrote a letter this type of thing unable is too troublesome? Obviously telephone and mail anything is less convenient......, right! The Sayu younger sister young probably without the Katou young your contact method,...... that would have no means.” “该说写信这种东西不会太麻烦了吗?明明电话和邮件什么的不是更方便么……啊,对了!沙优妹仔好像还没有加藤仔你的联系方式,唔……那也就没办法了呢。” Seemingly is feels about this matter very interesting, numb beautiful keeps saying. 貌似是对这事儿感到十分有趣,麻美自顾自地讲个不停。 Katou Yusuke does not want to listen again, greets on the preparation desolately returns to the room, however- 加藤悠介不想再听,冷淡打了个招呼就准备返回房间,然而- First waits, Katou young.” “先等一下,加藤仔。” The opposite party do not know why makes contact with his shoulder, stares to look at him with the departing from the norm proper look. 对方不知为何搭上他的肩膀,用一反常态的正经眼神直勾勾望着他。 Before you go back I asked for the time being, you should look letter/believes that the Sayu younger sister young wrote?” “在你回去以前我姑且问一下,你应该会看沙优妹仔写的信吧?” Katou Yusuke is somewhat silent, „...... this and do you have the relations?” 加藤悠介有些默然,“……这和你有关系吗?” Really......” “果然啊……” numb beautiful hears his reply, shows the depressed expression in a flash, but transfers immediately earnestly. 麻美听到他的回答,一瞬间露出苦闷的表情,但又马上转为认真。 I said that Katou young. Is this letter/believes that sends from the Hokkaidou that far place? “我说啊,加藤仔。这可是从北海道那么远的地方寄过来的信哦? In order to makes this letter/believes deliver to your hand, these posmen are laborious, did not think how many should care about others' mood? 为了能让这封信送到你手里,那些邮差可是非常辛苦的,不觉得多少应该顾及一下别人的心情吗? If your throws into the trash can it directly, this letter/believes and posman mister were too rather pitiful. 如果你就这样直接把它丢进垃圾桶,这封信和邮差先生未免太可怜了嘛。 Even if therefore you do not like , after please wait to end well attractively, discards? Asked you. ” 所以哪怕你不喜欢,也请等好好看完之后再丢掉可以吗?拜托你了。” The language finishes, then stoops seriously slightly. 语毕,便一本正经地微微弯身。 Katou Yusuke is looking at the face of letter/believes and opposite party in hand alternately, said the sentence in a low voice: „...... Knew, next time do not let her mail again.” 加藤悠介交替看着手中的信与对方的脸,低声说了句:“……知道了,下次别再让她寄来了。” Aha, this I may have no way to guarantee. ~ I will convey your meaning to the Sayu younger sister young well, like helping her gives you this letter/believes. That this, bye-bye ~ “啊哈哈,这个我可没法保证。啊~不过我会好好把你的意思转达给沙优妹仔的,就像帮她把这封信交给你一样。那就这样啦,拜拜~” The hemp beautiful smile waves brightly, departs natural. 麻美笑容灿烂地挥挥手,潇洒离去。 Katou Yusuke closes the door, takes the letter/believes to return to the living room, sits down before the work table, then puts the letter conveniently in the one side, starts to draw. 加藤悠介关上门,拿着信回到客厅,在工作台前坐下,然后随手把信件搁在一旁,开始画图。 Because the Eriri recent condition is not very good, original progress has not progressed, making the program arrange the large scale backwardness, he has to falling some makes up promptly. 由于英梨梨最近的状态不是很好,原画的进度迟迟没有进展,使得日程安排大幅度落后,他不得不把落下的部分及时补上。 Especially he will also make to go to the mountaineering with the benefit next weekend together, at the appointed time at least two days are unable to work, therefore his time is quite actually compact. 特别是他下周末还跟惠约好了要一起去登山,到时至少有两天的时间都无法工作,所以他的时间其实相当紧凑。 Facing such situation, what he at present most this/should doing is the earnest work, rather than thinks that some do not have. 面对这样的情况,他眼下最该做的是认真工作,而不是去想那些有的没的。 Thus and such and such, the youngster concentrates on above the painting. 如此这般,少年专注于画图上面。 Unlike incredible strange «Power saw Person». 跟荒诞离奇的《电锯人》不同。 «Clannad» this work pays great attention to describe the detail and emotional expression of persona, therefore is unable to use the sketch style like the former, but needs to carve, works hard extremely. 《Clannad》这部作品更注重描绘人物形象的细节与情感表达,因此无法像前者那样使用速写画风,而是需要精雕细琢,极费功夫。 That side Eriri will jam, actually also has such part of reasons. 英梨梨那边之所以会卡壳,其实也有这样一部分理由。 However on Katou Yusuke does not have this situation. 不过加藤悠介身上并不存在这种情况。 His wrist/skill rouses flexibly, will look like the dazzling speed to start writing by an average man, gradually will present on the role image the graphics software in screen. 他的手腕灵活勾动,以一种常人看来会眼花缭乱的速度下笔,将角色的形象逐步呈现在屏幕里的绘图软件上。 With the lapse of time, original of a Fujihata apricot and Fujihata liang was drawn. 随着时间的推移,一张藤林杏和一张藤林椋的原画就被画好。 Two sisters put on the same uniform/subdue and white cross the knee sock, except hair length this point beyond, two people of appearances almost does not have the difference. 两姐妹穿着相同的制服与白色过膝袜,除开头发长度这一点以外,二人的容貌几乎没有差异。 Therefore when processing such role, must pay great attention to the manner and makings of character, so that the player can make the differentiation. 所以在处理这样的角色时,就必须要注重人物的神态与气质,以便玩家做出区分。 For example compares the frank elder sister apricot, is introverted on liang to bring the weak air/Qi and shyness, thus manifests the role difference. 比如相比起性格直爽的姐姐杏,性格内向的椋身上要带着一点弱气与羞涩,从而体现角色差异。 Katou Yusuke has Drawing( Master Level)】 This skill approaching body, processes the nature to be a cinch, handles skillfully to the skills of various drawing. 加藤悠介有着【绘画(大师级)】这一技能傍身,处理起来自然不在话下,对各种绘画的技巧也是运用自如。 Diagonal line, line of intersection and ratio of middle to outside...... 对角线、交叉线、黄金分割…… Two picture good original compositions for the time being however, the expression of character also is very balanced expressive, basically has no place that needs to change greatly. 两张画好的原画构图平衡且自然,人物的表情也十分传神,基本没有任何需要大改的地方。 Will attempt the level document preservation to compress, when enclosed some postils to color, gives really by sending happily with the mail, the tonight's work comes to the end. 将图层文件保存压缩,附上对上色时的一些批注,用邮件给相乐真由发过去,今晚的工作就告一段落。 Turns head to look at Kouyoudai. 扭头望向阳台。 Unknowingly, the setting sun gradually blackout that shines from out of the window. The moonlight displaces, sprinkles the silver to be glorious silently, in the light with room shines mutually. 不知不觉中,从窗外照射进来的夕阳渐渐转暗。月光取而代之,悄然无声地洒下银色光辉,与屋内的灯光相互辉映。 He takes back the vision, the look falls on nearby envelope unknowingly. After hesitant several seconds, took the letter/believes. 他收回目光,眼神不经意落在一旁的信封上。犹豫几秒之后,还是把信拿了起来。 Disassembles the envelope to take out the letter paper, launches it, the round typeface heaves in sight immediately- 拆开信封取出信纸,将其展开,圆圆的字体随即映入眼帘- " Yusuke, are you good? Was sorry that suddenly in this manner disturbs you, if you can notice that this letter/believes was good ~ 悠介,你还好吗?抱歉突然以这样的方式打扰你,如果你能看到这封信就好了呢~ () " ()」 Katou Yusuke looked at eye that writing by hand face writing, read silent downward, discovered that the above content was some immaterial minor matters. 加藤悠介看了眼那个手写颜文字,沉默地往下读,发现上面的内容都是些无关紧要的小事。 " Yusuke, why did your cat call slightly black? " 悠介,你的猫为什么叫小黑啊?」 " Yusuke, feeling really difference of Tokyo and Hokkaidou. I good to lead you to visit my hometown. " 悠介,东京和北海道的感觉真的不一样呢。我好想带你参观我的家乡呀。」 " That that Yusuke, our previous time looks at finished the Band orchestra being very good, will wait to have the opportunity also to look next time together? " 悠介,我们上次看的那个结束Band乐队很棒呢,等下次有机会还能一起去看吗?」 " Yusuke, have you read «Moor Male» this novel? This is others delivers my book, I read later have discovered inside content interesting accidentally/surprisingly. " 悠介,你有读过《沼男》这本小说吗?这是别人送我的书,我读过之后发现里面的内容意外地有趣。」 ...... …… Such as this and that- 诸如这样那样的- Trouble expression that except that to adds to him " I made a mistake, but does not change " beyond apology, the master almost is sharing own daily. 除开对给他添的麻烦表达「我错了但不改」的歉意以外,主人几乎全是在分享自己的日常。 Continues downward. 继续往下。 " Yusuke, I quite think you, wants to go to you side quickly, makes up completely the beforehand time. Although you probably are very repugnant and that's the end( forced smile)...... " 悠介,我好想你呀,想赶快去到你身边,把以前的时间全部补回来。虽然你大概很讨厌就是了(苦笑)……」 " In brief, like such that having words spoke, short leaving for a better reunion, therefore before beginning school I will go all out to endure patiently(). " 「总之,就像有句话讲的那样,短暂的离别是为了更好的重逢,所以在开学以前我都会拼命忍耐的()。」 " ...... Final final, I kept in my flavor the envelope, you may not forget me. Presents respectfully. " 「……最后的最后,我把我的味道留在信封里面了,你可千万别忘了我呀。-沙优敬上。」 Katou Yusuke looks subconsciously to the envelope on table, takes to put in it at present, this discovered that in as if also has anything, therefore pours it in the palm. 加藤悠介下意识地望向桌上的信封,把它重新拿起来置于眼前,这才发现里面似乎还有什么东西,于是将其倒在手心。 That is together the pure white handkerchief. 那是一块纯白色的手帕。 If there is citrus fruits flavor that resembles not to scatter slightly. 一股若有似无的柑橘味道微微飘散开来。 ............ “…………” The youngster look is looking at the handkerchief wooden, after the moment, puts out two characters in a low voice, „...... bored.” 少年神色木然地望着手帕,片刻后低声吐出两个字,“……无聊。” He was saying installs the envelope the letter/believes and handkerchief, when prepares to take a bath, gets to the washroom entrance actually stops, slowly turns back the living room. 他说着把信与手帕装回信封,准备去洗澡,走到洗手间门口时却又停下,慢慢折回客厅。 Meow meow ~?” “呜喵喵~?” The black cat holds the start hand to lie, in the cat grows up a trellis on, crooked the head has been looking at him puzzled, probably in asking " what you takes a look at? " . 黑猫揣着手手卧在猫爬架上,不解地歪过脑袋望着他,像是在问「你瞅啥?」。 Katou Yusuke with not paying attention , received the envelope the drawer of nightstand, later goes to the bathroom without consulting anybody. 加藤悠介不与理睬,把信封收到床头柜的抽屉里,随后径自前往浴室。 After 20 minutes . 二十分钟以后。 He of taking a bath changed a clean home clothing/taking to return to the living room, began to make one cup of coffee to oneself. 洗过澡的他换了一身干净的家居服回到起居室,动手给自己冲了一杯咖啡。 Looks all around idly, the line of sight falls on the wall and bow. 无所事事地环顾四周,视线落在墙上的和弓上面。 Maintains to the bow. 给弓保养一下吧。 He is thinking suddenly, therefore goes into action. 他忽然这么想着,于是行动起来。 Puts out maintenance thing that the net buys. 拿出网购回来的保养用品。 From the bow case takes out together the natural beeswax, separates the water heating with the soft fire it to the melting state, stirs evenly with the chopsticks. 从弓袋中取出一块天然蜂蜡,将其用文火隔水加热至融化状态,用筷子搅拌均匀。 Using gap that the waiting cools, first bows with the soft cloth and cleanser cleaning, except superficial dust and dirt. 利用等待冷却的间隙,先用软布和清洁剂擦拭弓身,除去表面的灰尘与污渍。 At this time, the beeswax also cooled the appropriate temperature. 这时,蜂蜡也冷却到了合适的温度。 Dips the beeswax that melts with a sponge, in the grain direction of bow smudges the wax evenly with the surface of bow. 用一块海绵蘸上融化的蜂蜡,按照弓的纹理方向将蜡均匀涂抹在和弓的表面。 Then, cleans to bow with the clean cotton fabric gently, unnecessary cerate cleaning up will be clean, causes to bow the surface becomes smooth. Simultaneously gives the bowstring also to spread string wax again. 接着,用干净的棉布轻轻擦拭弓身,将多余的蜡剂清理干净,使弓身表面变得平滑。同时再给弓弦也涂上一层弦蜡。 Considering oneself will not use in the near term probably, Katou Yusuke unloaded the bowstring, deposits in it the bow case. 考虑到自己短期内大概不会使用,加藤悠介把弓弦卸了下来,将其存放回弓袋中。 Because usually needs 2 ~ 3 times to the process of bow body waxing, therefore he continues to repeat this step. 因为给弓体上蜡的过程通常需要2~3次,所以他继续重复这一步骤。 With the careful maintenance, becomes with the bow smoother, but that he is at a loss gradually is also calm. 随着细心的保养,和弓变得更加光滑,而他无所适从的心情也逐渐平静下来。 After complete processing tidies up, Katou Yusuke hangs to return to the wall with the bow, then sits down in the bedside. 全部处理收拾完毕后,加藤悠介把和弓重新挂回到墙上,然后在床边坐下。 In the air is scattering the light beeswax smell, atmosphere of peaceful ponder. 空气里飘散着淡淡的蜂蜡气味,有一股安静思考的氛围。 The vision falls on the drawer of nightstand. 目光落在床头柜的抽屉上。 Cannot help but, he believed and followed to take that and put out that handkerchief, approached the nose to smell. 不由自主的,他又把那封信从里面取了出来,并拿出那块手帕,凑近鼻子闻了闻。 The citrus fruits fragrance of seeping person heart floods into the nasal cavity immediately, heard that inexplicable relieved palpitates with excitement. 沁人心扉的柑橘香味随即涌入鼻腔,闻起来叫人莫名安心又怦然心动。 Near the ear as if resounds lively delightful voice- 耳边仿佛响起轻快悦耳的嗓音- " I kept in my flavor the envelope, you may not forget me. " 「我把我的味道留在信封里面了,你可千万别忘了我呀。」 ............ How possible?” “…………怎么可能?” Katou Yusuke clenches the teeth fiercely, grasps the right hand of handkerchief to keep shaking, in the mind appears unceasingly the smile of young girl. 加藤悠介猛地咬紧牙关,握着手帕的右手抖个不停,脑海中不断浮现出少女的笑容。 Flavor that transmits from the handkerchief, is to make him be lost in a reverie the indelible memory. 从手帕上面传来的味道,是令他魂牵梦绕又难以磨灭的记忆。 The fragrance of that citrus fruits once filled each corner of this room, however now- 那份柑橘的香味曾经充满这个房间的每一个角落,然而现在- ...... He actually can only depend on this small thing and recollection, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. ……他却只能靠着这点微小的事物与回忆,来苟延残喘。 Does anything......” “搞什么……” He is muttering, in the mind flicks is playbacking about the opposite party all. 他喃喃自语着,脑海里一闪一闪地回放着关于对方的一切。 The Sayu expression, and flavor of dialogue in daily life and that miso of Sayu, has these they have gone to together place- 沙优的表情、和沙优在日常生活里的对话、那份味噌汤的味道、还有那些他们一起去过的地方- He launches that letter, probably is tracking down what same reading again, looks at these Yusuke long Yusuke short various sentences, finally discovered one line of common small characters in end. 他展开那封信件,像是在追寻什么一样的再次阅读,看着那些悠介悠介短的各种句子,最后在末尾发现了一行不起眼的小字。 " P. S. What Yusuke are you to my impression? Should is not only repugnant......?( Low voice) " 「P.S.悠介你对我的印象到底是什么呢?应该不只是讨厌吧……?(小声)」 Before the subjective consciousness responded, in the brain has jumped several answers. 在主观意识反应过来之前,大脑中已然蹦出几个答案。 Person who likes crying. 非常爱哭的人。 However, relies on his person very much. 但是,很依赖他的人。 Also, is person who he likes. 还有,是他非常喜欢的人。 Haha......” “哈哈……” His hollow laugh, the present field of vision is starting to twist fuzzily. 他干笑着,眼前的视野开始扭曲模糊。 „...... I made anything ............ “……我都做了什么啊…………” Under the Katou Yusuke bow the body lowers the head, the right hand covers the face, the shoulder is shivering uncontrolled. 加藤悠介弓下身体低下头,右手捂着脸,肩膀不受控制地颤抖。 Thinks thinks thinks. 想了又想想了又想。 In any event goes to think- 无论如何去想- His Sayu, present Sayu does not take own road. 他的沙优都已经不在了,现在的沙优走上了属于自己的路。 Therefore, he must start to be right. 所以,他也必须要重新开始才对。 But...... 可是…… „It is not completely good......!” “完全不行啊……!” The dry voice does not run errands to push from the throat. 干涩的嗓音不听使唤地从喉咙里挤出来。 With the Sayu meet, his vacillation again imagines is intense. 再次和沙优相遇,他内心的动摇远比自己想象的还要激烈。 He rejected obviously with all might and main, however the opposite party actually to/clashes altogether upward, probably an sharp blade grips in the chest, must do the dripping with blood him. 明明他都竭尽全力地拒绝了,然而对方却一股脑儿地往上冲,像是一把尖锐的刀扎在心口,非要把他搞得鲜血淋漓。 Sorrowful, lonely, regret...... 悲痛,寂寞,后悔…… The intriguing mood gallops in the chest like the flood. 错综复杂的情绪如洪水般在胸口奔腾。 The body as if burns to be blazing, shivers to continue. 身体仿佛燃烧起来般炽热,颤抖不止。 If in the world really had a causes and effects saying, then now Sayu of this positive attack without doubt is his retribution. 假如世上真的存在因果一说,那么如今这个积极进攻的沙优无疑是他的报应。 cough cough ............ 咳咳…………” The corners of the mouth of Katou Yusuke are twisting, the tight double cheek appears faintly the outline of jawbone, the depressed chest is pressing giant stone fierce fluctuating probably. 加藤悠介的嘴角扭曲着,紧绷的双颊隐隐浮现出牙骨的轮廓,沉闷的胸口像是压着一块巨石般剧烈起伏。 Has the period of time, cry that in the room only then his loud respite and black cat wonders. 足足有好一阵子,屋子里都只有他粗重的喘息声与黑猫纳闷的叫声。 Disregards in the black cat meow, he holds the knee to stand up, sway arrives at the closet front. 无视于黑猫的喵呜,他扶着膝盖站起身,摇摇晃晃地走到衣柜前方。 Turns on the cabinet door and drawer, the thing that Sayu mails before that handkerchief puts together, then closes the drawer and cabinet uncouthly. 打开柜门和抽屉,把沙优寄来的东西与之前那块手帕放在一起,然后粗鲁地关上抽屉与柜子。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is supporting by the closet wall single-handed, supports own body, deeply lowers the head spits the breath repeatedly, returns to normal the mood in an extremely difficult situation. 加藤悠介单手撑着衣柜旁边的墙,借此支撑自己的身体,深深低着头反复吐息,平复一下狼狈不堪的心情。 „...... System.” “……系统。” His voice asked hoarsely: 他嗓音沙哑地问: „......, if I use that blank the memory liquid medicines copy my memory, drinks again to present Sayu, can come back the original Sayu belt/bring......?” “……假如我使用那个空白的记忆药水拷贝我的记忆,再给现在的沙优喝下去,能不能把原来的沙优带回来……?” Next second, delightful electronic female sound. 下一秒,悦耳的电子女音响了起来。 Ding, item Remembers the liquid medicines( spatial)】 Did not have the host to say the effect, is unable to replace the Lord personality of user.” “叮,道具【记忆药水(空)】不具备宿主所说功效,无法取代使用者的主人格。” ............ Also.” “…………也是啊。” Katou Yusuke self-ridiculed that the corners of the mouth, low nan was talking to oneself the matter that has long understood, stands is in a daze same place. 加藤悠介自嘲地咧起嘴角,低喃自语着早已明白的事情,就这么站在原地发呆。 After a while, he also asked: „...... The system, can I have the means to retrieve original Sayu......?” 过了一会儿,他又问:“……系统,我还能有办法找回原来的沙优吗……?” After is silent . 一阵沉默后。 Ding, the host has certain probability to gain some special items, such as Remembers the liquid medicines( Ogiwara Sayu)】, After the user takes next, has the small probability to have the second personality.” “叮,宿主有一定概率获取部分特殊道具,如【记忆药水(荻原沙优)】,使用者服下后有小概率产生第二人格。” Long time- 良久- How...... do I obtain it?” “……我怎么得到它?” Ding, when the host completes the task, 1/100010000 probabilities will obtain this item randomly.” “叮,宿主完成任务时,将有亿万分之一的概率随机获得此道具。” ............ “…………” Katou Yusuke gets hold of the double fist, for a very long time is silent. 加藤悠介握紧双拳,久久沉默。 ...... ……
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